Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 12, 1904, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering mid banning Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 38
Local and General Items from the Mining Sections of (Oregon
and Other States.
(Iiono who urn not enpabln of rock
MinjyHlH, or who do not himIcth taml
tlin tiiicnwenpio itxamiimlimi of
rockii. Mining HcioiiliNc Press.
TI10 Hundny edition of tha Iliillntin
of Han Francinco, coutainod 11 very
complotn description of Tonnpnli
and Ooldfleld in tlm Hlnto of Novndu.
Thcro urn Hovorul ihtorotingurticlcH
by export mini, hiwidoN a lot of data
about tho rniiipn. Tonnpnli Ih ac
credited with 11 production of
f (4,000,000, ninco Un dlxoovory four
yuara ago mid (loldlluld hoiiih .'10
mIIoh to thu Houth with fi2.000.000
n Itn first year.
Tho liankor, like nil oihurN who
attompt to nxpluin how it ROHlN
twoniy dollars to produce 11 ihdhir
of gold, tinnerls that thu fikilui im in
ttiiniiiL' ncconnt for Hint propoHtui-
oiti HHiiinptl(iii It might with thnj this mldilioiinl supply lo Im iiisulli
Bfitmi degree of accuracy, Im Htiited cent Wider is lndiiK developed in
Hint it IntH cost 11101 it thnii twenty I tmimd Ni IS, or tlm iiimii ndit,
dollnrH to maintain tliu Htnhility of J which in yot u crox nit, for tho
every dollar of capitalization in lo lolling plant, nnd no olfurt will ho
hanking iimtitutioiiH, becausea thorn! madn to iihu it again. When this
hnvo boon relatively morn failures! ndit linn Ik on preAscd further into
aotunlly in hmikinir thnn in minimi I tho hill it will pinlmhly hnvo 11 llow
Thu Kugouo Ounrd says: A
pumping phint Ih li()in' coinphlod
for tlm Ijiinky Hoy mi no in thu Illuo
Itivor dirtrlot, to lift water after
lining iiHod oiicn in tho batteries for
uhc n'iiin. For tha latter piirt of
the present diiy porioil nil tlin
Mumps of Ih" Lucky Hoy Inivc not
been dropping owing lo tluV
scarcity of water for the full.
Wnlur Iiiih been dewdnped in iidju
cent canyons, hut tlm iinpircedi-::-tcil
diy Monthor hits miined oven
ing the several veins to be found
upon the ground of the Company.
One vieu or ledge in particular
which had not been opened to any
extent Ims recently been developed
In several points along the surface
the croppiugs show plainly and in
places they exceed over 30 icct in
width. Koine distance from the
sunlit of the mountain a tunnel was
started on the ledge and at n dist
ance of some twenty five feet the
vein of oxidized ore is fully eight
feci and only one wall exposed,
Mr. Crowley states That the ore
improves ns depth is gained
there appears to be practictally un
limited quantities of it. The1
samples which he brought out have
the chasaeteristics ol the Ik-si ore 1
in the district
Stockholders Leave for Promising
Mine In Bohemia District.
Development Work About Bohemia
I'rojrrciudng In flood Shape.
Tho Portland stockholders in tho
Yroka mino, in tho liohomia district,
havo received information of tho
strike of a rich vein of quartz in an
oxtonsion of that property. W. P.
ijly, of Castle Hock, Wash., nnd Mr.
Carlson, of Portland, left last night
to iuvestigato tho now strike The
1 1.- - .f .1 .
and vllu'lmIIJ llnn "(-en 1 iioruuug iu mat
sccuon lur several youth pasi, unci
has oponod up promising vtiriH on
seveiul clniiiiH of tho group.
If tho now find proves extensive,
it will probably hurry up tho con
stitution of the proposed ton-slump
' mill, Messr". John A. Deck, V. P.
I Mly nnd Mr. Carlson wero among
I tho pioneer developers in tho Do
I licinm district, and aro beginning
Is to feel morn nonfident of greater
I returns for their investments. -Telegram.
business. And iu tho Htatistics fur
nishod by morcantilo ngoncicH wo
find that while in mining thoro is a
profit of !t00 pur eont with itbout Mr
per cont failures, tho profits iu
manufacturing riiugo from 10 to 25
poreout with nvorngo failures of 25
jior cent. Mining Invostor.
