JOHN RUSKIN. ITiims CliBrncrlKdm of Oni nt thai Mii.l InlrrrnlliiK of Mm. j ItUHliin's Mn(1nM hatl lis roots In i tlio cMmiiflnl wectnens of Ills nntnro. fcverythliiir in llfo hail conspired to upoll Mm. Ho wns often willful rind wnywnrd nnd oxtmvnsnnt, but ttio bet ter elements of Ills IioIiik prevnlletl over those vtliMi, to Ills linnn, were to wiln power v hem lio wns released from tlio controlling influence of Ills father's Bond sense and Ills mother's nutliority. 'i'lit wtraordliinry keenness of Mt pcr perilous of external tlilnns, tlio vivaci ty of Ills Intclllirence. tlio nnlor of Ills tfmpwaincnt, tlie immense variety of tits Interests mid occupations and the restless energy and Industry with which he pursued them, matlo him one of the most Interesting of men. And combined as they were with deep po otic hihI deeper moral sentiment ns well ns with a liorn deslro to slve pleaiurc. they gnve to Intercourse with him n charm which increased as ac quaintance grew Into affectionate friendship. Ills mind was Indeed at this time In a state of ferment. Ho wns still mainly busy with those topics of art and nature to which his writings had hitherto Iiecn devoted. Hut his work In the field had led him Into oth er Holds of inquiry, which stretched wide mid dark before him. through which ho clear paths were visible and Into which ho was entering uot with out liope of opening a way. Ilence 'forlh his chief iiiiSRlon was that, not of the guide in matters of art, but of the soelnl reformer. Charles Uliot Nor ton In Atlantic. 1'IiOM SOIT11 Ai:uir.. .Now .Mr. Wn.V, of I'shur, niniiiherl.iln'8 Cough Ilenieilv. Arthur (liiiimuiii writing irom DlU'litlll. Mltul. sotilli .unci, sn.vs: "As il proof tlmt ChtiinlM'rhilir Cciiiirli licmeilv l acure nultnble for hi mid voiinir. I lMMi von thcfollow tntr! A nclirlilmr of mini bud child lust over two muMlm old. It hud n very bad couirh anil the imreuts did not know what to irlve It. I sun justed tlmt If they would wet n but tle, of ('hiiinbcrhilii's Cnuuli Itemedy mid nut some lllinn tin dummy t"iit tlio linliv wns nuekliiK it would no doubt euro the child. Tills they did mid brought nliniit iv ntilck relief and cured the bnb.v." Thl lemeily is fori-nlo by Now Km Drug Stoiv. KILL the COUGH AND CURE THE LUIMU& WITH Dr. King's New Discovery for Ci rONSUMPTION OUGIIS and yOLDS Price BOciSI.OO Frea Trial. Surest and (Quickest Dure for all T1I110AT nud LUNQ TROUB LES, or MONEY SACK. ELECTRIC LIGHTS tmiJiiiJiM How can you aHord to be without them? When you can run lour 16 G. P. lamps at 2 cents per light per day. P. M. R.ates per month for Residences A VERY OLOSli CALL "I stuck tn mv enRlne, .'tlmuali every joint iii beil and evert ner ' was racked with rmln," write- V. W. llelhiiuv. a locomotive llremtin. of lIurlliiKtou, Ifiwi), "I was weak i.nd pale, without uny appntlto and all run ilnwn. As I was about to lvo up, I KOtn bottle of Electric Bitters and utter taking It, I W as dl a I ever did In ruy lif"." Weak, -irklj, rim down people always ;riihi new life, ftrollfftll and vlunr fiom their u-e. Try there. Ril-faetliin suiiriinteed by Ilenson Plt.