Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 28, 1904, Image 6

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. to sight,
.ronglli yet to fight
.oro 1 sco llio light
.it Ions,
i snko to dn tlio right
.ito Ilia wrong!
.silo's Monthly Mngmdiic.
" rj '.M s
sorry It's over, she said.
llCOII SHCll fllll. St.0
laughed softly. "Surli fun!
Oh, you iliut't Umiw."
Ho glanced nt her a llttlo uneasily
111 tlu gloom. Tlioy woro standing nn
dor tlio trees, tttul tturc no one
near. Hp slipped Ills urin round her
ntii) hissed tur.
"Aro you riMlly sorry, ilnr'.iu."" ho
She laughed ngnln.
"Yes. dreadfully. To-morrow, It'll
nil bo cleared nj "
"Cleared up?"
She put her hand on Ills nrm nnd
drew liltu further muter the trees.
"Yes. Come. I'll tell you nil about
It. Who's thnt?"
Ho peered nt two figures In light
dresses vanishing tn front of lilin.
"Jtls-s Yltilug mul MMM'uoiIy 1 don't
know. Tliey'ro gono now."
She laughed again.
".Miss Vtnltigl Oh. It's too
Ho glanced nt her suspiciously once
"Too lovely what's too lovely? 1
thought Miss Vlnlng wiis u great
friend of yours."
'So she Is. Don't you think It's
very nice for mo to have n friend Ilko
Mamie Vlnlng such n rich friend
to take mo about and be nice to me?"
"I suppose so." ho said, without en
thusiasm. "She's very rich of
"Immensely! Money's nothing to
her. She's a dear, too a real dear."
alio added, affectionately.
Ho did not nnswer. The subject
seemed to embarrass him.
"At least." sho amended, "the is,
you know, only I'm getting mixed.
Hut I must tell you to-night, some
how." "What?"
Sho patted his arm softly with her
"I should hnvo liked to have kept
It a secret until the last moment," sho
said, "until 1 hitd to give you a wed
ding present, you know." Ho winced
under the light touch of her lingers.
"Why aro you squirming about Ilko
that, Dick? I shall have to give you
n wedding present. It's quite tlio
proper thing. to bridegroom a
for " She broke off with a little
triumphant smile. "I'm not sure I
can tell you it's so delicious to think
you don't know."
Ho was silent for a minute. Sho
was really very puzzling and distract
Ingly pretty. He bent and kissed her
She looked up suddenly.
"You do care duu't you, Dick?" sho
said. 'You do really care?"
"I care more than anything In Uio
world," ho said earnestly.
After all, there was time to break It
off quietly before.
"Yes, I know you do," sho said soft
ly. "That's why I'm going to tell you.
You see, wo are good friends always,
nnd one of us was rich, and one of us
was poor, and the one that was rich
decided to come to England, and tako
tho one that was poor with her."
"Yes?" ho said, lncompreheuslvely,
as sho paused.
"Well, you know. In books, when
there aro two girls Ilko that, they play
a trick ' At least, they did In
n book wo were reading Just then."
"What trick?" he Bald, with grow
ing uneasiness.
"They change places. Tho rich girl
takes tho oor girl's place, and "
His quick movement startled her.
She looked up, but It was too dark to
see his face clearly.
"What's the matter, Dick?"
"Nothing," he bald, In an odd voice.
"Go on."
"And I said, 'Oh, do let us do that,'
nnd sho didn't mind she said it would
bo rather fun. So we did."
"Did what?" ho mild, desperately.
"Changed places what u dear old
Btupld you aro! Changed names. I'm
Mamlo Vlnlng."
There was n dead Bllcnco. Tho
man's face wore an indescribable ex
pressionIf sho could have seen It
"Do you mind my having such n
lot of money?" sho said. "I know you
don't think much of money you'vo
said so moro than once. Don't you re
member what you said about peoplo
who marry for money? Well, you
won't marry mo for mine, at any
There was a light step behind. They
turned to llnd tho girl who was not
Mamlo Vlnlng standing bcsldo them.
Her friend hold out her hand to her.
"Oh, Helen, I want to tell you I
want you to bo tho first to know," sho
said. "I'm engaged to Dick. Will you
congratulate us. pleas?"
