Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 09, 1904, Image 3

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traltos Consumption
.,K.ih Hio iMIriilii luiiK IImiim,
" (In- ll,;"llv" """
SI.!.." "'" rnl l""'1"''
,, , liim.liii'liM lilnl tl.
Iwpiil" ""' ,I"U"
'""l,,,. unit "", v"1,'"
l1" ''' . .....iiMilniuil illscni It to.
. .it. .ii il 1'iiintMlv.
flood's Sarsaparilla
ycH. "'"r" ,,,,1,mU' ,"'K""'
" . .. .. i...f ItiiniilnUi for Hood's noU Itko
!'. ""r" '" ",,ot,'B'
. . t in. tMrfli 91) vm..
" ..... ..I . nrtia lir IIimkI'h Mar.
".i,,.l In irr H. I'r Ix'HI"!
1 ill?." Wiii.iam Hmsbiia!
u.ra $rl'llln I'mmlaoa to
and " ".
tiiiii"i" In Mnsli'ii,
, i. a. tin, I'ullwt Millie roll'
i.r W1 "' M"'"' wrltu
a tfiu"1 '""''"y K'"' "o i"n
glllll at !' ' "I'"1' " liurt
lg.1lii,liiri.l lei III Willi lliaiiy of till.
l" ,.. 'I'liU IHUII h.iu1.
io romp fnnii llitt I'lillwt
J' 'H w i.i'-r anywhere mid feela
L It r,'' HJI1'
i moi lii". Imwctcr, I the land
ualu.M i" ii-rn.w- nut fur pur
Ztiut (,ra. niailiialliiii. a limiiy tr
Lg.iy iii t'". I"" I"""' wl"
i...i )imr Imalncsa, Hint
M I ""' "' ,M, f"1"-
-jl Hr.H fc' i iu ttt imlly lie) oalra
itrf,"1 dclMirnil UH '""I"
Wiu..i " Ii "i.iniliillU' If. owing
DM I"1' " '" "r l!Uitit
mr f ,l,rr '"' fn"''' ,0 """ '"
,,1, mi in in Kulii their fniiii-
jro. n.1 I" ' ir" Hl"lr kindly ) III-
MtUrt. A " I i'-t i .-r n lnlnlii. ilwii
fpiqpn fi u-n.l f Ihclra. tU-ll
iimU)m ' 1 t-'"'11' l'"'.
(fnll'l l "' I ; '" ' lll illllll.
lira. r iikiIkh nil mlv.iiiir.
J,Ura'M-i '.i ! In lUtvn. lU lf
,f llim.i. r i kiuiiii io wniro,
trllrt I .i'' "Hi I'liic of rtlilflli
tsin'j M-O'ni. "f ' I liuaglne
tbnx I'T mIiIi Ii It l oritnln
(j (bat all in' nrrlrnl. whatever
liir rank f..r. inn iiiIiiUIith not ox
frjlfj. in"'' I" xl'iiiii print. Klve no
tt lo t'ti) rmulljr nf nujr rolMihlpra
Mia Uit . ni'iinl (lint Hii'T linvi- nr
f.iij, ami i'" I tliniiM'lti'a and tlu-lr
at (tin i1!mhIIIiiii if tile r"l-
irtti, fainne In Htiliti rtliiirllu tlm
K'l; arntrJ rnmlljr will remain un
tMni and unknown."
Dtst In I he World.
Oram. Ark . Nov 7 (HihwUI) Altrr
IrfklMD rnontlia anllrrhiK froni Killri
r, IWkicI.e and Kidney CuinpUinl)
ISf W. II. Hmitli ol thla laro la a
I ii'Jmaii again and Hiomi who liava
I 1111 lila irlnrn lo hrallh ttnlif
ual; Klr all lh crellt to Dold'a
InVr l'ill". In an Intrrvlew rriiard'
ItIUrore, Ml Hinltli ny:
"Hid Urn low lor rltlitorti montlia
IiltotajrUck and kldnnra and alro
IftUpajr. I had lakrli citerylhlnK I
lint olatnl nolliliiK nutiii-d to do mo
J rI till a lllrlid ol mllin Kill Ilia
kNoJIor IKxM'ai Kldnry Till. I
W that lliry am thr lirrntrat iito.ll
Malatlie norlil, for low I am alite to
k aaJ am In fart an tout and
rwef ai helote I took alik."
