Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 07, 1904, Image 1

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TincADVieirriHiNd mkihum b
5ls m &
-iS fJiS fl
nfat jin rniNT.vo
Devoted to the Mining, Numbering nml Farming Intercuts of thin Community.
NO. 46
Itlvcmlilc (Irnnp.
'I'll n pniiicH wlio iiicontly minimd
it cnnliiu'l lo rniillnuo Mm Itivcmldn
liniiM 11 dixlmu'o of 01)0 fixit, Imvo
liuill' n II1111111 hoiiki fl(K) font in
IohkIIi iiii'l itiHliillcil 11 l'nllon witter
wheel niul blower, with nir Ihih
ikIiiiiiIuii: tn ni'nr tint broimt of llio
tutitml nml Imvfl 1ohii work on
their coulrnct. From rnconl infor
iniilliin it Ik learned llm ri body 1m
gieitliu in wid lit tliiin tho diliion
klllllH of tin) tunnel.
Two hIiIKh will liu engaged until
llio foinpliitlim of llio contract.
Acftnicnl Work.
The (!ryxtil Cnnnnliihilod Mining
(iiiimiiy linvn arranged with Miner
Doolitllo to dn llio nmiMwniniit work
011 tlin IliicliV Sharp nml Flier Tuck
mining rliiiir.H. ulio loft to lniii
llm woik liiHt Saturday.
A eonlritut wax iiIho lot lo
W vult fur ill" imswwiiiniit work on
ttio Kvil.l. gioup of lliri'n rliiiiiiN.
Oregon Securities.
.SillCO tllll ll'l'l'llt rIoiiiin lIllTII llllM
boon it miliielenf supply of witter lo
eimbln llio Oinguu Swiiritliw Com
piny' lo rim ilsohwlrir plimt to IIn
full owmly wiiiuh furiiinlim itinplo
Miwcr for tho iiiiiclilim drills .which
urn kt'Ot lomdiinlly lit woik in tlio
big tnnnul.
At tho Ori'Kon-CoIiiruilo llm con
IrftelotM mo driving Hi" tnnmil
abend witli two HliillH. Tlioy rn
poit llio orn rnnlliitiouH nml in
crossing in width iih diiilnuco nt
Itnlicml.i Mine Owner' Amoclallnn.
The lloliiiiniii mini) owners will
liulil 11 minting dt Holii'tnin post.
oll'niiii.,Minluyi','V l'Jlh. All
innmhortt nro requested to bo pro
Hrnt nml 1 11 1. n port in tlio business
of tlio meeting.
The VomiviiiH saw mill Iiiib boon
in npurnllnii tlio jMint week.
Win.' UolinrlH, who hixB been
nwisling F. I. HulT in mirvoyuig
thinmimniiir, is 111 tlio oily.
Hdwnrd f. 1 1 11 IT, llin mining on
ginoer, went lo llohniniii Monday to
finish up hoiiio work boforo tlio deep
hiiow nrriviw.
The cout motors on the Hohomin
(jiicen properly in ltohnmia mo
pushing woik nml oprot to oom
plulo tliciit- contract liy tlio llrnt of
Iho year.
.Mr. lllnino JitckHou, electrician nt
Iho VoHiiviim inino, riwio to tlio city
Sunday . Ho roportH tlin plant iih
running Hioootlilv mill work pro
gressing KntiHfncloriiilly nt llio inino.
I I'lmliiniHter KnowloH, of llohemlii,
rnporlH Iho punt fnw ilnyi 1111 lining
vory ploiiHiint nml eluiir up thorn.
IIo hiimi limy look ilown upon tlio
vitlloy people covered with fogs unil
feol Horry for thnm.
Mr, I'!. II. Ingham Iiiih Hunt up n
forcn to ri'Hiiinn work on tlio prop ;
orly in llohuiiiin of tlio (lroiDtf
Mnmitnin MI11I111; Compitny. Mr.
Iii)hiiiii Iiiih piiioliiici il Iho InloroNtH
of Mr. Klopfoimtuin nml othnrH mill ,
in now Iho hoIo owner of Iho prop.)
orty. j
Mr. ClmrlcH O. I'hillipH, 11 well1
known pnlilinlier of Now York City,
Hpont lust l'rliluy in Cottno;o (liovo.
Mr. I'hillipH in HpnniiiiiK 11 few
wonkn on llio WoHlnrn CoiihI mm
liininp; liimiiiiHH with phitHiirn. II"
went fiom limo to Sun 1'riiiH'inoo.
