Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 09, 1904, Image 5

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ill) Mr NPW "c,,,s "f l"lcrcsl ''" '"' !"
"yfiliBtSMlliak. irwu .rt n
to hit !' liiiclini'
0fConilK II.'irUniHlu-H,
Toilet v""1'" 8.
fl Inn - I""" lmv"
Allien (it 'iii'fv Sinmrlnlciiilciil lllllor
In Hcltiliiin m ftn .diheley
Polluwiiig tba action of lp
School JtoartI of Dlstrirfl No. )s
ilUinlHuiiiif Mm Nnii Hhlvclev n
!,......(,.... 1.. If, JifA.l.t I.. .1
iciii urr in me m.'iiuui mine iiiv
HI) upheld writ. XtUU by Mw,
Shivcly tu Comity 8uxirlu(ciuini
W. I), l)lllicl, wliu iilUr if .itw,,,,,
uiecmH' rcnueieu uic loilowtnrr d(..
To Hie Dbttrict actionl hoarr f
District No. Lam Co , Ore -
Gentlemen: The motion to linn..a
gillie appeal of Mil Nun Shlvely
IWllLW IIOV.-lHIlltl,,
"'"lie Hloni,
pulllti'd viiwn (lt
f IHotieontr
pi . I CI
Ct(j anil Tanii Properly, j
SbiiiWl fur rliofc
, , , III I , 1'ial
I ' t I I I -
s-r ' -M i ' i .
,1... ..f I I
H.'i"-.i IIH- Hl'IO'U Ul WHO INlltnl in
U( luting vacant the place which
. i , . . .
j on- miKi mil nuiveiy nan an'cnini
r i . .,1,7- r "oyi. Ilie
I is heieby nvefouMfl, Oil the ..ow. , ,.,,,., ,. .
P , mi: KfoiiiKiH, to-wjl;
l ioin ilic record, of nui.l hoard it
iiiH-uf tlmt the Mid Nun Shivtly
ij wiii tendered a. tyiillion n i.-j. lnt
J in Ha- public acliowl under tbt
t iiuiK'' "itithl board ittiu the pni.
fj , ti'-n tcc(itc and tin- dutii
rut. ted livn by tin.' hiii,
jSlmcly and sb; wa t hurt-lore ea
tiilr.l to continue aa teacher until
j n iiiuvcd tor caus after u (,ur and
nnMitiiil trial before suid lnrH u
nri lor in article i 4H and
rnli- A ul tlic-NrbOol Inwiof Oiroo.
Ii.iti-.l ut Ivngctu, Oreifn. dim 5th
ilny ol November, 1904
W. ll. inu.Aii...
Co. Supt.
.idl ul Nnti Shivcly 1
va. .. , ,
1 m imoii
Ininnrl I'll
h r m
' Casiui ti l(t)iiull IiiuiIht mill
I 1 1, ,1 I r i
' r ,t ' ,,,.rll,,linli'ly
AT ,t,. 1
! (in I itnri'H lllllll lilll
I'hf Mount ol Dlxtricl
4 , I .iu- Co . On, i
T. I. I'. Wooley. Oliver Vratcli
Mill C II. Vanlriiliir lnwtor
ii stliKd hoard,' (lutrni No. .15
( ciitli nitir 'fMini lilt Ir.iiiHi tj)
t tin icoirdn of Hold iMinril it ap
l 11 - Hint xi'il Kan Shivclry li. not
Ii.ut due and legal notice of ituy
mi urn tlut the itaid board wait about
t i.ikf ;ii ini her in declaring her
.,.Mii.Mi uh teacher- iu tlir nchool
nidi t the charge of aid board
vuLMiit aa p-rovided for in Article'
o .iH ntHltvnioii t and
Rnlr A of the ' Actio it I.nsy of Orc
Kon. therefore the action of aid
li.mi I i'l diimittitiK the Mid Natl
Miivi.'H in hereby reverncd.
Diittd at liugeuo, Oregon, thin
'orOiiHollni. cull ut tl. M.ilni
I 'ImrinniT.
Hiivi-yoiiwinntlitiBo iH.niitirnI rlla-
"Him ni Mllillnon'fl.
