Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 14, 1904, Image 5

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    If It is a Question of
Lot us solve the problem for you.
In buying Selz Shoes you not only
have the satisfaction of knowing
you have secured good style and
unusual wearing quality, but you
will soon learn what is meant by
dee your Mutter
Makes Yovir Feet Glad
You may pay what you will in
an endeavor to &et style and
comfort, bub you can not find a
better shoe than the Selz. Most
styles of Selz Dress Shoes sell
at $3.50.
Rival of any $5.00 for $3.75
s no r. .s s i) n
r 1. 1, i' it i c r. h
emenway & Bur k holder
S HflltfP MPVV I'tnis ol Interest in inul jilioiit jj
3 llUillL nCVYj CollnKC (irove ami vicinity.
Ji.3.SSiSLSLSL S ft SJL2.S I B.a..B.Afl,,ai.BJuuuiaAajui-a
Money to Loan.
AitilrcxM Mi'iiii'.v v Milne,
Grove, nro.
I. It. ItliiKliiuii was n pasm'tiger to
Salnm MninlM.v.
Bell l.liretl WIIH llHK llllhllll'fH In
Eugene Siituriliiy.
Denny CiiiiiiiiIiih nf this place him
oH'ili'l up a hiIiimii utHprlUKllcld.
QMImd lMilii Mills ot Vancouver I
visiting (In- family f lty Welch.
II. V. IWniioll. I' Mcl'urluinl
llllll CJ. H Dlltlllll Sllllllll'll In r.iiKMu.
Mr. mill Mrt. Ilmi I'lleher, of Wild,
wood, were ickIhIi'iikI iilthotiriiluiiu
V.. A. Iliirlnw, nfStiir, onoot tho
plonour l lliilii'inlii. In spending a
few days In thoelty.
Mrs. V S. Iloniiott mill huh,
Willi. It'll Nuwliiy lor Inwu their
fanner linnir. They will bo gone
Ultra in fiitir months.
Kniueiiilini our Hlui'k of I'lrturi'H
must lie wilil. Wo don't propone to
wirry tlii'lll over. Wo Imvu miirked
tllcm lU'cnlillngly.
Uinko.n'h I'llAHM.U'V.
Mth. l.ui'etta (Iriint. ot Lincoln
county, Iiiih Ikhiii HpendliiK IwiiwooUh
In thoelty visiting her limllior, Dr.
OKlnHhyiind rnnill.v. Nho returned to
her Imiiu' Monilny.
l'nther n. I'urroll wns In t In city
Suliiuhiy mill Sunday. Ho In Inter
esting hluntolf In a plan lo build n
hospital t ItoM'buig. Ho tlilnkH
Southern Oiognn should huo 1111 In
Mlltiillnn of Unit, kind wliero those
wlin iin' nick nr Injured civil lu cured
fur liy tlio sinters.
Ladies llazaar.
'I'lio Ladles of tho M. Olmrcli will
jjlvo it liiiMtiir ill tin' Oporn House
Dec. '.'0 uiid -'1st. Don't liny nil .vonr
GluUtnins present till yon wu llio
I.iuIIum' Itn.nnr.
There will Im dolls liir tlio IiiiIiIuh,
liotilniiiH for tlio yotiiiK folks, fancy
iirllclcH for the IndlcH mill hiiiiicIIiIiik
to iiinko Krnmlniotlicr huppy. The
foIlowluKprogrnm will ls given tlio
night ol tlio '.'nth: IiiHtriiinnntiil inii
mIc, Miss Howard; cornet hoIo, Mr.
Cochran; rending, Hnlloy: dni'tt,
.MIhh Hurt uiid .Mr. IhIiiiiii; "Putting
I'll 'O ThoHtovc," Miss I'ny I'lillllpx,
.Mm. Wlici'lor, F. II. I'IiIIIIim; Indlin'
tliiiiitutd', "IooU1iik lliickwnril;" In
Htriimi'iitnl diiot, "Itlvwl ot tlio
iNi'iIiiiIh;" limtriiini'iitiil nolo, .MIhh
Kininit -loli.
