Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 19, 1904, Image 4

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    G. W- McQueen
rnormitTORs of
TheFashion Stables
Bohemia niul Blnck Butte Stngc.
First Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
lewis & mcqueen - cottage grove, ore
G. A. Ixcls.
a iiioiiUih $1.00
1 vonr !.
IS mnntliM $2.1KI
If paid In advance.
THIS l-AI'Ml li Uhl nil Mo at K. ('. Drukr't
lilwrttolni; Ajwiwy, ill il a Manhunt! Ki-ehitnin-.
sii Fmnri-rn, t'ullfornU. where nm-
tncuior hitctiiiuk i"" immune lor n.
. . a . uutn . T
soilage urw rwur iiiui
Having purchased the warehouse formerly
owned by Messrs Elledge & Higgins, we wish
to announce that we will continue to carry a
large stock of all kinds of Peed there, which will
be sold at. lowest prices.
By courteous treatment, square dealing we hope to
receive a large share of your patronage.
Harding & Hansen, props.
P. Gakoi'Ttk, Manager.
Hardware 1
li Agricultural Implements
S riows. Mowers anil Hakes. Sole ngente for the celobrnted
g A Full Stock of Mining Supplies.
I PinonMnnllRnhiinn
of nny tool Is nlwnyB a dsslrnble
one, but of equal Importance Is tlio
power of retaining this quality so as
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. By making your purchases of
the Uriffln & Veatch Co. you nlwnyB
receive your money's worth In the
beat quality of tools and cutlery ol
properly tempered steel that Is sure
to hold an edge.
Griffin & Veatch Go.
Proprietors of
...The Miners Supply House...
-Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.-
General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition.
'flip London General Merchandlsn
Store wish to announce to the buying
public that they now hnvo n very
coiiipletu stock of General Merchandise
which they Intend selling t 20
per cent below all competition.
We purchase our goods In largo
quantities through Eastern Drummers,
pay cash for all wo buy, havo no high
rents, no Insurance rates to pay, and
consequently can sell very cheap.
Think of CLAY Worsted Suits.
Ht $7.50 to $9.00
High Grado Goods and other lines
oMteudyMnde Clothing of Neatest up-to-duto
style at prices that will surprise
M. D. Wells Shoes
Our lino of ;m. I). Wells Shoes nro
tho best wearers on'.tbo market and at
prices that cannot 1hj equalled.
Try our Hoast Coffees, tho best
llnvor and will please you.
London, Oregon.
Wm. B. Root, Editor anil Mannjr.
Knten-,1 nt Hie rMWInftlCd M OoUakv Ormc.
Oregon K! tecoiul cUm mull mnllcr.
Clubbing Rates.
The Bohemia Nugget one year
with any one of the following pub
lications one year for amount not
Chicago lutor-Oct-na (weekly)
Weekly Oregonhin ( Portliind) $J.."0
Weekly .loiiriml (Portland) 2.IH)
Wkdshsdav, Octoiikr, 17 th looi
From nil accounts tho Chincso
phesnuts in western Oregon will bo
a thing f tho past, -inless tuo ntnto
legislature mlopts some method for
their better 1 rotcction.
Tito farmers aro galling lots of
"taffy" nbout this lime. No politi
cal paper goes out without n natter
ing iloso for the "honest, hard-working
farmer,'' ami overy stump-
sponkor nims most of bin appeal to
tho samo sturdy sous ol toil. And
theso peoplo act wisely in so doing.
It is tho farmors voto that will
scttlo this eloction. If, as a rulo,
tboy nro satisfied with prevailing
conditions, there will bo no chnngo
of administration this year.
National political rovolutions or
"tidal waves," ns thoy nro called,
are alwajs caused by deep discon
tent among the agricultural classes.
Forlunalo is tho country which
has n prosperous nuil contented lot
of farmers, and fortunate is tho po
litical party that enjoys tho con
fidence of thnt mighty conservative
force winch makes for righteousness
and good government. American
that have since been found profit
able was the period of the burro
trnll, this remark being Intended
only lor general application. The
transportation ot machinery tor
mills at the mines, while not im
possible on the backs of animals,
has been nevertheless one of the
chief factors in compelling the con
struction of tonds for wagons.
Bulky loads cannot be transported
in any other way. The dinicttltles
to be be overcome, frequently, In
the construction of a road only a
mile or two in length ntc so great
as to call for social necessity before
it will be built. This special ne
cessity is usually a metallurgical
one. There is a certain point be
low which the ore values cannot
run niul bear the cost of distant
transportation on the backs of bur
ros. The advnntnge of the wagon
road for the hauling of crude ores
is not enough greater to compel
this means ol" transportation in
tnativ cases; hence the tnohleut of
improved means of ote reduction ts
apt to be, in general, the lirst mo
tive for wagon road construction
And the road need not be a work,
of nit, either.
