Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 23, 1904, Image 7

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    WO Doses
For One Dollar
Keotioiny in mcdlolno must tx
moniturcil by two tliliign cost ntiil
((Tool. It cannot bo iiitMHiireil by
cither nlono, It Ih f'roittcal In Unit
iiioillulno that (loon tlio most for
tlio innmiy tlinl riullcully mill tier
innnontly citron at tbu loust ox.
pciiHo. That iiicrilulno In
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It jctIIIm anil cnrlohoH tlio blixxl,
OIlroH IllllipluH, CC7.CIIIU and nil
uruptloiiH, tired, In ntt Id feelings,
loia of uii'iuUUi mid i;uiicnil tlubllity.
"I dura taken llorxt's SsraapsrIIU and
foiiml It rrlUliU mil ellni r(fd aitlifaa
lion, It talma away Hist llrnl fullur, ilm
norsr slut IhiU tint Lluuil In im condition."
Ills nrrlKt'iiuiNNis JM I0IU Html, U. V
Waihlimlon, 11, U.
Hood's Bnriapnrllln promlioi t
uro nnd Koopu tho promise.
HmrtlliiH ArrA or (.'cm I rittltU.
It It ptlumliil liy pxportu Unit tlio
nit (if Anicrlpnii con I Ili'liW, nt pri-tent
open tu iiiIiiIiik, Is n i or n tlinn llvu Him
a RriHit ns of tlio vun.1 Holds of
liiiRliiml, Krnnou, (Ivrmnny ami llvl
Kluiii. tlio Kri'iit conl iirmlucliiir coun
tries of Kiiriipv. Wlillo jirnctlcnlly nil
tin- nvallnlilo (Mill u rem of tlioso conn
trim lmvo lnnn iit'iii'il to inliiltiir. ours
litre sonrct'ljr Ih-.mi intimated. When
wo taku Into ooimlilrrntlou tlio fiict
Hint con I In ono of tlio k'rent motive
powers III tlio limiiilfnctu rlnif world. It
la I'vldriit Hint Dili Imtm-iito wrsltli of
co.ll will to of sticli nn ndvnutiKO to
tlm Dnlliil KlnlcK ns to ln tivyoud suijr
man's calculation. Huccr.
Tlio KhuIi'm Dlmnoicr.
AIIIioiikIi tho itliiini'tcr of tlio eortli
lias Ikm'M roughly known for ninny
yinrs. It Ims lately Ii'cii nccurnlrly ns.
cvrlAlnrd after Uilrty-yrnra' Inlwr and
at a cost of n'.'il nillc.
.at tlio equator and 7.8UU from polo to
An sttrmlsnt In a I'nrW.m ten ilort
liss Invriitrd llttlo mnclilno tint will
park ami tin up pnrcoU at lbs rat of
turfy a uiliinti.
Oootf News for All.
lliadronl, Tonti., Nor. 21. (Hiwclsl)
Prlriitlflc rot-arch shows Kidney
Trouble to lx) tlio fnthcr of to many ills-
tliat yows of discovery of a auto
ctuo for It ramiot fall to lio welcomed
nil ovor tlio country. Anil according to
Mr. J. A. Pavls, of tlila place, Juat audi
n euro la found In Dodd'a Kidney Pills.
Mr. Davla raya:
"Ilodd's Kidney I'llli are all that la
claimed thrui. Tliry liavo don m
inoro good tlion anything I liavo ovor
taken. I had Kidney Trouble very bad
ml after taking a few boics of Dodd'a
Kidney l'illt I am completely cured. I
cannot praise them too liiurli."
Kidney Complaint develops Into
Uriel's Dlstase, Dropay, Diabetes,
Itbeiimatlam, and other painful and
fatal dlsvAsts, Tho aafrKUaid la to cure
your kidneys with Dodd'a Kidney l'llls
whin they show the first symptoms ol
The lllack Hand.
"Charley had a ilrradtul lira Innt
nlaht," aald youuir Mm. Turklna. "II
anya he waa a victim or tliu 'lllack
Hand.' "
"You don't say aol" exclnlnied the
"Yea, II caiue home without a cent.
