Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 14, 1904, Image 1

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F -
K &S
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vftAf M rtUNTINU S
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering ntul Farming Interests of this Community.
NO. 47
I r
J yDovorod tb Dhorl Nofo.5 and 'X
Word from f ho Orlssloy ptnporly
In lluhuinhi ih to Ihu (I (Too I thii nun
tractors aro making good progress.
II would tin 11 very gnnd idrm jut
mivv In lonk over III" itil vorttnnrnrntn
in I lie Nugget, Christmas Ih nl-
iiiohI hero.
Al Johnson' went to the Ilia
wiitlm gtoup on Monday In con
tinue work in the tunnel.
Tor Hovuml days 11 has been
Knowing in llnlii whiln it lias
bimn mining here. Ho fur tlio snow
melt" noaily iih fnnt im it f 11 1 Ih,
I'.IhIh lloldermiin nrrivnd from
llohoinin, .Monday. I In will vi&it
Southern Oregon f"r 11 whllo.
Mild Jouks left Momlny morning
for the Vesuvius mine to resume
work, l'nr the Kist monlli he htti
been in the city recovering from an
nttnek ol the kiIk.
lti ii Onrrcy was in to.wn on Man
tiny piiruhnHliig Mipttlitw to tako up
to thn Arrnntra group, belonging to
t'io llaltiinorr Company. Ho lim
gone lnwk to lioj-in work upon tint
". J. Hani, manager of Huvornl
large mining propnrtimi in llohoinla,
last week runted tint linuk building
recently oaeupiml liy Tim Ho no
Iimiii Awtooiutinn. Ha status Ihi has
for hoiiih litnti aou tempi itud opening
nu oflleo wlnirn ho could liixvo hi
hooks mill paper nunvouif utly nt
hnml whan in tlio eity. Ilu hit 011
display hoiiih linn sample of arn
from th Oregon -Colorado initio.
Manager 1'. J. Hard showed me
some of the prettiest copper 01c I
over wiw, which he said had just
licuti taken, from the Oregon-Colo-rodo
main tunnel," Haiti engineer
Iv. I,. Halt last evening, upon his
return from n surveying trip, into
the llohemin district. Mr. IlnfT
.said that particulars of the ore hody
were not had, hut the manager in
formed him that the face of four or
five feet was beautiful with copper,
and there was eight to ten inches of
Unite ricli gray copper in the larger
hody. The main drift of the Oregon
Colorado lias hccii driven steadily
during the lall and early winter
with two shifts. A large nmouiit
of ore is accumulating on the dump.
This work is to continue during the
entire winter, mid is gaining depth
so rapidly that immense bncks will
soon he given above the tunnel
level. livening Telegram.
Long (Si Bingham's Stock
The money you save in this closing-out sale
is worth your while to lay in a supply.
Gold Dust,
Dew Drop,
Felt's Naptha,
Suvon 1 2 oz soup,
Tnr Soup,
Giitttt Lyc,
Machine Oil,
tovc Polisth, - -Grape
Vtni, - -, -colVce,
(Jilt Ii(lo Stove
Otiite tin assortment of furnishings, shoes, etc., thn
cbst, Take ad vantage of this sale. Terms cash.
Will Soon Cut Vein.
Mr. A. II. Wood, general mana
ger of the Oregon Securities Com
pany, returned to the city last week
from his first inspection of Hint com
pany's property in Hohemfa, since
his appointment to that position.
Manager Wood says: That the
principal object nt the present time
Is to push the work in driving the
big tunnel, until the Champion
vein has been rcachud.
Word Is expected nt tiny time
that this lins been accomplished,
but as the vein v 11 ties in its dip and
will be cut nt n considerable
dlstnucc from the surface it is im
possible to determine by survey
just the point it will be encountered.
Mr. Wood is also acting malin
ger of the O. itS. H. railway and
with these two large concerns to
look after, his time is well 02
copied. A New llnd.
William Cox recently brought
from tlio Itltlgo lodii in Ilohiiinin
Romn vory linn oro which ho uncov
ered In u now place. Tim vnin is
Huvornl foot widu utid well iiiiiinriil
itod throughout.
Tne Highland Mining Company
will Install n test plant of nbout 50
ton capacity.
The smelter at Sumptcr is re
ceiving as much ore as it can con
veniently find -room -for storage.
Headquarters have been secured in
Sumpter for the receiving of ores
from the mines of the district which
wilt later be sent to the Lewis &
Clark Exposition.
