Bohemia Nugget TO DEfRAUD NATION. LOSS IS HEAVY HIS Lire ENDS. RohrmU Ncirt't Pab. Co. COTTAGE GROVE. . . .OREGON. WEEK'SDOINGS General Review of Important Happen- pcnlga Preacnted In a Drlef and Condensed Coma. Iron Sold to Have Dccn Put In Lite Preserver Mocks. Wnelilngton, Oct. 4. An alleged I conspiracy, which lms been developed I by officials of tlio dcpaitment ot com mere and labor and of tho department ALL RAILROAD ARC TIED UP ol justice today resulted tn Hie, arieet nt Camden, N. J., of J. II. Stone, II. Thirty Blocks In 10. Oulntard, Cliarles V Rum and I James Russ, officers ot tbo Nonpareil I Cork works. They were, apprehended Sir William Harconrt. a noted Brit- by tbo United Btatea marshal for tbe lab politician, la dead. district ot Now Jersey, under an Indict A third attcmnt has been mado to mcnt tound on September 29 by tbo wreck tbo battleship Connecticut. United States grand July at Trenton, Tiinldad. Colo., reports that it can charging them, under section biw, ol I - h r.timaled. hut which mate recovery rellovo all distress caused by the flood, tho revised statutes of the United may reach several hundred thousands of On Sunday last The Scntrmber recelnta of the St. States, with conspll Ing to defiand the dollars. lyiuls fair amounted to about (2,500.- eovermont and prejudice, the admlnls- . kvcry 000 . I Iratlon of the steamboat inspection ir-vii United Stales Senator Hoar Passe from Earth Worcester, Mass., Oct. 1. George Triable Hoar, senior United States tcnator fiom Massachusetts, died at his home in this city at 1:35 o'cloc yesterday morning. The end followed period of unconsciousness that had lasted since early Tuesday, and came so gently ttiat only tho attending phy slclans woio awoio ot tho exact uiomaut of his ending. Tho attend.1 he physicians despaired Trinidad. Colo.. Oct. 3. A teniflc of the senator's life six weeks ago, but flood stiuck the city of Trinidad aud bucIi was the vitality exhibited by thol the wholo valley along tho Las Animas distinguished patient that oven they river, today, devastating a wide section were surprised, and tbo public was at and causlnc A money loss which at tunes ltd to cherish laitn in an um . 7 .... ...I . be estimated, butwhlch male recovery. however, alt hoi was abndoned alter a last unsuccessful brldco in the citv ot Trinidad attempt to administer medicine and Flood Works Ruin In Colo rado and New Mexico. Trinidad arc Un der Two to four Peel of Water Loss Will De Very Heavy. Is out. tho Santa Fa station is demol l.t 1 .11 l ll,n ..llrnd.l. .m tl.t lit. The ltusaiana nave temporarily lawa dv nuttlnc unon tho maiket com- .-.i .i..i.,i,n.i t.,i..l, ..,..1. -I....I...I T r . .. "i'"" -... I"; - oia...,.,.. .... - luCssed cork blocks for use In making completely suspended. .More than 3U KftlkHAH I - I " - - . . . . ltfo mi.ti.rvM. pocIi nt whirl, hlnrku city blocks In tho residence and unsi contained in its center a piece ot bar ness sections were Jron about six Inches long and wolgh- cQ ... ., known at noon no Uvea ment of the body, and only a scarcely ing eight ounces. The Iron bar was were lost, but there were many narrow pciceptlblo pulso evidenced tho tlnal Inserted and concealed In the block escapes. stnigglo Mukden Tho czar may block tho plan for tho immediate reoiganiuttion ot the Rus aian army. Poitmaster General Tayno continues In a dangerous condition. Ilia life bangs in the bilan e. Russians mado a raid on junks car tying supplies to Oyania and des troyed a number ot them nourishment. Uriel lucid interval wcro followed by longer durations unconsciousness until Tuesday morning, when the venerable statesman sank into a staie of coma, from which all effort to rouse him pioved fiitllo. During the last bonis tbero was not n move The Hood was caused by the heavy lain which has been falling for two days. At 8 o'clock last night the storm assumed cloudburst proportions, and at 2 o'clock this morning the Las for the purpose of increasing tho weight to the legal requirement ot six pounds ot good cork for each life preserver Tbe men arrested will bo arianged be r I. . ii ,.. fin..l ii..illn fore the United States district court of Animas liver went over its banks. Mu os, leader of tho Uruguayan revo- New Jersey, to plead to the indictment, , ,, vT.i 7 , , Early in August, David Kabnewell- , t d Commerctti ct WM flood- era Sons, manufacturers ot lite pre 1 for three blocks in the beatt ot the Ccnjlderable loss of life and prop-..rvnra In Nnw York rhv. ordered from I business district. Meantime the elec- orty was occassional by fire in the