Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 26, 1904, Image 1

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    JCS d d l 9l
5 U W it) 532
i gg 9k S
g TIKADVl.llTiniNO MUilllfM Z
Devoted to tlic Mining, Lumbering and Punning Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake
NO. 40
Uwl anil Ociicral Items troni I lie Alining Sections of Oregon
and Oilier Slides.
III itf,ii,r. 1 .1 . 1.. 1
rillon t uit men Imv.. I.,.,,,, ,.m,.l,,v.'d I Miehlgai. dropped to it
to-vorL .iiim llm Onldnn Hllppm lt ,Vi , ih7 Hint Mi
Hiuiiurvy 111 imiimmu with din
probabilty of tlm work Iming eon
tlnund utilil Nnw Y.-um if not nit
.1)1. J. ll. Kcefei and Maxim
Sclinrmniin of I'oiiliind airivcd in
the city Suiulnv nficmoon mid 011
Monday morning went on to Ho
hernia where tlicy will spend -if
cral days iu looking over the prop
rttien of the dlslrid
A. ( nilbci Im)i niter a urn
I it motif ii'Milt-ir in lliilirmiii cimc
down to iIil- valley I'ridiiy for ifcot
nnd irriP.ilioii Dining Ibis lime
lie has been coiitiuoiisly at woikl
iikii his properties in that district. !
The p.nt season be logr-iber with;
Wallrr Coehiiin lime- been develop-
itig their 1'l.iim. nrar tlir Wall
fUrect property on Oily I'leeU ,
liiey imvt- rxpwd wx ore in
several of the veins. One of their
veins carry a benvv
ofcoppci besides gold.
per cent and
per cent.
ontiiiiti ex-
ceded .Michlgnii, with an output
i)l .n per com, while Michigan wad
credited with ,i per cent of the
Intnl. lixrcptiug the year 1891,
Montana has held the lend by a
good margin. In 19..J theie Mates
mood its follow.- with iVgaid to the
total oihjmii nl (lie United Slates:
Moiiliiii!!, vl-v permit; Michigan,
27 3 pei'rent. niui Arizona, 21 1
pel cmt. Mining World.
A now Yw I; jury Iiiim awarded
llilllltllleH of $7,0011 to ','lVMIcl J.'.
IiiimIiii nl ltlinxiiHliiii'K, Ph.. for 1 n i h.
ll'pll'nl'liliilliiilH KlirIIIIK II milling
piopnrlv iiiitild to linn n Kntiil: S.
minim 111 mime, 111a. lioiiim was
wight iii New Yoik. l imbli' 10
jijiinhiil hi' iim leant in tliu Lnd-
. low utiiM'l jiiil 11 nl 1 ( the hening. H
mIIhjjih iIihi lie did not receivo the
1 nullify pawiini; im 11 moult of th
, muitpiftunliilion, lint despite this
tin court held him to account.
per ccntngel Ifnbhs' ixpurieiicii is ciniHiiiK 11 sen.
'Uicv have! ..iif.ii 11. ,,... ,.r v... v-i... .....
ulso an iil.nii.lanir if milling oie iu i.uin .-ireles. h"uio .1 l'lru'c 1111111
thcir properties Mi. Gilbertson will hei f ,. ,m(.riiiin.. in 11,,, ,.i,t
in a wee): ori Um oillm
. . Tin pusf is 1111 unexpected de-
.' ' eastern Htiili-s for protection mpiiiisl
friidiilriil inoinolioiis Somo hIiiIih
anu i,, .. , .. .. ,
riririMii a iiiiv 111 IIH1 rtfiei'l,
mid Mio-siielniHi'ttH tinitiiH it piimil
to inlv(rlisi' iiiiiiiiik "toe I: falsnly.
