Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 09, 1904, Image 4

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    " : r, .?7fj
BOHEMIA NUGGET tli' 'i'i'',"' " .; ui ;C :LVfcl-
G. A. LcVls.
Bohemia mnl Mac
First Class Turnouts
mjwis & Arcoriiisx
Unite Stngc.
Vm. It. Root, IWIItir .mil .Manager.
Knioml m th piiniri t '.iu urm.
orvgnii r MMHtn.l (Mam. mull waller,
n months I.W
hvtjM ?l-ao
In month $3.tK.
If paid In nilvnuce.
THIS F.vrKR l kmat on tit. l K. nrakr'n
ItWnrUaluf .WKfWl. M ' Wrkl IVt
oltann,!! PiMiMMa.tvtlirnitH. h(wih
.run. tot lprllln ran (or It.
Cottage Grove flour mills.
Having purchased the warehouse formerly
owned by Messrs Ivllerifje & 1 ileitis, we wish
to announce that we will continue to carry a
large stock of all kinds of Peed there,,, winch will
he sold at lowest prices.
Hy courteous treatment, square dealing vrc'liope to
receive n large share of your patronage.
IInifuii& Elntascu. props.
F. Garopttk, Manager.
tlu i'iin'.nnn,tu ' i ill 1
linn ni .ill the luiit .nil. i 1 1' 1
lmo boon boltci (.mil lot in (In1
Hood River country and the
growers Mk ptkle In puttltiK ,m,v,
the best filth on the iimiWft. i
The Willnmelte Volley 1ms pio
iluceil niul in mw ptodueing tt"
good apples as are grown at Hood
Ulver. ami the valley growon
should see to' tt that tit tepiiintlon
ol' their Iruit Is mmtiUiiuxl. Keep
your own ttecs in good eundhioti
anil, if possible, induce or compel
your neighbor touHe.1s.-- Ore
goniaii, Oct ,v.
For Cold Days
,m. . i. n I'l.vf l.iniMH nnve
thi.ii ml! sh-iir-i i.'yioi'K- .."it
tiK. nilm:st tiu-.v
' MllllU tll
tins wviv
SimiMrnirwwfflnnwww iiMiniHinfFifnininirwiwiimrg
Hardware f
lira l
Stoves and '
S Plows. Mowers and Itnkos. Solo iikmiIk for tho celebrated
Si: A Pull Stock of Mining Kupplio..
Clubbinj Rnlcs.
Tho noliciiiin Nugget our year
w till any one of tin following puli
Itcatlotis olio your for iiiiioutit sot
( lik'iiKo Intor-tVeiin iwrvkly) S1..VI
UVi-kl.v OnKnlnn (Portlnml) $SM
Wivkly .louriuil ( Portlnml 2.i
Wkonksdav, Novkmhkr 9, 1904
To Drink, or not to Drink (by
ln ), that w.'is tlio iii Klion.
A littln mini irnipiuj (not "milil
slinuinu") on Mnin Mtreet; especially
on tlie erod walks, wouldn't hurt
would it?
TUP. I TTIS'i il M.I I'V
of any tool is always a il-Mralilo
0110. lint of -iiii1 itllortaiu'o Is tlio
poivor of rotnlnlUL; this quality m n
not toroipilri too fnqunt flliarrii
liiir. Ity iimklnir .vour lmreliiwos of
tlio (irillln VPftteh CBVyou nlwnyw
recolvo your uioliiiy wqrth In tlw
liost iiiiillty of tools niul eilth'O' of
jirojK'rly tcinjiorod t.toui tluit Is sure
to liolil nn eilso.
Griffin &
Veafoh Go.
In anotlipr rolmnn of tbia issuo is
nn article tnkvn from the Oregon
D.tily Journal roucrrning ft Smelter
at Portland.
It is to lie hoped loin matter
will take definite form and Hint in
the near future the Metropolis of
tbe slate will unvo added to ita
other industries a Smolter where
the ores of Oregon and other atatea
uan he treated.
Proprietors of
...The Miners Supply House...
Our Motto: Good Goods, for Low Prices.
