&8S.$ SS3.tS0 TOILERS OP the COLUMBIA jL Uy Pun I Dc Loncy jfc 1 ydji Author of "l.rilif the Desert," "Orreion Sheteiies," i rllfchJ fcjTrvJ nnl oilier Pniltlc ton.il Shirks Wfw t'llAl'I'lilt XVIII Continued Mm (numl It VNcHiit anil cntnriid Tim bunas Hern poorly fiirnliiliril, and wiiilltl liitvii in'tfi iiriiiioiini'Kil ii u 111 In iimi hy girls rinr.il imlur different con illlloua Iriiiu tlinaa whhli IibiI mir rounded HrfiiknlM'a life, hut alio km Hceunlmiied til Urn fl'lieriitrii and lliui hiivk niul viewed thlnga hii lliey vlewoi! 1 1 if in . Tlirro win it rrmln (Ircplaro and some dry driftwood, lint Ilin girl knew Unit tlm non thlirn went In clu proximity mill woiilil probably he driven linrn nml li" Ion r i'l to kimllo Urn whirl woiilil give warning o( lior preacnce Wirt rolled herself In tlin dingy liril clothing ill tlm mint decent BipnrlriK hunk mill atUnmted tii un to sleep Hhe expected to awaken before dawn when plin hoped the atorm would have mibaltlnl unit tho might llml Dan about I In- leland. Hiw loon aim had lain there aim lia not tlm hunt to verify. Imt alio was awakened f rem a half dozing statu liy voices litim tlm otltaldi). Theao roan loivti Ilin atiinn which lieat upon tlm f rnll atructuie with mi appalling nolan As (liny annrtMched nearer and nearer aim knew that alio waa about to have vlaltoia. Hankala had ollen visited the ol ahaik Hiid knew ol a lltllo loll In the. cook room ol tlm atructurn whom flh einien ollnii stored lliolr net. Taking two ol tho old nullta with her she vient into the adjoining room am t'limlied Into Ilin lolt. I ho aoiilhahlcra lieiian to enter tho plain (nun all direction!. They lift' .been driven odium hy tho itorin am! naiurally took rcfiu'e In tin ramp Thoy soon had a crackling fire In Hi llreplarn, and lieiraii illrciimlnn tho daya' ovenla In loud voices. Hankala waa 1 1 1 11 eiianlrd to learn what hail taken place on their aide ol the fight Hut what ahe wished to know above all other Ihliurt waa not spoken. The name ol Dan I-ailiam waa not men tloned. The atorm continued throughout the entile night. - The men talked, aang and ewoio. Home tried to aleep, while others planned for the following day Morning dawned upon the atorm at ita height. It waa nearly mltltlay be fore It eubaidrd. The aea did not lw come ralm enough lor the email tlahlng lioata until lain In the afternoon. It waa then that the men began to leav the place fur another attack upon the ira. Hankala had heard their plana They thought they could reach the tiapi ami deatroy them before the iiorlhildera could come to their defenae. It waa then the second afternoon alnco the war had begun, and the aoutheldere began their attack. The 'northaldeia were on the alert and acclng tho move in en t ot the enemy came like an ara lanche to meet them. Hankala waa compelled to remain In concealment, though ahe could eeo what waa going on through a crack in the ill lapidated tool. Hho saw th men "cut ler on both aldea and readied Ilin plan of attack, and tho mannei ol dofenae. Tlm aoiithaldvra had divided Into rquada, aa they had planned to deatroy the trapa at one fell awoop, while the nrirthalldera divined their purpose and not tlinin accordingly. Ktialn her eyea na alio would tho girl could not dlatinguiah one from another aiiiiiuir her (rifiids. They wero an far nwny that they looked like sin-cka upon tlm Miller. The ami went down upon tho content nnta with hnnora divided almost equal ly. They had practically abandoned their fire anna, and wero cnpigtsl in r liniid-tii-hand light with their omri Thrro wan murder 111 tho lien its of only a few on either aide, and but few ahota weru uicliunged. The caaualtien wele llglit In tho afternoon engagement. Aa darknoaa cloaed In, Hankala waa about to como from her hiding place and attempt an escape (mm the inland. Hut alio heard a number of tho south alders returning to tho alinrk, find aoou learned from their talk that they had boon atrongly reinforced, and that oth er were coming. Tho nei a of the number wounded in tho former daya' engagement had reached the aouth shuro und tho (labor men roao up in their fury, Joined by many ouUddo (rienda, and aworu that they would come in uulllricnt numbein to aweep tho river and bay of tho iiorthaldo tlahermon and their trap. Hankala leurnod that they Intended to renew the attack at midnight, at which time tholr relnforcementa would arrive in larger boata, armed to com ploto the woik, and that it waa their determination to win at any cost of property or life. How to glvo the warning to her friends, waa the question. Tho plot