Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 07, 1904, Image 5

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If It is a Question, of
Lot us solve the problem for you.
In buying Selz Shoes you not only
have the satisfaction of knowing
you have secured good stylo and
unusual wearing quality, but you
will soon learn what is meant by
Makes Yoxir Feet Glad
You may pay what you will in 1
an endeavor to get style and
comforl, but you can not find a
better shoe than the Selz. Most
styles of Selz Dress Shoes sell
at $3.50.
Uje Rival of any $5.00 for $3.75
I. I. P II I ( I. h
e ity e n w a y
urk holder
rs u a b 1 6 h o so en 5 v n srsrirrinrTirrinnrinn
Items of Interest in jiiuI about
Col(n,c Grove and vicinity.
Money to Loan.
Address Medley .V Millie,
drove, Dw.
Preaching services at I tiu C 'tirlnl Inn
! Church, .Sunday morning ami oven
' lug. In th evening Mrs. Illft Hum
hurt of Ktigeno will ipenlc under tlio
I atlflplcCS of tlm Christian WollllltlH
! Ilimril "f .Mixtion". Mrs. Humbert la
fun excellent speaker. Von aro lit'
, vltod to hear liur.
Look miller Nuggets for ImigalnH.
l ol IIuhwoII of l ln HiMmcll .Springs
vn In Hie city rerontlv.
.luines ttiiuiMiway returned on Hun
(111' from it trip to Cortland.
' Welch A: W U for nil kind of
hntidkerchloh for tnney work.
Kilgnnn l to have a vaudeville. II n. in.. "Meditation, A Lot Art.
thontor. It will horroiitoil at once. 7:!!0 p. in., "The HollefH of the Unbo
I'rnnlt llen.ler-on. who works ,,t' llcvora.'' Sunday .School meets at 10a.
Ilia VtMltvllu mine at llolit'liilit, Ik III
tho city.
Mls AM 1 I lumen dined out
hemlock of millinery k I mill to-
turned to her homo In Hugono.
111. mill Dpworth Ihkiik nt (!:IW p. in.
A cordial welcome extended to
I'hank I.. .Mooin:. Pastor.
Services lit the (',
I'. Church Hun.
.1. Hiiril arrived In tho city from ilny morning 11111I evening. There
llnhomlu Tuesday afternoon. Hit re- J will bu 11 series of meetings all next
lorln tin1 weather us very lino up , week at tho Cumberland Proshytorlun
there. ' Church. V011 are invited to attend
Tho litiul frmul cases being tried l ! O- l'"tor.
Portland 11 iv Hearing th end. Iti
looks like trouble ahead fur some of
the defendants.
Mrs. I.. II. Hurtled of I'ortliinil has
Law and Ordcrl.cajuc.
An pur aiiiioiiucuil In tho churches
Holiday, a meeting of tho temperance
liecii securing mining news of llluul H'opli wan held at tlm Presbytorlnu
Now Church Monday night.
II. II. Morss called to writer uatl
stated tho obccts,of the mooting to
bo tho organizing of u chili or league
which wnuhl tuku nn active part In
tliu no.t campalKii for prohlhltlou.
Alter Miililn illm'llMMtnn Iter. II. It.
Mr. A. T. rotter, editor ami puli-j M,,r wa3 cUctC(, ,,r01l,(,(,tl( ,, ,,m..
IMwrof tin. Drain Nonpurlol was In v mmn,,t,mi Wcrclry.
tun cilv .'I on ' lay on iiiiHiui'NH. 1 ic rv 1
ttiriiu I homo on tlm afluruuoii trnlu
J tl vlt ami ilohi'iula for tlm
Yi'iirmMlltliin of tlm Oii'Konlaii.
Ilr. Iiowo, thi oyo HpcclallKt, will
not H'tid out any clrcnlnrtt thlx vlult,
liinl;i 11 mile nf liU datolf you want
to 880 ti I m mii you will not forget It.
ami Order
N'nllcn Iiiih lieea received nloU tlio
roiltoof thoo. and S. I!, rnllway
thai the pitwont 1 1 1 1 1 1 wervlco will lio
tllHOOiitlnucd on tlm 17th, of this
month whun hoiiio cIiiiiikch will ho
In the hint iKMimof tho XiigKet In
tliu Hit of ollleerx of the .lunlor
llraneh of l''orottorrt just organized
lioro tliu niimo or llohorl Sherwood,
Junior lloaillo, wiih accldctitly
If you eoutomplato eoiiaiiltln Dr.