All li'tiiiiiiialr- proinolcrH of Urogon
mid nl her noithn u-il Nlates uolcoinc
miiv i ffort lo i liiiiilHilH frnnd, but
n umrl; Ih'it ininini; 11s 11 wholn is
ii'lut'd upon by wcinl lugihitinn
ol tint cbsrui'li'i , when tlm innlti
iiiib' of otliiT sini'l: i.'onciTiik that
iiwindlv Mini bifiiib tlm public of
Mow Yorl: mid most eastern Mules
K willioiil lentil iriiliiiy,-OrtKon
Dsilv .liniriiMl. J '
to the telephones are moving about,
the vaiiatioiis in the intensity ofthu
taiiiiiiiL' in the telephones imvc.h an
indication of the p 1 ice and
position of the ore deposits, Al
though the method is not out of the
oxpeiimentiil stage, yet it seems to
promise much for itself in the
return lo Ins unil:
Miissih lioiirin uml I'hureh
nuinii wmiLm ngo stnrlod on a
through Norlliern CnhforniH
porliona of NnvudM ii'liirncil In I lie
rit on Siimin). During llmir
nlmiiiirn llm) limtnl Tuiioprih tun I
(Inldfirlil nnd iipi-nl. highly nl Ihem
mi gronl mining diitrictH.
Thcj ngrei hnsrumr ilh recently
pub)isliiii tipori4i Hint it id not, thn
plaro for thn pout imwi to go to ut
tlm prennnt lime. It u not li(uaunn
of thn link of mine in that noction
but the biel: of irunRportutioa lo
moio tlio orco.
Ill tllUir (ipilllOtl It V. Ill till Hlliplt)
umn to think of goinp
oprinr; or ijummr.
All In (inml Order
Mr. A. A. llnehnnan who has
been employed at the Oregon
Securities mine in liolicmia lor
some mouths arrived iu the city on
I'ridiiy and Saturday went on to
Portland for a short rest and visit.
Mr. Hucliatiau has been completing
and putting into good running
older the tramway which reaches
trom the 30 stamp mill t the main
working tunnel up the mountain.
Hi reports it as being ready for use
as a thorough test 1ms been made.
He also states that since the in
creased supply nf water, caused by
the recent tains, which furnishes
double power for the electric plant
the force in the tunnel has been
iucieaed and thepoACr drills ate
kfpt busy night and day. The
Champion vein, he says, will be
reached within a mouth or six
weeks, When ore can be supplied
to the mill by tram. I'ruparations
are being made. Mr. iliicbatiau
states, for the winter, by this
Company as well as others and the
licavy storms cannot retanl work
as they did last year when operators
werccMight unprepared by the early
in six miles ot tlic mines. The road previous workings. When the vein
will afford an excellent route by I is opened fully on the lowest level
which to reach the mines. -Tele- j begun, where a depth of more than
K'am. j 100 feet will be given under the
' ' .present main adit, indications are
wiKcne Commerctol Club, that the Great Northern will be
At a special meeting or the Com-' 0M" "r t,lc strongest fissures of the
mercial Club last night the mailer ! cn,,,l where large veins are com
ofthe coming election on prohi-'"1""-
bition was taken tip and thoroughly I ' '
discussed. The members of the1 Steamboat OroiiD.
club almost liminimoi.sly expressed Cllas. otte,0., aI1(r r0un All(If.r.
I.cmselvcs ns opposed to p.ol.i- M1 owncr8 or tlc fc j,oal
bition and appointed a committee ,.r -1-1...,. ti :. 1
, 11 . t r. i Vlillllin, iJUlluuuu, I1UVU
as follows to draft resolutions 011 H i.,, ....1 i..i .i,:.. ' ,
r1',1 "'."V V'' ' 1 ' their property, supplies sunicient to
d. bat a special meeting to be , w'M,r, re will be four
calle .. the near future: C A. , men ciiiployed in prosecuting the
liar, ly. J. 11. McCIung and Dr. D. . work a, , ex ' t ,) ,)e ,
V. 1 illllC.
Tlllt MININO UXimilT.
I'. H. Snodgrass, rhairmau of
the committee appointed . to act
with the lllue Kiver mine owners
in Katlieriutr an exhibit of ores to
display at the Lewis and Clark fair,
reported that Cal M. Yoilng had
report good results, as the work
thus far done has pioven good ore
bodies of a fair value.
I'rujtrcss of Schools.
The continued demand for silvr
frorn oriental countries is shown by
tlir following report of the rxpotts
from January 1 to September 15,
from London, tor 1003 and 1904:
To India .7,462,088
To China T13
To Straits 38,103
Total 7itl9-'."'.i St'iS.op)
TIicbc figures show an incieaseof
,694,873, or in lotiud finuies
about iSl3,575.oCo, iu the eight
.. t...irf .1...