I don't quite. iili.lerntnml the pnrtlculnrii
na he explained them. Hut they pulled a
deadly wimpim on him that la known aa
a cluli II ii1i." Waahhiiitoii Utar.
rrriuanvnllr Cllrr.1. NoauornrrrminM
tJlrt nrMdar'f umuI IirKlliir-illrfBt Nrv
)tl(.rrr. Krnil fur Vrmm'j frillMil,i.iirttu
'I. nun, MU.,vgi Aim M., 1-uilftUrlimiA, I .
The KliiK of Korea.
Only tho KIuk of Komi may renr
Ko.itt or h.tvu round eolinniH nnd
aiiiaro rafters to his Iioiimj or wear n
cont of brllllnnt red. Only tho KIiir
may look upon tho fnces of tho
Queen'a hundrcda of iitleudnnt Indlci
ot lmvo nny hulldliiR outaldo of which
there nro moro tlinu threo steps. 1'onr
stepa would bo high trenson nnd
would coit their ownor a traitor' a
denUi. Cllpplnir.
Holly Springs, Hiss., March 2., 1503.
WI1II0 huihlliit; railroads in Tennessee
Borne twclva years ago a number of hands
contracted lever nnd various forms of
blood and akin diseases. I carried S. 3. S.
ill my commissary nnd gave It to my hands
with most crntlfyiuirreaults. I cunrccom
mend S. S. 9. as the fmcat preparation for
Malaria, chills and fever, "ns well aa nil
blood and skin diseases. W. I. McGowan,
I suffered greatly from Tolls, which
would break out 011 different parts of my
body. I saw 8, 8. 0. advertised nnd after
usiiiK about thrco bottles I wus cured,
nnd lor the last three years liavo bad no
troublo whatever. A. W. Zuuitu.
317 Read St. , Kvansvllle, Iud.
'i beganuslnR your 8. 8. S. probably ten
years ago for Malaria and blood troubles,
nnd If proved so good that I have con
tinned ever sluco using It as a family
remedy. It Is a pleasure for mo torecom
mend 8. 8. 8. for the benefit of others
who nro need I ngn first rate blood purifier,
tonic nnd euro for Malaria.
Arkansas City, Ark. C. C. HitMlNGWAY.
Bolls, abscesses, sores, dark or yellow
eplotches and debility nro 6ome of tho
symptoms of this mlscroblo disease,
8. 8. 8. counteracts nnd removes from tho
Iilootl an impuri
ties and poisons
and builds up tho
entire system. It Is
guaranteed n pure
ly vegetable reme
dy. write formed'
leal ndvlco or nny
apooiai iiuoruiiw
tiott nbout case.
Tbo Swift SpecMo Company, Atlanta, Go.
!hiie sisi'Ei
Doit fimX S;ruu. Vii 'Via
Mksc '"Mi-gii 1 !iV jfitjT') 3
"Can't you wait n year boforo innr
rylng my ilmiKliti'r," "I can, but my
creditors can't' l.lfr.
"Hlie's nn nctresi; married, t sup
pose!" "Oil, ycsl" "linn she lo"ii
married Ioiik " "Not lonir at n time."
I'lilliidelpliln I.i'dKor.
Wlllbnt victim: Hho When I act
my fnco nKiiliut aiiytlilnir 1 mean It.
Ho Would you or mind aettlntr
your fnco BKnlnst inlno? Kxchnnue.
Dnalinwny Did you lmvo nny trou
blo nmkliitf love to Mla I'lyer? Clever
ton None wlmterer. Tlio troublo
cnmo when 1 tried to break nvrny.
"Have you hcon rendbiic nny of tliee
nrtlclea on 'Why Men Don't do to
Church'" "No. One mluht na well
Kit to church nnd bo ilono with It."
Vciat Why Is n womnn's pockot
llkn tho north polo? Crlnuonlienk
Tlint'a enay. llernuaft tho man doesn't
llvo who ever discovered It. Yonki-rs
Mlilreaa You aeem to lmvo n good
denl of company, Mary. Miild Yo'ui.
Doy'a what I call my ralnlx-aux, Heveu
dirferent colored Kentleinen. Yna'm.
l'rlnceton 'llger,
Ono vnoimb: Her I'athir (atenily)
Youuir nuin, enn you support a fain
llyj Yoiiiik Mnu (atirtled) Why ci
I only wan ted your daughter.
ndelphln I.edKer,
Naybor Is that a now hou-houso
you'ro bulldlnicT Mr. Hnnppy No;
this Is nn old one I'm bulldlnx to take
the place of the new one I tore down
last week. I'lchnnue.
