Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 07, 1904, Image 4

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Wm. B. Root, IMIIor andMawitcr.
Knlornl at Iho wnloflkji altv.itaw Urove,
Ori-smi m hwihhI rIH mull nutter.
Hl'lIHt'ltll'TKIN ItA'I'HS.
II iiiontlm J)-'1'
1 ywtr I,1,"
S IIIIHllIlM f-.tW
U pllltl ill lulviitieo.
TIIIA I'AI'BR l M i '' ,'A?'
Aclvrrtlalim AnuT, IMamM Merchant. K
clirmco. Hun Kniil'n, California, where con.
ira.-tt tor adrettltlni bo inailo tor II.
Clubbing Rates.
Tlio Iloheinlu Nugget one year
with nny one of the following puli
llcatfon one your for amount w;t
ClileiiKo Intor-Oretin (weekly) $1..m
Weekly OruKonlun (Portland) $2.50
Weekly .loiinml (Tortlund) $-.00
Wkdnhsoay. Ducumbhk, 7, njai.
To a lovor of and beau
tiful homos, it has been a pleasure
to SCO many of our lownsiiou rc
contly planting fruit ami ornamen
tal trees in thoir grounds.
On nccouut of tho rcceut and
rapid homo buildiug iu Cottage
Grovo, there is ucccssarily au ab
Bunco of tbu pleasing effect pro
duced by a majority of tuo homes
having woll-kopt lavvus, with shrubs
nnd a row of some compact-arowiug
shade trees iu n threo or four foot
border beyond tho sidewalk.
Xow in a good time, uhilo bust
ness is not so rushing to look after
these things.
A cherry, a plum, a prune, a pear,
and two or three choice apples iu
tho rear p.irt of the yard will very
noon furnish' all thut is needed for
family use.
For your lawns, fill iu us much as
jou can near tho house, lowering tho
Outer edg.'S. For your lawn of, say
one hundred feet square, ouo of tho
best authorities iu tho state recom
mends a mixture of five pounds of
creeping bent (get genuiue creeping
bent) three pounds of whito clover
and two pounds of blue grass. The
clover aud tho bluo grass are tillers,
whilo tho bent is couiiug on, tho lat
ter will eventually displace every
thing, even tho weeds; put ou
plouty of seed.
For climbing vines, tho Ever
greou Rose, Hull's Japan Honey
suckle (evorgreon). tho Clematis,
aud tho Wistoria aro all very good.
For lawn shrubs, tako tho Kilmar
nock, Weeping Willow, Whito
Holly, Moukoy Climber, or any of
the smaller growth evergreens
Hedges aro nicor thun fences.
For sidewalk borders, tho Caro
line poplar, the Linden and tho
Maple are excellent. Many beauti
ful borders havo small bhrubs or
roses between the trees.
Let us have an epidemic of use
ful aud ornamental shrub planting
as a prelude to u general forwurd
inovomvut in "village improvement"
early lioxt spring.
On the first page',is an article
headed "Threshold 61 Opjwtun
ity." The idea as set forth of hon
est dollars in the mining business is
being more fully expressed in nearly
all the mining papers and journals
of the day.
Those familiar with mining have
realized for a long time that in the
end hopuoty in mining ventures is
much the best policy aud as a rule
are trying to eliminate from the
business anything which savors of
fraud or deception.
Mr. A. C, Gage, who, since the
early part of last June has I een
the able editor and manager ol the
Lane County Leader, last week
disposed of that paper to the Leader
Publishing Company and on Sun
day departed for Portland where he
will occupy a position on the Tele
gram. During Mr. Gage's sojourn
among us he has conducted a first
rate, newsy paper aud has as well
made many wnrm friends who dis
like to have him leave the city. For
some time past Jje has received
olTcra of positions which have been
tlinicuU for him to refuse and finally
decided to enter n larger field.
The social and business relations
wc have had with Mr. Gage have
been of the most pleasant nature
and it Is with sincere regret wc loc
him ns a contemporary. Mrs. Gage
during her residence in Cottage
Grove has endeared herself to. all
who have met her.
In Mcmnrism.