General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition.
m h
The Loudon OouornLSf urflJiii ikIIw
Store wish to niinoiuiro to flipQjfl.i
pulillc Hint they now have 11 very
eoniploto stock of (SenernI JfereliiimllM'
which fhey Intend suJIIiik ,-0 ,I-t cunt-,
mt cent IipIow nil coiuiieUtlon.- 7" ''
The liulies 'of this city nro ho
cmoing iuterented in th energetic
work of tlio Commercial CI11I1, nud
littve taken it upon theuutelvoH to
donate many ohoiee polled ilowera
for ime at the rooms. Tho 00111-
ploinent ia highly appreciated hy
tim memhers of the orKiuiijition.
Any t'omniendalile putilio w'Ote ia
materially strengthened hy the eo-
oM-rntive intluoiico of Uio Indies.
Sympathy la tlio itrnmloat word In
tho Unnllsli ImiKimiro, It Ilea lit tin
root of nil rvllRion. The nrvat I h K
of hummi anclety Issympiitliy. Half
of the world la loimliur for eompas
slon. pity. low. Tli tirlow umi "
at every turn, mnl tlww la uotlilnu
llko Hmpnlli.v 10 easo tlii'l. prloks
and ntlllKH. It is the coninisMiiiialo
louoh that tell. V tom'Ii, 11 kls. a
kind wonl. a pressure of the hand, ,
may 1I0 niuiih towaril Inttplmr oao
wlio (ivla that lor lilm or her no
mail oiitvs. Thore la anmolliluu -v
qulltoly sontliiiiit In the tiiiowinluv
thnt the pulsea of one linnian ln .n l
Uvils In iinUnu with oura. When llio
child was doml. ami the prophet
came tn heal It. ho atTOtohod lilmaelt
out 011 the child, anil put his llw to
the child's tip, ami Ilia liaml 011 tin '
child's hnml, nud Ills lovirt
ttd WVwoiilil lhV , u
litciit oil lite v"" '"I"'
At Paciiic Timber Co's Store
I ii.Ki (Mil IMIows Hall
coTTAcr. f.K'uvi:. (iKi:i;i).
r.iiiMKit triiw now
o ha a
IlittlllOIV iiul
o I 111- I r)un.,, pi lo
I. ii ;. supply ot elienp '
ill, il i on limit oil II
i l i i In-ap in lint lie Mild
to make mom !r ..ihor siis'k.
Tlio ltooili-lcll l.iiml r i n.,
Saulliaiv, tlh.
chilli's liiiirU It wrh thou tlmt the
lin-iitli initio luiek, ami th child
slum nl siiis of returnhiK llfo. TImmv
Is uotlilnu Unit cures hearts In rhe
nor Id like other hoar Is lall Upon'
thorn, liroodlitK them. ami liitpnrilnu ' Notice ef Sit ttl Real Bftett aj &!'
to llH'in aoini'tliliijr of l holr own aym- j mM
patliy and goodness. If a hoiittoan J ,), itiulet t'ail! of I hi- fulled
not U- ciirml tiy a IovIiik heart. It is ,'-' f"r il"' I'Wriet oiOretfrni. tdo riiilstlan llioro,, l ' ''"';" '' J
. .L, .,; A hlni; l.uinl rl iiip.iny. I
eat. I no audi thl.. as iiiornl In lH",,rJ,,,,t (
difTewu'e- to oiIhts. There Is noi Itnnkrnpi. I
riHini for con leaeehsion and n lolly S'tlee i ti tol.v jpvoii tlmt hv
tone of iiatroiiiiKe l ''" mliilsUio;vliiiio.ifa""i'l;i m .do -u llio lutli
. ... i i .. , ... .1 . ilny "f O'i 'I" I , "V I"'' l "irt In
ol t liriatwu love. I hull tho I- J , ,.,. , .,, ,. im,cr.
