Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 02, 1904, Image 6

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Bohemia Nugget
Dohamli NuRtt Pub. On,
General Review of Important Happen
pcnlgs Presented In a Drlcf and
Condensed Corm.
Another great strike la threatened In
John W. Gates lins made $4,000,000
in (our montliB dealing in stocks.
Admiral Rojestvensky, commanding
the Ilaltlo squadron, lias resigned.
Charles Sweeney, of Spokane, may
build n 1,000,000 hotel In Portland.
Japan wants an airship to use. In ex
plodlng dynamite over Russian forts
and ships.
Tho work ol rescuing tlio men en
tombed In tho Colorado coal mine is
The admiral oimmandlns the Kua
slan Iktltlc fleet clings to his story that
lio was attacked first.
Tho commission to Ax tho hlame for
the North sea incident will be com
posed of flvo members.
From October 0 to 18 the Russians
place their loss in killed and wounded
at 800 officers and 45,000 men.
Captains Joseph Kubns and John F,
Morrison, Ameiiian attaches with the
Second Japanese army, have been re
called and ordered to Washington
A big forest fire is raging in the Blue
Ridge mountains in New Jersey. Over
10,000 acres hare been devastated.
Much fine timber has been destroyed.
Ex-Governor Nath, of Ohio, is dead
Viceroy Alexlef! has left fcr St. Pet
The Japanese hare taken several
more loits around Port Aithnr.
Unimportant fighting continues south
of Mukden with the odds about even.
Wholesale frauds have been discover
ed in the Santo Domingo customs se:V'
The 1905 meeting of the Trans-Mis-
eiseippl congress will be held in Port
General Stoeisel has wired the czar
good bye and says Port Arthur will be
his grave.
The cruiser Cloumbla is to be fitted
for sea at once to carry Secretary Taft
and party to Panama.
Germany la not looking for trouble
and will take no part in the dispute
betwen e Russia and Great Britain.
The Russian battleship Sevastopil,
at Port Arthur, has been damaged by
Japanese shells and two steamers sunk.
All danger of war between Russia
and Great Britain is over. The trouble
growing out of the Baltic fleet firing
upon the fishing vessels will be referred
to an international commission under
The Hague court.
The great New York subway has
been opened for traffic.
Chinese at -Mukden expect severe
fighting and are closing up tbeir bust
ness auatis. -
Secretary Shaw Issues Regulations
for 1005 fair.
Washington, Nov. 1. Secretary
snnw today issued very eomnrolien
slve regulations carrying out the pro
visions of section 1, of the Lewis nnd
Clark imposition act, passed by con
gross last winter, authorising free
entry Into this country of foreign ox
hllilts Intended for tho Portland Ujc
position. Full Instructions aro given
as to tho manner of shipment and
consignment of such exhibit, oud the
method or getting thorn through tho
custom-houso nnd Into tho exposition
grounds. The buildings nnd grounds
of tho Lowls and Clark Exposition ore
nnd yards," nnd all foreign articles
placed therein under tho supervision
of custom oftlccrs, specially Import
ed for exhibition, will bo treated tho
snmo as morchnmllso In bond. Tho
sale of forclKn exhibits will bo nor
mltted during tho conttnunnco of the
exposition, but tho delivery
goads sold Is to bo withheld until the
close of the fair, when tho goods sold
must pay regular duty. Tho enforce
ment of this restriction devolves upon
the exposition authorities. At the
cloe or the exposition, the Roods for
exportation win be exported under the
general regulations for Immediate ox
port In bond.
iny attempt to take ndvanlnro of
theso special regulations In order to
evade tlio tarltl laws will subject the
offender to the usual penalties, In-
eluding a confiscation of goods, flno
nnd Imprisonment. Tho special reg
ulations also provide for tho Imnor
tntlon of livestock for exhibition, due
precaution Being taken to cuanl
against tho admission of
Terrific Explosion in
ratio Coal Mine.
riRn ADDS TO tiic horror
Men Penned In Will In all LIKcll-
hood Dc Cremated Dust Is the
Cause of the Disaster.
Trinidad, Colo., Oct. 31. Tho most
terrific explosion in the history of coal
"constructive warehouses: rnln'ng in Colorado oenrred at Mine
No. 3, of tlio Roky Mountain Fuel &
Iron company, at Tcrio, 40 miles due
west of Trinidad, at 1:30 this after
noon, and the numler of dead Is vari
ously placed between 30 and 00 men,
of tho although the latter, it is believed, is
tho most correct estimate. The num
ber reported as having gone into thu
mine tills morning was 17 miners and
four company men. This afternoon
many moro miners nio known to have
gone into tho mine, and the exact num
ber of dead may never bo known, hb
the mine is burning and in till likeli
hood tho bodies will bo cremated.