Thu CryHtuI CoiiHoliiluloil Mining'
Coinpitny helil Hh iiiiiiiiiiI muolitiK'
Monilny mnl oliM'ti il Geo. W.
I.loyil, preHiilool; 1'iiiiili .1. lonlmi,
Nucrntnry mnl Kriink Whuolor, trimH
lint, It wnH iloeiileil lo vonlintio
work on thu proportian of Iho com-,
puny iloriiiK Iho winter. ,
Mr. mnl Mm. Win. Wuohlar nr
rivrtl in the city Thiirmliiy from
their homo in Mineral, whom tlioy
hnvo mmiiiKoiI for hoiiio limo punt
tho hole! at Hint pluoo. Tlioy Hpmit
n fnw ilnyH in the city nml Hum I
went to Salem, u limit tlioy will ho- i
jonrn a fow weekn, nftor wlucli they j
will Hpeml llio winter in vinitiiiK ilif
feienl .oiiitt. they will not return
lo Mineml until xpriiiK Mr. II. F. ; mnl wifn will m nt tho hotel,,
whieh will Htill loiiniiii nmler tlin
miimif.'eiiiiint of Iho (lolilcn IIolo
MiniiiK Company. i
Cascade Mining Dlilrlcl.
v .Vliwiiy llrraM.
Ainong tlio niiiiinj,' ilixttirtH in;
Wexlern Orouoii that nin nttractint; '
ntli nti'Mi mnl in which development
work in promiMiiK to ho 10 warded
with rich luttn lit), iH tho (lold Creek
iliiilticl in tho uatitern part of Ma
rion county. Ilot'o a nnnihor of.
mining men hnvn for hoiiio tiino do
volopoil their discovorioH, ami lliit.
work ia lo be7increaneil miitoriully in
tho nenr fntnro.
Otto IIanneii, of Salem, ono of
tho Ivailin ImsiiiwH men of thntj
city mid n heavy invcHtor in tho i
Gold Crook dixtriut, aceompnniod '
by V. S, Wright, iiIho ofSalom, and
II. J. I'nllcii.'of Donror, arrived in
thin city bust ovoniii(,' mid will thin
mornitii; proceed to Gntus whence
tho trail for tho mining dmtrict will
bo Htmck. Mr. l'lillen in n promi
nniit minin( mnii from Colorndo,
mid Iiiih iiiveHtignted n niimbor of
valuable proportion ninco coming to
tho Hlnto. Ho i'h goin); inlo (lold
Creek diHtrlol with it View lo taking
hold of hoiiio of tho piopettinn nml
dovolopiiiK them. Tho dinltict,
Mr. HiniKiii wtyH, Ih piomiHlnp; well
and will iti limo Imroinn one of llm
IichI in lb" Hint". A larn mnonnl
of development work Iihh brnii ilnno
and a (rent deal mom Ih eontem
Iihiled, and will bn itnderlnkun nn
font iih poHHible.
Ono of (he drnwbnckB lo tho de
velopment work there ban (Iiiih far
been tho diflii'iiltioH etieoiinlerod in
It"t(iii,' inlo llin diHlrict, lint IIiIh
Iiiih about been overcome, or will in
u Hhort limo. Tin- Marion County
I'oint hint Hiimmer, idler mnkinp; mi
invoHtitjiilioii, nureed with tho in
tonmled minerH Hint if Iho latter
would build tho rnipiirod roml iuto
the iliNtriot eonnenliiiK with tho
(MrvnlliH iV 1'jinlerii rnilrond ut
(latoH, Iho court would ooiiHtruct
tlio reipiirod brnluoH, thiiH mnkinp;
tho dinlrict eiiHily ncccHniblo, and
emililiiiK tho ownern of llin mining
pioprrtliH to timiHport HiipplieH mid
mir.iiiK nmcliinery to tho mined.
'I'liiH rond Iiiih not boon completoil
iih yet, but woik on it in under
way, mid next HpliliK will Hen tho
mad mid briilKOH built wlieu mi orn
d dovelopmeiit will box in that will
iiltriu l Iho atleutiou of minino; men
ft tun all patlH of the country. Ah
the lodge found arc of Htiflicinnt
liehiiokH to pay for working tliem,
llio iliHlnvl will l)ecomo a t'ood pro
ducer iih noon nn tho necotfHiry- nm
chiuiiry umi bu brought in mid
Mchmih. I ImiHnn, Wright mid I'ul
Ion expect In Hpeml hoiiki limo in
tho dmltiel on (IiIh trip mid mnko a
thoroii)li invcti)atiuu of condi
IIoiih there. Their vinit will bn fol
lowed by exteiiHivo development
work and it in expected that by
Hpriiif; n htrpo foicu of moil will be
at work on the proportion of the
(lold Creek CoiiHoliduted Mining
Company in which Mr. HnuHuii it) a
heavy Hlockholdor.