Death eimir to the home tit u tlilllty
farmer of tills vicinity late Inst week,
under clretmstuncus that aro sad
dening to the heitrtH ot the many
friends of the family. Maltlo Dowiik
UrautJU, well known In Cottage
Grove, who, ti llltlo uiuru than n year
ago, becamu the wife otOohnUrau
tou, was the victim of the Death
Iter frlcmls licre will nit her more
than, even at tills time, they fulTjJ
ruallte, by reason or tuo fact tluil,
wlillo one of simple tastes, slie jios
Bcssed a heart that responded to
every Kcnehius Impulse. Tlioso w.lio
know lior ticot will mini her for her
kltul aud woiiiailly cliaracterUts, her
H.vmpattietlu toiuloi iicr-s Iu Illness, tier
gentle enro when Death strikes tleep
Into tho heart's run.
Thoro never was u time when Mrs. she was familiarly known,
could extend a chailty n tender
wonl good deed that did not
respond. She was always at the In
side of the sick. She was since roln
her iiffcutlun for those whom she
luveil, and -Tivho wens In need of her
tenderness aud help.
The gunllest and yet the truest
marie of her true worth was the f.iet
that she was u true I r lend and good
eounsoler of the little ones, although
childless herself ; aud therefore the
neighborhood boys and girls, who
knew her rwpocteil &oko her nnmo
Iu kindly thought; yes, and many
have dried grief's tears iu memory
ot her.
Her cheery words, her kind acts
and generous deeds wll lite long In
the hearts of many, ami may the
sympathy ot all go out to the man
she loved, who Is now bowed down
lu grief, aud to Ids children, who In
her hkuIii found a mother's love and
gentle care.
A Fiiiemi
Uniiulujr lite mad down the street
duuiplmr the occupants, oru hundred
other accidents, nro every day occur
rences. It liehiHives everybody to
have a reliable Salve Imudy
anil there's none as good as Duck
leu's Arnica Salve. Hums, Cuts,
Sores, Kczcma and Piles, tllniippenr
quickly under Its bouthlug effect. 25c
nt Benson's Pharmacy.
Injured at Florence.
Florence, Ore., Dec. 3. Friday
morning Frank Cassldy, while oper
ating a timber jack used In' raising
the 0I4, school house, iu soino man
ner !osl coutiul of it and was struck
on tho head by the crank, crushing
th-3 skull. lie died u few hours
later. Eugeue Guard.
Wc have a luru supply of cheap
lumber, lust what you want 011 a
ranch, price very cheap, must be sold
to make room for other stock.
The Dooth-Kelly Lumber Co.,
Saginaw, Ore.
W. S. Dally, V. O. True, Texas,
writes: "My wife had lcoii suffering
live years with paralysis iu her arm,
when I was iersuadeil to uso Dal
lard's Snow l.liilmeut, whluh cured
her all rlaht. I have nlso useil it for
old sores, frostbites and skin erup
tions. It does the work." '2m, 50c,
$1.00. Sold by The Modern I'lmr
inacy . ,
JIUi-rIrs of ihr Ilrl ..
In the watcs of the H11I sea the ces
sation of the engines on a steamer for
an hour means extreme physical suffer
ing for passengers. K0A1 illfF It would
Involve absolute torture. The wind
which prevails every dny Is a hot, as
phyxiating blast, and Its continuous
directions are from north and south
toward the center. As a resulfevcry
passing vessel Is subjected to two days
of almost Intolerable heat, followed by
two days of comparative comfort, but
Instances hare been known of crowd
ed liners being compelled when trav
eling with the wind to turn round and
steam back for an hour or so In order
to give the passengers even a brief res
pite from tie sufferings Induced by
the dull, dtad. unbearable atmosphere.
-London Tlt-fllts.
A little boy In Deerlng, Me., was
brought before bis father recently and
accused of k'HIng a chicken. "Who
told you abo-it It?" asked the boy.
"The hen did," said the father. Noth
ing more was aald that day, but the
next morning the ben was found dead,
and the boy, being accused of killing
It, admitted It. saying In defense, "Yes,
I did kill the hen, and I'll kill every
ben that tells on me."
City Editor- Why do you say be ran
Into the police station "puffing and
blowing?" "Puffing" and "blowing"
ire synonynnus, rteporter Not at all.