-riniicy friee M cents A Pmnllr rroMem. Toucher was explaining tlio moaning of the word recuperate. "Now. Wltlle," the said. "If your father worked hard all day he would be Hired and all worn out, wouldn't her Vos'm." "Then when night comes and his work is over for the day, what does bo do?" "Tbafa what ma wants to know. Cleveland I.cader. CUltED CONSUMPTION. Mrs. li V. Evans, Clearwater, Kan. writes: "My husband lay sick for three months. The doctors said that he had quick aousumptlor.. We pro cured n Dottle ot Uallurd'n Horehouiid Hprop, and It cured him. That was hlx yoara ao. Since then wo have lway kept n bottle in tho house. Wo oaiinot do without iU Fur coukIih and colds it has no equal." 26e, 50c, $1.00. Sold by the Modern Phurmifcy. 1IU I'olal of Viin. "What is 3'our Idea of a truly good wife!" asked the youth. "A truly good wife," answered the Cummlnsvlllo sage, "Is one who lovos her husband nnd her country, but doesn't attempt to run cither." Phila delphia Inquirer. DOMESTIC TltOUM-iES It Is exceptional to find a family whoro there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, but these can be les-wied by having Dr. Kiua'a Now Life Pills iiround. Much trouble thny wive by their grant work In stoiiiaeli ami liver troubles. Thov not only relieve you but oiue. 2So at Benson's I'liur-inacy. THE II EST I.l.MMKNT. "Chuiiiberlnlli's Pain Ihittn is run Hldcreil tho liest llnuni'iit on tht market," wrllu I'ot Ar Mine- of tlciirKla, Vt. No other liniment will heal a cut or biulw ko prompt l . No other iiffordH Htich quick relict from rheumatic iuiIiih. No other i ho viilunble for , cp Heated pninx in timeliest, (ilvo tbiH lliilini'iil nlrinl unil .villi will neer wisli to lie wlth- out It. how by Tho Mullein Pharmacy. NOTICE I'Olt l'lUU.IOATION. United Suites Ijind Olllce. Ttoelinrg, Oregon; Sept. 10, ISHli. Xotieeis hereby given that in com pliance with tiie provisions of the net ot Congress o( .luue .", 1S7S, entitled "An net (or the wile of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, nnil Washington Territory," ns extended to all the Public Inid States by act of August -1. 1S!2, KDW.VUI) THOMPSON of Saginaw, County of I.ano, State of Oregon, has this dnv tiled in thisotllce his sttornstntenieiitNo 0410 forthc purcha?eo( tlie lxits No 4, 7, 10 nnd 111 of Section Nn 0, Township 'JO South of ltange 1 West nud will offer proof to thou that the land sought is more valuable for its timtier or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ids claim to said land liefore the Itegiftcr and Heccivcr of this olllce nt lioseliiirg, Oregon, on Monday the .'nli day of Dccenibcr. UKII. He names as witnesses. .Inlin 1'itmouil.s, Pnliuan Valentine, Andrew Saltmnan nnd Ansel Wood all nf Saginaw. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the nhove-descrilicd lands uie re-qiiestc-d to II le their claims in llii otlli'e on oi lieforefnid ftth day of l)ii-., 1001. .1. T. llltll'iti Itegister. NOTICE Toil IM'ATION. , Department of the Interior. ' iuid Otlleent Ito-eburg-. Oregon. I Septeinlier :!0, 1004. I Notice I IicitIi.v Klven that the fol-1 lowbiK-iiameil r-cttl-r has filed notice i of his Intention to make tlnnl proof In suptiort of bis cliiiui. and that' said proof will be made before .1. J. i Walliui, I'. S. Commissi uier, nt Ins ! olllce at Eugene, Oresou, on NovcihIht lii. 1004, viz: II. E. No. ftVJtl. Mrs. j Anna Dcnnie, deserted wife of Clarence , E. Ilennic. eiitiymnn. fr.r the W1.. NW'4. XE'4 NWK, NW'4 XK'4 See. 22, T. It) S.,K 4 . tie names thefollowlng; witnesses to I prove Ills cont liiuoiis residence upon uinl cultivation of said land, viz: Alliert . Scliwerieg, Minimis ,1. Moxlcy, Minion linger nud William Hagcr, all of Cresnell Oregon. .1. T. Ilninnns, Iteclster. 