Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 14, 1904, Image 7

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Mokes Its nrcsenco known
by many signs, glandular
tumors, bunches in the nock,
cutanoous eruptions, in
flamed oyclids, soro cars,
catarrh and wasting diseases.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Effects permanent cures.
(limit Hlllr. ftir All.
A on worn nl n rnltlsh angle In no
urc sign of n riotous disposition, hut
some persona think It In. Tho hotter
wny la to tiiko no chniiecs, mill If omi
la willing to r.'Klllillo liln nip mill nth
rr thing
by koimI iiiilhorlly, ho may
....I IIii-i.ii rules, which tho
prolltiilily h.
l'r.'Klih'iit of ii Now KiikIiiii.I rnllroml
company lum Issued to his trnliiiiii'ii:
Don't wciir your nip over your ear.
Don't wear your nip down over
your eye".
Don't wenr your rnp on tho back of
your hen. I.
Don't wenr your nip nakiiw.
Wear It linn mi.l iiiiii on I lie top
of your heiul,
Keep your shoes polished like n mir
ror. Weor n linen i-ollnr, iiu.l keep It
Winr a itnrk in-cktle.
Crnise your lioiier.
(Irtish J our clothes.
Wear n Khi.l mile, nil.) live up tn It.
Tin- Hiiiilnlh of tlio run li .limblne hi
"1.11 icira.
lint plilluanpli)' a roiili-iitnl
When a chlhl I hut! a very severe at
tack of Diphtheria. whlclicamciicarprW
Inn fatal ITjkjii recovery thegliii.lstif the
neck were cry iiiucli enlarged, ami after
lite free uk of icxlluc, the right one wa
reduced to it normal aire, imt the left
one continued to giow very alowly at
firat, uiilil it war ntxmt the arteuf a e.oute
r8K. which Ik-i-hu to press on the wind.
tic, caiialti" ilulicult breathing, nml he
couievcry .iiiifut. An Incision was inaile
mid n large miautity of pus discharged.
The id'""1' wi nuinved, or as much ns
colli. I wlih rMlrlv I f Ukri. out l'nr ten I
ycflral worualiltli-tncr-nf cloth nhout an I
Inch long in my ii. .U t- keep the plate
ojmmi. inning una iiiiio i nun n nave
1 time I hud to have it
ictor rvery time I took
i lnuur.l IiitlinHiirintr
iioijRril lillllcHprtliK'
cut open ly llie .1
colli (irtlioopctiinir
or iMrly Summer of 1H84 I wai iierauaile.l
liy my wife to me S. 8. S.. which I ill J,
strictly in accordance with ilirectlona. I
took twenty-six large bottles, and woa en
tirely cured, for I have not atilTcred aince
that time. II. S Uaoland.
Itoyal Hag life. Co., Cbaileatou, S. C
Only a couatltutlonal remedy can reach
an hereditary diaeaae IlkeScrofula. When
the blood ia rettored to a normal condition
and the acrof.iloua depotita are carried off
there ia a gradual return to health. H.S.S.
la well known aa a
blood nurificr and
tonic. It la the
only guaranteed,
attlctly vegetable
remedyiiold. Ifyou
have any slmis of
Scrofula, write 11 a
aiidoiirphyalclans I
wilt advise you free,
Tho Swift Speclno Company, Atlanta, Ga.
On the Trrtl
"I followed lh
trail Irom Tci.i
nvith a Fhh Brand IVfjffBSfil'S
blkkir, umiI fur
an overtoil when
rnl.l. a uiirut rnal
whfn windy, rain coat whin ll ralntd,
M for a covtr at nlrht If w rt to tJ,
and I will lay that I havt gotten mott
comfort out ofyour alkker than any other
ona ait Ida that I cvtr owned,"
f Ti u4 4if4 f tba
Ut r tx k4 m appuUa.)
