Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 30, 1904, Image 3

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    tWs 4 im$$
liy Paul Dc Loncy
nuthor of 'lJrt lit Hie licscrt," "Orcnon fthctthc,"
anil ollutr Patlllc G Slorlr
CIIAlTKIt XVI-Ootillnucd.
Tim Island n soon reached and
tho nun liiL hi ashore. 'Jliu morning
was mini mi 'I cold nml a flro of ilrlfl
wood wna klmll(l lor Iho comfort nl
' tliu woitntlrtl iiiaii nml III companions.
At Iho ilny lagged awny Ihomnn grow
"womii. Dim was liU most attentive
nurse, In tlia nllornooii bn iruniltl
lili com a i) totiH Unit it vronlil bo bctloi
to Uko Ilia wounded man to lain liomu.
,'They agreed iiiion this lint I hoy illil
not know what to do with their rl
oner. On Hih aouthsldo they could not
hold lilm, nml If I liny left hi in on the
Island lm might bo compelled to ro
nml n lor revertl ilnyo without naiilat
wire. They wanted dim to accompany
tlitim to t ti If r homes, lull Dsn had mat
(en of mors Import nnro demanding bin
attention on tlia north side, tin told
them la leavo him on the lalmul and ho
-would Uko lilt chances on reaching
The fishermen pulled out with theli
wounded companion, roluclnntly lea v
lug Pun he.ilnd.
Throughout llio ilny I.aplisrn walked
'tip mul down tho Island viewing III)
friends mid enemies tlioy Iny on
their onrt In threatening attitudes.
o uianagid, however, lo keep con
cealed behind th drlftwooil from hln
'in'iiilc, while lio was loo f,tr away to
ho dlstlngnlahed liy hit friend.
Ho had si-arched tho lulnnil from onn
end to Ilia other for n boat, hut Iho
nouthililvrt hid intended making tills
iiortof prlaou had Ihny carried out their
orlglnnl plana and had removed cveir
Nimhlmiro of cmfl fiom tho plaro,
Betides the Inland hnd nlwnya been
n sort of neutral ground Mid allien tho
quanrl had lcgun, neither aido at
temptiHl lo occupy It and all llthlng ap
paratus and supplies hnd boon Inkcn
away by the rrapellvu ownvra.
Aa night ramo on, Dan became more
am loin to roach tht north ahorr. Ho
wondoifsl how inmiy of hit frlcnda had
(alien under tho Uio of Iho touthildora,
and wondered moie how Hankala wna
Old Peailng waa too much abaorbed In
tho tiouhlo at hand lo carry out hln
plan of taking fttnkala and IIIiikwoIiI
to tho county J'ooi farm, but he knew
tho iirl wan woirylnit her young life
away over tho outlook for the luturn
and OMlbly by thin time, to far aa ho
know,, alio waa grieving by tho hodaldo
of Ihe dictated ItlngMold.
Tho Impatient young flfdicruian could
remain niiexllo no longer, lto con
etrurlod a raft fiom planka nnd I Indicia
which had lodged on Iho ahorcs of tho
lilmid and with piece of planks UM-d
na o,ca and paddles ho tturtod for tho
main ahoio.
It fore hla work had been completed,
however, night hnd long alnco fallen
-over the waters and a atorm waa brew
lng. Tho same aound from the clnah of
tho wavo and tut rent on iho bar gift'
-t-d his ears at that moment that made
th frnll Hankala tremble with fear aa
aim lelt the north ahoro to aearcli for
him that alio might glvo him the food
alio hnd prepared for him and of which
alio thought he muat by tlila tlmo Im In
ouch dire lived.
" Where In Kanknla?"
"Hello, lookout!"
"Hello, caplalnl"
"How dmMi It look to tho southwest?"
"lllack and foreboding, captain."
"I fuartd mi. Watch cloae tho river
nnd liay. Tliey are covered with those
fool Aldermen tonlRht. Tho light of
morning will find plenty of woik for us
to do. '
Thin apoko the captain of tho llfo
caving atution to the man on the look
Night bad already closed In and tho
aptaln of the llfo aaving station know
a atorm waa coming. Ilo wna at tho
ttntlon b.lnw tho rocka and could not
ceo out on the ocean out had called to
tho man ntntionrd on tho bill to vorlfy
tlio evidence, of tho atoun. Theinstru
mints at tho Motion Indicated a el onn,
lint tho rising, aurglug, slalilng, cluck
ing bieakcra on the rocka gave a 111010
formidable warning to tlio experienced
llfo snver.