Lowe, about your oyPH, Htlck 11 hut
pill In I lie iluyH and dates ho Ih to bo
hero, 0110 day In nil, part of two dayu.
I'roui noon 1'ilday, lice Pith to noon
of tlm 17th. I.nntvnlt thlnvoar.
The liiiHliet Hall name at (ii!ra
limine Salurilay iiIkIiI. between tho
Kuxoim and CottitK" trov teiuna
wim lively tluoiinhout. Tlm llrat
fratiio loHultoil In a tlo. Another half
wiih plnyed which wiih won by Cot
taKO (Irovo.
Dr. II. It. Ilirbcr, owner of tliu
(lardlnor IloHiltnl, on Thurtnlny
iiIkIiI wiih called to attend a two at
Florence. Mo Ntarlud on horseback
ami not' hclntf familiar with tho
roulii was liiHtruclod about c.rOMslug
tlm ferry on tho KIiinIiiw. Ills body
wiih aflorward.i found la a tank on
tlm oppoHllo hIiIo of tho HIiihIiiw
which .'to ovldeatly hud forded bu
llovliiK It to bo Ton Mllo Crook whloh
1 at tlmoH dry. It Id not known J 1 1 a t
how tlm aeelilent happouod. On
Mouilny tho body wiih takon to Port
land loi'crouiutlnu.
Tho iinmi) of "liiiw
League" was adopted.
A committee, confuting of tlmptx'Ml
dent, (ecrotary, TIiouiiih Medley,
Uhuiu and .1. Currlu wan appointed
to draft by-laws and doclaratloiiH for
tho government of tho Uuguo.
Adjourned to tuc,cl name placo
Wednesday night.
Tho now 1 Ioh for ladleanud gentM.
Woloh & Wood.
WANTHD (lood piulttro for four
JtorHeH, Iiujiilio at the NinrjretotHoe.
(Icneral Manager.
Mr. A. II. Wood, who for tlm pawt
year lias been acting nianiiger of tho
(). & S. V.. rallwuy, liuu been inado
Henornl nmnnger of tho Oregon Ko
uuritlev Minlni; Company. There
has been uo change In tho other of
llclals of tho company an IIiIh Ih a
nowly created otllco. Mr. Wood ban
boon up to tho mines tho punt fow
day consulting with Supt. (!. 0.
Mathews coucerDliiK futuro oper
ations. MARRIED.
MIijI.KU-LAMMON At tho tvsl
denco of .1. V. Mlllor In CoHiiko
Orovo,0ro. ilonday ovenlnr, Dee.
0, at 8 p. m., Mr. Win. II. Miller to
MIhh Martha I. Lauimon, both if
Cottngo drove, l I.. MoorooMlclat
Iiik. Mr. Mlllor Ih tlio clerk at Motcalt
and Hrundfl grocery stwi'i.. They will
miiku their homo la Cottago (Irovo.
N l'( J(iKTS
Dr l.owo, ( ) , -1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1' t a 1 1 , Lugeno
for iimiiIIih eall at tlio Modern
Initial Inindkprehliifs ine to JI.OO.
W. l. h ii W.hiiIh.
I.ownoys chocolate and Hon lions
ut tlio .Modern I'hnrmacy.
Coming a laitro anortiiient of Htat
lonerv ti Hie Modern I'hartimcy.
"The Ik-kI Hue of Htntlonory hi the
city, nt the Modern I'liurmncy."
Chrlritiinm Ih nlniiHt hero and you
want to tmikr 11 pivent. Call upon
Miidron the .lowelcr.
'Wo have bargaliiM In pIcturoH
tlial would Hiirprli-e you at tho
.Modern I'liarmaoy."
l'clt hIhioh. JiimI the thing for tho
wife to flip on when hIio gets up to
build tlio titx. Welch & Woods.
I'innoM and Organ repaired and
tuned at Martin ami I.iiwhoii'h. First
cIuhh work guaranttvil. 415.3
Next week one day only from I'rl
dny noon to Haturday noon Dr.
Lowe. Kuireno'H well known oculo
uptlclaii, will bom (Cottage (irovo at
lintel (Irnliain. Thin will bo IiIh last
visit thlH year. Don't fall to eo
lil 111.
CIiiih. II. l.ako, tho well-know eye
HK'olallHt and optician of Portland
will Ihi at Cottage drove Klraliam
Hotel 1 Hat. Dec, Kith. IfyonreyoH
trinilile you, call mid have your oyen
examined fnvnf charge, glat-iMlltted,
KUtiHfaetinu giiaraatod. Klghteen
,eai'ri u( acluiil practicu gheH me ku 111 -clout
knowledgn to treat all caceB
of defective oyoHlght,
MIhh Annie Tumor of rlitglnnw Ih
working; far Mrn. William llurket.
