Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 09, 1904, Image 6

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    Bohemia Nugget
t(ohml Nunt Pub. Co.
General Review of Important Happen
pcnlgs Presented In a Drlcf anil
Condensed Conn.
Russia has Accepted the ilrtt of the
Nortli sea Agreement submitted by
Great IlilUln.
Tlic Japanese continue to mako pniita
ow Tort Arthur, reveral more forts hnv
Ing been taken by tliem.
Tretiilent Kooscvelt and Secertary
Ilnj' nr considering tlie proposed Arbi
tration treaty with Germany.
The lenders of the rebellion in San
Domingo have surrendered ana peace
prevails throngboat the republic,
The relatione between Italy and Aus
tria Ate almost at the breaking point.
Tiio trouble aroee ovet student riot.
Several Arieets have leen made at
New Westminster, 11. C for illegal
voting in the Canadian elections last
The United States battleships Oregon
and Wisconsin, the cruiser Cincinnati
and a torpedo boat havo ai lived at
Twelpve Chinese, alleging them-
pelves to be merchants, desirous of vis.
itine the St. Louis fair, have been de
nied admission by the immigration offi
cials at San Franancisco.
Great Britain has ordered tiro of hei
warships home from Canadian waters.
It was necessary to call out troops to
quell rioting students at an Austrian
One hundred people went down with
a steamer sunk in a collision oft the
coast of Algeria.
A Fiench deputy slapped the face of
the minister of war in the house and a
free tight ensued.
A New York ferry boat Jwent down
In a collision caused by dense fog, but
no lives were lost.
Britain has warned ship owners
against allowing their vessels to follow
tho Russian fleet with coal
The Orgeon building at the "World's
fair, which lias been sold, will be ueed
by ita purchaser for a summer resi
A great relief is felt at St. Peters
burg that the Japanese did not succeed
Russia Said To Have Intercepted
Japanese Message.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 8. The Asso
ciated Tree has obtained oUltiat confir
mation of the sensational report Om
an Intercepted dlspAtch fiom the Jap.
aneee minister at The Haue would bo
produced in Hie court ol irtqulry into
the recent North sea allUir to prove the
existence of a plot to destroy the Uus-
elan Keltic Heel. Theie la said to no
good gioiuut tor believing the report to
be true, and there are many indies
tions that the Hneslsu government lias
been lone in possession ot strong evi
dence of a Japanese plan to interepl all
of Admiral Kojestvensky'a warship.
This explains the willingness ol una-
sia to submit the case to international
arbitration. She would scarcely have
ptopoeed this course unless convinced
she had n stiong case.
It also develop that hmpetor Nich
olas during an audience with llntish
Ambatmdor llardinge declared In Uie
most poelllve terms that there were
Japanese torpedo boats in the Notth
tea. Apparently, l'emiiark was un
pressed by the same Mlef. The Hus
sion dowager empress, who was then
in Copenhagen, naturally did not tall
to communicate to her father the com
munication received by her from St.
Petersburg. This would accent for tho
extraordinary ptecautions adopted by
the Danish government in detailing
warships to escort the Baltic sea fleet
throuch Danish waters.
Another remarkable story Is current
in well informed circles to the effect
that two balloons were seen hovering
over the Skagerack while tho Ilussian
fleet entered the North sea. Thoio
were said to have been manned by Jar
nneee. with tho object ot watching the
Russians and possibly dropping explo
sives. No hint of suspicion is expected In
any responsible quarter that the Brit
ish government was in the slightest de
gree or in any WAy tesponsible for the
alleged machinations of the Japanese
aeents. On tho contrary, officials cir
cles express the Inchest praise lor the
conduct of the British government
throughout the North sea incident.
It is thoroughly appreciated here that
the activity of the British fleet was
necessitated by public opinion And was
in no wise intended to cosree Russia
Government Is to Have Only
Pour UuildiiKjs.
That for rorcstrv nnd Initiation Is
eliminated Money Needed for
Lluhllnu and Incidentals.
Washington, Nov. ".It lias been
determined that the government will
elect only (out buildings at the Lewis
ami Clatk exposition instead of live, as
originally planned. It was louiul that
tho acceptance of the lowest bid, that
ot J. K. Bennett, of Portland, would
leave only (10,000 for wiring and light
ing the government buildings and Im
incidental expenses, etc. Tliteaiiiuunt.
in the opinion of Supervising Architect
Taylor, is not sutllctent.
Tho supervising architect declares It
is necessary either to eliminate one
building or reduce the site of the main
building and alter the plans. Chair
man Hills, of the government board,
And the members ol the executive bouid
In this city, today concluded the liest
thing to do would i to abandon tho
separate building which was to have
been erected for fores) y and irrigation,
saving $12,000. As this building was
to have been hidden by the main build
ing, its elimination will not alter the
general appearance of the group on the
peninsula. The board U of the opin
ion that with this building eliminated
there will still bo sutlkicnt space re
maining for all purposes.