It Is the enmo old story at tho mouth
of the Columbln. I'rom fall until
fining, Ihrotigliout the long wlntoi
months, tho storms ingo w'th unceas
ing fury. 'Ilirco days of etoim nnd ono
ol dim sunshlno is a liberal statement
In favor of the king of day. At this
point Neptune rules unchallenged
through tho winter, but when summer
oines lie it nuporsided by old Hoi, who
wields his rccptie with a more clinritn
lito hand and makes this little atletch
of coait tho most attractive spot in tho
great Pacific Northwest. Thousands of
rdcanme seekers visit this coast each
cummer to view tho grandeurs and
beauties of nnturo, but lice botaro nd--vancing
wlntoi, when gloom and dark,
nest Bottlo over tho placo. Uko tho pall
of dentb.
Men Inuicd to hardships nnd disast
ers learn to scorn Ihom. 11 Ib this class
that uufforf most from thorn. Tlioy bo
omo emboldened to stand In the teeth
of death, yea, oven lo enter Its Jaws,
while tho moio tluild fly for safety, nnd
escape Its fangs. Day after day tlfo
courageous go down, while the cowards
llvo to tell of tho chivalrous deeds of
the bravo,
A torrllto Btorm was rising to swoop
tho rlvor and bay, Tho black horlion
to the southwest told this. Tho low
ing clash of waters on the bar spoko It
In so many sounds, Tho moaning
winds In the boughs of tho tall trees,
on tho hills sung It in dismal notes.
Tho angry surges on tho botch hissed
out like the warning of on addor. Tho
gloomy mist which Btirroundod old
Capo Disappointment lighthouse hung
Uko a pall ovor tho rlvor and bay.
Yot tho water was dotted-with tho
boats of tho heed lees flshormcn. They
had soon tho signs n thousand times
nnd had novor known thorn to fall.
They knew that no frail cinft could bo
reasonably oxpected to eurvlvo buoU n
alorir as was Indltntod tonight. It
was Iho night after Iho Initio between
Iho flshorinou, It waa tho night upon
whltli flanknla had started out, to sea
to Dud Dan Ijiphnm. It wai tho
night upon which Dan Laphani left
Hand lalnnd upon a rait of driftwood
for tho uoith shorn. .
Thla waa a typical nlghtalnrm at tho
mouth of the Columbia. The people
of tlin village hnd been on tho alott,
kindling beacon flrea and wnlklng tho
bench to render aid lo their friends on
tho hay.
Tho morning hinko forth with many
stories of hardships, dlnaslor and death,
Tliu fishermen on o.thur side had been
alow to yield their poaltlon, In apito
of the fact that they were warned In
many ways of tho approaching tlorm,
they iIikxI In tho teeth of dangr from
force of habit. The aoulhaideri woro
determined lo destroy tho objection,
ablo trnpa and the norlhtldert woro
firm in Handing by tho defense of their
Hut all had eventually been com
pelled to yield to the slemcnts. The
norlhaldera had been driven one by one
lo tho north ahoro, while the south
nldera had been compelled to take rof
iiro on the Island. They had not the
time to make it to tho south shore.
I'Uhermcii on both aides, it Is true,
had remained too long. Tlioy had
liven caught In tho angry sea and
dragged Uko captives toward Ihe bar.
Tho dawn hnd found tho llfo ravel a
active. It was tho samo old story.
They succeeded In rescuing some of Ihe
men fiom a watery gravo. A few had
uniio ovor the bar never to return.
Koine of these had been awept away
long before Iho life tarrra could at-o
their way to go to the resciio.
The wind did not lull until well up In
Ilia day. The southsldert nestled
along the shores of Hand Island, like
so many water hound animals. The
northsldora rushed up and down the
bank looking for missing ones and pro-
paring to lelurn to the defense of their
traps so coon aa the waves should aul
aldo. Women were wringing their hands
over tho loss of their dear ones and
children were crying for fathers they
would never jeo again, Tho Ions ol
life wna to common among the lliliur
men that only thoto actually bereaved
horo rail hearts on audi occasions.