Good roads arc demanded ns sue
ccssois to poor ones, much as rail
ways arc called for, though the dif
ference is not so great. A success
ful enterprise, possessed of metal
lurgical means of the highest effi
ciency, will introduce nil other con
comitant improvements ami the
good road is one of them. 1 lie
other, more modern, menus of min
ing transportation, the aerial tram
way, arrives for use where the
wagon road may be cither difficult
or impossible, but where primarily
the operators wish to cut off a con
siderable item of expense, the sav
ing as between the two means rep
resenting vcrv often the entile
margin ol profit. The proposition
of mining enterprises, however,
that justify n tramway to those that
Jo not as yet is quite small, and
therefore the wagon road ns a
menus of developing mineral re
gions is fnr from obsolete, even if
this were possible in the face of
other important considerations.
Wagon roads in their way do ns
much for the miner as the railroad
in its way. In fact, the former ore
the arteries of the latter, and in
mining regions, therefore, remote
from centers ot metallurgical enter
prises or railway depots, road con
struction is constantly under way
and silently this work is producing
results that the outside world
knows little about.
We repeat, the farmer does not
half appreciate Ins country road.
Let him talk to the miner and he
will learn what an advantage he
has. Daily Mining Record.
Tho question of nttachiug that
portion of tho Bohemia mining
district to Laso county will bo
discussed considerably from now.
until tho meeting of tho legislature
Tho Commercial Club of Coltngo
Grofo and tho minors association
of Bohemia havo started tho move
ment ami nil tho minors in tho dis
trict aro favorablo to tho change
It is not anticipated that Douglas
county will roako nny serious, objec
tion to having tho clmngo tnado,
Thero is no outlet from tho district
except via Cottago Grovo and as it
would bo very oxponsivo to build a
road into tho district from Douglas
county and ns two good wagon roads
roach it from tho now nvor sale, and
n rail road has been built rnoro than
half tho way it would appear to bo
tho proper thing to havo tho wholo
district in Lano county.
The qucsticn of transportation
facilities in a mountainous region
is a much broader one than when it
is applied to conditions in an agri
cultural country. To the farmer
the mention of transportation
promptly brings up the matter of
railroad service, lor wagon roads
are not so much of a problem with
him as to long remain unsolved
when the common need of a well
settled country demands it. To
the miner a wagon road frequently
stands for the difference between
success and failure. We are not, in
this connection, thinking of the
much-discussed problem ol good
roads, desirable though they may
be, for a good road does not possess
as much advantage over a poor one
as a poor one does over none at all.
If a road had to be "good" 111 the
same sense referred to before it
could be used, the logic of the ar
gument would be that none of the
products ot industry could move
until they were provided with steam
railways. Even a poor road
through the mountains may be the
salvation of a mining enterprise.
There are many places in the min
eral regions where the corners ol
huge boulders protrude and hamper
the progress of teams, yet slow as
the work may be the teamster can
accomplish by means of this rough
thoroughfare thinga that would
never be possible over a burro trail.
It is a remarkable tact that the
progress of metallurgy in the West
has been intimately associated with
the progress of road building and
it is not merely a coincidence. The
period of the smelling of high grade
ores and the dumping of values
Notice Is hereby given that the
Common Council of tho City of Cot
tage Grovo will let a contract for
the furnishing material for and the
construction of a lateral newer ex
tending from the main sewertinThIrd
street and extending west through
the center of the alley running east
and west through Blocks I and ,"1 of
.1.11. McFarlaiurs addition to Cot
tage (irovo tr the east lino of nth
street. Said sewer to bo con
Htrunted of vitrified terracotta
newer pipe S Inches In diameter
forthcllrst two lilocks west of the
(lain sewer, the balance of same
sewer to be C Indies in diameter with
a 4 Inch drnla tlio laid along side for
thefull length thereof iih provided In
ordinance No. 00 passed by Un
common Council of the City of Cot
tage Grove on the "th day of October,
Said contract Is to Im completed
oil or before the Kid day of Jan., 100.V
.Separate bids may bo tiled for labor
or material or for both labor and
material anil shall bo lied with the
the City Itecorder on or before tho
'Jilth day of Oct, 1!0l.
Tho Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids,
:i!)-2 K. I). WinnxKif. City Itecorder.
The Right One For You
If you wauta Shoe for mil wear and comfort,
one that will lit your foot and enable you to
have the very best Shoe at a Koasoitablo Price,
vott should wear a Premium.
Made for Service
Made for Style
See them Soon Buy Them
At Pacific Timber Go's Store
ruder Oild Fellows Hall CKOVK. OKIJC.OX.
Th Point t tlir Cnip uf (lixitl llupr.