Helen stood still nnd looked nt them.
Thero wbb a great pity In her eyes.
"No." sho said, slowly; "I don't
think I will."
Mamlo Vlnlng Btared.
"Why not?"
Her friend put nn nrm around her,
nnd drew her nway from tho man, who
Htood motionless under tho shadow of
tho trees.
"Hecauso Mr. Vnnco proposed to mo
this afternoon," sho snid, "nnd I was
fool enough to to accept him. Kor
glvo me, Mamlo I didn't know. You
needn't mind it It was tho money ho
wanted not me."
"You did that?" Bho said. "Oh,
Pick you did that? You wcro play
ing with mo; and all tho tlmo you
didn't mean anything?"
"I loved you," ho Bald, desperately.
"And you meant to innrry her."
She put out her hands with n
puddon gesturo of dismissal, of faro
well. "I'lcaso go," sho said. "It's all
you can do pleaso go."
"It was my fault," she said to Helen,
,.,,, ,, ,-, ,- , , at,,
l'ope Tills It mure fund of exercise tll.lll I re. u.diil "t .nn " !ni pie.t,--colors.
While he Is iKUind In the nature f lilt "lllce In it n further from
Home than Is pimlblo In traversing the Vatican gulden, he penetrates to llio
remotest parts of these grounds anil spend a deal "f time I" the open
air. He Is generally accompanied In his walks by Cardinal Merry del Vol,
with whom he I on the most Intimate term. The l'ope recently announced
his Intention of procuring an automobile, as with this means of transporta
tion It will be posilblo for him to visit nuy part of the spacious grounds with
out undue exertion.
when he had gone. "It was a trick,
after all It wasn't fair. Hut In n
book "
"They manage thin belter In
books." snid the girl who was not
Mamlo Vlnlng. The llystnnder.
Ono of the disagreeable tasks In re
lation to the euro of horses, cows or
other cattle is the necessity of arising
early and supplying them with feed.
This is especially true with milk deal
ers, bnkers anil many others who aro
compelled to get up m hour or two be
fore serving their route in order to
feed their horses. This Is nlo tho case
on Sundays with nil drivers of teams.
Automatic tlmo stock feeders nro not
new to the trades, by any means, but
few nro as simple as tho one shown
In tho Illustration. This is so con
structed that the feed may bo auto
matically released at a predetermined
moment by attachment to an alarm
clock nnd fed Into n trough or manger.
A chute, through which tho food Is to
ho passed, Is shown here, with a
hinged door at right angles to tho In
ner wall thereof, tho door being con
nected with nn nrm which projects
through tho wall of the chute. This
arm Is fastened to n spring held to a
pin In the outer wall of tho chuto. A
bracket supports n clock upon tho
other sldo of the chute, tho clock hav
ing nn alarm attachment. Tho key
which winds tho alarm apparatus Is
connected to a spring-pressed bolt which
Is mounted In the wall of tho chuto
' "Political Spellbinders In the Rural Districts Are Warming Up
tor the Campaign." News Item,
nnd designed to support the hinged
door when tho same Is weighted down
with food. As tho clock runs down
tho cord withdraws the bolt, and when
tho proper time Is reached the door Is
released and the food falls down to the
uianger. After the door Is relieved of
Us weight the spring will ratisn It to
resume Its normal position. This would
nlso bo very useful In largo establish
ments. Tho patentees are John It. liny and
William H. Sankey. of Salem. Mo.
Pearl Iliitloua Destroyed.
