Bohemia Nugget COTTAGE GROVK. . . OREGON. WEEK'S DOINGS General Review of Important Happen pcnlgs Presented In a Drlef and Condensed Corm. Ezpcrti find many ballots In a Den vcr precinct to be Illegal. Senator Dacon, ot Georgia, favors disfranchising ill tiegroei. Now that the captuie ol 203-Meter hill it Toit Arthur haa been confirmed the Russians declare It to bo an unim portant position. The supervising architect will IC' commend appropriations ol $100 000 and 185,000 respectively lor federal buildings at Oregon Cltr and Baker Cty. Representative James A. Itemenway ot Indiana. Is mre ot Senator Fair banks' eeat In tlio senate, is all the other candidates for the place have withdrawn Russians at Fort Arthur are engaged in dealing the harbor ot mines, which would seem to indicate that the ram nant of the ileot Intends to make other eflort to escape. The Russian supreme prlie court up - holds the seizuie ot 6,000 eacxa ol flour on boaid the Portland and Aalatis line steamer Araia, seized by the VldWoatok squadron, July 23. The Russian supreme court in the- appeal of tbo German steamer Thea which was sunk off the Japanese coast by tho Vladivostok squadron, haa de cided that the act was unjustinabie. Bristnw urges that the postage rate on packages bo leduced along rural Denver ballot boxes have been open ed and fewer votes found than were given in the returns. Tho merchant marine commission will nrge a bill to give Panama bus I ness to American shipowners. The Russian press urges that the Black sea and Baltic fleets be com bined. Great Britain would object General Rennenskampff is vigorously imitulne the Japanese In Manchuria who are retreating. St. Petersburg is fearful lest he (all into a trap. St. Peteisburg has almost given up hope for Port Artbur. Tbe Kussians have made several unsuccessful at tempts tj retake 203 Meter bill. Fire which is believed to have been of incendiary origin, destroyed three of the St. Louis fair buildings and many valuable paintings. Tbe loss is placed at $75,000. There has been tremendous rains throughout Chile, such as have seldom been equalled at this season of the year. The crops have been damaged fully 60 per cent. Talts mission to Panama will be a success. The Japanese expect the fall of Port Artbur December 12. Queen Alexandra, of England, has just celebrated her 60th birthday. Reports have reached the state de railment of a very unsettled state of affairs in Venezuela. The Northern Pacific and Great Northern railroads are considering plan to electrify the roads through the Cascade mountain district. Tbe last monthly report of the chief of surgeons of tbe Philippines shows that the health of the troops in the is lands is exceptionally good. James R. Young, of Philadelphia, has been appointed superintendent of the dead letter department ol tbe pos 1 service, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of D. P. Mibhait. Tbe annual report of tbe general superintendent of tbe life saving service hows that daring the year assistance was rendered to 1,001 vessels, involv ing the lives of more than 3,400 persons and proveity to tba value ol $7,ouo, 000. Admiral Dewey has declined to be come a member ot tbe North sea com mission. Roosevelt is likely to visit the South and make It a point to meet the masses, Governor Pardee is working for a California state building at the Lewis and Clark fair. Whites in German Southwest Africa are teported to be in great danger of being massacred. The Slat national convention of tbe W. 0. T. (J. is In session In Pblladel phia. Five hundred delegates, repre senting every state and territory, are in attendance. Tbe New York state court of appeals baa declared unconstitutional tbe labor law which prohibits a contractor fiom employing his men more than eight hours a day on city, county or state work. All exhibitors from foreign countries may now send their wares to Portland for the 1805 fair without paying any duty. David M. Parry, president of tbe Citizens' Indostiial association, says tbe "open shop" movement Is gaining, as is also his organization. Paul Morton, now secretary of the navy, may succeed Secretary Shaw, of the treasury department, if the latter does not remain In the cabinet. Japanese are making progcea in the assault on Fort Arthur. Russia hue accepted the Invitation of America to negotiate for an arbitration treaty, Russia and Britain bctb want an American officer cf high rank on tbe North sea commission Ten American fiBhlng craft bavobeen solted by Canadian officers and fined for Uehii.g in Canadian waters, General Kuropatkin lias an automo bllo In which to travel from one part to another of his line. He wants 20 more