ar- the Nonparen Cork works at Camden, trie light and gas plants had been flood- ttlleryand ammunition magailncs at ' . . . ' ed, and the city was in complete daik- Eebastonol. Ruisla. N- jm bloeka of compressed corks for lutlonlsts, has been shot by his former followers There were present at tbe bedsld when death came tho senator's son Rockwood Hoar, his daugther, Mary Hoar, and D. Warren R. Uilnian, for weeks has been In almost constant attendauco upon tho senior. PAYNE VERY ILL. Eebastopol, Ruisla The Japanese have begun a general advance on Mukden. Heart Disease Develops In Harked form In Postmaster. Washington, Oct. 1. Postmaster Geneial Hemy C. Tayno Is seriously ill at his apartments at tho Ilotol Arlington hero. Marked symptoms heart trouble havs developed, and bis The condition of Postmaster Geneial Payne is very serious Mobile, Alabam, is having the warm est weather ot year. The Japanese have adopted tactics only 6 pounds, Intended to prevent the return of the Kahnewellera' Sons thereupon wrote main Russian force to Mukden. the Nonpareil Cork works and that The Russian squadron at Port Ar- com;iny replied that it would adjust thnr has made another attempt to es- line matter by sending to Kahnewellera' 1,760 life preservers. Eight of these Hundreds ot cltiiens thronged the corks are used in each preserver, and I streets on tbe edge nt the submerged tho United States law requires that uis ricj carrying amem. condition becaae so serious during tb the eight blocks shall contain six e ' best to provide hose diiven from lQ c,a(0 RraTe concern. normrf. of ro,k. Whan the rork luf " uo.m" 7 lr . Mr. Payne returned recantly from r Ytarmn2 01 me uoou was given wiieu . , . -. - , .. their homes with shelter, Wnrnlni ot the flood waa given when tn It. history fo'r the time blocks iwere delivered It wa, discoy. tbo river left iU bank, b, revolver .hoU ered that eight ot the blocks weighed and the ringing of the fire alarm fol- p Jr Ior ; ,ong ?,mc. ,,. went to th. loweu UY 1110 uiuniuu . tuu iuw motive and shop whistles in town. Citlxens'.upon raits made of sections of sidewalks paddled through the streets, rescuing families who were in danger. Tbe new llacca hotel, a two story cape, but were driven back, co'.ber Sons some extia heavy blocks, one of ,tru"ur,e.Js' "'chlnf. con,PletIo ?' department eally is exptcted. ... ... ,, , ', a cost of $20,000 on the river bank, ,"K . 1 J ,V, .rSL whlch couIJ be ueed in each life pre- was destroyed. Tho water then ate its '"V.1." rTV Knropatkla-nrTeallies that be can- notnrontb Harbin and the problem -ol wintering bis troops is a serious one, The hope of the Russians is to defeat the Japanese at Mukden. Souvenir Lewis and Clark dollars have been sent to President Roosevelt and member of congress who were in trumental In securing the appiopria lion to the Portland exposition, A mail car from Paris to Havre, con. eervei, thus increasing its weight the legal requirement. In due time tbe blocks arrived. Tbey were so heavy as to arouse suspicion. One of them was broken, and imbedded in its center was found an iron bar six Inches long, one inch wide and a quar ter of an inch thick, weighing eight ounces. Tbe Kabnewellers again wrote to tbe cflicers ol the Nonpareil Cork works, demanding to know what t way through 50 feet of the ground taininz about 100 pouches of American I they meant by putting Iron in the mail, was broken into and 91 pouches cork blocks, and informing them that opened and rifled of such valuables as I as Kahneweileis' Sons were obliged to they may have contained. There is no put their names on each preserver, record of their contend or of the valu- such a fraud would ruin their buei ables abstracted. I ness. , - , .... I According to the indictment a letter W. J. Bryan is a grandfath.r. wa8 received ,n . 8UggeBtlDf. tbat Disease is claiming many Japanese the Kahnenellara were foolish to make soldiers. to tbo Santa Fe depot, which was carried away. The city Is divided by the Lai Animas river, which is spanned by six wagon bridges. All of the bridges were washed ont and many residents were nnable to reach their homes or to communicate with their families, tho telephono system being wrecked. TO SETTLE WATER SUIT. Effort Is Dclng Made to Annex Part of Kansas to Colorado. Pueblo, Colo., Oct. 3. An effort at a solution ol the Kansae-uoloiado water suit is in pr igress, and if the efforts of those most interested in the White House to attend the meeting ol the cabinet last Tuesday and that nigh was very restless. He waa at his desk at the poetoffico department