Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 09, 1904, Image 2

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Johnnx'sHrstWeekin School'
Full Instructions Sent by Go. eminent
with Hrjr IWWime r tlerin.
A portion of Inoculating material n
It Is mailed to tho farmer by the gov
ernment consists of three different
packages. Package No. a oontiilni
tho cotton wllh Its millions of dried
germs. Packages I and 3 nre the me
dia or food by moon ot which tho
farmer can multiply the germ. The
department Incloses explicit Instruc
tions how to use the bacteria, as fol
lows: X HiI'lL. I is. l
LvimivttK m
K-rx z3mmiBik cash
1 : i
Tlio herculean endeavors that the Japanese have made to capture Tort Arthur are portrayed in the draw
ing. Here n body of soldiers are seen pulling a huge siege to height from which the HussIaiHi have Iwn
driven. It has been noted throughout the war that the Mikado's forces are Indrfatlgable In mounting artillery,
rapidly and with great labor, In seemingly Inaccessible places. The Illustration Is copied from the London Graph
ic It was drawn by M. Matnnla from material supplied by a wounded Japanese ollleer.
Pumpkin pie and apple cMerl
Cut 'er louse and open wider!
Ain't no Mute like fruitful autumn;
Ilick'ry nuts In river bottom!
Who said fall was melancholy?
Just the time to he real Jolly I
Stir that steaming apple butter:
Fry them dougttuuts hear 'em sputter
See them tree with apples laden:
See the buxom country maiden!
Scenes of plenty, bliss Arcad'a.
Sparkling eyes and iwy features!
Joyons, blessed, happy creatures;
Aple snits and pumpkin slices!
Bggs and butter bring good prices!
Gran'ries full and runnin' orer:
ltulging baynraws sweet with clover.
Country sausage! Goodness land sake.
Hurry up them buckwheat pancake!
My. oh, msL Hut don't we pity
Poor folksTFvia' la the oity!
lunxsutawney Spirit.
Crr. HH windows of the grill room
"Hr were open, and through them
catno the grateful coolness of
the salt breeie and the less welcome
rlntter of the streets below.
In one comer, at a table, under the
great stag's head, Thomas Weldon lis
tened with a smile more or less cyni
cal to the eager voice of young Kenton
Tlsdale on the other side of the tn-
ble- ,
Presently Tlsdale's almost pleading
tones ceased. Weldon coolly lighted a
Igar nnd took several whiffs before
ho p4R.ivod a reply
"Fmtnn." he said, looking nt the
other sharply, "are you sure this is not
nnrelv nersonal enmity?
Tlsdale regarded his interlocutor
I'll admit. Tommy, be said.
one of the flrst to succumb, and I
m.v ii. well confess I was pretty bard
hit; but the enormity of the thing
didn't strike me until Jonesy started
for the Lord knows where In ooum
mrim; nnd Ted Ilrlno remembered
rather suddenly some relatives of
""""his in Alaska, where he migni mm a
haven of oblivion.
The worst, though, was when
Snow good old George Snow got his
coup-de-grnce. He sat around for two
days. Then all nt once he went no
n knows where.
"Think of what she's done to the
'stag-corner coterie Tommy. Think
of dinner this winter nud no Ted to
tell a story; with no jonesy to unu
fnnlt: with no George Snow to mix a
salad. She's scattered them like chaff
before the wind, there's only you ana
1 left." , ,
As Weldon listened the smile broad
"And you suggest," be said slowly
between putts, "that I go up there and
avenge your wrongs encounter this
Circe and sail away with a laugh, as
it were? Fenton. have you stopped to
think the laugh might be with her in
.twid of at her? It's a 100 to 1 shot
that I fall."
"No, Tommy," Tlsdale said, "I've
weighed the chances, and I think you
are bound to win. In the flrst place,
the woman Isn't born who could make
you look at her twice. That Is a draw
ing card In your favor, especially with
such women as she Is; then there's
your money, ar 1, Anally, that devil-may-care
way of yours, which you can
put on and off like a cloak.
"What with these and your good
looks no, I'm not flattering you. I'm
quite frank you should mako an easy
conquest of it"
Weldon shook bis head.
