il .,:5M',w 17 X" ran .wv' wririgu'Tt r. t.'i 1 I HA H Opinions of Great Papers on Important Subjects. Juav- A llli'l I Hid Vnrrlei! mid MikjI . Ill, ., import note n cuiiitldorahlii decrease 1 1 ,,,. niiiiuiir or ninu among win ihiiiyi- pup ,,1,111'n ir t ho I lilted Htatits. Aliirl'-iiu limn ,,l nin nut so inili.ll given In marrying ,, f,,i n.-Mi Mnnjr who ilu iimrry, poslponn , v 1 1 1 until jiiiitl) baa passed, m ml rr till ,,,,,1 .iiln-r riMiwina they rnrely linvo largo rami , ri"ii'inl) no children nl all. , , ,,- w.w In I Im number of fruitful mir ilM. hi' 1 1 im Iiorn population I) Die rmill uf i . ii lint ikiI jrtl been daleriiil'icd, lull , It 1. Ui f u tilt lif Imlh If f u '111 II Im. 'I hi M,i i tii i ii si prominent a faiur In our ii,,. I. i.'lmlur man, mxl th Im ninny apolo ,. nrk'ii nin which arc (idratf-l In ilrfcnsn ' ,lU ,hi. imimirii upon iiiiunn. rionin i iii'jf nr ' '''''',,, ..(.i.uroiin philosophy of puro iinshnen, '-'" , ,,. , ii.l.iiiliil, would nit All I'llil to I ho lift I loll. ''" , , , i,.,u. , r. I" not wi Imit jrit aa lo cuuae alarm i, ni'ii Until women In the United Hlali'a, ao r w 1 1 iiiiil "IT a Brunt many men woiihl have ro "'"m ii . ii i rt 1 I'll" 7H..TK1.JW7 people within the nnil h ,,r ilu' Inal remain aro divided Into niMKlll, e'" , , ,. i, jit 1 1. females, giving nn I'ti'i-tt nl main "' m'v'. """ males, SSMMI 'an are ittniile, M.U'U.iMl c'li ' 1 s . l. Invert. H1.P0I divorced, mi.1 IS 1. 41'.' ,, ,i IHl'Hi l utikliowii. of lint fitinalni, '.''.pi - " I ' H l.".1Hta married, 2.".' I f'll wldownl. ' ij'iiv .-I ""'I '.''II whine marital itlllon U im '" " i,i' ii iiuuiIht nf tlinio rlmirt lllijlc Ini'linli 1 ' ,.l nil mtihi niulur Hie marrlaiifalilo njc, r ', ilt. ..ii ilinl uiiirrltiKn n tiumc ailulta If ludi a im 1 ira i n M1I l l' nllnoit utilvcranl "fi. waa-.n r.-r iIm- ilivri-ai In tlio numWr of mnrrlntfn t Ui ti'r,i "'"""K n lirr womnn inlclil lie fouitil In J, ,.at r-iM nlliiK (lie worklliK flaasna. Tlmro nri ',im f' " '"t;nK"l I" Kalnfiil otliar tlmn up I h"" milHoti m'l P In lars" part of V(.'rinl .'in"ii I" fai'torlra, alorra anil onicm, anil til" l"J'.ror ,,,,,,1 u.iMlly unuliiatra from aniline Uiom. Kan J..'ir'ial Hip Miinpiirr nt MnnaanA. rrillMi la wi aootlilne to Uih won ml t iroihirol TV T I y il" ' : a 1 1 nr aa olillvlon. nml nnlliliis iiihWm J I ,. n I ''.'.I ao ijuli-klj- nl tli ilslit of a I ,a"..-n.-!.l on whl.-li tlio rlaltor or tils rrlatlrca . r i,f.! iliroufli Hit liorron of fratrlfltlal , iii.'l U Iipii an ojtl K-ililIrr ataiula on tlm i,.. k-iii "f lii'ttyitniri,' a profnuiiil mnlanrholy ul , .,'ni'iirr.l Willi Uio ai'miK lie f urn lillll, a i o i .1 . ii r fiirilrn or taikunlliii; Im II. It Uir M'a t" aiiahi' mi nil' uriiriny. Haw niil"-l) . "ii'l projwi n ritinion or nonnrrn ana l...a,.Al.l ... ....t ij f.j.f.,, m , ii u i a "II a noiimrru naiucuniu, bum, nwi If.! tritii I'ta I In . nt: llifin lnsiniii'r aa iwiiiio arnum nnu ,-,, r, criii i.i rislit ovrrnsaln In iiilmli-rjf tlm lilooilj p-uo'i-r -Imi i-Hik plaiv on that "JmiI fort yrara bro. la (KoupMin.a Ion II a aaklni; cnllmlj loo inin-li of Im cjd naiuri- ami Ii wa In atrlkln roniraat wltli tlm wla iia of i liarlra Himuirr. n'lio. iilraillnc licartlfaa Homo tioiian .laiiipli". aurrfiHlnl In ridinllni from tlio t'-apl UwmiK-li aa a itrltire tliat woill.l rri-all thfl civil war Tie loraiu.n of tlio malicnrfra alioulil liavr lirnn in iMui.rui apot l.inx) mllrt. If