"American destroys nununlly 17,
500,000 gross of pearl buttons." said
J. F. Itobluson of Omaha. Neb., who
Is engaged In the manufacture of that
article of commerce. "There are In
the United State about fifty factories
that turn out dally gross of but
tons at least. 1 should not be sur
prised If the nverage is larger than
that, but I am sure the figure Is the
Inside. What becomes of them Is an
other question. Some people save but
tons with the same real that n miser
saves coins, and so tho consumption of
17..V.0.OO0 a year must arise from tho
careless classes who lose or throw
them away when they come off their
garments. Tlio industry Is rapidly
growing, anil tho demand for tho prod
uct Is such that all the manufacturers
are kept busy with their orders. It
Is within the last dozen year that the
Industry of making pearl buttons from
mussel shells has become prominent
among tho enterprises of the Inland
rivers, but nt coast cities the process
Is nn old one. The Increase In the
number of ready-made garments that
are sold Is partly responsible for the
Increase In tho button Industry. When
shirts nml other garments are bought
ready made thero Is little use to save
tho buttons, but 111 the olden days,
when the articles were innile at home,
it meant something to save the but
tons from tho old clothes. " I.oulsvlllo
For Hciillutr KiivoIoon.
All Improved machine for sealing en
velopes has been Invented by u man
In Topeka, Kan. Tho machine. It Is
claimed, will seal from 8,000 to 15.000
envelopes an hour.
, You can't blnmo anybody but your
self for the kin you have married on.
never ll.lnks a man Is inly
And llien he H 11
IK mlks about (ho iuill.nn thai
M mourns when ho
lie talks about his
, talks about the ac.ors , J. gone before.
Ho vows thai everything wmll. ihll. , ,,
And llfo lo litm Is Jim '" K"'1- ' . washing""' Hint
trV I i ealhHl "Hob" by any
" until his recently noqulrod win.
with a coquettish pretense of shytii'ss
luid so addressed llllll.
lie hud known her but n short time
when ho won her. And llow, at the
ml nt .u iiiiHsful months, ho was sit
inn? In tils stileuilld library, iierpl',xl
and miserable, and gloomily eyeing the
einhers of a grate fire nnd trying to
,,ersu,i,le himself that the shallow
which Ihrealenisl to wreck Ills future
could he exploit!!! away If only ho had
the eotiriiuo to ask her.
i in coning hi thnt afternoon he
had gone to the sitting room nnd had
found II empty. Turning to leave he
saw a piece of note paper lying on the
Hour, as though It hod been brushed "If
her desk ns she rose In n hurry. In
stooping to replace It, his eyo caught
two words, the beginning of a letter
"Dear Tom." Dear Tom! Could It be
that there was n door Tom In her llfo
of whom he knew nothing? Tim letter
"Dear Tom If I were to bo nsked
why 1 n m writing to you I should hnvo
to admit that I am yielding to nil Im
pulse. My whole life hns been made
up of Impulses, nnd I never bullied
with them but once -alas, the very
tlmo I should have yielded. Vim know
well what 1 mean, that night you re
nounced me, ronounei! me while your
blood was on tiro with love fur me,
which 1 kiiMW nml felt nnd revelled In
when your eyes dumbly begged me to
refuse to be renounced mid your lips
told me It would he better to part. Ah
If I had only yielded then to the tin
pulse to tell you I loved you well
enough to share your poverty and the
task of earing for your poor, helpless
father. How well I remember that
dear, delightful, cruel summer In Dork
ing. "You came, dear, nnd you stopped
Into my heart with that first smile on
your bravo, sunny face. Then, after
ward, Aunt Sarah, when I told her of
our betrothal, said In her ley, sneering
tones: 'I congratulate you upon your
discretion. It Is a fitting thing that
you should marry Tom Spencer and let
your early poverty be merged Into mid-dlo-ngod
and elderly poverty. As Tom
Spencer's wife joii will have the satis
faction of knowing that you have Im
foru you such a life a your mother
hns led. only Intensified, since your
life will bo encumbered by his help
less, paralytic old father.'
"Tom, dear, do not utterly desplsu
me when I tell you that her words had
their weight. I did not fear tin) pov
erty, for I knew you were hound to
succeed. If only, dear one. you were
not hampered In your career by your
f ntlier. I knew you were fond of him,
and that while he llvisl you would keep
him with you that oven 1 could not
lullueneo you to semi 111 in nwny. So
when you told me we hud butter part I
j offered no protestation. I knew your
.heart was aching nnd thnt you needed
comforting word from me. . knew I
bad only in speak ono word to hrenk
down tho barrier and hao you tako
uio to your heart forever. I did not
speak that word. Though my heart
cried out to you I could not tell you
that I loved you well enough to share
your burden. I did not speak that
word. I am married now. My hus
band loves me, and I mn rich beyond
my fondest expectations. I have all
those thing which my luxurious and
expensive tastes craved yet 1 urn not
happy. This Is Indeed my farewell,
dear one. You know now every word
In this letter has told you what you
are to me. You will not "misunder
stand -you will not ennui tn mo. it Is
over, Tom, and "
Hero the writing ended abruptly.