"It all sounds very plausible, but It's
not honorable it seems to me," be ob
served. "Honorable!" Tlsdale burst out hot
ly. "Was it honorable of her to send
the others of our clique packing from
Alaska to South America? Was it
honorable to encourage poor, incoffen
stve old Gcorgo and then seud him to
the woods, and leave use salad less all
winter? I tell you, Tommy, It's jour
bounden duty lo go. There's no way
out of it for you."
When Thomas Weldon reached the
hotel on the shores of the lake late
that August cevulng, ho was tired and
disgruntled by a hard day's travel.
The object of his comlug seemed to
him at that moment fantlstlc and ab
surd In tho extreme. For a moment lie
was tempted to take the stage back
to the station and and catch the night
train to town.
Then ho remembered George Snow's
face, nnd squared his shoulders. About
the others be enred not a whit. Jonesy
nud Ted Ilrlno wore their hjnrts ou
their sleeves, while Feiiton Tlsjlalo had
n now tale of love and sorrow us often
us the seasons changed.
George Snow was a different propo
best there was In him and she had
laughed at the offer, she deserved to
be punished yes. even brutally, by
low Intrigue.
The next day Weldon met her nnd
the game began In earnest. Thereaf
ter, to all appearances, be was her
The gossips, who congregated every
afternoon ou the hotel veranda to make
dollies and regulate the affairs of the
place. Im'khii to wag their heads sage
ly whenever Weldon and Helen Uw
ton ap)Kared together, which was fre-quently.
And before two weeks had passed
Weldon caught himself wondering
why he lutd never before taken an In
terest In women: which mental atti
tude alarmed him Into repeating, "lie
member George Snow!" an absurd
number of times, and started hi in oft
at 112W p. in. for a solitary walk
along the lake, at war with himself
ami all the world.
In the gray of twilight the follow.
Ing evening Weldou. with sure, strong
strokes, sent the canoe skimming along
the edge of the lake', where the somlwr
pines were reflected vaguely In the
still water.
The girl reclined on the cushions In
the bow, looking at him qulzslcally.
Suddenly he stopped paddling and
looked at her steadily until her eyes
fell. Then be beard bis own voice
speaklug very softly:
"I pitied them once, but now I envy
them Jones and Ted Urine, and. yes,
even George Snow. It Is worth while
even to be spurned by you. And so,
Helen. I offer myself as the fourth."
She looked up. He saw a strange.
wonderful light In her eyes that
brought his heart to bis throat and sot
his temple throbbing madly. She
leaned toward blm, and the gray twi
light seemed suddenly to reek with
gorgeous colors.
Late that night In the grill room, at
the table under the great stag's bead,
Fenton Tlsdale opened a telegram,
read It and swore softly under bis
"We have met the enemy," It ran,
"and we are hers completely hers."
It was signed "Weldon." Indianap
olis Sun.
Some Figure that, After All, Are Not
A statistician has gone to the trou
ble to ascertain tbnt M per cent of all
the divorced women, X! per cent of
the widowed and 31 per cent of the
single women are engaged In gainful
pursuits, says the Cincinnati inquirer.
Only about 0 per cent of the married
women are similarly situated. While
the great body of married women are
at home attending to the domestic du
ties which are naturally set down for
them, there Is some hope still that the
old order of things Is not going to be
completely overthrown. The world
will not be without homes. The fig
ures Indicate that 04 per cent of the
married men are supporting their
wives, though the women are, of
course, doing tbelr full share in main
taining domestic establishments which
are bulwarks of morals and good order
and which keep the race from dying
On surface analysis it may seem
wonderful that 1)1 per cent of the mar
ried men find enough to do to support
families, when so many women are In
men's occupations, but tbe earth is big
and tbe ordinary attempt at compre
hending tbe things to be done and tbe
number of people to do them Is puny
Indeed. In the long run there appears
to be room for everybody the home
woman, the "new" woman, etc., like
wise for the womanish man and the
men who depends on the labor and
shrewdness of their wives to keep
them going.