Kii'Nli i rawllNli In wine ul tUi. H.
i liuiiK.- Ili'MiHiiriitit,
' im- iiMNiirttnniit
NintittiM 11I Miiilwim.
"'ill I imii.'Imc.i Nliliilny Cxmnlfii-r
HI I IH' l.iiul Hook MUMV.
l.iiMi'.vmjiocflrttl'IUli I li .ft linn.
in ilw MiKlern I'hatiriiii v.
.Mit'lwii w mnu Mni,.,,,!!,) i..
mliii.i ritim, jcwelury I'llM'H.
"ujril, tin- iiliotogmplii r. will Iwivi)
wii'k to ten ti m.
' OIIiIiik a inrH OBMOrtllll-llt llf Mtllt-
Ioim.'I'.v to id,. Madom I'lmiium-y.
To mni- tiiu try tlii' IWrlmng.'
IniHli rooiiw for iiutcli m'i,i;
"Tin' In-ill line of Itiitloiii ry In tlii-j
' t tin- Xlodorji I'liiiniiiii'v."
mk I'liQiriiiiii l.iimUr
. stti duy of November, 1001.
W. B. Diluakii
) y Co. supt.
Hi The caite will be taken before
yy State Siipctliitendeiit of Inatructioit
l Ackcrman, and the result of the
) jpcc d will be awaited with inter-
3063 MEN WiHIEO.
T Ini v KuniitHl.v 'ii t 'liitlii I -Iu lit -iiltm
l.liilini'iit. lur llliriinml 1111 11111I
nil ihiIiim Hint liilliiiilulloii. I'i-Iii
.Mi iiiiIh, i) ilriiiwlt. or li.v 11111II
upon ntrlpi ol prliv, rlti' V I, Ken
ned v. mhkIiiiiw. nn"ii. for ol
Kulliuouii'K. KnUntiu'tlon nuiiniii-
Eugene Planing Mill
Miirmfiirtun r
X hiu, Mouldings, Rustic and
Emeral Mill Work.
miinitii'l Slulr IiiiIIiIIiik 11 Nfvt
' AU 'I'l r-iuiii iivi'lc prompt
'km, KutWa, iimi nuiimutWMl. Ilnvlim wvnn-l control of tin-
' Ijitlmm niiuliliH' fliop, I will impru.
1 (utriHt to ilo nil kluitrt ot iiuu'liliic ituil
Machine Simp Open.
lUlmalei Clicurfnlly Piirnlnlicil,
Iam.-iu i.nwn'iui' St,
1.1 ui:m:. uiii:
& hi Store
JUrd and Suit Wlient '
Junction City I'lotir
iM'hvil. (iralmm I'loiii'i
OiiiHi Itritn nml KliorlM.
J. It. llltOWN.
iMsiiic rot 1 am', iirovi'
85io wasao
At $1, 11 year
tl'llm'Mllir i-Jlll nrforil In lit'
lilllilllt fk,
prnal for Investors
IA'onqcil I, urn re ii iilun,' Hiirili
lknit ' iiiiiinri'ii" 111 iiiiimia
"lUfl I, IP lin,; lioi'nr l,i,ll Iniltnuiiuil.
r01'' Climlr of riiiinirr, llimlnii.
"ltllii tu 1- o, Ho Ml.
ui'ihtiiI repair u-urk Mutul 1 tiriilnw:,
llttliiKiiml ndjiwlln ol imu'liliicry.
Pionipt tunl eitri'Iul nttentinti lvon
onlcrH. V. II. White.
,1 t , .
cidMATia cumx
I I1.1 inltiiunri) of cHiiiRtie iiiii.liliini'
in thu utile ol eWIMlllpUou l Very liineli
ovi-rilmwii. Tim Hor rttli'iit, ami Hie
rti'li iiiiliont, tiKi, fan do mueli wttor id
lioini' liv ptt-ir munition IuiwhI .linen
tluii, mid u uunliir iiim) ol tiiTiiiiin
Hvrup. run exii'i'UiiHtlnii 111 tl'
iiiori'iiiLC iHinmle ei'itain liy tjerniiiii
Hyriiii, no U 11 khkI nllil rest urn! Hn;
.,1 ll,,n uiukl'llllltf L'OLIIlll Ullll
dtiliilitutlni: "'t!"1 m- ii""
liilllitH nml IHi eximimnoii "
iioiiillniiK. tlli'Krwiuwv iini'M' ,-;
of tliminiunipiivu, eau lm prevynust r
HtapiM iy takiiiK tiernmn nynip "" -ally
and iei(iilily. you l ahU
tuUO toil HllOliei noun, j-i"
thlil Ot tll tllOltimillU Of iWIHtllll ane
there, the few wl I'unellltiil nJ
leiiiiiii treiiiii " ,,,r."