ters remained in tho shack while run nera were aent In different dlrectiona to organize the men for the midnight ad vance. OIIArTKK XIX. A Traitor At the Helm, The train pulled Into Knlanm short ly aflor dark. It waa n rpeclul char tered by tho atitto. Tho eherilT of I'u clllo county waa thoro to moot It nml hnd been waiting muny hours. Mat. tore managed by itato arc always de layed. Kalama la on tho hanks of tho Co lumbia rlvor and also on tho lino ot railroad that croeeus Irom north to aouth. An old fashioned boat was tied up at the decaying and totteilng wharf, A dark form nat In tho pilot house looking out at the crowd as It emerged from the train. A dangor light hung from tho port aldo, and at tho ap proach of tho train, dark smoke, In tormlniiled with bright rod sparks, hot skyward from tho smoko-stack, "Contemptible tin-soldlorsl" mut turod tho man In the pilot house. "Fine lot ol dudes como here lo shoot down our fishermen. Ilut they will not shoot them tonight." Then lie turned tho pilot whee back and forth to aea that tho rudder waa In woi king order. Tho boat gave a lurch ami trembled as If frlghluiioi at being dlaturbrd while swinging ac quietly to its mornings. "I will give theao assaaaltis a trip for their money tonight, mutloiet Ilin man at tlm wheel in meditative tmioa. "When they find tlm (labor men limy win Ira no alck ol the aea that thoy will do well lo hand! themaelvea let alono a gun." A company of the stain nations guard illeil on the train at the com maud of their olllror, Captain Hud long. Tho ehcrlf! of tho county let dm way to tlm lioat. Tho aoliliera ha roine under indellnlte orders as time and brought along a sufficient amount of luggage for a alegn. Moat of ihe men wero clorka In atorca, an some n( wealthy men who had Joined Ihe guard for a good time and they were poorly drilled. It required more than an hour to got their baggage aimanl the boat. The man In tho pllo houao watched tlioin patiently. II dlil not care how long the) were kci there. He waa out lor delay and would just as lle( have It at ono poll aa another. The pilot ol a Columbia river boa la universally called "captain." II la acquainted with tho river aa ono I acquainted with his own neighbor hood. Ho knows every enag in the rivor ami oiery point, aa Is required ol a river pilot. When the soldiers wein aboard waa (ound that It only contained tit pilot, engineer and one deck-hand There waa no one to Instruct the olll cera aa to tho point at which tho fiah el men were assembled, 'Tills la strange," remarked th shorn: to captain liuuiong. "I rx pected a man here to give ua the In formation as we should proceed. We will go aloft and Inquire of tho cap- lain." The boat was now pulling at Its moorings. The stoam waa up and the captain waa trying the wheel. It was a aUrn-wheeler and the great, wet thing turned over like a sea monater as the long arms Irom the cngiue-ioom played on the crank at Its axis. The aherlfi and military commander airrnded the little Iron atalrway which led to tho roof ol the boat and ap proached tlm pilot houao. worry, gentlemen, but you can't enter, said the pilot. Ilut tills la the commander of the militia and he wishee to direct the couree of the boat when the ecene of the trouble la reached," aald the aher lfi. I lie government regulations pro hibit all peraona eirept the captain Irom riding in the pilot house," salt! Ilia pilot. "ilesldcs, there Is no necessity for It. I know where th fishermen are and will take you to them. Thsy am a harmless, hard working act ot (ellovis like myrelt and will give you no trouble. They will disperse as noon as they see us com Ing. hy hnvo tho owners of the boat which wo have chartered through tho state sent a southsldcr as a pilot Inquired tho sherllt. Ik-cause there Is not a man on the north side of the river whom tho own ers would risk with tho bout," was th pilck reply. Tho mcietary of state had wired i big company at Portland to supply tho iiillitln Willi a bunt to convey it to tin neat of tho trouble between the flrh ermeii of the t'Ao states and which tho northalde state chartered for an in definite time. The steamboat men all lived on the south side ot tho river, ilio Hen pints all being on that side In sending out a boat under an cnu'r gen 17 tho company had picked up a Hot who was rclatod to and more 01 eas identified with tho southslde flth ennon. Ho knew ol tho proposed midnight attack ot his friends upon tho north aiders and did not Intend to leach tho actual scene of conflict In tiniu for In tcrlerenco on the part of the militia. llo hud Intentionally