Mr. Ilofer Ih making good progronH
with hit Hawmlll and will hooii bo
nawlng lumber for the market, lie
hat a lino body of timber.
W.S. Mlllor of Coyoto Creek wiih
hero 011 a vNIt recently.
Tho Telegraph company crow have
hcoa In enmp here erecting new poles
and making repair.
A fow poivoiih bore Hont a number
of hewed ties to Portland recently
ami It they aro acceptahlo a largo
number will probably bo contracted
for by Divide parties,
' A tew ImiuhleH aro being made for
I piling.
1 Stove Settle and wlfowent tlshlng
oil tliu Klusluw last week.
Social events aro rather fow at
Kail plowing and seeding nearly
On Saturday, Dee. in, at 1S50 o'clock
1 on tho vacant lot east of llomeiiway
'and llurkholdeid Htoro (Piper's lot)
W. T.KayHor, tho auctioneer, will sell
I net double. ImrncHH; 1 single, har
ness; II Buddies and 1 cart. A chance
Ladles Aid Society.
Tlio Udlea Aid Hoolety of tho M. M.
Chut'oh will liolil a two clayH bazaur
at tho Jl. K, Church on Tuesday and
Wcdnosday, tho i!0 and 21, of Decem
ber Tnero will bo a good program on
each evening, which will be published
nuxt weok.
First Dance.
Tho first of tlio moi'Ioh of dunces of
tho Cottage Orovo Hand will ho given
In tho Opera House on ThurHilay
night, December Sth. Tickets flo
for farmers.
Tor Sale.
A nlco clean Htock of confectionery
and lUttircH. Good location, llrst
dooroiiHtol postolllce. Address, ,1,
V. Thornton, ColtngoOrovo, Oregon.
an kmi:iicji:nov mhdioink,
l'or sprahiH, brulso, burns, scalds
and Hlmllai' Injuries, (hero la nothing
ho good a Chumhorlidn'b I'aln Halm.
It sooths the wound and not only
gives limtant tolluf from pain, but
causes tho parts to heal In about; one
third tho tlnio leipihed bv tho usual
trout mont. Hold by Tho Modern
liugi'iiu and Cottage drove Foot
Hall Teams Play Good (lame
Without Results.
Hnlunlay afternoon tlio Kiiffniifi
loiiiii arrived by train mid repaired
to tliu gridiron to try rcsiillH with
our homo team. A largo number
of men, women and children
went (o tlio tfroilliilH to wiliieim
(ho first tegular unuiu played hero
thm Benson.
Ah 80011 uh tlio teamii appeared on
tho ground, it wah hooii thoy wore
very evenly matched iik to nize and
11 good gatwi wiih HMHiirinl.
Tom Afodlny was roforoo ntul II
11. Horry scorer.
In tho firHl half one team and
tlloti Iho othor would luivx tho ad
vantage, hut tio scorn was tliortHiilt.
Tho sncond half each team took
iln position with tho intention of
winning the gaino and every player
did his utmost to secure that
cud. Slowly hut Hiirely tho homo
loam gained (round, but woro ho
stubbornly resiHled'.thnt when time
wiih culled thoy still lacked eight
tuchefi of reaching the goal with the
ball, leaving it a scoroleMH game.
The home teum Iiiih hud very little
practice this sensoti and did well to
keep their opponents from making
a score. It in probable they will
play at leant one more game.
Tho line-up for Cottage Orove
was: L. U., If. Connor; J, T., II.
Martin; L. G.; Joe McKibben; ('.,
Miko Kinnerty; It. O., Norman
Ilawley; It. T., Horechel Allison; Jt,
I-:., A. C. Shivm; Quarter. C. Ktu
mrrson; Full Itnck, Ittifus Arne; It
II., ICnrl Hill and E. Finncrty; I..
If. II. Harms; Subs., Onirics Mc
Ivibben and Albert Griffin.
The line-up of the Eugene team
was promised us but until going to
press hnd not been received.
Basketball at Drain.
On Friday afternoon the II. T.
II. basketball team of Cottage
Grove took the train for Drain
where a game bad been arranged
for with the Drain Normal team.