Quicksilver ores aro found in all
formations from tho I'aloo.oio to
tboso of the most recout dato, and
wo find thorn 111 procoss of doH
sition at Hovoml phiccs. Lithnlogi
cally thoy occur in all kinds of rocks,
odmontary, uiotitmorphio, nnd ig
noous; and 110 ilolluito rulntion bo
tweon tho litliologiual character of
the inclosing rocks and thu richness
of tho deposits is nppnrout In
common with tho great majority of
oro doponlts thoy aro found along
zouos of disturbance, nud it connoc-
tion with intrusive
large enough for tho leaching plant
nud tho liatterioH also.
Tho electric power, of which tho
Lucky Hoy 1ms abundance, will bo
usod in pumping water hack for
second use, mid thus work will bo
done for practically nothing. Such
will havo to bo resorted to only in
oxtranrdiuarily dry soasous, like
tho present, and thon for n brief
puriod. The liiicky Duy is situated
at an elevation of II 100 feot nbovo
soa lovol, and within about 1200
feet of the summit of tho divido
between Dluo Diver Dasin and the
Stste Mining Notes.
Development work will soon
begin on the Cracker Oregon nt
The shipments of ore to the
phonouienn is 1 Smelter at Sumpter arc daiiy iu-
noarly always traceable Iu many .creasing.
casoM tho rooka of iguooiiH origin Sunday's Oregon Daily Journal
Bro olosoly rolalod, If not in direct had a good nrticle on the Uohcmio
contact with tho doposits. Mining mines of Dohemia.
Tho occurrence of phonolito is no
moro iudicativo of tho oxisteuco of
' gold oro than grauito is. Gold oc
cur associated with phonolito at
Cnppln Crock, Colo., and hi tho
Dlack Hills of South Dakota, but
gold occurs iu hundreds of other
places far from any phonolito and
thoro aro numerous occurrences of
phonolito whom no gold is known
to oxist. Phonolito is a peculiar
and not readily determinable rook.
It dorivoH its namo from a peculiar
physical and not minoralogical prop
ertythat of giving n ringing
Bound whon thin slabs arc struck
with a hammer, but somo other
bard compact rocks possess this
property in an almost equal dogreo,
nnd this moans of identifying phono
litoiu far from conclusive It oc
curs in great domo-Bhapod inassos,
in injected Bhoots, as uurfaco shoots,
and law Hows, and in dikes. Somo
of tho miuornls characteristic of
phonolito aro raro in othor rooks
nnd not readily distinguisuoh by
The Highland Mining Company
is outputtiiig ten tons of ore daily
for the Sumpter Smelter.
The Golconda Mining Company
near Sumpter is being reorganized
by the Gciscr Iletulrx Company.
The Monumental mining proper
ty in Granite district iu Kastcru
Oregon, is being developed under
the Supervision of C. J. Allen one
of the owners. There are eighteen
men employed iu the mine nt pres
ent. Twenty thousand tons of ore
which will nverage over $15,00
per ton is iu readiness for the re
duction woiks.
Royal Hush Group.
On Saturday . John Crowley re
turned from a trip to Dohemia
where he has been to make an ex
amination of ore bodies recently
opened iu the property of the Roynl
Plush Mining Company.
During the summer Alex Laud
berg and Jnck Liudqulst with
some workmen have been prospect-
Kohemiii, Or., Sept. .'10. Large
bodies of both oxidizud mid mil- 1
) ill ii to or n have been rocently 1111- J
coveted in tlit) tin eo Inrgo groups of
claim owned by thu Great Kasteru
Company iu tho south end of this:
district mid controlled by Corvnllis
capital. Tho main tunnel on tho
group just below Twin Docks, is
now iu 125 feet, all in milling oro.
Another tunnel 011 u big ledge
running through tho saddle has 100
feet of driit on the vein, tho faco
boing all oro which puns well.
I I'l'lio Sailor Gulch group is oponcd
by threo tunnels, nggrogating 200
feet, tho facu of tho main 0110 show
ing three foot of lino milling oro.