There's a vast difference for Instance,
between puffing a man up and blowing
him up. Philadelphia Ledger.
Ills HutrhM,
"You told ine this horse bad won half
1 dozen matches against some of the
best horses n the country. He can't
trot a mllo In six minutes to save him."
"It was In plowing matches tbatue
tools the prizes, sir."
A look of intelligence In a man Is
what regularity of features Is In wo
men; It Is a stylo of beauty to which
tho most rain may aspire. La Oru-rere,
the War Shimman lint friendly
With I'lrrcr llrnitt,
A xooloRlst thus deseriben liuw nn
attrndant liroiiRlit nlKiut friendly relit
Hons with a flervo tiger:
"Tlicre was a showman t ued to
know luimcd Mclclittir. He onco ImuRlit
a maKtilflccnt Itenpil tlRvr, wlilcti he
jot nt n low price because It hud al
ready killed two men.
"At llrst Molchlor would put Ids foot
or his hand Into Ills cage, but from tho
way tho User would leap at him he
knew that to put hlniM-lf entirely In
Its power would be milclde. Nothing
tin could do would establish a friendly
relationship between himself and the
"Some originality was needed, and
Melchlor shownl It by tskliuc mhiic old
clothes, stntlliiK them with rsp and
throwing them luto the cage. The
User lu a JIITy tore the old etothes to
pieces, thinking that the llRiire was a
human being.
"Next day and the next day and the
next Melchlor continued to throw In
to tho tiger stuffed llKiirw, nnd the
tiger continued to destiny them. Hut
as time passed the nnlnial ivrtsetl to
put heart Into Its work and lu the end
it gaxe up altogether these attacks on
the scarecrow, it would Just play
with them or else not notice them at
Now was Melehlor's time. He open
ed the cage door one morning, walked
In tsildly ami slapped the tiger familiar
ly on the back. It gave him n friend
ly look and purred. It took him for
another manikin not worth bothering
about. It lived seven years with Mel
chlor and became as gentlo ns a kitten."
lnerr Wars nf an Kxtrnortllnnrr
Sret In TurUr),
' The Yezldees. the Paal worshipers or
devil worshipers of Turkey, are an ex
traordinary people, nnd. although forc
ed by the laws of conscription to serve
In the Ottoman army, the seizure of
one or more of their young men by n
Turkish recruiting party Is such.n dis
tressing spectacle that once witnessed
It can never be forgotten.
Wails nnd yells of despair are rais
ed. Men. women nnd girls kiss the
recruit's eyes, cheeks, mouth nnd
I hands,
Throwing themselves on tho
:rouud, they even embrace his legs nnd
The conscript appears quite dazed
with sorrow. Ho folds lu his anus
nnd caresses over and over again his
weeping kindred, whom he will never
see again. He kisses the walls and the
hearth of the cabin In which ho was
bom. but which be Is about to quit
forever, and wets them with bis tears,
but when, accomimnlol by his Turkish
captors, he leaves the village the lam
entations of the villagers cease.
Then, and as though nothing had
happened, the latter go about their
ordinary occupations. Never again Is
the conscript's name mentioned, and
on Joining his regiment the young Yezl
dee becomes a Mussulman. Ills kin
dred, believing him nccursed. affect to
forget him, and were ho to approach
the village from which he has been
forcibly dragged away every Yezldee,
even his dearest friends, his father,
mother, brothers, sisters nnd sweet
heart, would drive him from their
presence with curses and pelt him
vflth stones.
Gooaebrrrlea and a Cat.
Not long ago, says Collier's Weekly,
officials of the department of agricul
ture were much amused by a letter
sent the department by an occasional
correspondent In Virginia.
Among other things the writer has
tened to advise the secretary of the de
partment to this effect:
My wife hail a Tame cat that dyd.
Btlng a Torture shell and a Orate faverll,
we had the same berred In the Oardln.
and for the enrichment of the soil I had
the Carkls deposited under the roots of a
Gooseberry Bush. (The Fnite being up
to then of the smooth varleu.) Hut the
next Seson's Frute. after the Cat woa
berred, the Oooseberrjs was all Hairy
and more Remarkable, the Catapllers ot
the 8ame Bush was All of said Ualry de
scription. The Govfrnmrnl'i Music,
A certain congressman who takes an
Interest In musical matters presented
a bill advocating a larger appropriation
for the care of the music In the Con
gressional library. He spoke briefly on
the subject, and after the session a fel
low congressman approached him con
fidentially. "I Bay," be said In n low voice, "1
like that bill of yours. Hut, tell me,
what Bort of music does the govern
ment have over there In the library?
