Hood's Sarsaparllla Hi1 won Mioi'OM fur buytnnl llio vttucl ol ntlvnrlUliitf only. Tlio nccri't (if It wonilrrftil jiopnlttr lly In liy IU unuiijiruiicliuljlf Mtrtt. llrtrtl upon n juphci Ijitlon vrlilcb cineil pot)i(i cotmliloii'd Inrtmililo, Hood's Sarsapariila Unltos tht Im'sHuiimvii vi'KO(nl)lu rem edlua, liy rucli u coiiililnutlon, jiropur tlun nml pruccmi tin to liiivo curutlra power pociillur to ItmiK. Itn enrca of crofttln, eczema, psori asis', mill ovcrv kind of humor, on well an eutiirrli ruiil ilioiiiimllsin provu Hood's Sarsaparllla tlm bent blood imrlltcr ever pnidtirod. 1 1 H cni'i'H o iiyirilu, Ion (if uppK till) mid Hint tlii'd fifllliK nuike It tlio Hi outwit Htiiinnuli limit mid MrriiKlli ii'klnicr Hi" win lil luia over known. Hood's Sarsaparllla ll n tliiiroiiulily (.'"ml iniidli-liio. Ilcf-ln to Uko It TODAY, tint HOOD'S. Iliivla I'lral Itnn Mulit Tnilim. Henry (jiiKMiwny HjiIh fuiimt liln llrnt mlviiiit'i'iiii'iit wlii'ii lit m-cuml tliu cuvi'liil pinlilou (if lirnki'Miiin on n ficlKlil train on Hit Itnllliiiorn nml Ohio Itnllrimil. It win nut limit licforn In- wiik ndrmici'il tu tno nioro rtwpiiii kIIiIo poHltlou of fn-lulit coniluclor, re Kponnllilo In tlitno tliiyii, hut fur inorii no, ri'lutlri'l-. In Ilium-. At "I lio wiik iikiiIii protiiuli'il. till IIiiiii to llio piwl lion of inipi'rluliuiili'iit In rluiriiu of llio riltinliiK of nil tint (mini. Ill- Intro iluci'il mi liiuovntliiu which iiinrkiil n ili'ohliil nilvnni'ii li'i In nillronilliiK l'i to tluit lliui'. It liiul not lii'i'ii (hii nlilcnil pmi'tlnihln lo run trnlun nt nllihl; wlicn iiliditfull ennic frrlitlit trnlim nml piinm-iiKi'r Inilnx nllUo wito "IIimI up," tliHr Joiirni'ja (o he rcMUiinil only when iliiyllclit nunc. DiivIh held there win no rooiI miaou why tliey hIiiiiiIiI not he run hy iilitlit iia well n liy itny, mid proved It. HI Unit ntk-lit train from ('iliiiherlnnd lo ll.iltlliiure liuirkeil nn liiiporlnlit epoeh In rnllrouil Ins. Ia'iiIIu'h .Monthly .Mnpiilur-. Very llnnieillltn. Mr. Qnlrerfiil Wii tlmt place whera yon Ixmntol during my absence, nt all homrilk? .Mr. Q. Wry. Tlm rlillilrrn made o uuili noli I couliln't hear myself think. Cure lo Slav Cured. Wnpello, lown, Oct. 10 (Kpeclnl) Onu of the moat remarkable rum ever rpronlil In I .on Inn county in Hint ol Mm. .Minnie Hurt of thla plarr. Mrs. Halt waa In Ih1 for vllit montlia and when all wai alilu to (It up alio waa II drawn ui on out aide and rould not walk arrora tlio room. Podd'a Kidney 111 In cured liei, fcir-tuM ip, ol her euro Mia. Hart anya: "Yea, Dodd'a Kidney l'llla niriil me after I waa In IhhI for rlftht uionthaanil I know tlio euro waa rompleta for thnt nai three yearn ago and 1 linve not Iwen down since. In four Hreka from tlio tluio I atartiil taklnK them I was ablo to make my nimlen. Nobody ran know how tbnnkful I am to Ira cured or bow iiiui-b 1 frul 1 oho to Dodd'a Kidney iMIIa." This aim aalu jiolnta nut bow much the general health ilepeiula on thn Khl neya. Cum tlio Khlneya with Dwld'a Kidney l'llla mid nliiu-tcntha of the mifferliiK the buinnii fauilly la heir to, will illaappenr. Iln Neeiteit AealetntlOfi. Tliey bad lieeu iirmHlnj; III in bnnl the whole week. The liouao wna full of widow and pretty Klrl and all the oilier men hutblmelf bnd Mown he- entlBe they euiilil not atnud the pnee. He refiimtl lo be dlHtrulied In III mini iner iirniiiKeuieut mid bo he Mnyed on. Kuiiday nliclit they had him In thn corner and the time bcRim to wane when homo one alnrlcd thn pnno of "what you'd rather be If you bad your choice." There were n lot of nnawcrii mid a chorus of laughter and the iiaunl mil mi thnt Koe with aumiiier resort piiMtlme, and tliey wived the lone man for the climax. When It tlnnlly reach od him, any Uie New York Tlinea, It found hlin not only remly, hut wllllni;. "What would you rather bo If you could have tlio powerof clinneliiK your clfT "A aynillcntc," wna Ills reply. Ilavo becit suffering f rom Impure Wood for many years, having Iloili and other liaipllons. IIuvIiil' heard of S. S. S. I de cided to try It, and am elnd to say that It lias douo me a great dent of good. I intend to continue to use It, as I believe It to be the best Wood Medicine on the market. Cleveland, Tcnn. W. K. I)1!T1'.K3. 