Dm sudden making of widows and or
phans hnd been going on for years, foi
rvciy storm claimed Its victims. A
heavy wavo, a swamped boat, a lost
fltliorinm, told a common story. It
waa eiprctinl. Thwo who battled with
death knew that tlioy must eventually
"Whoro Is Hankala?" waa asked of
the tlal'crmen aa they arrived ashore
throughout tho night.
"Where la Bankala?" asked Dan
Ijiliham when he had visited her cabin
mid found It vacant.
"Where Is Hankala?" wan tho ques
tion passed from Up to Hp throughout
tho day. y
Dan tapham had steered his crude
raft straight lor the north shoio. He
had been buffeted by tho waves, it Is
true, nnd had Ix-cn carried far to the
south, but fortune favored him and he
had butted Into the boats of his
friends who had taken him ashore. Ilut
not one of all tho men returning bad
even Hankala. Tlioy were Indignant
that alio should have been permitted
to leave tho village,.
"Wo have no tlmo for grieving over
tho lost," said old Hoadog, walking up
ami down tho beach liko an angiy
lion. "feo, the men on Ihe Island
aro In action and will noon lie upon our
trans. To your boats, men, to your
boats! Wo must protect those traps'
with our Uveal"
II waa late in the afternoon. The
storm had again subsided. The men
on the inland decided to take advant
ago of tho northslders while they were
aahoro and destroy their traps.
The northslders were quick to see
this and huslling their anna and am
munition aboard they leaped Into the
boats along tho bench nnd rowed with
all tholr might to Iho defense of their
Iho southsldorn also started out
briskly lo neat them to tliu traps. The
hitter hud n slight advantage in dis
tance but their opponents woro refresh
ed by a wot in meal nnd many of thorn
had secured n few hours sleep.
Tho Binall fleet on either side was di
vided Into squadrons as If by common
arrangement, and whllo one squad made
for the defoiiBO of n group of traps along
tho lino which stretched up and down
the river channel on tho bay side, a
squad from the other side started for
tho same point to destroy thorn.
In tho mcanllmorelntorcements were
gathoiiiiR on tho south shoio, for tho
Bouthsldors outnumbered the men on
Ihe north, and war to a finish was now
moro Imminent than ovor.
"Will tlmso soldiers never arrive?"
was tlio quostlon old Beadog asked
hlnisolt as ho dhoctod his men to bat
tle for tho traps,
. Bankala I.lstons to the Plotters,
Bankala had h hard battle wltlitlio
surf hut alio reached the traps formorlj
tended by Dan Lapham boforo tho
storm was qt Its holghth, Dan, of
couree, was not near t lie placo. Tho
wind wna already raging and tho white
caps woro multiplying at a rapid rata
and leaping higher and higher.
At her back the sea was boiling liko
n caldron while to tho south It was
not so much disturbed. Her home lay
across tho raging son while Baud Island
lay to the south. It was this great up
lioavel of Band and tho driftwood upon
its Biirface that broke the storm to
some extent and yet left a moans of es
cape for Bankala,
l)ut sho would not have returned to
hor homo at this tlmo hnd tho son boeu
as calm as an Inland lako. Blio had
started out on a mission and this would
alio complete with a woman's deter
mination, film vns looking for Dan
Ijiplinm. Ilor strong and handsome
young friend hnd aided her In fishing
tho Imps when her nged companion
was tinnulo to aaaist, no nan also, on
that very morning, left her money
Willi which (o buy necessary supplies)
hu hnd promised hor that lllngwold
should not go lo tho pour houto) and
alxivii all there was an undefined feel
ing In her heart for tho young man
which only comes to a woman onco In
a lifetime.
Hankala did not understand this and
would have blushed had It been ex
plained, It was the same old story
which has caused tho loya, sorrows,
disappointments and happlnene alnco
the days ol Adam and i;vo,
Whllo clinging to the piling which
held tho netting of fjiplinin'a flahtrap,
to tlendy her boat, Hankala could eve
that the water was rapidly rising and
that each flood daihod higher above tho
mark inuilo by tho foiiucr wavo. The
billows grow darker and more sullen
whllo the whllerans looked like irrcat
animals leaping at random In the di
rection ol tho bar.
ilefore It wal loo late tho ttirnod her
boat toward tho Island, wheio she
landed without accident. Ilut she wai
Just in tlmo, fur old Neptune's work
farther out at tea waa telling and
great waves from the mighty deep came
rolling over tho bay, converting It Into
a mad, seething thing of destruction,
The rain began to fall In torrents.