Mrs. Casey An' phat did lb doc-
thor say ailed yej Mr. Casey Appen.
dlcltta. Mr Casey Oeh, worrat 01
knew he'd asy thot If ye wore tuoi
new Runday suit. Judge,
Ileavtum Did you ever drink any
of Uios substitutes for cotTre? I.liihily
What a foolish question! You know
have sojourned In boa nil 11 it houses
for the past ten years. Chicago News.
Dr. l'vndlcka Una your treatment
of Jones' lung trouble been success
ful? Dr. Sharp Very. I cnt him the
bill six months ago and ho hasn't
coughed yet Cincinnati Commercial
American Wnr Correspondent 1
wish I were 4ck In New York. Knu
lish War Correspondent Why? Amer
ican Wnr Corrcmxindcnt I'd ho nhlo
to lenrn something about whnt they'ra
doing here. Puck.
"Never mind," said the friend,
sootblugly, "you'll wake np aonio
morning and find yourself famous."
"Not much!" growled the pessimistic
poet. "It would be lust my luck to
oversleep myself that morning." I'bll
ndelphln I'resa,
"I believe," said the aangnlne, but
visionary, Inventor, "If I oniy had tlino
I could muke a successful flying ma
chlno. "Of courso you could mnko It
nil right If you only had plenty
time. Time files, you know." l'hlhi'
dclphla ledger.
Applying tho principle: Ikey
l"der,'l haf made a mlstiiko In citing
der schango to dot Inst gustomer. I
give lilm dvendw-tlfc cendts loo llttl-",
Ills Fnther Veil. Ikey. tome vise innn
tins nld dot ve should try to brotlt by
our mlstnke. nxehnnge,
"It' nlway dangerous to Jump at
conclusions" said the careful man
'you're llnble to mnko yourself rldlcti'
lous, at least." "Yo," n'pllrd tho Jer
sey commuter, "I Jumped at the eon
elusion of n fcrry-lioat once, nnd
missed It," Philadelphia I.ednor.
"That fellow-townsman of yours,
remarked tho Now Yorker, "hnsn't
mnch Idoa of tnhlo mnnners. "No," re
plied the Chleagoan, "I noticed that
Why, the other day I aeen Mm use tho
same knife for his plo that he'd used
to eat his peas with." Philadelphia
Mrs. I'lirmer Joslah, I'm goln to
town to-morrow to buy a now carpet
for the parlor. What kind had I hot
ter git? Farmer Prosper Any kind yo
like. Itellndy. It make no dlff'renco
bustlos, ex-mlntster, croijuetto, or !
grnto. Butt yourself. Kansas City
Strenuous times sliees Pn Now,
don't nsk me any moro questions.
don't see why your history lemons
should bother you so. They didn't
bother mo when I was n boy, Willie
Well, there wasn't so much history
mndo when you wns a boy. Phlladet
phla Ledger.
"Whnt n beautiful lawn you hnvol"
"Yes," answered Mr. Nngley'n wife,
"my husband keeps It that way." "Ho
must bo very Industrious." "Yes. Ho
nover misses n dny with his lawn
mower; although I could scarcely got
him to touch It until tho neighbors be
gan to complain about tho nolso It
inudo." Washington Stnr.
Cholly (proudly) lly Jovol I'm
quite a professur of swimming, don't
yon know. I tuiight Mabol Onley how
to swim In two lessons. Jnck Undl
That wns n quick throwdown. Cholly
(Indignantly) What do you mean?
Jack Why, sho let mo give her ten
lessons beforo sho learned. Town nnd
"Bo you are looking forward to n
KOod.Uma this summer?" "Yes, sir,"
answered Mr, Cumrox, "doing out of
town?" "No, I'm going to send mother
and tho girls out of town. Then I'm
going to sit In my shtrt-sloevos, smoko
my plpo In the parlor, nnd hire n slroet
piano to play nil the rug-time I want."
Washington Stnr.
Usulusa Uiiowlel;n,
Whon .Mrs. Newrloh returned to
London, nftur n brlof sojourn tu
Pnrlf), alio breathed a sigh of relief
'I'm thankful to get whom tho Ung-
J I oil language la tho provnlllng ono,"
sho snhl to an American friend who
hnd declined to accompany hor across
tlm Channel, "I don't know but ono
word of Kronen that I enn speak rlsht
off easy. That's mcrcl, and goodness
knows I didn't lmvo nny occasion to
use that, for nono of 'cm over did any
thing I wim ted 'cm to,"
A womon without n grlovnuco Is llko
a ship wlUiout a. rudder, i
C1lll I)l(iilfld WIkii He CflaUOIf
tho Curca.of Hi World.