The stockholders of the Gol
Cotula mine have decided to bond
the property for 11 siiflicieut sum to
pay off the indebtedness ntul con
tinue development rather than sell.
The Mayflower is .shipping some
very rich ore. It is stated that a j
body of ore 25 feet in width, worth I
from twelve to twenty dollars per j
ton has been opened on the 500
level in the Gem property.
Mining Stands Alone.
"My enterprise is as safe as a
bank," remarked a mine promoter
recently, says the Daily Mining
The gentleman to whom the re
mark was addressed had just been
reading a newspaper in which was
prominently displayed an account
- 18c
- :ivt-c
- 20c
- 12c
- 12c
Star tobacco,
Smoking tobacco,
11 .
Corn Beef, -
K l
of the (allure of n financial institu
tion in Ohio, due to bad loans made
to n woman of ipiostlonable busi
ness methods. Thrusting his pa
per aside, the listener replied?"
And in this retort is contained
much of the wisdom of the times
In compuhiK n milling company
with a bank, it is not only fair to
iuipilru ns to the identity of the
mining company, but of the' bank
ns well.
We have been accustomed to
hoar this or that commercial enter
prise referred to as a "gold mine."
Hut now there arises a school of In
vestment tonchtn who try to make
the public believe that every dol
lar's worth ol gold that is mined
costs one dollar or more to extract
it from tin: ground which is ab
surd, on the face of it. And nil
these things go to show how purely
relative and fleeting human notions
Some time ago Thomas W. Law
sou started n series of articles on
"Freiu.ird Pinaucc," and everybody
supposed he was going to reveal
the evidences ol corruption in con
nection with a huge mining invest
ment. Hut' no; his efforts thus far
have been devoted entirely to prov
ing that the legislature are venal,
that Innkers are rohbsr-i, and that
insurance companies arc unmen
tionable in the society of innocence.
without taking into account the
purchase of political parties, fins
franchises, etc. home of the things
we have related to us are enough
to mnke an ordinary lake mining
stock lubricator feel sanctified mid
Therefore, it might lie a wise
thing lor the promoter who feels
disposed to compare his mining en
terprise to 11 bank, to an insurance
company, or to government itself, to
dispense altogether with compari
sons and statu! on his own pedestal.
Mining owes no apologies to any
other industry, and mining invest
ments arc not beholden to any other
realm of finance. This we have
known n long time, but the eastern
ren'dcrs of sonic of the big maga
zines and the metropolitan news
pnpersnrc just beginning to find
out that purity is not necessarily n
matter of rnnk, reputation or im
pressive titles, nnd that it is not the
sjiecial possession of any sphere of
There is no difference between
eastern common sense and western
common sense. Honesty is neither
latitudinal, longitudinal nor alti
tudiual. Good things nnd bad
things are not determined by the
points of the compass, the track of
the sun or the angles of social ob
scivnnces. Man is said tobe the
measure of nil things, nnd the indi
vidual man is the unit of intelli
gence and morality by which his
function in society is to lie judged.
"Tlio iH'Ht lino ot Htutlonory In tlio
city, nt tho .Modern I'liiiriuacy,"
Halving Powder, 35c
West Halcg Pwd 25c
K. C. Unking JJowclcr,
Spices, -
Yeast, - - - -Milk,
- - -
t are sold audat
Visitors to Exposition will
Able lo flo Through a
Miniature Aline.
Oregon ln.
Negotiations wore practically
completed with a big Colorado
mining company last week for the
installation at tho Lewis and Clark
Exposition of a stamp mill, con
centration plant and other mining
machinery, showing thn treatmoiit
accorded raw ores in converting it
into bullion. This will form a
I valuable addition to the mining
exhibit which promises to be tho
most notable ever in a do.
Tho company in question is the
Colorado Fuel A Iron Company,
ono of tho largost of its kind, in
existence. Tho proposition was
made to tho Exposition management
in the form of an offer to install the
machinery providing orKu min
ing men would furnish sufficient ore
to keep the machinery busy during
Exposition hours. After a canva;s
of Oregon producers tlio Exposition
management was able to assure the
company that 110 difficulty wilt bo
oxporienced in supplying all the ore
that will be required.
It is possible that an annex to
ttie Mining building will lie re
quired for the new working exhibit
as the space in the new building is
now well taken and no great allot
ments can be made to one enter
prise since the interests of indi
viduals nnd districts jwhich wish to
participate must be protected.