OM'i Klilnoy I'llla cum Ilia Kid-
jt, Curnl Kidnaya rlean I lie
IkwJulall Inipiirltlia. l'lltc liloftd
kHMvol health.
Worihr of KiiiuUtloii.
'IVkat," aakrd III. youth, "U the e-
!M t your liapiilneaa and runteul-
I aunait to Im lint ilenf enoiiirh nut
Ia Utt ni tliluii ami lillml enuucti
M U aoui utliiri," aiinnf.l Ilia
Unblaaeil Crlilolini.
vnll tin. N'iir.i.M allied Ilia
IIS of llio iiiiiiavinnl.l, "If yon
1 flay (lit plaim tits me ' I iloV
"Jurt, an' 01 wouldn't he nfllier aet
V dllM l..l .( .11 mt .11' r.,.11.!
"OIM kni rolsht on laniln' till
aoid play ilarently"
Mflle vmnl nm u.l.lU nl T fnll
truck and acvcicly Injured IkiIIi
""yililua, My hlood became iHilaoned
rtault, and the doctor told me I
ll... ,vo rwniln aorca for life, and
I t if thev wn I...I..I .... il.. .....Ii
jU kg fatal. Under thla tWoiiraK'lK
Jft I left off their treatment and re
fMto the uae of 8. 8. 8, III effects
' prompt and Krntlfylnr. It took
r lion while for the medicine lo en-
fcl ,lle ,orc9. I "" "ot
SiMUle 'loctnra Intliimtcd, nor have
Srea ever hroke out UL'aln, Some la
have clapacd alncc what I have dc
ffiurTca' "aviiiK been ioalKiially
"t ted by Iti uae I cart heartily rccoiii
WI1U aa the oue ireat bltxxl purifier.
Cir.c-1 .. . JOHN W. 1'tWBU.
i Bdimulback llrewlui; Co.
I,"' foret atart often from a pint.
Iff. KratCll. Imilu. nr .,,.1 ,.1,ll
I la'Si.? "I" n"(' Iwi!cra are liencflclal,
f unheUh)r matter In the Mood must
rTtn out Or the nr will rniittmin
Ii ?ut or "le "o will continue
CVun1 "I,rrn' 8. f). 8. reaches
C V, !orc" tliroMRlt tho blood, re.
CtLV1 rc J"lcm B'"l BtreuKthcii
M ;iCc"Ln l0" . 8 vS. 8. Is ii Mood
I' Hlvna lOlllo rnin1.l...,1 iV.i.l.l.u
no mineral what.
ever but U Kiitirnn.
teed purely vcjct
able. If you liuvo
an old aore wrlto
us and our physl
clans will ndvlsa
without charge.
Hook on illsonBoa
tliie it 01 the lllooil tree.
"5Wlrt 8D0Clfla Comnn nv. Allnntn. fliL
KLi1.'1" " -Hlir .truijl.u. JH
tJtOF fen
"Ho I'oiui'a nf n illlliiu!i!.,i ,,
lly, I lii'llnvii." "Vi'H. Ill" ii..,, hnvtj
Horn kIumm'n fur IIinb gi'iiomtiiiiia,"
"If you ilnrti lilna inn ngnln I will call
pupil I" "I llinilKlit ymi anld ymir fan,,
cr wim In c!IIfnnilnT" "Ho (,"
lliiiiatiui I 'out.
I'lrat Dorlor Then wo ducMo t,i tll
(ipcrHlii, Kmiml Doelor -Vea, wimt
(In you think vi uiixhl to cbarxn him
for ilifldliiK not lo opcrU) Ilrouklyn
1.1 fo.