A large minibei of mint) officials left
here as soon as word of. tho accident
was received. Company doctors were
picked up all along the line, at well as
diseased n" other available physicians. United
stock. Tho persons who propose to
exhibit Canadian cattle must procure
n special permit from tho secretary of
President of Union Expects American
Eield to Dc Invaded.
States Government Stock Inspector F.
J. Foreman was at Tcrcio when the ex
plosion occurred.
The shaft in which the accident oc-
curredjvorks SO men, and it is believ
ed that at least CO men were in the
mine at the time. News of the explo
sion brought assistance from the adja-
the American Industrial field hv Jan- cent catnPe aml '""'P1'1 hundreds of
aneso laDorers Is feared by President men are trying to get into the mine,
..uiuai-i uvuucio. Ul UIO UUlCnei I Itaaillv fnma nrarmmn lha Nia
iturxmens union, to nenu on tne .
Japanese. Donnelly will Introduce a "duentiy. out uieir places are imme-
resolution at tho convention of the "lately taken by others ready to risk
American Federation of Labor in San thMr Uvea. It ! not thnnsht nnsKihln
Russian Admiral Says He Acted
on Defensive.
St. rotersbutg, Oct. 20 The mv
tery of tho tinnier nffnlr, instead of bo,
Ing rleaied up by Vice Admiral Rojest-
vensky's report today, appears to bo
deeper than ever. Tlio admiral declare
ho was attacked In tho daikncs by tw
torpedo boats which eamu upon tlio
squadron from the direction of thu lis
ing Moot, lie opened tiro and bellovi
ho rank one of the torpedo boats, the
other making off under cover among
the fishermen.
As soon as he noticed the fishorme
Admiral Rojestvensky ceased tiring
lie proiccded on his way without leav
Ing any vessel behind, and says ho be
lioves tho vowel which tho fish-union
reported remained on the scene for si
hours without offering succor to tl
dionnlng was the other torpedo boat
either waiting for her consort or
pairing damago lullU'ted by the lire of
Ills ships. The admiral declares
torpedo bonti were with iho squadron
In concluding his telegram, Admiral
Kojestvvtisky expressed in the incBt
warm hearted way tlio reiirelH of tl
whole squadron to the fishermen wh
had suffered, and to tho families of tho
Francisco, next month, calling for
tho enactment of legislation exclud
ing them from the United States.
The matter was brought to Donne.
ly's attention by a call made on him
by K. Okallma. a Japanese, who was
seeking Information regarding condl-
SS?J2 SSftL L. The mine is a new one, open! only
tlon to tho packers, recommendlne Jear a80, and extended 2,000 feet into
him as the proper person to furnish I the hill. The explosion is supposed to
them w.lth Japanese labor. He said 1 1. i .... i i,.. .i. ni..
body has been recoveied, that of T
that anyone in the mine can escape
death, if they aro not all dead already
It is impossible to secure names
the dead and Injured tonight. Nearly
all the miners employed are Slavs.
that he had been told the employers
In Chicago could give work to 500 to
600 men of his nationality. Pursuing
his Inquiries. Mr. Okallma asked if
Japanese would be admitted to tho
Butcher Workmen's Union. Donnel
ly showed the constitution of the la
Duran, a driver, who was just entering
the tnnnel when the explosion occurred
He was torn and burned almost beyond
recognition. All mines within a radius
SC; ?T t two mile, have been shut down, and
An Indiana woman admits poisoning
her step-daughter and gave the judge
her confession to read.
Tho skipper of a Swedish steamer
dcclaies that bis vessel was chaased
and fired upon by a Russian cruiser
previous to the Hull affair.
The Japanese aimy in Mancbnria
have resumed the offensive. The Rue
eians are reported to have lost a nuin
bor of important positions.
The Tribuna, a leading Italian paper,
calls Rojestvensky a lunatic, and adds
that if complete and prompt eatlsfac
tion is not given, war will be inevita
bpaln will allow the KuBSlan war
ships to remain at Vigo long enough to
make necessary repairs. Tho others
sailed after taking on 400 tons of coal
Fire on the Brooklyn water front de
stroyed a pier 700 feet long which was
stored with cotton and general mere b
andlse. A steamer tied to the pier was
also destroyed. One fireman and one
policeman are reported missing. The
loss is estimated at (500,000.
General Kuropatkin lias been made
commander in chief of the Russian
Arrangements are almost complete
lor openinhg schools on the Island of
Guam. Theroare 2,300 native chit
dren on the island.