Miiin Syrup. Trial lion. .'J7e:
ni,"f'C. VliMl M"IHKUl' I""'"'"'
lU'inenwi'V ,
ThiMilil tuiliplel--HHilvtolR'diind
witly to tie
TI10 wny l iHiliwillliy. wmltlii-
1 ..ii.': ' '
1MUV tl..-.H.ll tl.O iKUttlH
i.llertlM'IIH'Ilt .IIIIHIHIIl-l. I'"-
lien IIH
Knilytobod. e...l.v i-i' 1-
WorU UK. '' ",lul 1
WE I "'io-Brb I
Iltivij, u lull line of
- 'i!i'c
e ana xnincy wii.w.,
Muilltntiin-ilBlU, trial n.Ul be coiivi.iec.l.
"iood Imiiiw.' In nmt 011 llli Hired.
Nafriliniiilwm L. W. Imkor or Mediov
riiiw. MlteliBll, iv u-oll klioivn 111I11
lint mail id Itnhorala, W In the city
hum week,
M l. ClinwhlU, P. J. Ward and I).
VV. lUwIey were Judge of election at
Mr. und Mr. V. V. Ifenalll und
liiiiKlilei, of iCtigene, vlaltod frlemlK
In t'ottiiiri) drove.
"We hate linruln In pleltireH
Hun ivnuld Htirnrlwi von ut the
U inter 11 I'lmrraney."
"Hclmal children we hnvo lust
wlint yon want In talilDW attlio
M 111111 1'liiirnmey." t
St the Ciujln Hook MtOro latest,
ninetii, xliillotier.i , wlionl tinnkM, clr-
eiiliiiliijf library. nimrntlneHOte.
.Iimt the tlilnn for mi-IiooI wear lira
the li.jyM mIiom nt .t. . ravi!on'.
Look ut them In the window,
M the DukIc Hook istoro Intent
110V1U, Mlntlauer.v, mcIiooI books, elr
eidntliiK Humry.inimnzlm'M etc.
Tin- renldeme of Sir. Cottle la now
lieiirhiK completion mid hIio will ro
Itnoe to it wltllln the nnxt ten dnys.
JllM'llllIM JjiidifO No. is K. of I'.,of
IIiIh illy, will (the 11 Hinnker to their
nifiiilMTM Weilntdny vvcntllK tllln
Ilnriley Crow broilKht to the
Nneitet oltlce taut week hoiiio very
fine MiinipkM ot nppteti, iH'iir 11 ml
ipiliHtnnrown on liln tiinn ut I.onmo.
U irniibttHr with a weak In
dlReHtlon try Chainberlaln'M Ktonmck
und Liver 'rblcU. They will do yon
good. 1'or ilo by New lira DniK
Mr. C. It. Held und Mr. Curl Mr-
Claln. HtndentHol the l iilver-lty of
llri'Koii. Miie-.t Suitduy with frlemlH
In Cot t iik drove.
Mix. 11. 1 1. M.-C'k'lleu 11 ml iIuiikIiut,
of Huh iiiv vhtltitut Mrx. Mct'lel-
len'n pureniM, Mr. and Mr. W. 11.
AbruiiiM f IIiIh eily,
Chun. (lelt.VH, ineiiilH'r of the firm ot
Knowle tiettye, iiu'reliuiits, Uo
liemlu, and hookkeciw for the Ore
fcon SiHMirltlii4 Co., vlxltcd this city
1 1)1-4 H'W'k.
Itev. Mr. Luke, of ltowlmrft, will
lio d the regular KplH'upnl serrlees In
the Mnxoiilc. Hall next .Monday even
DK, Nov. 1 1 nt 7:80 p. ii). All Hro In
vitedjo ultt'iid,
IlBi t rjiiwxoii, or the linn of iliir
tln nml l.iiwuoii. now on the roud
'for 11 well known wholemilo hoio of
Portlmid, vImIUhI liln liiiliieH Inter-
indH In thin city thin week.