I, n ily I litivu tiulhlng to givi, y,,,,,
my poor iiihii, but wtim i o. aaiianm.ii
Knight of tho lloiul Hiiiai. ma, mum
but don't jour sign wiy, "lt..wuni of
I h liogV"
rinrliula You cin't kinp a iIi.k i
)uiir imw lint T l'lorlmlii Xn, iihI
lo ill vo l'lilo away; but I'nwliririi IMi
hu dear little bark put In our t,i
grupli, Clnrlinmtl fouiiiii-ri lal Trlli.
A ti'Hrhnr kbk oxplalnlng to a Inn..
Klrl how llio triMK diviliiptil (,i.r
folliiKo In thu fprluttttmi'. fnt"
MiM tlm lllllo iiiIm, "I (UI(leratniMl;Hii.
keep their auiilillvr clothm In Uielr
"Doetor." )Uerhd llm lniitlaltlre per.
non, "ilu y on belvu that tho i lgarHln
llBblt 'HII.. wtik lllllldaT" ".Nut wv.
iMrlly," replhil tho SI. I) ; "aa a ntla
It mori'ly IndlcHloa them." i'ltleito
Kally Nowa. i
"W'IihI'h (hat racket down there?"!
ahoutml tho old KoiXlemnii from ttio
hi'ad of tho atftlr. "I think." prtunptu
nillml Ida up-todato daugliler, "thai
It wna Hob tlropplnn Ida volet when
hn (irotHHwd In HID."
"Marlnloah tHKiatM a good lira I about
hla family, diwMi't he?" "Yea. I think
h rtalma that the head of Ida family
vtna I In- original Mnrlnlnati that Ninth
had with him during Unit rainy an
ann." I'hlladelibut i'rena. j
Ilrldget -Wliy, Maater 'rummy, what
ever l lite inattrrT Tintiiuy I've hurt
my h liiiml In the Ii hot nnlvr. llrUlget
- Hhiin. I hill, It aervi you right. Vuu
ahould havn felt the waler before you
put your hand In! I'tiucli.
"What la love?" aaked the aweet girl,
who waa looking for a i limn-e to leap.
"Ive," rcplliil the old bacbelor, "U
ft kind of Inmiiilty that innkea a innii
eall a two hundred Miuiid fuinl bU
lllllo turtlu don." ('hlcaKo New.
Mm. MukkIii My hualwud la a per
fect crank. Mm. Iluc.-lua -All hua
banda are) my ilinr Jin. MugKlu
Hut fan.-y ii man who roinplntiu that
my muatard plaxlera are not n atrotig
aa thoH hla mother uaed to make!
Maud .V thla ring? Archie cove
It to mi tho other owning. Ircno
1 thought I rciiunltcd II. You II llnd
It baa n rough place Jut under the
citing that will make your tlnurr
ore. Cincinnati I'oiinnen'lal Trlbuu.
A Junior aludont Cornell t'nU or
ally, In rendering nn nccounl to bis
fiithor of hla laat lerm'a rxiN'tiaea, en
tenil n nu Item: "Charity, thirty dob
lara." Ilia father wrote bark: "I four
Hint charity cot era n multllu.lo of
"Do you think they'll be happy now
Ihey'ro mnrrlcd?" "Well, I don't co
why not. They out the numb kind of
hronkfant food, tiike the miiuo bnind
of dyapepaln labtela. and wear thu
Mine make of hygienic underwear."
Town Topic.
"I aupe, Senator." alio anld. "Unit
you try lo keep In touch with (he flmin
rial IntervMa of the country." "If I
didn't, my dear girl. I'd have m nl
down my llvln' oxpoii'K or prucn.'e
Inw n giMMt deal harder thnu I do be
tween aeaalona." lit.
A I.lttU Ituaty: "The bride aeomod
ipilte nervoua, didn't ahelf" remarked
the llrt Chicago gin. .imirnuy. re
plleil the other; "hi'n miuiowhat out
of ttractlco. It'a the llrat time alio a
been liinrrleil allien loat yenr." I'liua
dclphln Public I.-dger.
Vlaltor What n racket the atenm
iiinkea clanking through the plea! I'lat
Dweller (hlverlng Yea. It reuilniU
m of one or nuaKupenrc inajn.