1'or over fiflecu years I have suffered more or less from Impure Wood. About a yearogo I bad a boll appear on my Ug below the Luce, which was followed by three more on my neck, I saw H. S. i. advertised and decided to try it. After taking three bottles alt Itolls disappeared audl liave not bevu troubled any since. GltO. O. I'KRTIO. 114 W. Jefferson St., Iouisvllle, Ky. Newark, Ohio, May aj. 1903. From childhood I Iliad been bothered with bad blood, skiu eruptions nod boils. I had bolls ranging from five to twenty In number each season. The burning ac companying the eruption was terrible. 8. S. 8. seemed to be just the medicine needed In my case. It drove out all Impu rities and bad blood, giving me perma nent relief from the skin. eruption and boils. This ha been ten years ago, and I Lave never bad a return of the disease. Mrs, J. D, ATimuTON. Write for our book on blood oud im ' Ml " iU ' skin diseases. Medical advice or any Bpeclal In formation about your case will cost you nothing. Tbo Swift Spoclflo Company, Atlanta, Ga. I Uul obuib arrup. TuIm Uoud. um BUItl WH1I1 AIL llll rAlllt- in tun. ua or uruHiiiw. & ik & TP aaaai iiiaiiaiiaiaygBtitBij In II I'eirlfled KoreMl" of Arlcmui Ihero I a naliii-al lirldKe, aero 11 tin r row ennyiin, eniiltlng the ielrlllcil. nr iignllzed, Iruiik of a Irnee, 111 feet In length. The pelillled tr Ill Ihl 1 region 11 In believed to li'nve lloiirlHhed ! Ill Ihe 'IYIiihhIi' nge. ,Mot of thelll lire Hilled to the Norfolk Inland pine (Am ivi rln) of to day, hut some resemble the red eednr. l'rofeHor (). (J. H. (!arler tlilnkH Unit llio petrifaction wim due to aolilhh) alllcnte iIitIviiI from the de eonipoaltloll of the feltlialhlc cement found In Ihe anndittone of (hat locality. l'rofcaimr II. II. Hiultli, of the Wor cester Polytechnic IiihUIiiIo, naya that It la today poaalhle tu deliver on the eoaat of California, for ue In factories eleetrle power derived from the mell- lug Hiiows and glacier of the Kw-ky .MiiuiitulliH. nt a Niniiller eimt than that of an - u.t I iiuioiiut of power proillU'eil by aleain, even If the fuel weru deliv ered free nt the fnelory fiimnee. A few- year ago. In Kan 1'ranclnni, an electric-power current cont 1.1 cent per homo-power per hour, hut now the same current coal only one seventh a much. From KiihkImii aource It I learned Hint atleain of eolonlHt lire Hi 111 pour lug Into Hlberla to develop It ngrlcul turnl remiurce, nml 011 the Hhore of fifty river home nre rnpldly being iiinde. I'arui a targe a Hume of llll uol. Iowa, the Dakota and Minnesota lire eultlvuted either by nlngle fniullle or by combination of men and women In local eouiuiuiiltle. the bnala of each of which. I a mlr. or village. Hut them) Klberlau farmer are atlll backward In the imo of agricultural machinery, al though there I Hteady progress In that regard. Uendera of "The Thouatid nml One Night" will remember the "llnnd of Wnk-Wak," nml the innrvelou ndien ture of llnuuin of ItalHorn nnd the prince with the drea of feather. Dr. Alfred Ituell Wallncn suggests that the iHland were real, and Unit they can be Ideutllletl with the Aril Inl and, the home of the great bird ot paradise. The name "Wak-Wak." bo thinks, may be nn Imitation of Uic call of thn birds, and the story of Hnsimn'a vlalt to the Islands of Wnk-Wnk may bo based on the actual adventure of iiiinii traveler who discovered tlio haunt of the bird of pnrndtac. Olonn, the textile of Ilnwnll. Is found to have promising qunlltle. The plant belongs to the nettle family, It resem ble ramie without llio troublesome ren in of the Intter, and It flourishes In tropical forents nt n height of ",( feet. The liber prove to be extraor dinarily tine, light. Mining nnd durable. A rope of ordinary situ nppcnr like ltk and has the strength of n whip' hawser, nnd strand no heavier than twine are n strong a wire. Net nnd lUh Hue rcls,t the action of unit wa ter, having been uod for wore of year without lo of slrengtb. tinr meut from the llher have the delicate texture of silk, nre prnctlcally hide itriictlble, and may lat a lifetime. MEASURING. THE EARTH. Ifcccltt Aiipllnttrc lined hi tlic Pclrncc (IrOtl 1-MjT, The science of geodesy I making, rnpld stride along the Hue of accur acy nnd there