Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 30, 1904, Image 5

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(let in Umr.1i with the hex
and largest stuck of
In town. 'J'lieoijiornn
II I) jjnu ha ce been waiting
ana looking for in here,
fhm. colli chilly morn
ings male the shivers
vim tip ami down one's
(nick and of course 'uou
' mi finally t hin k'jtif
Jl-'oolen (fnderwear and
where is the best place to
Our line are. complets
and the hex! obtainable,
tfttd the price range is
wide enough to satisfy
all classes of trade
Mud's PanmlH" llnlr Tinier,
wmir, Flint quality, mm- (Tl k
t?i; i t
Mun' I'lno Wool I'lidsrwenr.
Kliighi iheinl ; 2 Of)
Meit'i; Ribbed 'Wool t'lidi-r-wwiV.
Select ntoek. extra 7 7C
iltinlllj1 L.LO
r suit
Miiij's Oiinifln llnlr I'mler
wear. Miiorlor MiiIhIi, ex- 1 Clt
Ira heavy Ltuv
ileit'M nil Wool Vienna it it-
wear, littrii quality.... 2 jjJJ
M I." I T
Mull' I'lu-h Wool I'mler-
WWII'. IMIIllfti liltVIHl. OX- J kll
lilt llnV. Utuv
Men's Ali-tiwll.iii Wool l'n
(lirn'oiir. ICeru tlulnh. C M
ItwciHl llnw! O.UU
. - 8 II I T
."U&ti it large line of
.'fatties' nitd Children's
Ifnderimir in lolh wool
and cotton.
W 1 f -iV f,.'
Burkh older
Fail to sco the fine line
of Combs, Hair Mnislics,
Toilet Articles and
f Drxijstfisl's Sundries!
The finest line in town
) prices can not be beaten
Family groups ami liiillvliliml
Illver SI ice t . ( 'i 1 1 1 1 1 go 1 1 10 vo,
a love lhttmu
W011I1I not liitnnwt you If yoii'ro
looking for 11 Kuiirtinteeil Hulvo for
Hou'H.lluiimor I'lk'fl. Otto l)o(lil, or
Ponder, Mo. wiltos: "I Buffered with
nil imly wiro for 11 year, hot 11 hpx ot
Bucklcii's Arnica Hiilvo cured mo.
ll'S till! Ill-Bt HlllVO Oil OUStll. U5o ot
Benson l'lwiriiiiiny.
Tho llnent tiliallty of Kl-anulated
aif HiiKar In lined In the iiimiiifuaturo
thin remedy, miyn: ". havo lined
Chamberlalii'n CoiikIi remedy wltl
1. 11. 1 .:...
Uddtlll'l I llllii n ifiiHK ,,1111
my (ihlldreii for Hoveral yearn and can
truthfully miy It In tho bent, prepa
ration of tho kind I know of, Tho
..I...., it.... 1.. ...1... 1. 1 i. ....
cauiiieii in.! 10 Hutu 1
lnlil'loiiH alter effect.
Now Ern Drug Htoro.
Well for Photos .
III ClinnilloriaiU H uoiikh Jieiueuy, nun
tho rodlN lined In Itn piepariilloii,
Klvo II a llavor nlnillm to maplo
Hyriip, uiakliiK II. qiillo pleanant to
t, n'li 0 . M r. W. I.. It 11 il e 1-1 e k,
,.f PrfwilnAvllle. Mil.. Ill Hlienklni of
" UAME NKWC l'cn,s ' Interest In and about
i IlUlTlty JLtYJ CottflRC Orovc mid vicinity.
Dr. Lowe. Oi'iilo-optlehtii, Miikoiiu
Iliiiidwiinly pnbilcd vuw nt
rordiiHollim mil nt" tho Modern
A ."!. (Iiiko editor of lliu Lender
spent Hntiinluy li I'oilliinil.
Ilnvo yon won IIioho humitlfiil ilia
iihiimIh tit MiiiIIhoii'h.
Lowiicyn chncolnlo ami lion lions
01 (ho Modern I'hnriimey.
