Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 02, 1904, Image 3

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To Itself
In wlinl It In nml wlmt It tloiw con
ttiiiilnu; Dm IiumI liliKiil-puilfyliit,',
nlliiiutlvH mid lonlu HiilmtuiiciiH nml
drcetlnu; lliu i iiomL rmllcal nml pur.
niiiiii'iil uiii'uh of all luuiKirH nml nil
cruptloiiH, rclluviiif; wcnlf, tired,
languid fuulliiKH, anil ImllilliiK up
tin) wholu HyHtum Ih trim only of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Nootlii'r nicillcino nctH llku it)
no other nicilii'liio lum ilonc ho
nmuh ion 1 , Hiilistiintlul good, no
otliur iiH'illcliui I urn ri'ntorucl health
Ullll Htl'CIIKtll lit HO llltll) COHt.
"I wm IrmiMi'il Willi iirmfuU unit rams
nrsr lonlnir nir nyoslirlit. Tor fuur months 1
cuiiM not son in ilo nnrtlilnir. After tsklng
two IhiIIIm of lluoil'i HnrprlM I could
lowslk, nml tlirii I li'l lukrn rtiiht buttls I
cmilil uro well in tint," Hutls A. lUins
To. Wllliers. N. U
Hood's Bnrnniinrllln promises to
euro nml kuopa tho promloo.
II I'Iimim-iI llli I'n I lirr, liul Hrveml
Other lllirwla Kiihl Nullltim.
"Wlmt wo uiikIiI In luiw," Willi lllO
Mirciiiitli' mill iiri'cni'luiiH (IrnrKc, nn H
'i'nr iililri'lili'iit of ricrmmitinvn, while
ut liiiiclii'iiii llii' oIIiit ilny, "In liiciiil
innilu from piiro trllli'inii Hour. I'm
tlroil nf thcso iivitIihIIiib experi
ments," nml lii surveyed lliu I'll" of
com 1 1 1 ti II 1 1 1 m mi the liililii with ills
lilenstiro nml scorn, says lliu l'lillntlt'l
jililn Itcconl.
(ieortte's mother, fciiuivliiK the capa
bilities of her j'uiiiitc hopeful for runs
lug I'liilmrriiKHiiiriil, illil nut ask wlint
trllli'Uiu lloiir wiih or tnku occasion
nt tlmt limn lo point out Oconto's full
urn In icooil liintihcrs In mi loudly ill
rlnrlliK III" dlssflllMfiictlon lit tin' fooil
111' follllll (111 till' tllllll'. Ill till! I'Vell-
liiK, however, wlillo on tin- iirili with
vlsllors, mill lifter (ii'orti; hml retired,
nliii nn III to Iiit husbiiud: "(Jinruit In
until hi,' for lircinl iiniilu of trltlcum
Hour. Wlmt In tlintV"
Tho husband limln't tho nllulitrnt
liloii, anil frankly said so. A Inwyer In
tin' party, when appealed to. hummed
nml hawed n little. mnl siild It wan
probably luimn npw-fmiKliil Idea
(li-ow linil Kiithcrcd nt school, per
Imps Hip iiniue nf n new breakfast
fiMMl. Another visitor BiiKKrsled that
tleorKo tnlitht lie n Joiiher, nml UKin
thin tin' pnrly spelt the wnnl linck-
wnnl, rciirmiiKcd the syllnbles I illil
other thliiK" known to puxzlv solvers.
"I'm coIiik to look It up." milil
(Icorfco's eldest "Inter. Hlie went Into
tho house mul relurneil half nn hour
Willi ilimt fruiii tli oiicjrlopcdln mnl
illctloiinry over her IiiiihIh, hut ho win
"Why, 11' whenl." "he "nlil. "If"
"Imply the botanical nniiiv for wluiil."
denote' filther wil Inrlliieil to lie
protlil of hi" liny, hut the visitor lit
niirci "tnrteil n iIIhciihaIoh of lliu Hun
slBti-Jnpniicsn wnr.