3-7-5. notice van prm.icATiox. Itosebiire;, Ore, Sept. lii. l'.KII. Xoth-e Is hereby given that the fiillouiiis-nnined settler has llleil notice of his 1 n t on t ion to make tinal proof In support of his claim, nnd ihat said proot will be made before l .1. Walton, i . s. com r, at his office at Eimeue. Oi-eiron. on Nov-, emlier I, 1WI. viz. II. E. No. ss:W. WIDiam II. liulli'.v. for the I. t 4. SL NWX. SWJ NEJ4' Sec. 10, 'I'. SIS., It 1 w ., He names tlic following; wltuesNcs to prove liN coiitlnous residence upon and cultivation of said bud. viz: , .1. V. Holbrook, of, June, OreRnn, Louie E. .Matthews, of Zlon, Orei;ou, Archto , II. Matthews, of .lime, Orojjoiu .Ins. S. Cacr. of .Tune, Hit Kim. .1. T. Iluinnns, Itegister. First 16 one dollar, each additional 16 50c, each addiional 8 C. P. REASONABLE CHARGE FOR WIRING. 25c. Cottage Grove Electric Co, litis hi ess Curtis. H. C. MADSEN, Watciimakkk. Itrpiiii I nit l ictmoimtilo i,aiUKi,n All Mirk iniiirnult'Cil II mt-eltmH. Wiili'hi'n.rlni'ks unit .tonlr nt l.nwi'it t'rlrfi COTTAUK OltOVK, OltH. A. II. KING AHoi'iioy sit UiiiW, co it. mi: (iiiovv.. oitic. fHammond Wi Co. o n g 8 S i M. i 1 " riaaSP 8 NOTICE rOIt PL'IHJCATION. Land Olllco at Itoselmrjr, Ore. Novcmlicr 4, 1004. Notlco Is hereby Riven that the fol io wlriR-nanicd settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, nnd that said proof will lie mado before J. .1. Wnl ton, U. S. Commissioner, nt his olllce at EiiKcne. Oregon, on Jnnunry 18, 100.1. viz: II. E No. WA:,, (ieorgc V. Hull, for the SE ', NE K Sec. 24, T. 21 S..It. 4W. lie unities the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: Earnest McKeynolds, Oeorge Hnr rlson, tieore Mclteynoldrt, Pert .Mc Dole, ofDIvulc. Oregon. .1. T. Itninci IteglHtcr. The Enttle book store has on sale ('has. W. Evans story, "In Thu ISowels of the Earth." Hit) First Sttvi-t Portlamr, Orcjn. MfintiriU'ttiivrs dI Sell' CoiBtuiiiHMl Wood Fia;uiB( and SrclEoiisil STAMP MILLS Ore Feeders, Rock Crushers, Stettin Scrapers, Tram wttys etc. DKALHRS IN Fno;ines, Iioilers, I'timps, Hoists, Water wheels AIR COMPRESSORS AIR and FLIiCTRIC DRILLS, HANI) DRILLS. A Complete line of Mine and Mill Supplies. I'atnloKUOs. Piano ond Prices on 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 -; 1 1 i 1 1 1 Rammond mf's Co. 100 First Street. Oregon. Portland, ONLY 5 CENTS EXTRA for 1 1 i i - paper ant 1 T!k WEEKLY INTER OCEAN ,,'Buipoaoojd gnoinaipiJ n ipns oj iiepefqo uin.iej puu osoj joipuj jh lUfqj oq uo 's.Ciipims o.ttj iu ipu PIP on 'OB op oi pasii jOAoit pun, oi) menu mq 'iam a'.i.iuiii oj paiuanuoo jon a'iuo jmi pi.-i m.v jtpBI mi oSBIJJtftl jo f?tm inw siij 5110 puiM aatio oq tn ;. 1! 