Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 07, 1904, Image 3

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Sarsoparilla Is unquostlona
bly tho greatest blood and
livor modicino known. It
positively and permanently
cures every humor, from
Pimnlcs to Scrofula. It is
tho Dost.
Blood Medicine.
Mllllnnry llomtir.
Mini) Johnson wiin nil excellent
teacher, tiut hop tustu In dress, cspo
clnlly lii'iul tt cmn, wm mi peculiar Hint
even her ndorliig I ti t 1 1 n could nut full
to notlixi It. Tim verdure which up
penred upon Mis Johnson's lint onu
sewtoii win no gundy Hint .evcrnl won
tiering comment ttero Hindu liy tint
"I'm fining to ask tier what tlmt
green stuff Is," snld one boy, vnllniilly,
In spile of the vigorous objections iif
til h cum ui iiIomh. "Hho won't in I ml, nml
neit nature-study class I'm going to
ik her, Mini sou who's right."
Ho, nil In tin' fnee tint stubborn, lie
nine nt tlic cml of n lesson on wnysldo
flower, In response to .Minn Johnson's
general request for any questions
wlilcli might Imvo coma up since the
last lesson.
"I'd like to know nliout Hint green
itutT on your lint," lie sld, bluntly.
"John Aken. lio any It's bench gra.
but I ny It onion sprout." In the World.
Alllliiiton, Iinl., Peo. Mil. (Hpeclnl)
Ml. W. A. Ilysnng, tlin photograph
rr, wliii moved here, recently (mm
Hupp, Ky., I firmly nf the opinion lint
Podd's Kidney rill are Ilio greatest
Kidney Itemrdy tli world lias ever
"In tin years 1U0I nml 1002," r-ny
Mr. Ilyeong, "nnil for mine tlmobofmc
I wis allllcted Willi KliUley trouble.
My iilnti vt ore soroand stiff nml I llnnlly
Kt no bail I could not turn In IhmI wltli-
out assistance. In tlin rpflng ol 1H03 I
was Induced, liy n mend, to try Poddi
Kidney I'llla nml after using ono ami
nun-hall boxes I wan ami am atlll com
plctaly cured. Hovers! of my neigh
fiora. too, used Podd's Kidney 11 1 la
ami In every case they did aa recotn
Cure the rarly symptoms ol Kidney
Dlseaso, aiicli aa Ilackaclio, with Podd'i
Klilnoy I'llla anil you will never have;
Urighra Disease.
Htranee It may sppear. It la a fart
that no lilnl pwihih tut power to 0
Ilrtilns, llllixt, m-lli, or rioltu.llni IHra.
Your dmiftil will refund nun.? rA.u uini
HUNT Mi la rut. yuu lu to II !. -.
Let II Hope Not.
Nell According to Ihl paper girl
aro now wearing collnra ami cuffa
tnade of rubber.
lies Good gracious! I suppose W0
wUl to wearing rubber hose ucxt
A rainoiis Seed House.
An Instance ot rommetclal develop
ment nml irrowth to propoitlona un-
uaual la cited In the career of the well
Jinown Mid tlrm, I). M. Ferry A Co,, of
Du'lolt, .Mich. HI nee Itieatabllaliment
tin II a century ago tlia company, tol-
IowIiik out prlnclpnla ol atrlct hiiflnraa
Inti'Krity ami building upon ninjm-o-tlonable
ineilt, lina atntillly grown un.
til tho nnnio ol IVriy'a Hrinta la now a
houachoUl word with nviry planter in
the land.
Kerry's Phi aro famoua (or their
purity, frerlinera and reliability. The
icrcatt-nt ol rare la eierclred lu their
growing and aelrction, ami only aeeila ot
tliu lilgheat pofulblortandanlaro placed
upon tho market. Kvery packnKo hna
behind It tho reputation of n holiao
wlioae atnndarda are tho lilgheat In the
tiudo. A frrrh atock, Juat recelvid
from tho groMira, ia inrrled hy denlera
All (arniara and gardenera ought to
liavo n copy ol tlio 1V05 Heed Annual ol
the Kerry Company. It contnlna In
(oruiitllon and.aiigici'ationa that uro In
vnluablo. Tho Annual will be mailed
(reo to nnyorio nildreaaing U. M. Kerry
& Co., Duttolt, Mich.