Dish Orlitlnntcil In Han I'mncUco mnl
Nut III Clilitii.
If people can lie required to pay roy
oltli'M on Kohl teeth Hint tliey linre
worn for yours, mid on driven wells
from which their fathers liuvii drunk
lie fore them, thero would scorn to lie
no nnHou vtliy they inluhl not have to
p.iy ttiein on copyrluhtod dishes which
they hnvo loni; iiko onion mid (IlKcstid,
soiy thu Now York .Mull. Thero In n
Bun I'm no I wo Uhliimnnu In town who
claims to h.ivo n copyright on the dish
en 1 1 oil chop suey, mid ho wnuts hi"
linck royalties an well us his front
It mint ho pxplnlnrd first of nil, Hint
chop Miey I" not n Chlueso iIIhIi. This
la no news oren to nuiutcur Orlentnl
Ida, hut pnilmhly It la to the nrernuo
American citizen. It la a Snn Trail
cInoo luveiillon, or rather adaptation;
It la nn Irish "tow trutialntcd luto Chi
iiPKp for purely occidental dPKUHtatlon.
Wit" It n UHlial liluck iKiiornnco of ori
ental wnya, tho American public ac
cepted it at onco ns tho Chluoso na
tional dish, upon which tho ton of
lieuven mid lila Imperial household lire
upposed to illno evtry day. JJvcu
American olllclnta wore surprlaeil when
I'rlnco I'u I.un lilnnilly Inipilreil In
Chinatown tho other day: "What la
chop uey?"
Orlentnl or occidental, It la a Rood
dlah. It conatltulea n ration In which
a ulco lialanco liua hem reaclipd lio
twpeu the animal and the vegetable,
lietweoti protein and more bulk. If
Mr. I.ein Sen, of Ban Francisco, can
rutulilUli Ills copyrlsht on tho uao of
tho dlah for tho future, ho may becoino
millionaire, honorably and uaefully.
If ho succeeds In making lila patent re
troactive he will produce a certain dla
treaa lu roRlous whero tho lugrrdlcnta
of the dlsli llaelf have seldom wrought
any disturbance
Tho Olrtli of Sinn Inoronslii);.
An excellent Illustration ot the value
of records has bepn afforded lately ro
KardlnB tho question of physical deceit'
erney. A llrm lu tho north of Unsland
lins compared tho measuiempnla for
clothliiR inodo two Bencrntlona uro
Willi thoso of to day, tho results roIiir
to show that chest nnd hip measure
ments nro now thrco Inches on tho nv.
eraco more than tboy were sixty years
ago, Tho samo conclusion Is reached
by tho vxpcrlcnco of the ready-made
clothiers. Thcso fnctB, whatever may
bo their stem-roll ty, do not qnlto dis
pose of tho question of detenoracy.
They aro what we should expect from
tho moro abundant nnd cheaper food
of the peoplo, their better housing nnd
Improved snnltnry surroundings; but
the testimony regnrdlng tho untltuess
of recruits nnd proRressIvo lack of
stnmlnn In town, nnd especlnlly manu
facturing, populations cannot bo disre
garded. Tho girth of man may bo In
creasing, but, like n fatting hog, Is not
corpulency bringing clumslnoss t
Tho lilila ot n cow makes twice as
much leather as that of a horse.
I4 brdruftfUU.
IsMM-fl-m-.' i'i l-M "Va
I " iTc 1 1 1 or Auny tt'inlliin.