Wat Wtather Otrmenu fur RUbff,
WaJklnr, Working, or
a Tta lira af lb ruh
J co- rowers
CO., LlmluJ fiFS
ANtUclalilc IVcporntionror As
similating HicFooU nml ltcfl idn
liiig iltcStoinnclis ntulUowls of
PronmlcH Digcstlon.Cliecrrul
ncss nnd Rest.Contalns neither
Silum.Morpliino norIiiicraL
jimft afouo-swvamctoa
Apctfccl Hcmcily forConsllpA
noniSotirStotnacli.Ularrlioca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss nml Loss of Sleep.
TacSiniilo Si'gnnlure of
3fi a
- -at - " ' .
-a atMU H0 fSSEl ' CM
Jf nil American wishes (o realize
wliii t M niitlvi) tongue I ciipiihlo of,
lio should leave 111 own country mull
fc.i east or went. 1'rovlilril lin trnv
cU fur enough In cllliiT illn clloi). lin
will get 1111111 new Ideas front (ho lit
erature put fortli by persons who catrr
In Kngllsh-sponkliig people. 1 1 rii', for
'naliinc, I n fiisclualliig picture of n
t'oiilliii'iitnl lioli'l, nil IU iiroiirlrtor
paints It In ICiikIIsIi:
"Tim old hold, former proprietor,
was 11 Kriiit rumbling nllllcc, rpiltn mi
siilleihthln In thn ri'Ci'plliin of gtioats,
hut It In nothing to tho modern now
one. Attached to Ilic hold I u re
pair work-chop for aiilnmohll.'s. Kroni
'"""'K-rooiu "'mice mo iici.iiiiiui
vl"w "' 1,0 fnr "" U
11 11. 1 charming liiemorlea of the town,
of proper Invention 11 ml produelloii.
No loiiiieelhiu with liny Inferior simp
having tin- same alyle. Kiom our own
ivluoyiirila wit lire tuiliiic propilitorH
of these heat llltilg.s."
Thla remlnila 11 eontrlhutor to Tit
IIIIn of 1111 mUerllaeliieiit ho saw n
yeiir or two ago In a newspaper of
Hern, KwllKerliiml. It run:
'".The Hotel la 11 fitvorlto reaort
of thorn- who nro fund of aollltnlc.
Thorn- who lire In aeitrcli of lonelU
neaH nre, In fuel, eoiiatmitly llockliic
to thla hotel from thu fore ipiurtera of
the kIoIic."
Illlt thla ilclli'loila Hnmple of lltik'Hah
muat yield the putiii (0 tho following
nnllcea, the llrat of which wna poat
) In the lii'drooma of 11 lurKO hotel
In the .1 iiniM, while the oilier wan nil
treaae.l hy the proprietor of 1111 Alpine
hotel to Ills rlleuta:
"Strnnxi- iteulleineii will jilenso not
dr.-Mi for 1II11111T, tia thla continue llut
tera the heiirta of the 11111I1I folk, mid
no work la iiceouiplllieil."
"Mlater tin- eiiernhl.- voynRrm nre
enrinally re.U().te.l not to tnko the
i lothea of the hid to aen the aim rlai-,
for the colour chiitiKea."
"TIioiikIi ao extenalve." Im-rIii III.
ndvertlieiuent of another Conllnentiil
hotel, "the ealiilillahiuent eutnlla no
Htnlra nai'i'Ut, thn electrlcnl lift en
ahlliiK vlaltora to Knlu .lllekly even
the hlKheriiioat npiirtinenta or full
dnwii iik'nln." Ho ruua the tnle of nil
aiirdltlea; hut theao exnmplea would
prolmlity ocelli luilleroita. If
mulched, na they cnally could he, with
a collei'tlon of the Preiich mid tier
Minn Ih.-inea iierjii'triittHl liy our own
llow'a IlilaV
Wa'nir.. n,.M Il..1!.r. llw.p.t
nji.. .11 .oiiili that cauoui Im cured bj
llail'a alairh 1 "'.. . . .
' J. II KS K A CO , I'roi. Tolulo, O
w utierlantl. have ln..n K. J
c niioy lr 1110 laai ir jrran. aim
irfoctlr hunratlo In atl buiin
ilolia alii! nnantlaltr able lu carry
liio taal It jrrara. all. I ttleTo hlic
out all). ut
iiaailtiiii inane vr inir nrm.