Mitilnen Iihh hoiiio splendid IihiiiI
pilllltl'll I'lllllll Jcwl'lol'.V CUMOM.
Coining 11 Ini'tfi' lotnortmoiil of hIii t
lonor.v to hu Modern I'liuriiuicy.
"Tho I'i'Hl Hud of Hlutloiicry In tho
city. nl. Ilm .Moilcrn I'liuriiiiii'.v."
II 0. MiuliM'ii tho .Ifwi'lor iiiiuIh 11
pi'ofiwMloiinl trip to ICiii'ih MmioJ i.v
ru '.MP ili'ovii In ipilU' llrtwn
tun. Twit l.i'i'i1 1iuwi lil'Vt rorli
PiinmImk tniln.
(loo, V. Moyilttrrlvwl from H(Mtllo
on Tin-winy mill will rciniilii i the
L'ttv for MoiniMlii.r.
"Wo liuvi- liuriilii Irt ptotiirw
thai woiilil HiirprlM) yon nt tho
Mi 'i If in I'hnriiiiiuy."
"Hi'hool vlillilimi no luuo JiihI
whnt yon wiint In tahtetn nt tlM"
Muik'i'ii riniriiiiii-y." ,
,MI4 1VWI WlMllff. Htinlunt ul th
OriKoii Iriilvui-rtlty, HiiKenw. npiii
l'hiinkKlvliii In thu city,
Tho 1' hurl 1 ik of thu 111111I frinil Mnln
Stniit liy thu City Council wiih n voiy
HiitUfiivtory plw'o of work.
.1. I. .loiuw li'ft oil tho noon tniln
I'ikwIii.v. fur mtvuml woenn vUlt
mnoiiK roliitlvoii In Iiiilliinn.
Ht'rvlco nt tlm ClirUtlmt ciuiroh
Siimlny nioriiliiK mill ovoiiline-
Yiiii arc Invliwl ti l ptviwint.
Mrn. S. II. WhciOor of Allmny
hIkIit of ThoniiiM I'nrkur vUllml hr
inothi'r anil hrotUvr tliln weak.
Don t fnrt to iitU'inl tlw fntle of
thv Long mil IIIiikIiwii Mill thU nflor
iinoii. Kvunotlco of Mule In miothvr
c-o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
(leorxti McQut'i'ii noiioi iiiontliRHKO
Hold IiIm liitomnt In tho I'lwhliiii
Htnhli-M, hut him WH'k ru-pnreliHHwI
I In' lull rt'Hl,
Mrn. Hoy Welch loft Siinilny for
I'orthiiul ii n ihik'itiiU) t the flirt
tlan ScU-nco Cnnvoiitloii. Slw will
lion way ahniitn nioiiih.
Mr. iIi'oikc I'lumli. a iiitnhiK man
front Nevada l avlnltorln tlwulty.
Ilr Intcndi to look over the lulnlnK
pi'0irlW nl Itulieiiilii Idle In l'ie
K"ll. .Inni'-H lleni' in ay of tin- ikiu ot
(iHi'iii iu 4i Iteuieiiwiii I"" Moudnj
fifW.Tlf to ' gl?, Iflft-r
1'onlailil licilio tit 4 ivlnni to the
.1. A. (Irlllln who Iihh Iiccii Ixiok
l.iH'ier for the ICeynloiie liiinlior
foiiipHtiy In Portland roturniM to
IiIh former home In Cottp tlrtivei
Tlie rlen of ruvlt'Hl meeltiiKit
wlileh have hieu held dartiiK tlie wh(
fuw wi-ekrt nt the ChrUlian flmrelr
eani" to a clow oa Tttemuty aiuni.
The Kuv. Itttctii-y lvliiriiod to hta
Inane In ItiMetiiirK toilay
Dr.'Siiapp.iMiino yearn avoa proml
nnn'tetttMMi ami pr.ietii'laii pliyxlcltui
la Cottaifo Urove. arrived at tlie
(imliani hotel TncHihiy moniliijc. Ilfn
hrother tlio Itev, I.. '.. Sanpi iicooin.
pualu him.