With the siiininerweiitlior tho China
man comes beforo us prominent In his
artistic silks and In his nntlvo naked
ness. Ills temperament also becomes
a notlcenhto feature to tlio observant
foreigner nnd the manner In which
ho takes his pleasure contrasts mar
velotisly with that of tho energetic oc
cidental human being,
In tho early hour of the morning,
when tho rays of old sol aro tern
perrd with tho dlsslpntlng dews of
night, tho wealthy native, as well ns
the worker of low degree, may bo seen
currying tlio cngo containing his favor
Itu sluglmt bird tn tho native gardens
or otlivr'treo-embowored spot and lis
tening In contemplative ecstasy to the.
Joyous greeting which his caged friend
pours forth to tho coining glory of tho
As soon as tho golden beams become
oppressive ho retire to his domicile,
whether to labor or sleep 'tis hard to
tell. In any case, ha Is wle, for has
ho not caught tho beauty of tho grand
est part of a summer's dny, tho mnjo
ty of dawn? Again, when sunset'
glow hns fallen dead In tho West, tho
Cblnamuu pours forth to hi diversion.
To stand for hours with waving fan
011 tho curb of our city' thoroughfare
watching tho procession of vehicular
and pedestrian trnfllc brings hi In ap
parently the delight which n Londoner
can obtain from a lord mayor show,
dally repented, while a volunteer pn
rnde bring him forth In uumberH pro
portionate to tho metropolis' myriads
called out by a roynl pageant.
Thus In dlgnllled, contcmplatlro
manner doe tho Chinaman display his
Idosyucrasy of pleasure-taking. Again,
the native of younger blood, Imbued
with a tlnga of foreign taste, rushei
madly through the streets on tho whir
ring wheel or drives, luxuriously re
cllnlng In his smartly appointed car
rtuge, behind the fastest trotting pony.
steered by n reckless native Jehu,
which bis means are able to procure.
Tho visitor to tho various public ro
sorts of the Chinese In the settlement
will Invariably gain an Interesting In
sight Into tho Chinaman nnd bis pleas
ure-taklug, and one striking feature
cannot pass unnoticed. Whether cootie,
merchant, ofllco boy or mandarin In
public, tho Chlnamau at piny la In
variably respectable. Ono hears much
of the native Immorality, but decorum
when In tho public eye, and absolutely
morn) behavior cluirncterixea even the
blggeat rake among tho Chinamen of
our settlements. Drunkenness Is a vice
which Is usually kept within door, n
aro all other reprchenlvo practices.
Quarreling Is nlmost nn unknown
thing In public resorts. Never does ono
witness anything nppronchlng tho col-
lego student ot Kuropo on the rnmpsga.
or 'Arry nnd "Arrlct on a bnnk 'ollday
tear. The Chinaman takes his pleas
ure as he takes Ids business, with a
calm, calculating philosophy, which
constitutes ono of his greatest varia
tion from tho habit of mind of tlio vi
vacious European. Shanghai Times.
Iloneaor Anoient lied Men.
The skeletons of two full-grown In
dlans have been unearthed by Profei
sor William It. Uoag. of the Minne
sota State Unlvoratty at bis summer
home on Illg Island, Lake Mlnuctou
ka. says tho Minneapolis Tribune.
Professor Hoag was digging In U10
high bank on which U10 houscls situ
nted at the west or upper end of tho
Island for n set of new steps for tho
wharf below. About two feet from
the top of tho bluff and a abort dls
tance under tho dirt bone were dls
covered, and when all had been cot
lectod two perfectly preserved skele
tons were laid stdo by side on the
grass. Several round atones, supposed
ly Indian money or Implements, were
also found.
Tho skulls of U10 Indians were espe
cially well preserved, and It was by
theso that their Identity ns Indians
was made possible, mo nigii cneck
bones show this beyond a doubt How
long they have lain In their graves
overlooking tho lako cannot be ascer
tained, the dryness of the sand nt the
height above Uie water at which tho
bodies were found being given as
reason for their perfect preservation,
Similar relics of the fonuor lake
dwellers havo been found at different
points around tho lake and also on
Illg Island, but U10 new discovery Is
one of tho largest single finds that
ha been made. That part of tho la
and directly faces the setting sun, nnd
It Is believed that It was for Uiat rea
son a favorlto burying ground of tho
tribes Uiat onco peopled tho shores of
U10 lake.