Hubert Malcolm was a loyal man,
mid though tho evidence was against
her he refused to believe his wife guil
ty of all that the letter Implied. Ho
told himself that If he dared to ask her
for mi explanation sho would glvo It.
nnd It would be satisfactory. To ask
her to confess n dishonorable net was
also to confess a lack of confidence in
While ho was sitting there tho door
opened nolselesly. A slight girlish fig
ure stole across tho thick carpet and
behind his chair. Two soft small hands
were clasped before his eyes mid a
voice whispered:
"(luesa who it Is."
Ills heart gnvo n great bound nnd
ho look tho hands down mid kissed
them. Finally, as If satisfied with
what ho saw, ho nsked:
"Hnvo you been shopping?"
Sho seemed surprised nt tho trivial
question following so closely upon
tho Bcrutlny sho had undergone and
"Is that nil, Mr. Hluebeard? (Ira
clous, how you scared mo, I expected
to hear you say in sepulchral tones,
'Woman, thero Is guilt on your face-,
whoro havo you hidden tho body?" And
Instead, after that soul-searching ynzo,
yon nsk tho commonplaco question in
commonplaco tones, 'Hnvo you been
shopping?' "
With n sigh of content nnd lovo and
relief ho throw his arms round her
and drow hor closo to him for a mo
ment. Then sho Boated herself oppo
site him In a low chnlr, where tho
firelight fell on hor faco, bringing out
all Its charm.
In tho magnetism of her presenco
her husband becaiuo almost hnppy
onco moro until tho memory of that
lettor enmo back to atlng him.
Suddenly ho asked her:
"Adolo, wcro you ovor In Dorking?"
' ' ' UM ,.
" J have ...Me..
' ,l..iui of l'l
I -ho .'" " T
Khe opened ner
uttered. . ,,,
No, denr, why doyoussk?
just curiosity" Then, nflw n
pause, he aifaM: "Did you ever know
a innn T" Hpei.cer?
H siihl " f0,,,,"
dainty h"il. replied:
Now mil I Indent " wU
torture my Innocent l with the cu
riosity to know tho reason for placing
me In the witness box?"
U her Irrevelnnt answer his doubts
rose iignlii. nd ho rather sternly ro
pelted tils question. With a request for
a direct rrply.
Tom Hpcneer - Tom Hpencnr
where haie I seen or heard thnt
name?" she queried doftly, as If to
herself. "I lertnlnly don't know any
Tom PK-!icer. but I believe I hnvo
heard the iwme mimewiiere.
"And now. you dear cross ogre, are
there any mro conundrums for mo?
IteeniKe. If you hnvo finished, 1 will
go anil dress for dinner."
lie laughed nnd watched her disap
pear through the door.
A mouth pnsned, and during this
tlmo Hubert Malcolm tried to delect n
Haw 111 his wife's devotion to Justify
him In tlio doubt which would creep In
whenever ho thought of thnt letter.
Hut It was tn vain that he sought an
cxphnnttiiti In her manner. Thero
was nntlilng about her to suggest that
wealth Intd palled upon her. or ttint
without tmverty nnd Tom Hpcneer her
life was a blank. She wns as ever
airily atlectlounte, daintily tyrannical,
flippant sod serious tn ono brenth,
with that "liitlulte variety" which wns
her greatest charm, line night when
they had rclurtuxl from n dunce lie do
elded to tnnko n full confession to her
and to nsk her for an explanation.
She had thrown herself Into on ensy
chair nml looked even fairer than usu
al. Making n Dnnl effort ho began, nnd
rapidly he told her nil -nil nbout the
letter, his doubts mid despair mid the
uuhitpplhcis ho felt whenerrr ho
thought of the matter. While Im was
talking she was looking down and
twlstlm; the rlucs on her nleinlir tin-
gers. When tin finished she looked up
at him with n slow, moused smile
creeping over her face.