during tho forenoon yesterday, although feeling very badly, and did not return to th after Inncheon, remaining He became very ill last night, and has been confined to bis bed ever since Dr. Magrudei, who was his physician during his severe illness ot some months aeo. has been attending him and Dr. Rixej , tbe surgeon general tbe navy, also has been call kI. During the evening President and Mrs. Roos velt called at the hotel and made in. quiriea regarding tbe postmaster gen eral'a condition. Dr. Magruder on leavine Mr. Payne a room later tonigh nave out a statement which admitted the setious nature ot Mr. Payne's con. dition, but said the patient waa resting easier then. STUDENTS CO ON STRIKE. The battles&iap Connectlcnthas been succeessfnlly launched. Tbe Hussion cruiser Orel broke a cylinder on her trial trip and will be dlayd six months. The main Russian army his retreat ... . . I r-a a dn. anpaaaml n nrrin nff thi vp.l.rn so much trouble about a small allalr ot Further' examination of the "extra ide' wl" be,a?Ln"S, t0.,the ,tatV' Chicago School Children Wrongly Believe Negress Is to Teach Chicago, Bept. 30. Fifty boy pickets stationed about the McAllister public school here prevented pupils from en UN... UIUIU UIEV.UCCU .UU lUt. .UMb I . , , ... I 1 . . each of them contained an iron bar ,0,r fuPreme curt ot Washington teting today None of tbe pickets was similar to that which was found in the first one. In all 261 of the extra heavy blocks were received by Kabne- ed from Mukden, leaving only a small ers' Sons. Kahnewellera' Sons fnrra in nniril rio roar - supervisinB inspector of the steamboat .m ul 'a" The Japanese army has captured Da inspecting service for the district of T.h"' ?gt, r-a ... ... i niTAn rna irrirrarinn nnnarinn ttii will be thrown out. more than 15 Tears old. Politicians in both Kansas and Colo- Outside the picket cordon, a crowd rado are working for the passage ol a 0 700 boys and girls hooted and jelled ma mrougu me legislatures 01 oowi a. the teachera look inz from windows tatea whereby the western portion 01 Every infant striker wors a badee to Kansas can be taken Into Colorado. ai,ow that he or she belonced to ave much Practically no reaistanee waa v.i v.t j 1,. ii.. r.. ( ln the Irrigation question . o. I""" -y- .,,l !l mUc l,.llfT!nll n,I hnth acting secretary ol the department of V '' commerce and labor, Lawrence O. ilur a Russian ray. The inveet.gation and indict ment followed. Two Hundred Homeless. Albuquerque, N. M., Oct. 4. The states will be benefitted to a great ex tent. L. P. worden, of Syracuse, Kas., and C. O. Kennison, of Garden City, Kas., a candidate for repreeenta tive from that county are in fueblo In echool yard. the Interest of the plan. The picketing was the result of "It would settle tbe water question ".trite" which waa caused by a mia in Western Kansas forever and the suit taij-n belief of the children that an as a "union." Some nt the badges were merely scraps ot paper with tbe word "union" scrawlsd across It, Others wore union buttons which their fathers had worn. Many of the strikers car ried clubs. Tbey threatened violence aealnst any child daring to enter tbe pass. offered by the Russians A Fuget sound tug Just in from Alas ka, reports having sighted gunboat at Unimak pass. A dispatch from Constantinople says that the villace of Ramra. Armenia. was the scene of a massacre of Armen- wiId , wat raialng the RIo tans by Kurds. Details are lackinz. 1 ,1 i .1... i.i..i,. irnn hv .,i..nrl .n,t f!,r than & vear. has made 200 peorda in now tn the courts would be dropped as ela'ant kindergarten teacher was colored cents thiounhout the Willamette val- this vicinity homeless. Barelos. a there would no longer be any reason Alter a detail of six policemen had ley and at North Yakima. Indenend. suburb, is under two feet of water and 'or continuing 11 earn jr. orucn 10- been sent to the school to pieserve or once growers have receied as high as many homes are abandoned. Alamedo d0' . 