Iililtlea of tho "iifl'i iliit1 "lie wo onld j,,mi Trnii-o ul on. from and
holp, U to oiir i..-i. into the itli.-n-iy I nfloi on- nVlo. k in ill- .i'l-tiioon of
rawwomiil. SympnlBV (llvon in the We.lni'.lny, ill- -Huh of Novum
, . ... i,.K.L. i... , Ut. I'M. nt tlio pioints.-. horolmUter
Krent splilt . f I hrlst. Initio - f f ,,,,.,.,, ,,, ,!,,... (il , rrg,.,,
Him who bore "iir -urn nml o.u rli d , ...ii ni ,,rVt,io ao t, tin-hiitheit Mil
our sorrow, and tlieie is not a man
In A morion so hlj;h that he Is nbovo
the reach of the nerd of -m-li ryiii
iwthy. Albert U. Vert In The Pacific
.Monthly tor November. ' Second AitdlMon to lio.,i, town. Ore,
' , ron; thence niiniluu nesi H7aj fiot
d-r for i nli in ImihI the fulluwinft
ilenorilsil premi-u". .noi mill plant 1 1.
wit: !
tlottlniilntt at a vinl AO feet West of ;
the Notthweat (..rnor i.f llim k Pour i
Tin; Clirislnia Dcllacalor.
tlienc-' Hmilli aJ4.7 fei-l ; lliolltl' West 1
swl fnit to I to- tllehl or Way of tlw
I Imtmii X f j,llf.,ri,l tt, .
The Dccemlwr Delineator, with'H.iith ! r os Vct tu fis-i ,
its message of god cheer and help ' n'v. ''. r,',,l,J,,n.",, .?',r,b
, , ... . . . , , KW fee: ; tbein -Knat IBufnot; O.enon i
fulness, will he welcomed in every North ISl to Die pli.-e of b..'
home. The fashion nes arc tin- Bito'inu. .ciitntniiiff 1. 1 nores or l.iml. .
usually attractive, illustratiiiR and j
uioroer l"i
tiso ls,(lnnliiK nt a point In Smtlon ,
ts Towtislilp JOSjiitli.ltaiiKe 3 West HO
feet Wentof tile !'fMilhol Uiirnerof'
I...I One In Itloi.ll .'. i.f (lmrmlii, I
imih'i uiiiy.mnie 01 t-roRon ; i hence;
. ' - ' f. ..(. , .
pleasure instead ol a task, and tlicith .Nouili fi dourie n iiilnulea
describing the very latest modes in
a way to make their construction
during tlie iinsy festive season
The Latest Novels
Cipeuloting Library
literary and pictorial fen lures arc
of rare excellence. A selection of
Love Songs from the Wagner
Operas, rendered into English by
Richard de Gallieime and beauti
fully illustrated in colors hy J. C.
West 7S7.3 fi'Ot ; theilee lia-t 10 feet ; !
tlieileo North aH7fe-t: Ihen.-r
!H0 h-vt nud thenee North ttOJ fwl to
1 1 Wl ,.l aiu. nt I . , I . i . . .......1....... '
-. .n-H. '(,,, '-.M.I.IIIIIC
One of tho moat f ratifying
fealarea to be commented upon in
teview of thia year's oondition of
ISoliemia Camp, ia the activity and
interest mnnifoited niuoug tho
holders of property in view of o
curiiiir teiit to their ground.
It not .onljp' demonstrates tlnl
thousands of dollars worth of suli
plantial tiiniielling and timhoring,
any nothing of the x tern id work
has been donn, hut that the
holders are growing atronger in
their faith in thoir propnrtv and
the district with'nach rear. It is
own of tlio wisest moves that n min
ing man can make. It ia one of
the recognized mfo guardi against
litigation, nud is apparent to tlio
investor that the owner has home-
thing to justify iureHtignlinn nud
Leyciidcckcr. occupies a prominent '
place, and a chapter in the Com-!
poser' Series, relating the Ro )
i.7ito ore ot land, more or leas.
I.xeoptliig from Hi" H'ireald
premises the part tlioreof ooiivi-ii-il
( hy the said targ & Kiagliam I.nni
, 1st Coinp.-iny to the Ori-ir-n a. H-mii,.