Nearly One Hundred People on Los
Angeles Cars.
' Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 8. In a tcr
rifle rear end collision on the I.on
Beach electric road today, in a dense
fog, nearly 100 persons were injured or
badlv shaken un. That many per
in taking i'oit Artnur on me miicauoe BOn8 were not killed outright is aston
bitthday. ishins. A car loaded down with Meil
The bombardment of Port Arthur hw workmen, while running at a speed
ceased. The Japanese captured a num- 01 mre "ln ml,ea an uonr crasneu
bcr of important positions, but were '-u'uB l,T"K':'
The losses on
had stopped to take on a passenger
knocking it 200 feet along the rails
and wrecking both coaches.
The terrible Impact hurled the pas
sengers and laborers into heaps amid
flying timbers. Iron and glass. Fifteen
pel ions were rendered unconscious, but
( l,.l.. nnnA I. -ar,-t F.tallf
Pope Pins has almost completely re- horti one(!S u ,hf) nman who
was operating the woik car.
When bis car burst from the fog and
bore down upon the standing passenger
coach, he threw off the power and put
on the air at the time shrieking
warning to those ahead. Although the
crash was Inevitable, he stuck to his
post and went down amid crushed tim
The cause of the accident was the
dense fog and the fact that the passen
gcr coach was about ten minutes late.
A car bound to this city from Long
Beach was stooped opposite the wreek
The coroner's jury at Hull finds that and mini nf the initired were placed
trie Kussian snips urea on me uawieis aboard of it. While stand ne there.
without provocation. worir car which had been following it
America and France will be asked to trough tn,e P lnt .,
naval officer to serve on the T . , , . TT' . .. .
huu uuu (neivtu lujunea iu luv ursb
collision being again injured in the
Twenty-one British sailors ship- second one. Both cars in the first col-
wrecked on Massira island, near the lision were smashed to kindling wood,
entrance to the Bed sea, were massa- and the passenger car, which received
cred by the natives. the Impact of the second accident, was
badly shattered, but was run to the
The sinking of the Japanese battle- c)ty.
ship Vashima by Russian mines'off
Dalny last Jane has been confirmed by Pine Bridge Is Completed
. L n . 1 . ,
me ioo government Bttei Moti No 8Tiie ealt
Russia fears that Britain may yet I bound Burlington express which reach
unable to hold them.
both sides were heavy.
The Oregon building at St. Louis has
been sold.
The Mukden situation remains un
covered his health.
In the Canadian elections just held
the Liberals won a great victory
The Amerian arbitration treaty with I
Italv will be ready for signatures in a
few days.
Great Britian may ask Admiral Dew
ey to represent it on the North sea
President Roosevelt narrowly escaped
death while out riding by being thrown I
from his hoise.
came a
North sea commission
stop the Baltic fleet.
The California airship has made an
other successful flight at the St. Louis
Great activity prevails in naval cir
cles at Gibraltar, but Britain will not
explain its meaning.
The Russian squadron on the way to
the Orient carries, besides its regular
complement, a large number of lands
ed here yesterday waB the first train to
pass over the new Northern Pacific
steel bridge over the Pend d'Orellle
river at Sand Point, Idaho. The great
bridge, which hat been under construe
tion for nearly a year, has been com'
pleted and turned over by the construc
tion department to the traffic depait-
ment. The estimated cost of the new
bridge is $1,000,000. In its construe
tion 2,300 tons of steel were used.
Dlds for Dpdock Too High.
Washington, Nov. 8. The bureau of
It is claimed that Knropatkin will
retreat when Oyama again attacks, hav yards and docks probably will reject all
ing the smaller number of men and (he bids that were received for the
guns. completion of the big drydock at the
Mare Island navy yard. The bids are
urmeu Btaies Minister rearson, to considered as excessive, and if tho con
x-ersia, uas eropnaucaiiy reiieraieu uis tract wele mslie oa tlie ba,Is oI 10Be
demand for the just and proper pun- figures tho cost of the dock would far
ishn-ent of those responsible for tg- exceea tbe original estimate and the
T, ' """uce lU0 "can amount available for tho work. It, fa
ui.BBiunnry. probably that this work will be carried
Bandits held up the Cody, Wyo., 00 y?rd ,labr' except In certain
bank and killed the cashier. "Buffalo ParU ,8acb a" nlMng the electrical
Bill" will take the trail n pursuit of ouuuing me caisson
I Department Will Need Less Money,
The railing of the Russian Bquadron Washington, Nov. 8, Acting Becre
from Vigo led the British public to be- tary Murray, of the department of com
lievo the timo was at hand for war. merce and labor, made public today
The ferelgn office explained that Russia I the estimate of appropriations for the
was only to detain oliicers having know- department for the fiscal yeai beginning
ledge of the trawler incident. I July 1, 1005. The estimates aggiegato
Th. ..... ....... .a3,52U, being 1504,425 less than
I...7. . it i ol the estimates for the fiscal jear begin
ningJuly 1, 1004. Tho estimates for
The Japanese are tightening tho lines tlie fiscal year of 1900 exceed tho an.
around Port Arthui. proprlations for the current fiscal year
Tho Ruesian'wurehips at Vgo expect u
to remain for two weeks.