1 .1 .1 " pUO0 OIAl 'liaopui 4a(ir. 1.1 I llt lli 0J)IKUJO iJOA II . HI IK ' ;o a3A oi4, i',1 'V K 1 It "II-' iiuiuniuip UIlSu5i p!i- n!isp , 'u!l u'o t;j ii o ONTA" JIAKKH A ISA!) WO ItS 15. Perhaps you have never thought of It, but tho fact must lie apparent to every ono that cnii-tipiiinni i ciiuseil by n lack of water in the m.n -twin, and the use of drastic cutliiir lion lllto the "Id fasliloiied pill only nmkes a bad ii'mtter woiw. Clmin iMTlnlll'HStDiniieli ami Elver Tablets nro in null Jiuiro wild find gentle In their iiflnot. niwl wlien the proper done Is tali en their acllim is so that ono can .lwrdi.v teniie Jsls tlu'iiffoot ofti medicine. Try a i5 cent bottle of them, I'orsalo by ev lint Drug Store. MIJS. CECEUA ST0WE, Ore or, Kntro Nous Club, 170 irren Avcnuo. Cine no, III., Oct. 22, 1002. For ne rly four years 1 suffered from ov:rian troubles. The doc tor insiM d on un operation as the only waj io pet well. I, however, strongly hjected to an operation. .My hush ml felt disheartened as well as I , for homo with a sick woman i i a disconsolate placo at best. A friendly druggist mlvised liim to ; et a Lottlo of Wine of C'ardui f ir mo to try, and lie did so. I began i i in prove in a few days and myreci. ery win very rapid. With in eight en weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowo's letter shows every wnuian how n homo is saddened by female weaknes and howconiiilctely Wino of C'arilui cures tlmt sick nei.3 mid brinps health and happi ness again. l)o not go on Butter ing, (Jo to your druggist today and secure a 61.00 Lottlo of Wine IM ot t.mlui, I -IV. OF CHICAGO The Leading News, Farm and Home Paper Of The West. Improved mid RtienRtlicntd by tho addition ol mniiy new fontnrm: Knlnrgcd faun ileimrtiiictil foicMiy nnd lloiiculliiK cuie of tho liorse Uojs' nnd Girls' jmgc Ililcriuitiniiiil .Simdny Keliool Lesson Homo Honltll Clnb Mine. Miclinud'c lionlth and beauty liitits now lioiinouo!d idooH prncticnl cookery latest htylcs for nil nsos liofct (lotion full crop nnd mar. kct reports. Tlio Inter Oeenn is tlio only Wrslern papnr roooiviiiff, in addition to the Abhocintcd I'icrs leports, tlie teleKiaph sorvico of tho Central News and special cnblo of tho Now York World, boKides daily reports from ovnr two thousand tpccinl ciiircbpoiuleiitn. ALL THIS FOR ONLY 5 CENTS EXTRA . JSoIicmiii !'3 Weekly Inler 0'h. ISodi for One Ve:f a Am 8. .1.1 OFFER OPEN ONLY A FEW WEEKS SAVED FltO.M TKKWIIU: UKATH The family ot Mrs. M. Ii, ISnbbltt ! llargerton, Ter.n.. saw her dying and wuro powerless to save liur. 1'lie nnwt slclllful physlclaiiH and every remedy used, failed, while consiinilitlnn wns slowlv but Biirelv takliiK her life. In this terrlblo hour V. KmK's New Dis covery for Consumption turned ills tinlr into iov. Tlio 111 Ht bottle IiioiikIiI linmedlato roller and Its continued use completely cured her. It's tb" most coitaln euro In tlio world for nil throat nud luni troubles, nuartlllteed HottlesGOo anil 81.00. Trial iiottles free at llenson's l'lmrinncy. CONSTIPATION. Hon 1 til Is absolutely Impossible.. If constipation no present. Many seilous cases of liver and kliluny com plaint havo BpruiiK from ncKloetoil coiiKtlpntlon. Such a deplorable cou ditlnti Is unnecessary. Thorn Is a cure for It, Iloiblue will speedily remedy nmtteis. O. A. I.lndsv, I'. M., llron'on, i'la., writes. Neb. 12. 