Ono ot the skulls found by I'rofes
sor Uoag contains a full set of per
fectly preserved teeth.
I) itu'l Kiaotty Know.
It Is generally supposed that the
nvcrngo Chleagoan knows something
nbout music. Ho certainly has had
enough of It thrown In his wny. This
being the greatest musical center on
tho American conUnent, most people
havo been acquainted nt least with
tho names ot tho great composers,
Hut there nro still souio who get
thlnga n little mixed.
Standing In front of the new Thom
as orchestra building on Michigan
nvenuo ono dny last week wero thrco
well-dressed uien. One of them wns
rending the names chiseled In tho
stone facade of tho building.
Mnch," ho read, "Hccthoven. Mo
zart, wngner, scliubcrt."
Hero ho paused for a second, nnd
uien, turning to bis two companions.
Is that tho snmo Schubert that's
mixed up In U10 theatrical business?"
-i guess 11 is, sniu one of the other
Nnw," said tho third man. "I'vo
heard my wlfo penk nbout tho fellow
whose nnmo's cut up there. I think
ho's pno of thoso long-haired Herman
oboo plnyers." Chicago Intor Ocean.
Irish KgR (Jo Far,
Wo were told ono curious fact about
Irish eggs. They nro tho richest of
all, better thnn English or Dnnlsh, nnd
pastry cooks always try to buy Uiem,
ns thoy go farther, London Dally
Which Is tho worst: for a boy to
steal an apple from on orchard, or for
mnti to tako one from tu front of a
grocery store?
Uses Pe-ru-na
For Colds and SfUk Finds It
Excellent -HtsSm Remedy.
Tlio Mngn.Iii.ent State Capitol liulhling nt Salem, Oregon.
I'eruna Is known from the Atlantic
to thu Pacific. Letter of congratula
tion and commendation testifying to
tbo merits of I'eruna as a catarrh rem
edy nro pouring In from every state in
the union.
Dr. Ilattman li receiving hundreds
ol such letters dally. All classes write
these letters, from the highest to the
The outdoor Isborcr, tho Indoor ar
tisan, the clork, the editor, the states
man, the preacher all agree that l'o
runa Is the catarrh remedy of the age.
The slsge and lonuuin, recognizing
catarrh as their greatest enemy, are en-
peelslly enthusiastic In theii praise
snd testimony.
Any man who wishes perfect health
must be entirely free from catarrh.
Catairh la well nigh unlvcrtal; almost
IVruna Is the only absolute safeguard
known. A cold is the beginning of ca
tarrh. To prevent colli-, to cure colds. 1
Is to cheat ca'srrh of Its vl tlms. I
I'eruna not onlycures catarrh, but
prevents It. livery household should
be supplied with this great remedy for
coughs, cold and so forth.
Tho ex-goveruor of Oregon is an ard
ent admirer of Peruns. He keeps it
continually In the houee.
Bccnc Alonir One of Moat Ancient
Highway In tlio World.
The road from Horns to llama runs
nlmost due north, a straight white line
cutting ncrots the green fields. It Is
ono of the oldest route In Uie world.
Caravans have been passing along It
for nt lensi 5,0i)0 years, Juit as wo saw
them long strings of slow moving
camels with their bright colored bags
of wheat.
One could nlmost Imagine that Phar
aoh wns sgnln calling down Uie corn of
Hamnth to till his granaries against
Uie seven years of famine. Put even'
hero the old things ore passing. Just!
beyond the long Hue of camels was a I
longer line of fellah women, their dirty
bluo robes kilted above their knees,
carrying upon their shoulders baskets
of earth and stone for the roadbed of
tbo now French railway, Tbo carriage
road Is French, too: and a very good
road It Is. Some men wero repairing It
with a most Ingenious roller. It was a
great round stone, drawn by two oxen,
and having Its axle prolonged by a
lK)-foot pole, at tho end of which n
baro-Icgged Arab was fastened to bal
ance tho whole affair. If the stone had
toppled over, the picture of Uie Arab
dangling at the top of Uie slender
Uabu " "--" worm
All along the ride we were reminded
of tho past. It Is a fertile soil; but Uie ,
very wheat fields are different from I
oure. Only n few ynrqs In width, they
are often of tremendous length. I hes-1
iiaiu iu i-viuuui iiijBuu 10 uKures our
, . . . 1 . . . a .