The wind blew with such force as to
aend the cold drops like heavy shots
In a slanting course through tho air.
Theso struck the thinly clad girl with
a force that made her shiver with pain
and cold.
When cast upon her own resources
In time of danger, woman is raid to bo
superior to man In courage and endur
ance, ltefore she reslgnt herself lo
falo, she employs every meant in her
power to thwart Its disasters. If she
ctnnot turn Itt couise, the goes with
It at a companion. Death Is thus
mado lost hitler and an examplo is
given to the world.
Bankala dragged hor boat as fai as
she could and then tied the long line
attached to its prow to a limb of a tree
which had been cast far upon tho
sands. Hlio began to look about her for
a shelter. Bhe remembered an old
fisherman's camp farther up the is
land, and taking the provisions which
sho had prepared for Dan, she made
hor way to Iho shack.
(To tie contlnncd)
It rim.eil lilt l'utlier, bat Hcrer.l
Other (lurr Hubl Nothlnir.
"What wo ought to have," said tho
sarcastic and precocious (leorge, nn S-yvnr-oldresldciit
of (Jerniantown. while
nt luncheon the other day. "In bread
made from pure trltlcuin flour. I'm
tired of theso everlasting experi
ments," and ho surveyed tho pile of
com niulllns on the table with ills
pleasure and scorn, tays tho Philadel
phia Ilecord.
(Jeorgo'a mother, knowing tho capa
bilities of her young hopeful for caus
ing embarrassment, did not ask what
trltlcuin Hour was or lake occnalou
nt that tlmo to point out George' fail
ure In good manners In so loudly de
claring Ida dissatisfaction nt the food
ho found on tho table. In Iho even
ing, however, whllo on the porch with
visitors, and after (Jeorge had retired,
she snld to her husluiud: "(leorgo It
asking for bread made of trltlcuin
Hour. What Is that?"
Tho husband hadn't the slightest
Idea, and frankly said no. A lawyer In
the parly, when appealed to, hummed
and hawed a little, and snld It was
probably somo new-fangled Idea
fJeorgc had gathered nt school, per
Imps the name of a now breakfast
fond. Another visitor suggested that
Oeorgo might be n josuer, nnu upou,
this tho iwrly spelt the word back- j
ward, rearranged tho syllable nnd did
other things known to puaalo solvers.
"I'm going to look It up," snld
Ovorgo'a eldest sister. Sho went Into
tho house nnd relumed half nn hour
with dust from the encyclopedia and
dictionary over her hands, but sho wns
"Why, It's wheat." sho said. "It's
simply tho botanical name for wheat."
Ocorge'a father was Inclined to bo
proud of his hoy, but the visitors nt
unco started a discussion of tho Itus-alaii-Japanese
IClTi-ui oi A i in j K. inline.
Visitors to army hcadqunrtcrs on
Governor's Island often notice that of
llcers havo a habit of referring to the
written or printed record for tho most
trilling questions of fuct. They never
rely upon memory for even unimpor
tant matters of routine which civilians
would no moro think of forgetting than
ft hardened commuter would think of
forgetting tho time of hU morning
train to the city. Ask nn olllcer In
tho adjutant general's or quartermas
ter's department, for Instance, where
the Klrst Unttallou of tho Sixteenth In
fantry Is and ho will consult his rec
ords before answering, even when n
letter to tho commanding olllcer of tho
battalion la lying addressed ou Ida
Tho other day a visitor to tho Island
asked an ofllcer high In command what
time tho parado of troops took place
next morning. Tho man In khaki look
ed at his printed copy of the general
orders boforo nnawerlng: "Ten
o'clock." Yet tho parado hnd been go
ing on overy dny for months right un
der his olllcS windows.
"It Is u hnblt that grows upon us
with tho routine of garrison work," he
snld. "If I tried to remember where
ono company In tho department of tho
east la quartered I might na well try
to remember them nil. If I carried In
my memory tho tlmo for parado I
might ns well try to learn tho general
orders by heart. Kxperlcnco tenches
nrmy men novor to burden their memo
ries with facts and Hsu res that they
know they can find on tho Instant by
turning to tho rocord." Now Vork
lllaok Hiinkes.