Mra. Henry K. Rheblon bai siren 20.
000 to tlie prupoaaJ unhcralty of liucla lu
Attooua, Pa., Juno 20, 1903.
I was nfQlcted with Tetter In bad shape.
It would appear in blotches as large ns iny
linud, njellpwlili color, and scalo off.
You can Imagine how ofTcusive It was.
1'or twclvo years I wns adlicted with tills
trouble. At nlfjlit it was n case ol scratch
and many times no rest nt all. Seeing; the
good the medicine wits doing a friend
who was taking it for licrcma, I com
menced it, and as n result the eruption lie
nan to dry up and disappear, mid to-day
I am practically a well man. Only two
tiny spots are left on the elbow and shin,
where once the wholo body was affected,
t have every confidence in the medicine,
and feel sure that In a short time these
two remaining spots will disappear,
8. S. S. is certainly n great blood puri
fier, and has done me a world of good.
I aril grateful for what it has accom
plished, and trust that what I have said
will lead others who are similarly afflict
ed to take the remedy and obtain tho
same good results that I have.
125 Kast l'lfth Ave. John P. Ljur.
While washes, soaps, salves nnd powders
relieve temporarily, they do not reach the
real cause of the disease. The blood must
bo purified before the euro is permanent.
8.8.S. contains no potash, arsenic or min
eral of any description, but Is guaranteed
purely vegeiauie.
Bend for our book
on the skin and Its
diseases, which is
mailed free. Our
physicians will
cheerfully adviso
without charge
any who write us
about thelrcase.
Tho Swift Speclflo Company, Atlanta, Go.
IlMt Oough tijruu, TAitsAUool. Uf
in tun, twin or urufniiaiB.
llmm; i
.1 V sMHA'IHn ll 1
As an Illustration of tlin very few elements contained In it successful
picture I will any Hint n simple Inndsf'npo containing tho aldo of a hill
divided Into agreeable spaces hy n liny stream or n road, a footpath or n
ravine, will give you only two npner In your foreground, It should be
ri'inoinliereil ihnt tlin mail, stream or footpnUi should not dlvldo the land
scape Into horizontal .paces which nro parallel with tho hasu Hue of Die
picture, nor should It ho divided Into triangular spaces which arn equal to
eneli oilier. Nature seoins to have abolished the exact rules of measure
ment lu the arrangement of bar beauties, and wn cannot do better than
to accept of this hint from nature. Tho sky space Is divided Into unequal
parts hy tlin roof of a dwelling outlined against the sky, or by n tree, one
of Uin 0 Miliary kind, ami ns unobtrusive as the landscape; nnd with these
Implu clcmeuta we have all of tho material needrd for a picture which will
Imvo aulllcicut strength so that It will appeal to all hy Its simplicity In line
nnd Its close nnd Intimate relation to those simple hits of nature which are
appreciated hy nil who linvn the true nrt loving spirit within the in.
I am nwnro that there Is always n tendency to Introduce a figure wher
ever n Is found, nnd this may bo well where the other elements of the
arrangement aro so rcry plnJn that they contain 110 natural beauty In them
selves, nnd tho figure la needed to give Interest to the picture; hut In a
composition where the few simple clement worked with are In themselves
beautiful, the Introduction of a figure ia an experiment attended with a con
siderable danger of weakening tho composition hy the Introduction of an
other element of only ordinary Importance, And yet I have known artists
who hnvn been considered famous, and whoso pictures commanded high
price, to 1111 a rond from nonr foreground to distance wlUi group of figures
having no possible relation to each other, and then, ns If this was not sultl
dent, to Introduce ns n aide Issue In the right foreground, at some distance
from the road, n pair of lovers under n tree, apparently unconscious that
the world contained others than themselves. Chas. K, Knlrman, In Camera
mid Dark Itoom,
Drenm of Aur Has lteen Attulnrl hy
American Oeiilim.