u i ,.in .1... .i.i n.i.t. I
" " "";
would stretch away in the distance un-1
til lost over porno llttlo elovntlon. At ,
one pUice tho road was cut through a
hill honeycombed with rock tombs,
which tie liaj said were Jewish. Ev
ery now and then we passed a tell, or
great hemispherical mound, built up
of tho rubbish of a dozen ruined I
towns; for even as Into as Itoman
times this was a woll-cultlvatcd and
populous country. Thero Is now no
lumber available for building purposes,
nd In a number of villages the houses i
aro all built with conical roofs of
stone. Where tho rock happens to be
of a reddish Uuge. tho houses remind
one of nothing so much as a collection
of Indian wigwams: where tie stone
Is white, as at Tell el-Hlsch, It glitters
and sparkles llko a fairy city cut out
ot loaf sugar. Scrlbner's Magazine.
jriio Kind low liavo Always UoiiRlit lilts boruo tbo slgnit
tnre of Clins. II. l'lotclier, nnd hns been mndo under Ills
pcrsoiinl supervision for over UO yours. Allow no ono
to docoivo you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
Just-as-g-ood" nro but Experiments, nnd endniiKor tbo
Iionltli of Children Experience nsnlust Eiporlinent.
Onstorla is n harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pnro
Rorlc, Drops and Soothlnpr Syrups. It Is l'lcasaut. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Biibstnnco. Its niro is its eunrnntco. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Fovcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea nnd "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teethlnc- Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd rintuleucy. It nsslmllntcs tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and llowcls, Klvlnff hcnlthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Piuiuccn Tho Mother's rrlond.
Tie KM You HaY6 Always BougM
Soars tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A In His Family
In a letter to Tbo I'eruna
Co., bo says:
Stale of Oregon,
Executive Department,
The Pernna Medicine Co.. Col ambus, O.
Dear Sirs I liavo had occasion to
use your I'eruna medicine In my fam
ily for colds, and It proved to be an ex
cellent remedy. I have not had oc
casion to use It for other ailments. "
Yours very truly
W. At. LORD,
It will bo noticed that the ex-governor
says he has not bad occasion to use
I'eruna for other ailments. The reas
on for this Is, most other ailments be
gin with a cold.
Using Pcrnna to promptly cure colds,
he protects his family against other
This Is exactly what every other fam
ily in the United Stales shonld do
keop I'eruna In the house. Uo It for
coughs, colds, 'a grippe nd other cli
matic affections of winter, and there
will be no other ailment in tbo house.
Such families shonld provide them
selves with a copy of Dr. Hsrtman's
free book. entitled,"ChronIc CaUirh."
Addieea Dr. 8. II. Hsrtmsn, Presi
dent of The Hartman Sanitarium, Co
lumbus, Ohio. All correspondence
held strictly confidential
Aa It Shonld He.
"No," said the dentist, "It would
simply lie a waste of good money for
me to advertise In the newspapers."
"Why do you think so?" queried the
persistent solicitor.
"Ilecause," explained the tooth ctfr
pentcr, "my work speaks for Itself
through the mouths of others."
AHss Rose Peterson. S
tary Parkdale Tennis Club, Chi-
cago, lrora experience advises nil
young girls WllO haVC paiDS and
sitiuicss peculiar ro ineir sex, to
"- '
luolc WJIupOUnd.
How many beautiful young- girls de-
veiop into worn, listless and hopeless
wwueu, kuw because sucicient aitcn-
bwu uw nut uccu uniu vj meir Dnvsicai
a- 1- . .
"c'ciuumcuu wo woman is exempi
irom pnysical weakness and periodic
pain, and young girls just budding into
womanhood should be carefully guided
physically bji well na morally. Another
Miss ITannah E. Mershon, Col
llngswood, N. J- says t
I thought I would write and tell
irZ Tfnu
always thin and delicate, and so weak
that I could hardly do anything. Men-
struatlon was Irregular.
tried botUe of your Vegetable
V f,sm r.!eel bUeI
nOW Vn' '"L"B"
struata regularly. I cinnot say enough
for what your medicine did for me."
tvdln. E. Vlnlri,nm ir.ofi.i
Coiiinound will riifn nn. 5- V?
in tho land wIio suffers from
jvomu troubles. Inflammation of
mo ovaries, aim money troubles.