loft the repre sentntive of tho northsido fishermen who was to have accompanied tho ei pedltlon as a soit ol scoot, on tho south shore and was prepared to evade a collision with tho belligerents until lis friends should have the opportun ity to do all tho damage thoy desired. Tho olllcera knew that under the government regulations they had no Ight to enter the pilot house and niter Instructing the rilot to convoy them mmediatoly to tho seat of tho trouble thoy ratired to the upper deck. Ihe boat steamed down tho liver like a thing ol life. Tho water was aim and tho craft moved with tho current without effort. Only the swishing ot the wheol that propolled the vessel broke tho silence ot tho night. Whon onro out into the river tho pilot gradually turned tho none of tho rraft In a southwesterly direction. Tho Coluhlnia widens her channol as sho approaches tho ocean until she reaches the width of over fifteen miles. It appeared as a wldo sea to tho 0(11 corn and soldiers and tho flickering lights on tho north and south shores looked like so many stars lining tho distant horUon. An hour aftor midnight had been reached. Tho ofllcem hnd ascended to tho pilot house and asked impatient questions, "I cannot bo responsible for tho de layed train," ropliod tho pilot, "My boat is doing her best and will got you thoro as soon as possible." Ho was now to lha south of tho eaBtorn point of Hand island. He had discovorcd tho dark outline ol the boats ot his frlonds lying In tho shadow of the island shore. To tho south he saw another Una of dark shadows which ho knew was tho flotilla ot reinforce ments. He could not account tor this except an unforecen delay which often attends the organization ol forces. Ono thing ho did know, and that ' was that he would never take the soldiers whero thoy could Intel fare with his friends so long as ho could avoid It. Hudik'iily a fishing host was discov ered In front of the vessel. Tlm oc cupant of tho llttlo craft waa waving an oar frantically ovorliead U attract the pilot. Ho signalled tho engi neer to roverse tho lever and tho wheel began to pull back against the current which was taking tho boat rapidly to ward the ocean, Tho officers down salra rushed upon deck to ascertain tlm cause of the boat coming to a halt. They soon discov ered tho figure In tho (lulling boat and went to tho point where the small craft waa about to collide with tho larger host. With an care brought about by years ol experience on the water theWlguro in tho arnall boat guided the little craft alanalde the linger veanel and the two com 11 together without acarcely a Jar. A rope ladder was thiown over the aldo of the largo vessel and tho form left the fishing boat and glided up the (rail atalrway like n shadow. "Why, it's a woman a girl!" said Captain liudlong as she stepped on tho deck. "Yes, It Is Hankaial" said the sheriff as he recognized the girl. (To t contlnu4) CHOP 8UEV COPYniQHT. DUIl Orlilnalrd In Hun Franclaco and Nnl In China. If people can be required to pay roy alties on gold teeth that they bavo worn (or years, and on driven wells from which the Ir (allien bare drunk before them, there would seem to bo no reaaun why they might nut hare to pay them 011 copyrighted dishes which they hare long ngo eaten and dlgraUd, aaya the New Vork Mall. There la a Han Kninrlioo Chliinmmi In town who claims to hnvu a copyright on the dish cnlliit chop auey, ami ho wants bis buck royalties aa well aa his front onm. It must bo explnlnrd first of all, that chop auey la not a Chinese dlah. This la no news even to amateur Oriental ists, but probably It la to the nvrrago American citizen. It la a Han I'ran rlsixi Invention, or rather adaptation; It la an Irish atew translated Into Chi nrae for purely occidental deguatatlon. Wits Ita uaual black Ignorance of ori ental ways, tho American public ac cepted It at once as the Chinese na tional dish, upon which the son of heaven and his Imperial houaebold are suppoaed to dine every day. Kven American ofllclala were surprised when I'rlnce I'u I.un blandly Inquired In Chinatown the other day: "What Is chop auey?" Oriental or occidental, It la a good dlah. It constitutes a ration In which a nice balance has hn reached be tween the animal nml the vegetable. between protein and mere bulk. If Mr. I.em Hen, of Han I'ranclaco. can establish hl copyright on the line of tho dish for the future, he may becomo a millionaire, honorably and utcfullr. If be succeeds In making his patent re troactive he will produce a certain dis tress In regions where the Ingredients ot the dls.li Itself have