1 , t- . der tlie "etriko" was "settled." A SO cents. is threatened by tbe terrific pressure tb Mr. Worden and Mr. Kennison commiUee appointed by the youthful . . . . UDon the dam. which It is feared mav appeareo oeioro iuo government com- ,trikers learned that the rumor of Heavy rams have caused serious g;ve wav, The niUaa have suffered iOU lbea " waVi! ?., .,e' cololed teae,ier having been emPA damage to railroads in Western Texas, , ' j ,h J, Grande valley. and are tboronghly familial with the m the school was false. About 80 per Several washouts are reported on tbe Santa Fe in New Mexico and on all roads trains are delayed. The Santa Fe is at a standstill all f'tnation. They say they are supported cent of tbe strikers went back to their through New Mexico. h practically every resident ot West- claeses. Truant officers began a search ern Kansas. for tbe absentees. Unofficial estimates by Japanese offi- Inventor Dies a Charity Patient. New York, Oct. 3. Once wealthy Would Try to Reach Arctic. Christiana, Norway, Oct. 1. The Bridge Washed Out Fjimnr. (loin.. Oct. 4. Th flnrwl in cera Place the nnmber of their sick and I t.. , i. ...... .... ... wounded soldiers at 45,000. and wahel out the north approach of aDd with a bo"' of lriend' ornong prom- Duke of Orleans has asked permission .,'.,, - the bridee over the river at thia place nent and wea tny men in me coun- 01 me governmeni 10 nave uie An ne A Massachusetts ust ce fined an at- -"-a .!. , r-h.-u. v tache of the British embassy and later . fi,T .1 1. i ' is dead at the home of incuiables, a made his voyage to the Arctic regions, idly but no further damage is antic!- y. .Im"c"i' , f ala,JFlat ,ueo u. ... pated here. Telephone reports from w,n,c" " na"BU ereowo years, cause., in moo. 11. unoemoou iiat u.e a l'rowers, nine miles west of Lamar, found he had exceeded his authority lie has apologized. Two more of the Billings, Mont jail breakers have been captured. United States custom officials at Toitland believe that neatly 20 per cent of tbe Chinese population of tbat city are in thia country Illegally, The Vancouver, B. 0., police think they have In custody the leader of th three men who held up the Canadian Pacific train near Mission recently. The Philippine islands will not be able to exhibit at tbe Lewis and Clark show that the water there is at the highest stage known in 30 years. The entire Prowers lanch is under water and tho residents were compelled to seek safety on the tops of their houses, his death. Yeaton invented a number miralty will require that tho Captain of machines, among which was a type- Otto Sverdiup, tho former commander setting machine, the first ever offered of the tram, shall command the vessel, for sal a. He enjoyed an intimate ac- if the government agrees to the propo- nuaintance with President Andrew sltlon ol the duko. Tho plan of tho Johnson, who offered him a dlplo- expedition has been submitted lor the matic post at St. Peteisburg. approval of the authorities Injunction of No Effect. Leadville, Colo., C ct. 4. The in- (unction which was issued by Judge! Tires Kill Wild Animals. Ditter Root forests Burn Butte, Mont., Oct. 3. A Missoula Hamilton, Mont, Oct. I. Reports Owers to lestram the so-called Mine- BPecial to A 51 ner . Reports tonight from the Bitter Root fort-6t re. Ln,. ( (rm .1. .,,,,. that reached here from tho Ulearwatei servo nay that lire is ravaging the tlrn 1 . . t... . country vesterdav Indicate that tho ber of the reserve Hith ereut destrur fair unless aid is given. Too heavy fan ft"'"" "'?, f",T ,V J17 havoc wiought by the recent foreBt tion, despite tbe fait of the recent rain OREGON NEWS OF INTEREST HLOCKADC TIOIITENINU. ASYLUM NEEDS AN ADDITION. Steady Increase ot Invanc Is Crowd Ing Building's Capacity. Salem The steady ludeasu In tbo nuuibvr of patients at the state Insau asyuui will mako necessary tho con stiuctlou of a new cottago next yea with room lor 1UU i.atlenta. bucli cottage, to bo constructed nt tho asy lum farm, will cost about $26,000 ami tho leglslatute will bo aksed to appro prlato money tor that purpose. Th growing population will also necess tato tho construction of a new dining room at a cost of :i,00l), tho now ad dltlon to bo 40x40 feet and two stories high. Tho last legislature appropriated money for tho oxpense of leplucln a number ot wornoul lavatories ami that work has been attended to Other old lavntoiies and sewer coimec tlons havo hccouiii faulty with ago and must bo leplacvd. To put these good condition will require an appro. piiatlon of Slo.000. Tbo asylum building lias not been painted for many years and because that fact It is rapidly showing tho ctlects ot tlmo ami storm, buporlu temlent Ualbieath will recommend his biennial report that the mat building be repainted throughout Thia will cost about T12,000. All tl permanent Impiovements needed 1 that inttttutlton will coat in tho neigh' borhood of 155.000. At the reform school, mute school and blind school only minor repairs and improvements will lie necessary and not very heavy appropriations will ho needed for them. At tho state, pris on many Improvements have Icen made in the