B in id Tan a 1. W liolri.lf llrut-rl
w.ldiko. Kim-ik 4 Maavm, wi
aote.alo Prua
(Itia. lolr.lo. (i.
Hall'aCaiarrhCurala taken Internallr, act
litx Ulraciljr ujn tha bluo.1 and uiuroua aur
tacaa ol tba jrilein. I'rlre lie. lr bolUa.
Uot.t lr alt Pruaalaia. leatltnoulala tree,
llail'a yamll; fllll a llio keiU
Cab In I 'rout orKiiitlne.
An oil hurultii; eiiKlue Willi the cab
on the front end baa heeii In opera
tion on the l'ticlllc coast for aomo
time nml locoumtlu-a of thla construc
tion linn- nl no been In uau for aevernl
ji-ara 011 Italian railways. The South
ern ltnllwiiy tot Ititly) has recently
added to Ita euulnuient some four cyl-
Inder of this type,
'j'M.y nr,, 0f tlio ten-wheel class,
...m. .1.., c..,, fro. ... ,.. ,rll,.k .....1
Hrebox ami the cylluders nt the rear
end. The coal In carried In hunkers at
the hide of the tlrctxix (four tons ca
pacity), and the tender tins a cylindri
cal tank. The firebox Is of the Del-
ia I re typo and extends over tho
f. -a men. The cylinders nre all In a
row behind tho Muokctiox (ut the trail
Iiik end of the frnmeai, nml nil of
them drive the middle drlvlni; axle.
Tho nrmiiKeincnt of tho cylinders
nml valves Is peculiar. The two IiIkIi-
1 pressuro cylinders nre on one side
! and the steiim distributor Is controlled
. by n kIiikIo piston vnlvo nml Will
schncrt vnlvo ceur. Tho two low-
pressure cylinders nro on the opposlto
! sldo nnd nre served by n sIiikIc piston
j vnlve nnd vnlvo Rear. The enslno hns
j tlx drlvlni; wheels. In front of the
call la a small platform with side
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
Bears the t
Signature m
Cniniha of comfort never come from
entlnif crncker In bed. riillndelphln
Hcrlhhlcr Hare you rend my Inat
novel? Cynlcua I hope ao. I'lillnilcl
phtn Itec'onl.
Mlatreaa Do you love bnlileiT Mnld
Not nt three ilollnra n week, mum.
Detroit Krw I'rcaa.
"They were dlanppolutcd In love,
weren't they?" "Yea. Knell thought
the other hail moiiey,"--I.!fo.
Kho Have you a copy of "J'rome
then Hound?" lie No, inn'mn; hut
wo can Ki-t It bound for you nny wny
you like. Mlnnenpolls Tribune.
"Thla la not audi a annp na I
IhoiiKht It wna," remarked the camera
(lend whoae victim linil Juat klckcl
him and amnaheil the mncblne.
"I told undo Hliuou Hint he wna
Kettlnn too old mid feehlit to nttend
to hiialiiea." "Did ho take It kindly?"
"1I threw mo out of Iila olllcc." Van
ity I'nlr.
iloth.-r What H-in to be the trou
ble? Mr. Neuwi-d I I nlwnya henrd
C'hnrlea wn fowl of the turf, hut I
Imply cnu't mnko him touch a lawn
mower. Kx.
"Do you nilmlre Ilectlioven'a
worka?" "I never Oalted 'em," nn
awered Mr. Cumnu, iibHoiitniliidMlly.
"Wlint dom ho manufacture'" Wnah
lliKtou Htar.
Ktimmer Ilonnler Vou ant up rather
Into Inat iiIkIiI, did you not7 I heurd
you k-oliiB to bed nbotU II 11. m. I'nrin
er Hhucka! I wna Juat a-Klttln' up.
ChlcnKo Journal.
"Voting innn, have you atopped to
think where you will no when you
illo?" "(ind, iki I haven't even
thotiKht where to go on ury aummer
vncntlon yet." I'uck.
