Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 26, 1904, Image 4

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    G. A. IicaVIs.
G. W- McQUccn
rnoriiiKious of
raft TheFashion Stables
kK A' omcK 0F rl,K
SVifeV Hohciuiu unci Ulnck Butte
TiimoiiIs, Double of Snip.
Wm. D Root, Editor and Manaxr.
Knthri at th ttot ttiftlro at IVtUtfi Urt).
Or gon m Mjcontl tUi mult matter.
First Class
II months UK
IS moil
THIS IWI'KH liirKlun K C liratr'a
Aileertlilnff Amnrr. M ana S3 .Merelianti KI-
changc, San Kranrlsvo. California, where eon-
itacuior mf tinini run m inane lor u.
Cottasc dtm flour mills.
3 Having purclmsal the warehouse formerly
I owner! by Messrs Iillciljje & Higgins, we wish
to announce that we will continue to carry a
large slock of all kinds.of Feed there, which will
he sold at lowest prices.
Jiy courteous treatment, square dealing wc hope to
a icceive n large snare ol your patronage.
Ilarnin A: Hansen, props.
J F. li akoi'TT i'.. Manager.
5 TT 1
.a Harr warp.
Stoves and Tinware n
jtlriciiltiial Implements
Plows, Mower anil Uukos. Solu agents for the celebrated
V Full Stock of Mining Supplies.
Piper & van Denburg
Griffin &
If pillll III ndvullCO.
Clubbing Rates.
The Ikiheinlii Midget one year
with any one of the following pub
lications one year for amount net
Chicago Inter-Ocean (weekly) $t..V
Weekly Oregonlun (Portland) -'.50
Weekly Journal (Portland) ?i.00
WEDNESDAY. OCToniiK, 26 tb 1904
of any tool is always a dsslrable
one. lint of equal importance Is the
power of retaining this quality ho as
not to require too frequent shnrjn-
lty making your purchases of
the Grillln & Venteh Co. you always
receive your money's worth In the
liest quality of tools und cutlery ol
proiierl.v teiuiiered steel that Is s
to hold an edge.
If there are those who want the
state to buy the' Lewis and Clark
fair grounds for a public park for
Portland, they should at once
studiously prepare the way for
disappointment, for though the
Legislature does some queer thing
occasionally, it will be a colder day
than t lus country has yet cx
perienced when -that body nppropri
ates money forsuch a purpose. We
are all proud of Portland but the
day is lar in the" future when the
state will provide money to supply
it with parks. The rest of us want
parks, aud want them badly, but
are too modest to request the state
to furnish us with money for that
purpose. But, perhaps, Portland
will not ask it. Salem Statesman.
Fine WeilhcrNow
Kugeua ltrltrr,
reeont arrival In Oregon from
Alva, Okhi., who landed lit this part
of the valley during tho ralncst season
hand tlm Itegister the following
take off" for publication!
If you never got the tiluei,
Conio to Oregon,
Where the units In always green,
And the mm Is seldom won:
Hut It ruins, and snows between,
Hero In Oivghu.
If you're tired of sun and wind,
Come to Oregon
llrlnisyour parasols along,
Ami your slickers good aud strong,
nd gum boots that are plenty long,
And eoiui) to Oivgou.
Ifyotl've never learned to swim,
Come to Oivgou.
Tw 111 not be Iou till you'll begin,
Mid like ducks and all their kin,
You'll Imvo toes with webs between,
Here In Oregon.
If you handle lots of chink.
Come to Oiegou.
Hcre'n hoim for liecr and cram's for
Good wheat for bread so nice and
And plenty of drink to wash It down,
Here in Oregon.
George Ingols.
,55325555 Az2$SSPSsk JrZ2&$S&3S LteSJSSB. J&Z35iSPZ
Chase & Sanborn's
Standard of Excellence
Highest Quality
Pacific Timber Go's
Tuder Odd Fellows Hall
l'robnblv no other implication In
tlio t'nlteil States at least of any
where, so eouitiletely tills the place of
n family paper nt does the Youths
Companion. The father, tho mother,
aim especinuy me noyn aim gins can
tlnd Just the kind of reading that Is
Interesting and prolltnbla. The
price is f 1.7 n pcryenr. Niiiiseripuons
taken nt the Nunget oftlce.