Governor Chabmerlain charges the
commissioner of the general land office
with falluro to keep promise in regard
to lieu lands in Oregon.
A now Russian loan of (270,000,000
hnsv Jrtually been concluded. Half
the loan has been reserved for Germany
and the balance to France, Belgium
and Holland.
Postmaster Vnncott, of New York, Is
Both armies In Manchuria continue
to rest.
Many of the Hull fishermen believe
the attack of the Russian fleet was pro
The town of Berkeley, Va., continues
under martial Jaw. The authorities
are fearful of a race riot breaking out.
John 0. Haddock, a New York inde
pendent coal mine owner and operator,
declares the coal roads have ruined
Eight Japanese warehouses on the
Yalu river at Antung, filled with ra-
tloriB, clothing, ammunition and the
prizes secured at tho battle of the Ya
lu, have been burned.
By a sale just made, 340,000 acrcs-of
land in Mexico has been cold to a Mor
mon colony.
Tho Standard dictionary received the
grand prize, the highest award, at the
St. Louis fair.
Man Japanese, on the Pacific coast
are leaving for their home country to
Join the army. 1
I nm sure, however," Donnelly
said, that the members of the union
would not consent to receiving Jap
anese, and the members are greater
man tne constitution."
Donnelly then hastened to nreDaro
nls Japanese exclusion resolution.
the miners will assist in
bodies of tho victims.
rescuing the
I Railroads
iA5 for
Will Charge
Round Trip.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 31. The Trans
continental Passenger Traffic associa
Japanese Officer Does Not Believe It
Was Intended to Go Par.
Toklo. Nor. 1. A prominent officer tion disposed of its docketed business
on the Japanese naval staff said today
that be believed tho Russian Baltic
fleet would not come far on its way
East He did not believe that the
Russian government desires to send
It at all, and It was likely that the
trawler affair in the North Sea would
bo used as an excuse for the recall
of the fleet. Instancing reasons upon or five days duilng each month.
the fleet commander. Admiral Itolest- poi"tB eaat of Uie IlMOli 'ver
vensky, was sick when ho left port. I tit. Paul, a rate of one fare for the
and It seemed very Improbable that hound trip will be made up to those
nua.iuu UUICIUU1DUL, 14 (ID ,MICI1 I t t
tlons were serious, would send a sick P01ms-
admiral to navigate many thousands These rates will be adopted as the
of miles to combat n superior force at basis for rates on account of several
yesterday at the Jefferson, and ad
journed last evening. For the Lewis
and Clark exposition at Poitland, a
rate of MS 'or the round trip from
Missouri river points and St. Paul
was adopted by the association for lour
the end of a long cruise.
If there were any torpedo, boats
among tho trawling fleet which was
fired upon by tho fleet. It was the
duty of the Russian officer In com
mand." ho said, "to pursue them and
Investigate the base of the r dlsnatch.
Russia by her delay was seeking to
render the diplomatic situation with
England moro critical to afford a
plausible excuse to recall Its fleet."
conventions to be held next year on
tlio i'aci He coast. It was decided that
in all cases where St. Louis exposition
tickets lor exlitbltois have expired be
fore the close ol the fair that the re
turn limits shall be extended.
Japanese Working Yental Mines.
Headquarters of Ift Army (Gener-
al Oku's) In the Field, Nov. 1. The
positions of the armies aro unchang
ed. The Russians are continually
searching the Japanese lines with
Tax Will Be Collected.
San Fiancisco, Oct. 31. The United
States attorney general has decided
that Chancellor Stratton must continue
to exact from the fteamship companies
the head tax of 12 upon aliens in tran
sit. The law provides that no head
tax shall be collected for this class of
passengers, but the department lias in
their artillery. Urine night and day.
with seldom any reply from the Jap- aisled that the tax bo paid in the form
ui,co.j. juiju.ii.-bu army in now oi a ueposit, to ue repalil to trie corn
working the Yentaln mines, digging panies upon proof offeied by them that
j?0ttlJi 0,1 1m.llltary Purposes, the alien tourists have passed out of
Lv ca1neVeAXm,,ngtS . nry 3,000 miles from here.
Great Britain Is Rapidly Making Her
Ships Ready.
London, Oct. 20.--Notwithstanding
the diplomatic check In consequence ol
Admiral Itojcetventky's report, It
evident that Great Britain is preparln
for tho possibility of war. Tremendous
activity is reported from all dockyards.
where vessels under repair aro being
made ready for sea under uigent orders
from the admiralty.