191B: "Havliiff tried Ileililno. I llml it a fine medicine for constlmllon." Tile bottle. At Tho .Modern I'liarnincy. The Smart Set A illiSiTJatfijae ol' 9evea2Bi:ss Mngaziues should have a well-defined purpose. Gemiitio etitcrtniiiiticnt amuseuient mid mental recreation are the motives of Tlio Snut rl Sot, the Most Successful ol" Masaxii)cs It Novels (a complete one in , each number) avo by the most brilliant authors of both hemi-.plictes. Its .shorl sloviett are matchless clean and fullof human interest. Its, jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly the most mirth-pro vokinfr. KJO Pa.aes Ocli.aijinil Rcndin.a No pages are wusUiil on cheap illustration!), editorial vaporings or wearying essays and idle discussions. FjVP.VII ntl.1r, will ill.tlll' nlin.VUI, nnd infi-nn7i. vnn Subscribe ww$2,fiO per year. Kemit in cheque, P. O. or Ex press older, or registered letter to Tho Smart Set, MB Fifth Avenue, New York. N. Sample Cony Scut Free on Application, J. E. YOUNG Jltoi'iicii-al- Law oil.i'c en Mil I ii itri'i'l, Went Slil CoTTxc.M C.ttovit, Onn. .1. S. Moillc, . .1. '. .tollSlSOtl . Mcdlcij S- Johnson, Altoineys-nt-liiw ; unlit , '! Haul,- Wiltf- nt tint urn uiven to Mlnltur an. 1 1 i H ii nn 1 1 ill Law. I.. T 1 1 t r 1 1 - A. '. Wiuiili'iH'k. WOODCOCK. & HARRIS, .illoriiriis nt-La ip Siii1h1 iiltenliiili Kltell I" llie lim nt MlnrR. Kl'UHNH, OltH. BARKER & PERMAN I'lioi'innoits ol' THU IsXCIIANGli- " IU M I ll IN MM' WIN liS. I.IJIH)U?, CK1ARS. Mtiln Htifi'i, t '!! ii u' ii'r Ore. U'Mi & rolivcll MlnliiK ICiiKlun'rv S. Mitit-ntl Stirvcvot'8 liuiiiii I itmiK Itldir,' Cut I n irr Drove. i'.ol imk; i iiviiiihiii llldii, loi'tlauil. i ireKoti. 10 tU Ml CoTTACH (ilJOVH, OHIC. Paid i ) Capital, $25,000.00 iliillev t lii.lll nil lippmeil Mvmilx. I eli.iiii;i i.lil, iivilll.tlile uu , t 1. . n lliel'inli' I 1 i'c- H f I! I I It I I h " I r W I T I I I ' I I'ri-lilelil, 1 n-l,l. r Stnljjc ISirccltry. A. F. and A. M. Cmve No. 51, Mo t-, 1st nud ,vd Siitnrduy. tllivcr Vcutch, W. M. I. O. O. F. L'ntt:ige (.Iiovc No. 68. Mcct every Saturday night. Geo. Comer, P. Secty. W. O. W. Iiohcmia Cnmp No. sflo. Meets every Saturday night. C. II. Van Denburg. Clerk. M. W. of A. Cottage Grove Camp No. 6,12.1. Meet-; first and third Tuesday nights. C. W. Wallace, Clerk. F. of A. Court Iiohcmia Mo. 33, Meets every Friday night. S. Ii. I.audcr, Secty Women of Woodcraft. bt. aleiitinc Circle. Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Mrs. C. J. Miller, Clerk Royal Neighbors. Iiinma Colbiirn Cnmp. Meets 2nd and ,ith Wednesday, Kthcl llisliy, Clerk. ANU am Tliirr Trains OREGON BmiQ him Tn Tim I'iisI Dally. 'l" 1 1 1-. . 1 u l . I'lilltiniii -.IiiiiiIiiiiI uinl tiuir- HI sh'i pine e II- ll.llU In Ollillllll, tilll" ciikii, .SiiiiKiine , I'lini"! Hliepini; cnrH iliulv In K 11 1 1 - I il , II till I II tllll It Iniirint nli ep 111 ems ( peiwiiiidlv coll iliii'led) tn( 'Inciitiii, ICiiiiNiiNOity; recliliiiiK eliiiii ems 1 Benin dee) to tliu IlilHt. ilmly. 