I s .H-,il V"'l by iri'lliv II III Mi ill
islern K.'iilroad (''iinn.iiiv. an the Mill '''trlnR mlns aoehlental t'nt..
lav of March, IVSiS, bv llo- wrtuln noumU, llrnlse. lith, ,H.a,U
iilivovalife ri...r.l..l A.'.ril i In,,'. .... Hol.'toet or ttfT U.lnls. Itllt II
.l,M. rjl rtf I. ..I .. ' l. H.H.1 ff.. It II.... 1.1a.. I...I...
(...- , .,,,.,ii.-,ii in., jn,.,r,ji ."- .
tit llttihlu f,.r V.. mm I ' . HalVM ivlll Lilt ll... m.ln li.ttl .,iM il...
inanceof Wagner and Cosima. is d. soribed is follows, i...t.' ', trouble, its the ,iive on r.r'ii
liogliinliisr nt a iMilnt In Hnotlon is. , "' nlm V's-nt Ikiinii, , l'lmi
iim aHinp yiniiui'i . Ilatlife 3 Went 80
eel west i.f
nu interesting supplement to the
lyric. A very clever paper en
titled "The Court Circles ol the
Republic" descrihes some 'unique
plmsjs of Washington socinl life is i
from nn unnamed contributor, who
in said to write lrom the inner cir
cles, of society. There are short
stories from the pen of R Hopkin-
son hinith, Robert Grant. Alice
Ilrown, Mary Stewart Culling and
IChnore ISIliott Peak, and such in
teresting writers as Julln Magru-
der, I,.
the NorltiWHut PuriiM. in
l.o. line, JllfM-KAor OeorgetoM'll III
l.Hne County, Slate of OreKu, ; tbeiien
iwuiii nr. tool. 1 1, rnoo Wst7S fenf
thoneH Noi ih .1 1 degrooa Ju min
utes West una rwi, in ro .r leaa, to
in noiillicist I'oiimliiry of tin,
arniindaeonveved hv 0. W. Ikwk to
the l). an. K.U. it. (... ; tbeiiei. North
!ti iIokiooh aj tiiin uti-rt Clint !ij fed
thfiiiii' North 137.3 feel: ibmien Kiiat
iisi i.-ci in mi, pitt,. f Is-Klimliiu
oontnhiliiK 1 IB iieies of inmi mor or
-fj) IO OH DUt
,j Al The Lowest Prices;
Onlicl Un.1 oMiv,
Nm.lmi.ln,Ort,Mili, lni
.NmIMV Mliittloall..,. ..I 1- I II-... ... 11. .If
'il l,lia.ll aif 1,(7 ni.i.ner 'ir.un IJ,.i.i
lur 1 11IU4 mat-. I .1,1,1 ,u Hi Iwtrull ll
Siilli. I. l.,ll,..n,ihi In imrwi.nie',1 lilt. , tj.s iIh Ii.OwI Si.lnipa.l llia
I. Hakernla, fVmila n.iiiily, oieiun. In
Imliall ii IiIhimiII anil n.-.ira. W, U....I n
rum i.aa lllml as ,.rall..i, fr .
"Slier llh I
loss. HI s unteil 11 Lhuh f 1..
Orpimn ' isu.iil fr Hip IikIv uiiii. iiiaim aiia.i o. o.
Also the f iwlr.r, a,. ,....1 , I l.,:'A..",fi :''.'?:. .' ?. lfh.U .Tl!.l.
i.Hi.,te,i ,, Ul iiivv;- : " n,i hi 11 k ss'S" .rar,:!1' .,r s;
1 ,,. 1 nun 10 lareuior anwin it- ..... ,;LJJl"'y..7:v. Jr"' rJ'SK
j-iiiim D.iiiin, ,11111 urilce "lie l orlv-liie 1 I'.i.iinii.i 1 u -i: ' ., "'1 swt in wa. laa...
. .... 1 t-.i numi ' i.
Clothes ClcmcJ, I'mi
And Repaired Fir
51.00 PKK MONTH,
lii n i.uiir m in
X-f-'-f-'-f-f t-f.f'f4'fi
Wo piirchuso our o;oodn hi Juruo
qmiutltlos through Knstern Drummers,
pay cash for nil we buy, have no IiIkIi
rents, 110 Insurance rates to pa v. nud
consi'qiicntly can wll very clicip.