SIgnnturo of
El nn I Mi ii
Qatsr Freak of Two Ilrother Who
Owned an KnglUli Inn.
An IntcrcsUng llttlo treasure hunt la
causing some excitement In a Stafford
shire village, says the London Mall.
Tbo treasure hunters are not rushing
round with surveyors' chains and pick
axes, but thoy search very patiently
nnd very persistently In old boots and
stockings, pieces of nowspnpers, behind
wall paper and wainscoting and In
black liottles. They are searching for
U10 accumulated wealth of ono Joseph
Attwood, who, with his brother, kept
tho Vino Inn at Delph, Ilrlcrlcy HID
Joseph died not long ago, and his
brother being unable to transact the
business It wns transferred.
The brothers Attwood had curious
Ideas as to tho conduct of their bust
uess nnd Uie employment of capltnl
Ideas which would commend them
selves to no self-respecting economist.
When the elder brother died there was
n hunt for the money which It was
known he had saved. In one of the
rootiH, which had not been opened for
fifteen years, IStt) In gold was found,
stowed away In corners of the room
Hundred of silver coins were found
corked up In gin bottles and beer Jars.
Half a hundredweight of coppers
was found hidden In nooks and cran
nies, old gloves, stockings, paper bags
and envelopes and rolled up In tea
lead. Checks which had never been
presented; a woman's watch and a
very old hunUng watch were also dis
covered. Altogether ICn has been found In
various parts of the house. When the
treasure-seekers hare torn down the
walls, ripped up the floors and search
ed under Uie soot In Uie chimneys,
claims will be pegged out In Uie gar
den. Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAL AtTUCATIONB.u they cannot
rtacn me ri 01 mo niscaBe. lanrrn 11 &
blood or constitutional (111. t. nd In ordrrtn
euro It rou emit tila Internal remediei.
iiBiiitaurrnture is laien internally, and
acta directly on the blood andmucoui aurfaoef.
Hall's Catarrb Cure It not a qnaclc tnedlrlne.
It WM prtfertbed br one of the Lest ohTiltlana
In tbla country for years, and la a, reitufar pre
tcrlptlon. It Is rompceed of tbe best tonics
known, combined with tbe best blood part
ners, acting directly oa tbe muooui aurtace-.
Tbe perfect com Mas Ion of tbe twolnirredlenta
la what product! toch wonderful reaults In
curlnr Catarrh, flend for teatlmonlala free.
r. 1 ciiesky & to.. I'ropa.. Toledo, O.
Bold br drurslitf, price 75c.
IlaU'sTamlly 1111a are tbe beat.
Went to an Oculist.
Friend Did you go to that fashion
able oculist, as I suggested 7
Nearslght Yes. He examined my
eyes, and gave me a piece of paper show
ing the sort of glasses I needed.
"Why don't you get the glasses?"
"No money left"
Plso's Cure ! a good cough medicine.
It has cored coupbs and colda for forty
At aruggtaia. jo cents.
Aa to Scriblel'a Fame.
"Scriblet has turned out a great quan
tity of stuff with his pen, but has he
ever written anything that will endure"
"I think he has. I have several of his
promissory notes in my possession which
I expect to hand down to posterity Just
as ho gave them to me." Chicago Trib
une. Jfotbertwlll Snd Mrs. WInaloWa Soothing
Byrup the beat remedy to use for their children
curtcj tbe teething period.
Forgot III Name.
ifagtstrate--Wby didn't joa answer to
your name 7
Vagrant Beg pardlng, Jedge, but I
forgot wot name I gave las' night.
Fagistrate Didn't you give your own
Vagrant Jo, Jedge, I'm travelln'
Eotof them if jron mis a little of tbe I'fiuiwn I'oultrj tn the
Peed, directed on tbe packHjtr. It will make ben lar. and keep them
lajinfr. and care CmoLkka. Koup, Gapes nnd all dleaies. and nie
1'rnatlaD Lice Killer ('lquid) or lruislaa Lie Puwtler to keep tbcm
free from Vinnln. Ak yoar dealer tux I U USH I A N. don't take
omcthlnKcUe. rovltrr Book Free, PRUSSIAN II EM ED Y CO.