I not much left to bo perfected In the wny of method, say the Philadelphia Iloeoril The nll-lui-IHirtnnt problem of modem nn well ns ancient geodesy, of course, Is the measurement of the dimensions of tlio earth, which entera Into all practical work of surveying, navigation nnd ter restrial physics. The International (icodctle Association several yenra ngo undertook the problem, the different tuitions having agreed to contribute their Nhnre toward nn accurate deter mination. As lias already been record ed, the determination wan undertaken In Kctindor. In 1P01, nnd extended from tbo Colomblnn to tbo Peruvian frontier, nnd every jiosslblo rollncinent to attain tbo maximum degree of ac curacy wns adopted. The greatest dif ficulty Is to securo nn nccurnto bnso line, which I complicated by so mi parently trivial n thing ns the expan sion of the measuring medium. Tbo latest roMnement In tlio bar method Is that originated by tbo United State const nnd geodetic survey, using n sin gle bar Immersed In melting Ice, tbo containing trough being carried on n suitable car upon n temporary track. I.nter still, M. (ulllnumn discovered nn nlloy of (II per cent steel nnd 3U per cent nickel possessed an exceed ingly low coetllcleut of expansion nnd consequently offers the beat medium for nccurnto luisellne measurements. This nlloy Is known nn "Invnr" nnd Is usually employed In tbo form of a wlro supported by tripods and stretched by u detlulto weight. A very vnlunblo piece ot work on tbo Island of Spitz bergen wns completed with the uso of till nlloyed wire, Kveu the Infinitesimal variation In tbo force of grnvlty nt different air Hons of tbo earth Is not too Inslgnltl emit to bo regurded nnd nnmt 1h de termined nnd 11 correction applied. This dellcnto determination Is made by observing tbo pressure of tbo Jitmos pbcro by tbo determination of the boil ing point of water nnd comparing tbo unmo with tbo barometric rending, tbo difference, If nny, being considered duo to n vnrlntlou In tbo action of tbo force of gravity upon tbo .mercury. ALL ABOUT THE BIBLE. Wustiliiutnn Library Well Blocked with Lore of the Hook It may bo nn Interesting fact to somo pcoplo that tbo Illble Is ouo ot tbo reference books In tlio Washington Public Library, that four shelves nro filled with .nu excellent assortment of biblical lltornturo, nnd thnt every Sat unlay 0110 pr more ministers of the gospel bcoIc this plnco of books to look up references for tbo sermons with which they Instruct tho public from their pulplta on Sunday morning. Information .-concerning tho lllblo Is about nn limited ns can bo, Probably vry fow persons, it told thnt tho II- brary contains tbo "threo versions of the lllblo" would bo ablo to say what tboso tbreo versions are. In point of fact Ih.'y are the Dmiay, the King .lame nml the American version. I'.ver hIiico the event thai made biblical history occurred have iici-oiiiiIh of IIicho nniiio been wlrlteu. And a civ IIU11II011 Kireail mid gave rlc to m w people xpcnklng new tongue. IIicho earlier iiccoiiiiIh were trniiNlated Into dirfercnt longuea to meet human need. In thn first place, there I In thn li brary 11 book which contain nil the KngllNh IraiiHlalloii from tlm original (ileek (ext. The book I called thn Hiigllli Hexnpla. The (Ireek text oc- (MlplcM the upper pnrt of the pngo and tlio Mix Inundation nro Kido by side In column iindcrueatb. Then trans Inllona nrn thn Wlcllf. published In 1,'IKll: Him Tyudnll, In lr.1l; thn ('ran- iner, lKIDs tlio (lenevn, ' IBST: tlio llheems, UH2, nnd tlio authorized ver sion, llll I. Wluit I cnlled the Douny version I Hindu up of the New TeMiiment, ptib llHhed In Ithelm In l.'