70 HOURS PnKII.AM roctllCAUO Nn, eluiliKO of i'iuh. 70 l)H' till mit HlM'ellll tlilrui.m. vliilliinl- Initlnii. Attain it. I'.spreBK H: Hi p.m. vlallimt- iimtiin. St. I'niil Kind .Mini (V : irr. ii. via Hpoliiiue. TlMI, Si'llKIIIU.MI limn I'nrtliiiiil hull L.ike, Denver, I t. Wiiilli.Omnhii, Uiiiihiih City , Ht. I.nllin.t'hleii'itn II In I IMIHt, .Suit I. like. IJenver. l-'t, Wintli, Omtihii, 7 :lon. in KlIIIHIIH Oil V, St, I,iiii1h,0IiIciiii mid r.nt. W.illu W11II11. I.e iHtim , Hpokittie, H -tlOn. in Willhiee, I'llillllllll, Militieiipiilin , S, I'iiiiI, Iliibilh, Mil wililkee, Ciiicuiiii .V Knxt. Atuitvii fuum 5iL' Ol'HAN Tor Sun KnilieiHCn Kveij live day ittSiOU p. ill. Km Ahtmiii, iviiy polutB unil North Itencli Uuilv (except. Sun dny; lit H :l)(l p. 111. ; Siitnrduy nt 10:00 p. in. Daily service (miter pel inlttlnn) oil Wlirnmi'lte uinl Ynirliill ltlvern. I'nr fuller iiifiiriiiiitiiui n-lt or writo your nenrvst ticket iiiteni. or A. L. CRAIG, (ieiii'inl la--t.ijrT A tent . Tlie Oieitiin It.iilmiiil A NimiKallon Cn. I'nrliilll'l. OieL"ill. AsK I'lIK .r . 1 i .Mt rric i I-7TS 2 2 K of P Juvenilis Lodge No. .18. Meets every Wednesday night Dr. George Wall K. of R. S G. A. R. Appomatax Post No. 34. Meets 2nd nud 4th Saturday. II. C. Dutton, Adjutant. Meets K. O.T. M. Cascade Camp No. 66. Thursday nights. Prof. A. I Uriggs, Secty. L L Hive No 42 Meets 2nd and 4H1 Tuesday Mrs. K. Fullmer, U. K. MBA Meets every and nud ,th Mondays. S. 1?. Lander, Secty. Order Eastern Star Cottage Grove Chapter No 4 Meets every 2nd and 4th Fridays Celia Lurch, Sect. ii 1 Njitikti lie, ,S7. I'iiiiI, Ml inn iiiolit. Dill. Hf,, Chh-iniu, si I.oiiIh AND AM. POINTS HAST ANU SOUTH Overland Trains Daily Tho Flyer And The Fast Mall Splendid Service Up to date Equipment Courteous F,mp0yes Daylight Trip across the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. Tor TleUetH, Umi.H, I'oi.icrH nnd I' nil Iiitiirinuttim, full un or ihIiIii nh, II. DICKSIIN, f. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. S.Cl. YKKKHH., CI2 Pint A velliio. 11. W. P. A. eiilllu Huttt. WoKlvouxpedltcd M'l'vlce on rielffll Iloiilo your NlibimetitH via t.'ivnt Northcrii. I-'ull hi foriimtloii rnuiM W.M. II.M'iikii. (ienl, AkciiI. 1'orthiml, Oivfron. 0. (i S. I! It Tlmo TnbloNi,,2 To Take EITcct Apr. 2ml, I I'.nsl lluunU KoH-Kul P.M.-A.M. Ml. 1-M 7:.HI 0 7!W !l.a S:M 7:l 6 i:'a 7-.VJ o.:i .'Hill mill 7 7 mil Hill HQ .1:17 H:17 0 5 nun) hijii iii.i; .:a H::i; n a . iiiiih mill u 11:11 H-n u h ami u.o'i m 1. . : -M U:M Hi 1, . .'I mill Kill 1, illy, lllllil Unity Cx iH'plHlllllluy, HTATIUNH. .OolliiKo llnivo. Wiilik'ii Onrrlii. ... Ourro, linker tiiireilii . . lied Itiiek. ... . II iivel lt Hlmiitrt . , Kmr . . Itiii'ky I'nl 11 1 Itwl llrlilni... Wllilwiiiiil ... . W. IVillli Nn 2 r.M.- 11: l II): 111 lil:ll HUB. W:XI WM) iu:i: lo:i 10:01 ten !l:l'i U::l'i u::n -No -A.lf r. r:ir fjn l:M 1:17 .1:11 t:; 4r.u: bia 1:1a l:e. l;ou Hulijoet tneliiiiiKoiwUliiint nt,.0. All fllltll'linl fri'luhl f...i,.. .,l...i ....1.. .... Juiiil irlk 1.1 Klil,,r ,111,1 .,iii,IkiiVu " i ri iKi i win 11111 i,u rei olvcil m Hie o. ,t a It. II. Ill'iml iilli.r ri:lm 1. ..." K.runnlli,.. ..T.. 'V. "... """' .i,.liV.,r.. i T.i 1 iiuikiii iilimi iiu ""I'm 1 mil- liOlllli lilllpll. purinll nt Ii 11 A. II. WOOD, Actinj; (leu Mgr. CO YCARS. experience; TnADE Mahko UESICN3 CflRvniIUT. J7, r niriirr1!!, I'itimhi Ink?,?.' l,,Kl..l.'.'.',tlT.","'"'J"lll"'l- cu,l,wttce, wllllimt u ll"o MlCilliiic Siiiciicnii. Ati.nd.randr llliiitrnloit wiwklr. I.nmcl. rlr. ur mir .. Iomiimo l,,i,ra. 'i uriii 1 1 a MUNN & Co.3B'B'. New York ' ' " 17 UUIUMIUU, If, Vr t