In which to carry ammunition. , TASK IS CNoro. A Complete Agreement Is Reached With Panama. Panama, Dec. 0. Thodlffctencea bo (ween tbe United Stales and Panama which made necessary the visit of Set rotary ol War Talt to the Isthmus were settled today by the issuance of an ex ecu live order algned by Secretary Talt fqr President Roosevelt and assented to In a letter by Frealaent Amador ol Panama. The order provides that no trade (or the canal zone or tho republic of Panama can enter tho poits estab lished br the Unltei! states at either end ol the canal, supplies for tho con. structlon ot the canal and articles In transit being excepted. This turns the customs receipts of those ports over to the government of Panama. Panama agrees to reduce her tariff fiom 15 per cent ad valorem to 10 per cent. This reduction applies to all goods except wines, llqours, alcohol and opium. Panama also agrees to re duce her consular fees and port charges to CO per cent ot the rates at present charged. Absolute free trade is to appply be tween the canal zone and the republic of Panama. eesels entering tho (anal ports are granted tree entry to the poits ol Colon and Panama, and vessels en tering the latter porta are extended the same privllrase In tbe canal porta. Complete Jurisdiction is granted the United States In the harbors of Colon and Panama as to sanitation and quar antine regulations. Panama reduces her rate of postage to - cents and is to furnish all stamps in the republic and in the canal zone. The zone authorities are to purchase stamps from Panama at 40 per cent of their face value. The order ol Secreary Taft is to be ineffective unless Panama shall put In to effect the gold standard, according to the currency agreement of June 20, 1904. It also makes a stipulation re garding citizenship rights to Panama lana in the canal zone and provisions is also made in the order for maintenance by the United States of important highways, partly in and partly out ol the canal zone, and also lor the build ing of a hospital. Tbe order is made effective December 12, 1004. EDUCATION IN PHILIPPINES. System Introduced by Americans Is eminently Successful. Washington, Dec 6, The Bureau of Insular Affairs, War department, is in receipt of a number of bulletins pub lished by the Buieau of Education, Manila, which show that the system of public instruction introduced into the islands is eminently practical. The purpose of those who are direct ing the course of studies is to exalt the dignity of labor. Eflort is made to tiain tbe eye and tbe hand aa well as the head. In the provincial secondary schools two-year courses in mechanical drawing, woodworking and ironwork- ing are prescribed Jor students in arts and crafts, and give tbe students a fair knowledge of mechanical drawings, blacksmithing and toolmaking. A more advanced course includes arch! lecture, cabinetmaklng, carriagebuild- ing, woodturninR and pattern making. There are also ionises for machinists and steam engineering. Tools and equipment bave been re cured for eight different schools with woodworking machinery and for tbiee schools for ironworklng outfits. Par ticular attention is given to the care of instruments and tools. Particular attention has been given to normal school work in order to train up a class of native teachers tor tbe puolic schools of the islands and this course has been pursued with eagerness by hundreds of natives, but at present there is no institution in the Philip- pines in which instruction is given in English of a sufficiently advanced char acter to fit students to enter American colleges. It is therefore proposed to offer in tbe normal school preparatory courses of an advanced nature adequate for tbe attainment of this purpose. Alaskan Judge Is Named. Washington, Dec. 6. Again Piesi dent Roosevelt has utterly disregarded tbo recommendations of senators and representatives, and has appointed man of his own choice to a responsible office. Ro;al A. Gunnison, of Bing hampton, K. Y., was today appointed United States Judge for the First divi sion in Alaska, to succeed Melville C. Brown, whose resignation has been dc manded. He was offered the place by tbe president Bevel al days ago because of his known fitness and high char acter. Not One Killed. Holden, Mo., Dec. 6. Missouri Fr clfic passenger train No. 1, westbound from St. Louis to Kansas City, due here at 4 o'clock this afternoon, was wrecked at the waterworks bridge, two milea east of here, resulting in the in- Jury of about 45 passengers, ten eeri osuly. The accident was caused by a broken rail, which projected from the track, catching the first coach behind the mail :ar, throwing it from