Vlalloia to iiriny heiiiliiinrter" on
(loveriinr'H lahinil often notice Hint of
Ili-iTH hnvo ii luililt nf rofcrrluK to the
written or printed record for the luoat
trllllni; ipioHllona of fact. 'I'hey never
lely upon memory fur even iiulinpor
Unit liiiitter" of ruiilliio which i Milium
wuiilil nn iiini'o tliluk of furKellliiK t tin n
n hiineiiiil couiniiilei- would think of
foiKeltlliK Hill Hlno of III" uiuriiliiK
tiiilu lo thu city. Aak mi olllei-r lu
tho niljuliitit Kenernrn or ipim lemma
ler'a ilepnrliiieul, for Inatiince, where
Iho I'lrat I tn tt ii llo n of the Mlxtccnth In
fun try la mid hit will lonnult lila roe
ord" beforo nnawerlnu-, even when n
letter tn the comiuiiuillliK olllcer of the
liullnllon la lylnx iiililreaHvd on lila
The other diy n vlallor lo Hip lalnjid
nakeil mi olllcer IiIkIi lu comiiinuil wlmt
time thu pnriiilc of troop" took place
next morulnc The mini lu khaki look
eil nt Ilia printed coiy of Hie Keui-rnl
order" beforo miawcrllnc: "Ten
o'clock." Yet the pnriiilc hud been ro
1 1 1 K on every ilny for m-ji.lha rUht un
der hla olllco windows.
"It la n h.ihll Hint itrowa upnii lit
with tho routine of KiirrUon work." lie
n Id. "If I tried to remember where
one iiirnpiui v In Hie ilepnrtnient of Hie
en nl la iiin?lered I tnlKlit na well try
to remember Ihi'in nil. If I cnrrled In
my memory the lime for pnrnde I
mluht iia well try to letirn Hie Koniirnl
ordcra by heart Kxperlenci' tenchea
nrmy nieii never In burden their memo
rlc" with furl" mul llnuriti Hint (hoy
know tboy enn llnd on thu Inalnnt by
tiirnlm; to the record." Now York
Cured Her
Deep Valley. I'u., Oct. Ill (Hpeclsl)
Thero la deep Ink-real In (Ireen
county over thu euro ol tho little
lUoxhtur ol I. ti. Wliipkoy ol llljeiinm
Ham. Hliu waa n K'ent anfluier lor live
or six years mid nothing seciuid to do
he-1 any xood till "bu tried Dodd'a Kl I
ney I'llla. Hholoun to Improve al
most at once and now (ho la cured mul
can run and play as other children do.
Mr. Whlpkey, says:
"I am Indeed thankful lor what
Dodd'a Kiilnov Tills hnvo done for my
ihinnhtor; they saved her from belnK a
cilpple pvrbiipa (or life."
Dodd'a Kidney Tills hsve proved
tint Itheunintlsiu Is ouv ol the toaults
ol iHfrared Kidneys. Itlieumatisui is
rnusetl by Uric Acid In the blood. If
the Kidneys are rlnht tliere can be no
Uric Acid In the blood and couseipimt.
ly no Itbeuinatiam. Ilodd's Kidney
Tills make the Kidneys right.
I.lmll or I.ailnra.
Two darkles lay sprawled on th
levee on n hot day. Moses drew a long
sigh mid said. "Ileey-n-h-h! All wish
Ah lind n hund nil wntennelllona!"
Tom'" pyea IlKtitcil dimly. "Hum-yn-hl
Dnt would auttenly be fine. An'
ef yo' had n hun'ed wutermt-lllona
would yo' Rib me llftyl"
"No. Ah wouldn't Rib yo" no flfty
"Wouldn't yo' Rib mo twenty-five?"
"No. Ah wouldn't Rib yo' no twenty-live."
"Heenn ter me youao pownbful
atliiRy, JIoe. Wouldn't yo' wouldu'l
yo' kII mo one"
"No. Ah wouldn't rIIi yo' one. Ivik
a hyali. nlRRah. are yo' so Rond-fer nuf
II it laiy yo' cnlhn't wish fo' yo'
owu wntrruiplllona''
I sudercd for a lone time with n bad
case of Catarrh, and took n (,-rcat deal oi
uiedlcine without any benefit.
I had a continual headache, my cheeks
iisd sjrown purple, my nose was always
stopped up, my oreatli had a sickening and
I heard of your S. S. S. and wrote vou.
I commenced to use It, and after taking
several bottles I was cured and have
never since had the slightest symptom of
the disease. Miss Mary I.. STORM.