The mixture of the sexes In the act
ive, business affairs of to-day would
have scared writers on political econo
my twenty-live years ago. It seems
plain enough, for example, that when
a man on n salary gets work for his
daughter In the same occupation at
perhaps smaller compensation than bo
receives, he Is sapping tho foundation
of his own employment and prosperi
ty; that, In tho long run, ho will bo
simply dividing up his salary, among
tbe members of his own family and
driving other men out of employment
The results of widespread changes
of this sort look, apparently, to an en
tire revolutionizing of society. But
people are not stopping to study the
textbooks. They are going ahead with
the fashions of the time, leaving tbe
pessimists and thoso who have noth
ing to do but study to read up on po
litical economy. A great many wise
books have been Impracticable in rela
tion to business affairs. If society Is
going wrong in putting the gentler sex
in the lines of employment that were
formerly exclusively for men tho mis-
If he had offered u wouwu fhol take will manifest itself somo day ln
n serious way. Money panics result
from overwrought ambition to get rich
quick and then follows the travail of
liquidation. And so It is with other
The Dream of the Aucs that Will Nccr
lie Fulfilled.
The other day we received a copy of
a Kxik entitled. "How to Live For
ever." While not pining for continu
ous longevity, we glanced through Its
1 wipes, and, as expected, found a com
pilation of well-worn rules for hygien
ic living, with a brief dissertation con
cerning the Influence of mind on body.
There were no new or startling aldsj
luwmu i-viiieiinriniiciu. tie turn
scarcely laid down the book when n
news Item with glaring headlines at
tracted the eye: "Perpetual Youth
Possible. The Microbe of Old Age
(Method patciiled In order to guar
antee the privilege of use by the pub
lic. Letters 1'nlent No. TSo.oll) grant
ed March IK. 11X)I.)
Put one gallon of clean water (pre
ferably ruin water) In n clean tub or
bucket and add No. t of tho Inclosed
package of sails (containing granulat
ed sugar, potassium phosphate and
magnesium sulphate). Stir occasion
ally until till Is dissolved.
Carefully open package No. 2 (con
taining bacteria) and drop the Inclosed
cotton Into the solution. Cover the
i tub with n paper to protect from dust,
and set aside In a Xvarm place for
tuenty-rour notirs. io uoi neiii inu
solution or you will kill the bacteria
It should never bo warmer than blood
After twenty-four hours add tho con
tents of package No. ;i (containing am
monium phosphate). Within twenty
hours more the solution will have n
cloudy appearance, and U ready for
use. To Inoculate Seed:
Take Just enough of the solution to
thoroughly moisten the seed. Stir
thoroughly so that nil the seeds are
touched by the solution. Spread out
the seeds in a shady place until they
are perfectly dry, and plant at the
usual time Just as you would untreat
ed seed. The dry cultures as sent from
the laboratory will keep for sevrral
months. Ho not prejiare tbe liquid
culture more than two or three days
previous to the time when the seeds
are to be treated, as the solution once
made up must usually be used at the
end of forty-eight hours.
To Inoculate Soli:
Take enough dry earth so that the
solution will merely moisten It. Mix
..r. " "' -
' "
thoroughly, so that all the particles of
soil are moistened. Thoroughly mix
this earth with four or live times as
much, say half a wngonload. Spread
Discovered. Ullxlr of Life at Ijist this Inoculated soil thinly and evenly 1 were In tfc brood, bleak schoolroom.
Within Our Grasp." And the Item I over tho tlekl exactly as If spreading! where many other mothers and many
read: "Dr. Metehnlkoir. the bacteriol-! fertiliser. This should be done Just other Johnnie and limit sisters w.-re
the rest and all that, but there
.inking sensation "?
sat swinging hi. let fro ".".."'""Ttl
chair In the how ami twisting bis
new cap nervously, the fox 'rr-
rler. lH-lielns from "urjP
signs that Johnny w ready lo go
cut, acampervd Shoot him. hut he got
only a qua term ilt" '
"All ready: turn oi moun-r, i -caught
hold of net hand, ami taadtf up
bis tulud he weuWn't cry If he bit his
tongue off. Alow three blocks they
went Somehow the latmllar land
hiarks looked different to hint than
ecr liefor. is he was led till "ey
reached the front of the big dingy
looking m-liooloou-e.