Is It a band or Just a hand organ?"
Harper's Weekly.
Iter Hand.
Sir," began tho timid youth as he
entered the office, "I am In search-er
that Is, I cnine to seek your daugh
ter's band"
"Well, It Isn't anywhere In this vi
cinity," Interrupted the stern parent.
"She's probably using It as u piuno
thumper about this time of dny."
nmlnn Wires Itrsrnt It
Angry Patron-Hello, central! What
did you cut mo off for? Itoston Tele
phone Girl HecaiiM- ni used 11 plural
noun as tho subject of 11 singular verb.
You are not allowed to do that on this
line, sir. Chicago Tribune.
Machine Shop Open. '
Having becured control of the
I.11II11UM machine shoo. 1 will bo lire-
tmred in (In nil kinds of machine and
general repair work Metnl turning,
lilting ami atipiHiuig 01 muciiiucry.
Prompt ami careful attention given
orders. V. D. While. tf
Cream Vermifuge
aiwaac op imitation.,
thi oinuinc rumnio only
Ballord-Snow Liniment Co
liicntl ami l.iiic
ll,m 1I, t-- mi in itui 'I u' 'ntil
III tins villi WiirM 01 r
lotniKM .1 luuivtllh'ilf rtleuil,
Who'll nielli mr isires tnmnrmw.
A frlewlt A IrlrtMl .WJjMfla.M1ntt
That wnl Is ntton quit
tl luHit iTH'e lli 0C ,-'
The Inly, H'p loaen,
A trloMil-hil IWuwa't frlllilsiljaf ,
"I tlOi my lite tut lHututt" , .
And lei the Iitcmmi leitrhus tiw,
Toilleerp wv Mray llwm, '
A Irleftl l!l liililnlMm( wonl
And meth our 1U1II) sorrow.
Aiillelti' ear vumK and Joys
AmlHIl tliem uii Hie wiimiw,
A Irland w III raise its sMkiy ml. .
Make sntl nnd tnhmth the pillows
A nd etmer chug hen others leal
Vs. to the Mm ami MI(o,''
llien whal Is le? That rare, rare win
Ni nn hrnly r.itrd:
Swwtlniix nnwl i-aiiluiev" -
H's trMiilauin suliltiiMled"
aeter Killing nn lm
It's ala) xiolhuHt sarma,
IPs an unminsh llherai sprta.
From hleh ureal i) s tfe hoit.' .
Passlmi. Mistaken ult lor tons
U herli mortals nrten tall,
Is only M-IIMi tuoMiKt Md.
Sinks ell In lillter thrall.
Hut ImeN a high, iv!i'Ual iin
No wlttilliii"" ft know,
lint ntrks and lulls, llUaTuuVtlw'N
lW'th lor 111 trhmds ami roes.
It we'd enjey this luvv-traiiallt dr.m tin
l.o)al o ourselwa Htuat be,
for loyally alouu oau sin
Tho neelar trora Hits tree.
- John, Ijwuo, IHjc. V nsil
When you want a pleasant lna
tlve take I'lmmlierlalirs Stutimi-h
ami l.lver Tslik'ts. Vor sale bv 'I'he
.MiHlern Pharmacy.
? Ifatl ti .sec the tine line J
of Combs, Hair Brushes,
Toilet Articles anil jj
fDruKJjisl's Sundries
Statioiicrv i
The finest line m town
prices can not be beaten $
1'auill.v groups ami
Itlver Street. L'ottngo liroie.