IUOUlll Uliu .1 nun 111 I'l"! oiei me ......
silver exported in the same p,od fc. f , f
of .903 to the same destinations' , b , f etctr0iies
nnd Is an evidence of the . nre ,..,,, ,,,... IOO v;lrdsilnart.
In the circuit is an induction coil
llhic Kiu-r District.
r contiuiiatioti of the lllue
Kiver mining district extends over
on the headwaters of the Cala-
iiooia and the Sautiam rivers, con
taining numerous ledges ami carry
ing gold values on the surface of
from $7 to $20." says Nels II.
Wheeler a well known Albany
lumberman, who is in Portland to
day. "This additional mining
district in I, inn county, as far as
has been ascertained, covers a terri
tory seven by 20 miles. It is an
extremely rough section, mountain
ous, covered with the trunks of great
trees that wete1 blown down in 'the
storms lust winter, steep and rocky.
- making it almost impassable for
To Ulscmcr (lold lly Telephone. 1'ack animals unless they can climb
a sloping log.
Among the scientific notes in "It is in this stction that More
Collier's for October 15 is the brothers recently made their rich
following announcement: discovery ot high grade silver oies
Anew way of prospecting has j and where they are now busy ascer
bten tried experimentally, and is I tabling the extent of the ledge tin-,
teaching theimint where it i practi-' covered, rf trails were built through
cally useful. The method is bused tins section ot miiieralueil territory
on the difference in the electrical many prospectors would b: doing
conductivity in the earth due to the ; 'K development work tbere.
pretence of ore deposits. Most , Theie 13 no doubt that just as rich
oies are much belter conductors of lock will be brought to light iu
rltftticity than the soil and rock, . this section as has been found iu
altbouKh some others are almost , the Hlue River district proper
County Sueriutcudciit of Schools
Dillard made; a visit to tlic Cnttnirc
iiecii seni 11, uieiiisirirt ijyine com- Orove schools during tho week
mittee, and during his stay bad se- while on his annual round of visits
cured pledges from the iiiiiieowncrs lo the schools of the county. Al-
for 3'J,ooo pounds of ore, and that lliough he did not visit all the
others he did not get to see would rooms of the department he was
add enough lo the amount to make evidently pleased with the progress
it 45,000 pounds, to be delivered at l,citig made and the interest in the
b.UKeue. Thanks were extended school work manifested by both
to I,. Zimmerman, of tlic I.ucky . pupils and teachers.
Hoy, and to Dexler Sparks, of the The sbcools arc progressing nicely.
llltte Kiver Hotel, for COtirtesieseX. Hnst i,f iliwinlinn nrnvnils .mill is!
To Try Cyanide.
L. ZimmorniPti, prosidont of tlio
Lucky lioy, returned early this weok
fro;n Jiluo Ilivor. Rains Imvo givon
abiindanco of water thoro, enabling
thn initio management to put tho
full equipment of '10 stain) h into
commission again. Lxparitnonts
nro also being mado with tho Do
Kovsor process for tho treatment of
coneontratoH, Until this work has
progressed futllior Mr. Zimmerman
does not caro to co into dotails. but
said overvtlnnc looked very on
couriigitit; when ho loft.
Ah water for tho mill will bo
plentiful from now 011, ovory onorgy
will li lient by Manager Hancock
to mine and mill largo quantities of
ore. 1 do Lucky Uoy is assured
immunity from further trouble, bo
chum) of dry weather, as next fall
will find thy managomont fully for
tified ugninst oven exceptional
Give The News.
"Whilo on tho question of public
ity it might bo woll to point out
that llm most practical plan for
spreading abroad tho mineral wealth
of mining distticts is to support
clonn, honost and woll edited local
nowspapors, soys : Denver Mining
Itoporter. Supporting a local
papor docs not mean simply paying
a subscription, but by also giving
tended In Mr. Young. A vote of being maintained. Pupils by their I fpo'tors tho newe. In less
At Portland.