seldom wrought any disturbance. The Girth at Man Incrrmlnjf. All excellent Illustration of tho talus of records has been anorded lately re tarding the question of physical degen eracy. A firm In the north of ICnglund Ii:in compared the mrnnirements for clothing made two generations ugo with thine of today, tLe results going to show that elicit nnd hip measure ment are now three Inches on the nv- erngo more than they were sixty years ago. The name conclusion Is reached by the exiM-rleneo of the ready-made clothiers. These facta, whatever may ho their geueriilltj , do not quite dis pose of tlie iiui'Mion of degeneracy. They are what we should expect from tho more nhuiidniit nnd cheaper food of the people, their better housing nnd Improved sanitary surrounding; hut the testimony regarding the untltness of recruits and progressive lack of Mniulna In town, and especially manu facturing, populations cannot be disre garded. The girth of man may he In creasing, but. like n fatting hog, Is not corpulency bringing clumsiness? Limit or Laziness. Two darkles lay sprawled on the leveo on a hot day. Moses drew a long sigh and said, "lleey-n-h-hl Ah wish Ah had .1 hundred watermelllons!" Tom's eyes lighted dimly. "Hum- yn-hl Dat would suttenly be fine. An' ef yo' had a hun'ed watcrinellloni would yo' gib me fifty?" '.So. Ah wouldn't gib yo' no fltty watermelllons." "Wouldn't yo' gib mo twenty-flve?" "No. Ah wouldn't gib yo' no twen ty-live." Seems tcr me youso powabful stingy, Mose. Wouldn't yo' wouldu'l yo' gib 1110 one?" "No. Ah wouldn't gib yo' one. I,ook hyoh, nlggah, are yo' so good-fer-nuf. (in lazy dat yo' riilhn't wish to' yo' own watermelllons?' How Celluloid Is Made. Celluloid, the chemical compound which bears so close a rescmblanco to Ivory, Is a mixture ot collodion and camphor, invented In 1853 by Porko slue, of Birmingham, whoso name for time it bore. Tho process of manu facture Is us follows: Cigarette paper soaked In u mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids until It becomes nitro cellulose. After thorough washing, to freo It from the acids, this cellulose Is dried, mixed with a certain quantity of camphor, and coloring matter If re-' qulrfd, and then passed through a roll- ' er mill. It Is next formed Into thin sheets by hydraulic pressure and after ward broken up by toothed rollers and soaked for somo hours In alcohol, A further pressure and a hot rolling proc ess finish It, and results in lvory-llko sheets half au Inch thick. Not Up to Date. "Mamma," said tho pretty fluffy- Jin I rod girl, "I think I ought to go to cooking school, don't you?" It Isn't necessary, my dear," replied tho mother, "I can teach you to cook." But that would never do, mamma," protested tho fair daughter, "you only know how to cook tho ordinary thlugs that people really eat." Opinions of Clicnp Prcnthnr Mnko Ui -up Oiurcuct AT a recent church conf"renr-e, held In 0110 of the Western Hliites, It develiipiil Unit several of the ministers received leas than $.KXI n year each. A few wero paid tISO, while 0110 whs struggling to save souls on a snlnry of (I'M a year. In the llglit of these ills closures the frequently deplored scarcity of ministers Is not so much of n mystery as some have considered It. Added to the terrors of the donation party, such niggardly salaries are enough to deter the bravest man from entering tho ministry. Men capable of being preacher enn earn more In almost any other vocation, mid no innti who is not capable Is fit to preach the gospel. It la possible, of course, that some of these poorly pnld clergymen receive nil their services are worth. In such cases the church and the community would he better off If they were to put their talents to some other use. Tho church cannot thrive upon cheap preaching, any more thon a school can flourish upon cheap teaching. The railways and tho great financial mid Industrial concerns of the country employ none hut the they pay the highest price for It. The of the gospel Is worthy of his hire; ho sufficient to maintain him In accord his calling. Chicago Journal. Carcfulnesi and Cnglncerx. ONIJ reads, almost dally, accounts of an accident that lias occurred upon some steam or elevated railway. In which n number of people have been killed or Injured, through n rear-end collision. What Is the cause of the frequency of these catastrophes? This answered by tho single word carelessness. And the blame generally Is ntttibutnble to tho negligence of the engineer at tho throttle or the controller bar, as tho enso may he. It Is due tho public that every preruutlon should