Store ffl
Cream Vermifuge
Veatch Go.
4 S.vs,Mi.-5y S,v Ww v'vvsiS5!vi; isr;
M. JhwX .W V V M.M m4 i-T' JU JK. M.
Proprietor of
..,Tlie Miners Supply House...
Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
$ General Merchandise, Miners' Tools mid Hmmunition.
The London (ienenil Merchandise
.Store wish to uniiounce to the Ituylng
public that they now have .1 very
complete otiick of tieneral Merchandise
vvlilch they intend Kelllng I'd p-r cent
per cent below nil competition.
We purchute onr goods In large
qiiHiitltteH through Kustern Driimnieis,
pay cash for all we buy, have no high
rents, no insurance rates to pn.v. and
i-onsequeutly can sell very cheap.
Think of CLAY Wormed Suits.
At $7.50 to $9.00
High tirade Goods and otlw lints
of Itwtdyllade Clothing of Xen lest up-to-date
style at prices that will surprise
M. D. Wells Shoes
Our Hue of JM. I). Wells Shoes are
the bust wearers onjtlie market nnd lit
prices that cannot lie equalled.
Try our Itonst Coffees, the best
flavor and will please you.
London, Oregon.
In a recent issue the Roseburg
Plaiudealer in commenting upon
the proposition of having that por
tion of the Bohemia mining district
now in Douglas annexed to Lane
county, it stated that someyears ago
Douglas county, started to build a
road into the district but abandoned
it. Probably no better argument
why the change should be made
has been presented than the lore
going statement and admission. To
build a suitable road from auy
point in Douglas county would re
quire a large expenditure of money.
Most likely more 'than the county
could afford, at least uutil the dis
trict had become, of so great impor
tance that it would feel justified in
building even at great cost. Thus
lar Douglas county has been of no
practical benefit to the Bohemia
district and had it been dependant
upon it for aid it would still be a
place accessible only by a trail at
the best.
On the other hand Lane county
together with the miners of Bo
hemia have caused to be built into
the district two good wagon roads,
one up Sharps Creek, the other
up Row river and into the Champ
ion basin aud it requires but about
two miles more to join the roads
from their present termini. There
has also been a railroad constructed
from Cottage Grove more than half
way. So that while the transporta
tion facilities are not all that could makes it possible to
get in supplies, machinery, etc.
Whatever has been dotie to aid the
miners of Bohemia has been by
Lane county and it would seem
the contention, that the whole
district should become a part of
Lane county is not unfair to our
Douglas neighbors, but only justice
to the miners of Bohemia district
and the people of Lane county.
Notice ot Sale ol Real Estate and
In the District Court of the Unlltul
states for tho District of Oregon.
In thu mutter of
Long itUlnghum LumberCompnny,
a corporation,
iMtiiKriqu. 1
Notice. Is hereby given, that b;
vlrtuo ot an order made on thu l'Jll
lay ot Octolxr, 1901, by tho Court In
tho above entitled matter, the under
slunpd Trustee trill 011. from and
after 0110 o'clock In tho afternoon of
Wednesday, the yoth day of Novem
ber, 190i, at tho premises herelnalter
described 111 foliage, orore, Oregon,
soil at nrlvato sale, to the highest bid
der for cash in lntud the following
described promises anil mill plum 10
Beginning at a point tit) feet West of
the Kortnwest turner or wook f our
Becoud Addition to Georgetown, Ore.
iron: thence running West 27814 feet
thencM South Sit. 7 feet; thence West
386.4 feet to thu Right of Way of the
J : tin
OreHon & California ltallron
South iy. degrees West IU feet
1 feet:
East 52i feet: thence North
Pine Grapes.