.Sl', mid of the Old Tetnnient of tbo Douny version, published In (Kill A. D.. Till I the Illble of tin-( illllollCM, it wiik publish ed with the iiiirobatlon of Cardlunl (llbboii by the great Catholic publish ers, the John Murphy Company, Svw York. The title page benr thn inscrip tion: "I'rlnlerH to the holy see." When the early translations of the Illble were being made, history was unfolding Itself nt n rapid rate In the llrltlsh empire. Much of the work was done by ProlcHtnnts, who wore driven Into exile for their religion belief. The (iciiovn translation wiik the out come of such 1111 exile. After Henry VIII.'h xtnud ngnlimt the l'ope. the cause of Catholicism ns the established religion ua n lost one, but It was not until Inter, during the reign of King Jnmcn, thnt tbo au thorized version of Kit 1 wna translat ed for un In the Church of Knghind. The Amertcnn version Is the King .tame version revised, annotated and brought 1111 to date. Other book of reference hem nro the Oyelopcdln of lllbllcal Literature, the Jewish Cyclopedia, commentaries of various sorts and concordance. A Catholic dictionary contnlns n descrip tion of the doctrine and rites of till church, nnd was published In Knglnnd. Washington Post. TOBACCO IN GERMANY. Over 7,U(K) Factories Wlilcll Kmplor About U()U,UO() Workmen. The uao of innchlnery of German. Krciich nnd Amcrloin designs Is com mon In the better fnctorle for all pro cesses of tobacco nnd rlgnr manufac ture where innchlnery bus been found practicable. Inquiries made would In dicate n desire on the pnrt of the cigar nnd tobacco manufacturer to nvnll himself of Inbor-snvlng device ns fnr ns possible. Ten trnde Journals de voted to tobacco nre published In (ler maiiy nnd nre extensively used for ad vertising machinery and other nppU nnce used by the trade. The feeling of hostility and alarm n roused by the Introduction of Ameri can nnd Ilrltlsb capital, especially In cigarette manufacture. In Oermiiny ha not wholly subsided. The multi tude of small innnufncturers In coun try village and elsewhere over ", (Hl fnctorle nnd liOO.OOO worker, of jWhoin 1(X),UX) nro on cigars, Is referred to ny tne press ns 1110 surest uciense against nny general consolidation of the tobacco business of tbo empire. This feature ot Genmnii manufactur ing Is one sure to nttrnct the notice of on Amerlcnn resident nnd undoubted ly I to be tnken Into account In nny survey of manufacturing In the em pire. Portions of Itnd;n nnd tluit part of Itnvnrin known ns the Ithlno Pfnlz form one of the largest nnd by fnr tho most Important tobacco region ot tbo empire, linden Itself lends nil the (crmnn Stntes In acreage planted In tobacco nnd In tho Importance ot IU clgnr nmnufneture. ltecently publish ed statistics for tho department of fac tory Inspection for linden show thnt tho number of clgnr factories In lin den wns 720. giving employment to 33,720 workmen, or more thnn In nny other branch ot manufacturing In U10 grand duchy. New York Tribune. Sirs. Ilax'er'a Wit. "Tnlk about nlwnys having your wits about you!" begnn Mrs. Doull. "If you enn find anybody to bent Lyd dy llaxter, I'll bonrd ye n week for noUilng." Tho tionrder preserved tho silence of the modest and the Inex perienced, but bis look ot Interest was nil the encouragement Mrs, Doull need cd. "Now tnkc It this summer," she con tinued. " 'Long the enrly part of Juno Bho'n I went down to tlio chapel one night to evening meeting. We set In I.yddy's pew. 'llout ns coon's wo got tbero young Tbomns I.uther showed n wrtmnn Into the sent ahead, nnd I.yd dy snys to me, 'Thnt's ono of Almlry llunibnm's boarders, nnd they say she's awful well-off.' "When the hymn was given out I.yddy sco tho woman hadn't 11 hymn book, so she passed over one of hers, llndlng the place and alt 'Keep It right through,' snys she. After meet lug the woman turned round and passed It Imck to I.yddy. " 'Thank you,' says she. 'I'm going to bo hero several weeks, and ,1'd Ilko to buy ono 0' them books.' " 'I guesB you can have this one for tho summer,' snys I.yddy, passing It right back, quick's n Hush, 'If you'll give mo a pair of gloves same's yours, only mebbe a shade lighter, nnd num. ber sovenl'" AVpnt la tho Dnto or This Vonr. lit ...Mirsn vnn u-nnlil uir 1UTU Imf it thnt Is meant to denote tho number of yivirs (.inco uio unristinn era it is prob ably wrong. Look In somo good au thority and seo If this year should not lightly bo nt least 1008. It Is worth your Investigation If It happens to bo a subject you have not yet carefully con sidered. St Nicholas. 