Ciipe polut, which toriuluntet tho
uilKlity hcmllntid known ns the t'upo
of Good Hope, consists of 11 towi-rlng
promontory of snndstonc, which rises
from the sen to 1111 nltltiule of MO foot.
At t lit' base of this stand it big soli
tary column wltleli It known its Vnsco
iln (ilium's pillar. The lli.-Mlion.He
which licit- llhiml!inle.i the meeting
place in Hie A t la lit it- and Indian oceans '
is one of the most Important niul most I
useful of Us kind. It ts vlslhlo from 11 !
UlHtnnco of thirty -six miles. Tho cllft ,
scenery Is wild niul sublime, the rocks '
nro inngnlllcent, niul the fnr miclitng 1
wit, with the fierce surf Itcntlng tin thai
Iron bound const, Is Impressive. In the (
wntcr directly lieiienth the clllT sharks
nro iibumlunt. A traveler uescrinini;
the scene nays thnt on tho occasion of
his visit o numerous were tho evil
looking monsters that the sluht ns ho
descended tho cliff wns most unpleas
ant. A slip mid n fiU Into the sen nt
this point would mean that tho unfor
tunate would be torn Instantly limb
from limb by tlio rnvcnlos br-iv
Hupp) llnln.
It Wn't rulnlnx mln to me.
It's rnlnlnjc diffTtHllln;
In every dlmpht ilrop I wo
WM tlowers on tho hill.
The clouds of Kray engulf the dAjr
And overutielm tlio town.
It Isn't mining rain to me,
It'a mining rosen down.
It Isn't rnlntna rnln to me.
Hut fleldfl of clover bloent.
"Where every btircnntt'rlnK bee
Mny find a tied nnd room.
A health unto the hnppyl
A llg for him who fretal
ft Isn't ralulntc rain to me.
It's ralnlnK violets.
.-Robert Ijoveman in Woman's JousofJLl
The Latest Novels
Circulating Library
The radium clock of Harrison
Martliiilalo of Chicago practically
glv-Hpersjtiial motion through tho
dissipation of negatively changed
rays. A small quantity of radium,
supported In an exhausted glass ves
sel supported by a quartz rod, is
placed In 11 small tube; to the lower
end of which Is attached an electro
scopeof two long strips of silver.
Tho activity of the nullum causes an
electric current, minus beta rays, to
be transmitted to tho silver strips,
which expand until they touch tho
tides of t ho vessel, when earthed con
ducting wires Instantly dlschargo
them and they fall together. This Is
repeated overy two nilnuti-s, mark
ing time hi bents of that duration,
and theoretically the action will con
tinue until exhaustion of tho radium
In this case computed to bo :t0,000
years in tho future. American in.
ven lor.
Her Postscript.
"Dear Mr, 1 licks," sho wi'jte, "1 njn
eorry that what you nsl: I cannot
grant. I cannot become your wlfo.
Yours sincerely, Bthcl Burrows," Then
tho added: "l'.H. On second thought,
icar George, I will marry you. Do
come up tonight und sco your own true
Notice Is hereby given that Un
common Council ( the City of I'lll
Ingo drove will let a contract for the
furnishing material far and the con
struction of a lateral sewer extend
ing from the main sower on the east
shlo of ilrd street la the City of Cot
tage (irovo and extending east
through the alley on the south side
ol .Shield's Addition to said city to
a point 100 feet west of the
west line of the right-of-way
of tho H. V. It. It. Said sower
sewer to Is- constructed of vltrllled
U-iracottn sewer plH) (I Inches In ill
anieter with 11 -1-Inch drain tlio laid
along side for tint full length thert-ol
as provided In ordinance No. ST
passed by tho Common Council of
the City of Cottage (irovo oil the !!0lh
day of Soptomlicr.liWI, Said contract
Is to bo completed on or before tho
Kill day of Jan., 11K).". Separate bids
may bo (lied for labor or material or
for both labor and material and
shall bo tiled with the City Itccorde,
on or before tho L'llth day of October,
1001. Tho Common Council reserves
the right to reject any and nil bids.
F. I). Viii:i:i.kii, City Itecorder.
Cream Vermifuge
NtlTII'i: I'Olt I'l lU.ICATION.
Itoxeburg, die, Sept. Ill, 1IHII.
Notice Is hereby given that the
fiillowlng-nained set Her has lllcil
notice n( his Intention to make II1111I
proof In support of his laliii. and
that said proot will be Tlimilo ls-fora
.1. .1. Walton. I'. S. Coin'r, at Ills
olllce at dwene, Oregon, on Nov
ember I. Mill. vl. II. I-:. No. SS'ts,
William II. lliilley, for tho l,ot I, SU
NWtf.SWij NHi Sec. 10. T. IMS., It. I
lie names the followiui: witnesses
to prove his mutinous residence
upon ami cultivation 01 sain inuii,
.1. I'. Ilolbrook, of, .Mine, Oregon,
I.oiiIm K. .Matthews, of .Ion, Oregon,
Archie II. .Matthews, of .tunc,
Oregon, .las. S. Caer. of .lime, Ore
gon. .1. T. IlmniiDH. Register.
ij) TO OH OKU fji.