On tlio I'vi'idiitf of tlio Hint .MUh
.Mitry fiiMi wll Klvn ii iccltnl. Tlio
liuly Ih ii I'liiitrnlto mid her volco
I'llllRl'M tlnvo Ol'tllVl'H,
Local Tnlciil. ,
.Mr. 1''. (!. I.owIh, Into HtiiKo dlivi'tor
ot tlm MiirKiultii t'lKclier (:oniiuny Ih
in llio oily mid Ih proinrlnt; n Hcronm
tnu raiTi fiJiiioiIy lo l)o produced In
tlio nonr fnliiri) tiy locnl tnlcnt iindor
tlm AtiHplwH ot llio OattiiKo (Irovo
llnlid. lie Iihh Hccincd Homu of tlio
lll'Hl. Illl'lll ( II It'll t llllll lllHIIII'H 1IH II
I llfO I I'I'lll.,
Our liiiniliioino lino of Indian
HiiHkotH, JiihI. tlio IIiIiik torn C'liiiat.
iniiH pivwiil. urn lit'liitf hihtIIIcimI,
Wo nro ninkltiK n Kiont ''"t ,,ul
Drain, Ore.. Deo. IS. IU0I.
I'roH. DeniHter rutnriied Snliirdny
from ii trip to .Wlilund, wlieru lie wiw
vltltlni; tlio Sontlicru Htnto Noriniil
Heliool. HeieportHii very pleiiHiint
'I'll" I'ottiiKo (Itove lllull Srhnol
Imnkctliitll tcimi vHIIimI with us I'll
dny p. m. 'I'lio lioyu plnyoil mi excel
lent. Kiune, lint were ontrliiwd. An
Inforiiuil rei'eptlon wjim tendered
them In the ovenliiK. The lioyu innile
nil excellent IiiiiuchxIoii liy their
Ki'litlemunly condiii'l. Come iikiiIii
Col. Iloefer, of the Stllelll 0ipItul
limrniil, will leetiiro nel I'rldny
evenini;. Siivenil vlHlttim from
iiliroud ii m e.Hvled to Imi incnt.
Ml Itifornml reception will ho Kh'cn
the vlnllor oiler the lecture.
.Mr. HrlKKH vlnllod in C'otliiKetlrove
over Siitnrdny mid Sunday.
A tenchem' review cI:ihh him been
orK'inlzeil for tliow; dchlrlim to dike
Hie I'ehriinry exiimtinitloii!,
.Many lininlrlei niv IioIiik iwlved
from proHpeetlve ntndent, who ex
pect to enter after Clirlntiiuin.
Ilimkct wenvliiK Ih ii line which Ih
IicIiik develoied In tlio training do
purt mt'ii t . Mnntial training Into lie
n leailliiK fen I n re In the hcIiuoI'k
work; "To do an well im to think."
Soventy-livo rone IiiihIich hnve lieen
lidded to the hcIiooI K'H'iIcmh during
tlio IiihI wii'k. Tlie Hchool will take
lip tlm milijeot of KariUnlnK and tlio
'.Student TeacherH" liiHtrnclcil In
iiKrlonltiiro along the lint'H hiikk1''1''-'!
liy tlio State llepartnieiit and the
Orange. The chlldien tako Kreat In
tercut In the wo:l.
.Mr. Horace Durum, nt Cottnge
drove wiw a visitor Friday.
Mlm Dlcktnan, of Itoaobnrg, Iiiih
returned to hcIiooI after ten dayH III-
Mr. It. 0. Hill, I'acllle CoiiHt Secre
tary of the Y. M. 0. A., will Hpend
TilOHilav ovenliiK and Wednesiliiy
wltli tlio Nornnil AHHoclatlon. Ho In
ookeil lor llvo talks wlille here. I
Mr. W. II. Strong, inureliant of
ItoHcburg, upeiit Thursday with tin.
Itev. M. II. Wire addresHed tlio ntn
ilcntH In iiHuoinlilv Krlilny.