Itor Which -1 he Tvmpraw t nu
Ilwellee No. "Much Ado About .Notli.
Ing." Town nrd l.'ountry.
A lencher In an Knat Side achool In
trying to explain tho inclining of tho
word "Klowly" llluntruled It by walk
ing ncroMN the floor. When he naked
tho clnaa to tell him how no wiukou,
ll boy nt tho foot of tho clnaa ahuuted,
How-logged, air." I.ippincou a.
"I loat my foot In tho war." anld Iho
tramp, "and nil trying to mine oiiuiikh
money to get out to California." "What
do you want to go t California for?"
naked the woman nt the door. "Oh.
I've hoard that thoro nro llilngn wnicu
grow n foot In n day out there." You
kera Stulenumn.
Friend of tho I'ninlly I wont to
glvo your hunbiind n birthday prvaeiit.
What do you think would plouao him
moat? Mra. Untidy Oh. n stlckiln,
llo anya ho twver ha enough of them,
l'rlend Whnt ia Ida favorite atonol
Mra. Uulely Tho emerald. (Hanging
lip thu 'phone.) lan't that lovely; I'vg
nlwaya wuuted an emerald pin! De
troit I'reo 1'roHa,
Hccnc: IMItor'a aiinclimi. I'riutcr
(ruahlng In oxcltedlyl-llero'a n go.
Johnaon, tho murderer, baa Just been
found Innocent, and tho govcrnuuint
him tch'Kiuil'', " pnnl""- 'vo got
tho wholo nccoiint of th hanging Bet
mi with lllustratlnii". mid the form
U on tlm prenH. Kdllnf (coolly) Don't
get excited, man. rut over tho ac
count, in birgo capltiilH, "Johnaon par
donod. Kull nccoiint of what ho en-
capod." t
Ilia ncoomniendiitlonn.
"I thlnlti" wlil tlio olllcoBooker,
"tlmt my work during the campaign
ahould outlllo tm t '"' ""'f1''" .,
"What did you ll8lit'11 "10 I'0'
lltlcnl lioiw.
"I -nlw) apoko' on ft doien or moro
dlffom't occulona." - Philadelphia
Bomehow. wo u"u i ''.
-- 1 . t I. nn nilV
worry ovt
i. nver thu il iuru raim m
I our in.' . . .
whom puronta nro u i'" -
to college
Opeiilngs Bomotluicn como to men uml
oysters wheu least expected.
I'NCI Ii SAM-..A Tlu.t
""-ii KiumrhuiiiciilH Slmiild
lie In livery I Ionic.
Hlectlon Returns That Interest All Parties
A .Neat lllMlNekeeipr.
I'r.ldlrr -I'm lulling tin- now, patent,
lii..riMiiil lire rai'.ipea, llglll, lir,
HHl.klr ailjiuipil
Illlkina limi't want It. Wniildii't lio
of any ue.
"Iliii, air, you may have a Dre at any
time, and '
"HiiiRia we ahould? Huppoae I abmiM
buy that thing and take It limn. Tli
rt lime my wife went to aelllng thlnxa
t-i rlghla, alie'i) put Hut contrivance Int.,
nine queer comer where It couldn't ba
fuuud in aeieiitevn hour."
utiuiii.ii itih Bjaspio,; Jn jn pi
J"J lMuoii.t Xti.( op 1.U J.i.(.f
;j(ua iinj .iii no.( Iiu.uuil
m ui iioji ,.'.(ih xiu upiiou )mi
po all.u IIIIU) OH I J .; ."II
ill main Jiiijii uo.i4uo.) Mim oipn
jflH Kill UUJ( jjiiibj jnj
g(jj .iti rfjoj
aq m Bt oj i.)ijuj ntj piua 'iiiui
Ji) 111) pun .una oi iiiibjs b iiiit
m uo iJ.tio. u.)t. oimniir 'mu
j,iI,ij' jo noiiil() uy
Coiiillllon r. 'Ilienry
"Shay," began the loipiariotia party
wlio hail been trjlnz lo aaatune ue-re
than hla hare of llnuiil tnnible. "I'i.