Johnaon I'a thlnkln' ob ma'nyln'
dat youtiKcat Thompaon (tal. Jackaon
Don't do It, ulirunh. Don't do It. Dat I commenced to use I'cruna accord
Kal cannot keep a Job mora'n two '"K ,a 'our Instrtctlona and continued
weeka. Don't do 1L Albany Journal.
"I'll Kit de law on dat woman, dat's
whatl" "What's tho matter, Aunt
Caroline?" "Hho done went an" call
me up by tel'phonln' when ders small-
iwx In her family "Cincinnati Trlb-'
tine. I
I'a I understand. Hobble, that nt
the pnrty jou naked for a second pleco
of cake. Now. I told you Hob
ble No; I only sal. that If they liked
to make me the otTer I would accept
It. I'lck-.Me-ltp. 1
Her Mother Look here, Krnle. I
thouKht your father told you not to
encourage that young mnn? Krnle
Oh, denr, mamma, that younit man
doesn't nel any encouraRement Cbl
cago Dally Newa.
"Do you nyuipathlte with the Uus
alaua or the Japanese J" "At present,"
said tho man who strives for nicety of
expreaslon. "I sympatblxo with tb
Huaalnns nnd conxratulate tho Japa
nese." WaablnRton Star.
Iteatrlce (ai;cd 0, after remaining la
deep tbaiiKht for quite two minutes,
addresses her mother, who has been
choosing frocks for her) .Mummy j
uenr, nerore you tmy tlio rrocks, I've
thought It nil over, nnd 1 think I'd
rather be a boy. Punch.
"I am strongly Inclined to think tunt
your husband has nppendlcltls," said
the pbyslclnn. "Tluit's Just like him.':
nnswered Sirs. Cumrox. "He always
waits till anything hns pretty near
gone out of style before be decides to
net It" Washington Star.
"Oh, (ieorge!" exclaimed the young
wife, "It was nearly midnight beforo
you got homo Inst night" "Well,
welll" exclaimed tho buabnnd; "you
women nre so Inconsistent lleforo we
were married you didn't enre how Into
I got home." Sioux Falls Press.
"Now," mild the pert siilesmnn, snr-
cnstlcally, its ho started to put buck
the rolls of silk, "cnu't you think of
something mare I might show you,
ma'am)" "Yes," replied tho shopper,
"but I don't think yon have It." "What
la It)" "More courtesy." Philadel
phia Public Ledger.
"I'm ufrald that you can't gruduato
this year, after all," said the high
school professor to the Sweet Young
Thing, who was ahy In Ureok or some
thing. "No," she replied, "I can't
Tho dressmaker simply can't get my
dresa finished In time Isn't It too
bad)" Cleveland Ixwder.
"Pretty well," remarked tho doctor's
daughter, who took 1111 Interest lu her
father's purse nnd profession, when
some one nsked her how "things were
going." "Plenty of colds, some bron
chitis, and a little typhus fever; but,
ns father snld yesterday, what wo
wnnt to mnko things lively Is a nlco
llttlo epidemic!"
"Hero Is another cxnmplo of faulty
English," said the teacher of the class
In rhetoric; "In this essay you have
written, 'her sight broke upon a land
scapo of entrancing loveliness.' How
count nny ones sigiit -ureak upon' a
landscape)" "Sho might hnvo drop
ped her eyes," timidly ventured the
young woman who hud written the es
say. Chicago Tribune
a certain railway station is sur
rounded In all directions with cheap
restaurants, uver one or these, lu
great Illuminated letters, could bo seen
the sign, "Open nil night" Next to It
was a restaurant bearing In euual
prominence the placard, "We never
close." Third In order was a Chinese
laundry In a llttlo tumble-down hovel,
nnd on the front of this building was
tho sign, In great scrawling letters.
Me wnkee tool"
lu Krror.