There was s little catching In the
mother ttiroM at the thought f
Itrst parting frotn the lisby of the
household. Another minute and they
oglst of the Pasteur Institute, has dis
covered the microbe of old age. There
now remains only the discovery of a
serum which shall act upon this mi
crobe and senility will be annihilated."
Several days have elapsed, hut nobody
seems to have found the much-desired
serum, nnd we fear the fountain of
perpetual youth will prove as elusive
to the present generation of invcstl
gators as It did to the ancient optlmls
tic voyagers.
There are few better ways of fooling
I-ather Time than following tho old
advice to "keep the heart young." It
Is astonishing how young a fellow can
look and feel who maintains n fresh
and lively Interest In siorts and pas
times or has some hobby which he
can ride in leisure moments. Any
body who has his health can keep
young. Ill-health Is the only excuse
for age, and even this handicap In life's
race can be overcome In large meas
ure by a cheerful, contented tnlnd.
That the length of human life Is
gradually Increasing statistics show.
It Is not Increasing by leaps and
bounds, nor is there any Indication
that perpetual youth shall crer be our
portion. As we learn better how to
live, we shall live longer nnd happier
lives. We cannot hope to live for
ever, and time spent in planning this
Impossibility Is time wasted. Itobert
Webster Jones, in Housekeeper.
iwicrc jinny 01 111c I'iciurca Lome
"Some enterprising nud aspiring peo
ple In this city recently had a splendid
opKrtunlty to add to their family por
trait gallery, said an artist of local
renown to a Washington Star writer.
"There was a sale of tbe effects of a
portrait painter and It Included scores
of portraits In oil of men and women
with distinguished looking features. A
great many people wondered what
value such portraits couM have to peo
ple who had no personal Interest In
them and who did not even know who
they were.
"Hut they bad a value that was
known to somo of tho wiser ones. They
were bought up nt cheap prices and al
ready adorn tho home of some of our
citizens who were a uttle shy on fam
ily portraits. A dozen or so portraits
In oil of distinguished looking men and
women do not go begging when their
value in adding to the social standing
of people Is considered.
"I once heard of a funny Instance of
a family that bad a llberul display of
family portraits. A friend of mlno
was visiting their home and glancing
around tho room ha spied a portrait
that ho had had painted of himself, but
which ho had declined to accept be
cause it failed to portray his likeness
well enough for his most Intimate
friend to recognize It
"Whom does that portrait repre
sent?" ho asked his friend.
" 'Well, you sec,' ho replied, 'our
family portraits are so old that I can
not now tell who they nil arc 'They
have been In the family a long time,
you know. Hut they are all numbered
and noted on a list that Is (lied away
somewhere. That, I think, however, Is
a picture of my great-great-grandfath
er on my mother's side of tho family.
Tho picture was painted when ho was
40 years of ago by a' celebrated art
ist "
Hy that time the guest was so great
ly Interested In another portrait that
be beard no more. Later he learned
that the rejected portrait of himself
and many more of tho same kind had
been bought up by his host to do duty
as family portraits at his home,
Good l'laco Tor Tobaooo.
Foreman I see tobacccr Is golnir to
be purty cheap this year.
Manager well, what of that7
Foreman I was wondering if it
wouldn't bo a good Ideo to put a little
In our cigars. Philadelphia Ilullctin.
before plowing, or else the Inoculated
soil should be harrowed In Imiuedlate-
ntther of the above methods may be
used, as may be most convenient.
Lnough germs are sent In each Utile
package to Inoculate seeds for from
one to four acres. The package can
lie carried In your ocket. and yet doei
more work than several cartloads of
fertilizer. It costs the government less
than I cents n cake, or less than a
cent an acre, nud saves the fanner
thirty or forty dollars, which be would
have to spend for nu equal amount of
fertilizer. Different cultures are sent
for different crops. The results have
been surprising. Century.
rtitt nrj w
lain. Then tbe hurried over to the
aecwml-grade room, brought
dosed children ami set th-rw t wfK
Ringing ami playing ' awonK tbe
filghtrnml herd of Utile ona.