Tho China Creole group has sovcral
tunnols, tho main one being now iu
150 feot iu solid concentrates nnd
smelting ore, which enrrieu good
values iu gold and silver. This
proporty lias been energetically de
veloped this season under tho man
agemont of Louis Ilartly, of Cor
vullis. and work will bo continued
indefinitely. Tologram.
The Future ol the West.
Tho prosperity of the! West in tho j
past ana ut ttio prosont iimo is a
fact coninioutod 011 by peuplo orcry
wlioro. Uncle Snm is lending bis
assistance in making it richer and
moro prosporous than over. Twenty -
soven million dollars is to bo spent
in irrigating 100,000 acres of desert
land. This laud us it is, is practi
cally valueless but as it will bo, it
will havo mi average value of $111
1111 acre milking n total of if 1,1100,
000,000. 1,000,000 will find homes
111 this bountiful country. Now
towns ami cities will spring up
thu farmer, liusinuss mou mid mun.u
facturors will huvon now field to
develop thoir interests.
This woudeiful transformation of
usaless land into a rich productive
country will take place iu less thnn
four yonrs. A greater part will
evou bo completed in loss than two
years. It will tako an unusunly
vivid imagination to comprehend
eveii iu the least degroo, what such
nu ovout as this will main to tho
gront, growing Went. Whito's
The Rnphin of Miss Oglesby has
been left for sale at the store qf
Veatch & Curriu.
At Long CSL
Lumber Co.'s
Store V
Discovery of Gold.
ilm romnntio story of tho young
man who lias returned homo rich
this world'H goods, from having
discovered a gold mine in Now Zf-a
hind, comes from Loudon. '
Tho youth was about to throw a
stono nt a wood pigeon, nnd as he
hold it for a moment to take a
hotter aim, ho noticed that some
thing glistened in tho pobblo. IIo
looked at it more carefully and
observod that thero was a traco of
gold. IIo proceeded then to ex
amino tho ground on which ho
found it nnd ho again remarked tho
ovistonco of tho namo precious metal.
IIo and a friend immediately pur
chased n small claim, and having
prospected it thoy found that thoy
possessed a gold mine.
It may be remarked that Olivor
Martin's pickax struck tho famous
5,500 nugget, tho largest over
found in California, when ho was
digging his partner's gravo; that
tho great mine of tho Antilles was
discovered through tho accident of
a rabbit running to earth, and an
Indian trying to dig it out; that
tho rich . miuo in, CalavoraB county
was brought to light by two fuel
gatborms who woro preparing an
earth ovon to cook a haunch of veni
son; that another mine in Arizona
was revealod by tho accidental ex
plosion of dynamito, and that tho
second largest nugget in California
foil to tho lot of a young Indian
who cfjancod to -wash his overalls in
tho stream where it was bidden.
And now a rich gold miuo has
been discovered at Tokio, capable,
thoy say, of producing two or threo
millions storling annually nt a time
whon tho country needs all the gold
it can amass.
The money you save in this closing-ou tsale
is worth your while to lay in a supply.
An Arliona Mountain.
Tho gonornl supposition regard
ing Coon mountain, Arizona, which
is nothing moro than a mass of
rook and earth thrown up by n vol
ennio meteor, is that at somo dis
tant dato iu tho past a motoor
struck nnd buriod itself thoro, Tho
holo in tho ground supposed to
havo been mado by this colostial
body measures ono milo in diametor
nnd is over 000 feot deop, and iu
tho bottom of this holo n company
has erectod a dorrick nnd is boring
in tho hopo of striking tho mass of
motoorio iron. Should thoir thoory
provo tho correct ouo and thoy
striko tho mass of metal, thoy will
havo a fortuno for themselves and
nt tho snmo timo will havo mado a
discovory of groat intorost to tho
scientific world. Sovcral motoorio
frngmonts havo boon found about
Coon mountain, somo of thorn weigh
ing ns much ns 1,000 pounds, which
contain ovor 90 per cont of nickol,
an alloy that is much moro tough
than that usod ns armor on war
ships. Exchange
Oreron Eddy lw.
Nearly every man one meets has
a different theory about taxation, a
subject upon which even the politi
cal economists themselves take such
diverse views that it is not surpris
ing that in a country of the size
and diversity of the United States
there should be such want of uni
formity in this important matter.