tie track down a 20-foot embankment, and causing two other coaches, a Pullman and the diner to follow it. Knotty Tariff Problem. Washington, Dec. 0, President Roosevelt was called upon today to con sider an important question in connec tion with the present tariff law. Sec retary Shaw and Senator Hansborough, of North Dakota, talked to him regard ing the payment of a drawback on flour manufactured in this country from im ported wheat and then exported. Sen- tor llansboiougli presented the views of the wheat raisers ol the West, but he declined to go into detaila. To fix Status of Hospital Ships. The Hague, Dec. 0, An Interna tional conference concerning the status of hospital ships in war time will be held here December 13, A maioritv of tho powers will he represented by their respective ministers, Russia sending Professor de Martens, professor of In ternational law at the University of St. Petersburg, who will be accompanied by a naval officer. OREGON NEWS LIBRARIES TOR PUBLIC SCIIOOLSi Light Tax Not Burdensome In Ore gonConvention of Officers, Salem Two departures In public school work aie proving very successful wherever tiled and promise to become permanent features of the public school system. They aro the common school library, supported by special taxation and the convention of school officers. Four counties havo levied the library tax, amounting to 10 cents per capita upon tho school population, and It found that by this means the country schools aro provided with boots as good as those accessible to the pupils of town schools. "Tho tax, being one-tenth ot 1 mill, Is not felt," says Superintendent Alder man, of Yamhill county, "and it puts the best books where they do the most good. The library law has now been in operation two years and haa given completo satisfaction. While the amount that some ol the small districts get is small, yet It is In proportion to the number of pupils. 1 consider the law a boon to the country boy and girl and I think it ought to be made man' datory on the county couils." Conventions of school officers have been held this year at Baker City, Dallas and McMinnville, at each of which there was a very full attendance of school directors and clerks. Ad dresses were made by Superintendent Ackernian, by the county superintend ent and outside educational woikers, and those present held discussions of topics ot genera) Interest to school o01 cers. Consolidation of schools and school distiicts was one of tbe principal topics discussed at these conventions and the members of school boards leained the plan and purpose of this latest move tor tbe improvement ol the rural schools Drlggs Strikes It Rich Again. Grants Pass David Briggs and boys, who were made rich in a day by thi fabulous surface wealth of the Wound ed Buck claim, on Upper Sucker creek, bave located a claim on Upper Chetco, away up in the mountains near the Curry county line, and will work the rich ledge they bave found there. They have had samples from this claim recently assayed here, and, wbtle tbey do not give the returns the Wounded Buck quartz bas given, tbe proposition appears very promising, and the lucky family will move their scene of opera tions from the Upper Sucker to the Chetco. The Wounded Buck is under bond to a company for a considerstlon of $100,000. Government Gets Site. Baker City A deed has been filed with the county recorder from W. A Houston to tbe United States for 100 feet square on the corner of Main street and Auburn avenue. This was the site selected for tho government building soon to be erected in this city. Tbe deed calls for $4,800, the amount ap propriated for the purcbate of a site, while, aB a matter of fact, the property brought over double that amount, the balance having been raised by adjacent property owners. Electric Companies Consolidated. La Grande The La Grande electric company baa consolidated with the Cove Power company, and they bave incorporated tinder the name of the Grand Ronde electric company. The directors are Walter Fierce, J. A. Thomson. T. II. and Clarence Craw ford and T. R. Berry. The consolida tion was effected because tbe La Grande plant needed more power. The power from Cove will have a fall of 890 feet and will require 3,700 feet of pipe to convey it to the power station. The force will create 800 horse power. Hopes to Irrigate Umatilla. Pendleton John T. Whistler, gov ernment engineer in charge of the re clamation work in Oregon, with head quarters at Pendleton says that the Umatilla proposition la not yet aband oned and that the outlook is not bad for finding another reservoir site. The esidenta of the county, have hopes of interesting the government in