Like sprites of Folfflamt drawing
frightened children Into the sweet
mountain tuitua from dreary e'lf high
way a, they aecMiipllrted what no
teacher could have done, and began to
draw the other little ore Into h
path of learning tfor Ibry know
kiiytbltig about It
Wllh the newness l-egwi'na" t wear
off fmm their surrounding, the trarn
er ask fur volunteer to tell claries
to the class, and get reMnae thai
keep her busy selecting tbe perform
er. Johnny now stand up mllhig
and tell the class all shout two little
girl who went out walking one day.
an' one bad golden hair and use had
blue eyes, an' they saw a hou.e on
top of a hill an' ibry wenlett to It. an'
a witch lived there, an' they wasn't
never seen In the world no more, sn'
next morning the whole bill was cov
ered with gulilrnrod an' 'aler an'
that's all.
When Johnny took his teat the
teacher sent all tbe claw to the black-
already assembled, our young friend
was duly Introduced to the a ef
faced syuiatbe!lc teacher, his mother
whispered to bliu to he brave, Johnny
kever said a word. Ills face was whltf
and bis little soul was torn with un
flinching doubts. It was all very line
to be a man, but he'd a heap rather be
a baby again. He heard two sharp
yaps In the street, tookrd out nnd
saw the faithful lllff staring In nston- tward round the ronui and told them
Ishment at the school house. Johnny i to draw a picture the won
laid his bead on the desk anil sobbed , derful tale, which everyliwdy proceed.
s If his little heart would break, tn , l to do.
Would Tukn $l..-,0.
"Tbe people who complain ntiout the,
ordinary mosquito don't know what
mosquitoes arc," said a civil engineer
the other day. "The Kvanston mos
quito Is a positive Joy compared to tho
blood suckers we have In the North
west In North Dakota you couldn't
possibly sit out In the evening without
chain armor or n smudge Are to pro
tect you, and along the line of tho
Canadian Pacific the workmen wear
gloves and veils. When I .was out
til ere a year ago, looking after the
building of n short branch rosd. we
had only one man In the gang who d d
not mind mosquitoes nor even horse
flies. Ho was a big Swetlo'wlth a tilde
like sole leather. Ills Impregnability
to the assaults of stinging things was
tho wonder of the camp, and one il.iy
he offered tn bet my assistant tint lie
could sit half an liour In n 'slough' and
not wince once while the galllnlppers
drained his life blood. My assistant
bad a $." bill which s.-ild the Swede
couldn't do It The Swede stripped to
the waist, folded his arms, nnd let the
bloodthirsty Insicts do their utmost
Ten, fifteen minutes passed, and my
assistant saw his $5 leaving him. He
took out a sun glass and focused It on
the Swede's back. The big fellow be
gan to squirm. His back was toward
us, and be could not see what was go
ing on. His back began to smoke. He
writhed for nearly thrco minutes, then
he twisted his head over his shoulder
and called out:
" 'Ae tak off W cents If you kill that
horso lly.'" Chicago Inter Ocean.
Tlio Henao of Sight.
Like every other sense, that of sight
Improves by use under healthy condi
tions, and therefore the people who
have the greatest cxcrclso of their vis
Ion In the open air under the light of
the sun have tho best eyesight Gen
crally speaking, savage tribes possess
tho keenest eyesight, acquired through
hunting. Natives of the Solomon Isl
ands are very quick at perceiving dis
tant objects, such as ships at sea, and
will pick out birds concealed In dense
foliage somo sixty or seventy feel
high. Shepherds and sailors arc blessed
with good sight
Eskimos will detect a white fox In
tho snow a great distance away, whllo
the Arabs of tho deserts of Arabia
havo such extreme, powers of vlnlon
that on the vast plains of the desert
they will pick out objects Invlslhio to
the ordinary eye nt ranges from one
to ten miles distant Among civilized
peoples tho Norwegians buvo better
eyesight than moat, If not nil, others,
as thry more generally fulfil the nec
essary conditions. The reason why
defective eyes are so much on the In
crease in this country and In Kuropo
lies in too much study of books in early
life and in badly lighted rooms.
For Lonar Years,
"lie gave me his promise to pay,"
"Did bo keep his promise?"
"No; but I did. New Orleans Times-
Tho top bureau drawer In the aver
age woman's room Is full of Fountains
of Youth which she has tried nnd dis
carded. Complexion brushes, face
washes, lotions, powders, etc.
two minutes the desolate boys and
girls In the roiin were moaning In
sympathy, and lllff outside rat bliig
the sounds of grief, lifted Lis head lo
the skies nud howled In company.