At The Lowest Prices k
Lockjaw, or tetanus. Is enusod by a
bacillus or gorm which oxUts plenti
fully In street dht. It It Inactive ho
long as oxpiMod to tho air, but whoa
carried beneath tho skin, -is In tho
wounds caused by percussion cups,
or by rusty nalli, anil wliou tho air is
excluded tho germ Is roused to itotlvlty
and produces tlio most vlriilontpolsnu
known. ThiMO worms inny bo destroy
ed and nil danger of lockjaw avoided
ny applying Chaiiuiieriiun.s rain Halm
freely as soon as th ulnjury U received
I'aiti Halm Isiiu authentic and causes
cuts, bruises and likn hiiti lies to heal
without maturation uiurlii 0110 third
tho tlmo required by tho casual treat
ment. It Is forsalu bv Now Kra Druo
THC oinuinc esipneio ONLY dt
Ballard-Snow Liniment Co,
Kpccbil sample copy of tho
Only Dally Mining Newspaper In The World
All tho news from nil tlio niluluir
camp and oil fields of the Hulled
States, Llrltlsh Columbia, Mexico, ote
Tho Itecord tells tho Investor how to
mako big money In mining and oil
propositions. Kxposes fako proposi
tions and irlves free and fearless In
formation to subscribers. Largest
paid circulation of any mining paper
hi the world. Send at once for1
sample copy absolutely freo for tho
The Dally Mining Record
Denver, Colo,
ltev. II. O. Ilnrlnn. Hiiliilnir ftnrlr-
,,-.. t . . I .. ,, ,i. .,',.. .
AUAiin vriiit-n, tjiiij li'til inii, ( .
havo used In my family Ita'.lard'r
W... T 1 ., I ....... ,,.! Il. . .
Hyriipand they havo proved eortalnly
satlsfnctory. Tho llnlinen'. ) (,
vu iiuvo uvor iisoii tut iioftdiiolio and
pains, Tiiecoiign syrup lias lieen ,,nr
nocior itir 1110 mst eigni years.' ufiri
Pint Imp ftinnnit in i-inJ
VlUMIb.l VllillllUt IlLaALU VJ
And Repaired Far
ji.uu rr.11 i-iunill.
The Cottage Klrovc
steaai laundry
In non- In r,uu,MK or,ior
and prepariHl t() ul, ,., o
laundry wor U Wltl, proinptness
sonal tales. W.
y 4 I'opo to seciiio your W
'& '"r'aKo and to please you
I w1"'' our work. I'hono.'U
August bwansoti, I'rop.
J. W. Diivnnnnrl t.-..
wrllos, Juno M, looj: " Vint to
li kuiiuvu jmuurtiH hiiow
Lrnlmoiit saved my life. I wm uinlnr
troatinont ot two doctors, niul thoy
told inn 0110 of my lungs was entirely
wono, ami tho other bailly alTcctoil, 1
iiiou nun u iiiinp in my BKio. 1 don't
Hunk I could have, lived over two
montns longer. I was Induced by
frloiid to try llallard'sHnow Liniment.
'Ihrllrst application gayo me gient.
relief; tow lirtyoont bottliiB oured mo
sound anil well, It Is a woiideirul
liicdlciiioand I reecoineiid lttosurfor
iiBhiimaiiity.M "Bonoo, $i.od, Hold
by Morgan .Ss Ilrohoiit.
Don't, forget to lako your meals at
tho Kxchango restaurant, Kvcry
hint; tho host tho tiKirkutean supply
T,l!,oi,,mSL BUrtJM lu uooj for the
Thl-rr !?u"nCcwl!!JCf1c'.,,1lTTnR
1 nirty tt..A'aKS'
Vnr, tl' Kmulk-K r tlireailliiffhhutllrt
I Cars ?" ;l,""V,''."'loi"rl,"t';''mnintic
u.T.7l.!Z ",wl"'l'rI'lllvefouriiiolloii
freili capiK-d nciUlte lorj iioIkc I cm wlf aiHuttlnir
" "'I iiiilfil wouclwotk, with a ht-oullful wt Jl
.1 . uiiuviillicilll. '
e,..yi"l"' ,15.,cr ,or t,le '"'Provtil litilrnlita
ctri it. y ""y ,UKhu' yu vo
Ntlonal Sewing Machine Co,