building I ditches for winter Irrigation even if they do not secure reservoir sites, Mr. Whistler says that they will be built if the people can show how it will re claim properly the land. Wind Puts Crops In Danger. Weston "Ibe grain is in a safe condition yet, but if the high winds continue blowing it will diy out what moisture there is in the soil, and, un less rain comes soon, would seriously interfere with the grain that Is sown," says James Klrkpatrlck. "There ia alwaya a tendency to raiee a cry ot dis tress as to tbe future outlook of the crops, and, in truth, we have never seen it seriously injured yet. providence always providing at tho needful time." Great Stacks of Cordwood. La Grande At Kamela, 25 miles west of here, there are 3,000 cords of wood stacked up In the yards awaiting shipment to dlffeient wood dealers In towns west of there. At Meacham, near by, almost as much more ia piled up. Wood Is now felling on board tbe cars in the mountains at from $2,50 to $3.25 per cord, and it is said theie Is scarcely a cord left In the timber. When cars are available, big shipments will be made by the dealers. Oregon Supreme Court Reports. Salem Volume 44 of the Oiegon su preme court reports la out of the bind ery and the hooka have been delivered at the office of Secretary ot Slate Dun bar lor distribution to the Judges and district attorneys and to he placed on sale to those who wish to buy. The state sells the reports at cost, $3,50, and those who get tbe volumes by mail must inclose 27 cents for postage. OF INTEREST PLAN TO RAISE PORTAGE fUND. Prominent Umatilla Men on Commit tec to Canvass the County. Pendleton At a mass meeting ot business men and prominent farmers the subject ot raising $6,000 as Umatll la county's portion asked by the Open Iliver association for the portage road was discussed and plans decided upon A conunittpo was appointed to take active charge ol tho work and is com posed ot the following: Georgo Per Inger, M. M. Wyrlck, W. P. Temple, T, J. Kirck, extensive wheat raisers. and County Commissioner Horace Walker. Tho committee will make a thorougli canvass ot tho county. It will ho the plan to divide the county into district and each member ol tho committee have charge of the district he may choose. In this manner It Is believed the entire county can be coveied In lew days and the desired amount raised without difficulty. A large portion ot the amount asked tor haa already been donated. Timber for Land Hunters. Grants Pass It Is quite evident that (hero will be a grand rush for the woods when the final announcement Is made of the release ot the forest land ol Southern Oregon, which were with held Ironi entry several years ago, but which are soon to bo thrown open to buyers, settlers and squatters. Whll the lands are not the regular forest re serves, they cover a large portion ol tho well-timbered sections of Josephine Jackson and Curry counties, Southern Oregon, and parts of Siskiyou and Del Norto counties, California. A great portion of them ia covered with fir and pine, with considerable sugar pine. Hammond Company's Title Clear, Astoria A deed has been filed for record whereby the Seaside Spruce Lumber company sells to tbe Hammond Lumber company 2,184.07 acres of tlm her lands In the Necanlcum river dis trict. The price Is not made public and the consideration named In the deed la $1. The transfer Is understood to bave been made in connection witb tbe settlement of the claima held by numerous persons and firms against the Seaside company. These claims have all been settled and the mill property leased, so that it can resume operations at once, alter a shut down lasting foi several months. Trapplst Colony In Linn. Albany A colony ot Trapplst Fath ers haa been founded in Jordan valley, in tbe noithern part of Linn county Having been forced to leave their homes in France, because of religions persecution, a number of these Trapplst Fathers have come to the United States, and six of them located in Jordan val ley, about three months ago, with thi ultimate object in view of founding Trapplst colony there. They recently purchased considerable land, and are preparing to make extensive improve ments, in anticipation of the arrival of more than 50 of the same order from France next spring. Heavy Rains Loggers' Doon. Astoria The severe storms recently, with the accompanying large rainfall haa bad benefits that many do not real ize. It baa been a boon for the log gera, and loga have been floated out of some Btreams that have been on their banks for a couple of years. How many feet of logs havo come out of theso streams lo tidewater cannot yet be estimated with any definlteness, hut