Cor. 7th k l'clix Sis., St. Joseph, Mo.
Wheeling, W. Va., May 39, :ooj.
I had Nasal Catarrh for years for which I
used S. S. S. with very gratifying results.
I tried local applications for some time,
and getting uo permanent relief I camclo
the conclusion that the seat of the trouble
was in the blood. Knowing S. S. S. to be
n good blood medicine I began its use,
and after using it for some little white It
did away entirely with the offensive mu
cus in the nostrils, and I did not have to
hawk and spit, especially in the morning,
to dislodge the catarrhal matter.
1637 South St. l-'KUD II. I'RUSSY.
The filthy secretions and foul mucus that
are continually dropping back into the
throat, Cud their way into the stomach
and are absorbed luto the blood. Catarrh
then becomes con
stltutonal,andthe only way to get rid
of It Is through the
blood. Write us If
you have Catarrh,
and our physici
ans will advise you
without charge.
The Swift Speclflo Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Write (or Catnloguo anJ Prices
By Our Method
We aroenabloil to extract from one to 82
teeth at one alttlng. pOBltlvely anil abso
lutolr without palu or bail utter ett'octn.
l'eoplo In ilellcato health need have no
fear, at our method of extracting la post
tlvely aafe anil abiolutoly palnlem,
Ahaoluto cleanllnesi la our motto.
Wo do crown ami brldgo work without
palu. Our 17 years' ex erlence tn plaio
work enaUei ui to tit your mouth comfort
ably, Ihe bent Is the cheapeit In thoend.
Wo have feelings as woll as you.
Open evcnlnirs till Sumlays from 0 to U
Ihoue Main WXi.
WISE BROS., Dentists,
Wliat arc your friends saylni:
about you? That your way
hair makes you look old ?
And yet, you arc not forty !
Postpone tills looking old.
Use Ayer's Hair Vicor and
restore 10 your cray liair all
the deep, dark, rich color of
early life. Then be satisfied.
"Ay.!1! Illr VlKor rilo,ft llm nmiiml
rnlor In nir tirny lulr niiiI I mm gf!'
Ilit Ilia Nil yourlMlni Inr II "
II k. K.J. VnauauAII, MccliMililtlllo, N. T.
Dark Hair
l''or (lollipillaury Allllellc.
Ilev. Hr. I'crcy H. Ci-mit, apeaklni?
beCore the J.oiikup for rllllcnl liilll
rut inn, nt New York, Mild that tho
coinliiR New Yorker would be I) feet 3
luche" high mul hnvo the chest mens
ureiiient of n prize llRhler. Jihlxlnc
from Hie Increased stuudiird of mo
rality mul Intellectuality In our mil
lersltlen since athletics became univer
sal mid populnr. Dr. (Irnnt say" Hint'
physical traluliiR should be an Impor
tant t in r t of the public school system.
He had noticed that per cent of the
national Kuardsincn were too poor
physically to pass the doctor.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Uoara tho
Blguaturo of
A Vlltaffr or flitilfh.
Near Tripoli, In North Africa, Is a
Tillage rnlled Amriiz, the like of which
Is not to be found In any oUier part
of the world. The place Is luhablted
exclusively by thoso exerclsUiR the
callliiR of smith.
I'roin esrly mornlnif till the Isst
thing at nlKlit they are hard at work,
the a ceil members of Hie community
also taking part. Those uo longer able
to hnudlo Uio hammer occupy them
spIvps by blowing the bellows.
The nmjorlty of the people are ar
morers, who aupply tho Arabs with
wciipona Indispensable to the sons of
the desert, who are too Indolent to
make for themselves. These weaons
are exported as far as the Niger, where
they nro In demand.
t'-ril sslvatilreil unil&M wroilsht iron pipe
Inch. I'i'Ju r iw le-t lint Rklvantte4
iuihUM wruiisht Irun pli. 1 tneb, tl.U' m.i
1ii (rrl. All !! lu buck and salrMilked
1ll at luHrtl mrkel pllci. WikmI puini.i -ra
aclif una tarrel r itilnule, II Kubbr.