past year without deflnit aproprlatlon and not much in tho way ot large Improvements will bo needed at that institution next year. Tho las legislature passed an act providing tbat tho proceeds of convict labor shall con stitute a betterment fund, which ma be expended for repairs and improve menls umlor the direction of the gover nor. By virtue of this act money has been expended from time to time and the prison property has been put good condition. in ELECTORIAL TICKETS PILED. Republicans, Democrats, Prohibit lonlsts and Socialists Take Step. Salem The piesldential electnrlal tick) ts ot four polltcial parties have bene tiled In the office ol Secretary of State Dunbar. The parties represent ed are Republican, Democratic, Probi bitlon and bocialist, and it is under stood that the Populists will also tile petitions nominating au vlectorial tick et. John II. bimth, one of tho nomln ees on the Demociatlc tltket, resigned, and his place was filled by tbo appoint' ment of W. H. Hamilton by the statu centtal committee. The electorial tickets filed arc as follows: Republican G. B. Dlmlck, James A. Fee, J. N. Hart, A. C. Hough. Democratic Thomas II. Crawford, John A. Jeffrey, W. I). Dllard, W. S Hamilton. Prohibition Leslie Butler, I. II. Amos, W. I. Elmore, T. 8. McDanlel Socialist S. II Holt, William Beard. O. W. Bargee, J. V. Ilerrington. etSt.Ioui, is given as tlie 5 ,8 greater than had no visib In effect. About a. inn ' u u ... . . I aIIidb rta n ilrivon f mm a .1 a. oi i . caraa nave Already Deen lflfiueu. ana aa.? . Iron Mountain railway was derailed "eews on an the large mines hold " " lies from St. Louis and Injured Ear"8"'6 men .wfD l0. w,rK a8.Ufual: "'7' 12S miles from St. Louis and Ini 30 persons, a number of whom are so badly hurt It is believed tbey will die. Reports received from near Shang hai say that the Boxers are openly dis tributing pamphlets couched In tbe their haunts in tbe mountains by the smoke and were suffocated, and their car t. 1. ......1 .n .1 cassea are'strown bv scores In the val. ,u lit 1 leva. It is believed that hundreds of bermen on the edge of the reserve havo men appeared for work without a card, 'be animals were killed aB a result of been destroyed, though no lives hae ilia 111 ca fall. One Instance is reported where tho names fanned by a etiff breeze, burned a swath about ten miles long and from a quarter of a mila to half a mile wide during one night. A num ber of cabins of prospoctors and lum- Work on Russian Ships Begun, Toulon, France, Oct. 4. The man- Aldermen Indicted for Grafting. Buffalo, Oct. 3. As tho result of I been lost. Russia Orders Warships. Paris, Oct. 1. A dispatch fiom same language as inose circulated oe- gr",," ,t' i"l to,la rnn District Attorney Coatsworth's investl- Toulon states that tho Russian govern- fore the rising of 1000. October 17 Is ttb tito agtion of charges of alleged "grafting" ment has just ordered from the Com- Used as the date for the extermination Kwm Jtati Ttos on tho part ot city officials, three pres. Pgnie des Foigi el Chantlers do la ot all foreigners. brtW a nnmtar of cru seis and torpedo aldmen and our folmer aidermen Mediterraneo 11 torpedo boat destroy- Li-i- t l.n T t. The Chilean trainine shin Oeneral navv. Thev stated that th npnfl. have been indicted, iheyaro: John era 01 ine laiesi patiorn, 1110 consiru. Daguedaua is at San Fanclsco. tlons on tho subjett had made consid- i"omas Harp, llenry woesl and Urrin imn o. wi ici s o be i.egiin av ome. i u.i.i i. u .., ,1, i u .i. r, j. itjitu. Aiucrjjiciii mm tuvraru " wum, m uuiaihiup i I linilV) 1UUI sit 11 VI tMUII V'Vrt j (una Coming Events. Wallowa Fair association, Enterprise Uctobei 3-B. Eastern Oregon District fair, The Dalles, October 3-8. Portland Presbytery, Fairview, October 10. Baker County fair, Baker City, October U-lo. Klamath County Agricultural anso elation, Klamath Falls, Octobei 12-1-1. Oregon W. O. T. U. Btato conven Hon, Portland, October 18-27. Inland Empire leachera' association. Pendleton, October 10-21. Teachers are Scarce. Pendleton The Pendleton public schools have opened with a largo en rollment in all the grades. Almost all the rooms are crowded and Superin tendent E. B. Conklin is looking for suit able houses to lelleve the congestion. Tluee new school houses will be ready for occupancy before the first of the year. At the present time scarcely one-half of the county schools have been supplied with teachers. County Superintendent of Schools Frank K. Welles is being besieged, dally by di rectors asking tor teachers. Survey on Electric