Committee Named by Hitchcock Will
lieu In Work Immediately.
St. Louis, Nov 7. The members of
the committee selected by the Interior
department to select the exhibits from
the Alaskan building for tlie Lenis and
Clark Centennial exposition in Tort
land next year are expected to arrive at
the Alaskan building and begin their
labors today. The committee if com.'
posed of tho following: Assistant Sec
retary of the Interior Judge Thomas
Ryan, Edward M. Dawson, chief e'erk
of the Department of Interior, B. F.
Peters, chief clerk of the Navy depart.
ment, and 8. It. Ilnrcha.
In addition to selecting tlie exhibits,
the committee will also determine the
amount of space to be allotted to Alas,
ka. It has been stated that the oti
zens of the various cities and towns in
Alaska are being awakened to tue fact
that the United States government is
doing everything in its power to aid
them in the development of the terri
tory and to induce people to go to Alas
ka and locate, and they will do every,
thing in their power to aid the com'
mittee by forming clubs and exposition
societies to make a concentrated effort
to display the advantages of Alaska at
I'oitland in the very best possible man'
Porl Arlluir ftusl Pull Wllhln a Very
Short Time.
lMnf.v N.. A. ."Port Aithur is
The correspondent of the AsmM-hited
Press he n lias lecelved Inhumation,
the reliability of which U beyond ipu
turn, that tho Jmmm'sc now occupy
slllone which place the east side of the
town at tin li mercy.
JiiiwineitH nrrlvlni! from DrtlllV today
report that the Japanese have enptuted
ISIlilinig mountain and Stingushu moim
tain, which lies Pcteon tho tallrortd
ami Ulhlting mountain. 1 hey also re
poitthat tho Japaiuw have also cap
lured Hast Kcckwan mountain.
The last aseaull has gained for them
positions which Insure their ability to
enter tlie iiinln torts whenever tney aic
ready. It Is ealculntwl by the Japan
ese that If the liiisslans do not suneii'
der, they will In- capalle of prolonging
their final stand at l.laotl mountain
and on the Tiger's Tall for a month
longer, with the uieie hope of prolong
Ing the snuggle. Long before the Set
oml Pacific squadron aril vim the Japan'
ese Hag will wave out the wrecked tit'
This will cud Viceroy Aloxlefl's
dream ot an tiiicoiiiiiiernble city. The
Japanese have not occupied the main
forts and highest points of the east
hills, hut they occupy In ovcrwlndming
niimhen) positions which will enable
them to tliive the Russians back when
ever they desire.
San Prancisco Man and His Wife Lose
42,300 Worth or Jewelry.
San Francisco, Nov. 7. Arnold (iun-
dclfinger, a retired merchant, and his
wife were held up in their apartments
at the Hotel Dorchester tonight and
robbed of jewelry valued at 12,600.
According to Mr. Gundelfinger's story,
lie and liM wile were dressing In their
room, ile heard a knock on the door
and, answering it, he discovered a for
mer bell boy of the hotel, James Gates,
at the door. Gates said he had been
sent up to look at the plumbing. II
was told that Mrs. Gundelfinger was
dressing and that he could not ccmo
In. He insisted and was allowed to
enter the room. He then drew a re
volver and demanded that Mrs. Gundel
finger surrender her jewels. Mrs. Gun'
delfinger said they were in another
room, and at the pistol's point Gates
compelled Gundelfinger and his wife to
go into the other room. Mrs. Gundel
finger then handed over a bag contain
Ing the jewels. Gates then made bis
Witnesses In the North Sea Incident
Confer with Diplomats,
Paris, Nov. 5 Three ulllccis of the
Hussian squadron, Including Cat tain
Clado, who are the principal witneMM
in the Nortli sea Incident, arrived to
day from Vigo and went immediately
to the linsslau embassy, wheie they
held a long conference.
Captain Clado was on ttoard tlie flag
ship with Vice Admiral liojealveiisky,
and was entrusted with tho task ol
drafting the official account. After
the conference the officers declined to
make any public statement relative to
tlie affair until the report is delivered
in St. Petersburg. IloHeter, it can It
Mated that their visit more than ever
satisfies the Russian authorities that
tho pretemt' of to Japanese torjiedo
boats was a oitive fact, eyo willies?
maintaining that their identification
was unmistakable.