While no time limit for the receiti
of Uusshi a reply has been fixed, it
genernlly understood today that the
route of tho Russian iquadron past
Gibraltar will be barred by the Chun
net squadron, commanded by Vice Ad
miral Lord Charles Bcreeford.
Perhaps the most significant devel
opment is the cabinet meeting which is
called for today. While the rail was
Issued prior to the receipt ol Kojcstven
sky's teport, which changed the sltua
tion considerably and a pears to place
some of '.lie burden of proof upon Great
Britain, the meeting undoubtedly marks
the reaching of a lerluus stage.
The ships of the British channel fleet
cleared their decks this afternoon.
is rumored that the whole fleet, wit);
the exception of the battleship Caesar
will steam westward tomorrow wltl
the alleged purpose of making a sham
attack against the Rock of Gibraltar.
Russians Believe He Will Return
Now Kuropatkin Is In Power,
St. Peterbsurg, Oct. 29. Viceroy
Alexieff's order of tho day announcing
Kuropakln'a appointment Is In the
same grandloso vein us Kuropalkin'd
order of OctoLor 6, and is regarded as
having dellnitlev tstablished the auth
orship of that ill-starred document.
Whilo A lex it If takes particular
pains, in turning over tho supreme
command of tlio land foices to Kuro
patkin, to inform the soldiers and the
world of the marks of imperial con II
lence reposed in him, and to announce
that he will remain as viceroy, the or
der is considered us virtually his fare
well address, and that it wlil soon be
followed by his return to St. Peters
urg. His elimination as a (actor in
the military situation has caused a
sigh of relief.
The papers all welcome the an
nouncement of Kuropatkin's appoint
ment to tho chief command hb a well
meiited recompense for the manner in
which he discharged tho difficult lole
mposed upon him, and, reading be
tween the lines, as n promise of better
results now that Alexieff is eliminated.
and there is no longer a prospect of
elevation of a grand duko to tho su
preme command.
they can double the output. The
gnugo of the railway has been
chanced to Yental and quantities of
supplies and ammunition are arriving.
Jewelers Bilked on Emeralds,
New York, Oct. 31. Supposedly
high grade emeralds, which thev have
t-ans rtrrennon ro aiay in apain. been importing from ParlB, have been
Paris, Nov. 1. Tho correspondence discovered by reveral wholesale lewel
Ul ",a lumps at Diuurm reiegrapns ers here to be merely doublets of
mat AKauano sniro, tho minister of 1 quartz cleverly colored. The Import
Japan, had a long conference today ers declare they have been paying many
Ith the minister of forelcn affairs, times the value nf the tt.npn. Tl,o
iib aoas it is understood tnat tne jap- fact was learned in time to save the
u..eDB minister caiieii tne nitenupn ot dealers from serious embarrassment.
as in a few days more the Imitation
tho f orel en minister to tho nrolrineed
stay of tho Russian squadron at Span
ish ports, and the reprovlsionlng and
rccoaiing contrary to the rules of neu
trality. The foreign minister answer-
I that the other Dowers had acted
President Removes Him.
Washington, Nov. 1, President
Roosovelt has dlroctPd tho removal
from offlco of Jacob W. Bunn, finance
clerk of the Philadelphia rostofflco.
for pernicious activity In collecting
cnmpalgn funds from employes of
at office. The charges airalnst
Bunn have been under consideration
somo time by tho Civil Service
Commission', which recommended that
Bunn bo dismissed. Tho President's
order wos In accordance with this recommendation.
Jew Doctors DIstlnnnlMi Themselves
Mukden, Nov, 1. Tho Jewish doc
tors nnd sunteons aro csncclnllr dis
tinguishing themselves, devoting
tholr tlmo night and nay to the
wounded, and tho Jewish soldiers In
tho field are displaying as great brav
ery as their comrades of other religions.
would have reached the retail
Steam Vessel Relnspectlon.
WaBhlngon, Oct. 31. In accordance
with tho directions nf the president.
Secretary Metcalf, of the department of
commerce and labor, has completed ar
rangements for a thorough investiga
tion of the several districts of the
steamboat inspection service except the
one included in tlio district of New
York. Rear Admiral Louis Kempff
win mane ttis inquiry in tlie first dis
trict, and Rear Admiral John it, Bart
lett In the interior MHsleeippl d. strict.
Northwest Lands Restored.
AVashington, Oct. 31. Secretary
Hitchcock today ordered 58.000 acres
eliminated from the Walla Walla for.
est reserve withdrawal :n Northeastern
Oregon and Southeastern Washington.
These lands have been found unsuit
able for forestry purposes. They will
be subject to settlement Immediately
and become subject to entry after SO
days' advertisement.
Meat Is for Russia.