(Jeo, W. .Mclteynolds, who lives on
his farm a few miles south of the
city, has for years past been experi
menting with varieties of grapes
ami Is raising some nine varieties.
Last week he brought to the Nug
get office a large well tilled box con
taining 11 selection from nearly every
kind raised by lilni. They wero left
on the counter and visitors Invited
to sample them und were pro
nounced by all to be of us lino u
flavor as auy brought to the market
from abroad. .Mr. Mclteynolds Is
Commander of the Grand Army Post
which meets 011 Saturday aftcruoou,
as so many of the commdes canuot
attend at night.
For the pust few weeks ho has
supplied the members with nil tho
grapes they could eat, besides bring
ing to the postroom u gallon demi
john of sweot eider of his own make.
All of which tho old veterans enjoyed
und appreciated by being remembered
by their commander.
Last Week.
This Is lloyds" hist wrak,
Wdlt too long,
100 feet; thcuco Kast ISO foot; thence
North 131.7 rcct to the place or be
ginning, containing 1.1 acres of land,
more or less.
Also beginning nt a nolnt In Section
28 Towustilp 20 Sbutli.llaugo 3 West CO
feet West of the Southwest Comer of
Lot One iu Block 0 of Georgetown
Lane County, State of Oregon ; tlioneo
west iuu reel; inenco oouiu reel;
the n co South 27 degrees 22 minutes
West 737.3 feet: thouco East 100 feet
thenco North 221.7 tett; thenco East
260 feet aud thenco North 11U feet to
the place of bogluuiug, containing
2.729 acres or larnl, moro or less.
Excepting from thu aforesaid
tiremlses tho part thereof conveyed
ly the said Long & Bingham Lum
ber Company to tho Oregon & South
eastern Ibillroad Coiupany.un thu2tith
dav ot Marcli. 1U03. ny tlio certain
conveyance recorded April 1, l'JU3, 011
dbco C(l of Voluino 60 of tho Ilecords
of Deels for Latio County, Oregon,
described as follows, to-wlt :
Beginning nt u point In Section 28.
Township 20 South , Ilunge 3 West uo
feet West of tho Northwest Corner In
Lot One, Block S ot Georgetown In
Lano County, Stato ot Oregon ; thenco
South 47Gfeet; thenco West 75 feet;
thenco North 31 degreos 20 mlii
utcs West 202 feet, moro or less, to
tho Southeast boundary of the
grounds conveyed bv G. W. Long to
the O. & 8. It. Co. ; thence North
27 deglees 22 minutes East 10 i fnot;
tbonco North 137,3 feet ; thenco East
100 feet to the place ot beginning,
contulnlnn 1,39 acres ot land, mors or
lees, all situated in Lane County,
Also the following saw mill plant
located upon the above promises to
wit: One Double Circular sawmill;
one Forty-Inch Portland Iron Works
Edger; one 19 x 32 Ames Engluo;
One 10x21 Corliss Engine; Ono Eight
Horse Tower Englno, uqrlght II, P. ;
Two 50x10 Ames Boilers: One nozll
Erie Boiler; Ono American Planer
Hx21;OdoNo. 41 Invincible I'luner;
Ono GO inch Buckoyo Blowor; Ono
National Dry Kiln compluto and
building 2UH8; One lath mill und
bolter not set up; ono cut off saw
aud arbor, not set up; four pair lum
ber trucks; oue sovcutydlvo light
dynamo; one log haul nnd ono log
Also the Lota numbered 3 and 4 In
lllocli Four of Georgetown.
Also Lots 2 and 3 in Block Ono In
tho J. I, Jones Addition to Col logo
All the right, title and Interest ot
the said Bankrupt In tho following
described property:
Beginning at tho Southeast Corner
of Lot 3, Block Ono Jones' Addition
to Cottage Grovo, Oregon, and rum
nlug thenco Dart 177,7 feet to Mill
Street In tho Second Addition to
Georgetown, Otogon ; thenco North
lit) leet, West 177.3 feet. South 110
feet to beginning point; Commencing
at a point CO feet Eust of the South
cast corner Lot Ono Block 2 In Jones'
Addition to Cottago Grovo, and run.
nlng East 178.4 feet to Mill Street
North 112 feot; West 178 feet, to tho
East side of thu must Easterly stre;t
In Jones' Addition to Cottago Grove.