There continues to ho an understand
ing in Ilussian diplomatic circles that
two reports will be sent separately, one
from Hull and the other from St.
Petersburg, to The Hague foi final
Nit US HP Til! I'l NHI NUAttV
Experts Do Not Expect Battle,
Berlin, Nov. 7. Tho Lokal Anzel
ger 's Mukden correspondent claims tho
most trustworthy authority for th
statement that 34,0000 sick and wound
ed Russian soldiers were sent away af
ter tlie last engagement. Colonel
Baedl'e, the Tageblatt's correspondent
with the Russian army, telegiaphs that
tlie Russian positions on the Kliakho
river are daily becoming stronger. The
possibility of a Japanese attack, he
says, is constantly diminishing, anc
many experts do not expect a decisive
engagement before spring.
Difficulty Not with tlie Gun.
Washington, Nov. 8. As a result of
an investigation into the defect in the
12-inch shell used on United States
war vessels, noted during tho recent
A Memphis, Tenn, building collaps
ed, burying a number of persons.
tThe jury in the Ames case has again
disagreed, and M nnnanlln Ay.mnvnr.
indltced for grafting, is likely to g0 target practices of the North Atlantic
free. fleet, it lias been reported by tho board
ot experts that the difficulty was on'
Rothschild has guaranteed the sue- tlrely with the steel bands on tho pro
cess ot the entire loan of f 270,000,000 Jectile, and not with the gun, as was
to bo floated by Russia tho first of the apprehended. This defect can easily
wo ua remedied,
Eva Booth Is Promoted.
Bt. John, N. li., Nov. 7. A tele
gram from Salvation Army headquar
ters in Toronto announces the new
commissioners for tho army in the
United States and Canada. Miss Eva
Booth, who for eight years has been in
command In Canada, will be command'
er in the United States, with head
quarters in New York City. Commis
sioner Kilby, who will bo Miss Booth's
deputy commander, has been in chaige
in rjoutli Arlica. lie w:ll have partial
jurisdiction In tho western section of
the United States.
Massacred by Natives.
London, Nov. 7. According to in.
formation from the island of I'eiim,
at the entrance to the Bed sea, an in
vestigation of the Mamlra Island made
by the sultan of Muscat uliows that the
captain and a boat's crew of 21 men,
which left the British steamer Baron,
which lan ashore at tho Kuria Muso
Islands, reached Massira islands and
were massacred by tho natives. Nine
of tho murdeiera havo been arrested
and tho rest will icon bo taken.
Pined for Bringing In Consumptive.
Han Franclrco, Nov. 7. Secretary
Victor II. Metcalf, ol the department
of commerce and labor, today imposed
a fine of $100 upon the Pacific Coast
steamship company for bringing to hls
port on September 28, as a passenger
on the steamer Umatilla, from 'Vic
toria, B. 0. a consumptive,
Swindling Employment Agent Is Ar
rested In St. Louis.
St. Louis, Nov. 6. George K. Hall,
of Kansas City, was today arrested by
a deputy United States marshal on the
charge of having obtained a fee of t
each from 200 laborers for securing
them employment and then sending
them to Alaska at their own oxpvnse to
work for a conitruction company that
did not exist. The specific charge
against him is that he need the mails
to defiaud. It is alleged that Hall rep
resented hlmsell to be an employer of
labor lor tiie Alaska l ukon construe
tion company, that he secured 200 I
borers to go to Valdez, Alaska, ami a
ter collecting $27 from each, 2 as his
lee and f 25 as transportation, it
said lie sent them to Alaska. Insjx-c
oi iiennctl declares that when tl
laborers reached their destination they
learned tnat t litre was no such com
pany as tho one named, and they nin
their way back as host they could, afte
mucli Buttering and hardship.
Superintendent James Make!) Ho
uimmciHi.iiiis in m-pin
8iii.-Tii! present contract for
tho employment of Oiegou convicts In
tho penitentiary to foundry eiplrr
in July. 1906. smut after the adlouru
ment nf the ul leatetotiirM. ami tli
queittloit Is presented. What aliall Hi"
be dtmo with the ootivlctsT This "ga
llon hi nonnested ' biennial re
tort of Prison Superintendent C. W.
James, his' only recommendation on
the subject being that notno plan he
adopted by which all the convicts wM
bo glveu constant employment. Tills
Is desired buth as a messuro of econ
omy for the state and a means of ills
elpllne sinotm tho prisoners.