Route. Corvallls A party of engineers is maMng a preliminary survey of tho line of tho proposed elpctric railroad to bo built by tho Willamette Valley Railroad company, connectng Corvallls and Eugene. The party started at the city limits of Corvallls, and is survey ing to the southward along tho state road In which a right of way has been granted by tho county court. A fran chise ordinance granting tho company pour IbsIoii to run its lines through the streetB of Corvallls, is pending in the city council. CATTLE WILL STARVE. and Absence of News from Port Arthur Alarms the SUivs. HI. l'utorshiiig, Hopt. 811. Tho ontlro iiIihvih'ii ot hows fiom Port Arthur, II Is feared, Indicates a closer blockiido tbcru. Hitherto, dispatches from (Inucral Htoessel bavo been coining thruugb soiul-weesly. Thu admiralty nas nui received any details of tlio re- runners Did Nut Rolutc Crops, are Short of reed. Suloui "Tho unfortunate sltuatloii In which Wlllainottu valley fanners nortnd .1. I....- U.I- I.....-,,-.. l I " .1. ,1 tl.-I. I. I ... . . ... . ...v ciuiso foi recret. eneclally since It Is N 'lvostuk sipiadtuu, It Is iindvrstiwd, entirely unnecessary. When J. K. ! 'till In tho harbor. I I 10 cantioiiad Seats raid In an Interview a fuw days Ing at Anlva was nrobablv a Jananafi ago inni laiuo win sinrya 111 niu vnm.y .n,,, ,. , ,,ckai o riliihurs. tl.l. H- I) .1 r.. nf r..i..l lw. I Ii t. I ..1. 1.. 1. it 1. n .-...1. ...,.. A telegram recelvod beru from Bat- to acknowledge, but It should teach us um" wpoitlng that lesorves ale being a lesson." transported along tho (.'uucaslun roast This in an asortlon mado by Director hrlm? tbo first Intimation that trtkitiiM T - llM.1 1 1 I I u.....i iuiji m, ..1 u.u wri'KUM ... ,ma ,11,lllul tl,,,r... 'n,.,r., erlinental station, ut Corvallls, while be was attending tbo stale (air. "I don't mean that any large pmpor turn 01 valley livestock wl.l marvu, or that they will dlo because of tho en tiro ahrouro ut feed. What I mean, and what Mr. Seats evidently meant, was that feed la so scarce that many larmera will put their stock on very short rations, witli tliu result that they will become emaciated and will die from disease or exposure. Call It what you will, It is starvation "Now I refer to this only because I nant to say and prove that It In a ron dltlon that la us liiineeesary as It Is 1111 fortunate. This ban been a very dry season, such as Willamette valle aro only two army corps In tho Caucasus, and 'Jim of tliem has apparently been ordered to tho Fur East. 1'rlnco Hvlatopulk-Mlrsky wan re ceived In audience yesterday by thu emperor. Tho prlna. v. ill ussiimo charge of the ministry ol thu interior today. 1 ho latest developments In tho situ ation at the front In thu dt lluitu estab lishment of the fact that Field Marshal Oyania has now begun to niovo up his left. tienrral huropaUln'a report shows that the Japaneso have leached Davan, on the west hank of the l.iao liver. A considerable concenlratloii of farmers had no reason to expect, but Japanese Is observed at Hiauihan, on this does not excuse tholr being unpre- H'e Hun river, 35 miles soulhwrit ot paied for It. Our experience at tbe Mukden, ami Japanese cavalry Is mass- agricultural eollego firm shows that It InK In tho vicinity of the Pu river, ciopsweio rotated as they should be, Tl, lattes Is a tributary of the Hun. tho yield ot hay would not have been river, which crosses the line of lallway light, and spilng-sown grain would '"'""ay between Tie pass and Mukden, IrtTvo produced well, notwlthstadlng the ami may furnish a natural line of ad- lack of lain." t ranc from tho west. Uyama s armies now apparently cor- r a front ot 00 miles for suveloplng movements. Ills wings ale eiteniltd to the northeast and west of Mukden. Thus far the Russians ham found llttlo Ashland foundry Uurncd. Ashland Tho Ashland Iron works, foundiy and machine shops have burn ed Involving a lots which may reach strength of pressure from the Japaneso center, wtaina seems 10 rw moving with trust deliberation, probably gath ering strength for a rapid udvanro of loth wings when an attempt is mado to close tbe net. Although the Imaginary linn Connect ing the eitieme Japanese advance and wrat ot Mukden still panics ten lullert Tlio I below that city, It Is evident that tbo and I h"0 ' Mukden cannot long be delayed. If Ueneral Kuropatkln intends to try to hold the city fighting on his Hanks. ill bugin almost iminvdlately. (10 000. By haul work the detached pattern shop building was saved, but the molding, machinx shop and olllcn buildings, In which nro much