Icallier sml rativat llllnr, hue atul pcnlrie
at whole. ale price- Wrllu u. (or your anl
In the ituchlnerjr line Irrlsatlon plant a
lrlaltr Uclcrson Machinery Co., lort
tantl. Oreffon.
Positive, Comparative, Superlative
" I have ued one of your Flh Brand
Slickers for five year and now want
a new one, alio one for a friend. I
would not be without one for twice
the coat. They are Just as far ahead
of a common coat as a common one
Is ahead of nothing."
Oa sure you don't Ret one of the com.
mon kind thlsls the fHTFTfrt
mark of eacellence. 'P"J
A I T-ru f r- n
OHON.U.S.A. ''3ft BRAT"'
Uaken tf K,t Wtathir Chthlnq and Hall
Ur.Udee Wo
This woniWrrul t'hl
diacior It call.
fTf svl bixAitM Ii rurti
rvopl without opera
tion trust T.rriTn up
In ltfk, ( run with
I Ik wonderful i'bl
ti hvrba, root, I'ltdn,
trki ami Tfgts.hl
IhRt r tnllrvlj un
known to mrdlCaU cl-
rnc In llita oonnlrr. 1 brouf ti lh ua o
IhoBft tiarmlfftt rvnieillM tbU ftainout doctor
knows tlit action of OTtf KM dlRrtnt Mm
wlilrh im urrtarullr uti In dlffriDt
diarsvart, Jl uuintfM to cur rtlrb, nth'
in a, luni, lltrokt, rlirumftllkin, DtrrouanMii,
luniarh. Ilfr, kunr. to., bu bundrvd of
irttltiioaiavlm, t'tiargi nxKltrftt. Call and
him. t'atlrnia out of lb pi if writ for
blank and circular. Nnd ilamp. CONaUU
ThcC. Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine Co,
2SJ AUK St., IMrtU.iJ, Ortfuii.
irU") faiMr
No, -43-1004
TMIEN writing to advertiser plea
ineulltin till paper
lilt, W A. W18K,
Hair Vigor
rinywrlKlit (oxplnliiliig new plnj-)
As tlic two liiirlnra niter tin- liall
clock strikes 1 .Manager Wlilcli
olio? Chlrnsro Clironlcle.
Mr. Juiioa (riKiillns!) Anotlicr flcrro
I'liKiiKi-incnt In tlio I'lillliiplnin. Mrs.
Jones Wlint Is It? Mr. Jones Hcliool
teacher anil army olllcer. JiiiIkp.
Kinploycr Want to ko liomi'V Whero
ilo you feel 111? Itoy Here, sir, In tho
ofllce. I sfin-ss I'll fii'l better when I
ltd the nir on the liaaclmll ground.
Mra. Ilohltllu I)r. K lire in Awl any.
I must aiml six month In Knropo.
Wlint ahull t do? Mr. Holilllti---(let
nnothcr doctor. t'hl'-airo Clironlcle
Tommy I'aiia. wlmt makes yon so
li.ilil? rin Oh, that's Iji-cnme my
mother iisikI to put nn- ao much on tho
henil for lielntt n good hoy - Ally
Hlopcr's HnlMIolldny.
"Oh, my frlcnda!" exclalmiil tin- ora
lor, "It makes me ami when I tlnuk
of the days that are none, when I ,ok
nroiind nnd miss the old familiar f.i s
I used to shake liands Kith."
"Wlint was tho verdict that the cor
oner's Jury returned?" "Wilful neglect
of duty on tho part of the di-cennil.
He went out unarmed knowing the oth
er fellow was In town." Chicago Hoc-ord-IIcrnlil.
"I see you advertise for a donkey."
said tho man who looked as If he had
something for sale. "Oh, yes," said the
busy man, stopping his work for n
minute to look up; "hut I want ono
with four legs." Tlt-Illts.