be observed to insure safety In travel, and It Is doubtless a moral duty that devolves upon the officials of railway corporations to employ only competent men as cnglnccra or motormen. Competency does not merely mean the ability to run a locomotive or train of cars, for there arc other qualifi cations of far more Importance required the lives of persons in their care. The first nnd most Im portant rt-qulslto which an engineer should possess Is care fulness, and until this Is the standard of qualification, manslaughter, which Is now generally termed accident, will continue at the present rate. There are comparatively fewer collisions and accidents In Knilanil than In this country, as can be shown by sta tistics. Is It because greater care Is observed In the selec tion of engineers, or Is It that the men nr better tralned7 At any rate, our railway accidents are too numerous, and they must be reduced. Make care the motto of every engineer so employed, and a solution of the problem will be found. The American Inventor. Squelch the Student Rioters. COLLEGE students all over the country to-day are nursing broken heads and bruised bodies. The sym pathy that Is being extended to them wouldn't com fort a sick cat The day may come when students wilt cease making asses of themselves, but the hope of the thing is pretty near dead. ltlotous 'Tech' students In Boston attacked the police and were pounded. Sophomores and freshmen at the Uni versity of Illinois had a fight. One student was seriously Injured and now lies on a hospital cot. Others were bat tered and bruised. Four students living on the North Side of Chicago played pranks with tombstones, things ordinari ly held sacred by all but savages, and when the fun of the thing palled they smashed the windows of a passing trolley car with stones, winding up their peculiarly student like actions by attacking a citizen. These precious young sters were given a chance to cool off In a cell. The people are too prone to wink at the deviltry of students. It's called high spirits and animal energy and n lot ot other rot about lack of criminal Intent Is Indulged In. This sort of stuff breeds riot The students, every one of whom has reached the age of moral responsibility. I l l 1 1 I I I I H I I I I I llli I I I I H DESEIU WELLS. -H--M--l-M--t--M--:--H- When tho "tenderfoot" first strikes the desert country ho is surprised to learn that ho Is expected to pay for tho water ho uses for himself and for his beast. A little Inter, says the au thor of "The Mystic Mid-Region." he becomes Indignant upon finding him self unable to purchaso even a small quantity because of the extreme cau tion of the proprietor of some desert well where ho has expected to replen ish his stock ot water. It is not an unusual happening tor the desert traveler, who has tolled hours over the burning sands after his supply of water has been used up, to find the desert dweller unwilling to spare a drop of his scanty supply. Not all desert wells are dependable, nnd souietlnu-s the solitary dweller of the oasis Muds his supply exhausted. He then has to haul nil tho water ho uses forty or tlfty miles until such tlmo aa tho w!nttr ruins come to replenish tho vein which feeds his well. Men tortured hy thirst become des perate. A thirsty man knows no law save that ot might. Not long ago a respectable citizen of a little Califor nia town had occasion to cross the desert at a point where water holes wero few nnd fur apart He depended upon obtaining water at a certain ranch, established at one of tho oases on his route, and when he arrived thoro ho and his gutdo nnd burros were In sad condition, having been several hours without water. He gavo his guldo n live-dollar gold piece and told him to see tho rancher and purchaso tho water necessary to carry them to tho next watering place. It happened Unit tho rancher's well was In danger ot going dry, nnd he declined tho mon ey. Ho refused to pnrt with any wa ter. Pleadings wero unavailing, und tho guide returned to his employer nnd reported his inability to make a deal. Tlicti tho staid iiltlzen arose, and, with n ten-dollar gold piece In ono hand and a revolver In tho other, sought tho rancher. "There Is ten dollars for the water, If you will sell It," ho said, "and If uot, Ishnll take It, anywayl Now which hall It bo?" Thero was but ono reply to an argu ment ot that kind; tho rancher sulkily accepted tho money, tho brackish wa ter was drawn from the well, and tho journey was soon resumed. As a re sult of this transaction, however, the rancher was obliged to tako a forty. mllo