Miss Slilvclcy's Case,
On .Monday nl 1) o'clock l.iHuleiu,
Ix'toiv tlio Htati) hoard of education,
tho appeal taken by tho Cottage
Urovo hcIiooI hoard from flio de-
elnlon of County
N l'(i(;KTS
Dr. 1 .11 we, O.-iilo optician, Diikviio
I'or iliiHollne call al the Modern
Iiillhil hamlkcrchtoM i.V to $1.00.
Welch St WooiIh.
Lowuc.vh ehoeiilate and Hun llotm
at the .Modern I'liarinaey.
The new tle for Indies and gcntH.
Welch & WooiIh.
WANTUD Hood imntiito for four
hiirw.'H. lnitilro at the N'iit:getolllce.
The Irest silver polish (no equal)
in the world. For sale at H. C.
I'Olt KKXT-Siilt of fiirnlHhed
honiM'kecpliDc roouiH. Kniitilro of
Mm. H. A. t'oltle.
Welch & Viiodt for nil klndn ol
hmidki'rehlutH for lancy work.
IIciiwiiiV I'harniae.v U nlioiv!ng tho
Inrgcut Hno of liook-s In tho city. All
new and Intent.
We ale wiling a hmuUoino lino of
I'lctuiert from i)c lo $.!)). Cull and
kv them. IIcnho.n'h I'ii.iiimai'V.
"School ehlldivn wo have Jnnt
what yon want In tabletx at the
Modern I'liarniney."
"Wo have ImrgaliiM In ilcturcH
that woiihl Hiirprlwi yon at tho
Moilera I'luiriiuiey."
Yon cnu liny DiumrmiH' cheaper
nt Mmlseti's llinn in larger cities
ami will guarantee tliein jx-Tfcct.
Dr. Lowe, the eyo HpeelallHt, will
not n'lid mil any clreiihiro thin visit,
iniike ii note of hU dato If you want
to nee him ho you will nut forget It.
ThN week, one day only from Fri
day noon to Saturday noon Dr.
I .owe, Dugenu'H well known oculo
optician, will lie in Cottage (irovo at
Hotel (Iraluiiu. TIiIh will l) IiIh last
vlull thin year. Don't fall to ace
II. C. Mnitscn has just received
a fine line, of Bents' vest chains to
he sold nt cost, Just the thitiB to
liny for your sweetheart and hus
band. Call and see them.
If you contuinpliito consulting Dr.
Lowo iiliout your eyes Htick u lint
pin in tho duto. Ho is to bo hero
fioni noon of Friday, Doo. tho Kith
to noon of 17lh. Ho will not sond
out any cirouluiH.
('hrlHtmiiH Hhoppern will do well to
examine our now lluo of Hooks,
1'lctiireB, Itox Stationery heforo mak
ing your purchitHe.
K. nl l. Officers.
At the htfet regular convention of
Supt. Dlllard, wiik MuveiitiiH Dodge, No. IS, K . of I', tho
aiKned by John Medley, repreKcnlluu foilewlng nlllceiH were elected for tho
tho Supt. and John Williams on bu i ohhiiIiik term; D. W. Dennett, 0. C :
half ot the hcIiooI hoard. The mutter ',. c. .IoIuihoii. V.C.jS. It. IMper. Prtv
wan taken under lulvlaoment and a
decision will
thin week.
probably bo rendered
1 -will Boll at, CottiiRo flrovo, by
Auction Halo on .1, I. .Ioiioh' lot, eaHt
otJ, 11, Lowla' stoie on Saturday,
Dec, 17. '01 nt 1 :!W o'cloclt p, m the
following property: Throe milch
cows: one froHh and other two will
noon be. Thrco homes. NinoHhoatfl.
Ono CorvulllH pprlngj wagon, now.
Olio sot of double ImrnosH, now. Ono
Hiuldlo, new. KM) ehlclfciiH, choice
breed, lIoilKehold gooilH ton iiumer
ouu to moutlon.