A spectacle which aroused unbound
ed enthusiasm nmong the vnst con
course of people who witnessed It was
tlin successful flight of Thomas H.
llnldwln's grent nlrshlp at the World's
I'nlr ground In HL Inils. Tho nlrshlp.
which Is called the "California Arrow,"
was navigated by A. Itoy Kunbeushue,
of Toledo.
Tho California Arrow, ns the llald
win nlrshlp Is called. Is the result of 30
The aeronaut lias n sent nml conning
platform about 12 or 1.1 feet further
back, mid he can move from one end
to tlin other of the enr nt will, though
a change of position of less than two
feet Is sulUclent to cntlsc the crnft to
ascend or descend In the nlr by raising
or lower!: g the elevation of the beak.
At tho renr there Is n rudder of 0x10
feet, made of light canvas stretched
on n bamlioo frame. The total weight
of the whole apparatus Is only about
220 pounds. The maximum speed thus
fsr attained, by means of Its own en
gines, not taking the wind Into account
ItAMlWIN H AlltHIIll'. llli: (. AI.ll OltMA AltltOW.
year of experimental work on the
part of Its Inventor. Capt T. B. llald
win. It ha a cigar-shaped gas bag of
varnished Japanese silk, f2 feet long
and 17 feet In diameter, with a capac
ity of 8.000 cubic feet. On the upper
surfaco and at the ends mo sure is
doubled and at the points of greatest
strain trebled.
Tho cur. -10 feet loug. Is a light
framework of whlto cedar braced with
piano wire. It Is, In section, a perfect
equilateral triangle, so that tho wholo
Is In the shape of n right prism, save
that It grows smaller nnd smaller to
wards tho ends. It la pulled through
the nlr hy a two-bladed silk propeller.
11 feot from tip to tip, set at an angle
of 20 degree at the front end of tho
enr. Tho draught of nlr caused by It
200 revolution n mlnuto serves to pro-
veiit explosions hy constantly cooling
tho Hercules gnuollno engine set nhout
eight feet from the forward end of
tho enr. Tho engine weighs only uu
pounds, but performs 2.800 revolutions
n minute nnd has 11 working cnpnclty
of seven-hourse power.
Is 12 miles nn hour, but the usual rate
Is only about eight miles an hour.
One of tho exciting Incidents of the
trial of the nlrshlps was tho escape of
the California Arrow. After n trial
flight while tho Arrow wns being low
ered to repnlr a slight break In tho
machinery, the rope was dragged from
the hands of tho assistants and tho
ship soared Into the nlr nnd disap
peared In n northwesterly direction.
Tho runaway ship wus found next
morning about 10 miles west of 8t.
I-ouls. Tho ship had sailed low, and
the anchor caught In n tree. Tbero
were two small rents In the gas bag,
but otherwlso the ship was uninjured.
A half hour's work served to repair the
Alwny ilia Oilier Fellow.
Johuny I'o, what Is tho a vera go
l'n He's tho fellow you see every
where except In the mirror. Now
York Sun.
No man favors expansion of that
little bald spot.
Moan, O ye Autumn Winds I
Summer has fled,
The flowers have closed their Under leave and
The Illy gracious head
All low must lie,
Decauss the gentlo Summer now it dead.
Grieve, 0 ye Autumn Wind I
Summer lies low;
The rose's trembling; leaves will soon be sneo,
For she that loved her to,
Alas I la dead,
And one by one her loving children go. -Wail,
O ye Autumn Winds I
She lives no mora
The gentle Summer with her balmy breath.
Still sweeter than befortj
When nearer death,
And brighter every day the smile she wore I
Mourn, mourn, O Autumn Winds I
Lament and knourn;
How many half-blown buds must close and die,
Hopes with the Summer born
All faded tie,
And leave us desolate and Earth forlorn I
AtMt jL. jywfert
For hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs of all
kinds, you cannot take any
thing better than Ayer's
I Cherry Pectoral. Ask youi
nn.n rl n r t n r If ,1,1a I nn -n
U W II UU.iUI 1,(9 ,9 IUI
He uses It. He understands
why It soothes and heals.