Think of ff.AV Worsted KuIih.
St $7.50 to $9.00
High flrado Ooo'ils anil other
of lloiidy. Muilo Clothing of NeuloHtup-to-ihite
style nt prices thnt will KiirprlMi
you 1
PI. D. Wells Shoes
Our line of ;.M. I). Wells Shoes ire
the host wearerH on tho innrkft nud it
prices that ciiuuot beeiiimllod.
Try our Itonst Coffees, tho host
llavof nud will pleuso you.
London, Oregon.
The Pacific Monthly for Novem-
be continues to hoiv the steady
improvement that characterize!!
this splendid W0Hfu magninc.
The cover is mhnpn the most
striking of the iiiuiMially inletest
ing designs that The Pacific
Monthly has been hnying this year,
'fhelieailingtffor the departments
are all new, and two new depart
ments are added to the magazine.
Que of thee is "Optimism" and
the other in "Light." "Actions"
replaces the old department "Tlie
Month," "Literature', replaces
"The Header," and "Humor" re
places "The Liahter Hide." The
other departments show an over
hauling and nu improvement n
constant bettering of the magazine.
.Mncoowaii Cooke Hold the alien
tion of the children. Many Christ
mas suggestions' are given in
needlework and the Cookery pages
are redolent of the Christmas feast.
In addition, there are regular de
partments of the magazine, with
many special article on topic re
lating to woman a interests within
nud without the home -For sale at
Hagle Hook Stare.
ittWIialillt '! n 11 1 L -l tt
. I1n I f "T TM 1 Nlttkl rria..l ' ia- lilBO IUV
(Jim Klx'Jl Ci.rhu V ...... i.f ' 1 l-Hle.
Horse Power Knuliie, inirlirlit II. i .
ledgers, Jouruiila ami
books nt tlio Kugle Hook Ktore.
Willamette Valley farmers real
ize "What'a in a name" when they
learn thnt Iltiod River npplos arc
selling for double the price paid lor
valley apples of practically the
same quality. So many valley or
chards have been neglected that
the flint bns heroine wnrnn. nr
blemished in uome other way, nnd
Ifenrv 1). It.ildwlii. Mm,, rM...
Walor Woilis. HIiiiIIhIiihi .' v'iu
writ: "I Iisvh tried aovornl kinds of
line uiriit, hilt I Imvo nuver reeelvuil
mi. oh boiielii until I used llallnril's
Hnoiv Iii'diiieiit for rheumatism hiii
HUllin. 1 IIIHIK 11 IIIO I II HI llllllllciit (,,,
iail!;."arjc. Bile, .m Hold by Ni-w
Km Drug Co.
I L,. 1 . 1 ' ' .iwar I,-.. ill III.
iwir.,i, ur, i,i.,(,r u n, Iwarlna- nulil ur Sll
i,',,i,. ,...;i..i.i :rm . "."'':"'.""""! "un tu
TWoSOxIli Ames IIiiters; (Jlifl fwi'i I SVt il Iff 111 ..Mr.rfr
.in- iinuer; 111m AI1101 Iran Plmmr 1 .1,7... I u"" ' "V ln " "im. Tuarilr
??.?. ::."!'N." .." ii'viiioiiiio piniier; 'rr.r.iT;.-r,T.Xei s..
.in- at, iiuai iiii..Ufi..,. i.i,.wn.. .... ri.t,.u. I..UI. , .......... .. .. ' .
.... .... ' viw 1 w'ass.'.iiri,-.rtis"jiv bj ."'
A I.,. .1... r ..... .