W. T, KAyutJit, Auctioneer,
hiloi.l.T. Allison, M. ot W.i Alec
Corpron, M. of A.;C. II. VnnDenmirg-,
Iv. or It. mill H.;.I.H. Medley, M. of
Hen liiireh, M. of Kx.; Frank Jor
ilnn, Trustee. Tho now lodge In In ii
nourishing condition, now members
being reeeved right nloinr. Tho Dis
trict Convention will bo held heroin
February. At thnt tlmo a competi
tive drill ot tho tennis present will
lake place. Tho winning; team will
then compote for prizes at tho Stnto
Convention In Portland during tho
UiwU and Clark Fair.
1'cltnlioos, Juki tho thing for tho
wlf to slip on when hIio guts up to
build tho lire. Welch & Woods.
Home of fleor;e Kerr Near
Wildwood on Friday Niglit
n Scene of finjoyment
Thnt not nil tho good II in oh nro
experienced in tlio towns in nvi
ilonced liy tho sooinl ffnthoriiif; nt
tlio homo of Mr. mid Mm. Onorun
Knrr nonr Wildwood on 1ist Friday
Their Ron and daughter, fleorije
find Sfrs. TiOtia I'itclmr had como
from hnstorn Orct'on, and tho "old
folks" mndo it mi occasion lo invite
tlio relatives and friends to their
homo to liavn an old fashioned timo.
i ruont irom uoltago llrovo ivns
nngnccd to furnish tho music and
from early in tho ovoning until lata
nt night Every ono present
was busy enjoying UiouihMvoh.
Mr. Korr facetiously roinarkcd
thnt 'ilhero novor is n sliortngo of
Pitchers in tho family," ns the
laughter, Lomi, married Alva
Pitcher, Kiln married Hon Pitcher
nnd Nellie inarriod Green Pitcher.
. 81
0. A. Becllon.
Saturday afternoon Appomattox
t'osi, no. 3, u. a. K., met in its
new quarters in Woodman Hall.
There was a large attendance of
the comrades, some ol them coming
many miles to be present, it being
the day for the annual election of
Those elected to fill the ollices
for the ensuing year were:
Commander, G. W. McUcynolds;
senior vice, W. II. Harrison;
junior vice, R. Griffin; quuter
master, Wm. Dickey; adjutant, H.
Dutton; chaplain, W. J. Gard
ner; surgeon, Daniel Woods; guard,
George Thompson; Q. M. S., O.
I). Wheeler; S. M.. Wm. H. Root.
Delegates to State Kticampment
Wm. 15. Root, W. J. Gardner.
Alternates, Harry Supple and I.
Absolutely Pure
Kftaav l:n r Revolutionary Subjects.
PoKTr.ANii, Ore., Dec. i, io.
The Oregon Society or the Amer
ican Revolution is an organization
composed of defendant of thoe
who assisted in establishing Amer
ican indcpemlauce. Any male de
scendant of such ancestor is eligible
to admission into the Society. Its
objects are purely patriotic and his
torical. One of them is to stimu
late interest in the history of the
American Revolution and loyalty
to its principles. For this purpose
the society offers three prizes of
$25.00, $15.00 and S10.00 respecti
vely for the best essay written by
any student under twenty-one years
of age, in any public school in Ore
gon, on either of the following two
American Revolutionary subjects:
1. The Quebec campaign.
a 1 lie co-operation of the
French, how brought about and
the results.
FNsays are limited in length to
twenty-five hundred words, must
be written 011 legal cap on one side
of the paper in the student, s own
handwriting and must be accom
panied by the certificate of the
principal of the school attended by
the author, to the effect thnt the
author is a bona fide student in the
school and has been in attendance
therein not less than six weeks
Toys! . Toys!
Christmas Suggestions
& mm 1
The next meeting will beheld the! during the school year of 1904-05.
second Saturday in lanuarv at Kssnys must be forwarded to the
which time there will be a joint in
stallation of the Post and Women's
Relief Corps.
Time For Essays Extended.
OiYlnir to tho amount of work the
Htmlenta In the bcIiooIb ot Cottnt;e! will be governed by these consider
urovo hnvo before them nt thin time, ations
chairman of the commit fc in
charge, General Thomas M. Ander
son, 251 North Twenty-fourth
street, Portland, so as to reach him
not Inter than February 1, 1905. In
awarding the the committee
wlil-li prevents tho wrltlnir nf
for prizes offered by the Commercial
lub, tho time has lieen extended un
til Dec. 20th. The tlmefor the eHiiVH
for tho Kcnornl prizes to lie hnnded
In will close Dec. :U)th
Christmas Goods.