Kansas City, Oct. 29. I). If. Mc-
Mill. en, a Tacoma lumberman, who
arrived here today from Omaha, sayH
mar tne order loi 3,uuu,U0U pounds of
meat received by an Umaha packing
company wbb given by tho Russian
government. He said: "The beef
must be shipped out of San Francisco
ltliln 30 days. There were two Jop
anese agents in the packing house
ollico at the time that the Russian
ere there to give the order." Mc-
Mullen added that the Jananeso also
nan given an older for meat.
To Nulte Permanent 1'nlh Is Policy
uf County Court.
Oregon City "Dm lug the lust yeni
Clackamas county has expended M0,
000 In rortdlmlldliiu," rays Judge Ity-
an. "The pulley ol tho county court
Is to build permanently when any piece
of road Is constructed and where tlio
I it lids are mailable," continued Mr.
Ryan. "This year Clackamas county
has been especially fortunate In its
roadhulldlng, having funds on hand
with whl'h to meet every warrant that
ban been Isoucd on this iicco'int. In
our londtmildliig the court has been
disposed very generally to fellow tho
plan of leduclug tlio grade of nil roads
that are treated, finding that this
course contributes much to the etiiia
neucy of tlio Improvements that uie
The announcement that Cliicku iiiiih
county roads will next )oar hti experi
mented with in the tuo of oil has
aroused much interest. Judge Ityiiu
has received numerous Inquiries from
California producers, who l.avo offered
to deliver tlio oil here at no greater a
cost than it ctta In CiilKoinla. Tho
court will iiltu-o this oil on nil of the
different kinds of clay soil in the coun
ty and detenu nv ltr value In road construction.
New Phone Tliroutjh Polk.
Independence Riley Craven, W. W.
lVrchal and W. A. Meisner have or
ganized n stock company to bo known
as tho Independence Telephone com
pany, the purpose being to build a tele
phone lino from Independence to Mon
mouth nnd elsewhere In the county as
desired. Thu line will connect with
the l.ucklaruute Hue at Moiiuiouth, and
Is to work in tonnection witu the Coi-
vallie, Dallas Falls City, McMlnnvllle,
Ainly, l'eriydale and McCoy .Mutual
lines, already established. Tho com
puny will circulate papers and secure
stock - tor promoting tlio enterprise.
The privilege is given by the council of
Independence to place the lino In tills
city. Steps will In- taken to obtain tho
same in Monmouth. The service for
Independence and Monmouth will bo
through the Independence central office.
Wlicutiirnwcra Hiivc Money Willi
Which to liny Tools.
Pendleton A tiiuellng man for
leading Implement company says the
Implement tiado In thu wheat dish lets
of Oiegon and Washington Is liclter
this season than ever before In thu his
tory of the two slates. Moro money Is
evident among Iho growers and moie
cash Is paid for Implements than usual.
Trade in thu communities In thu In
tot lor ul Oregon, whero nothing but
stock Is raised Is low, as thu gioweis
have nut sold any heel dining tho past
two yews at a profit, consequently ready
money Is at a pictiiltim. All are eonll-
uuiu i no coining sen mm will pmu
profitable. Much stock lion been tin-
iimueii in uie low prices, us It Iiiih not
paid to hold and feed, and in a rraull
next yeai will find fewer head of stock
in tho country and pilceM will iiectfar
lly hate to advance.
Road to Galicc.
Merlin Work has begun on the new
road to Gallic, and It is expected it
will bo completed In six weeks. Con
siderable frulght is hero awaiting the
completion of the road, among It a raw
mill for the Rand mine. The Meilin
Towiisitu company has material on
laud for tho conetiiu tlon nf n tele
phone lino to Oalkeas soon as tho road
is completed. It would lie In nitra
tion now, but It was deeiied to have It
ullow tlio new road. It is intended to
carry the line four miles beyond Gallcu,
giving service to the Aluieda, Hand,
Dig 1 link ami other mines. The ox-
lenditure of n small amount of money
will also compute tho new rcnid to thu
mines mimed.
Co in I n o Events.
North Pacific Unitailan conference,
Salem, October 25-27.
Annual meeting Oregon .Miners' as
sociation, Portland, November 1-1.
feuite liar association. Poitland. No-
ember lli-lll.
National Grange. Portland, Novem
ber 10-20.
Convention of County Clerks and
Recorders, Portland, November 2S-2U.
Poultry hhow, Lorvallii, December
Oregon Good Roads convention.
alem, December 13-16.
Ores from Blue River Mines.