From all accounts the game was
not entirely harmonious. It is said
that the' Drain team lias been play
ing under old rules, while the borne
team uses the rules of 1904, which
of course would cause disagree
ments. After playing 11 short time and
differences arising tho Drain tfam
refused to continue and tho referee
forfeited tho game to Cottago Grovo
by ecoye of 4 to 0.
Mrs Dr. Kimo acted as chap
eron for tho young ladies. Mrs. U.
S. Martin accompanied the party as
did Faye Phillips, Arrannd Wynne
Hornco Harms was tho referee.
Tho playerH were; Agnes
Wooloy, center; Nellie Martin and
Lizxio Veatch, forwards; Fannio
Johnson and Katie Kuowlton,
guards; Litully Welch, sub.
Tho Drain team wus: Center,
Ida Mack; Moto Drain. Myrtlo
Johnson, guards; Miss Spauldiug
and Grace Moore, forwards; Vove
Northy, sub
A return game in tho near future
is planned and it is hoped rules
Absolute! Pure
will be decided upon beforo tho
play, ho that tho f;amo rimy bo
pleasantly liniflhed. Tlm Croswell
team will arrive Friday mid n kI"0
will bo plnyed In tho Opera Jfotiso
in tho ovcnlnt!.
Mr. A. II. KIiik and' MIsh Eva
Cliumherlcti were on mat Friday
night married by tho Iter. F. E. Illl-1
llngtoil, I
The ceremony took p1ne at tho
reHldenec of the bride's tmrents.
The bride Is tlm daughter of Coun-i
oilman Chamlwrlen and Is one of tho
moil highly respected young ImlleH
of tho city.
The groom came from I'nfleld, III.,
Hume ton years ago with hi parents,
and Is one of the substantial yoii 'g
men of tluHcominii'illy an well as a
HmIhl' iiltnniev-t..1ftw.
tiii.i. .1.. ...... ..ti.... I Wzk
nil uiu diji-iiiiiii ui .inn -in I'ljilt
I'erkbiH and Mr. Thomatt Mmlley
only t iO members of the families .fjgj
were ihowiii.
The young people aro residing on
Nor til Illl St.
Toys! Toys! Toys!
' - 1 111 n in. '
Christmas Stations
Weekly Dances by the Band.
Mr. Charles Cochran hns been en
gaged by the Cottage Orove Hand to
continue, tnstriintioiis during tho
month. In order to meet this an
well as other expenses the band will
glvo weekly dances nt the 0iera
House during December. Some time
during the hullduys they will also
glvo a grand uinsouer.ide ball. The
members of the band are giving a
gient amount of time to perfect
tlieniKdves In their playing. A good
band h a great acquisition to the
city. Help them along by taking
At Madscns.
Hy making 11 small payment down
you can Kectiro a beautiful present for
For Sale or Rent.
A nlno room residence with one
acre lot In Cottage (irovo, sot to
fruit and berries. Uood garden and
chicken park. Kunning water on
placo. Inquire of
Mrs. W. C. Cosxuu'
The influence of climatic conditions
in the cure uf cumminptiun is very much
overdrawn. The poor patient, and the
rich patient, too, can do much better at
homo by proper attention tn food diges
tion, and a regular use of German
Syrup. Kite expectoration in the
morning is inailu certain by German
Syrup, to is a good night's rest and the
absence of that weakening cough and
debilitating night uimIi-. Kestlees
nights and tlio exhaustion duo to
eongliing. tho greatest danger and dread
of thocoiisuniptive, can be prevented or
stopped by taking German Syrup liber
ally and regularly. Should you bo able
to go ton warmer chine, you will tind
that of tlio thousands of consumptives
there, the few who are bcneHtted and
regain strength are those who use Ger
man Syrup. Trial hott.i,., 27c; regular
sue, .tic. At all druggists, liarmnn
of any tool Is always a il.s1rnblo
one, but of equal Importance Is tho
power of retaining this quality ho as
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. Ity making your purchases of
the Gritlln & Veatch Co. you always
receive your money's worth In the
best quality of tools and cutlery ol
properly tempered steel that Is sure
to hold an edge.
I'roprlotors of
1 ...The Miners Supply House...
-Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
7ti(iM 7 I fr ft 1i rt aHoi f " tief fPwv) o n ? ft tti i i i im
Dealers in City and
Country property.
Houses and Farms
for Rent. Attend
to Collections.
Call or Write.
p Ofta Next to it hf I
The Latest Novels
Circulating Library
7 WE f
Main No.
Have a full line of
Staple and Fancy Gocerics
At Prices that are right, give us a trial and be convinced,
111 m 1 1 ' ' ' 11
BW BWIITOillllill imslWT