Tin5 young loaeher stood faring this
panic of grief, distressed and uticer-
Then one of litem was seat out of
tbe room white tbe liwrber seerM a
rnblier ball. When ttw child eame In
to seek it the test gave evidence of
whether he wai "hot" or "cold" ny
gentle or loud clapping No b t rr plan
could lie deOsed for nn-i-r'alllliig In a
short time the him '.
pupil. The,i ii,
awkward, the k- , . r ,
turn. Tills .Im,- . ,
seek I one of tl,. i
a teacher has ..f - ,
mental status or . , i,
When till gnno- -
day of school ix -lb
door, a tin '
tmi-ber an an". .
clustered older i".
waiting to lav- in
A very few iiiitm .
homes all over n .- i -delighted
little - i -(reejtbleaa
account ' "
A few hour art, r
ny'a father rami- I
event ful alory '
The grave man "f
apparently bomi )m
a do en time duriu. H
on Interview with
tell them that ti
had been parked rr
morning for the flrit i
Johnny will I- w
n long time Ix-fun- to
If Indrwl be i-i . r .1
bglHi farwl bj i
school days. ll-
month before h- i
ofi a pencil, lie m
liatHrnlly, not artitl a
thought out lines of l
And under the
ho will gradua l) m!
knowh-dge and - u;
than we ever it'll
' '1
' 1 IU
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. n I
1 J
'e " ' I
(-' Vt
I- -., -1
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t.r''fr tr-
W-K-H-M-K-M-: ! 1 1"-H-H"K-e
One hot August afternoon two meli
were Kiilillllig along the edge of a lake,
each In a small dugout ramie. W. D.
Hulhcrt, one of the traveler, tell In
"Forest NelglilHirs, of an adventure
which befell his ciiinnhiii, They had
noticed a Hrcuplue asleep In the sun
shine on Ihe near-by horlsoulal trunk
The mddy, blue ejwl elderly man lit
of a tree, the roots of which had been I serge coat, who wns addres
undermined by the waves till It leaned " "captain" by hi two friend In
inr uoi over llie lake, anroij n iwt
from the water.
My friend, by the way, write Mr.
Hulliert, Is the foreman of a luuilwr
enmp. He has served In the Ilritlsh
army, has hunted whales off the roast
of Greenland, married a wife In Grand
ltaplds, ami run a street car In (Milea
ge Ho Is quite a chunk of a man, tall
and decidedly well set up, nud It would
take a pretty good prizefighter to whip
him, but be learned that day that n
porcupine nt close quarters Is worse
than a trained pugilist.
"Look at that porky!" be called to
me. "I'm going to ram the canoe Into
the tree and knock him off Into the
water. Just you watch, and you'll see
somo fun."
I laid my paddle down and nwoltnl
devoliipmeiits. Hang! went the nose
ot the dugout against the tree, and
tho porcupine dropped, hut not Into the
water. Ho landed In the Imjw of the
canoe, and the horrlllcd look on my
friend's faro wus n delight to see.
The "porky" was wlilo awake by
this time, for I could hear his teeth
clacking as ho advanced to tho at
tack. "Great Scott! He's coming straight
at me!"
The porcupine certainly was game. I
saw the padilla rise In the air uinl
como down with n tremendous whack
but It seemed to hnvo little effect If
my friend could have lilt him ncross
tho nose It would have ended the mat
ter then and there, but tlio canoo was
too narrow and Its sides too high for a
crosswise stroke.
My friend couldn't even kick, for ho
wns kneeling on the bottom oi the dug
out, and If he tried lo stand up ho
would probably rnpslio,
Just then the ennoo drifted round so
that I could iook Into it and n" t d
ho porcupine bearing down on my
helpless friend like Illrnnm Wood on
its way to DutiHlimne, hi, rum ,
quills erect, fire tn hi. little black"!'
nnd n thirst for vengeance In his wliolo
aspect My friend on" o7 wo
flua nnd Ineffectual Jabs at iZ ',.2
then gave it up. m flna
"It's no usol" ho called. "I've pot tn
tip over," and the next B.unt the
canoe was upside down and both beb
Jlgerents were in the water
The porcupine floated' hlih
quickly made hi. way totheb ,ch B"2
disappeared In the woods, m! fH. 5
Wbe? f II? hnlr ,ll0w UP In
pompadour, it looks mlsbty cola.
the smoker, was eoinmeiillng mi a re
cent newr account of tbe suffer
ings of mine shipwrecked men who
were taken from an open boat by a
passing vessel.