1.1 . . " iiiiiniii'iw 3 mid tin
llloflk Pourordforgetown
Alar. I,.,isaiiiii 3 In lc'k () ...
tlM-iI. I. Jnima AddltlnJ, .0 un
All llio right, tit If imvi lH,(,Hi of
lldUllllllliir l ll. U I . ..
r.r i;,i " ''','''"'' uoriior
to CnllaV, " " """V.:","" A.lilltlun
l,w. .1 " .. ." V"? .l"'LU'
Hlroiit In tim He
il, co uw'WrL""!"'' North
T "... ' ' v V1 rMtw "iil.hiliia liel
MTi ... 11 "'I'i'iiiiai'oiiiii.-ii.iiti
is&.,',"l",t''"'l,1,l,,,l '"' '""iilli.
; T i ,r '"'" ""'"i-ii u r i
Ja?.71f.'L ?' !" j"'"1"1" 'Ul' ""'a III"
Aryliinw ll,,,0ii,i. ,1 .urn nlninun
l lw ' HottlH Ol HQl. uda, liHAUl,i MjyU .(I..
Luru or....,, 7.: . '"l"" ' ll,,.i
fi.sf. ,1. -""" ' "I'SSfU'll
lilit iliiilnic
ri.u, 1 -.. !i..ii..r, ii..... "i :..-T.'.' .,' -,7' v"""' "r nnr
177.7" hit" M ilte i'"
'-"d. ..Miiiii'imr!!! -ft:
nrvuve.l. i.iuiiu.i
V miiiIIImiI ilt,ii m.itt..
Mult lllwl a. t r -
iDKiiUlliiiia Hi
iy iw. wan tin
Cream Vermifugi
Urllltlii 1 1... i
hi Jones' MZZfJJft , -
Hollth 112 feet to 1 1 f 1? ' ,urJ'V".
fommom.1,,.. ' Vn ,. . ' ":. ;
TI10 C)tmi t'r,,vt
la now In riiiiiil" l,r'''f
mid prepared t., .1.. nil UwNol
laundry work with prirfniifncr-t
ami nt noaiiiinlili rate.
Wo bono to Mi'iiri' ynnr
piitriimmo ami i iili.i'1
with our work Plume l
ji l Juried .Tiiiina' t.i.n.V """ler
tngo drove ) o Wes " "f
m foot Kaa't 9.) twtlu"?"
fiHil : 1
iwanr op imitationo.
THK atNumc frU-'Aif oniv ey
BallarU-Snow Liniment Co.
,iin, ...ii. ,7H lllO.l . ,'-
. ones' Adilliion to (ft, ''"',',
LnniJ Ootiniv ii.,.,... ""lhu tlrovo.
A deed for tim 1 ; . , , , j i,., .
Is hi eseav ,' , 'J V '''Sillied
pilyiniillt orl1;(7,'; nn -.Vi , ,"r Hi"
1 :.".".' 'remise. ,,i
soul on mo m !, (!,-; ' 1 1, 1 pi ,,,,11 ! .. . iroo nun 1
nam smo s to lm Hnli 1 1 1 "n wr aw,
rnmtlpn i,y ,,, ,!;, "' ;t( 0 co- ' ''"I'liloi. .,f ny ml
Npecbiisnniplo copy 0f UI
Ktali'N lii-iii 1 . 1 , , "w I'llltei
I to 'M,11(,V AH'xIco, ,,(,,
. .. ... " Hie Investor how lo
"m illllliov III lillMliio ..II
Kxpoaea fake propoHt-
nroiiosii niiu
III Him 1 . II,. 1 u ...... ' ' "sin llino prilll
, - - u,b,vii 1 ,1. "..n OIOI It COS tenia lala.l I :i.,uJ 1..
iiiriiaia a I, ... . . -
mi;ioo.o:;CV'',rt''f,''rHa;', ' wViVbh
I. u most
mining tinner
W..I..I ... .
(tHt, J.('.IioN(t; Wu'atefl T'o Dally ming Record
I Donvor, Onlo
Years MJ,fi5 ShskikI
frcil, rm.l iinH! Ml'r.r.Mman'. live )t
rullir iKuiimi wiii. ;uilful '
Kllllim Iril uiiaiwuia, .
nicbrli-il .tt. I atwriiiatni ,.,i vwrc";
Auk vonr ilrolcr lor 11 "' ,i vuuM
""It . ......i-.fti.