Tho following way of gelling rid
of HtumpH in recommended by tho
.Scientific American. In Autumn
bore n holo ono or two inches in di
mooter, according to tho girth of tho
stump, verlicnlly in the conter of
tho lattor, mid about eighteen inches
deep, pul into it ono or two ounces
of Halt peter. Kill up tho bole with
water mid plug up closo. In tho
running Spring tnko out tho plug
and pour in about ono-hnlf gallon
of knroseno oil mid ignito it. Tho
Klump will Hinouhlor nwny without
blazing, to the very extremities of
tho roots, leaving nothing but ashes.
IliumlerH nro nomotlmcH very ex
poiiHlvo. OcciiHloimlly llf HhoH Is
tlio price of It mlHtnke. but you'll
never lie wrong It you tnko Dr.
Klng'H New Uf.i I'IIIh for Dyflpepsln.
l)llmHH, llomluclie, I.Ivor or llowel
troubloH. Tlioy ore Koutlo yet thor
ough. -.V.nt llentioii'd l'liitrnmc.v.
Long (Si Bingham's Stock
The money you save in this closing-out sale
is worth your while to lay in a supply.
Gold Dust,
Dew Drop,
Felt's Naptlui,
Suvon 12 07. sonp,
Tar Soup,
Giant Lyc,
Machine Oil,
tove 1'oliali, - -Grape
Vim, '- -Coflce,
(iilt Kdgc Stove Polish,
- 18c
- ;ijc
4 c
- 20c
- 12c
- 12c
Smoking tobacco,
Shilling Baking Powder, 115c
Golden West Unkg Pwd 25c
50c Star tobacco,
' 5c
K. C. linking
Yeast, -
Corn Beef,
Quite an assortment of furnishings, shoes, etc., that arc s
; cost. Take advantage of this sale. Terms cash.
Representative of Stockholders
Visits Property anil is Much
Amoiifj the recent visitors to Cot
tage Grove and the Ilohcmia Min
ing district, was Mr. I). 15. Snapp of
llaltlmore, Md. Soon after his ar
rival he, in company with Mr.
I'rank I). Wheeler went up to Ilo
hcmia where the Crystal Consoli
dated Mining Company's properties
are located. They took the O. and
S. K. train as far as Wildwood and
proceeded the rest of the way on
horseback, returning in the same
manner on Thursday In an inter
view Mr. Snapp stated: "There nre
ijuite a number of holders of the
stock of the Crystal Consolidated
Minuig Company residing in lialti
moruiuid at the suggestion of the
ollicern of the company and to more
fully satisly ourselves concerning
our investments, it was decided
that n representative be sent out to
examine the property and report to
the other holders of the stock. I
was selected to carry out this plan
and in compliance therewith came
to this country and have visited the
property nnd nm now on my way
home to make ray report. In com
pany with Mr. Wheeler, treasurer
of the company, I have made as
thorough an examination of the
surface as the weather conditions
would permit, also went through
the underground workings.
I was surprised and more than
pleased with the preparations made
on the surface for continuous and
economical future operations. The
buildings for the workmen, assay
office and milL are substantial and
well arranged and built for r-er-
macy and money has been judi
ciously expended, I found con
siderable surface as well as under
ground workings in the shape of
tunnels which have been driven
along the veins.
In these workings large nnd con
tinuous bodies of ore have been ex
posed and the deepest looked the
best to me. In fact I feel satisfied
that the representations made by
oflicinls of the company have been
fully warranted by the facts as I
have learned them since my arrival.
It is my opinion, said he, that it
would be ill ailvised to attempt the
completion anil starting ol the mill
until next spring, as winter has
already set in. and it would be too
expensive to do so under such ad
verse cirmnnstances. I shall how
ever reccouunend to the stock
holders that additional stock be
purchased so that the management
will be enabled to prosecute the
development work on the tunnels
during the winter months and then
as soon ns the weather in the
spring will permit put the mill in
operation. I am pleased to have
had the opportunity to visit tins
country and see for myselt me
properties ot the Crystal Consoli
dated and Bohemia Mining district
nnd to meet the officers of the com-
nauv and the people of Cottage
Grove andhope to revisit yon again.