Journey over tho desort and back, to replenish bis water supply from an other welL ''aJti'ah'Jtsi'V'ii tsJJJfefj.ajae!fj Great Poocrs on Important Subjects. nt the University lias) Japan nation can highest ability, nnd average minister termined by nnd his hire should endurance of the cost of the wsr to with tho dignity of question may be of those who carry SUES A RIGHTEOUS DECEIT Lawyer Telia How He Saved llla Clleut a Lot of Trouble. -"Our cleverest work," said the old lawyer remlnisccntly, "Is not always done In court" "No?" said tho young man Inquir ingly. "Possibly you could give an illustration." "L'ndoubtexlly I could," replied the old lawyer. "In fact, I was thinking ot the case ot an Irascible old fellow who once kicked a servant out ot the bouse. I believe there was a differ ence of opinion ns to tho amount ot wages the man was entitled to. At any rate, the testy old gentleman put himself In the wrong when he ejected the man with violence of both lan guage nnd action and the man was smart enough to know It "He hunted up a lawyer Immediate ly anil put tho case In his hands and then I was called In. The wrathy old fellow was mad clear through and he was going to fight the case all tho way up to tho highest court and back again If necessary. Ho was a personal friend of mine and I didn't want to sec him waste his money foolishly, so I advised him to compromise it " 'Not If he offers to compromise for 10 conts," ho asserted vociferously. 'I'll fight this case clear to the limit no matter what It costs.' "I argued with him, but It waa no use. He'd pay ine anything I wanted to fight the case, but be wouldn't pay the plaintiff a cent. I would have been Justified under tho circumstances In going ahead and letting him run Into a lot of expensive and useless litiga tion, but I didn't like to do It So I went to see tho lawyer on the other side. Ho knew ho bad a good case, but-he also know tliat my client had lots of money and could make a pro longed and costly fight. Consequent ly he was Inclined to bo reasonable. He hunted up bis client and talked It over with him and tho client said be would compromise for $23. His law yer mado n reasonable charge and I closed with the.ni on the spot and paid them, "Then I went back to my client, told htm I had put up such a bluff that he never would hear of the case again, turned In a bill that covered tho cost of the settlement I bad effected and ho paid It without a murmur. He sometimes speaks to me now of the clover work I did In that case, but ha doesn't know how clever It really was and what a lot ot cash It saved him." Now York Press. Whonovor wo eeo a woman wnlklrur up the street with several children and a valise, wa wonder who Is going to draw her. strengthens their vandal desires with the very weakness of tho public view. When they are taught that the laws of decent conduct ore for them ns for others and that the penalty falls on all alike there may be some chance of reform. The shining heights of student asstnlnlty were reached of California. Tho students ot "war tactics'' rebelled became they wero to ho taught to march. They would take the truly royal road to learning. Could there ho an exhibition of more consummate Idiocy than that of n lot of youngsters who would learn the science of war without going through the preparatory school of the sol dier? What they need Is two hours' "setting up" drill In the sun without a single "In place rest" order. College students may bo too old to be spanked, but the hard band ot authority ought to do something In the pun ishing line and that quickly. Chicago Post. the Money for a Long War? wage a protracted war unless It pos sesses an abundance of cash. In the long run It Is possible that tho conflict In the Far East will be de "hard cash" as much as by the valor and victor. For the fiscal year 1004-05 the Japan la estimated at J2S4,000,CXX). This outlay has already been provided for by the Japanese Par liament, which has authorized an Internal loan of $101. 