"They thought he wus dead, you
know, and all the paper printed obit
uary notices." "And then?" Why,
then he turned up, and since he's read
thoso notices he's too proud to speak
to any one." Chicago I'ost.
l-'Irst Traveler Oh, yes we visited
tho art gallery when we were In Dres
den! Second Traveler Then you saw
ltaphnel's masterpiece tliere of course?
First Traveler Yes, lndeid. The "Sir
teen llelladonna," you mean?
"Walter, you may finish this piece of
pie, If you want It," said mother, "It
Isn't enough to save." "Mother," said
Walter, when be had finished It, "a
boy In the family comes In very bandy
when there Is a little bit over, doesn't
"You hair Isn't wet," said little Tom
my to Mr. Flyer, who was calling. "No,
of course not! What made you think
my hair was wet?" he asked, very
much surprised. "I beard pa tell ma
that you couldn't keep your head abovo
At a political meeting an excited
Irishman rose to express l satisfac
tion. "Sit down!" called tho man be
hind him. pulling his coat tails. "Don't
you know you're opaiiue?" "And that
I'm not!" cried tho other. "I'm
Mrs. Spenders I wonder what will
bo the popular styles In bonnets tills
season? Mr. spenuers Jiy uenr,
women's bonnets will be divided luto
two styles tills season, as usual Iho
style you don t like, and the style I
can't afford.
Hungry Hawkins Do ycr mean to
sar vu tot a square meal out b dat
sour woman? Diplomatic Mike Sure!
Hungry Hawkins Weil, yer a won
der. How'd yer do It? Diplomatic
Mike When she opened the door I
soz: "Is yer mother nt home, miss?
rhlladelphla Press.
Toss A friend of mine was telling
me to day of n splendid seashore resort
on the Massachusetts const; I tliluk It's
called Medford lieacb. Jess Oh, I've
been there. That was where I caught
that big lobster last summer, don't you
know? Tess No. dear, I hadu't heard.
What Is his name?
The U-y,ear-oId daughter ot a certain
nnval olllcer was unconsciously ludi
crous the other day. Tho child was
sewing, when her older slsted asked:
"Why don't you use a pattern?" Tho
Ilttlo miss replied with a dignity great
er than her knowledge: "I don't need
n pattern. I sew by ear."
Charley White, who lives with bis
aunt nnd grandma, noticed that tho
regular black peppiT-sbaker was tilled
with red pepper. This startled Mm,
and, turning to his aunt, who sat next
at tho table, ho said: "You better not
eat any of that red pepper. Aunt Har
riet; gramma says that red pepper kills
Teacher (In Chinese mission) I won.
dtr how many of you know tho mean
ing of "mercy." (All hands up.) Very
good. Now, you, Chang, may give us
an Illustration of its meaning. Chang
Mcllcan lady gave Chinee boy dishes
to wash. One pinto fall on floor; him
blako In thlousnnd fifteen pieces. Mell
can lady cly loud, "Ob, mercy!"
"My dear," said Mrs. Newlywcd, her
faco flushed with tho excitement of her
afternoon In tho kitchen, "I want you
to bo perfectly frank with mo now.
What would you suggest to Improve
thcso doughnuts I made to-day?"
"Well," replied Mr. Newly wed, lifting
one with a slight effort, "I think it
might be better if you mnde tho bolo
bigger." Cincinnati Times-Star.
Ho I never saw anything like this
tide. Hero I'vo been pulling steadily
for ten minutes and wo don't seem to
havo moved a foot. Sho (after a pause)
Oh, Mr. Stroker, I'vo Just thought
of something! The anchor fell over,
board a short tlmo ago, and I forgot
to tell you. Do you suppose It could
hnvo caught on something? r.iuu's
Horn, '
Not a Loan.
A Ilttlo girl went timidly into n
Fifth street stoio tho other morning
nnd asked the clerk how many shoe
strings she could get for S cents.
"How long do you wuut thorn?" ho
"I want them to keep," was her an
swer, In a tone of slight surprise."
Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune.
Church What Is the stuff that he
roes aro mado of? Gotham Well. If
wo can bollovo tho advertisements, It Is
somo of those now breakfast cereals.