"Of course, on a wetl-lraveletl track
like that there's always tbe chance of
bring picked up," he said. "I'd sooner
be In a shipwreck than a railroad
wreck. There's nearly always an op
portunity tn launch a boat or lash
some gratings before n ship got down,
or to grati a life belt, but If anything
hits us now nt the rnte we're going
what chance would we have?
"I was cruising In the south sens
nlxnit twenty years ago," ho continued,
reflectively. "Wo went clear out of
any of the trading routes, after nu un
charted Island that was said lo be one
part coral and ten parts guano, There
came up a stiff gale otui night and tho
seas rolled In on us mountain high.
We hud shortened anil as much us
we ils red, considering Ihe sens, ami wo
srmlilod along before tho wind nil
nlglil. We were driven clear out of
our course. At noon tho sun nunc out
n little and our skipper look an ob
servation nnd made out that we were
In the exnet middle of nowhere nud
l.(s) miles from nny land.
"Townrd evening the wind dropped
enough so the skipper thought It
would bo Mfe to cirrr rl fa
back lo where tieli'tis-l "-'L.
we were doing this a big ' lryM
over our quarter nod tt.i'.i"l
weglan aallor overlio.ird II'.'
IMiwerfully built fell nml
aenioau, and we wire t'e rt IiT"
so a mii a the kippi ' s-iw 1 '
he roartsl out to to nml kw'
boat. Hut as w n he give ' f'
iler be realised that "" cuU,J
In Hint sen. so he regretfully rvcP
innnded It and we bod to lot IliM
fellow go."
.i-i... ...... ...i., ....ii.n.1 i, rrllltlt bit"'
III' -n,inin .,i". .
gnr. but tho first two match M"
broke. ...
"Wa be rescued?" naked
The (
that?" lie naked.
Illl'n. I, fiiMi'liml V
The captain looked reproarbfollj '
tho speaker. 'Now that
foolish question to i"1- M '
"D 'I I tell jon that he w
. . . ...n.. rmin snrttu
overiioarii !."' ... uirt
and nway fro... the trm of of
. . i. i .. ...,i Hun no boat cou"
III Tlism-l" " " .. I., in
I.uvo llvtMl III? Why. imw co nM UW
rescued? That fellow con hint e
s be rescued?" nskcii
captain checked hluisrlf o
itloti of the third match. NMH
rescneiir mm ilke
....... I ,.nii llOWII ,1D
N. that incident only goc. to f
that sometlmoH It's about
. ii rn road. CUa-""
HUB 111 I'n " "
Dully Now.
The stations of the great Now York
underground railway are models of
subterranean architecture. They aro
roomy and well ventilated, being pro
vided with an electric air clrculntlna
system which keeps tho atmosphere
pure and frco from tlio heaviness
which has hitherto made underground
ways place to bo shunned. Tho coll
Ings nnd walls are of light-colored
glazed brick, and tho platform aro
spacious and will b kept "
all ol.strt.ctK.ns. Tho slnt.o.
kept In perfect order,
llsemeuts will bo .term IllrJ 'n
walls, The subway Itself 18 " ' J
eat tunnel In the world, .mr. li ( '
twcty-tl.rco inllos ami '
UO vuiii'
more to
III, Mother Tng
ears ago W- Hurko Doe
Hovern. ye. s
ran rounci niini' ,
nfllco boy,
... u'tS
Tho lawyer's secretin; -
left to make n seiccio... - .
of applicants.
in cho co fffli'
" - i.AAn Willi
young Motmtt"
wns sent in to novo
CocUrau, .in which
After a number of Xon.
the boy answered successfully, me
mother tongue?" ,(bj 'Caui
my mudder jan
for n few cents- yet J nore
who persist W rem'"
l,cior cms.