General interest is being dis
played in the Lewis and Clark min
ing exhibit. Miners and mining
men all over the country are pro
paring their choicest ores for ship
ment here and, judging from the
number ot offers now on filo at Ex
position headquarters, there will be
more oros on hand than can possi
bly lie shelved. This w ill necessi
tate the selection of choice speci
mens, although it -will not cause
any exhibit to be ruled out, as all
exhibitors will be given a chance.
The feature of the mining de
partment which is exciting most
interest is the shaft nnd tunnel
which are to be dug under the Min.
ing building. This will be the
most realistic reproduction of n mine
ever shown at an Exposition. There
will be levels, drifts, timbers, hoists,
dump, tunnel-cars, automatic
drills, blastinc and all tho other
things known to the realm of un
derground mining. The visitors
who goes Into the mine will emerge
with a full idea of the meaning ol
underground mining. The shaft
will be 40 feet deep, while the tun-
nell will extend under the upper
portion of the grounds for a dis
tance of several hundred feet, be
ginning at the bottom of the shaft
under the Mining building and
emerging on St. Helen's boulevard.
To Work For Repeal of the Eddy Law.
"My principal work at the com-
itig session of the legislature shall
be to have tho Eddy law repealed,
failing this I shall try to have it
amended so as to exclude mining
coqiorations," says Hon. A. P.
Smith, reprcsentntive-etect, to a
representative ot The Miner during
his visit here this week.
Continuing, Mr. Smith said:
"Two years experience with the
law has proven it a failure, and
during this time the mineral in
dustry of the state has suffered un
told injury. If Oregon alone pos
sessed mineral resources It might
be possible to tax capital and make
it pay tribute for the privilege of
developing its resources.but where
other states do not exact it and have
also undeveloped mineral estatos, it
is but natural that capital will go
where it does not have to take the
state on its payroll,
"During the coming year the
Lewis and Glark Fair will he held,
the main object of which (as I un
derstand it) is to exhibit the won-
dcrfnl resources of the state and in
vite capital for their development.
Surely the legislators of this state
must see the inconsistency of ex
tending tills invitation and expect
ing capital to l taxed for its co
operation in making Oregon one of
the greatest states in the Union.
"While other industries have
also sufTcrcd from the law, mining
has suffered the most and the state
to a targe extent lias suffered by
the iucoiporatiou of companies in
other stales and transacting busi-i
ncss just the same.
"It is claimed by tlie west side1
legislators that the law has been
beneficial, but from my own ex
perience I know it has been inju
rious and the mining industry will
suffer as long as it is enforced, and
I hope to be successful in its re
peal." When asked if he had any other
bills pertaining to the mining in
dustry that he would introduce,
Mr. Smith stated that lie had en
rolled 0110 relative to
which required the date of mauu-
... it . . i.t
facture being placed on all pack-
or cases so as to avoid the danger
existing in the uo of old powder.
Referring to the near approach of
the legislative session, Mr. Smith
said: "The people of this district
assisted in my election and I am
anxious to work in their , behalf,
but with the exception of some sug
gestions by a few mining men I do
not know if they desire any particu
lar bills introduced, and would be
ptenscd if the c'tir.ens cf Sumpter
nnd vicinity would hold a meeting
for the discussion of matters per
taining to legislation that will bene
fit them and the district. The
liaker City Icaguc will, I have
been told, soon call a meeting of its
members and citizens iu general to
ascertaitiif tha 410 pie,, iij ),)
The miners who met in annual
convention this week in San Fran
cisco had an unusually pleasant and
agreeable time. Question of pro
tecting the hydraulic mining inter
ests of the state was again discussed
and ways and means suggested to
promote the industry. One of the
best features of this convention
was the excursion of the delegates
around San Francisco bay and the
extension of courtesies by the Selby
Smelting nnd Lead Company to the
miners who wished to see this great
plant in operation. The following
officers were elected for the ensuing
year: President, IJdward H. Iletl-
jamin; vice-president, C. H. Dut-
tonj treasurer, Samuel J Hendy.
The sccrctnry will be appointed
Look under Nuggets for burgnlng.
Kelt shoos. Just tho thing for the
wife to slip on when sho gets up to
build the tiro. Welch & Woods.
Christmas Presents
Big Cut in Sweaters
Legislation in Interests of the
Lumber Business Desirable
T. K.Campbellin California
and Nevada.