The principal rerouimenilattons
mail., hv Simerlntendriit Jaiuos are
that nmvlsluiM lie rondo by whirl!
youthful prisoner may he separated
from the older men and those sen
tenced for trivial offenses separated
from hardened criminals; that an ap
propriation be made which will nrinlt
the enlargement of the library to 00Q
volumes; that more land be purchased
so that more of the articles of food
may bo produced by convict ImImt;
that tho foundry buildings be repaired
and Improved. If the present plan of
convict labor Is to he continued; that
tho water-power Hume be strengthen
ed mi Unit It will not be In danker tit
bursting from decay; that s new Imrn
bo constructed; that a new system of
plumbing tie Installed In the prison
cells: that provision .should be mads
for tho employment of guards for prls.
oners condemned to be hanged, and
that an appropilatlon be made for the
purchase of a surglcsl table and sur
gical tools fur the prison hospital.
More TeJiliers Arc Wanted.
Pendleton Twenty-six teachers of
the Pendleton city schools have tiled
their contracts with County 8upsr1ii
tended Prank K. Wells. Only one
more Is left yet to file. Although the
law requires that teachers must Ale
their contracts upon commencing their
duties. The Pendleton teachers have
Just compiled with the law. Mr. Wells
reports that there are yet a number
of Umatilla county districts to bo sup
plied with teachers. The districts are
small and pay from HO to $S0 a
month, and are not much sought for.
When teachers are plentiful there Is
no trouble to supply even the most
remote district, hut, now, when every
teacher Is employed, the low wages
and undesirable locations hold no In
duccmcnts to them.
(Ill I I t: I nut iiiniuiii.
(mis llsy Illicit (iimhlitliiii In IhiiM
ti New Line.
Marshltehl -The ubjwl nf ths visit
hero ot Paul M0Hr. 1,18 lUiii rail
road ptomnter, ! now definitely
known. Mr. Molir Is undertaking tu
flimnee ths bulhllnn or it rallwny eon
necllim fiow Cws Hsy to the Southern
Pacific at Hossburn. '1 111 means
either a "r tl,M lHslon of
th present nl ttum My Hie l'otnt.
Three routes sre Mn eismlnml
and two surviving psitlss are In the
fluid. One of these Is tryin to mm s
(was alone the stage road up thn mid
die fork of i CoouiH" The rtuit.. up
ths north fork ' Cm by
Loon lake Mi through Klkton pass
has also bmH siploml, It Is bollevmt
ths most fsaslbls routs Is from Myr
tle Point to Cawss vsllsy through a
tow pass vast of the Mountain Hums
to t-ooklnt, llbws valltty, down the
Looking Olsss creek to Happy valley
and elahl mils P ths Utinw to
I lose burg.
This routs ttiss a rad He who re
to Kimtl 1 V cent. It rusks nn
elongated letter "". and the dlstMHce
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Cx-Lealstator Convicted of Dribery
StvI)uls, Nov. 6. John A. Sherl
dan, an ex-member of the house of del
egates, who was indicted on a bribery
charge, convicted and sentenced to the
penitentiary foi five years, is dead at
the Jefferson hospital, from tubercu
Iosis. Sheridan was not taken to the
penitentiary, as his case was appealed
to me supreme court. Another Indict
ment, however, was pending against
him, and his case had been set for
trial on November 10. Eleven weeks
ago he was taken to the hospital where
ne uieu.
Dandits Cornered.
Cody, Wyo., Nov. 6. The different
bands of men hunting tho men who
klled tlie cashier ot the First National
bank have the robbers practically sm
rounded In the foothills of the Owl
Creek mountains, 50 miles from hero.
It is reported that a lame force of their
friends are coming to their assistance
irom the Iluli-ln-tlic- wall country, and
a nurrmcr ot men nave lelt hcie to re'
intorce the puiBUers. "Iluffalo Dill.
with Indian scouts and cowboys, has
laKen mo trail, anu a lively time may
uu uiiiii-jjiaieii.
Completing Arranaements,
London, Nov. 6. The neL-otlnilnnu
oeiween trie lirltisn and J(us an env.
crnments In regard to the International
commission which is to investigate the
norm sea incident are progressing, ar
parent ly, to tho satisfaction of lmtl,
sides. Tho foreign office stated to the
Associated Press this evening that noth
ing nau Wen yet ueunitely sett ed re.
gardlng the personnel, date nr place,
aitnougii tho commission is lively to
meot in Paris. - Thn foreign office added
tnat invitations will he sent to several
powers to send representatives.
Poison Placed In Pudding.
new iorK, nov. . two persons
who ato a part oi n punning sent to
theatrical boarding house in West
forty-third street are dylnc in noon,,.
velt hospital, a third is In a critical
condition and tho police aro ecnnrlnv
that part of the city in an effort to lo.
cato tho messenger who left tho package
at tho door. It Is believed that the
sender of tho packnge planned tho denll.
of the entire household, with an jden
ot rovengo for some unknown causo,
Coal Prices flo Up.
rittBburg, Nov. 6, Prices of all
grades of coal havo been advanced 35
cents a ton as a result nf tho Increased
demand for coal and tho strike of an.
gineers In Illinois, 1
Ola Fir from Clatsop.