Yonkers Statesman.
Admiral Schley Uses
ldtii- UttiM ''..
4 .Periina Drti Co., Columbus, Ohio
n At . s a t I s?,.ll.
l LISICS Sl S. SW. , VOIIIIIllllSf uiuo,
Gentlemen--", can cheerfully state I ..4
lat Mrs. Schley has taken Peruna and - '
that Mrs. bchley
! I believe with good
One of tho greatest naval battles in
fllit off Bantlatio. Never since the
npan I s li
has there
more ep-
ing victory in the onwatd mart-It ot clvlllzaiion than in
the notable event of Jnly 23,1803, in which the great he
ro, Admiral Fchley, took a leading pait.
It was a gieat naval battle. Without a moment's
warning It began. Quick decision, undaunted courage,
excellent discipline, resolute self confidence these com
bined in Admiral Schley to produce that dash and daring
so characteristic of the American soldier.
A man must think quickly In these days. There is no
time for slow action. New enterprises arise in an hour.
Old ones pass an ay in a moment.
A multitude of great themes clamor for notice. A
man must take sides for or against by intuition, rather
than Irgical deduction.
One day this flgtliing admiral. Schley, happened to be In
com pany
ers who I ADMIRAL 5 uTUUON Or rt -
ta 1 k I n g I
ous topics of popular Interest. The
Amonir the many anarchists arrested
In connection with the bomb explosion in
Barcelona, S-pt. 13. Is a 11-year-old bey
named Neales. who la described by the
police as a "precocious propagandist."
To Dreak In New Shoea.
Always abase In AUn's Foot-Ease, a powder
It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet
cure corns. Ingrowing nails and bunions. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 2.V Don't secept
any substitute Sample malted FREE. Address
Allen S. Olmsted. U Roy, N V.
Knew Wtinreof Uo Stmke.
Singleton When a girl tells a young
man that she dreamed of him three i
nights lu succession, what does it iudi-1
Wedderly It Indicates that the youne
man should beflu to JVe up money fur
the furniture.
Mothers will nnd Sirs. Vllnslow's Soothing
Fyrnp the nesi remedy tonse ror their cnuaren
during the teething lerlod.
When the preent Csar was Czare
vitch he was attacked by a fanatic in
Otsu, Japan, and two jlnrikisha men as
sisted in rescuing him from his assail
ant. They hare reeehed a pension from
Itu-xla ever since. This year it was
forwarded to them as usual, much to
their surprise.
rirn l-ermanentiy cumt. roots or nerroasneat
lliu aAfrflrf!dajr'sUMurDr.K!loe'UreatXen
Restorer. Send for Tree 83 trial bollleand treatise, 11. KM dp. tad.. BS. Arch hi.. I'hllsdelphla. 1-a,
Mnttcr or Territory.
Pauline Oeorge Is desperately In love
with me. He said the other evening,
that he could eoter the very ground I
etnod on with kisses.
Kiuina No doubt he could, dear If
he had the time to spare.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAL ArrLICATIOKS, as they cannot
rvach the seat ot the disease. Caurrh is a
blood or constitutional dls a.e. and In ordi-r to
euro tt you must taVe Internal remedies.
Hall's i'atarrh cure Is taken Internally, and
acts dliei-Wy on tho blocd endmucoussur'aces.
Hail's i'atarrh euro is tint a quack nitdlclne.
11 waa prescribed by ono ot tte lest physicians
in this country for J ears, and Is a regular pre
scription. H is cotnH8ed ot the best toulcs
known, combined with tho best blood purl
tiers, acting directly on tho mucous surface-.
Tho perfect com Una Ion ot tho two Ingredients
is what produce such wonderful results In
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free.
t'. J CIIKSKY i CO.. l'rops., Toledo, O.
Fold by drugalsls, price 75c.
Hall's Family tills are the best.
Tho Only Way.
Wayne 1 see you have the servant
girl we used to have. She has such an
awful temper that I don't see how you
manage to get along with ber.