Kuiicno At a special meeting of the
Kligeno Commercial chili tlmcommlttee
uppulnlod to Ijok nflci mi exhibit of
minerals from llluo River mining dis
trict reported promises ol ores (or the
Lewis and Clark exhibit amounting to
JH.O0O pounds, and that this amount
will be swelled by mint) owners who
Imvu nut yet been seen to at leaet -Ifi,-000
pounds. The Illinois aro reported
ns taking tho mutter In hand with en
ergy nnd they are desirous of doing all
in their power to further tho matter.
The ores will be hauled to Kugeno yet
this fall, In older to bo icady for in
stallation nl tho beginning of the Lew is
and Clark exposition
Sowlnn rail Wheat.
Albany Mini county farmers are
sowing u great deal of fall wheat now,
and from pict-ent prospects the acreage
of wheat sown in this county will bo
tliiee or four times as large as that
sown last year. There are several reas
ons for this. Last fall was not aiisplc
ions for sowing grain, and the acreage
was small, while this fall bus In en a
goei onu lor seeding puroiH-s. The
spring grain this year was a complete
failure, ami the spring yield for several
years has been light, so liimieis in this
pint of the statu are l-g!nning to
abandon thu prutice of sowing ut that
Admiral Sny.s Altntl; on
Trawlers Was Acddcuh
Three llnlllcshlpt uiul Transport
Author at Vino, Spain They
Desire to Make llcpulrs.
Dig Tunnel Is Completed.
beattle, Oct. 29. Workmen have
broke down the wall between tho north
and south sections of tho Gieat North-
ern lailroad tunnel, which runs direct
ly beneath tho business section of Be.
attle, and the shaft is now clear from
end to end. All that now remains is
to complete the concrete work, and lay
mo imcKs. mis snouiii be completed
in two months. Tho tunnel Is the
largest In area of any in the United
States. It is 30 feet wide and 28 fent
high above tho tracks. It 0,130 feet
In 1 ngth.
Mall Will Not Get Throuflli.
Washington. Oct 29 The nnstnlTlrn
department has been advised by the
postollice department of Canada that
on account of tho large quantity of
miii-iraiismissioio mi matter recelveil
as White Horse, Yukon territory, dur
ing the past winter season addressed to
destinations north of White Horse, the
i-nnauian department has determined
to return to senders, nil non-transmln.
biuiu matter that may be received dur
ing tne winter.
Street Car Runs Into River.
Kl Paso, Tex., Oct. 20. An electric
car on the lino between this city and
Ihe El Paso Smelting works. In Towno.
Tex., Jumped the track today, with 76
passengers, and ran Into the Rio
Grande river. Several passengers wore
Injured, but nono wero killed. The
embankment was about 12 feet high,
and tho car plunged Into 10 feet of
water. Tho river had undermined the
Wlicatmcn Give Liberally.
Pendleton Leon Cohen, who is di
recting tho work of raising ffi.OOO in
Is county for tho Open River associa
on to build Iho portage road at Cell In,
meeting with succces and says the
necessary amount of money can easily
be raised in another week. The large
heat raisers in tho county, who have
been approached, are subscribing quite
liberally and already nearly half of the
amount has been raistil. Mr. Cohen
has agentB at work In the country, and
tney nave been instructed to make a
ih 'rough canvass.
Output of Grand Ronde Beets.
La Grande The Amalgamated Sugar
factory at I -a Uramle Is half through
with its fall run of Grand Ronde sugar
beets and has disposed of over 13,000
tons of fine beets up to this time.
About 18,000 tons of beets will be
ground up this season from tho Grand
Hondo, besides 5,000 tons from Kchn,
Umatilla county, which ate being ship
ped in. The sugar company expects
greatly to increaso Ihe acreage of bee Is
next year, as also do the farmers who
have been raising b-ets in tho past few
years as an experiment.
Willamette Still Low.
Albany Water in the Willamctto
river Is yet two feet too low to permit
steamboat tralllc on the Upper Willam
ette After two or three days of hard
rain, with frequent rains following,
tho boats will be able to reach Albany
regularly. The upper tralllo will lie
conducted by the Oregon City Transpor
tation company again this year, and
the boats which will make tho Por-land-Corvallls
run will very nrobablv
be the Pomona and the Oregona.
No Insurance on Plax.
Salerr Upon examining his insur
ance policies, Kugene Rosso found that
his Insurance on the flax burned expir
ed a monin ago, mo policy was for
13,000, Mr. Jloeeo has this years'
crop of flax spread In tho fields or
stored at Sclo, so that ho lias some raw
material with which to start a linen
mill. The fire, however, will cause
delay In starting tho mill.