1'rloo of Ituasliin Land. The average price ot agricultural Innd In Itussln Is ?H an ncro. When a farmer, brings bis family to town, tho children Intro not bnd a thoroughly good tluio unless all fall nBlcep In tbo wagon before they get borne. Every fnrmer snys there are only a very fow really good wbent stackers, oud that bo Is ouo ot the best SLKrl Wnstc. The life of sensual Indulg ence, while very fascinating, I never satisfying. Tho npples of Hodom turn to ashes upon the lip. Itev. II. H. llrndlcy, Methodist, Atlanta, (In. Public Opinion. Tho church must deal In principle and cannot control men's consciences. It must educate conscience nnd create opinion beforo It can crento reform. Itev. J. M. Hare, Ilaptlst, Camden, N. J. Ktcrnal Punlahmnt. Untaught by Christ, tho doctrine of eternal punish ment Is n libel against God, nnd should be relegated to Its proper place nmld myths of henthenlKin Itev. 1. " W. Taylor, Universalis!, Ilrooklyn, N. Y. Our N Is. Wo think wo need many things which we do not need nt nil. Much of nil of our lives Is spent In praying for mid In seeking those thing which wo do not need. llev. i;. A. Ilanley, Ilaptlst, Cleveland, Ohio. No Hhort Cut. There Is no short cut to tho kingdom of God. No mechani cal device can ever save the world. Not even n university with It wisdom nor n church with Its revelations. Itev. N. M. Wnters, ConnregatlonnllsL Ilrooklyn, N. Y. Spirit nnd Nnture. There comes n time In every human life when one must decide from which source he will draw bis life from the Inner world of spirit or tho outer world of nature. Itev. T. A. King, Swedcnborglnn, Cleveland, Ohio. Mammon. There Is profound wis dom In the statement thnt man can not worship God and Mammon. The eternal Inw of compensation, like all the laws of nnture. Is absolutely inex orable. Iter. N. II. Nesblt, Independ ent, Tncomn, Wush. Putlenee. Itellglon means a striv ing for tho betterment of the world and mankind, nnd demands of Its fol lowers gentle patience with tbclr fel lows and a happy contentment wltb the will of God. Itev. C. O. Ilessemer, Lutheran, Harrlsburg, Pa. Conventionality. Humanity la get ting too methodical. The rough, un- chlaeled and poetical pnrt of man la gone, and everything Is made to con form to tbe rigid conventionality and rapid strides ot science. Itev. George ScboII, Dutch Reformed. Baltimore, Md. The Price We Pay. Everything hns Its price tho food we ent. the homes we dwell In, the government we live under, the knowledge we jiossess, the positions wo occupy, the -honors we enjoy and the heaven we hope to gain. Itev. I-'rost Craft, Methodist, Den ver, Colo. Neglect. The people of this day have little time for thoughts of God. They glvo Him the goby. It's busi ness all week with tlicin and on Sun day the great newspaper. They nccept all His blessings nnd then forget Him Itev. II. C. Morrison, Methodist. New Orleans, Ln. Science. Science nt Inst Is wnklng up from her dogmatic slumbers, tilled wltb awe-inspiring; visions of God. Ev ery point and place In nil the universe la found to be forever singing ns It shines that 'tbo hand that made It Is divine." Itev. J. L. Campbell, Ilaptlst, Cambridge, Mass. Gratitude. When we consider tbe one end for which we were eiented to serve God In this world ln order thnt we may be happy with Him for ever hereafter we cnimot help but feel thnt we arc not as faithful to Him as wo arc to the world. Itev. J. J. Mahar, Itomnu Catholic, Pillndelphla, Pa. KnUli and Knowledge. We cannot know everything, but In whatever pur suit we do engnge we must have deci sion which lends to faith bused upon ncoulrod knowledge. Men do not weigh their conclusions ln religion, Many of them nre content to have no conclusions nbout It. Itev. T. S. Sampson, Ilaptlst, Philadelphia, Pa. Life s Journey. Human lite Is a Journey. Tbo region through which we move Is unknown nnd Inrgely un knowable a laud of mystery. Any question ns to the facts or environ ments of existence leads us nt once Into rintlis that "run Into shrouded chnmbers," a realm of darkness. Itev 0. II. Buck, Methodist, New York City. Evolution. Evolution nccounts for much, but not for everything ln this world, llctween every hour nnd ev ery higher form of life there Is some thing Imparted which wus not there before, a direct creative act. Introduc ing a new energy which, when once In troduced, unfolds under the same gen eral laws thnt controlled tho develop went of every antecedent energy. Itev. A. V. ltnymond, Congregatlonnl 