' .Mr. mid .Mix. J. I'. CiiitIii and Mm,
JSiiktn write Iioiiik of 11 very pleiimtnt luSulom, 111., with Itev. Heck
and family. Mr. Ikvk win foruurly
pujlor nt the Cumberland I'rexliy (.'liint'li ot tliU plaee.
Win. Wiidiler unit C. I,. Joliiwun,
Olll.'ei-H ol the Cloldeil llule MIiiIiik
Oo., of llohi'iiilu, wholmvelieeiuimk-
Ili(t nil extended tour of liincctlnu ut
the properly, ruturned to OiIh city
Inn! Hittiirdny enroiite to lieniliiuiir
tuin ut Hnlein.
II. K. Underwood returned Kutur
dy nl-tlit from Htmene, where lie
lll tu ieHtlfy, If iieie.-wuy (II w.i
notl, III the c,uo of the 111:111 who stole
1 In eifus from iIim (.lore of Ctirrlu .v
Vmileli uovet'iil weeliit i'j;o. The cul
prit liml been In jull fny ilnyx, lliiv
JikIk'" Kiivo I''111 tidily more 114 u acn
tenee sovolity III all a tiny for eneh
two oH two i'KK for eneh tiny.
An llxeliaiiK"! mi.vm: Wo feel hoit.v
for Hie liimi wllodoeH not rend his
home paper, lie Is uo bet ter than
a man witiioui, 11 country. 110 is
like a homclcmt cow, tlmt has 110
residue pasture, but RruaeH proinls-
cmniHly oil weeds ami thistle. No
mailer what other pnporH he may
read, Hi" ili'iilfilHforwurd cltinen al
wn.vH Insists tm having his home
ItlieiimiUUm, liimlMKii and aelatlo
pubis yield to Hit) pouetrutliiK In
lluencoet llidlard's Hnow liinluient.
K pciieti-iiton to the iiorvos and hone
and lielntf ulmoiThed Into the lilood
its healing propelles nio onnvoyed Hi
overt' pin t of the- body, and olfeet
some wonderful cures. '2!ie, fine, 1,W
Sold by the .Modern I'lmrmncy.
IfcmciuLcra III Friend.
Carlisle, Va., Oct. j) 1904
Mk. W. U. ftoor, liditor Boh.
Hila NtigRet, Cotmfec drove; Ort!
I thank yotl verv mtlch for nnnn a
of Jlohcmia Nnggot Atijitutt 1,0 aiAli-
nnti MeiiU-mlicr 2, 7. 14, and 21,
oi-t. containing "A Storv of H )
licmifl, in Six Parti, by librae j;.
I can hardly explain to von with
what plcistirc I rend the story of!
inis wonderful mineral dihlriet of
OrcRon, and the etitcrmiiiiiiK efforts
of Mr. F. J. Hani In its firnttieal
dcvelopineiit, To my wny or
thinking there in no one man in
that reat state doing morVtoi ;(ldW
vance the entire Htalc than is Mr. V.
J. Hard. The wprk he i dQijig .itjill.Iiili it
of that practical character1 "' than '-Wt&
carries with ..n...i . ..i . . i 1
- b"ii uu-itumiui re-
Milts ttial are fur rcacliiiiK ,ii'. llicir
good effects in making frianijr, and
strengthing the inttrcst JneMors
are now taking in the IJohemia
mining district of Western Oregon.
I do ijot base this opinion alto
gether upon Mr. Horace K,
Warner's write up. This of course
cuts an important liguie which is
greatly strengthened by some inter
views I have ha I with gentlemen
iu New York, Philadelphia, HiltU
more and Manchester and yotl cm
rent assured 1 will never fail to say.
a Rood word for both Uohemla,
Grants Pasa and the etitemtUbur
little city of "Cottage Grove" where 1
I was so warmly-received last July.
Ik'iiietUtler me kindly to Mr.
Hard, and the officers mid mcmliets
of your Husiness Men'-. Club, o
Cottage Grove.