Price 25 lb. pall $3.SO, I'kff. 50c and 25c. St. fanl, Minn.
Packages bj mall 40 and 85 cent.
Portland ScocJ Co., Coast Agts., Portland, Ore.
& High Grade
WSt Machinery
Write for Catalogue anJ Prices
The I H. Averill Machinery Co. W
-fo W. Lm DounJaa malmm ontt
Th mm W . I. Don alas t.M alioea are the .TMttat wtlars In thu irorM la Joranaa ot their exf-
h. lunda In mr f li-tory and IhnM ot olhi r n.nlf anil lh I '-h-er-n fcj.1 hrras'ed. yon wou d uhJit
H Mi hr W. 1- iluuaUa J M hol' M mora to n K, i'i .-r ll"'l U" ' 'l yei U'llor, wyjr
loiiafr.aiitlaroof an-nlvr lntrlnrlc valno th id any ot-ir (3U1 atiujoa too rjovkut to-air, sua nbr tn
aaledIrttiaT.'arrii1lnK.liil7 1. m, Te V!it.l.l) . , .
W. L. value br atami nicbli uirrt-i anl prlco on tha bottom. I-ook lor lt
tako tw subauiute. bold l shoo ilovlra ovary Lare.
Aare vortt W". Z. DovoUu $3 SO (A.vt Jr th latt tietlv yrarf abtofutt
sitttfxictwm. lAnd them tbPfTitr m jtt, to.uifi'f tai t ttv-f vHa r c thuajrom
fAM to 97JWik Jfrt'i , Drift. Colt V, -S, Jut, irtMtif. WtANivNtf. li
Inn mm rott'tm ColtkIu In tal 8-UiO ahnr i. Cnronn f'olt li
W X- Tioucln tin? Ci
Ikj the tlutMt latut U
.cut her Hi u. Its l unt
W t
Ailf Your
iinocarrly-A bf local groors wxlta Wadbaua
We know what all good doc
tors think of Avers Cherry
Pectoral. Ask your own doc
tor and And out. He will (ell
you how It quiets the tlckllnc
throat, heals the Inflamed
luncs, and Controls the
hardest of couchs.
,-Ayar'a Clirry Tr-rlor! U wall known tn
ear UmllT. w II. Ic It It th wl tnvlKlne
In tbe wotM for chiIii and roldi.
Kavl l'STBuaos. I'auloma, Cat,
e.,se.,IM. i.e.AVsnro..
BcnrnMaMMpawe for mmmimmmSmmm
Hard Coughs
HSasssaBSBsaaasssTiSBaiasil lssl limiia aaai
Ono of Aor's Pills nt bodtlmo wll
hnston recovery. Contly lasntlvo,
Thirty Thonsnn't Dry Ooods fltoren.
In the United States there nre about
thirty tiiousand shops Uiat sell dry
goods. Twelve Uious.ind of theso may
,c ranked as good stores, nnd nbout
live thousand arc estahlshmciits of n
size which makes them Important fac
tors In the commercial nnd domestic
life of their communities. The own
ers of almost all of these shops, tbo
largest as well as tho smallest, begnn
obscurely. Tho majority of tho most
prosperous have attained their present
success and mngnltudo during recent
yenrs, In which unsuccessful mer
chants have been wont to complain
that the competition has been ruinous.
a gikih eriioor, OP THE hiomkst
CLASeorpuntutucre , locution. build
In equipment tb Lett. fcJn4 forC4t-
Term OponH Soptombor lff.1904
IamiDil tMDitilM lock of tlrs At n LTfttnsi. Ift-MA
nd 1 par tut Our goods ve In um la
aeexijeTerj r r urjwmmerii.
"Barrack KO. "ratrrtla 111. oath. Thea am tha
MtaixU'd Ktti''rs). Common Kulntfii stiff.
run rtTrtW iitiu. I3 mch. A. Q. LOrlG, FvtUaJ Of
THE. iE.&T
A. J. TOWCR CO..aosTON. atasa..
P. N. U.
No. 4S -1904
WHEN wrltlnc toaditertlaarspleaa
mentluo tnis ppr. I
twits moro mon'm S3.PO (O
n f'iilt Is ennrMlMl in
Color lt-leU UM .i fxvlu-lvvlr.
DOUULAU, u roc hi on, Masaacituaetim
AOo vrti9 vrlU JrUo obUlaftbUt,