NllW 1 UlllllTHtlllul tllOHI. UllflltlnllM
you nsked me about Tom Spencer.
im, inai wns mn nnme mm I know
why the nnme seemed familiar to
"Well, whnt of Tom Spencer? Who
Is he?"
"Do Is n creature of my own Im
agination, and once having created
Thomas I straightway forgot him.
When you nskeil me that day I won
ilcnsl where I had heard the name."
"What do you mean?" ho demand
ed. "Only this, Hob--but first vou most
promise not to laugh at inc." she
stnppisl, looking at him anxiously. He
nodded impatiently, ami she went on.
"Niilli,, litm. til.,, t tl... i.i
..,-. ,,,,,
of being literary. I thought out n story
and decided that I would deport from
the usual routine ami have It told In a
series of letters. You got hold of the
hciMhtilug of the storv. I wa citi.wi
nway that day. and never thoiiL.ln
again of my literary venture."
lie drew her up lo him and then,
with his arms around her. bo asked to
n husky whisper:
"Allele, will you forgive me?"
l-'or llllHW'er Hhn toil lir no,,.. -.,.. ..t
- . ...... ....
his neck nml then replied softly:
"If you'll promise never to doubt me
The promise nnd the fnreiv,.,
were consummated In one long kiss.
a ween liner in n local paper Hob
rt Malcolm happened on tho follow-
Ilnrlftntr A,rll 1 f. i,..,,,
. .mi. itllliam
Stiencer. nn nl,1 ntul
i-.v,,-,, citizen
of this city, died yesterday afternoon.
The deceased had long been a sufferer
innn paralysis, uui ms death was un
expected. He leaves ono son. Mr
Thomas Spencer, with whom ho lived,
to mourn his loss." Wnverlev t,.!
l'reoniitlonnry Trnalmmit,
Tho Dutch neusant II VCR Will, nnmil.
nil nbout him, and roaches his cottago
by way of a drawbridge. I'erhnps It
Is In tho blood of tho Dutch child says
n writer In M. A. P., not to fall into ,,
canal. At nil events, tho Dutch moth
er never nppenrs to nntlclpato such a
Ono can Imngluo tho nt'DMlifn 1...
... . " " '" 111"
gllsli or Amerlcnn mother trying to
uiiiiH op ii iiiuiuy hi a imtiso surround
ed by canals. Khu
n moment's penco until tho children
were tn bed. Ilut then tlio men. sight
of n canal to tho IOngllsh child Btiggesls
nn, u.-HKiim ui ii minueu ami uuexpect-
C,l ,,(,l(t.
All Kiigllshniaii Inquired of n Dutch
woman. "Does n Dntei. ,o.n , .
..iiii uyer til'
nuy chnnco full Into n cnnnl?"
-ics, suo replied, "cases havo been
"Don't you do nnythlng for jtj- eon
tlntied tho qucstlonor.
"Oh, I'CB," sho lltlBWereil imr. ,
them out again." '"""
"llut what I mean Is," oxp,Cll ...
Hiik-llBhman. "don't vat, .i . . ' A .'' " 0
prevent their falling l? To savo thorn
thotm"'" S" n"BWCrci1' "wo "Pat'lt
Thero really
!!". I,rf,",n,, .'.,,,,nrrAa80i T"y Jt
unit ...... .....i im ioy )ump .,
against Bomothing and th man finds it
Is n preacher.
Among "'it
ti 1 1 it r to Mmiagn
,!'.. U "O' '
me, weave oil Mrf"1" "
riely of folirles, TfiUH " " k '"
.in rles. mid
itooila. Under III,
trim! ami iilory
i..Hnl la sold for Itli
lean market, lie!