valua hie machinery, were badly gutted The lire started between the foundry and the machine shop looms, fiom a cause unknown. The company carried insurance amounting to 111,500. plant was kept busy with orders, employed a good sited force. To Make Good Roads. Ashland The now ten-ton steam road roller recently purchased by the Jackson county couit was unloaded from the earn at Ashland thu (1 rut of the week and has already Ixcn started to work lu building a permanent road out of the county highway iHitween Ashland and T.ilont. The machine is one of tho latest Improved and reorc Bents an ouilay o 3,fi00. Thu county already possessed a rock crueller and the steam roller will no used to furnish power for this as well as In grading work. ALEXIEPf" TO COME HOME. State Pair Has Da lance. balem vwillo not all the year's business of thu state Iiboanl of agrleub Ilia Position Will De That of An Advisor to the Emperor. St. Petersburg, Sept. 20. Although an olllclal announcement to tlio effect is not expected Immediately, since It wilt irqiilr some littls time to get Rut- sla'a second army in the field, the des ignation ot Grand Duke Nlrliolan Nlcbolasvltch, th Inspector general of cavalry, as commander In chit t is re garded prictically settlad. Tlio sit uation at the front, with two, and per haps ultimately three, big armies, la ture bus been coruludul, Secretary considered to demand, above all else. vyllo A. Slcv.res Hilda from hie records that the supremo commander lie of year came out ....i. 1 ....i..i. IS.fi00 to tbn rnal. Th total rer-lnt. I"""""" ........;. weru 130.000 of whirh 110.000 ramn JO",, jealousies and the possibility or from the stale appropriation for ngrl- '"'''Rue on t is part of subordinates.! r., ..,... Ti,.. iIlr.i and such a man the ernparor now rea- . ... ... ... n.,, paid premiums to the amount of 110.- "ur "7 memiH-r 600. the additional 1M1II Ixdnc t-lr-n ol the imperial lamlly. Urand Duko ' r " l vi.i .1.. t 1 1 11 from mlscellmeous receipts. u-nuia i irgsroii as exiiemeiy wen Grand I)ii1t.h KlrhnUn will tint rv t nmm I . I . L, (. I. . I ..... oindn. unon a simile advisor, but on a staff Salem "About two sections of good comprising tbe ablest strategists of tbo iimuer were uestroyeu uy loreel llres genera' stall, who in reality will con- thls season In tbe Santiain country," stiule a board ot direction ol military tt .. . HI , I .. ' nuya .uniinur dunn a . ouaw, 01 cue operations. Curtis Lumber company, of Mill City. Viceroy Alexlcff In regarded as pi- iiicie tirc iiiuiiBunu 01 ncrea 01 most rxica n to return neru. inn re. lashing burned over, but fortunately port that he mav beenmo chancellor of the amoiini 01 good timber destroyed the empire, however, is eiplodrd. Ho was small in comparison with tbo la more likely to retain his title and uantlty ol danger of destruction. Tho Curtis Lumber company lost about 040 acres of timber by lire." Worh on McKcnzle Road, Eugene Reports from the superin tendent ot the work on tho McKenxie road show rapid progress and Indicate much good to come from tho comu to tit. Petershnrg. nominally lit tho rapacity of adviser to thu emperor. and will thus efface himself as a factor nf the military situation In the Far East. Attempt to Ruin Warships. New York, Sept. 20. With tho In- 1 ,1 ...... 1 1 .. 1 ... ... SU 000 ruining me nun 01 cue riaicie- expenditure, half of which was appro- ,,T.' ,' " prlated by the county and half raised V. u"""""' by subscription. Already 15 miles ol ') llce on, u, ""J"' w."f " wn the woist part of tho road have boon ' ' r """ n',,t put In first-class shape, and the ciew kP0W". " " discovered until. ... . . ' - I illt'uril urnm emit ilnarn 4.. inbn .. I ill work about a month longer. .v... ...... ... m- mado ub a matter of precaution and tho Conullle Sawmill Sold. naval olllcern then learned that an oli- .Rlverton A company has purchased M 'net Ion had been placed on thu wayn tho Coquillo saw mill anil also Peart's coal mlno adjoining Cooulllo City, Tho company will make extensive Im provements at once, It Is raid, In both the mill and tlio mine. It Is under. stood that the mill will start up nt once for thu purpose of cutting tlim tbat would hnvo destroyed tlio work months. The Japanese are meparlnc for a ...1.1.1....1 ' Reiser. Louis G. Rocdel Henrv G flanking movement against Kuropatkln. r.,r.i 1 u. 7.' .,i ' . Sclinelder ond John G. Butch, former and three at Laseyne. They will take . . , 0 aldermen. All tho Indicted men were lo months to build. 