NutU-v ol ttlll'tiliii ni V J ILtr-l in lhtiH
of lilmvelf mf lit- ru-wiicr (ior(rott. Uu.!
lur I'utud iuU 1'iit.nt to ilic Ifctrutt U'.v
Nullr tw tierin rv. 11. umt 1.1 'iir!iini.i
rhjier ti, title ti of the iu.v)-el Mituiffntif tliv
till I till Hiuies. J llnnl u!t Hi(offlt-e ml
lrea U Hulieiiila. louulat t'ouittr. Uwu In
hcli It n( lit in -elf nmi iwir n Uol 'o
owner with In in lin ttivtl nn npi'lb ntt m (or
iMiteui fur thu Im1i niinu cl'tun rallc! ihu lu
trU lAMje, UtiKUtl in iliti Coin lulu Mlnlu
Ullrlft, JNitiiclnM emi niy, ortir-m mitl !ckIk
uaietl 1 tbu liebt n(e r the irtihit ni vti
tile In l lit- UiliUl Riuiua Unl ortln- at Hums
'jiirK, U rerun k Mlttcml Hurvuy No ':. hi
It-m U.TowqBhlpil. rt.H 1 K11M W M
Kndetl) they i-UIuiIdk 1 uu mer!.:et nt Hie
itroit fjuJe, luineur vein beatrtutf itolil or ml
wr whh mrfmce kphhuIwiu (vet hi width the
mi nit; oelnff N. Uil , tiii'l ni. Wei. t it. Hint
rt. ;n il. St m. Kail MAM. irow t.lnurv rut
.hetcoii, Hlltmletl uH)inK lu ttevtlon, roun
ihlumiid HtiKfon;(iit.
The exterior tiuntuUriv of aurvey No. 'Tir.
h folio wm Ut-wlt: U-uliiiinm nt orner S' .
vliciit'O the r. rt. SI. 31. IiUmLi il In -tirt
No. xf benn N l l m. t"lt miu H I
torur of Kectlou 11 (ni) Tp, XI, It IK dit
xHh 17(1. M in K - CrtNt VM'-tl lh. it.
North Wi 01 in, Kant lu.t. to torncr N I
Thoiu-e S.iBl. Itni M: W l'MiU" ft to ..r
tier No.. t; Thence j4 lVd.uitn HVm um ft in
corner No. I; Thence H.7Dd. 7 m. Krut I I. . t
to corner No 1 the pU.e of tnin1n vnn
atlon IjelliirW'l.iw in. Kn-t- l ontalnlntr net
arurt of IVH1U tten-p. itfter Hxrludlng.'otilllci with
Areturun Nxle (U"i,"'v,')'l) 11 11,1 fnrmltix h
iKirtion of tliu..K. r. eu. II (suipeuiledj 1 ai
Nutiiea of the udJoIniiiK ululiim beiutf th.
Arrturm Jywle.otlieri. If any unknown.
The tiotlcc of uini'tideil locution of MiI Iki
trolt Iofle Mine la of rettonl lu the of thv
County HworUor uf lnUKl fotinty, at Kkmj
horg, Oregon, in Vol urn, & paKe of tbe Mill lug
Any ami all ierMiN claiiulitif aderi ty the
wining ifrouiicl, vlii, UU prumlHrn or any
portion thvreol mi ilMtrlUl, onrvt yi'd. pUtttd
ami applied for are hureb) uolillwl that unleu
their luheneclainu are duly hied an accord.
Inuto law and Iho reanltttloiiH thereuuder,
uithlnthe limu jiri-wribtd hy .uw, with the
Hetffaterof the uiiltel Htntci IjiimI ie at
KoebtirK.lii the Motility oi loiifcliu relate of
Oregon, they w ill te liarrud dy virtue of th
provialnmi of tin- r nlted Hta(K Htatutei In
iich chmjk iimdeuti'l pnn Mi d.
40T J.T UKU'VW, Kvahtot
Flrt pub. Oct. l.vtt puh. Die. juiti.
Pnp Tlio name XMrt&tp lius .toad for tbe
1 ul ULST In the btwii.jMuJ, mo World.
mi . . JlcrcU. New Lldrcdge; BETTER
I hlffV tbaa EVEK, ind Superior to .11
X 1111 oibtr.. I'uslin- t.ik.t up; aclf att
ww tlnit in L'lK , m It tin LadliiK bliuttlc;
Yantip tintioimltuM-;nut(jmatlc
1 well O ll,(u wintler (xwitivcfuuriautloil
feed; cnpied ncddlc Imri iki1m.Ii-iui uelf iuljuMiiig
roller Inuring whul, Heel inttnanj live ply
laminated woodwork, villi a liumuful att of
nickeled tltel attachment.. , , ,
Ask our dealer for tlie Improved Itldredgc
"n" ami do not buy any machine until you havo
teen it.