Mr. Sunnp left for his home on
Thursday night to make his report
to his people.
20c i
old and at C
the lost mine and made many mi-
successful attempts to find it. Now-
HdwardsHtont ban accldcntly run
across an outcrop. The lead once
discovered has been followed for
miles, in fact, says Coughllu, "it
can easily be imagined that almost
all the mountain issolid ore." Stout
maintains that it is another I.e Koi.
Hundreds of samples of the ore
have been tested and run from $12
t $.15 per ton. The mine is now
leing visited by Philadelphia capi
talists, and it is expected nn Ameri
can company will be formed to op
erate it.
Chinese continue to rock profit
ably on the b'raser Kivcr, near Yale.
There are .100 of them in the dis
trict, and from one Chinese store
$400 a month' in gold dust is tor-
warded to the assay office here.
County, Cottage drove
and Bohemia Mining
Last Mine Found.
Another "lost mine" has
been rediscovered. Conductor
T. Couglilin, of the Canadian Pn
cific Railroad, says n veritable
mountain of gold-copper ore has
bsen found just back ot Yale, on
the main line of the railway, at the
head of the famous Fiaser, River
Canyon. He says this deposit of
mineral was located 20 years ago by
Americans who joined In the great
gold rush. These men were at
tracted by the placers of Cniiboo
and went farther Norlh.
After some years they returned
to relocate, nnd as the underbrush
hid the ore from view the mine
could not be found then. Nat
Tlircshlinlil of Opportunity.
The mining industry today
in a position ;o commanu more
attention 111 the investment world
than any other special line of en
deavor snys the Daily Mining
Record, The eyes of the country
arc turned toward the mineral pos
sibilities of the West, which are
recognized as greater than ever, in
spite of the phenominal gains that
have been made in the last few
years. They have barely liegun to
to grow. That capital is anxious,
aye, begging, lor me cuance 10
participate in the work of opening
up paying mines is not an idle as
sertion. It is Incoming more ap
parent every day, and the general
financial condition of the country,
with the promise of continued pros
perity, is sure to add to this pre
vailing desire for investment open
ings in the mining regions. That
the opportunities are to lie had is
not subject to question, and it is,
therefore "up to" the men who
control them to see that the demand
is supplied. Within the next year
more money should lie turned into
mining channels than any other
previous year has been able to
This is one of the most important
phases of the commanding position
now held by the mining industry.
There is another equally important
consideration. With all the finan
cial history of manufacturing,
transportation nnd industrial enter
prise behind it, with the air full of
the cries against frenzied nuance,
with a national chief executive
promising to enforce the laws to the
letter and to give every mau a
square deal," and, lastly, with
more or less raw-boned experience
of its own in the matter of reckless
promotion schemes, mining has but
to seize the opportunity of placing
itself on record in favor ol square
and candid dealing with the public
of enforcing publicity requirements
and appropriating the confidence
of investors. Financial debauchery,
like the debauchery of appetite,
. 1 ii..
can not escape reacuou, auu me
country has only recently passed
through a season of such reaction.
There are the best of signs that
mining men everywhere wish to see
this industry step into the breach
nnd command the capital that is at
once anxious to avoid the daugers
of'high finance" and eager to take
up new enterprises in the West.
Practical mining men themselves
realize more than anyone else the
need of securing and holding the
confidence of the investing public,
and there is only one way to do
this namely, by giving the public
its due.
"I have always believed in the
efficacy of an honest dollar," said
oucsuoh mining man recently, "and
when I see those fellows intten 011
the credulity of their friends, and
those, too, whom they have obliga
ted themselves to protect, I have no
hesitancy in trying to bring them
to the bar of justice."
Honest dollars are what the
mining industry wnnts most of all,
but it can not nfford to receive dis
honest dollars. The outcries
against frenzied finance in many
quarters nre, therefore, one of the
best signs, notonly of the country's
moral health, but also of its con
tinued development under the
magic touch of capital honeelly
won and honestly expended. The
miiiiiic industry will be sure to
benefit by every effort made to de
stroy the canker of business djs
The Commercial Club of Cottage
Grove is taking nn active part in
promoting the interests ol the city
and Lane County. At a recent
meeting the question of giving
prizes to the students in the Cot
tage Grove schools was presented
and it was decided to offer to them
three cash prizes for the best essays
011 Cottage Crove as follows.
First prize $3 00
Second prize 2 00
Third prize r 00
Following the action of the Club
Mr. F. J. Hard offered to give the
sum of $75, to be used as prizes for
the six best essays on the subjects
of Cottage Grove, Bohemia Mining
district and Lane County. The
offer was accepted by the Club and
the committee divided the amount
as follows.