1 jirH i.uiuuHrs 01 rain. . -----. forcements are being hurried to Muk den. All the Indicted men wero 16 months to build. Russia has also arraigned today and pleaded not guilty, ordered four cruhers of tho Iiayan typo. American Diplomat Pined. British Steamer Stopped. Wills City 4250,000 N.W Vn.l- A A ....... n.nn ' ' A 1 n 'TM It J i 1 .. I. O.l 1 T...I.1I. 1 i -.v.. u wv. . ...,uu, ..gum vjneiou uc(. q. xne iiriiiBii eitainer i .ud.u... uh. i, x uunu uvtiuco.o hk' w I Plot ImorKsn l.oa l.a.n Unt. ( l II I Ml... . I .. 4 1 . . l(rlIl . t. .. 1. ...... . . iim uu llKOttllg, iruuiug 111 Vlllliu Dues, Br-I HB.i"15 T1UU,UUW, .110 iai(JCDb nneu lu shillings, according to an r veil toi av and reports showanstnnneil beinir a Kilt of f 2G0.000 to tho !itv of American dispatch from Dublin, for hv a Japanese tornedo boat destroyer New Bedford, are contained In tho will Senator Hoar la very low and hla nnn furious riding on a motorcycle within outside of the harbor of Cliefoo. After of the late Mrs. Sarah Potter, of Boa- eays bis death may be expected at any I tlje city limits. Ills case was heard in her papers bad been examined, the ton, which was filed lor probate this moment. a ponce court. ' Yik Sang was allowed to proceed. 'afternoon. J The Port Arthur fleet is expected make another attempt shortly to cape. Surveying for Trolley Line. J-.ugeno Ihree crews of surveyors aro making the preliminary surveys for tho Willamette Valley Electric Rail, way company. One crew started fiom Corvallls and will work toward Eu gene. One is working In tbo direction of the Slualaw and tho third is work ing eastward up the McKenzIo river. It is stated by tlio manager of tho com pany that this preliminary work will be followed by permanent surveys and then tbe work of construction. Enrollment at Agricultural College. Corvallls Tho registration of stu dents at tho Oregon Agricultural col lego breaks all former records. The enrollment to dale Is 400," against 320 last year. The Increase is 80. Tho freshman class Is largey Increased, tho number registered being 107, or, In cluding Eubfreshmen, 200. Wheat Market. Portland Walla W.lla, 8182oj bluestem, 86o; valley, 86c, Tacoma Bluestem, 87o; club, 82c, Colfax Club,71c; blueatoin, 76c, Threatened the President. Des Moines, In., Sept. 2U Edward Dalhrmer wnfl arrested at Eminettn- burg this afternoon by n postofllce in- bers for llio new bunker which will be 'peetor, charged with sending ohsceno at once constructed for the mine. u"d threatening letters to President Koosovolt. Miss Allco Roosevelt. Helen rim. 1. 1 ...I i i inn n i.. i. n i Coalbunker for Rlverton. to ho,.' nn.i i, .n,,nUn,i ,i. Rlverton Tho lit) W COU 1 hunker Ol I and ilpmntwli! innnnv frnm If. dim the Itiverton MlnlnK Dovolonment Gould. Hn ileiTintiiliil mnniiv nf Mill. company Is nearlng completion under His letter to Miss Roosevolt is not tlio supervision of tho McLood Bros who have tbo building contract. This hunker has a capacity of about 000 tons, having an upper and a lower com paitment for shipping and local trade, respectively made public, That to thu president wna lined with denunciation in vllo terms and throats. Shelves for State Library. Salem 8tato Librarian J. 11, Pu' nam has procured four new oak book cafes, with shelves on bath sides, bav in',' a capacity of 1,000 books to each case, Ihe cubcs cost 125 each. Tills Carshops arc Closed. Chicago, Bopt. 20. Tho Chlcauo. Rock Island & Pacific railroad company today practically closed down Its car and locomotive shops hero. Tlio en forced Idleness cnirio unexpectedly. Tlio union boiler "makers employed in. the shops had made demands for high er wages a fow days before llio shut, down camu. Genera! Superintendent of Motlvo Power Reed, however, denied addition to the llliraiv enulnmont was , . t . . ul iuuuvu l uwer jfceru, nuwuvur. ciemcu AfiT? i t;,,,,ml,atl0"0' that the shutdown was In any way nt. books which have been piled up on tho .ii..,ii.i i .i... ,i i ' ' H . . 1a1 I ...uu.i.M.u , j incau uvij.iiiiua. Tnrnrilohimt lnl. leacners scarce in Linn County. inminn u on ti. n.m.i. ... ... . . i v.v ... a. iu ..(,1,(1(1 iur- Aiuauy Dciiooiioacuers arco ecnro in nadn boat ira rnvsr R unn. I. I... i, Linn county, and tho probabilities aro lost off the Isf and of Pei.hnlnnln In that somo schools In the rural districts the Mediterranean. All on boaid wero may havo to remain closed during the lavod. While going at full snood on a. .s.n iifnn I.... ton i. r re i . . i i , i . yuui iittKuu lauuiuK iruiu tuu iu cuu i iriai veitieruflv. a nrrmv himin mmn nrr aro offered, but competent teachera ore pierced tho hotton of the dcatroyer and