Popular government, moreover,
whatever its merits may be, fre
quently adds to the confusion in
policies demanding such highly
scientific analysis as taxation. Dy ,
the very nature of things there ex-1
ists a certain antagonism between I
farming and manufacturing com-1
munities when it comes to a discus
sion of this character, and in the
West the ranchman and the miner
arc frequently found at loggerheads
in the legislative body.
The Kddy law of Oregon serves
as a lirst rate illustration of the I ,
icsults achieved in the local parlia- I
mentswhen two dissimilar indus-'
tries find themselves at variance in
reguard to the distribution of the
public's fiscal burdens. In that
state the measure was enacted by
the overwhelming vote of the agn
cultural representatives, while the
mining interests opposed it and are
still engaged in the light. At the
forthcoming session of the legtsla
ture the matter will again consume
a great deal of the lawmakers' time.
The Eddy law provides for a tax
upon corporations, and as the
agricultural industry seldom oper
ates under this form, the tax does
not often reach the farmer directly,
while the prevailing custom of
carrying on of mining enterprises
under corporate directorship at
tracts the burden of taxation large
ly to this industry.
A universally just theory of tax
ation many be stated as follows.
The state beiud conducted for the
protection and benefit of its citizens
and the state revenue being the
price which the citizens pay for the
same taxes should be apportioned,
according to the amount of protec
tion and other benefit'! received by
each. In present day society the
benefits of government do not talk
qf protection for the individual life
so much as they do the protection
of property rights. The bulk of
our laws relate to the rights of pro
perty, aud the proceedings of courts
mainly concern actions in which
property is involved.
This therefore naturally throws
the burden upon property rights,
but there is another point of view
from which the matter should be
approached as well. The state
should not aim to so far tax the
privilege of property as to nulify
the privilege, and this is the case
particularly where the privilege is
such as to rightfully call for state
encouragement rather than oppres
sion encouragement in the ulti
mate interest of the whole com
monwealth. The Department of
Agriculture of the national govern
ment exists for the encouragement
of manufacturers, and the inevitable
Department of Mines and Mining
will exist for the encouragement of
tue mineral industry, which is not
yet ns highly developed as either of
the others. Taxation for the sup
port ot these services is of course
necessary, but it is possible for lo
cal taxation to proceed in a direc
tion absolutely antagonistic to the
higher purpose of building up the
industrial lite.
A tax upon a corporation, jnerely
I t
Oregon-Colorado Tunnel
Gold Dust,
Dew Drop,
Felt's Nnptha,
Savon 12 oz soap,
Tar Soap,
Giant Lye,
Machine Oil,
Stove Polish, -Grape
Coflee, -
Gilt Edge Stove Polish,
- 18c
- avfcc
- 20c
- 12c
- 12c
Smoking tobacco,
- .15c
" " - tic
Shilling Halving Powder, 35e
Golden West UnKg 1'wtl
K. C. Baking Powder,
Spices, - . -Yeast,
. - - -Milk,
50c Star tobacco,
4 c
15 c
15 e
Quite an assortment of furnishings, shoes, etc., that arc
cost, Take advantage of this sale. Terms cash.
sold at and
Tho foregoing picturo was takon tinuod some
a Jew weeks Binco while Photog
rapher Shanafclt was securing views
in Bohemia district.
Tho workmen hare just bad din
ner and are resting until time to re
same labor.
This is tho main working tunnol
on the property of tho Oregon-Colorado
property. It has been diiven
a distance of about 800 feet ou the
Confidence vein and can bo con-
1500 fc. I:
breast would be u'.d 1 th' ...
point of the ru.uiu. on m
which tho vein awes. Ait-1
pllod by a urge blower, driven oy a
water motor.
The ore saved while driving the
tunnel can be seen at the left of tho
pioture. Agood wagon road ws re
cently completed lo thin property
from the county road on Fair view
on the score of its existence, is not
a tax upon property. It corre
sponds to a poll tax, which is a
burden upon life itself, while the
former is a burden upon mere asso
ciation. Mining corporations par
ticularly, organized to make a prop
erty privilege a privilege indeed, to
turn latent wealth by arduous pro
cess into active wealth, are as
naked in their innocence and pro
ductive aud consumptive helpless
ness as a new-born child. Far
from burdening the corporate in
strument beyond its native means,
the state should rather nourish its
life and fall back upon property ,
nehts. and active weaitu lor us
own support.