Looillnii Road to Dc Unlit.
l.a Urando The surveys aiu about
completed (or a narrow-gaugii logging
allioad from illlgai.l, vlght miles west
of Iji Grande, -up thu Grand Itund
iltei about 31) miles, ton hi-uvy body
oi lliiilwr owned by the Grand Hondo
I.uinlr company, of Perry, on the
sloK'S of tho llluu mountains. Tl
company has btcn driving itslogsdown
tho rivui for the past la years, but it Is o.-inW
now bi-comlng ulmoet impowiiblu to get pii'piwo I
Vigo, Hpnln, Oct. '.'8. Thu Ruiwlaii
hiitlleshlps Kuiperor Alexander 111,
llorodluo, Oiel and Kiilutoriift nnd tho
transport Auntol anchored In this port
today, causing coulsdcrnhlii excitement.
Tli (i government will not allow them to
coal, uiul inquests they leave port ns
soon ns possible.
Tlie Associated Prerw bus succeeded
In obtaining an Interview with Ad
uiliill ItoJtBtvelisky, who expiessed
gieat regret over the North Sea Inci
dent. The admiral slated that the uii
(iirtunnte (KTiiireiico was purely acci
dental. Tim weather on tho night In
question was rathei luuy. About t n.
in. two torpedo bouts, which thu Rus
sian supposed were Japanese craft,
suddenly appeared lietwu-n the two
divisions ol the squadron and reliued
todlsihurgo torpedoes. Thu Itiissiium
iinuiiHllaluly opened lire. They saw
no fishermen, and were not uwaru that
any dniiuige had been done. Evident
ly, the admiral said, tho fishermen hud
shown mi lights. Tho admiral re
pealed Hint ho greatly it-grotlcd that
any injury had I -ecu dnnu fishermen,
nnd milled lie hnd no doubt tho Rus
sian government would maku ample
Prince Kerelelll, an ollicer of tho
battleship Alexander 111, give the
following explanation of the attack by
tho llattlc squadron Ukii Iho British
tiawlcmoft Doiiger Hank:
"Thu tiniisiiort Ainitol, which wan
steaming nhend of thu squadron, Him
suddenly surnuilliliHl by eight tor p, do
boats and requested assistance, where
upon tlio battleship division advanced
and signaled to the link now vessels to
leave or disclose their nationality.
Thu Vessels rehired to oMy, and ad
vanced among the Russian battleships
Suddenly a cannon shot was beaut
(rum an unknown vessel. Then tlio
admiral formed In battle lino and re
plied to the fire, aitcrwurd continuing
Ills vojage."
Prince Kerelelll added tint the
Russians feared the stinngu torix-do
fronts were Japanese, as the admlinl
was aware the Japanese had purchased
such luats In Riigland.
rour Battleships and Three Cruis
ers Under -Sulllna Orders.
Gibraltar, Oct. 2H The ships of thu
channel licet hnvu II I lid their hunkerx
with coal nnd replenished their am
munition nnd will bo ready foi sen nt a
moment's notice. Thu battleship
llaiiulbel and tho cruiser Doris me
watching the ntralts ehwely. There
It great activity at tho dockyards,
where ini-ii are working night and day.
The admiralty in iiianking Inquiries
concerning the coal available here.
rim iHittleshliHt iclorioiis, llluslrl-
oils mid Majestic, llngrhlii of Vleo-Ad
miral llorosford, nnd tlio cruisers fjin-
caster, Thesus nnd Kndyuilcm aro un
dei orders to sail on tlio morning of
X. It is rumored that thu
to shadow thu Russian
a sulllclent amount of Iol-h hv thin Haltie squadron, which is expected to
method fr tin- season's run, and the K" wny ' '"I10 ' Good Hope.
company lias determined to build
limner, iihsc mills em
ploy about 200 men duilng the busy
Russia Will Learn If They Will Let
Ships Pass the Dardanelles.
London, Oct. 28. The Associated
Press looms that while there Is no
1. 1 i.i..,. .. . . . . lollllilHtloil lor tho rumor u-li!rh r.
nine,, neru leveuuy pun liasoil ly . . .... ', , ,
u rompiiny of California caoltall.,. "'m' ""'""' '"'in v,oiisiiiininopio
Mine Promoters' Improvements,
Iji lirnnde The promoters of lb
Camp Carson mines, southwest of this
nun tfumu it, I'.iuientiori us inaiiagur.
nave msilu arrangements with the
iiranii Hondo Lumber company, nt Per
ry, live miles west, to. build g()(
wagon road up the Grant! Rondo river
fiom Murkey to Prospect ranch. This
roatl will shorten the distance, to the
mines several miles and will cut out
seteial steep and bail grades, which
win no n great advantage to the tlm
bcrmen in getting the pine over better
roans, ue also to the mining company.