(bin gut a tht'ry 'Ujut (hie whaucr
loader "
"To the atation home with ymir the
ory," interrupted the pulli-cinati, n lie
gathered lllm In, "It'a your coinliut thai
Cttufronti uie."
Tho banda ol lut- t'liiuiipiue lalauib
are tpiotoil higher than Hrltlah consul
I r --'ml 1 1
tvT- t r rimme "'irf PrpQ Milwaukee.
fJlVXl3. J . -- - ' --
Wis., Bushvcss Woman's Association, is
. Ml 1
another one ot the million women wno
have been' restored to health by using
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" IlKAn Mas. I'lNKitiii : I waa married for several yeara and no children
bleed mv home1 "Im doctor said 1 had a complication , ot tj;
nd I coufd not have any children unleaa I could bo cureJ. "
mn lint, nftur exnerimeiiting for acveral montha, my ttusoanu oecarae ui.
M mTS wo noticed a tortlmonltfi . woman w ho 1 ad
teen cured of similar trouble through the uao of Lidl v 1 1 ',,kVI,,e3
Vcaotnblo Compound, be went out and bought 'f, t A"lth
your medlclno for three nnd one half mouths, Improv lu
ind In twenty-two montha n child came. I cannot fully 'WP 'w3 . we
Women hIiouM not fall to profit by tho Wllu
women ; JitHt uh auroly uh thoy wcro cured of
nitca In Iholr lotlerK; just ho ccrtuliily wl H J;'" ?; iro iK
Vcgofnl'lo Comiionnil euro ot tiers wlio Htif for '"!0Vs cxU HnMHty.
Inlinmiiiatlon of tlio ovaries, kMnft?.
nnd nervoiiH iirostratlon ; remember tlmt It Is 10 " ;tnllow
ln nrM VoBotal lo Compoiiml tlmt Is citrine women, and uon
ony drub'Blst to sell you anything else In its plnco.
A.n Indlnna JLady Tolls of n "Wonderful Curo:-
' I i '
M V I I I m nt (ll
I A f .x",',""" ""?..,, HiSKLit. Salem, Jmi.
I l a 1 I 01 worn. iniio. 4.,..-
L case about wlilch you; jyo; UV MM
ten"!? CSSS l.'1 5SK - "dv,co ls frcJ
lllld always helpful. .win,i,KWiu,.ariilasl l.llara and aljoatnrnel
I .'ii-UVt.
Tenant I I n t tlio lloiiae.
A in.-in rtiTiitly took n hutiao upon n
lean In n rt-rtaln creacent In London
without examining the terms of hla
agreement ni cloudy as ho ahoulil. Af
ter n time tho landlord called upon
hltn mid pointed out Hint ho was
bound to do all tho outside painting nt
certain Interval,. Hc protested, but It
waa "no nominated In tho bond." and
thero wns no help for Mm. After n
good deal of thought hu hired tho
pnlntera and directed them to point
the wholo of the front of tho house
red. white nnd blue In strlpoa.
When It waa Mulshed tho neighbor
hood -It was rather a fnahlonublo part
- "ni up lu arms and tho landlord
ii frantic. Tho tenant politely ex
plained to him that thero was nothing
In (he agreement nlwut tho color nnd
that red, whlto and blue, lu strlpea.
waa hla favorite combination, but be
thought bo might, pcrhapa, bo hotter
pleimed with tho painting of tho back,
which he propjtscd to color green, with
yellow i.pota.
Tho landlord, who well knew that
not another houe could be let In the
crew-cut If lie carried out Ida threat,
nearly had a lit at Hie Idea, nnd with
in a week the tenant had n now leane,
lu which the landlord undertook to do
all tho outside painting himself.
One-third of the In lid aurface of the
globe 1b covered with tree.
for mo to write and tell whmt your jonderful
medicine baa done for me. I w" '
three yeara with change of life, and my
phyaicfan thought a c?.nW' tJree ylara I
tho womb. During thew three years
Buffered untold agony.