It is truo that tho rnttlesnako and
tho black snake are mortal enemies,
and tho black snake la tho victor In
tholr battles, breaking tho neck of Ida
adversary boforo tho rattler has tlmo
to strike, Tho black snakes of this
country nro as harmless as frogs. On
many of tho largo plantations in tho
South they nro tamed, and kept ns a
protection from their cuomy, as tlio
warm cllmato prevents keeping tho
houses closed so as to keep thorn eu(.
Save Soma Money.
A WHITISH In ono of the current magazines seems
to think tho people of this country nro saving too
much money. The hugbcor of "living beyond
your means" has kept many a man from
knowledge of the latent juallllea which might
have mado him great, myn this publication. It hits
deprived families of nil hut the bare necessities of life and
caused their members to experience hardship and want.
All this hecnusA "tho heed of tho house" has placed a
low limit on the domestic expenditures nnd lias also un
consciously restricted his earning capacity to a correspond
ing minimum,
young men aro warned by thla mngnxlno not to ho too
economical, lest they grow mean nnd low-splrltcd, presum
ably. U oxtravngnnce really so rare among us that It needs to
bo encouraged?
Which of two young men Is the more likely to succeed
tlio fool who spends his entire weekly or monthly salary
before ho gets It or tlio young man who saves one-fourth
of It nnd It able sooner or Inter to use his savings to take
advmitago of soma llrst-clnss business opportunity?
Debt I bad enough when it has to he resorted to In
order to utilize mum chance or otberjn business, but to
get Into It for mere enjoyment of luxurious living Is tho
sublimity of folly. It destroys pcaeo of mind, and Instead
of goading Its victim on lo heroic endeavors It often drives
him Into nets of sbndy morality.
After Intemperance, extravagance Is tho greatest curso
menacing the people of this country. Tho young aro called
upon to struggle against na greater foe. 1'lttsburg I'ress.
Victims and Combatant.
WHEN the buttle of the Klia-ho has passed with
Waterloo nnd Lelpzlc, with Plevnn and Sedan,
It Is safe to assume that Its tale will bo one to
"stagger humanity." It Is not only by tho enor
mous extent of the casualties that wo nro horrified. These
desperately gallant fellows who are watering Manchuria
with their blood, and exhibiting to tho admiring but shud
dering ryes of the world the splendors and horrors of that
Inst argument of k Intra and peasants, that reversion to na
ture stripped of the trimmings of progress and civilization
which Is war these poor fellow a have at least the satisfac
tion of dying for a country and a cause and of doing c
mini's duty In a man's way. Ilut there are others whose
sufferings nro nearly as great who have no sentiment to
buoy them up, nnd no satisfaction for being Involved In the
general ruin
Willi our jes fixed on the heroic combatants In a Ti
tanic Htruggl. w Ins sight of the deeply unfortunate peo
ple over whose country the urmles have been marching and
countermarching. Victims In tin beginning of the aggres
sive greed of Itussln, ihr trt ,ov forced to pay for the
One of tho most desperately contested positions In tlio fighting beforo Llao-Yang was Sou-sban hill, and there
ninny brave Jnpnneso paid with their lives the penalty of their daring nnd courage. Writing of the horrors bo
there witnessed, Ileiinet Ilurlelgh, the noted Loudon correspondent, says: "On the south front rose a conical hill,
the wholo south front of which was a steep green slope. It was thickly strewn with Japanese dead. In one
cluster lay over .100 bodies. Tho trench upon the summit was filled with dead soldiers and In a small space there
were strewn the bodies of a thousand men."
Describing tho manner In which tho Japanese dispose of their dead, Mr. Durlclgh writes: "The dead were
plnced sldo by side In wldo tdinllow pits. Wood nnd grain stalks were put under the bodies nnd a layer of mould
was plnced ovor all. Then tire was set to the stalks and the heat, acting as n brick kiln. Incinerated the remains.