Astoria. One of Clatsop county's
exhibits at the I-owls and Clark Pair
will be a fir log that Is perfect n well
as Immense. It Is standing on the
property owned by H. IS. Harris, on
Young's river nbovo tho falls, that li
now being lorged by tho llrentner
Logging Company. The tree standi
perfectly plumb and without a blem
ish. Ten feet from the ground It
measures 13V4 feet In diameter and
200 feet nbovc. where the first limb
Is, It Is 8 feet In diameter. The cost
of the exhibition of the lo will be
bourne by the different Interests that
will furnish the necessary tools and
appliances to lake It from thn forest
anil place It In tide water. The equal
of this tree Is rarely seen and Its like
has never been exhibited anywhere.
Dig Sale of Timber Land.
Hugcnc. It Is reported hero on good
authority that an Immcnso transaction
In timber land has been closed, Involv
ing a transfer of 24,000 acres of fine
timber on tho Coast Pork, south of
hero. Tho land was owned by sever
al persons who pooled their holillnim
ine iiooins, a. n. Friendly, A. C.
woodcock and several others being
ine nomcrs ami tney nam arrnmred
a sale to tho now stockholders who re
cently acquired stock In tho llooth
Kelly Company. Tho price paid Is
said to bo IIS per acre, which Is con
sidered very reasonabto for m-i. n
Point. This hkiis was limiisiiratml by
Klllah Smith, ssd he has Ihnh work
tug on It sines arrived her from
lliMtnu two mosUiss . nut in carry
Ins out the prolset them will ti ro-
operation of Interests The Mpist-keli
Coos Ibtv. ItosesstK ft ICastsrn Hall
way to Myitis Point, the Klnnsy twit
line railroad sraawt '' (lay and the
new line to Kossssrg will all work In
harmony This k ores rt-sult of tb
conference of rstlrosJ Mien.
Manager Hamists. of thn Bprerkels
steamship lines. so was at ths mr-et
Ing, returned nn IB" last steamer In
Ran franrlara. Behind all this there
Is believed tu lis UH a deeper slatil-
flcanen, Mr Smltk Is president nf th
Bouthern Oregtt Company, wbleli
owns 97.000 arres of Cons county Um
ber. It Is deslrst to set the lumber
hark over ths twh line and over a
railroad to ths (astern market. To
this purpose not Max Is arrotnpllshnd
by stopping at Rossburg. Lumber si
Ituseburg Is worta svn less than It
Is on Coos bay. To get ths benefit do
st red, the road to Mossbunc must led
to ths building of a transcontinental
line to ths Kast.
Mill Crrck Power to be Used
I.A fl rands. A cowpsny has been
formed by a few men who are largely
Interested In Union county, among
horn are Walter M Plsrce. T. II.
Crawford. Surveyor Iterry and others,
with T. II. Crawford as President, who
expect soon to estshllah a water (mw
er plant two miles above the Cove
The water will be taken from Mill
creek and a force of men Is now at
work on n ditch. Already a quarter of
a mile or It has been otcavstett
There will be a power iIm of ITtw
with St0 feet fall. This power will Ihi
used for electric lights at the Hot Uke,
Covn and possibly l.a (Irantle nnd
oilier point, as well as for other pur
poses, it will be In worklne order by
variy spring.
li''' Cll
' I1 J
in,, f ii
.HI ,1
VI.. .1. i .
...11.11 lAI IH.I,
will U. ew-ipd i,
n ak -,l
this nail i,
Ol VSll,g.,t, I,,,,
imllSltl,,!. tl nt
lllg llllll-.r- ,. ,. I
ltllllrtl.i I ,
lest sin t'K'l 1,1.
uaa II,. , .-..j
thai, II,, I l, i ,1.
IIS III II ,. .,l ,, I
flltlllK W- tl,., I .
luendiiu- ,-
leselv k , I I
go,! mil, it t ,,
and wild I i
"In t'.i. ,
enmbli.e t . 1 1 i, .
al Iret.l. it, .. I . , .
more ifitian ,, - ,,
World'. I-I l,,ri l
ninth ti , t . ii , ' .,
the (ill ll ir 'la! i,
mi nr n.-tiiati n, , n lij, , . ,
thvgrsve r. .(. .,. i , t, ,H, f .
hill, in her, I.., r, ti 0 u. , , (
SUrCM llllint .ri, 1 g, ( ,
eteIPr, oi "r tti-lti , j,i
llHI tile wav n i, 1 ( i
bis duly l.v l.tii, m- till
"Nos, th. frl,,rp I Tf-.' 'ii.