Marshall 1'. Wilder tells this story of
two llttlo children of n Christian Met-
enco family who were taken for tho
llrst tlino to seo n l'nncli and Judy
show. They enjoyed It heartily, until
ranch fltinlly, lit n burst of iiiiKer, be
gan tl beat Judy nemss tho head with
a bin stick. Whereupon tho llttlo girl,
linstlly corcrliiK lier eyes with her
hands, called out, beseechingly, to her
'Don't look, Teddy, don't look! It's
ltawlliiR Is ono of tho noisiest words
lu Uio lunguiifo.
Are Never Without Pe-ru-na in the Home for Ca
tarrhal Diseases.
,r -mm r m
llRand MM.
Under date of January 10, 187, Dr.
Haitman received the following lettei: 1
"Mv wife haa been a aufferer from a
WB w lmnWr'
complication of dlfcatea lor the , aat 26 Havlnj used I'eruna I can aleep and
....... 11... i..,i 11, .kin nothing botbera me now. If I ever am
""' l "W!0 ,,,B" , 1 , ,,B, " nllected ulfi nny kind of glekneas I'e
of mine -of tho moat noltd pliyalc ana. ; runa w, )c theJmediclne , 8h,n u,e.
On of her worn trouble was chronic , My ton was curcd o( catarrh 0f tle
coii'iipniion 01 rieverai yeara aianninii
hho wan iilno paaaniK tlirouifli that moat
critical pcrlo-1 in the life of a woman
chaiiKO ol life.
"In June, 1HU5, 1 wioto to you about
her caae. Vou n.lvivi it a couiae of Pu
runa and Mnnalin, which e nt once
lommcnicd, and have to (ay it com
pletely cuted her.
"About the tame time I wrote you
about my own caee ol catarib, which
bad been of SS yeara' Btandlnc. At
tlmea I ilrnnat iiaat itoinir.
Its use for about a year and ft has com
plctcly cured me. Your remedies do
all that you claim for them and even
more." John O. Atkinson.
In a letter da'iil January 1, 1000,
Mr. Atkinson fays, alter five ytaia' ex
perience with Pel una:
"1 w ill ever continue to sjieak a good
worJ for I'cruna. I am Mill curcd of
catnrrli." John O. Atk.njon, Inde
pendence, 1M0., I!ox 27.
Mis. Alia ttlmandt, fanborn, Minn.,
Deep fiolit .Mines.
The deepest gold mine Is still to be
credited to Ilendlgo, In Victoria, Aus
tralia, although the time Is coming
when the Hand, South Africa, will
claim the record. Kor the present the
Victoria qunrtz mine, at Hendlgo, has
probed deeper Into the earth than any
other digging after gold; work is now
going on in this mine at 3,0.10 feet, a
winze having been sunk 250 feet be
low the lowest level, nt 3,700 feet
Among Its neighbors the Victoria
quartz mine has the New Chum Hull
way, with work proceeding nt .1s."(I
feet, and the New Chum consolidated
3.SI3 feet. The celebrated "lt0" mine,
the property of Oeo. Lausell nnd long
the deepest gold mine In the world, Is
being exploited at 3,i")0 feet, nlthough
the shaft Itself Is IMO feet deeper.
i:ngiuccrlng and Mining Journal.
Reads Like a Miracle.
Moravia, N. Y., Dec. 12th. (Spec
ial) llorilering on the miraculous is
the case of Mrs. Hen. Wilson of this
place. Suffering fiom Sugar Diabetes,
she wailed away till from weighing 20)
lbs she lately tipped the ecales at 130
lbs. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her.
Speaking ol her cure her busb.nd
says :
".My wife suffered everything from
Sugar Diabetes. She was sick fojr
years and doctored with tyro doctors,
but leroived no benefit. She bad so
much pain all over her that she could
not reel day or night. The doctor said
that she could not live:.
"Then an advertisement led me to
try Dodd'e Kidney Pills and tbey help
ed .ier right flora the first. Five boxes
of them cured bet. Dodd's Kidney
Pills were a God-sent remedy to 11a and
we recommend them to all suffering
from Kidney Disease."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney
Diseases, including llright's Disease,
and all kidney aches, including rheu
matism. No I.nniter on tho Slap,
"What makes you so Intel" asked
Tim's father, who In the boy's nbsetice
hnd had to see to the evening chores
"Teacher kept me In."