TheelHiii-, tinlt and oonfiK-tlonnrv
Htore iiperated for hoiiio moathe -by
.H.....M ..'.ij .ilil lm unl wni.V
CoiihIiiIiI.w Sale It. W. 'etch pur-!
chuHil li and will from now on Weep
a full xtuck (it Koodd la Inn llao and
lav-Hen IiIh frleadx to eomo mid Kit
Mid. Nellie II. LuiiiIihoii, Htnle cuiii-
maadur of tho I.iuIIch of the llitci'ii
heed arrived 011 the iiflvrnOoa train
Tinwday and wiw met at tho depot
hy a ilolc'iwtton ot the ordor.
She wiih cHCorted to the hall where
ivfrenhnienU wei-o norved lifter which
ulie delivered a lecture to thotio
pix''iit upon HiihJectH of Intercut to
tho order.
.MmiiiKVJ- MllnolH makliiKcoiiHldcr-
ahlu liniirovumeat in tho Opera
House. A now out ratios l ho! up;
mado and an oiiuIohciI box olllco mi
lled. Tho drop curtain In IwIiir
painted with a tuiw nceno and adver
tlneiueatH hy nconle artlat, a. IV.
I'horno. Tho ntoro la front will he
oi-eiipled by TIioiiuih GUI, clum and
confeotloanry. Mr, Mllno Is also
coatuiaplathiK tho addition ot now
ilrcHnhij; rnoniH at Ihe rear. ,
Junior Branch of foresters.
On Tuenday ivoiiIiik Nov T. W,
Jeuklim (iraml TruntiH) of tho
Knreatern of America ItitHtltuteil In
thtnclty tho Junior lli-anch of tho
lAavNtcM of America, with -'5 chartur
mcinhcm. Thin In tho llmt IoiIko of
tho Junior brniich to bo iimtltutcd In
tho ntnlo.
Tho fiillowhiK ofllcors wcro elected
and Inntalled, (.'. It.; lion Siuiforil,
H. 0. It.; Win. .Sherwood, 1
Morton Karl, II. 8.; Hen Kmvrnoii,
H. A.i Clauilo Ariio, J.A.; (lay Van-
jllper, H. II.; I.uwln MuKlhhea, .1, II
Nelnou Din-ham, Alloa linker, Charley
Marlin, TriiHtecH.
At thu clo?o tho Junior incnibern
were tendered a baniiuet by tho
nenlor Court.
Tho order provhlos phyNlcan and
medicine to Uh nioiulierH,
Monoy to Loan.
AddrenH Medley Sc Millie, Colliw.
drove, Oro. (tf)
II. T.
II. vs The Until Sv-liool
nl (he Opera House
The II. T. II. club and thoCottai;o
(liovu llluh School (cum avo a vory
llilcienlln exlilliltlou uf linnkel hall
at the Opurii Iioiiho lanl Haturdny
ovdiiIiik. This wa tho llrnt koimo
for lioth teatiiH, and iiUIioiikIi thu-Ii-Ih
weiv out of their claw they
nmdu tho hoyn look to their laiirvln
and were hiiccoh(iiI la keeiilnc their
ntroiiKcr oppoiieiitn down to a ro
markalily low Mcore. In thu IiihI
half tho glrla idaeil entirely on thu
iteftiiiidvo and In uplto of thoeffortn of
tho hoyn one koiiI wan all tney vero
11I1I11 to Mcore,
The II. T. 1). chili In coiiipoi.'d of
Akuoh Wouley: center, Nelllu Martin
mill Lizzie Veatch; forwanln, Katlo
Knoivlton. I'auule JoIiiimou and
IJadley Welch, uariln. They will
have Ui invcl older aod more exierl
eneoil loaiiiM hut they hhoweil hy
their lirlllliiul work la Uaturday'a
xamo that they will bu nhlo to kIvo n
Ifuod account of thcinwlvcn HKiiliiKt
any team they may play. They aro
airaiiKlux K'HUOH with Drain, Cor
vallln and .Siilem.