" I UrrlM. eNfli f.r Th.n I
took A,.r. Cli.rrr I'.elor.l sn only on.
Mas, J.
sroslK, sl.jM.pti, Mich.
i for i
You will hoston recovsrv bv tak
ing ono of Ayor's Pllta at bodtlme.
IVoper Classification.
Itastus What klu' ub sr dog in dst.
Miss HnowballT
Mis BnowLslI Dst sm eipectors
stiuti dog,
Itastus What do yo' sll mean hy dst!
Miss Hnowball Why. he sm spitz.
Tsk. Iai.Uvs Ilromo Qiilnln. TsMtU. AUdniff
in. I. rt-rurii lit man. ir 11 Isll. to rur. K. W
(Jror-. .Ignslure I. oa t&cb boi. 22a.
Tlis Grsnd Duke Constnntln Is on. of
Itussla's favorite ports. He won a rec
ord as s fine soldier before he began to
write verse.
J Is not wealth nor sncrstry, bot hon
orsule conduct snd a nome dlsposltlou
that makt men great -Ovid.
Itow'a Tola 7
We offer One Hundred Dollar ncwanl fot
tnrcsseoiistsrrn iusi c&uaoi vo cureu eij
1J all's Cstsrrh cure.
y. J. CIIKNK.y & CO., rrof., Toledo, O
We. the undertltned. bare koown K. J
Cheney lor the Issl IA years, a4 bellevo hlra
rerrecur nonorapie in an imiinci. transac
tions and floancUUr sole to carry out any ou
llsstlons made by trielr nrtn.
Win li tkuax, nbole.ale IirurtlsU. Toledo, O
Wauiino, KisxiM illiarix, Vinoleialo Urui
Mi. loltdo.O. ...
llall'sCaiarrhCure Is taken Internally, act
Inr .llracllv uion the blood and mucous sur
faces of the .jitem. l'rlce lie. lor bottle.
UuM or an, -leiumomai uee.
Hall's family Hits are the best.
Miss Del'uy stir Just think, I car
trace my ancestors back to the ltefortua
Jack Dashing That's nothlnr. I car
trace mine back years and years bcfori
suy reform was necesssry.
Motrin will Unit Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing
Brrup the Lett remedy tonse for their children
during the teething period.
No circumstances can repair a defect
of character. Hinerson.
riTft Ivnnan.ntlr CumL Nonisornerrooinesi
rill artrnrttd.ysuBeofI)r.KUn'.lmtNi.rr
jmioirr. Knd for PrroKatMslrmtlFandln-allw.
Dr. IL 1L Kline, Ltd., HI Arch bu, 11illadrlrila, l a.
tier tlpportunlty.
Her I have ofteu wished I were a
lllm How would you like to be mc?
Her Oh, I'd like It immensely.
lllm Welt, I know a minister who
will mske us one.
For coughs and colds tbere la no better
mouicine man x'iso'a cure lor uonaump-
von. i nco id cents.
The 18-jesr-oM daughter of Sir Chen
tnng I. lane Cheng, Chinese minister to
the United States, Is to make her social
debut In Washington this winter. She
will be the first hhrh-born Chines girl
to enter American society.
forswalid complrte stock or lire Aepiratiu, How
and Iiepartmml Hupnllra. Our good, are lu dm In
nrarljr mtry lr lH-artnirnt.
ItahctickB" Sao, -rstri." Il rach. Tln-s. are th.
f-tandard Klllnsuihf-rs. 1 oiuuhmi Kxiltitfultln-rs,
lib rtTrlrd Joint., f 12 each. A. G. L0.C. forbad. Or
If jou want to set the al'.'V,
tiuurnt mums 1 or VJ;4l!t
r labor and AMlUi
ir ground. i'tfjfll'U
can l afford iWilfflU
I anything but wi-
it''. ut
lb. standard after 19 years'
U.U 'rbrjr always produce
lue largrftl anu lunri
crop. Aiiui.n hii
inrni. uur iwua
Heed Annual
free on rrqur.t.