"What for?"
"'Cnuso I couldn't find Moscow on
the map."
"Couldn't find Moscow? And I'd llko
to know who could, then! Why, I re
member hearing tell o' Moscow being
burned when I was a boy! It's an out
rage to put such nonsensical questions
to children, what's thero to learn some
thing useful. I'll look Into that, and
let yer teacher know I nlu't been elect
ed on the School Hoard for nothing!"
Tak. iAiattte llromo Quinine Tablets. Allilruc
Klsta t ruinl the mone If It tatts to cur, U. W.
Urova'a signature Is ou each box. 25a.
IxiiiROst Fenoe In tlio World.
Tho longest fence In tho world is
probably that which has been erected
by a well-known American cattle com
pany along tho Mexican border. It Is
sevtnty-flvo miles In length, and spp
urn tea exactly for Its entire distance
tho two republics of North America.
Tito fenco was built to keep tho cuttlo
from running ncross the bonier and
falling an easy prey to the Mexican
cow punchers. Although It cost a
great deal of money, It Is estimated
that cattlo enough will bo saved In
ono year to more Until pay for It.
HEWTJ MaU--tHill tl aW ai.-anwi
rVj la time. Soul br druwbti. Wl
fcKM.-in i i d i.i omsm
"I have been troubled with rheuma
tism and catarrh for twenty-five year.
CouU not aleep day or nlzbt. Alter
1 larynx by I'cruna
Airs. Alia Schwandt.
Why Old People Are lspecially Lia
ble to Systemic Catarrh.
When old age comes on, catarrhal
diseases come also. Hystemic catarrh
is almost univeical in old people.
This explains why Peruna lias be
come fo indispensable to old people.
I'eruna is their safeguard. I'einna Is
tne only remedy yet devised that en
tirely meets there cases. Nothing but
an effective systemic .remedy can cure
A reward of f 10,000 haa been de
posited in the Maiket Exchange bank,
Columbus, Ohio, as a guarantee that
the above testimonials are genuine;
that we.hola in our possession authent
ic letters certifying to the same. Dur
iuy many years' advertising we bave
never ii'ol, in ra,t or in whole, a sin
gle spurious testimonial. Kvery one
ol our testimonials nre genuine and in
the words of the one wbote name is ap
pended. A Common Oc-ourreiioe.
Wife That's a pretty legend about
Icander being drowned while trying
to swim the Hellespont to Hero, Isn't
Husband Duplicated continually tn
modem life, my dear.
Wife I don't understand.
Husband Every day I bear of some
man going under because he attempt
ed to 'come across' In response to bis
wife's demands." New Orleuns
1 Times-Democrat
CIT0 l"mi'nlly Con-d. XoritsornerTOUsness
T 1 1 0 art-r flrtlil.r'1 UM.Hr.KnQe'..irral .Vm,
HMlonr. n-ikI ror l'r-3 trial bottl and tmtLc
Dr. II. II. Kiln. LM..M1 Arch ft., roiladtlprit, !.
Wiina Than Trnvollng Alone.
"You say that you came from Den- i
ver alone? '
"Yes. sir."
"Now, Isn't It the truth," ronred the
lawyer, "that your husband came with
"Sure, but I didn't think that It
would be competent and relevant to
say that I was worse tnan alone.
Detroit Free Press.
Tlio best science extractlne sunshine
from a cloudy dar.
The banana and the potato are almost
ldcntlcO In chemical composition.
Alout one pineapple In "0,000 has
seeds In It, and It is from these seeds
that new varieties are produced.
Miss Alice Bailey, of
Atlanta, Ga., escaped the stir
h'nkltam's Vegetable Comnound.
"Dear Mns. lixniUMt I wish to
express my gratitude for the restored
health and happiness I.ytlliv E. Plnlc
linm's VcRotnblo Coinpountl has
brought Into my life.