With many kind wishes bebeve
me always. Yours Truly,
law in Maiion
'WStvfJU M ' B'lioe sir ?i , t l PS
I ,. Wiom tm ii iot -ftno tiiiw k
liv, i 8U0HT wviua , . iai mn , H
I "AK8n4 -A.,new line 1
Abulia! ot Ladies7 1
VorlfaJAln. . J",,1" 1 '' t g
Thi'HW i-lnin- , 9 i, ,i ' JMl;. I, lull '. ,"i S
y n ,- ,, II m , ifjBf).,,, ., ,;. , I,
: Qr da fi.Sli ft n an -. . ., '
JiVViA.-ti H -'in.; ' -.j. it. ''"'i-i '.d n m
Uttf, Br , , JQ
Bir ion .tUi .I. . 1 1 -. mi ,i ! int
I ,,. !, B ' 11 "" " ' i nl i f
vrj m " "" r ,m . -iu
i.Kj. Mf i mi,' m'.'tr.'arK'ml'rrttt -av'r:ionrm!'r.i'--." ? r- "mp'Tr't'
iiniuLis i.w i ii i m ...
a',J"m" 1,1 "
Bid H1' -
,,h'nJs 1 '
a 'litf -i ii '
aaiie-l'V'. ''.ie-1
en it .. i ii
K , Mi -I.' T llf
r" ii.i
,.,,,11 ,',h-m
-vt I ( '
.ii II h.iw I,,
l .). tXll
And ri-K m.ui, I i
Vbif'll tmlti..iWL
-Villi Uft lll.ljfi, ,
II you would H
T'lust ihr'W,yuir f. ,
1'Ih n with everythi
With liairntiiK. W'iJUi iH
' ' Wit
They come not in tin
or nny nti Ijsct.I-
"TjHfdnly l!iij?,J'lfTii,r
May have tliuni at . n
Keep Up Next to the Band Wagon.
Advertising is the force that
keeps sales up where they ought
t. 'i'l. : U...I
man devotes careful attention to his
advertising and needs an advertis
ing journal to help him. Every
Pacific Coast business man should
lie n regular reader of the monthly
advertising magazine Pacific Coast
Advertising, published at 228 Mer
cantile Place, Los Angeles, Cal.
Several pages of interesting adver
tising news iu every issue! with
i, ! 8nil rPfiWiK!ntf
J;otjr nifthte this
to nizht, the Cottaec (,
will give an cntettaraaiyn,' I.,
amusement iidii' i-ii 11 ,'
general, iijic of Cotta" C,
The .Rice Amusement t. .
here 'with its three lent show
win oe located ni tn. tii,
Piftb Miiloin 'flits 'I!
tettdmtiaiyly !,.Sf,i
moral and prices ore w r 11 1 t :e :i
business of all."!' 1 U..ll
()iie tent is oi,i.ijiii.,I li
Glass Blowers anotihr,,
Golden City Ivxt-.n n ; .1
n third by, the Ti.a-'
It is the 1 it
i attraction' tlnt.btM m-,;o i o:,
All tents are waterproof md
fearot rain nupSe'lW'cMnifl'
tic :u
who Ht'tymP --tire'
musie by the C It 1..;. C.'oe j.and
IfgWWI tnTttWW 1 1 Wl! I!1 ! J, it 'Va c
in s need a thn .mif t m 1 , n,, im
practical articles from ad ' meii'Xud,,
advertisers, telling just what they 'Seating cai .iutv win
flaw rtmok fliiit lintr Rlllwerintlon ! HO
is $j.oo a year. No free copies.
Single cony ao cents, boIiT' or
stamps. I ''" s ,'L0,, rb
, 1 'juices jua'oii , tiifu ciuai. ha--!-, 1
WANTED All experienced proceeds ol tlie lour days .arm
machine tuau. Also an amalga
mator; references required. Ap
ply to Sunt. Goldburg Mlu
Glendalc Ore. ''
dealers in City and
, 'iGOti-rttry property..