Corporations have received such
a hard name in America that the
farmer may think they are all in
imical to public happiness, but he
should draw a distinction between
burdening the huge earning power
of a company's proporty and bur
dening the mere formality of being
which the association possesses.
All miners except single-taxers will
agree to a taxation of improve
ments, also of property and per
haps of output, providing the tax
of one does not duplicate the tax
upon another.
Thoreau, the charming essayist
of the New Hnglaud forest, refused
to pay a fifty-cent poll tax ou the
ground that no state had a right to
levy upon his life. Doubtbss he
would have been incarceraled for
his delinquency had not his friend
Emerson, having au eye to the ex
pediencies of law, secretly paid the
tax for him. The expediencies of
law may find it necessary to impose
a fee upon chartered association,
just as a physician charges for the
task of ushering a child into the
world, but a standing levy upon
the right of association is a burden
upon the means whereby the
highest economic efficiency ever
reached by society is accomplished.
Daily Mining Record-
Delegates Named.
Governor Chamberlulu lias m.
pointed as dekwU'B to t lit- Trails
Mississippi Commercial Couie- t
convene In St Louis from ij't. H.'.ui
totheSUth Mesrra. Tom UiclKinUuu
of Portland, A. B. Wood, Cottue
Urovo and J. W. ISalliyr. Mr. Wood,
lehardsqii pjul V..fgoJl4 wire, ulso
appointed" ticlijghtwf to lti National
Irrigation Convention to be held at
El I'nso, To-xiw, November 14 to IS
The Legal Side of the Divorce Question
The needless Injury done by the law
mny 1ms Illustrated by n very com
mon case. When the man or woman
hn been guilty of Htieh an offense
that the law pormltH a divorce, aud
the couple thvmaelves recognize that
thero niUHt lie a divorce, and are wilt
ing for the sake of their ciiiMreu to
separate quietly, thoy can not do bo,
but the law uotually compel them
to come in to court and blazon nbro id
the mistakes nud unhuppiness which
belong peculiarly and privately to
themselvtu, The brutality of the
law Is illustrated by another ease,
not uncommon. When one of the
married pair goea to the other and
frankly and honestly admits that
time and circumstances havo pro
duced a change, that he or she loves
another, the law does not permit
them to separate (lulotly; It does not
permit them to separate ut all; but
If thu ouo who has changed commits
adultery, then guilt ieeives from
tho law the freedom denied to inno
cence. Such a clislu up ni Imiuan
freedom can only be prodni the of
deception and Immorality. -rl'. K. s.
Wood in tho October 1'iveillu Monthly
Black Butte Wagon Road.
I,ast year a considerable amount
of money was expended 011
the wagon road between Cottage
Grove nud London. The money
was raised by subscription and by
u donation lroiu the county.
It has been customary for the
county to furnish an amount equal
to tlint raised by subscription.
It has been determiued to still
further improve the road aud con
tunic 011 to jjiacic lititte. A con
siderable sum has been subscribed
nud Inst week Mr. W. B. Dennis
manager of the quick silver mines
at the latter place appeared before
the county court nnd asked for
assistance from the County. Good
roads are very necessary to the
growth and prosperity of the
Mr. nnd Airs. John Itobcrts ot
Eugene father nud mother of Mr,
Charles VanUenburg ciimo from
Kugono, Sunday on it short visit,
l Showmns center for Cot-
& tage Grove's best people. A 1
I! place where style finds cor-
s rect interpretation. Where
H quality standard ever ad- , , i
fl vances. Where the new 3
Ej continually replaces the old.
is And where moderaite pricing 3
s is a recognized policy. Such , g
j - a store is ours. II
C This week regular $ 7.00 Suits $ 5.00 . ' -
E " 8.00 " G.OO . 3
S " 10.00 " 8.00 ' 3
" 14.00 " 12.00 3
S " 1G.00 ' 14-.0I)
g: 20.00 ' 18.00
1 An Up-to-date Mercantile Establishment