Mm, Krnnk I). Wheeler, Mrn. W. (
Connor, tlio Mlwes Llitilu Orptird,
(Icrtruilo Jliirdlek uml Liilitn Hurt,
Messrs. diaries Cochruu nnd Tom
Medley nttrndcil tlio meetlmc In
Portland lust week of tlio W. 0. T. V.
Tlio CottitKo (Irovo reiiroHentiitlvPH
by request entertained 0110 evening
nt 0110 of the churches. Miss Ilur
dlck delivered 11 very Interesting ml
dress, Mr. Coelirnn rendered severnl
hoIoh on Ills cornet, whllo At r
Medley (?nve wveral recitations, nil
of which wits well received by the
Arrests by Game Warden Baker.
At Ifalsey, Linn county. C.
Williams was arrested for shootintr
China pheasants out of season.
Accquittcd by jury.
In Multnomah county J. Uunn
fined $25 and costs for chasing deer
with dogs.
W. Johnson stid L Witzell of
Portland fined (In Linn Co.) $17.50
for killing more than 10 birds in
one dav.
thanks was
Young for
also extended to M
his effective effort in
There aro no very high peaks in
the Ural mountains, Russia the
highest peak, Telpos, in the north
ern part of the chain, being 5,433
iect in height. Tue Urals stretch
from the Arctic ocean to the Aral
sea, a distance of close to 16,000
miles. The KeoloKical structure
monthly examination this week tUttn " ra0"lu itc,f 8 whlc,b ""C""1'.' 1 consists ot an axis of granite and
preHeniing the matter to the niiuinj; month was thorough and effective
men, who so liberally responded throughout the schools. All de-tunri'-
' , partinents are working catnestly
1 ' I and securing good results.
Tlic Resourceful Northwest. 1 Knrollinent for the first month
The recent meeting of the Amcri-! reacIle1. a,ul a constant in-
rviii t;,,!re i.. ii,.u...i crease is siiown. rarents win DC
t(l(:t VVHIH..Til III 1 Ulllllllll
liiriuslied an excellent opportunity
to direct attention to the mineral
resources of Oregon and the entire
have shown that the work of the 1 emanated from tho local papor will
Imvo appoarcd iu alores of othor
papors, ami will ranch tho eye of
many thousands of roaders all oror
tho United States. Lot such infor
mation bo reliable, aud good must
eventually be derived by the locality
to which the reference is made."
infijitued monthly of the standing,
progress and deportment of their
O. V. Comer returned from Dallas
Inst Friday 011 the 3 p. m.
porphyry covered on its. slopes with
palaeozoic strata. The mineral
wealth of the mountains is great
and from it is taken nine-tenths of
all the platinum produced iu the
world. Gold is also found plenti
fully and other minerals mined
profitably are silver, lead, copper,
iron and rock salt. Diamonds and
other precious stone.3 have been
found in the range.
.!.,!.. 4. ,!..l..t....l..ll
demand for the white metal Min
ing and Kngineering Review.
with a glass condenser and two
spark gai.s. The current as it
passes through the giouud is tested
nccinniiKr with 18.1s. tin lo aud
iucltiding the year 1882, Michigan by two telephone teceivcrs connee
each year produced over 80 per
cent ot the copper of the United
States. In 1883 .Montana -aine
upon the scene as a copper pro
duccr, with a credit of st per cent
at the production. In that year
ted to pottable electrodes which are
usually grounded aboutj 70 feet
apart. The make nnd break of the
cm lent iu passing through the
gintind is heard in the telephone as
ticks. As the electiodes attached
Mr. Wheeler takes an active in
terest iu mining, and is one ol seven
Albany people that own mid oper
ate the Oriental group of claims in
the lllue River district. Workmen
are down 500 feet on this property,
and it is a free milling proposition
all the way through. The ledge is
not far from Parks' mine and there
is a similarity in the free milling
gold quaiU oie.
Mr. Wheeler sas that the wagon
road now building Irom Linn county
to lllue Kiver district is completed
well up the Cnlaiooia river to with-
Long (Si Bingham's Stock
Thrmoiiey you save in this closing-out sale
is worth your while to lay in a supply.