;. j$bijsjes and Farms
tot i Kent. Attend
tn fltil lpcitifne ,
uidwoliovr :ti7--
Gall or Write.
ll, id
.! ,1 "
fllllt. .t'l
i,. X lo '
,, .--Mil
III. I. ll. T'l.
I Will be Used 111 :
1 .. .. .. ,
51 PM J laMM) MB 11 1 li 1 g
q,?a a nil
e. Ot IHp JlloetStliWB
k xi mwm zmm laavan
mdfl&duffl meiuSS
3 if f J mI If
Stage Iu .Bulicmia. . , .
I d.Dlrt to 11 iMicfunco' that T hnve
purclinscd the stnio lino from Wild-
wood to llnhemUanjjl wllf egutlliuu)
,1... A.......l.... n mL,,,, ,,.(,1 avT
iiiu vm.juiui wwtiiftvHi .him v-
pivss us horetotor. -
llCBT 3. Wn.iiAfeit
Per Sale.
100(1 bushels of red chaff seed wlieitt
nt Cottage Drove Hour Mills.
he pmeluse
'1 unit 110 ).
li to a
if the band.
i,ol!e 1 1 1 ,.. 1 ii'' ' ' 1
(..Ml, 11 btlil -ml 1 "It' " ' "' ' , '
Don t forjjet 111 liur your nie.-iKI
the llM'hiuij;.' resiaiiraiii . Kul
ltlnstlis b.Ht th.' 111 n-M't cm .-ni;ij
Wotllll not llilel'ent Mm 11 inn
looklnsr for 11 ifimtinti-ed Salve la
Sores, Jltirns or Piles, oik. H.'.l I.
Pondor, -Mo. write?:. "I siiiT. i, d v in
all llsly hore'flyt' t( 11 . bet n I.
Jliiekleu Araira i.s.iivo euie.i 11 1
1st). -,
It's till) btt,,Sl()yil,ell e.i
Itent. rhapnn, ,
Money tu Unit,
Aildrras bos 130, Cottage drove,
J. 11 U 11 fJ . XtV i J- Vj
ivD torn
Eye Defects anil Their Relaiiohsoiman
( , Sortie say it is the fuce.
! , 1 1
, 'Sq'vjie say jit is the hair or
rsay-tris-thf? Sait '.that makes the
handsome man. However we have just re-
UfV 5tvott and Winter catalogue irom
it Chicago Tui'ors.
l iivi vyes
41!, imus of
loiittU" only
.....n.." ., ,1 .. . ..
DuiTyouu. laiokk.tUi.tiwuiiii'
I niliiVs) eiVkftrltml MH InJI 'I
tile isr- have I h lee t hee ip.u iiy
The eyes are mily t m 1 1 1 1
lii p,rrnirrfTritnTtrrr'
siniplj .yotavwiM ttij.''iMWisiii; ,
::oto 7,- per cent timl that amounts o many ,,1'h.Wid ,l,'Vh,i I
11,.. ......11.. 1 1 I nor mill Wllllioi ivueii. . ... i n.-i i,
mill menu 1111- - , i.u. ,,uu,i.
The many nerves that con ro 1 . . ... m,,.
, I I II '.Ml I I-')
with the ,, .tiJtvJt-il parts... the h.i.lmn MMW
strain on the eves In time Is reftetitcd to itlf HftW )Mlt ,MVAf
thus causing
Headaches, lntlicsiion, Conslipationj Netir;iirg?i,'Elc;.
Those troubles en., all be overcome by l
Wearing I'roper musses, mm .... r,Vi,i imr tn..t
' ' ' 1 ii 1 jiit l
It vou nro In doubtregnrdhw your eyes, call tindlitficni e,ni.Vl,WP(
mr-r- rtC riUAF?fr.e ' i''l"-"1
rncc wi ,, . i'
, 1 '1 ii n.i.'
,1 1 ' ,..,!iiull-
Will Be in Cottage Grove, November. ,M, 11, ,.12 ,'.
u Ollco 'hours: '! t.Vji'i'i.' in'.','.'"
note! uranam, '-jt ,
i . II i I . If .1 I, 1 ' L III '
t j.???iiTt7!TT!P1iiTO
t .fit'i.'-l' maii'tLL1- ' ' J '1 "
I llfll .1 'I'l' t' " '-'!'
iff fl'T h v.v,' .
11 f I ! , i.lurrni.u I
L ELsaiaW !
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Qqfcf town !l()(.s.vJ -ite tor otiy yumphlet
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