"1 had suffered for threo years with
tarrlblo pains nttho tlmo ot menstrua
tion, nnd did not know what tho troublo
was until tho doctomronounccd It In-
llntunintlon of (ho ovaries, and
proposed an operation.
" I felt so weak and sick that I felt
euro Hint I could not survive tbo ordeal,
and so I told him that I would not un
dergo it. The following week I read
an advertisement tn tho paper of your
Vegctablo Compound In such an emer
gency, and so I decided to try It. Great
was my joy to find that I actually im
proved after taking two bottles, so I
kept taking It for ten weeks, and nt the
end of that time I was cured. I had
gained eighteen pounds and was In
excellent health, and am now,
" You surely deserve great success,
and you have my very best wishes."
Miss Alice Bailev, 50 North Itoulo
vard, Atlanta, Qn.. tsooo forf$it If ordinal
cf abovt Itlttr proving gnuhtitiu cannot b pro
aucid. All sick women would bo wlso
If Ihoy would tnko Lydln E. Plnk
linin's Vegetable Couiuound oud
Color more irooJi brlzhter and faster colon than
sive pcrlcct reiull. Ak dealer or we wUtftnd
s. way?
Haiti? Scalp shiny and thin?
Then It's probably too late.
You ncclccicd dandruff. If
you had only taken our ad
vice, you would have cured
Hair Vigor
the dandruff, saved your hair,
and added much to It. If
not entirely bald, now Is your
opportunity. Improve It.
"I li, h.M Ain't fllrV!torfrTr44
7. I km now l ,..r.nl4tnil li.f.a li.a.y
prowtti nt rlrh hrown lialr. dna, I tbliik, f n
Ural; to Aj'ft llalr Vlrnr."
Maa. It. A. kaiTn. Oatlattlla. 111.
f I M hottU.
for 1
Kent Powers.
"Say. Winston, how would you Ilko
to witness a conflict between the pow
ers ?"
"Witnessed one the other day."
"Iletwecn the powers?"
"Sure! My wife, the cook and tho
Iceman began a three-cornered squab
ble In the yard."
Motberawlll nnd Mn. Wlnilow's Boothtng
Syrup tho bent remedy tonus for their children
during; the teething xrlod.
The Duke of Sutherland has closed on
one of bis estates a road the public has
used for more than 300 years.
The Peruna Almanac In 2,000,000
Th Peruna Lucky Day Almanac has
UQCome a uxime in over eigut million
homes. It can be obtained fiom all
druggists free. Bo sure to Inrjuiie
early. The 1005 almanac is already
publieted, and the supply will soon be
exbauihed. Do not put It off. Get
one today.
A man cannot havt an Idea of perfec
tion In another which be was never aeoal
bit of In himself. Steele.
Itrhlm, llllixl. HWllnc or rrotradlna: Ilb-n
Voir dracstat will refund moarjr If 1-AZO, OINT-
MK.N'T UUs to core 70a Id a 10 14 d7. Wc.
llie I.uton. l,n.. chamber of com
merce has decided to offer prizes to Echo!
srs In the elementary schools for com
petitive designs in hat trimmings.
Ii to sent!ttTe to cold is a
cerre acd this it the mom cf
l !
I ,f
St. Jacobs Oil
by f rictlon and penetratlcn warms,
soothes and cures the worst
cases. Price 25c aaci 5Cc
j !
Of Our Method of Extract
If your pUte falls when eating or talking
by iitlng our vacuum alve we ran mate
you one that will be lattifartory We do
work for )pl from out of the city quick
ly. o that you will not be delay d
We do crown ana bridge work without
pain. Our 17 yean'
wort cnauirs ui 10 n
bly, 1 he be it Is the
ne nave teeunxs as
upen evening till i
WISE BROS., Dentists,
The A- H- Averill Machinery Co.,
Ask Your
It NOT carried br local grocers, write WaJhams
anv other dvi
One 10c package colore ellk, wool
poit paid at 10c a pack esc,
ri nis iur iree ihmkics
Japanese Vlntorlea.