Such nro thq Japanese funeral pyres which, Uko camp tires,' light up tho sky by night nnd send thick clouds of
smoke up by day." Tho Illustration, which so faithfully embodies Mr. Burleigh's description. Is taken from the
Illustrated Iimliin News.
lilisaluu View of tho Kneiitjr'a Art of
Yes, wo woro greatly mistaken when
wo called them "llttlo Jnps." Wo hnvo
never beforo had to deal with such
skillful opponents. They havo Included
In their tactics all modern mothods,
strictly adapting thein to tholr own
national peculiarities. For Instance,
knowing tho wcakenss of their cav
nlry, they never allow It to go out un
supported. There Is nlwnya Infantry
behind It, nnd our cavalry oftou runs
against It, not expecting Its presence.
The Japanese recoiinulssanco Is ef
fected, thus: A compact forco of rifle
men murches, unstained by screens,
nnd patrols niovo nbout llvo versts
nhend. At n distance of thrco versts
tho scouts nro preceded by n number
of Chinese. Theso lust como to tho
ltusslan linos, examine tlio ennip nnd
itiiiko signals to tho Jnpaneso con
cerning tho w,horenbouta of tho cav
ulry patrols. As tho country Is moun
tainous, they advance nt tho rnto of
Bovoii versts n dny, Intrenching and
fortifying overy step they tnko. Their
path Is iin uninterrupted row of forti
fications. Knowing tho excitable, Im
pressionable temper of their soldiers,
they novcr pursue tho enemy boforo
sottllng down In good order upon tho
position occupied, becauso during a
pursuit troops often becomo disar
ranged. Judging by tholr oporations
ono could lmaglno tlioy nro tho most
phlegmatic nnd methodical people In
tho world so strong Is tholr military
education and tholr kuowledgo of tho
art of wnr. Tlioy very reasonably
avoid the bnyonot. Tholr lending ranks
run away to tho right mid left, opon
lng tlio front for tho flro of tho suc
ceeding lines. Iluuulng round these to
tho rear, they ngalu form their ranks,
thus taking -the placo of reserves.
If tho troops uncovered nro unnblo
to stop our nttack by flro they repeat
tho maneuver. What Belf-control,
what discipline nro required In order
to do this, and what a consciousness
of strength! When they are on tho
march It Is nil but Impossible for them
to meet with any surprises. In addi
tion to the men dotnehed for guard
they surround their columns by chains
of scouts, who ndvanco along the
crests of the elevations. Movement
under such conditions may bo slow,
hut It Is sure. Husskoyo SIovo.
According to ml Authority, Thins
Wero Hotter lit Karller l)ay.
A woman of social promlnenco, who
has In her dny been a lender, and who
Is so no longer because of her age, re
cently, lu nn Intimate and Informal
conversation, made sovcro strictures
on somo of the manners of society at
tho present tlmo. "In my day," sho
snld, "It used to bo understood that
tho arranging of one's toilet In tho
prosoneff of others was an offense
against good tnsto. Such n thing, too,
ns putting ono's elbows on tho table,
whllo eating, wns nlso considered vul
gar. I know that many of thoso rules
were Insisted upon so strongly that
thoro wns somothlng of n reaction, and
It enmo to bo considered a slgu that
you wero suro of yourself and of your
position If you occasionally broke
"But the reaction has gone much
too far and has sot an example which
has boon followed too closely by that
largo class of pcoplo who, In the mat
tor of social behavior, form tholr con
duct and manners by observing what
helplessness of a government and nation which knew not
how to oppose the Illegitimate absorption of Its land. Their
crops ore destroyed, their country Is laid waste, their
homes have been wlptd out of oxlstenee, and they them
selves, when they have not by a happier fato fallen victims
to the shot or shell Intended for nn enemy, aro left to perish
of hunger and cold. No one has any time to sparq for their
affliction. They should not get In tho wny. Ilut when his
tory Is written It must bo that this picture) of the desolated
country, which has been made tho theater of war, will
stand out with a dramatic touch of horror from all the
slaughter and the suffering that hare caused the nations
of the world to gasp. St, James' Iludget.
Penalties for financial Crime.