000.000 and treasury orders to the amount of $15,000,000. The balance Is to be raised by Increased taxation. How long can Japan stand such an expenditure? The Russian press Is almost unanimous In declaring that It Is the unalterable purpose of the Czar'a government to con tinue the war until Itussht Is victorious. That may mean a war of several years' duration. Evidently the Japanese realize that there Is to be a prolonged conflict, for the Mikado, In congratulating his soldiers for their valor In the series of battles which compelled Kuropatkln to give up Llao Yang, frankly stated that the end ot the war was a long way off. If Japan can get the money there seems to be no question of Its ability to fight the Russians on equal terms. Ilut will the financiers of Europe keep the Japanese government In funds? Will the British allies of Japan be ready to furnish loan after loan, on the theory that the Japanese are fighting Great Britain's battlea as well as their own? This Is a phase of the war which must give the Mikado's government no little concern, for, after all, the loirgest purse and not the most brilliant strategy may prove the dsclslve factor, unless the Japanese conduct an aggressive winter campaign and destroy or capture the mala Russian army. Baltimore San. Fore it Growing In Prairie States. TIIB American Government Bureau of Forestry bas selected two widely separated sections of the treeless area ot the West for a study in artificial forestry dur ing the present season. A field force Is at work studying tho soils and the kind of timber best adapted to the States of Illinois and the two Dakotas, the former being a low, level prairie for the most part, and the latter, a high table-land, but both without trees, except along the streams. There bas been considerable private tree planting In both States, chiefly, however, on a small scale, and for purposes ot shade and shelter for farm buildings. The Forestry Bureau la making a study of the subject with a view to the encouragement of tree planting on a more extensive scale. Two purposes are to be furthered by this: one, the growth ot timber suitable for fuel, fencing and building purposes, and the other, the gradual growth of timber shelter belts at Intervals sufficient to break the force of the fierce winds that sweep across these plains. Some experiments In this line have demonstrated two very Important benefits, the one being that the winter wheat protected by these shelter belts survives, where otherwise It would be blown bare and killed. The other demonstrated advantage Is that In the drouth seasons tho sheltered land retains moisture much longer than that which la wind swept As great portions of the treeless sections of the American West hare a deficient rainfall at best, the Im portance of retarding evaporation can hardly be over-estimated. Philadelphia Bulletin. The Last Htraw. Mr. narrtman wnnM linvn Hfced to employ the half-hour spent In the last j tram to Paradise Corner In reading the evening news, but behind him sat a pair of giggling girls. "Father thinks the Russians haven't the ghost of a chance," ho beard. "Really!" said the second voice. "M-m; that's what he thinks, and father knows a lot He's a splendid weather prophet you know." "Really!" "Oh, yes and be always can tell tho way the elections are coming out for mayor and president and the school board, and everything." "Really 1" "Yea, and he's pretty generous to me, too. He gave me the money for ono of those new long coats to-day.' "Really!" "Yes. And oh, did you know every' thing Is to be brown this season? Thafs what my cousin says." "Really!" "My dear." said Mr. Harrlman, as he wearily submitted to his wife's evening salutation and fell Into the nearest chair, "I am worn out There was a girl behind me In the car who said. 'Really!' somewhere near a thou sand times." Mrs. Harrlman laid a cool and sooth ing band on his brow. "Oh, not really I" she said, as she smoothed the wrinkle between bis eye brows. New Gun of Vast Power. The Inventor ot tho new American gun Is a man named J. Hamilton Brown, though the work of construct ing this particular six-Inch experimen tal piece Is In charge of Colonel John M. Ingalls, retired, U. S. A., an artil lerist of high standing and reputation. Despite the incredulity of contem porary gun builders Colonel Ingalls and the officers with him assert that this slx-lnch gun will throw thirty miles a projectile weighing 100 pounds, which will plerco a slx-lnch steel tar get A ten-Inch gun of this construc tion, with a powder chamber of 14,250 cubic inches and using 300 pounds of smokeless powder, would hurl a 000 pound projectile a distance of fifty nine miles. Increasing this ratio, a slxteen-lnch gun would have an extreme range of more than 100 miles, and equipped with such coust defense rifles England and Franco could shell each other across the channel, It a gltl Is popular sho enters ber married life with a salad stomach, aa tho result of parties given In her hon or, Uotiulno uus witn new shoes, and then talk about "happy brides" If you dare. MEN'S HAIR FASHIONS. Not Bo Varlona as Woman's bat Bub J act to Chang. "We hear a good