1st, Schenectady, N. Y. Sorrow. Let sorrow mellow, you. A stubborn person, If approached wrong ly, can be hard, cold nnd utmost cruel, when It touched rightly be will sur pass any one in tenderness, Cbnrglng God with unfair punishment may lend to similar hardening rebellion. If sor row reminds me of the reality of tbo future life and lends to things- that prepnre for It, wo will bo deepened. broadened, sweetened, For we will bo full ot service which alone can store trensuro there. Wo will then recall our sorrow nnd offer felt sympathy to others. Itev. C. P. Itelsner, Methodist, Denver, Colo. Tlio Voitni- Mother. Mrs, Newpop Ha by was awake all lnnt 11I trlit with colic unit to-nluht I'm nfrnld there's Something worse tho mnttcr with him, Her Mother Why do you think un? Mrs. Newpop He's been asleep for four hours nnd hasn't stirred once. Plillndelpma rrc9s. Iluys Welali Coal. Tho Russluu government contracts yearly for 60,000 tons of Welsh coul to be delivered at Fort Arthur beforo July L gygEgi Airs. Anderson, Jacksonville. Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature (o the following letter, praises Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound. "Deab Mns. Piubham: There are but few xvives nnd mothers who have not at times endured agonies and such pain as only women know. I wish such women knew the value of I.J'dia K. I'lnltlium'H VcKctnhlo C'om- noiind. It Is a remarkable medicine. different ln action from any I ever knew and thoroughly rename. "I bavo ttccn many cases where women doctored for years without per manent benefit, who were cured ln Icbs than three months after taking your Vegetable Compound, whlloothers who were chronic and Incurable camo out cured, happy, and ln perfect health alter a tnorougn treatment, wiiu tins medicine. I have never used It myself without gaining great bcneflL A few doses restores my strength and appe tite, ana tones up tno entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, hence I fully endorse it." Mns. R. A. Akdeiusow, 225 Washing ton St, Jacksonville, KIs. itOOO forfait tlorlylnoJ of abcM IttUr proving gtititlntniu can HOt bi product. No other medicine for women has received such widespread and unquali fied endorsement. No other medicine has such a record ot cures of female troubles. Ecf use to buy any aubstltutau I DAMAGES. "There's some people," said Mr. Ilnr rlngton, "thnt'II get all tbey can out of a boarder for his board an' charge blm extra for the toothpick. If I hadn't had Insurance on tbe place, I'd V let thnt feller put his automobile ln our barn here." "Does It hurt the Insurance?" asked Mrs. Harrington. "Course It does. If anything should set Are to the barn, while the automo bile Is there, nary n cent of Insurance do you get. That's why I sent him over to Hetty Young's. She ain't got nny Insurance, nn' I guess she could take the risk fcr the money she got. An' she got It "I saw tbo feller this morning nn I nsked him how be mnde out. He'd left his machine there for a week lack ing one day, while be went back and got some parts. " 'How'd you get on?" I says to blm. "He sort o' hiugbed an' said, 'All right.' " 'Miss Young treat ye well?' " 'Oh, yes. Itut she hns a queer no tion of making out a bill.' " 'Overehurge ycV' I says, knowing Betty's wiiys. " 'Well,' he says, 'she's, charged mo for things that I clearly ain't had, though she may ha' lost 'em.' "Then ho handed me the bill Betty had made. It was queer. " 'Supper, breakfast nnd night's lodging. "3 cents.' That was nil right. " 'Keeping one nutomoblle In tho burn six days and nights, a dollar and a half.' That was all right, I suppose. Then came other Items. " 'Damage for burning green wood, on account of not being nbie to get to the dry wood-pile becnuse I wns afraid o' the automobile, two dollars. " 'Cost of ono calico skirt, tore In going round the nutomoblle to get tbe scythe, on account of being afraid to go near the thing, CO cents. " 'Mental anxiety, one dollar. " Total, Ave dollars an SO cents.' Quite an expensive week for that young feller, but I guess those that can afford to run one of tho things enn af ford to pay for stabling when they're laid up for repairs." Youth's Com panion. IlcCuscd to Kat i:ight Courses. A story