"I cannot find words In which to ex
preM my bad feelings. 1 fffi
Jvcr fceo nnotbor well y. 1 a7dIdll0 nnd
eftS I had tafK
ft' " T.vdlii Ii, l'ltuclinma ', f."V"i, ,,nw
f P.!"!IA.lHSf ?. 1 .'iil I can do all hlud.
Isn't It about time to any lea nnd
dig moro on the Panama canal.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A crowleag ronater hni lircn bred,
but ho will bp no use for campaign
piirposca. Montreal Star.
The fellow who rocked the boat Init
summer Is now hunting deer up In tho
Adirondack-. Washington post.
Dowlo anya h" proposes to Journey to
Jerusalem on nn nss. It Is always
safer to trnvel in pairs. Washington
Third Hecretnry rjm-ney's fine hav
ing been remitted, h saved nu
losma are Inenlculnhh. lirnoklyti
Tlie Czar la going for "a forin ght's
shooting." There la said to be very
good shooting in Manchuria. lioston
Kven diplomat! should unilerstantl
Hint there Is n difference between Im
munity nnd Impunity. Washington
Our latest nnd biggest new battle
ship seems to have got In Just nhead
of tho International peace conference
Iloston Herald.
Tho Mormons In Halt Lnke City arc
celebrating tho aovcnty-flftb annivers
ary of their multiplication table.
Illrinlngliam New.
Kuropatkln'g "offmalvo movement
backward" Is designed to full the
enemy by leaving lilm with nobody to
light. Chicago Newa.
It Is about timo for the cotso-lione
wen titer prophet to co-no along and
till us whnt kind of winter we are go
ing lo have. Savannah News.
The coal man nnd the Ice mnn have
struck an Alfonso nnd Canton atti
tude. Will the went her ninn act an
umpire? Atlanta Constitution.
An American heiress bus Just died
In London, leaving Sl.OCO.OOO. but no
husband. Some women arc so thought
less. Jacksonville Tlnu a Union.
Tho Itiltlsh Tibetan expedition has
left I.hnssa. That was because the
Ilritish couldn't take It with them. Hut
they will r.-ttirn. Hoston Globe.
It Is comparntlicly earn- to make a
dash for the pole. It Is the getting
back that Is likely to be a slow proc
ess. Washington Evening Stnr.
Chicago should have more night
schools. If there were more accom
modations of this character thcrs
would be fewer hold-ups. Chicago
With Central Corbln fighting Cupid
and Mr. Itoosevelt crusndlng against
raco suicide, the average army officer
Is under a warm lire. Hlrmlnghnra
Eyeglass Insurance has been slartcd
In New York. Eventually n citizen
may be able to Insure his pocke'knlfo
nnd plug of tobacco. Kansas City
Experience has shown that when a
Japanese army "disappears" n Itus
elan army somewhere or other is like
ly to find It unexpectedly. Chicago
Mr. J. rierpont Morgan denies the
report that lie is going to retire from
business. Owners of railroads wlil
continue to spike them down. Savan
nah News.
With the water shut off, the coal
bin empty and the gas bill due. Tort
Arthur is In a position to sympathize
with some of the rest of us. Minne
apolis Times.
Old Dr. Smith, the Mormon Tresi
dent, points out triumphantly that
thero are no race suicide and divorce
problems in Mormondom. Atlanta
A Sunday school In Philadelphia
gives trading stamps for regular at
tendance. Anybody could guess whose
store the stamps are good in. Cincin
nati Enquirer.
United States Treasurer noberts'
assertion that $10 bills are popular la
undoubtedly true, and the more a fel
low haa of them the better hc feels.
San Francisco Chronicle.
Perhaps those Yellowstons Park
bears killed that man and boy ns a
protest against the yarns told about
their tameness by the wllil-anlmals-i
haven't-met school. New York Sun.
ltusslnn authorities should bo wise
to tho fact that nothing makes the
American eagle scream more promptly
or more vociferously than Interference
with tho United States mail. Phila
delphia Inquirer.
The Intervention of society In behalf
ot tho Hon. Hugh Guruey Is likely to
create an abnormal demand for cy
clone cellars about the time the n.-ws
reaches Colonel Wnttcrson. Pklhule!
phla North American.