Gold Dust, -Dew
.Fell's Naplha,
Savon 1 2 oz soap,
Tar Soap,
Giant Lye,
Machine Oil,
tove Polish, - -Grape
' Coffee, -
Gilt Edge Stove Polish,
- 18c
- 3c
- 20c
- 12c
- 12c
Star tobacco,
Smoking tobacco, -ti
Shilling linking Powder,
Golden West Ilakg Pwd
K. C. Uaking Powder,
Yeast, - - - -Milk,
ti -
Corn Beef, - -11
Quite an assortment of furnishings, shoes, etc., that are
,v cost. Take advantage of this sale. Terms cash.
iMortuwest. Here is. presented a
great undeveloped mineral empire
of tremendous possibilities. There
is required railroads and other fa
cilities, besides the investment of
large capital, to make this vast sec
tion ns productive an the other min
eral districts, which are more for
tunate, only so far that thev re
ceive their merited afteulioh. The
great possibilities iu a mineral way
of Oregon, Washington. Idaho and ,
Southern Alaska should be widely iL
idvcrtised, ami the proper enter- Jj 4-, ry vv V n t
prise displayed to attract the nee- W ffl Ijl R J8 I j-B 1 rj w
essary capital to exploit their vast I A A
undeveloped treasutes. Iu conncc-' -r)
tion with Oregon mining matters,
it is interesting to note that the 1
smelter at Sumpter has resumed, hi
with the promise that a new era is "3?
dawning for this splendid produc- "7
tug section 01 ivistern uregon.
Profit and Loss.
Come in now our line. is complete.
We call vour attention to our line
Mlaeral Kiag and llomcstakc.
A. W. Ziniker is in the city for
n few days. During the summer
he has been, with several others,
developing his properties 011 Horse
Heaven creek iu Bohemia district.
He reports that a cross-cut was run
to cut the Mineral King lode
which when reached disclosed n
fair sized vein that prospects by
panning very high in gold. The
Homcstake tunnel follows the vein
into the mountain a distance of 120
feet. Iu order to determine the
width of the ledoe, cross-cuts were
driven and the walls were found to
be 50 feet apart. A good portion
of the ledge being n milling ore.
Recently Mr. .linker has been
working for the May Flower Min
ing and Milling Company and con
firms the statements recently made
concerning this property, as he
considers it, one ot the best show
ing properties tu the district. He! -if)
will make arrangements while here
to remain in camp nil winter and 15
In Early Days. I
In early days before the codlin ! -ft
tnotii Willamette
held the reputation
coast. Now the high nnd cold
country east of the Cascade niottn-, )i;
tains is far in the lead, not perhaps rjr
because of better fruit, but through
neglect of old valley orchards and I -ft
. . . . . --
laiiurc 111 set out new ones to any
considerable extent, the large plant
ing of prunes no doubt being re
sponsible in 11 great degree lor over
looking the more reliable apples.
As an instance of what ISastern 1 -if)
Oregon is doing in the apple busi-' jj three hundred carloads will be !
shinned from LaGraudcaud Union.! Ti'
in the Grand ltond valley, tub
jeoc u
$12 buys a regular
$10 buys a regular
$12 SUIT
Then $S or even $0
gets you a suit
worth more money
This week
all our
we make
rv d e r w e a
r at 50ci
B5oys' ami yoiina' men's at 35c, licavy t'lcccctl
valley npptcs 1
nil over tue uji
itl M-& AZU . .... V ,Ke
il) MM .....
-l ICI
You may need an odd pair
pants. We arc soiling our
$1.78 PANTS AT - $1.50
$1.50 PANTS AT $1.25
You buy your shoos of us bc
attsc we show the largest line
hi the city. Ask for our women's
winter shoes for wet weather tit
$1.50 and $2.00.
Let us measure you for a ft ne
tailor-made suit from $12.00 to
Great Northern Vein Wide.
At the greatest depth attained on '
the Great Northern mine iu lllue
river district, iu Lnue countv. the
vein is found to be wider than iu 1
surface workings. Iu n cross-cut
made on hii adit level liaviuir n vei-
tical depth of ioo feet the vein was
r..ii , ...;.i. ...I,.'i ,i, i..i f!
Welch & Woods
cEothuwc SSLlIiuI It
higher EraVe