Payne Oh, that's sn easy matter. We
manage her by letting her manage us.
NKeelev liouor-horphine-tobacco
a.i.r0R .nil PASriCUlAJtS
umii 'MKttitYiwnrjir.- powTLANo.oar,
The Crown Princess of Denmark Is the
richest and tallest woman of her rank
in Europe. She Inherited nearly $15,
000,000 from her maternal grandmother,
ss well as the bulk of her father'a for
tune. She is six feet tall.
For coughs and colds there Is no better
medicine than Tito's Cure for Consump
tion. Price 5 cents.
When Wo Aro Haiti.
"The Ideal" exclaimed tho disgusted
housekeeper, "of having tiles lu De
cember. I wish I could get rid of
"You might do It," replied her bald
headed husband, "by spreading a re
port among them that you're going to
glvo me tt wig for Christmas." Phila
delphia Ledger.
Known tha world over
promptest, wreit cure
cad poit pM at 10c a package.
Write for
z;.:..: ' 1
Santiago, Where Admiral Schley Made
the world was the
dispersion of the
been a
ocli mak
conce r n -na
will lie
up by the
with oth-
KU - NA I w e r
l on vari
subject ol Peruna
Aslc Your
VV. SI HI I-V ' Wm"i. ' L.sft. V? MmmKF M
ii nof curled by iocs! grocers, write Wadhama & Co who will adriao where obtainable.
Ask a.
About the reputation of the J. I. CASE
PLOW. He will tell you it IS ALL RIGHT.
Is a triumph over all competition.
We guarantee It the
Send for circular tclline all about It.
same. THIS IS STRONG TALK, and you will notice It Is well backed.
NEW CASE WALKING GANGS timely can't be beat THAT'S ALL.
And vou need a guardian If you don t try one on our proposition.
are in the tame class as the other Case Plow Goo it, and at the head cf the class.
ts th
Rheumatism snd Neuralgia
free booklet how to dye black and mixed
bi fc Home
feWJDWJ' .at.-H ISsWigBUi,.He?jBVBH
was raised Its popularity as a catarrh remoly, Us na
tional Importance, its extensive use.
One asked his opinion. Without a moment's hesita
tion, ho said: "I can cheerfully say that Mra. Schley
has taken Pcrnna and I believe with good effect."
Like the battle of Santiago, the thought was spiting
upon him without any warning, and he disposed of It
with the same vim and decision as he did with the Span
Ish fleet led by tho Ill-lated-Viscaya.
His words concerning Peruna have gone out Into the
world to be lepeated by a tboustnd tongues, bcciuse ho
said them.
Like tho news of his victory over Corvera, his words
Inc. Pavii.
l ... i . i
Ul U I I J-
tudes and passed from mouth to mouth, across oceans and
Except for an inborn manly Independence, In a coun
try ot free speech, these wordi never wonbl have been ut
tered by an officer in such a notable position as that of
Admiral Schley.
Except for a world wide noterlety and popularity, such
as Peruna enjoys, no remedy could erer have leceived
such outspoken public endorsement by such a man.
Man From
Is simply perfection, that Is all. We have
them in Stubble, Sod and Stubble and Tim
ber Land styles. We say, and authorize our
agents to say, "Try a Case Plow. If not
right trine it back." It shows OUR confi
dence. WE knaw they won't come back.
They never have.
Made In two and three bottom
styles, with or without riding at
tachment, Stubble or Sod and
We don't hesitate to say to any
reaton&b'e and unprejudiced man
"Take it and try it. II it is not
Iht best Sleel Walking Cxaz
Plow you ever used, we will take
it hack, and pay you for taking It
out and hauling it back." Our
aeenls are authorised to say the
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
First and Taylor Streets
Color moreffooda brlxhter and leeier colore than
any other dye. One 10c package colore Mk.
wiwi arm cmion equally wen mna i iun
toolva nerfect rtiulli. AikdMtirrwiwUI
colore. MONKOB UKUU CO., Union UH, IXnoi