It Is fully 20,000,000 feet, and it may be double this amount In the Lower Columbia river district. Epidemic Among the Chickens. Albany Several different citizens of Albany and vicinity have lost a number of chickens recently, they hav ing died suddenly from some unknown cause. One Albany citizen lost all hie chickens in a few hours, and a farmer named Cary living near this city, a few weeks ago loet 90 chickens in a short time. The fact that only a few flocks belonging to citizens living far apart mve died, and that wliero any died almost all the flock died, leads to the supposition that death was caused by poisoned wheat. Eating Spring Vegetables, Pendleton The markets of Pendle ton and Walla Walla are being supplied with all the vegetables to be had early In the spring. Because ot the excep tionally good weather of tho fall and the few rains at tbe right time, gard eners have been able lo produce all of the early vegetable!. The good wcath ei has been Ideal for these growers, but the farmers are somewhat worried as to the effect trie dry weather will have upon next season's grain. The ex treme dryness has again neceseltated the use of the street sprinklers, Only few Sales or Cattle. Susanville The sale ot beef cattle has been light in this vicinity this season. A Portland buyer picked 107 head from a round up of several hun dred, paying from $2.10 to $2.60 per hundredweight, the-former figure being for cows. Jew cattle will be wintered here, no more than to supply the local market. Some are being driven to Prairie City, but the greater number will be taken to various places down the river. Power Plant Almost Ready. Milton The flume for tho Milton city power plant has been completed and workmen are finishing the powei house. The plant will be completed about December 15, Northwest Wheat Markets. Foitland Walla Wa)la, 83oj blue stem, 88c; valley, 87Kc. Tacoma Bluestem, 85c; club, 88c. CZAR TOR PEACE. Is Ready to Receive Such Proposal Prom Japan, St, Petersburg, Dec. 3. A report which comes (mm an unimpeachable source has reached the Puhllshoia' Press correspondent that Kuiwln la not only leady to receive any pence piu pos Is Japan may have to make, but that with tho tall of Port Arthui ahe will be icady to sun tor pvaco, That la the situation today, notwithstanding tho swashbuckling attitude ol thorn who profess to (mine tho empire's pol icy, and will bo the situation right along, oven It this and subsequent statements lo this effect were nlllclally denied. Before the world at large litis sia cannot afford Just now to appear tired ol tho itrugglo and skeptical' aa to its outcome, but diplmatle clieles aro permitted to know tho tliith, and ltussia's lepresentatlves all tho civil ized world over havo received strong Intimations that sincere and authori tative often of mediation must not bo treated lightly In the future. It Is therefore to bo assumed that ltussla considers that the conflict is en tirely hopeless. There aie sure to bo sumo llusalan victories In Manchuria and tho general belief Is Hut they will conic soon, owing to the fact that Heh! Marshal tho Marquis Oyama has been compelled to part with laigo budle hls men In order to hasten the fall Port Arthur. But ltussla haa Far Eastern Interests ot much greater Im portauce than even the posaesalon of Port Arthur, and aa theso Interests havo been attacked In the past by Uieat Britain and China alike, she in dito need ot an ally. That ally will bo Japan, it the plans ot today do not miscarry. Ilia battles of Unlay are to bo loilowed by clone, ties ol commercial and political union tomorrow. RECEIPTS ADOIIT i lO.OOO.OOO. Concessionaries Dellevcd lo Have taken In Equal Amount. St. Louis, Dec. 3. While it will lie impossible to obtain tho actual receipts and expenditures ot the Louisiana Pur chaso exposition company bcfoiu the middle of.uecomber, t-cerctary Walter II. Slovens, ol tho World's fair, made the following statement to the As;oclat ed Press tonight: "From reports that have been sub mitted of the admissions to the grounds we estlmato that the attendance on "Fiancia day" will be a few thousand In excess ot 200.000, an. I that the at tendance lor the Exposition period will be In the neighborhood ol 18,800,000 In round numbers the l-.xpositlon company has expended $22,000,000 since the Inception ol the World's lair project, and the expenditures of the several states and trrritoiles haw reached a total of $9,000,000. The receipts slnco the opening day, Apri 30, have amounted to about $10,000, 000, consisting ot admissions and con cession royalties. In addition to these receipts were the tunds, amounting to about $12,000,000, raised by suhscrip