ONE of the commonest ways of giving fictitious value
to stock, and of selling large quantities of worthless
certificates, Is by paying large dividends not out of
the actual earnings of the company, hut out of tho
money paid by stockholders for their stock. Stockholders
and others, believing from these dividends that the com
pany Is actually prosperous and earning money, either In
creaso their holdings or buy stock at high prices, only to
find later that It Is worthless. The penal codo provides
that the directors of a corporation who perpetrates this
swindle are guilty elmpty of a misdemeanor. Equally seri
ous la the action of directors In knowingly making and
publishing false statements or reports as to tho financial
condition of tho company of which they are trusteea. Whit
taker Wright (the great company promoter, who committed
aulcldo after being sentenced to hard labor for issuing false
balance sheets of the wrecked London nnd Globe finance
corporation) wns convicted in England under a statute sub
stantially similar to tills section of the penal code. He was
sentenced to seven yenrs' penal servitude. Under tills New
York law the maximum penalty which be could have re
ceived would have been one year's Imprisonment or a fine
of $,m
In dealing with offenses by criminals of previous good
social standing' we rarely loot beyond the offender himself
to consider tho welfare of the community. If, for exam
ple, a man steals, and, after bis Indictment for the crime,
his friends or relatives repay the amount of the theft. In
America that Is the end of the matter, and the offense
committed against criminal law devised as a protection
for the public is entirely negligible. Tho greatest bank
wrecker in American criminal history now lives undis
turbed In New York. lie never served a day In gaol for a
defalcation of ?d,000,000. Tbo Indictments against him
were all dismissed a few years ago. lie even seems to
have returned to some sort of social position, and the so
ciety columns of the New York Times, commenting tome
tlmo ago upon a reception at his New York home, alluded
with becoming gravity to certain Canadian guests as
friends whom their host and his family bad made "during
their long stay in Quebec." Atlantic Monthly.
other persons do. I dined In a public
restaurant tho other night, nnd tho
way tho women I saw there lolled on
tho tablo, both while they were eating
and whllo they were not, wns a sur
prise. Another thing I saw there and
I see It now In many other places, was
a constant readjustment nnd renrrang
lng of the toilet, especially the hair.
"The need of the Incessant attention
to the latter that one now sees every
where, the pulling and pushing and
shaking Is explained, I know, by ref
erence to the present method of wear
ing the hnlr en pompadour, but I do
not admit that argument. If all that
hair-dressing really needs to go on In
public tho stylo, pretty, ns It Is, should
be changed. Y'ou sometimes see wom
en at tho theater now, who, after tak
lug off their hats, practically do' their
hair all over again. They could Just
ns well attend to this In tho plnce pro
vided In the lobby beforo they take
their seats, hut that would not help,
for they keep on working with tho hair
all tho evening." -
Tho Ideal Hamlet.
Esthetic criticism has no weight
with a cockney mentioned In tho Lon
don Outlook. Ho liked tho lato Wilson
Barrett In Sbakspcare, nud ho knows
why ho liked htm.
"I don't want nuybody to tell mo
wot's wot," ho recently observed to n
critic. "I've seen dozens of 'cm In my
work round the thontcr, but of all tho
hactors wot play Hamlet gtvo mo Bar
rett 'E was always dono ten minutes
afore any of tho others."
A cheap Bhow always has cheap
printing, Wo should think tho man
ngpr of a cheap show would try to fool
pooplo by ordering good printing, but
hu cover thinks of It,
Close Onnril on l'lnnn l'nrl of Minis
ter rlsnlpotentlury'a Untie.
A peculiar duty during my last stay
in St. Petersburg was to watch tht
approach of cholera, especially on tht
Persian frontier. Admirable precau
tions had been taken for securing tela
gmphlo Information, and every day I
received notice from the Foreign Of
fice as to the result, which I communi
cated to Washington, For ages Itus
sln had relied on fctlshlsms of vari
ous kinds to preserve her from epi
demics, but at last her leading olll
clals had come to reallzo the necessi
ty of applying modem sclenco to tht
problem, nnd they did this well. In
the city "sanitary columns" wero es
tablished, made up of smnll squads
of officials representing tlio medical
and engineering professions nnd the)
police. Tlicso visited every nook and
comer of tho city, and, having ex
traordinary powers for the emergency,
compelled even tho most dirty of th
population to keep their premise
clean. Excellent hospital and labora
tories wero established, nnd of these I
learned much from a former Cornell
student who held an Important posi
tion In ono of them, Coming to town
three or four times a week from my
summer cottage In Finland, I was
struck by tho precautions on tho Fin
nish and other railways; notices of
what was to be done to prevent chol
era and to meet It In case It appenrod
were posted everywhere In six differ
ent language; disinfectants wer
made accessible everywhere; the seat
and hangings In the railway cars were
covered with leather cloth frequently
washed with disinfectants; and to thai
main trains a hospital car was attach
ed, while a temporary hospital, well
equipped, was established at encb
main station. In spite of tills tho
number In the cholera hospitals at St.