National Sewing Machine Co.
! Sliaiiafclt for Photos
K o
In lui.viiiK wlitiod .vtiti tilwiiys
witiil it l'olittblo Shoo Unit .
Ills wtJI, looks well nnd will
wtnr woll, and you don't
want il to iiinoh. That's tho
tinalillualiona our shoos
havo ami wo gum'tuilco all
points iiHMititiunl. Wo null
lit you in Rubbors, also.
('. A. MOW IS
4 -
v Uolieinia
First Class Turnouts, Double or Siilc
umneto Mroni
Having pnreliaseil the warchmise funnerly
owned by Messrs Ivlleilj,'e iS: IIij,rins, we wish
to annontice that we will coiitinnc to carry a
larjjc stock of all kinds of Feed there, which will
be sold at lowest prices.
lly courteous treatment, Mjimre ihjraliiig we hop to
receive a larjB share of your patronage.
SBarfunu iV Hansen, props.
I'. CiAUorme, Manager.
ji'lctilUmil Iinpleiifcnts 3
I'low.H. Miiwui-h mill It ikiM. Suli- aiteuta for Hie i-i-lxlinitml
A I'lill Stork o( Miiilui; Suppllen S
Tho l.oniloii Hoiirrnl Murcliuntllmi
Storu ivlnh to miuouiii'i' to tho ImyliiK
piilillr Unit thoy now hiivu a very
t'onipli'to Htorli of lii'iivrul MiTflmnillHi!
which thuy liitciul huIIIiik ill P'.'i cent
pur cunt Ih'Iow nil I'ouiputltloii.
We piircliiinu our booiIh In hirwo
iiiaiitltUH through MiiMtcrn DriiiiiiuvrH,
pay ciihIi for nil we liny, liuvo no IiIkIi
i-untH, no liiHiiriinco rutin to puy, anil
roNhciiueiitly emt noil very cheap.
Think of (Jf.AY Worn toil SiiIIh.
At $7.50
IIIkIi (Initio JooiIh anil other IIiiom
of Iteiicly .laili(.'Iotlilun of Xeali'Ht up-to-dato
ntylo at prlieH tlmt will mirprlwo
D. fl. Wells Shoes
Our lino of ;.M. U. WcIIh SIiooh nru
tho liCHt weareri- on tho inarkel ami ut
prlcuM that cannot lio eiiialli;il.
Try our HoiiHt (loffeoH, Iho hunt
lluvor mitl will pleiino you.
Iondon, Oregon.
e C o
fiultr O.I.I IVlluws Il.iU
IMHH'lill- lulli ol
leFdiioii Sialics
.lo on u h 111- 1111;
anil Hlack Untie Stajjc.
-Piour muss.
V A. at '
iirnninintnir itmritf iirmiirnr
Hardware f!h'reAM LAUNDRV
Stoves nnd Tinware 1
to $9.00
Improvement j
Company, i
Dealers in 1
I City and Farm Properly.
It) UK I) Kit ffl
At The Lowest Prices jl
Clulhcs Cleaned, Tressed !f
And Repaired Far
lil'.u linlll.MAN (jl.
1 1 ..... c,,aLll. ,.,.
f Im how lu riiiiiiliix o
nli-r J,
iiml prpuiv'il to ilo all kliul
In 11 in I rj- work with proiupliiiiMH
t llllll lit tVIIMOIIIlllll- I'llll'M.
V hope In hih'IIIii your
i putroiillue mill to pirn' yon
with our work. I'liono :il
i AiiKimt Swnnsoii, I'rnp.
Flour & Feed Store
Hard mid Soft Wheat
Junction CiLv I'lonr
Chop I Veil, (Iriihaiii I'lour, a
OiiIh, Urn ii anil SliorlH. o
Wont Side. CottUKU, tirovo
1510 WISE
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ItulllMivii )uu, liiiinlruil. ol dollar,
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