1 have Just opened n lowclry storo
and nrt gallery one door cast of tho
.Methodist Church and hnvo n full
line of watches, chain, bracelets,
Holld gold rlngd, clocks and many
ithor things suitable for Christmas
Kilts, a wood souvenir given with
ono dollar or moro purchase.
Smith's Jewelry Store.
Mary, Tbc float, and the Young Man.
Mary hail a little goat that always
butted in,
And Mnry lmdn. nice young man, an t
ho had lots ot tin
Well the goat enenked up on tho
young man and landed him one
Now ho Is buying stuff at tho New
Krn, Drug Store,
li'st to drlvo the pain away
Historical accuracy.
2. Manner of treatment.
3. Orthography, grammar, syn
tax, and punctuation.
Any additional information rela
tive to the competition which may
lie desired will be cheerfully fur
nished by the chairman of the com
mittee. The essay which is awarded
the first prize will bo published in
full, with the name of the author,
in the public press.
Thomas M. Andkkson,
Chairman, Portland.
II. H. liurtKMAX, Portland.
W. II. CitAi'i.v, Portland.
D. I). Ci.akkk, Portland.
F. S. Dunn. IJugene, Ore.
m Iff M H H
Dealers in City and
Country property.
Houses and Farms
for Rent. Attend
to Collections. .
Call or Write.
Office fct to Aitar ffll.
Our stock of Books, IHblcs and
'ancy Box Stationery for Christmas
presents nro Just right.
I'or sprains, bruise?, burns. senldH
and similar Injuries, there Is nothing
ho good us Chamberlain's I'nln Halm.
It sooths tho wound and not oniv
glves Instant relief from nalii. but
causes tho parts to heal In nbout one-
iiunt tno timo required by tho usual
treatment. Sold by Tlio Modem
Wo carry the largest lluo of Drugs,
Medicine, Stntlonory, Hooks, Pictures
nnd Sundries In tho city.
Christmas Is almost born and you
want to innko 11 present. Call upon
Madseu tho .leweler.
Flaj Voting Contest.
Tho nrraugementH are almost com
pleted for the IIiik voting contest
which will open within a few days
with a complete list ot merchants
who will Issue the coupons free. The
results of voteH will appear la our
next Issue.
rRoritiEToas of
1 jeFashion Stables
Boliemi.i and Black Butte Stage
First Class Turnouts, Double or Siiilo.
Dance Friday Night.
Tho Cottnge llrove baud will, on
Friday night tit tlio t'pura houe.
give an Invitation dance. Tickets of
admlHslou t l.Oil per co.iplc.
A sure sign of nmirnachliur nvnlt
and Kerlous trouble in your system Is
nervousness, Hleepii-wsner-s, or stom
ueh upsets. Electric Hitlers will
quickly dismember the iioulilesnuie
causes. It never fnlU to tone the
Htomacli, regulnto the Kidneys mid
Dowels, stlmuhite ilu Elver, nnd
clarify the blood, linn diiu'n H.vHtems
benellt pnrtlcularl.v and all tho usual
attending aches vanish under Its
searching and thorough effectiveness.
Electrlo llltteis Is only SOe, mid that
Is returned If It don't give perfect
ploto their contract by tho first of
BiitUtactlon. (Iiiiirauteed by Ben
son's Pharmacy.
Proprietors of
...The Miners Supply House.,
Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition.
1 ivutiwiu ui pitiK
ot any tool Is always n dsslrnble
one, but ot equal Importance Is tho
pov. er of retaining this quality so ns
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. By making your purchases of
the (Iriilln & Ventch Co. you always
receive your money's worth In tho
best quality of tools and cutlery ol
properly tempered steel that Is sure
to hold an edge.
Veatch Go.
! VAcr
Delivery. ( VU 1
Have a full line of
Staple and Fancy Goceries
At Prices that are tight, give us a trial nnd be convinced,