In found for Mill
foci uro of elgnrel
'suiaul nt Tninstn
rests It might pnirei
lug other kinds of pni
Omit tins long bei'll
menial purposes In
Man hns Jul losrjl
from the inslnrla In
mid now. If tu could.
penr trees t avoid lh
honey Im. Ilxperlmeii
California, slid recent
the ItoWlilesI Hoilely o
lientn that ! r
ii... .i.roid of twsr blight at p-ii'-l
when the trees re In ! '' "'
trees protected with eovifjw, r-r
the nuslaiy of mosquito nt. '! -! ,
prevented bees frui reseftTK tli-:r 1
blossoms, were uusffei-ts vfe iiKht. I
while other nellilsrln tft-im '
protected were badly blight'. Oi'Tj
honey seeking liwls besides !
iitrry Infection.
lr. Msx Wolf, of Ileldellnfs), h
phntugrnphsd remarkable iiekak in
the .-uiwlellstloll CyugiU. wIlMtjfft'
cutinl of Its UI. he calls the "A-r
lea nebula." It U Uie first tliM tbst
such nn object lis leti intinei t- t
miy of the HIItlMl divisions uf tl.
earth. Dr. We)f photograph
really strlkta Itkwio to n ustitfis
map of North America The sftl;
glowing nebula fepfeenu the form of
the continent mrroomlii! by the dark
background of A heaven by so
ocean. The narrowing toward the
south, the hui imp "f 0i Uulf of
Mexico, nml the rrareful curve of Hie
coast of fentrsl America and the Isth
mus nre to be
I'nif. t'4iarls Ikskervllle. of Ik
t'ulierslty of Nee CaroltiM. ha dis
covered two ttew chemical elenienlt,
allied to thorium, from whlcii the in,
tins of Welttstea burners are derive. I
lie has named et of them carolluloin,
In honor of M Hlate. and the other
, herxellum. after Ut name of the gresl
'Swiss HietnUt, lltrlliia. llotll the
i new elements are radio active, giving
I otf rays that pcnetrUe metals, wood
jntid ntlier tubitanre. and that are oa
Ipahlo of pruiludng photographic nnd
visible light effecti. Uke other radio
' active elements, the are of htgh nt
i omlc weight, l'rot Ilnlervllli lias
I been on tho trnrk f thise new ele
ments for several ytsr.
A (lermnti ex perl bonier describes a
singular elivtrlc pticaniiciion exlilbttiit
by n gins tubeful of riultinn bromide
I tic substance hsd bM'tt nvili! up In
the tube In December, ll2. Six month
later tho experimenter Has nbout to
open the tube with a fill tint n simjii
ni the metal touched the Van the tube
was pierced by n brlllnnt eb-elrlc
spark, accmi.'inll by n sjarji siund.
It la thought that the rete'niun tn It in
tube of the positively clmrl Alpha
Iiartlclea, wblcli cannot pruetnte kiss,
anil tile continual etcape of be lugn
tlvely vhargtt Itetn particles, w'
penetrate glass, set up n dlffiTesee bi
tho electric potential lualde mid oin
side the tube so great that nt Ull '
spsrk was nble to pnsa through tin
gins wall.
I'lcturraquc Crult tlaol tljr
Nallvr III
tho 1-nr Ibtat.
To the eyes of the Westerner, tin
nccustoiiied to Uio wild, vlklug natiiro
of the wean that. Icy cold, gu.iwa
nway at his const, now and ngnln toss-
tug llK)ti tlio lunches to tnines of nil
other of It victims, the
boat of tho I'll r llnat seem queer In
deed. Ono wonders how the dugout,
tho shallow boats with their sails of
matting, the uusymmctrlenl craft with
low bows mid grotesque overhanging
sterns, can weather storms, says tho
Montreal r'amlly llernliL And most
wonderful of nil Is that wizard of tlio
sea, tho Hying proa of (liinm, which
"lilts over tho swelling tide" with tho
spoil! of tlio llylug Deutschlnnd, mid
on which, It hns been asserted, one
may travel to nn Island ninety tulle
nwny, transact one's business and re
turn while tho hour hand circles onco
nmiind the dial. An acquaintance with
these boats convinces ono Unit the law
of Uio survival of Uio fittest holds truo
In this respect as In others.
Tho Hying proa Is aptly tinmcd. As
ono leans Indolently over the rail of Uio
steamer, dropping anchor In tho Ia
drono islands, glad onco moro to seo
land, ono observes In tho distance a
trlangulnr anil. It seems to bo (lying
over Uio water. It quickly draws near,
and Is seen to be nttnehed to a queer
looking craft nbout thirty feet long.