A New Jersey man who hadn't
sroken to a womnn for thirty-seven
years has married a widow, and If hi
Uvea long enough there's n woman
who will speak to him for thirty-seven
j onra. Memphis Commerclal-App al.
One of Now York's polk-o Judges has
solemnly held that n street-car con
ductor has no right to kick n passen
ger In tho stomach, Conductors will
hereafter kick passongers lu tho face
only. Elklns (W. Va.) News.
A Wisconsin court hns decided that
a parent mny nun nm iuj o iiujauiuu
with n paddle, but must not Injure hla
dignity. Moit boys would like to hava
that decision turned round. Tlio recov
ery would bo sooner. Philadelphia In
Somo women keep tneir youtu ami
beauty so well that It seems ns If
hcv had been nblo to stop -tho flight
of time. And yet, strangely enough,
no woman likes to uo torn tuni tier
face would stop a clock. Vtlaubi
Of courso It would bo by accident
If a young woman should lilt n battle
ship with n bottlo of champagne Ar
ruugoments should bo mndo for tho
bottlo to bo thrown by machinery
leaving tho young woman nothing to
do but push tho button. Mobile Keg-later.
viK,1 m 1
Give nature three helps, and
nearly every case of con
sumption will recover. Fresh
air, most Important of all.
Nourishing food comes next.
Then, a medicine to control
the cough and heal (he lungs.
Ask any good doctor.
Mt flriltiitit Ayer'a Cherry Tr'tttAralUreRri
ftto I Imve Ittu rt nf timr ilia
aiet rnr.-.t t,y n. 1 f,m utvi-r wiilmnt It
Auisur u. IUaii.ri, Harietu. Otilo.
5V- Me , SI 00. ar AYEIt CO
for .
l,.-'l .!,,.
Health domnnda dally action of tho
dowels. Aid nnturo with Ayer's Pills.
Hon or a Hn ot o ml.
Admiral Togo was third son of Togo
Klchl.aemon, an admiral of tho clan of
Katsumn, and the father gave him the
name of Ilelhnehlro. He waa born at
Kogoshiina on the 14th day of tho
10th moon of the year of grace 1S37.
The gracious period of JIclJI (which by
Interpretation means tho era ot en
lightened reign) began In 1S0S A. I).
That was also the birth date of the
new Nippon. After tho sacred tradi
tion of a snmurnl family, his mother
took hltn to the shrine of a guardian
deity and placed him upon tho altar
as tho offering to his country nnd to
the sword, that hc might defend tho
land of the gods. Like many another
ltoy of n samurai family, his military
training dates back far beyond his
memory. Century.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, they cannot
Teach tho Seat of the 1Imim,. I'.iyh i. -
blood or constitutional die aie, and in onlf r to
f!"., 'J. you, muit lake internal remedleii.
Halls Calarrh Cure l taken lnternalljr, ami I
v. .. ' ' V" "iwu muwuiiuriaeefl.
HAiraCatarrh uro 1. nol a quack mtdli-tne
It we. nrctcritxil bv one of the tea. r.hi-.i. in.. I
In thla country for ycara, and la a regular pre
Krlptlon. It la r-uiniK of the teutonics
known, combined with the beat bluid r.url
riere, actlntr directly on tl.o mucnus aurface.
The perfect cottiMna Ion of the twolnansllciits
la what produces such wonderful results la
curing Catarrh. Fend for testimonials tree.
K. J CIIKNKY 4 CO., JTopa., Toledo, 0.
Bold by druggists, prico "5c.
lull's Family Mils are tho best.
Komewliat DiCTerent.
Tom Did you ever notice with what
atyle ami grnudeur Miss Klntlelgh aweepa
into a room?