Marlon Will Have Exhibit.
a-i .. .. . ..
ptticiu nv u mais meeting ol clllrer.a
and taxpayers of Marion county, held
ihat tho Russian government Is ap
proaching tlio sultan with a view of
obtaining his consent to the passing of
the lilaek sea fleet through the Darda
nelles, Kmsia is actually taking stepn
to sound the other coiiitnental govern
ments as to whether any objections
would be raised by them In tho event
of n formal request being presented hv
Kut-Hla to the powers jointly for the
lemovnl of International restrictions
governing the passage nf tho Dardanelles.
$30,000 rire at Shipyard,
Philadelphia, Oct. 28. Mru tnnhrht
dill dninnL'n In tint ntnriiiiil nf t3n nnri
v ii uui riiiutiou, u was decided Ly In tlio puttern shop ami brass foundry
unanimous vote that Marlon cuuiilv
snail bo pioporly represented at tl
Lewis and Clark fair. Thu meollng
was attended by representative citliens
from all porta of the county and from
the remarks made by those who spoke
of the Nealle A Levy shlpynid, on the
Delaware river, in Ihe northeastern
section of Ihe city. A largu number of
patterns and plans were destroyed,
among them several foi the construc
tion of the Unlled States cruiser St.
upon the sublect. it was nm,nrt n,. Louis, now on the ways In tho corn-
tho people art, cnthuslastlf, llv in fnv,,- lHy' shipyards. An olllclal of the
of maklnir n cootl showing U,r Mnrln company tonight said tho loss of tin
county and Its industrial resource.. pluiiB would probably couso eorno do-
lay in the launching ol the cruiser.
Coal nn nuttri- CrreU
Per.dleton-A coal (, w Two Russian Ships Damaned.
discovered nt the head of Ilntler er.t. Madrid, Oct. 28. The minister of
In the southern part of Umatilla conn- arlno confirms tho loport of the nr.
ly. Jose in McLaughlin made the dls. rival ol n Russian erulsnr nt Vllln,-.
i , t . i .1
.two' is "ck Kr,,T",r rla- The minister h. received a tele-
hove been sent to exrerts. nnd B"! Tom tho authorities at Vigo to
ble tests have been made. The coal In "lu ""ect that two of tho Russian bat.
similar to deposits near Heppner. Mr. ",IPB now there hovo sustained
McLaughlin plans todevelop the mines, ,,a,naKoa whlsh will tender it impos
and already preliminary work has hnn B"J'U 'or t''e to leave port within tho
started. Tho deposits aro said to ex- prescribed 21 hours. Tho minister
tend a long distance Into the mountains 1 discuss the question with Foreign
Irom tho head of Iluttor creek.
Ready Sale or Coins.
Grants Pass If the Lowls nnd ntnrl-
souvenir gold dollars sell everywhere
over ino state as tney ore selling at
Grants Pass, tho number allotted by
munition win soon co exiiaiiBietl, Til
urst installment sent to the First Na
tional bank of Grants Pass has
Minister San Pedio and glvo such ord
ers as ho may consider right.
Russia May Buy the Catenas.
Tacoma, Oct. 28. It Is current
talk in well informed shipping cliclcn
that negotiations aro on between tho
Russian government anil AUretl 1 1 o t A
Co., of Liverpool, for the p'urchaso of
been t,la Bltamot Calchas, which tho fins.
Delegates to Commercial Congress.
Salem Governor Chumberlaln has
appointed J. K. Aitcheson, of Portland,
and F, II, Holbrook, of Irrlgnn, as del
egatcs to the trane-MlBalsslppI Com.
merclal congress, to be held at St,
sohl out, ami second lot Is now t,nln slatiB captured on Iho way to Japan
at fust as tho first lot went. Mining ttml to,k nB " "izo ' v,m"v8tok.
men aro tho principal buyers, anil not 11 ls 61,1(1 l10 Pi'rchoso prlco is 760,-
t . " t nun ... ...Ilti. m
lew are being purchased to send uuu' win uu uuquu io cover nil
Northwest Wheat Markets,
Portland Walla Walla, 83o
bluostom, 8flo valley, 85o.
Tacoma Blucstem, 89Koj club,
Colfax Olub, 73oj bluestem, 76c.
tho damagos incurred In tho seizure of
Ihe vpssel,
Bio Meat Order Prom Orient,
Omaha, Neb,, Oct. 28, A local nack.
Ing house today received an order for
3,000,000 pounds ol mess beef for shin.
merit to the Orient, .