D. M, FihrV & 00.
Oracle OhI Hteallng Jaml I'm going
to tell mammal Freddy Wouldn't
you rather have some jam? Harper's
Hhe How Is It that widows gener
ally mntmgtt to marry again? He lie-
cause dead men tell uo tale. Ally
Hpnrtlcus Docs that fountain-pen of
youra leak that way nil the UmJ
Hmnrtlcus No, only when I have Ink
In It. llaltlrnoro American.
"I see you advertise piano covers,"
said the mnn with a siullnt, "Yes, we
havo all kind," said tho clerk. "ICt
me look nt some thnt nrc hermetically
sealed, then." Yonkers Statesman.
"I've met several other pcopli from
your city," snld the Itostonlan, "and
every one of thctn snld: 'Where Is It
of?" "Where Is what at?" demanded
the New Yorker, Kansas City Inde
pendent Blldey HIats ricase. mum, hut we're
a couple uv shipwrecked sailors
Iidy Whatl You never was near the
water. Klldey Hints I'ufflckly right,
mum. pufllckly right We wuz on a
alr-shlp. Judge.
"Do you mean to say you don't have
any trouble In keeping your wife
dressed in the height of fashion?"
"That's what I said. My trouble comes
when I don't keep her dressed that
way." Philadelphia Tress.
"I suppose you have made It a rule
In pollUcs never to forget n friend."
"There's no danger of that" answered
Senator Sorphum; "If a man has done
anything friendly for you In pollUcs be
never lets you forget It." Kx.
UBHU 1IX I kJ A.I1UU10UI1, C LlUlllillVllb QUV.1V.LV BBJBf
erson, a prominent societ
woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of
Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed
her signature to the following letter, praises
Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
" Dear Mns. Pinkiiam : There aro but few wives and mothers who
havo not at times endured agonies and such pain as only" women know.
I wish such women knew tho value of Lydia K. rinldiam'sVcRc table
Compound. It is a remarkablo medicine, different in action from anv
CrabstJow He lias the inventive fac- l over Knew ana tnorougniy reuaDie.
ulty very highly developed. Crawford I havo seen cases whoro women doctored for years without penna-
What has ho Invented? Crahahaw nent benefit, who wero cured in less than three months after taking your
Nothing, so far as I know. Hut when i Vegetable Compound, while others who wero chronio and Incurablo
bis wife goes out he can think of things 1 camo out cured, happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment
to keep the baby amused by the hour." i with this medicine. I havo never used it myself without gaining great
juove benefit A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones up
Khe-jnek ninved an awfully heart- the entLre system. Your mcdicino has been tried jarid found true, henco
- I TTiriv pnnnrcn ir - Mri 1 1 n Avnmavw v-' wnemnrrrrtn v r I n -1-.
eonvillo, Flo.
Mrs. Kccd, 2-125 E. Cumberland St, Pliiiadelphla, ra., says t
"Dear Juts. I'inkiiam : I feel it my duty
to write and tell you tho good I havo received
from Iiydla XL Plnkliam's Vegetable Compound.
"I have been a great sufferer with femalo
trouble, trying different doctors and medicines
with no benefit. Two years arro I went under
an operation, and it left mo in a very weak
condition. I had stomach trouble, backache.
headache, palpitation of tho heart, and was very
nervous; in race, 1 aenca ail over, l una
yours is tno oniy mcaicino mat reaencs
Buch troubles, and would cheerfully rce-
ommend Lydia IPInkliam's Vegetable
Compound to all sintering women."
When women are troubled with Irregular or painful menstruation, weak
ness, lencorThcea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down
feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, flatulence, general debility,
Indigestion, and norvous prostration, thev should remember there Is one tried
and true remedy. Lydia, E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound at ones
removes such troubles.
Tho experience nnd testimony of some of the most noted
women of America bo to prove, beyond a question, that Lydia E.