tton and appropriations to build the ex position." INTERNAL REVENUE RECEIPTS. Commissioner Ycrkcs Reports an In. crease or $2,103,070 per Year. Washington, Doc 3. The annual re' port of Commissioner erkes, ot the Internal Itevenuo bureau, shows that for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904, the receipts ol the bureau were $232,904,004, an increase ot $2,103,070 over the collections for the next year preceeding. The cost of collections was 1.98 per cent, as against 2 07 foi the year 1903, and 2.83 pel cent, the average coat ol collection since the formation ot the bureau. TLe estimated receipts from all sources of Internal revenue for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1006, are $230,. 000.000. In 1003 the total production of distilled spirits was 148,200,876 gal Ions; in 1904, 139.605,214 gallons. In 1903, in round numbers, 114,000 000 gallons of tax-paid spirits Mere with drawn; In 1004, 117,000,000. There ias been a decraeeu in the amount cl tobacco manufactured and an increase n snuff. The.a was an Increase in tho production ot beer. President Did Not Say It. Washington, Dec. 3. It was author itatively stated nt the bite house to day that the president had no rccollec tlon ot a visit Irnrn John lleattiu, the representative of the Master Painters' and Decorators' association, who, at the convention of tho Citizens' Indus. trial association in New York today Ice I a red that the president had indors' ed a proposition to put upon lalior un ions the responsibility fur paralyzing business by lockouts. It was also an nounced that the president did not make the remark. Cockrell to Choose. Washington, Dec 3. Senator Cock rell, of Missouri, called today on Presi dent Roosevelt and had an extended conference with him. The president n formed Senator Cockrell that he would appoint him as a member either. the Isthmian canal commission or of the Interstate enrnmorco commlslon, as the senator night elect. Senator Cockrell did not indicate to tbo preal- lent what he might do regarding the proffer, and said ho would not announco Ills decision perhaps for several weeks yet. To Expedite Ratification of Treaties Washington, Dec. 3. That the rati fication by tho American senate of the arbitral Ion treaties recently signed, and ot those now being negotiated, may be expedited, the stato department In en deavoring to have all tho treaties iden tical In form. Belgium and several other powers have suggested a new lorm ol treaty, and should any power iiHist on this the negotiation of tho tieaty neconearlly would be delayed thereby. ' fearful Conditions In Mexico, Mazatlan, Mexico, Dec, 3. Late reports from the nortliorn part of this stato say that fearful conditions exist there. Deaths range from 20 to 40 por day, owing to starvation and rnnrlarin. In many Instances the dead aro not given burial, it Is said, but aro thrown into open ditches and canals. The au thorities are unable to copo with the situation. PLENTY TO DO Congress Will Have a Very Uusy Session. PEW NEW LAWS AIM! PIIOUABLE Appropriation Measures Will Take Up Much of the Time Rivers and Harbors arc Sufc. Washington, Dec. 6. On tho alrokn ot 12 today the second session ol the 58th congress will he called tooidei by President Pro Tun Fry In the senate, and by Speaker Cannon In the house. When the gavels of the presiding offi cers summon the senators and lepre sentatlves to duty nearly every member will bo In his seat, hut only routine business will ho transacted. Tho president's message generally is received and read the first day, hut the senate Is punctilious In eeitaln matters, and Is almost suro to adjourn as a tribute of respect lo tho late Hen ntor Hoar, of Massachusetts, and the late Senator Quay, ot Pennsylvania. The message, therefore, probably villi not bo lead until Tuesday, Alter the opening day, when the niecsago ol the piesldent la lead, the regular business of the session will lie gin and tho legislative wheels will grind stradlly until March, 1006. Thero la plenty to do. The calendars of both houses aro loaded with hills of all kinds; hundreds of now hilts will be Introduced, and committees aie ready to report enough to Keep congress busy for 12 mouths, but In the three months congress probably will do little more than pass tho regular animal appropriation bills. There has liee.n some talk nt a post I bio extra session. Tho only reason why such a session should Ihi called is because there Is a demand In certain quarters for a revision of the tariff, bu many of the Incoming congressmen during the past two weeks have made It plain they do not want tariff revirion and further say that they do nut want an extra