Is told ot u distinguished diplomat from Japan who was the guest of honor nt a dinner ln Wash ington. After the Brst two courses of oysters and soup, as Uie waiters were bringing In the fish, he exclaimed: "WhntI Can anyone possibly want more to ent?" During the remaining six courses he opened bis mouth for the exclusive purpose of conversation. When his abstemiousness was com mented upon, he said: "I am satisfied. I feel bright nnd wide awake. If I were to cat ns much as you do, I should fall asleep, and then I could not make my speech. Most of tho men around tills table nro fat, because they cat too much. It Is a misfortune to be so fat I am stronger and healthier than any fat man." Positions Guaranteed. !(W forfeit placed with a National Bank to make good any failure en our part. Lessons by mall, practically free, Wrlto today for catalog. Ileutel Business College, TACOMA, WASH BUY PROM YOUR DEALER P. N. U. No. 4J-I904 WHEN writing to ailTertltera please-1 mention this paper. I fliintctunlA'a illg ColTon Crop. When the volcanic eruptions In Guat emala last year covered tho coffee lin ens it wns believed thnt tho Industry wns ruined ntid tlmt Guatemala hnd received a blow from which recovery would bo slow. Many planters aban doned their nsh covered plantations and believed themselves ruined. Hut the activity pf the volcanoes wns fol lowed by heavy nnd long continued rnlns, which washed nwny a great deal of the ashes nnd Incorporated more of them with the Ml. The mill nlso seemed to blench the nshes nnd extract from It n llipild fertilizer which proved of great benefit to the coffee trees. The result Is a crop nearly as largo again ns Inst year. Hereafter when the volennoe of Guatemala erupt and spout nahe the only unfortunate coffee planters will be those whose linens nre outside of tho showers. London Globe. lUllwrny Supremacy. Texas Is neck nnd neck with Illinois In the race for tho lnrgest railrond mileage. Illinois tins been In the lend for some time, but It looks ns If she would not long hold the suprcmncy. In the last authentic report Illinois Is credited with ll.S, Texas 11, ISO. Pennsylvania 10.S20, lown 0.SOH nud New York 8.182 miles, lly the rate of Increase Texas, which lias only four teen miles less than Illinois, .will go to the bend of the list. As Indicating her possibilities for future develop ment It may be noted that If she had as many miles of road as Illinois In the ratio of urea she would have a mileage of 4.",82.1. but If no more In proportion to iKpulatIon the number would be 4,210 less. Louisville Courlor-JournaL SiaTaorOmo, Cut or Touio, l Lccas cocsir, ( Fuji J. cnissr makei oath that ta la tenlor partner o! the flrmot Y. J. ciiekey A en., riding- t.u.lntfla In thft (.'ltr of Tnledo. Coun. tr and Ktale alore.ald, and tnat laid firm will tr theiuraof ONK IlLNUHKD DOLLABS lor cacn ana errrrraaQ mi atakk.ii wiai canuui jv cured by the use of Hall's Catarbh Ci'ss. FRANK J. Clrk.VKY. flwnrn to before rna and itibierlbed ln mv ircM:!itv, lui v.n u.t ui .t ,uii.i, . ., 1 u- mviuiv TTTl ' ' Notary "lAiMie. Haifa ratarrh CurA la taken Intemallr. and self directly on the blood and mucoui t urfacea 01 me ayaiem. eenu mr leiiimoniaia, iree. Sold by PrUfratKta. 7&& Hall's Family Mils are tha best. Putting on Airs "That Mra. Snagga la too much of a ariatycrat fur ma to mlrjfle wld." 'Jtow'a that?" "Hhe was knocked down by a push cart, and ahe bad It put Into the paper dat she waa bit by an autermobile." Detroit t ree Tress. klfeeleyl-iPUm-HORPHINC-TOBACCO I liVfrf HINT?. PnrMJWfKrLY CURED aifcVlic rnR run. PAancuLAJU 1 mill acrmvrr,- owtlano.oic, Wanted No Extremes Daughter Papa, I wish yon wonldn't look so fierce when young men call to lee me. It frightens tbem. Father- How shall I look meek? Daughter Urn not too meek; that might acare them off, too. Flso's Cure Is a remedy furcoughs, colda and consumption. Try It, Price 25 cents, at druggists. Those IyoTlnjc Girls. Sylvia Mr. DeScaJJj paid you aucb a lovely compliment last nlgbt Phyllis Indeed! What did he say? Sylvia He said you looked enough like me to be my sister. rOUTLANU SUED COM SEr? IV Lb $3, BO in tha rHE"Hi IREATEST 5H0E MAKER VSiV, VBMU jA'VS- ISB Waft It not curled by local grgwri, wtltovaJt?aij