Plnkham's Veuctable Compound will correct all such trouble at
once by removing tho cause and restoring1 the organs to a healthy
and normal condition. If In doubt, write Airs. Pinkiiam at Lynn,
Mass, as thousands do. licr ndvfco is free and helpful.
No other medicine for women in tho world has received such wide
spread and unqualified endorsement No other medicine has such a
record of cures of femalo troubles. Itcfuso to buy any substitute.
less trick on Flossie. He How's that?
She Why. they were engaged, you
know, and last night at the bal
masque, Jack made up so that Flossie
didn't know him. He proposed and
wns accepted again! Puck.
"Now that you are wealthy. Mr.
C," said the man who deala In pedi
grees and the like, "you really should
beirtn to adont a coat of arm." "I'll
do Jut as I please," retorted Sir. C,
hotly. "If I like to go about in my
shirt sleeves, that ain't none o" your
business I"
"When you first entered politics."
said the young man, who was looking
for knowledge, "did you set out with
the determination to win at any cost?"
"No," answered Senator Sorghum, "I
set out with the determination to win
at as little expense as possible."
Washington Star.
"I won't go abroad." "Sea travel
disagrees with you?" "No." "Bust
Acas keeps you here continually, eh?"
No." "Sight-seeing wearies your"
"No." "Then why, pray, don't you go
abroad?" "Sh-h-hl I've only got four
dollars nnd twenty-two cents." Cleve
land Tlaln Dealer.
Overheard During the Theatricals:
vr u i u sriir w
0 , ' TOr
She-How well your wife plays Lady ul UUIV3 ul uwuies. ivciuso w uuy any suosuiuie.
nnrnlillnp Mr Jones! I think the way ! S" flfin FORFEIT If sre eannot forthwith prntae the oriztnal letters and slisatnresot
Ucramine, Jir. jouesi I lu' u'e "" Vlllllll tltamonlalj,wLl4awtllprOTetfielrab.lill(renalneDe.a.
she puts on that awful affected tone! UJIJUU Igtdlk . I-laUiam UwUclos Co, Ljna, Jlau.
AarlcartoiN.nxu. iGISri.
twcuutinuiTrtracsnui rT.ljXi5s.
witsmaiKjumwemK 'I-.',' Jrjr:-0,
25,000 NE.W WORDS, Etc.
New Oaxettoee or tho World
New niosraphlcril Dictionary
liUHO Uuurto 1-iHie..,
K TUtei. jooolllmtnlloai.
Should bo in Every
Homo, School, nnd Office
ltcv. I.Tinaii Abliott. !.!., Killtar of
The Outlook, ssy.t Wcbitrr h.s always
beta tltjwrttt la our houichold, ami 1 have
een no reason lo transfer my allegiance to any
ol hi competitor..
saj .nteftalolnff, AlioltluantfrliaiuiAlcu.
Publishers, Sprlnsfleld, Mass.
Is Just splendid. How does she man-
ago It? Mr. Jones (with embarrass
ment) Er she doesn't That's her
natural voice. London Tit-ntts.
"Darling." exclaimed the happy hus
band after the minister had pro
nounced the fatal words. "I am not
worthy of you." "Of course, you are
not she replied; "uut aner a gin nas
celebrated her twenty-fifth birthday
for Ave consecutive years she can't af
ford to be too particular." Cincinnati
Enquirer. ,
Mr. Scrapem." said tno nostcss to
an amateur violinist ui nn cvcuiuk
gathering, "you play the violin, do you
not?" "Yes, after a fashion, you
know," was the modest reply. "How
nice!" murmured half the company;
"did you bring your violin with you?"
No; I did not "How nicer mur
mured the other half of the compauy
In fervent unison. Galveston News.
Hodgo (who has Just had n tooth
.drawn) Well, guv'nor, how much do I
you ax for tho Job? You did do It
nulck. Dentist My charge Is two-and-
six. Hodge Two-nnd-slx? Why. a
doctor down at our place drawed a
tooth (or me once and It took him two
hours; he hauleU me rouua ana round
the room I never see'd such hard
I wor and he only charged me a shlll
In'. Scraps.