'I'he lllKh School team havo their
llmt Kuiiio with Drulu 011 Thurmliiy.
Some Kood ployern havo lieea dovel
oped. Harry llrown, and Mcrlo
Seovel an forwards, Dun TIioiiuih and
Meitoa llarl, an Kiiardn and Clicntcr
VaaDeabiirKiiH center, make antrum;
coiulilaatlon ami ntaatl n kooiI nhow
ofiwIiinliiK from their more oxierl
e,.ifd opponents at Drain la tho
coniliiir khiiic.
W. 0 W. niecllon
HoIkiiiiIii Camp So at lt hint
rnKUlar m'mI.ui eleeted the following
olllcemfor the oimilia,' term: C. ('.;
I.tiieola Taylor, A. I..; .1. C Huff,
Hanker; Win. II. Hoot, Clerk: C. II.
Van Doiihnrtr, KhcoM; A. J. Thoman,
WHti-iiiniuii I.. W. linker, Hentrj;
.1. C. IaiwU, .ManiiKcr; I'. II. Itoseu
herx. Stiile orKiuilxer, I'. II. Tlchenor,
wn present and Haying thu chopiiem
hml a "Iti-il Hot" time wan placing
It lu mild foi'iii. Thu camp lateadn
lakhitt pail lotholllic Demonstration
livid In Alhany. Oiv. I'cli i&. VM.
NH HAl.lilA I'AlNrJ.J
lthuuiuuUitin, linalMttn w sciatic
iwln -Uhf lu tho itWMtrnUuK la
lllioneoof Itallird'n tSaow Llnlmeat.
It 1 leant rate to tlio norvtM -and bono
and liehiK iilHtorrheil Into tho blood
lt heiillai; prowtK'j aro couvoyed;to
every mrt of tin) body, and effect
i omo wonderful euren. 2!e, 50e, $1 00
Sold by tho Jlodern-riiarmacy.
Sunday at M. 13. Church
Subject at 11 a. 111., "Tho Incar
nation." At 7:30 p. m. Song .nervlces
followed by address '.Slinltltiidw of
Hleotrlelty." nervlcen will bo of In
tuiwt to the youiiK people.
Star Items.
Mrn. James Sji.ilir visited
Mm. lion Pitchur Thursday.
Henry Joliut.01) pnsuod through
MUr Thursday..
Rolliu Wicks roturuod from
ICnt-lem Oregon Wednesday.
Mr. and,Mrs. Fred Whitcom havo
returned home nflor spending a fow
wooUn at her homo in GohUoii,
Hur tutor on mo with her.
Mrs. J. II. Stewart went to the
Grovo Saturday,
Tli 010 was church at tho Star
nohool house Snturdav ovoning nnd
Sunday morning by Mr. Moras and
a InrKt) crowd uttonded.
Miss Kdim Korr visited at Stow
art's a fow days this wook, Mies
Poarl aocoaipaniod her homo Sun
Oliireuco Morss passod through
Star Monday 011 his way to Dohothia,
Tliuro was a danco nt Mrs,
Woods last Friday uicht, which"
Was onjoyod by a small crowd. A
good timo was reported by all.
Mr. W. T. Hnukius wont to tho
Grovo Sunday.
It Is exceptional to Hud a family
where there tiro no domestic ruptures
occasionally, but these cau ho lessoned
hy havliiKllr. KIiik's Now Llfo Pills
around. Much trouble thoy savo by
tliolr great work In stomach and
liver troubles, Thoy not only rollevo
you but euro. 'Joe tit Uonsou's I'tiar
nuioy. '
Ueiilth Is absolutely Impossible. If
constipation bo present. Many
neiloun onsen or uvoranu uuiiicn ;.in
plaint havo sprung from neKlwted
constipation. Such a iluplorablo con
dition Is unnecessary. Thero Is a
euro for It. Heiblno will speedily
remedy matters. O, A. I.tnday, P. M
Ilromion, Pla., wtitos, Nob. 12, 1002:
'Having tried Horbluo. I find it a
lino uiodlclno for constipation." GOo
liottlo, At The Modern Pharmacy,
The Loilclan s V.foM.