deal about the va rlous styles In which women dress their hair," said the barber, "but w don't hear much said about th styles In which men wear their balr. "Vet men do have styles In this re gard which they follow closely, though they do not change their styles 10 fr quently as women do theirs, nor are their styles so various. They are, In deed, confined mostly to changes In the part "Two or three years ago, ns you will remember, It waa the fashion for man; to part their hair In the middle, ami; this was the fashion very commonly followed, and by many eldsrly aa well! as by young men. There were many older men not adverse to following the fashion of the younger men to make themselves more Ilka the young er man In appearance, and then many an older man found that hy parting his hair In the middle be was enabled to cover up the bare spots that time had brought to his temples, and ho took kindly to the fashion on that ac count "So parting the hair In the middle was really the prevailing fashion, and men, old and young, wearing their hair In that manner wera to be met on very hand. But now a man with his hair so parted la but rarely soen pretty much every man now parta his hair on the side, and a man, old Of young, with hair parted in the middle would attract attention. "Men have Individual ways In the wearing of their balr, as, for example, some men who think long hair Is be coming to them may wear their ball long, and some men with naturally curly hair may not try very hard to comb It out straight There are men who follow their fancies as to how they shall wear their hair. Just ai there are some women who disregard the style and wear their hair In the manner they believe to be most be coming to them; but as to the part the prevailing style for men now Is to have that on the side. "Women say that men look better with their hair parted on the side than In the middle, but I don't think this has anything to do with making the style, for most men consider them selves attractive anyway, and I look In due time to sea the middle part be come fashionable again. "As a matter of fact tht aide part, which Is the natural part for men, does prevail In the long run, taking a long series of years; but men like a change, and the middle part pleaset their vanity, or In some cases sarres a purpose, and It will no doubt com In again, to last at least for a while. Men change their ways of wearing their hair Just aa they change the styles of the shoe they wear." Nor York Sun. TO RESTORE FAMOUS TOWER. The Archbishop of Canterbury ap pealed recently for funds to restore the, Bell Harry Tower of Canterbury Ca thedral as it la suffering from "griev ous external decay." The cost of re- DELL 1IARBT TOWEB Or CAmiBCRT. pairs will amount to no less than $50,. 500, which Includes $5,000 for scaffold. Ing alone, and $15,000 more will b needed for other repairs. The bell tower was finished In 1405 and la 233 feet high. Mammoth Caves lu France. One of the strangest holiday resorts, and one of the most Interesting, Is that recently made accessible to tho publla at Padlrac, In the Department of Lot, France. There a wonderful aeries of caverns, containing magnificent stal actites and a subterranean lako and river, has yielded Ita secrets to the ad venturous explorer, and the dangers of the visit have now been Ingeniously reduced, so that the average slgbtseet may traverse these "antres vast" with case and safety. For ages the caves remained abso lutely unexplored, but by the enter prise ot M. Martel, a barrister, they have been thoroughly examined and described, and by means ot Iron stair ways and galleries have been rendered accessible. One vast crater-like open ing is 300 feet In circumference, and when M. Martel made bis first visit ta tho depths he bad to descend on a board attached to two ropes after the manner of a swing. He went down 800 feet and, with several companions, began an extraordinary series of dis coveries. The chief ot these is an un derground river, which he navigated in a collapsible boat Cheaper to lie In Jolt. First Crook How's business? Second Crook Slow. Dcro's such a lot of ofllclala lookln' for a rakeoff (less days a feller can't hardly afford to keep out o' Jail. Browning's Maga zine. Japan's Ilia; Illoe Crop. Japan's rice crop for this year 1 estimated to exceed by 20 per cent the average annual crop. So far as we can see, a home on a farm offers only one advantage ovei Ine In town: The neighbors can't heai the fussing. There's no use denying that a mart can tlx his moustache In a way thai makes him look mighty fierce.