"Aro you a fatalist Do you be-
llevo what Is to be will be?" "Well,
yes, to a certain extent I believe, for
Instance, when I draw my salary that
the coal trust and tho meat tmst and
the grocer and tho milkman, and they
rest of the people who mako it their
business to get my money away from
mc, aro going to do It Just as surely as
tho sun is sure to riso to-morrow morn
ing." Chicago Kecord-Herald.
A farmer ana ms wiro caned at a
photograph gallery to onler some pho
tographs of her, and while tho oper
ator was getting ready, the husband
gavo the wtfo u little ndvlco as to how
she must act "Fasten your mind on
something," said he, "or elso you'll
laugh, and spile the Job. Think about
early days; how your father got In
Jail, nnd your mother was nn old scold
er, and what you'd have been If I
hadn't pitied you. Jest fasten your
mind on to thnt!" Sho didn't havo any
photographs taken.
Henry J. Core, for many years la I
charge of the cloakrooms of the Enelish
House of Commons, left his property,
worth $200,000. to various hospitals. .
Prof. F. II. Loomls of Amherst has se-'
cured over 500 specimens in the fossil
Gelds of the Ills Horn basin and the
Itadgcr creek basin.
fitrennone I,lfc.
The Mother Now, be careful, my
son, and don't work too bard at col
lege, or you may Injure your health.
The Son Don't worry, mother. Un
der the new football rules there lsn'i
half so much work required as formerly.
RUSSELL ehgihIsd1lErs
High Grade
thsSrs Machinery
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co.
Write for Catalogue and Price..
I. N. U.
No. BQ-1904
WHEN writing- to advertisers
meulloa tills paper.
Modesty or ISrln'a Daughter.
English Lady to Irish Girl How is
It that you never speak of belonglug
to tho Irish race, my dear?
Irish Girl Ilecnuso It Is sinful to
boast, madam. Hoston Commercial
lie l'uld tho Krcluht.
Wlfo (ut brcakfust) Hero's n letter
for you, dcur.
Husband But It's addressed to you.
Wlfo Yes, but It's for jott, Just the
same. It's from my dressmaker.
Why Is the tough mug behlud tho
bar called a bartender?
) IV. Lm Douglas makna and uellm mora men's S3.HO (C
sAoos Ihtn a-ty C'lcr manufacturer In f.'io worlJ.
Tfie reason VI . U Donrlas IS so shoes re tho rreateet wllers.ln '!" world Is Widm of their eieeU flttlns ana .ui-erkir wenrlns amillilea. 11 1 cmiia imi ineauirrence oeiwern ur
shoes uin Js 'ami fartorr ami tho of other in -ikes anil the kli-h-fr-ule 1 hrr.u;J.jtii i wou M under.
tin4 hT V. L. ikiuclas lB0..hoe. roit mors to make, whr th"7 hold their shape. Ut hetler, weal
longer, and are of srrii.r lltrlu.les.tue than any other (iwaLoaoa the market lo-day, and why th
soli-. for llmyrar ending Jnlr, were ,l,saJ,040.oo. . , I
w. L. iioiisias guarantee, tn.lrrsiuehr .isimilng hi. umeau4 price on the bottom. Look for it
take no subautute. Sold by shoe dealers everywhere.
" I turn vera tr. f. DsmUl 1150 l-rt or II tol fs-rfre viw. irrts atuhifs
i:M."H. X. JcCTK, Dtji. CM, If. 3. ul. Jicmut. ttichmcnj, lu.
W. T- rtonnlss naea Crn Cn!tklu In Ills 63JS0 ihm. Corona Tott Is coneexled to
bo tho Uuo.t 1-aUut O-eathor luuilo. Vast Color Eyelets use.1 eicluslirely.
IV. Lm UOUaLAS, Brockton, Mamaaohumotlm,
A.K aoururouer
It NOT carried by local grocers, wrlto Wajhams A Co., who Hill advise where obtainable.