Tho mast Is sot In tho middle of Uio
narrow hull, hardly moro tlinn two
foot wide, nnd nt each end Is seated
n natlvo. with pnddlo In hnnd. Krom
ono sldo protrude pieces of bamboo,
which support at their ends, eight or
ten feet from tho bellying sldo of tho
boat nnd parallel to It, nn outrigger.
Its pointed end, llylug along Just iiIkivo
tho water, now and again tops the
crests of the waves, throwing up llttlo
Jots of spray as It does so. Hkliumllig
nlong with tho lightness and speed of
an lco yacht, tho two curious natives
nro soon far ahoad of tho anchored
steamer. Then something odd happens.
Tlio craft falls awny from tho wind
slightly, Uio sail Is swung half way
round, and this queer craft Is coming
imcic niong its track. Tho bow ha
bocomo stem, nnd ho who sat thero
whon Uio proa How past Is now tho
helmsman. With wind still nbenm, Uio
quoor vossel Bcuds past ngnln on tho
oUior eldo of tho stonmor, revealing an
other oddity. This sldo of Uio hull is
porpendlctilar and as Hat ns a board.
In NorUiorn India, In tlio sJiadow
of tho unsurmouiitnblo Himalayas, a
crnft qulto tho opposite to tho Hying
pron lu speod nnd airy gracefulness Is
used, It must ba slower oven than tlio
nnclont UaakoUlko coraclo ot tho
I vSjsII i imi i ill
mm i""". i, i, p,
HP" ""' 'H
ammt "" '
mm "o. mil-
Sjgdp Ho, i,,,-r
RTytltow us.. I,na
haw """
m, I In i.ifin
SM "T "-US
L', ...
war1 "" I
jf&lts o ii...
UMh .-. i lug
mmt -! in
Ifcl""' t"
mm' i i
iri " i'i
Wi li in;,,,
"bill 'llll-
1 I'll., loll V
n, int,i
.i-r ; '
i" "in p ,,, ,
' run n mn.
"'"I In
I) p.. "
f till' h,
! Sll Mi
I""H" lii Niiril.r
i ii
Hi i
Ill n 1 elinvlH ... ... wul
hll ...
' i"i t-o or V
'""ii. .ills am
I of
' "I ''()
ISIIlll) nf
"' rk.
" 'iften as isalr1
"I'.vinj (j
I li nrrri
.,r I as rear of tl. ,
HK ........ ,.r.ii,,, ,. ,i... .
.. .t "i-klii M.ll,.f r ., .
1 II'" aim tn llila
VI. .
ii) nn iMinta tins.-
r ' i b ti
Sl li-'fll liiitt Itli'l -,
"f ot'lTStlotl Hi ,
ll'ig. angatiMK
On-) Iisiig frm
His Aslsil'
l.iit nre liiai-pn-.i'
Hlmii nuri rtt'.'m i;,
!le mid illi. ii.,
if I t
i ' LIU.
i '
I tut I,
I' II,
j loirlxir W.llsi Pi,. ,,
"a m;
' urn
t"H tin. tit tnt.i-r In.
.sanaai il.'r ..,
I'I" ka SI I li., i i
H.iuo-tltllr itfii- ,
n bunt w
"f lit I
use Til
, la t'
rug.. .
1 1
for Hi a
lit P
Heap, ,,p .in
Anions Mir k
llawsllat i l,
rt I'.ilj-n. si tin
' "lit rigger I
tilera s m,ii' :
) Mid to le n ,
which iurpa- i
I lliwsllnnt In ''
j may Ih mii a in
I tl
lOlinggerS. nlie uli
71 U
U. 1. I ... , ,., .. ....
a 1 lur ! I haracUr.