Jack Yes; but when it comes to
sweeping out a room she isn't in it with
her poor old mother. j
For forty rear's riso-s Cure for Con-'
sumption has' cured coughs and colds. At
druggists. Price 23 cents. I
In China, when an Inferior person on
horseback meets a superior, he dismounts
and waits until the latter has passed.
rtTQ l'ermanentty lurta. rrontsornerrousnea !
ll 10 nrrflrctdaysiueofDr.Kllne'stllTaKem 1
Restorer. Hend for l'rf-e 92 trial bottleand treattsa, 1
lr. It. IL Kline. Ltd..M.' Arch St. l'hltsdelphla, 10,
Two Points of View. j
"An empty barrel gives the loudest
aouml," said the philosopher.
"That's where you go lame," rejoined
the politician. "During tho political cam
paiim a well-filled bar'l talks tho loud
est. See?" I
...... Jbe Gna'"t Conditioner and Stock Fatttner knomt.
i!n?SlL8on'ore wof ..n ,c"fd-COW8sl more and richer
milk. HOGS grow and fatten quicker if siren thla food,
tir0 l' eroMtim stock food to mr ttioroaKhbn-J .wlno. it irl.e. them
1017 ivsuiio r. iv. ukuuue,
FREEl OS-page Hand
if. Ill, 1 1 M: Pin;. 50r. tl
roUTLAND SEED CO 1'ortl.nd, Or.. Coast Ar.sU
) Vf. L. Doualaa me'ras onrf it.'3 moro men's $3.fO (i
atAoca than cny otltcr mznrtacturcr la (.a woWJ.
aaJ..rorlliereareiidlnaJiilrl.liot.wr,St).,,t;-0. , ,,.., T,vit
W. L. Iiouilss -urntees tlielr rstue br .Umplni! his name and price on, the bottom. Look tor IV
UVa no aubsUtute, bold by ahoe dealera everywhere.
Mitait. If,' Tiktm wpor t,tl. report a.J mr u ""I"' crti'tjrfn
tXMto PMU. S. MtVC'E, DiT. Colt, V.S. lut. JUvnui, HirltmnJ, I a.
Y. T Konalns ""in Ooronn ColtsWIn In tils 3.Bn slio Corona Colt U conceited to
be tlio flue.t J'att-ut J.l.utbur Ulttile. l'ust Color J-:det ul exclusUulr.
I'. L. VOUOLAS, Brockton, niMtmacliucatta.
Alr Vt-iiii
U not varxUa by iowU grogers. write WmIuuiu
The checka which Kin Edward of
England usea for hla private builness aro
drawn on his personal account at
Coutts. The signature la "IMward It,"'
followed by a small royal crown.
Motherawlll flml Mra. Wlntlew'a Boothlng
Syrup the bent rented tonne for thslr children
during tho teething porlod.
A tsovr Definition.
"S.iy, pa," queried little Johnny Thim
pcmlckle, "what Is a high chureh'"
"A high church," replied the old man,
"Is ono in which the riht ham! of fel
lowship is extended on a level with the
C'l.AHt ri.rpn of , locstlnn, btttlit
ltt equipment the belt. Html tor cat
alogue. Term Opens .Soptumtior IB.I004
I ..,.,, , ,,ini. I. It- k or Fire A I p, ml ii-, lime
nil i H.l in. nt -nppl p.. OnrsiHHU ere tii uituln
ii. nrly . v. ry I- r- Ii. rmrtmeul.
Unlx-wli." 'J'i, "I'a-r..l" (IS. en. ll. Thino arelhe
-i.i-i.ii, il l --I k i.ti.-M lom 1,1,1 i. T'hiim'.bi-ri!,
ni.ii rivi-ti.,1 J.iliit,t2fMli. A. C. LONC, rortlial, Of
wot get mm
' WHEN in
' -rtSZXIPtn...
RLsnrnnst VTlillH
Write today for free Illustrated boollet.
10th and Johnson Streets, Portland, Ore.
P. N. U. No. 46-1004
WHEN writing to lverti.ra pleas,
tnontlim thla paper.
rlea It on stunted cslrcs with sstUTao-
Klifla, Aeb.
Fntnlia Semedy Co., SL Fsul, Mini
High Grade
stackers Machinery
The A. II. Averill Machinery Co.
Write for Catslojus and Prices.
a Ou who vrlU tvXjit urboxo obtain