Tli egotldttthn wuriied In hticj lorm,
May think hlmnetl 11 lilRlily Wentd luniij
lldllntluK by (lod'n ri)lnlmrntho
la lonl, on wtli, liy iJikI i-rillyc plan,
Hut ti-nMM lilctt It lie ttlm n'iarrillH)irn
'J III l.llnilliiB mul "f imrely fni.'-jr' plan,
And rliid .11111 1'.ii luinlyilulliriHttoiiliiit,
I hat raally In no lout. Iml mly wn.
lie f(H-lirioolillKallolitoallil,
CiiiiUait wild kikhIwIII ot lilt (cllnwmaii,
ItMlIng Implicitly on what tio know.,
Nor IrouVlcn liiitliiraniintitt.
II (Imt nisrtolilin, In rint Miifly, tlnmi
(IkI mint roMo and ft mm fur mo,
It'n InmmtM-iit on II fin for liHown mil;
II In did nut, III work would eo Vi tw.
TliocKntlU troublm 'bmit itowanhhlp,
To le nci-ount to lil anptrlor lordj
Hut tie wIioto mind l terii'd In W loro
! Irco, iiutrainintlfd by Hit Inyatln word.
Tho rtrt tr Im not Pi ihhI iiio tan ot wronir,
llllndtd by uixrillllon, aocalio blluliti
Hcm tlm worbl'i back biretf to uol' tyranta'
HmllM at folly, crlM llod'a wuya mint lie rUht.
Tlio latter ci-lcs tlio camo ot all tlio lilt;
lie aecti lliein not In ft tiipponed wlio Ooili
llckiaiid find tlio loiani to ward tliin olf
And itilvwi to make thli earth blMtalndv.
Ho in a rich aourcca ranged 011 every hand,
(Ireat and ait atrewn by naturo'a mighty plan,
MM tank It Ui 'l)int the itrtKim to now,
WJIh air protldence Ui eaeh on of man.
He liaa no (lod to aerrs fur aelnuli isaliinj
lie doea not bend and crlngo lor a reward;
Hupremely blent In hl own coinclouwin.
No oilier Iwdy'a only Ilia own lird.
1'i-ari not to ko where fato or duly e.MI,
To meet Uod-ollllon II liemuit,
No (lod, or luture doth disturb lilt mind,
(Ireet not, to turn to the iineopw-lom duit.
John Mu.LKn
lirane. Nor., , MM.
Drain, Ot., Nov. 22. Mr. Geo.
Neuncr. an old student who has
been helping Uudc Sam fix the
Alaskan boundary, was with us
last Friday. Mr. Ncuner and bro
ther will soon re-enter school, tak
ing special work in geometry and
Miss Ida Mack re-entered Tues
day after an nbscuce of several
The school has received a num
ber of trees, which are to be
planted 011 the grounds a patt of
the general plan of beautifying tho
The training department, last
Friday gave their Thanksgiving
nrncrntn. A Iaree number of
" - "
friends were present. It was a pro
nounced success.
In the evening Mr. O. V. Coshow
stale senator from Rosoburg, gave
a lecture bclorc the Literary So
ciety, on "The Prime Element in
True Patriotism," this was followed
by a banquet at the "Hall" at
which the interests of the school
were discussed. It was a success
in every way. Those present from
a distance were, Hon. O. P. Cos-
how, Hon. 1. H. Biojiham and
daughter, Miss Shively, Mr. Geo.
Neunef, Copt. Jloswcll and Rev.
M. C. Wire.
Mr. Bingham made a very pleas
ant talk at tho reception and ban--qttet,
making many friends.
The following young men will
represent the Normal Y. M. C. A.
at the Northwest Convention at
Salem, Nov. 25 to 27, Rollis Dick,
crson, Walter Smith, P. W. Storey,
Guy Richardson and C.irl Hill.
Wo have a lariro supply of cheap
lumber, Just what you want on n
ranch, price very cheap, must bo sold
to mako room for other stock.