South 112 feet to place of beginning;
commencing at tho Northeast Corner
Lot 1 Block 3 Jones' Addition to Cot.
tiigo Grove, Ore , West 90 feet South
112 feet East 00 feet North 112 root;
also Lot Ono Block two, all In J. I.
Jones' Addition to Cottage Grove,
Lane County, Oregon.
A deed for tho land last described
Is In escrow and provides for tho
payment or l,37G.OO; $37fi.oo has been
paid und $1,000.00 Is unpaid.
That all of tho premise" above de
scribed arc In Lane County, Oregon.
Said shIo Is to bn subject to con
firmation by the Court uftor ton days
notice to creditors.
Dated at Cottage Grove, Oregon,
this 22nd day ot October, 1001.
(i0-itj J, 0,:Lono, Trustee,
iwm or miTTlom.
Oallord-Snow Liniment Co.
Notice Is hereby glcn that Un
common Council of tho City nf Cot
tago Grovo will let a contract for
the furnishing material fur and the
construction of a lateral sewer ex
tending from the iiialii sewernilTldril
street and extending west through
the center of the alley running east
aud west through Blocks I and ." of
J. II. MeFurlund's addition to tot-
tnge Grove to the east line of ."ith
street. Said sower to lie con
structed of vttrltled terracotta
sewer plsj S Inches In diameter
forthullrst two blocks west of the
dalu sewer, the balance ot same
sewer to 1h l inches In diameter with
ill Inch drain tlio laid alongside for
tho full length thereof as provided In
ordinance No. 'M passed by the
Common Council of the City of Cot
tage Grove on the 7th day of October,
Said contract Is to be completed
on or before the tfld day of Jan.. 1D0.Y
Separate bids may Ih filed for labor
or material or for both labor and
material und shall lie llled with the
tho City ltecorder on or before the
2Uthday of Oct, 1001.
The Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and nil bids.
:ti.2 F. I). Viii:i:i.i:ii. City ltecorder.
The Latest Novels
Circulating Library
Notice Is hereby given that the
Common Council of tlio City of Cot
tago Grove will let a contract for tho
furnishing material far and thu con
struction of a lateral sewer extend
ing from the main sewer on tho east
HldeofiJrd street In the City of CoU
tngu Grovo aud extending east
through the alley 011 tho south sldo
of Shield's Addition to said city to
a point 100 feet west of tho
west lino of the right-of-way
of tho S. I. it. it. Said sower
sewer to bo constructed of vltillled
terracotta sower pipe (I Inches In di
ameter with a 4-lucli drain tlio laid
along sldo for thu full length thereof
as provided In ordinance No. 87
passed by thu Common Council of
the City of Cottage Grovo on tho :10th
lay of Septeuiber.lOOI. Said contract
Is to bo completed on or before thu
Hd day of Jan., 190.", Separate bids
may bo tiled for labor or material or
for both labor and material and
shall I10 llled wdth the City Itecordu,
011 or before the 2Uth day of October,
1001. Tlio Common Council reserves
the right to reject any and all bids.
!'. I). Wnniii.Kii, City ltecorder.