sTSy-, who will ftdrln wbit oU&laabltk Amcfs Doctors first prescribed Aycr's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use It today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon It for colds, couehs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how It neais intiamea lungs. Ml bid vrr tart roaffh for ITirea T' Th.n I triad atm'i Chrry raelrtrtl. Mr for lnfin war on heAladaod my ooush dropped "'ft as. riiBL IITDS, OuthtU Oaotrs, la. 2V., . ft . J,Mtl 00., I I Old Coughs flnn Aunp'a Dill nf harlllmn InAUrAfl a natural action next morning. Kiw llrnnd. Tho lady shopper approached tho floorwalker In the great department store. "I am looking for some Japanese cal ico," she Bald. "Japanese calico!" be echoed ln sur prise. "Yes; something thnt will not run," she explained. Special Card to tha Public. Dr. C, Gee Wo, Chlneie Medicine Co., 2M Alder St.. Portland, Oregon, regrets being con fused with Doctor Leo Sing Non, who waa tilled rcenetlr In Portland. Dr. Wo la not dead, and la practlcl ik at him location, ZZS Alder Htret. Some people thought there was only one Chinese doctor. Made Fatal Error. Tess So their engagement Is broken off. Jess Yes, they quarreled and eh was In the wrong. Tess And she woutdn't'admlt It? Jess No, that was the whole trou ble. She did admit It and after thnt he simply became unbearable. Philadel phia TresS; Mothers trill Bnd llrs. Wlnslow'a toothing Byrup tha best remedy tonse lor their children during the teethlot period. Itencllt of Advertising. A merchant In one of our Northers cities lately put an advertisement ln a paper beaded: "Boy wanted!" The next momlng be found a band box on his doorstep, with this Inscrip tion on top: "How will this one answer?" On opening It he found a nice, tat, chubby-looking specimen of tho article he wanted, warmly done up ln flannel. Spare Moments. riTn rermanenur lina xvo ma or nervousness I 1 1 u after flrstda7a use orDr.Klloe'allreat Nam Iteatorer. Hend for Fre S3 trial bottleand treaties, lit. K. H. Kline. Ltd.. J.- Arch SU rhlhulslphU, fa. In a Quandary. Mr. De Styles Well, are all your ar rangements for a summer at the fash ionable resorts completed? Mrs. De Style Nearly, but I'm in such a quandary. I have arranged to send our house plants to a florist, our cat to a cat home, and our dog to a canine boarding loil-e, so that all will be well cared for until fall; but what In the world shall I do with the baby? PRUSSIAN LICE KILLER kills LICE on Poultry, a;?, kill the lice. Never falls. Sold by dealer. 50c and Sl.oc per can. CLEANED OUT ALL THE LICE AND MITES. Albert Blocker ot t banbaMMD, Allan., bought a ran o ini..ian Lice Killer and nanl II thoroughly tbrea umee and cleaned his poultry hoaM, entirely lm emi Uos and mites. Before ustnir, tha poultry houas aa allto allh rwt iloe and miles. JUST THE THINC FOR LICEON IIOCS. J. n. Ualone, or Adel, Alo , says ttie Ftumuaa Ucajkiiler la Jtisl tha thing foe lice on boa's, and Is worth five timca Its cost. Portland, Or.. Coast Acenta PIIQQCI I ENGINES nUootLL BOILERS SAW MILLS High Grade THsSas Machinery Tha A. H. Averill Machinery Co. PORTLAND, OREfJON. Write lor Catalogue and Prices. S3.50 SHOES OouoUm makam mntS mcllm mora tmxn'm shoca than any otner manufacturer wnrla. Ttie muon w. U uouciai tut) snoei mra tna gtrautl MJurs in tan worm "'i" " v"'!'? "V II etviy fltUnit ik4 wpfrtor wearintf qtuditlcA. It 1 rould tbovr juu the difference between tti slio-t uiatle la mj fkUory and Hipjkj ot other nike ami tlio lilifh smite leather umhI, you wouia nnaeruana nny 1- iungi wrm i-w .. to make, why they hoM their iharo, fit better, wear lonnr. and are ol ttreaier tntr.nilo Talue than any other ftUO aliott on the mrkei to-tUy, aud why tho tales lor Uie year emUc Juijl,lH, were $6,263,040.00. W. L. DoncLu euaranteei their Talue fcy atAmplntr bU name ami price on the houonu Look lor It -take t iitlvtltuui. bold oy shoo dealer everywhere. iuJi Color LytUu used Axcluttrdv. . buncrlor in Fit. Comfort and Wear. " hat vorn W.LtDouQlas .M ttuft for tht fait V'ara mthatoUteiatnfacMn. i find farit luperivriHfitomort anJ wear lo others tutting Jtyn $3.00 to f7JX." T. I- Duncla use Corona Colt a U in In hU l'titent Ieallier uaaue. IV. Lm DOUGLAS, DrocMoa, Mi