The Booth-Kelly L-umlier Co.,
Saginaw, Ore.
Isdlanlavod by many a man cu
during pains of accidental Outs,
Wounds. Bruises. Burun, Scalds,
Soro foot or stiff Joints. But thores
no noed for It. Bucklen's Arnica
Snlvo will kill the pala and cures tho
trouolo. lis mo 0011 saivo on uuriu
for Piles too. 25a nt Bsuson's Phar-
wri-aiftTk-iVir .we
Griffin &
Jta.lLT ft Jaui jl jl u. u
Proprietors of
..,The Miners Supply House...
Ouf Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and ammunition.
Absolutely Pure
Dance at Crcawcll.
Following their Thanksgiving
dinners a number of Cottage Grove
people went to C res well cither by
train or carriage, where they spent
the greater portion of the night in
A splendid supper was served by
Mrs. Martin. Among those in at
tendance from this city were: War
ren McFarland, Fate Long, IX J.
Scholl, Frank Schmitt, Herman
Sell mitt, Karl Berg. John Currin,
Charles Dutton, Frank MeParland,
Mrytlc Smith, Cora Scott Mrs. H.
H. Feistcr, Miss Hannah, Pansy
Feistcr, Ctlla Schmitt and Abbie
Home From The East.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. wood re
turned Friday from a visit of five
weeks at Boise. Salt Lake, Spirit
Lake, Towa, St. Louis and El Paso,
They report a very enjoyable trip.
Mr. Wood was a delegate to the
Traus-Mississippi Commercial Con
gress at St Louts. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Wood were delegates to the
National Irrigation Congress at
EI Paso.
Many interesting sights were
witnessed by the travelers and the
keenest enjoyment resulted Irom
their trip. Their many friends are
glad to have them at home again.
I havo several good tlmlier claims
to locate, and have good timber lands
orsulu at a bargain. H.T.Dow. 2t
To buy Kenneily'n Chain Ufrht
11I11;; Liniment, for Rheumatism ami
all pains mid iallamatlon. Price
CO centn, all druKRlst, or by mall
unoii ruct-lnt ot orlee. write V I. Ken
nedy, .Saginaw, Oregon, for lint of
tentimonien. snuniaciion guarnii-
For Sale or Rent.
A nine room residence with one
aero lot In Cottige Urove, t to
fruit and lierrlen. Good garden and
chicken park. Running water on
place. Inquire ot
Mr. W. C. CoNNKtf
Tho influence of climatic conditions
in tho cure of consumption is very much
overdrawn. The poor patieot, ami tho
rich patient, too, can do much better at
home hy proper atteation to food" diges-!
tioa, nnd 11 regular use of German
Syrup. Kko oxpectoration ia the
moraing U mado certain hy German
Syrup, so is n good night's rent and the
absence, ot that weakening cough nnd
debilitating night fewoats. Restless
nights and the exhaustion due to
coughing, the greatest danger aud dread
of thocousumptlve, can be prevented or
stopped by taking Gorman Syrup liber
ally nnd regularly. Should you bo-ablo
to go to a warmer clime, you will find
that of the thousands of consumptives
tliero, tho few who are bonelltted and
regain strength are thoe who ue Ger
man Syrup. Trial botliti, ?c; regular
size, 75c. At all druggists. Garman
of any tool Is always a ilnslrable
one, but Of equal Importance la tho
power of retaining this quality so as
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. By making your piiroiinoa jet
the Urltlln & VeatchVo. you alwiys
recelvo your money's worth lu the
bent quality of tools and cutlery ot
proporly temiioroil steel that Is sure
to hold nu edge.
?, rj-B.'-rRVB-tw-t; I
The Latest in...
Dealers in City and
Country property.
Houses and Farms
for Rent. Attend
to Collections.
Call or Write.
oie fct Miter it
The Latest Novels
Circulating Library
tFreo A CT B 1,ll0le
Delivery. I VV t. Mu, No i
Ilaye a full line of
Staple and Fancy Goceries
At Prices that are right, give
us n trial and be convinced,