Ito-eburg, Ore, Sent. HI, 1901
Notice Is hereby given that the
following-named wit lor lias tiled
notice of his Intention to make final
proof In support nf his claim, aud
that, said nroot will Ih:iuuiIo Is-forr
1.1. .1. wanna, 1 . 1 (HUT, at ms
1 olllco at 1. 1 wile. Oregon, on Nov
ber I, 1901. vl. II. No. NSIts,
William II. llulley, for the Lot I,
J N SWH Nl.K Sec. 10. 1
lie names the following witnesses
to prove his contiuous residence
upon and cultivation of snld land,
.1. Ilolbrook, of, June, Oregon,
I. oulo 1;. Matthews, 01 .Ion, Oregon.
Archie 11. Matthews, of .lime
Oivgou, Jus. S. Cuer, of June, Ore
J. T. Biiinur.s, Itcglster.
Lot 4. St
20S., It. I
Special suniplo copy ot thu
Only Dally Mining Newspaper In Tlio World
All thu hows from all thu mining
camp and oil fields of the 1'iilted
Slate, llrttish Columbia, .Mexico, etc
I ho Itccoru tells the investor how to
niako big money hi mining and oil
propositions. Exposes faku proposi
tions and gives freu and fearless In
formation to subscribers. Largest
pafd circulation of any mining paper
In thu world. Send at once for
sample copy absolutely freu for tho
Tho Dally Alining Record
Denver, Colo
IjOukjuw, or totanus, is causnd by a
bacillus or gorm which exists pluntl
fully 111 stroot dirt, it Is Inactive so
long as ox poind to tho air, but whon
carried buneath thu skin, as In the
wounds caused by percussion caps,
or by rusty nulls, uuli when thu air is
excluded thu gorm Is roused to activity
anil pruiiucus inu mosi viriuoni poison
known. Thnso germs nuiv bo destroy
ed and all ilanuer of lockjaw avoided
uy applying uiuimJimriaiu.s I'alu luim
froely ns soon us th elnjury Is rocolved
Palu Balm Is an antlecntla and causes
cms, oniiscsuuu iiku iiijii ries to lien
without maturation anil In ono third
tho tlmo required by tho cusuul treat
ment. It Is for sale by Now Era Drue
Itov. B. C. Horton, Sulphur Sprlnga,
Tuxus writes. July 19th 1B'I: "s
have used In my family Bullard'I
Snow Liniment and Iforohound
Syrup and they luivo proved certainly
sausmctory. inu iinimuni is tno nest
wo have over used for hnadacho' hihI
ii'iIiih. Thei'ouuh svrun has been our
doctor for tho last eight yours," 2Go,
60c $1 m So.d by Morgan & Brolmut.
J. W. Davenport, Wlngo, Ky
writes, Juno 11, 1902: "I want to
tolU you I holluvu Ballard's Snow
Lrnlmuiit saved my life. I wrs nndor
treatment of two doctors, and tliov
told mo one of my lungs was entirely
wone, und tho other badly affected. I
also had a lump In my sldo. I don't
t In 11 Ic I could have lived over two
montns longer. I was Induced by a
frloud to try Ballard's Snow Liniment.
Tlir first application gave mo great
relief ; tow llfty cent bottles ourod mo
sound and well. It Is a wonderful
incillcluo und I reccomend it to sulTor
lug humanity." 25oG0c, $1.00. Sold
by Morgan Ss Bruliout.
Don't forget to tnko your meals at
tho Exchango restaurant. Every
lilng tlio Imt ths murkotcan, supply
Tf) A Tim I
Clothes Cleaned, Pressed
And Repaired hr
$1.00 PER MONTH.
The Cottnc Grove
Is now In running order
mid prepared to do all kinds of
laundry work with promptness
and at reasonable rates.
Wo hope to Kccuro your
patronage and to please you
with our work. Phono 'M
L August Swnnson, Prop,
Hftr V" EHrJn til Hood lor ibt
mi . . Iltr li N EldrjJjti UETTIB
Thirty ij?,.!iVpohiX"i,vUi'J!
r . tluir nctdlci tt ( tlirtidFuz shutltei
Y AO fl3.aulomucUiiilnitltiH;utoniillc
tralit.luwlnatripoialvt fourniollpa
feed: coiiptd ntddle Ur ooIkIcu it II tlluiliuir
toller ucaiing wliccl, .ltd pltm.tii Ave ply
Upilnatcd woodwoik, with a beautiful act si
our dealer for the Improved Kldrcda.
nickeled ttccl allachmenla.
Aik vour dealer or me
D" and da not buy any machine unlit yea tare. .
(ten II.
National Sewing Machine Cch
J i