Velt, pieeldrnl "I l c I r. lej '"J'.
herrby sp,int stl eri iti.'lt ifx
tlie XIII, day ..f Hits N osVr. t
oWrnl ss s dav ol frstinl tMtUi
giving ty sll ul i I,i tet.s (
Unllitt Ntsie si hm tr itrl,
do ii-roiiiiuriid tlisi n pit iUr
ten i (niiii llinr ,r titin orcjpsl
sih! gstber in iiir.rsitiilt.n
wo ship ,r In tlieir t, l ft, Oil..!
Kite tlxi.ka lo ,Mitiil,'r l,"l ()
Imrefiis Ha hss c- n'nipl oi-w
IihIIvIiIiisN Slid as I it'.un, i
breerh Hun iiit la lUfnl-i
divine isv, r may Imp ut L fl m
In wtliirM Hhtit'f, ri'.il
unto set my band ami rtuv! tli
of the I'nltiil tilsti-s loUjifi"!
iKine at His clljl'l
till" 1st dv of Nuimlr, la
of our I .ml, uus ili-UMO'lniM'
Slid four, Slid ol II m !f t! f
the t'liitid Hutrs tho ceo Uni'd
Iwslll.i -iiii.tli.
"Jons iiw K.rrtitj.fmi
"lly the J'resi-lcM
rewer Entries fy Setllers.
Pendleton. Slnco Investigations
were mndo by tho land department In
regard to proofs on homosteail entries,
unitea mates commissioners through
out tho I.n Qronile land district notice
falling off In entries. A land nfflrr
official says tho Washington report Is
in error in regard to tho people at
largo being In favor of placing the
reservations made for reservoir hIIm
again for entry ns tho bona fl.lo and
Uell Line Road Is Assured.
I.a Ornniln Tim ..,... . ..
nWiri- i.t. """'a 'r me
l,v ti 'TV uu ln unIn county
y the Kaatnrn r)r..u r, . '
Company oack0(,
Covn hnv me
tjon of a depot u,U, I oVwwmS
Itlca In tho county are doInJ hilr
share to hasten tho cowple C Df tl e
road, which It is expec to I w li l. tilt
ly noxt fall. Alt (,.,. . 1,0 enr-
will bo connected. "'e cou"ty
Dales of Albany Poullp show
A!linnv Tt,
Clilmi Refuses to Let Pusslin I
Chefoo. Nov 3 -Tin offi'rl
Clew ol III., Itmhltrlnl, t' cl
toiiteilo Ixat tlestrrtyrr, sbub tB
Hit of this harbor AufU-tKU'HS
Woodbiirn Real Cstjfc Moves
vXKkitiurn. WiKMlborn real estate
Is selling at advanced prices, and the
city has gained 31 per cent In popula
tion during the last IX months. More
new buildings hare been erected dur
ing the last year than ever before dur
ing a like period of time. Numerous
sales of real estate have been made
within the psat few days. The fol
lowing ssles of Importance were made
recently: A. Ilnrhan. residence.
HMO; Walter I,. Tooie. 1 Iota on
.Main street. I2CS0: O. I). Henderson
one-lislr lot on Mnin tr....i aan ti.
city Is (IIIInK UD with lias'liirn Inreet- JAiice. went on IxsrJlUGtv
nrs. and nrlcee nr luKiiultitr Nni n ili-an er Vorwsrrls tonltut.
nouso is vacant In the city. Shanghai, where they rs to j
olllreis Slid crew ot ths Jioseisn
rii.t. iwt...t t ......... lA.VnM ILilnrn ths Xtrrtl,
w... -Mia. ,g LCIII.1 a IIII.1IICI. ' , ...Jl.,1
ii. ... . . iiownvni. ins iiUHUPi "
i i-Niiiiiuu. liuo wmt nas rcnciitHl ... ', ... ,, ..,.,!
iu cents n uusitci, tnu highest mark li.. i..i n,. i..i memmlm
for tho season, with but few sales. Ll id. .wntituloii shlch 11
Knrmers who have held this long for riaiiUm! them to piocrci to Em,
uettor prices feel no hesitancy to hold
longer. Tho car famine continues. Train tilts Ournlnfl fW'
Pew cars can bo obtained, ns nil ob Vancouver, It. C N
Inlnnl.ln ... I lil.ln I M,..,r WIS klllnl, ""'
.-ni ,u mo i niousu conn- i . : . ,, i., i,.i
try to move I In, grain that I. unpro- TTIl hi
tocted. No wheat romnlns In V matll- " ... ",Z . , . ,, .,, Mct t
In county out of tho warehouse. Thai . ..7....,.t l,t il.'ld '
wincli was plied In tho open air ws ,'., .,, hsn tlh lof,
Bu nnell nrst. ..........- .i..h
steep grade, lie put on n,
hraktm. but tlio nrsvy
down the hill in destruction.
exhibit from Umatilla County.