session. There Is ono feature of the tariff re vision talk that has somo substance More revenue must lie had, or there mint lie a curtailment ot expenditures itli the Increasing annual approprla tions, a river and harbor bill, Increase ot the navy, the Panama canal mid other feaiuns of extraordinary dla bursemeut, there will lie need ol more money than present customs and Inter' ual revenue provide. An Intimation has been made that curtailment will satisfy many congressional leaders, but the majority may determine otherwise, in which event some revenue leglsla tlon may he necessary, and an extra session for that purpose mar bo called But this Is said to lie a remote con. tlngency, and the probabilities, accord ing to tho leaders who are here, are that thero will bo neither tarill leglsla. tlon nor an extia session. WILL WORK TOR SII1SLAW RIVER -V Hermann Will Co-operate Willi San frantlsco Delectation. Washington, Dec. 6. Itepicscnla the Hermann appeared today before the rivers and harbois committee with tho exiectatlon of having a hearing, so that he might piesent Ibe needs ol vaiioua river and haibor Improvements along tho Oregon coast, hut was in formed that tho committee is giving no hearings. An anangement haa been made, however, for a healing before the subcommittee, at which time Mr Hermann wilt appfai with tho delega tlon from Sari Francisco, now en route to Washington to urge n lll-oial appro priation fur tho Improvement of the (Miislaw river. Mr. codling, a large shipowner of ban I' rand wo, who li deeply Interested In the Siuslaw trade will head Ibe committee. It permitted to do so, Mr. Hermann will also urge the subcommittee to make liberal ai propria) ions for other rivers and har bors along tho Oregon coast. TaM's Mission a Success. Panama, Dec. o, .Negotiations are till in progress between Secretary of War Tuft, representing tho United States, and the Panama government, looking to the settlement of points in dispute regarding the government of the canal zone, and un agreement may lie said to bo in sight. In order that possible complications may be avoided tho conferences are nulng conducted In secret, and nothing will ho given out until both sides aro agreed. President Amador tonight gavu a banquet in honor of Secretary Tuft. Health Good in Islands. Washington, Dec. 5, The lust monthly report of the chlel of sin geons ol tho Philippines, covering the year ending (Jctoher 10, Just received by Surgeon General u'ltellly, shows tho percentage ot sick out of a total strength of 17,004 soldiers, to have been less than (I per cunt, The sur goon general regards this as a splendid showing for the tropica. Hut six deaths occurred diirng that month from dis ease. Tho chief surgeon reported an entile absence ot smallpox among the troops, Will Walt on Russia. Washington, Deo. 5. Olllclal an nouncement was made at tho State de partment ot Russia's conditional accep tance of tho Amorican government's invitation to Join the other powers nt The Hague for u second peace confer ence, Russia's suggestion for a post ponement of the congress until tho uloso of tho war must neceee.irlly delay further steps for the present, for tho rear on that It is desired that Russia shall participate in this conference. New Russian Loan Soon. Paris, Dee. 5 Tin bankers here ex pect that tho now Russian loan of $20, 000.000 will bo Issued this or next month. A syi.dlcnto of French hanks will take approximately $100,000,000, and tho German hanks $100,000,000, It is helloved that tho new loan will be reality taken up at neatly par, or ubovo 084. AT AWrtlL COST. Japanese Continue Their Altiitk on Port Arthur. bunion, Dec, 1. According to n Tuklo dispatch to the Htnudaid, there' Is an official rumor Unit I bo Japanese have hauled large caliber guna to tho top of 'JOfl-Melcr hill, whence their Urn lias a sweep of the whole harbor. Thin report doubt less goon beyond tho facts; but various dispatches Indicate tho progress: the Japanese am making In the reduction of Port Arthur. Japan ese heie explain tho great Importuned ot the capture ol SOS-Meter hill, which, besides giving command ol the harbor, will serve as a wldo breach made ny the wedge the Japanese bad piovlously driven in between the Eta group ami the Itusnlans' last retreat In the ravines of ljiotlo mountain. They declare that retreat to l.aotln will tin effectually cut off, and It is not unlikely that l.aotlo will he simultaneously attacked In tbo final afsHiilt. Ileimott Itnrlelgh wiles to tbe Dally Telrgraph from Chefoo that In the lust attack tho Japanese lost 400 men In one hour's lighting. They claim lo have captured two more, ol the north eastern forlaund a Iblnl, which