IJssays on Cottage Grove:
First prize $10 00
Second prize 5 00
Third prize ' 4 00
Fourth prize 3 00
Filth prize 2 00
Sixth prize r 00
Total $25 00
Bohemia Mining district:
First prize $10 00
Second prize 5 00
Third prize 4 00
Fourth prize 3 00
Fifth prize 2 00
Sixth prize 1 00
Total $25
Lane County:
First prize
becond prize 5 00
Third prize 4 00
Fourth prize 3 00
Fifth prize 2 00
Sixth prize r 00
Humorous Ipwktr Ceralnj.
On Saturday mht tin trnatMo of
tlio Commercial Clnb held a taMling
nt which lime Mr. C. W. Thonm?,
roprosonling Prof, O. B. Newton, n
colobrated humorou upeaker and
character Impemonittor, who will
mnko n tour of the WeaUrn Coast
during tho winter, and mnilo a
proposition to liavo the professor
appear in this city soma time during
tho early part of February, which
wan accepted by the trutteev for tho
Those who have listened to I'rof,
Nowton in other places speak very
highly of him as an onlerliiuer.
Commercial Club.
At a recent meeting of tho Com
mercial Club, Friday night was
dosignatod ns ladioa night.
List Friday night quito n niim
bor of Iho wives and lady Jrionds of
tho members gathered in tho spa
cious rooms ol tlio Club apd to
gether with the members present
spent a vory plcnsant ovening.
Flinch nnd other camex were in
dulged in for some hours.
This is n pleasant feature nnd it is
hoped tho ladie will honor the Club
by-their presence on Friday night.
Total $25 00
Only students of the schools in
this city can compete for the first
mentioned, but the three last sets
of prizes are open to all. It is not
necessary they shall be of great
length but tbey will be judged by
their merits. Competent judges
will be selected and the best will
The essays will be used by the
local papers and members of the
Club in furnishing information of
this locality.
The essays must be presented to
the Club on or before Tuesday
evening, December, 13, 1904.
Improvements in Cheese Making.
Experiment made in curing
chccHQ nt the Oregon Agricultural
College at Corvollis, have boon most
The now system consists of pro-
paring tho chceeo in the usual way,
then placing it in an air tight can
and keeping it nt a tempernturo of
fiO degrees Fnrouhoit during tho
six weeks rcquirod for curing.
When taken out the obeeso was
as bright and frosh as when placed
in the can, an'd had not lost any in
weight, whereas cbeeso cured in
tho usual way lost 11 percent dur
ing thosamo time.
The advantage of this process is
the easily digestabte condition in
which the cherco is converted.
Many tests made with individuals
with weak stomachs revealed the
fact that thoy could oat abnormal
amounts of this cheese without any
ill effects.
Our cheese makers should try
this method nnd thereby increase
the edibility of thoir prodpot.
Hnvo you seen those licautllul
monds at .MiuIIsoii'h.
A sure sign of iipproHchlnu; revolt
mnl t-erioiM trouble jit your system ii
uervotisneHH, H!.-i-ieniii'i, or stom
ach upsets. K lee trio Hitters will
quickly dltinieiiilier tl)e troublesome
cmiscs. It never fiitls to tone the
Htumnch, regulate the Kidneys nnd
Howels, stimulate thu Liver, nnd
clarify the blood. Hun down systems
benellt particularly unil nil tho usunl
attending itches vanish under Its
Hcnrchlni; uud thorough effectiveness.
Electric llltteirln ! 50c, nnd that
Is returned If It don't glvu perfect
pleto their contract by tho first of
satisfaction, (itmrnntccd by Ben
son's Pharmacy.
"School children wo hnvo Just
whnt you want lit tablets nt tho
Modern Pharmacy."
I Good for 35c on
I " 25c on
I " 20c on
I " 15c on
10c on
Cut this ndv. out and bring to
Welch & Woods I
2.00 Blanket
1.75 Blanket
1.50 Blanket f
1.15 Blanket
1.00 Blanket I
Second shipmont of Clothing for holiday
trade Full lino of shoos'.
Darling, of Vancouver, knew of