We hsii- tin- dr'in UN! lit
playing habit. ').. t hit- ;i
f..-l Itahlta liiiiii. ,, r .1 1. I rt
Illl. llStllt of Which l"l IllWrt
Ala, Ml. I. I. ........ . .
la the tiHithpl. k In' !i i-t t
firmly routed l II"" to cm
otiM-rve a man " i i n
on. of the IlltV l.'ta t oo4!
inmith N" ' n- l ttr i
eiisndrr r. a-lmg .' I . II
.f a filllrlt Ilk-It I'l Z t.f"W
will liave rlwwe.1 " . rn
a maim-si" ' " " " "
jtjreil to pulp ini'1 "'
tii,. tla tdaee ll rrt' tl III
f Intalnesa or i-ittt' t
taothptck sll" '!' " w
U br hi ni'.mr. trw
ill slock I eiillre rlh-4l'f4
Kwrt ' i-
U rcorted to or s f-- t-'.
Hweil from a netgii'or. "tin
risny when he ,'l.tslnl I f-S
ni it,- rr.Miiirniit wticrs tl '
- . . . ... ,. t-1
UHil, piuegnui"' l-r. - -
n WmUipIrk In their raouttii 1
..rll l,,,r A msn or tUOHHJ
. .t. .. ,, 1. 10. frrtL'mi'i.
II Iti llllllll "I" '
Iit-,..1T dnnrnwanl.
,,,tfj in.tti mi one thiol s'1
. . I I wl 1 fTV
ins leeui
.-!,... ..i. ii.. litimt col:'!!
rirulii, " - -
f-.nior one with mlml frf from
win uaie mi
tho booth I ten 1 "u
thif Dll
n gntit Index to a
moil's IBotua
i .... i . ... .. . i,iine cire.
1 inicsanirr . --
oak U right wuern ui.- -
. . fA n mi 4.
ath m i.ttent n m "v
ni1.... fi.n nil ntiew --
... ... . aron
to Ksk tlietiiM'lvea ei ui
gnxl furtively snainil. s O"
grab t a handful "f tnotW "
i.u..t . ...., i in in. ,..,.
i,nni,t:iiiriiiti i,,.-" -
wiiii an tv wl,
i Of I" .HI'""'"
Klnu of inraa.
lino niltle gin, ii"""' - -
old. tho dy daughter or .
Hilllierlnndlre crofter nuns-
tnlio rrom wersmn siawv-i
liigiiinuii ravny. was i"''-
latliers conn uoor ou .
englo swoopeiilow n griw
Its claws nndnrrlcil her''11
mountains, whn, muno a00
her doad nnd utllatcd 1W
fonnil liv n gniueoncr, sj.-
don Hxnress.
. . .. . ........ rlfiXC
ai orsi iiiciv .- ii.
. . ....1... .Ilj.nncs
.... I, Iii. ,,lntlor
I ivhiitv (ii .... , -
4 It.T 111...' v..- - ,
BUIlSlllllO Willie oe. ""ill "--
... ........ ..-.a
i t. ur rnther i stilt
In tho Holds.
nor lmuini: 1111""'""
pared tea anu .-
:. .....tiinHi. hl mc
where becamo bihh"
noarch of her husband-
...... arnnitMlPPlHTt
aiennwiino -- .:,.
thtiT. rnrortxi u iw'HV" .
t.iiii MiU iuveitUf'u"
. .i . ...iiiiIfllIK.'ls.
lieing cirnw
bv engles. mndo hl
rocky crags ii.. .... -
. lit,. rrv v. -
111 11 enn ivvi - .... in, i
.., i i.. n iieen cieu
ii;! no iiiuii" -
Two yenrs
. 1.111..1 n iinr in .
...... .... iuh
it-1 on .mt
. I,., luuir mi... -
It off.
Uinii's .- -
nnd the, -J
found on mo iiooei - -however,
slnco such a trojw
..ii.itmi npourrotl. -
.. ... ---.i nr ii"
.. Qtnnll T"
- .. . .i.i Hitrinii
StCJIggei . miiJMI
day Hint no w ,.,carco
bo was a thief, because 1U8S"
lH)k him In Uio eyo.
Thlnguiiiliob-Tlm'1' rue.t
McJIggor-Yos, but ,
that Hmnll can't i'..',' .uM
int.. rhiw1"'"
Buccotasn is u -r", , m
i,n (I.nt roduces 1U "an
of snuca dlshos to b wn