is part ot the West Krkwan furl. They assert, Mr. llilllelgh add", to have effected a lodgment at Plgruii hay, thus turning the hut on JOll-Motor hill, and that they are now tunneling (rum the gorge below l.aotlo hill, which they hope first to daniago and then tush. Tho dispatch continues: "Desperate lighting is proceeding lally. and lha losses are admitted to hit excessive, hut the Japanern Insist that Pott Arthur must fall wllliln 21 days." The Morning Post's correspondent ai Shanghai telegraphs that wireless communication has been re-established between the Itiiaslau consulate at Clio too and the Port Arthur garrison. PLANS (J It EAT tlRITISH ARMY. Kitchener's llcoruanlzalloii .Scheme tircully Euhirucd. London, Dec. 1- Tho warolllro Is In possession of the full details of Lord Kitchener's army reorganization scheme. No rcciet Is made of the fart that puitlcillar mention bus been paid to points which world offer coincident centers of Itiisslnn invaiton In tho event of hostilities and in view ot tho recent imbroglio the original plan wan considerably extended. Tho keynote ot the reorganisation, which will entail ez endltures to tlm amount nt $60,000,000, Is to secure) through war training a great army In tmea of peace, ami to place the troop not only where they run obtain such Instructions, hut where their presence will be of permanent strategic value. With this object in view Northern India haa bten divided by parallel lines Into a number of a lens wltu their tipier points converging on the fron tier, and their respective bases well down in India. Were the order to mo bilize given seven or eight fluid forces, each from 16.000 lo 20,000 strong, could, In a lew hours, bo concentrated on the borderland from east to west. rtRE ON TOWN. Strikers at Zelqler, Illinois, Send In 5(10 Shots. llenton, III., Dec. 1. Zelgler wan tired upon last night from sundown to daylight. It Is Intimated that no leu than 600 shots wert tired at the town. The town was completely surrounded, and the tiring came fiom every quarter. llespouso to this lusllauo was tiiadn by foul Galling guns placed at various points about tho mine buildings. As sistant Adjutant General Itceco and tho Carhnndato militia company arrived at Zelgler today, and General Iteeco will remain several days lo investigate tho situation. It ia thought that atlll morn troops will bo brought. Joseph Letter reached .clgler today with more minora from Chicago. Ex amination of the ground this morning showed that the men who were firing havo powerful guns. They were sta tioned from one-half to three-quarters I n mile from tho town. Almost u bushel of empty shells of every size wore found in the woods. A trail of blood was found on a rail, and from this it Is suppoied at least one person was wounded. Fur ther trouble is anticipated. Russia fears Crisis Is AI Hand. St. Petersburg, Deo. 1. Foreign reports ol tho lighting at Port Arthur aro accepted here very rorlously. If the Japanese, havo taken 203..Meter hill, ns reported, commanding tho whole harbor, It ia believed that the situation is critical. Experts on Pint Aithur topography asstirt, however, that It is moru likely that the Japan ese have occupied some positions at tlm base of tho hill, and bollevo Hint ow ing to tho concentrated lire of tho cov ered forts tho Japanese will find tho top of tbo hill untenable, If taken. Troops Rushed to Arthur. St. Poteiehurg, Dec. 1. According to information which has reached tho war office, Field Marshal Oyama's stiength Is much smaller than hereto foio believed, tending to confirm tho theoiy that a largo force has been with drawn to assist in stoiuilng Port Ar thur. This Information is to the effect that not much more than 160,000 men aro now confronting General Kuropat kin, hut that tho Japanese lines nio heavily fortified In ordor to check any aggressive movement which Kuropatkin. might undertake,' Coast Shlpplna Considered. Washlngtn, Doc, 1, The Merchant Marine commission today made fiirthei progress toward completion ot Its report to congress. Some attention was given to the difficult problems presented by tho conditions on the Paciflu coast. Tho commission regards American ship. ring relatively stronger on the Paclfio than on the Atlantic coast at tho present tlmo, yet tho Amorican ships, it la stated, aro being severely pressed by foreign competition. Calls Witnesses In Smool Case. Washington, Duo. 1. Senator llur- rows, chairman of tho committee on privileges and elections, has lusuod subpoenas for 20 witnossos In tho Hmoot Investlgaton and flxod Monday, Decem ber 12, as the date for their appearance before the committee Nearly all theso witnesses are In Utah,