"Von seemed to tnko the town of
I''ung-Wnng-Chnng very cnslly," rant
tho admiring crowd, according to thu
lluffalo Express. "How did you man
ago it?"
"Oh, that wna nothing," snld tho
Jnpnneso commander, modestly. "Wo
simply tackled It ono syllahlo nt A
You Can (let Allen's root-Case PR Ell.
. Wilts Allen H. (limited, t Itor.N. Y.. tor a
tree mrl ol Allen's Fnnt FaM. It rilrra
iweallnr. hntiwollen, arhlng faet. It roakee
aewnrtljrht ahoes ranjr A certain enra lor
corna, Inarowlnicnalla and !.nlona, Alldrut
(llli Mlllt. We, Kon't accept any lutalltuta.
That'. What.
Stella I would rather wed a man ol
brains than on of muaets,
Mollle Hecauae why)
Stella Hecauae while a man of muacll
could chop up a beefsteak, a man ol
brains eonl.l figure out wliers Ike beef
steak was to come from.
For forty year's Ptto-s Cure for Con.
sumption lisa cured coughs and oolds. At
druggists. Price 23 cents.
Ills AwTut III 11 nil rr.
"See here, young man," said the so
ciety editor to the new reporter, "don't
let a thing like this occur scam."
"Why, what's wrong)" asked the new
"In this psragraph," replied the s. e.,
"yon sny the lady was 'handsomely
dressed' Instead of saying she was
'smartly gowned.' "
lll'U4 wanted I will pay call)
for all aondrelli-a ol atone. Hand
outllneaof wfcalrou have and gel
m r rtrli-ea Aildreiia
HAMILTON, Two Khe-s, Wlicomln.
CLAtMenrpiof, location, build
lnc equipment the teiL tieml for cat
, Term Opunnsuptombor I,I004
KaJHent. IlKtitcM and Ntronffent ftlump I-tltler
on the lfiarlt"t. IIS Hurt? p'Wi-r on the eweep
with two hunw. Writ lor cleMHlptlve catalog
ami price. 3
Foot ol Morrlton Street lrtlanJ, Orejan
mo c&reful faraeri
ADdcArdeoerieTerTHberB '
pUre con fl deuce lu Ferrr'a
Beedn the kind that never fall.
hftTe been thekiandard ftr0 yean. 1
Aunnal r- e for t tie asking.
Detroit, Mich.
Dr. CGec Wo
Thli wondrfal thW
doctor ut callM
ir at btcnuM b cam
fopl wilhoat uprsv
twa IbsU krtstTrn Dp
10 dlA, H cunrn wttb
tbo wondrfat Chi
bm brb, roots, bods,
tairttS ftlttl TKlbJlfl
DisU ar tniirHf on
known v nitMlicat ci-
rncm In tht tnnnlrv. Ihrmuh
IhiMK harmIM rvmrdiM ih m finiHi doctor
knows lb- ssnion ot owr diffrnt nm
which b urctMrully d Id diffrrwot
diMM. Hr vurafi?rsi tocur caiurb, Mib
iu. tone, tbrnat. rbumtiim, nrvousnc.i.
fiomacb, llTrr, tridnrs, na. bu hundrcU of
iftlimoaisJs, Chart modrraif. Cait aitd
him. Pal1ma out of iti city writ (ot
blariK and circular. tnd tauiu. CUAttU IV
lAliU.N kKhh. AUDHlUM
The C Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
25J Alder St.. rWUiiU, urA.
P. N. U.
No. 31-1904
I TIT II EN writing to advertisers pies.
If luvniiun una s'Pr.
ex erlence in plate
your mouia connurv
cheapeit In tte end,
neu as you.
undari Irom 9 to 1.
UK. W. A. WliJa.
Wiitc for Catalogue
and ?A:cs
Jt Co., Ttho will sdvlsa where obtaluable.
and cotton equally well and I ffuat anteed to
now 10 uye ouu,n man micu cowre muriKUH
II. P.
nflT l UKUU CO., Unionvllle, I ill noli.