Petersburg In tlio middle of July rose
to a very high figure, and tht number
of deaths ench day from cholera was;
about ono hundred.
Of theso victims the most eminent
was Tschalkovsky, the composer, n
man of genius and a most charming
character. On evening, at a dinner
party, be poured out a goblet of water
from a decanter on the table, drank It
down, and the next day he was dead.
But with this exception the patients
were, so far as I learned, almost en
tirely from the peasant class. Al
though bolted water was supplied for
drinking purposes, and somo public-
spirited Individuals went so far as to
sot out samovars and the means of
supplying hot tea to peasant work
men, the answer of ono of the muzh
iks when told that ho ought to drlnlc
boiled water Indicated the peasant
vlewi "If God hnd wished us to drink:
hot water he would have heated thai
Nova." Century.
Mor than Half of the Newcomer
Btay Here.
That the United States Is the only
country where more than half the Ital
ian Immigrants stay Is the rather sur
prising fact brought out In the recent
report of the Italian Commissioner of
Emigration, says the New York yorld.
Ninety-five per cent of northern Ital
ians Pledmontese. Lombards, etc.
jwent to South America. NInety-flva
.per cent oi Diciuans nuu uuiauriuji
I came to the United States. Their paths
crossed in miuocean. ino norinem
emigrants were bigger, stronger, bet
ter educated. Now that they are golna
back from South America perbapa
some of them will come here.
Even now there are moro Italians lm
Brazil than In the United States, which
' Is surprising. The Commissioner esti
mates that there were 1.082.392 Ital
ians living abroad in 18S1, 1,083,200 In
1891 and.3.430,014 in 1001.
1 Of tho latter number 054.000 were
scattered over Europe; 108,000 were In
Africa (Tunis. 83,000; Algeria, 39.000;
Egypt, 38,000); "45,000 were in North
America (729,000 in the United States
and 11,000 In Canada), and 1,852,000
were In South America (018,000 In Ar
gentina and 1,100.000 In Brazil).
The United Statca must In the past
three years have Just about caught up
with Brazil, however.
In his report the Italian Commission
er of Emigration states that emigra
tion Is a necessity for Italy, and If It
were not for this safety-valve gravo
disorders would occur against the pub
lic peace, for tho reason that existing
territory and capital lu Italy are not
sufficient to glvo occupation to tho
mass of the people.
Emigration, then, assumes an eco
nomic usefulness In different ways, di
rect and Indirect; abovo all, through
the savings that emigrants send homo
or bring back with them for the relict
of their families, for acquiring land
and bettering It, and for building
houses, all of which Increase the well
being of the villages which send forth
"Egg Holler" In the Common.
In the British House of Commons,
as soon as the question to be decided
Is put from tho chair, a clerk at tha
table sets In motion a huge sand glass,
familiarly known to members as the
"egg boiler," probably becauso It
takes three minutes to run out As
the last sand runs through tho glass
the sergeant-at-arms Instantly locks
tho massive oak doors of the cham
ber, and only thoso members who havo
succeeded In getting through tho door
way can vote.
Mr. Sharp Isn't Mrs. Wurldllo in
tcrested In your church festival?
Mrs. Sharpo Sho? No, Indeed I Sho
Isn't the sort of woman we want In out
Mr. Sharpo No? 1 understood sho
liked scandalous gossip Just as much
as any of tha rest of you. Philadel
phia Press.
Wonted III Aulatanc.
Young Man I havo called, sir, to re
quest your daughter's baud in mar
riage. Btorn Pafent Huhl Has my daugh
ter, consented to marry you?
Young Man Of course not. If sho
had I wouldn't bo wasting any tlmo on
Native laborers In India rocclvo 4
cents a day for sixteen hours' work.
No, Cordelia, tho llttlo dears nro not
seen at stag parties.