Poni!!eton.-Ir. A. Ui Itoy. superln- i ,mi fell heavily on tlei
endent of the Oregon Information " ' "'1. a 1 il ca. srre com
lluroaii. met t in nnmmiirnlnl r-)..i. t... ' " ".' us
tho purpose of lntereallnir the rlilTuna
01 umauiia county in making nn elnb
oniio oxnin r or pro, ueta nf 1 .
ty for tho I.owls nnd Clark Imposition.
Mr. I.n ftoy anlil ho would pomilt this
-- --- ..j
Iv demolished. The lliea-j
In spark from an engine-
rnnr of Crater rIU
County to IISO tho Ollllhlt enllueled l,v L.i. Mnllllt VmBVIMi
tho Information llurenti at tho oiioiiIiik inr, itriinr tho latsMP"
nr lli I nt .. .1 "
MV.,H" i,J,r " l UUIO C Ininj
iffifhiir n rr.ut. ...1. 11. is I IIIHI 1
. .with. !
gather a frosh oihlblt of tho various """ ' "r . " i...millatly
products of this coiinty noxt year.
Hoe.lnllnn 1 I'OUIiry
cluslVoT a i.,,.1 5.J."?"r'. ?. ! 21. I"
noxt annual poultry J? t ,olr
will bo held In Albany "?W
former ones of the SJJ.,1"" ,h"
will bo tho third .. ",",oc. atlo. nd
association, r 1,10 nre'ent
AddUlor, ,0 PIIornalll Co
Ph bmall. ai '
oxtonslvo Improvom'cnU win I" $7000'
to tllO Phllnmnll. nif, Wl11 " mn.lo
Flvo rccltatlo, rooms a Si, '"" ,,lnK'
laboratory. n ft .I'-C'iulppod
brary, museum 7ni , oniZ.00' "'
are tho contomnlad ?. " chapol
Smelter for Clackamas Mine. "'"! I0.1 ?. "",.Vi. ,,lallf Tl
Oregon Clty.-Tho llnnnclnl Mining Ti'." form of il""
Coinnniiv. wh i-l, rtmimi. 11 ii... falling in un ... , .
tho hendwators of tho ClacknmtiH '.'i''0!!'1 n?rf.?. .iMiirliiince Uft,
rivor. 80 miles from Oregon City, has 20 ,"
contracted for n to ton Umn,.r i n a short timo.
.iiot J:.i0'.i'!.ha "I "'"a" within n . ,. . , cmUgglc In 0 i-.ikiii or iiicbo clnliiiH nru em- -""u v" - r,0ia
brnced tho Silver King, Ksthor nnd New York, Nov. S.-W'i ,,
Mother I.01 11 ltiiiiiim n,i i,nv, it 1.. ni.i,,, have nilt'Sled a i
deposits 1 of copper. Tho Oklahoma has , the act of removhig
t too clulinH of frecwnllllng oro mid 00k 1 bag conlalnlnK 380 ounce"
tho COIlipiiny w nut (, mill i"i H. treatment Of CO""
next s,,ur 55.511;
rstsi,sA.,..t ...1.. .. . . . irouiiiij TtH". - 1 in nin'
""' w"" 1 rt-ign 1 mrs. declared tho bag as ""'. .. (mm 1
uiniitllln. Tho viiidii ii f III lii tin! tit I ilin ii
l,.n?i,C(MKH?,U"1 wHh t,vMt rrH 'rom Lpo, and that ho was 0
hoth tho Oreiron nnd Wm.i,i.,t.i,.n ,11. r .n..i..iv in an address
v sIoiih. nr.. .,. .. ., ""... . I""""". '' .1,1 i, well pau
wlieto no wo,""
vtoioiis. urows tiro working double
1 us 10 nutidio tho Immonso whont
V i"iT.U Conshlornblo Aslnllo
iiu,. .,,e,nK ulilpjuiii on through
traliiH to tho east vln thin point. Pas-?"-"Kor1
trnlllo lulu also reached tho
top notch.
Wheat Marltet,
Depot Contract ll.""
Bcnttlo, N0V:,3-T'niH of th '
Hlstant to Picsldci it llil (, ,roro
Nolthorn ra iro " , th
Paul to.l-ywW'JIwT.i, inlhli
,u IrtH tun liutw ""i ... in
1 u in, ilin union
l'ortlaiid - Walla Willa, RMMa; and oxtonslvo ''"Ma been
Ullleslem. 84(ilRRn. vallmr. Hilfflmr. n.nt Vnrt hern's UOCKS n (
V : ..T"' '-VI ,v... ,v0 ouv ,..r - .
. ntuina II llll'Hlmrl. HllUn, A .l. III.. ridllHUU I" -..... I.ttllt
160. ' ' ,rko. Tho. Icrot "
vonax uiub,73oj bluostein, 76o. ' Chicago linn.
ffyii , . jtasjsjjMSsgsSMSSsas -,ni.i.i.,.i. n.i,..n