Whilo the
have a
intarmU of
good many
'Orogon will
friends in the noxt loutniuture. Tho
miinh.r of legislators is not large,
only about n ftcoro cud he culled
lumbermen as actively iu koiuc
branch of tho lumbof trade. Sev
ern I bills portainiug to tho lumber
interuntH will bo presented at the
mi'otin? of the legislature and it bo
hooves tho lumbermen to fall into
liuo and not only to tako up tin
matters with their county represen
tatives but to push alone from now
' on, keeping tho pending bill fresh
jn i)lB ,nimis of lll0 re.,resauUtiT
It w only by taking Ibem step
thnr the lumber industry of Oregon
can Lope to recover the trade they
havo lost during tlio past yohr.
A roeent exclmuge states: An
order recently carne to this coast for
01110 11101IO timbers. Ill 6 order
had to come here; there wu no
other piste to send it. The com
pany Hint had this order oeot in
quiries around for prices; quotations
were received from aoveral mills;
tbeso quotations varied over one
hundred per cent Certainly snob
quotations indicate a lack of infor
mation as to market conditions and
such quotations, going east, have n
most demornlizini; influence on
trado. An eastern bnyer would bei00ttont.y anqy.e,Bror
f jitStifiell 1oWcIBTrr3inuTtrn
bad no value on this coast.
The above moro than anything
that can bo said demonstrates the
absoluto necessity of a Lumberman's
Association throughout Oregon.
Such an association exists iu Port
land for the maintenance of retail
prices, nnd anyone at nil familiar
with trade conditions in the state
can rooognizo the crying need for
such an organization.
Thero is a gr&ud opportunity for
somo ono to bestir themselves nod
tako this mattor in baud before the
spring trade opens up.
Tho now saw mill boing erected
near Divide is making very satis
factory progress. It is stated the
intention is to coufino the cut mainly
to ties and large timbers.
T. Iv. Campbell, president of the j effective number. This monthly is
Pacific Timber Company, is at pres. , fnat stridiug after Sunset Mngazino
out ou a visit to California and Xe- j in tbe field of favor before tho read
vada in tho interests of his company. ' ing public and many will take that
1 ! magnziiie aa a oo-worker for Paoino
' i Concluded on (oar bpage.) Const interests
..Go to..
Packet Oold.
(Erftln Tci nt.)
Specimens and samples of gold,
much of it in nuggets and large
chunki, have been bronght iu here
from Upper Sucker Creek, from the
Tycer placer claim. The gold is
very similiar to that removed from
the Wounded Buck, or Driggs
claim. It is what is known in
Southern Oregon as "pocket" gold,
not so much from its coming from
stringers, as considerable of this
so-called pocket st ld is from chan
nels, but by rea-on of the honey
combed and porous nature of the
metal. Many of the pieces from
the Tycer claim have fragments of
quartz attached. All of it is very
dark, almost black, in fact, and
would not be recognized as the
royal metal unless closely handled.
Archie Tycer. owner of this rich
claim of the far-famed Sucker Creek
district, is a miner of the old school.
His idea of a mine is one that has
the gold, the real stuff sticking out
so it can be whittled off with a
jackknife. His claim is located
away upon the divide between
Sucker and Althouse Creeks, and
hia methods of working is by
ground-sluicing. Could the rich
ground be subjected to a ipe and
giant, it would vield many fortunes
in a short time. But it is so high
np that it is impossible to get wa
ter to it in qtianitv sufficient to op
irate a lr draulic giant. From
iarwu "dry" gulches and small
streams 2fer derives enough wa
ter to sluice the ground, leading it
by wooden conduits across his
working grounds. Into these con
duits or sluices the graved is shov
eled, part of the water being used
to assist id loosening the auriferous
dirt. Biffles are arranged in the
fflft&x&amftitfamvie rae-ntrr-ana:
gravel flow on anil off with the
waste water, and the gold settles
into the riffles, where it is gathered
up at cleanup.
The ground is not very deep
not more than two or three feet
and is of a red, friable clay, that
yields easily, but in this shallow
ground fabulous values are carried,
and often a single pan will yield a
halt handful of the black, oxidized
gold. Tycer has built a cabin on
his claim, and will remain close by
it through the Winter so that it can
be operated to advantage.
The Pacific Monthly for Decombor
is notably well executed from all
points of consideration. Cover in
colors, clear text, interesting ma
terial of a literary nature and good
illustrations combine to make an