iioaalbla, from anj baltln 1 ir.J iht 11111101- of a Northern armj anil a souinrn IflJ Ijalnil ntrl otlisr lioulil Iiafa liu toIJM llki a i!I!Bft -C4ilrio Clironlclf. Are Butlncaa Moa Coward? tifuilil'.VT m.tflT ililrraitllff tbr Ht. I)llla 1 laHimiil of llartranl. rffentlj, rllil Amrrloana Irottarua In that o fw of them darril to alaml ii . , - in. ...l.i.i ,r nulnit tnr rrowu im iu.i! mm "i'" rrfn' to bntlnraa won In fai-lnr conilltlona that mini anions th latwr iinloni It la aalrr. Uiini rniiniK nrrilili'tit to alanfl aloof aim iij !t mirlit or ourht not to b dotii than to know ti il-uailon of affalra ami thn to art with ilia oiUoa aa aril aa hrtTcry. Tho tlmorlea uiai worn nn ml L , i" ",""lm"' "f '" iial..-.l wtirl,), fr wln.-h ,, i,,,,,,. l(rt WJllll. ii. ar ni.(,iiiy i.PMa,, , ,,,, j, ,.nrtMn Uial ""r ,!"I"B,, n hlsh tHulilon In the roimnnrelul worlil wiuiniu I'uuraj,. i r..n Iniiuiiirraliln ohaim lm, onurmoua ' '" 'v,ll',, ,he 'hulnatli'n iiovit ilrfauinl. ni aiiiH-oaifui himlnoi iitn rarrlrtt n wrliclit of ro- .,. .,... ,t iiimwif ,i lhfT4 wltlfli la omparablo to ..... ... , i1,,w,.r of SPj annr n mnjf ,iauX(, Hi IJin fai l, of lliy I,, rtl(M f,.p ,0 muy .-I.,! -,r fYnii ,. , , (ri(,p WM1I1 Mnt. (juUly f iiiwar.ll.',.. -n,, JU,1I(. ma lul ny hllo tln fa,,, or labor iinloim i uri,. ,u pr(lV0 Mh ,.lirni;p l0 t Mll 0Tcr thriii In rjr ,0 IM.UV), ,lU rim obj.i r tin binrncaa nun la not lo illajila hla alor or imr lilmvir hrro Ho wlahos to makft the lirat nosalliln out of i.-l,ij rumuiinna, anil .many a atrlko Inn Iwn airrtnl ami many i problotn nolvnl by Uio cool cal iMllatlutia of tin. knrn aljfhlrd biulnoss man. 'lo tlm iikto ImikiToM t hla may arfin llko cowardice1 anil tlm with tn avoid a OrIiI. To tlio practical man of nf falra II la K,i,l binlncaa acnac, and out'lit to be commouded as vm-li - ..;blno chronicle. Ilio Cost nnil lolly of War. HI) nar in Um Kur Uiai, accordlns to Uie coin imiiiiiuii of i well Informed nnwapapar of 1'arLi, a ': 1 1 1 c tho Uutilun Kovcrnmcnt ill Ivuat ll,iaij(jo n (ii,Ti aii (j19 (.ipciiai la Ittcrrualng UHy If tin- war cmiUntii't for ycra, na Uio opcrta any It U pretty anro to do, Kuaala will ' iiniulniH a burden of debt that will roil n mail) future jf niTatlont. niDE OVER TEXAB PLAINB, It Olvrn Una an liihllnratlnu Rtiua lion lloranbiiclc Trip, "Mil yon over liiko a rldo over thn IiiiiThIo clover plnlna of ToiaaV" nuk ed n writer In tlio Now Orleana Tlmea Hmnocrnt. "I reinember ono eiporl cmo that will alny with mo nil my life. It wna In Houston. I wna yotinu nol It win H'MKhliiKtoii'a blrlliday. A rrleml Invlli'd mo to ride to bin much t 1 ,e coiinlry. We atnrted In tho inornliiij. A Unlit prlni breeze wna blowing red uml whllo roaeu dangled rrom tho bnlconlea or the hotiM'H na wo rodu tlmumh tlio utrecl. After lenvlnir tho city wo rode Into Hi" open. Thern wna n sweet amell from the enrlh, and our homes stretch d their necka nnil Knvo them.ielvea up to the pleasure of motion. Hut nini win nut tho beat part. The re turn la what remnlnn particularly In my memory. Wo iiukhci! tin. .lnv en. Iii over the rnneh and looklni; nt the niilmula. After online n dinner of tho flneat fried chicken 1 had over mated In my life, and loullni; for nn hour or two with i-igani, wo mounted our home for the return home. "Thn moon was out full. A a wo rode upon t, Pnna. mid lost sight of all hoiiM-a, I felt ua If I were In nn eiiehunted land. (In nil sides was a vnst sea of white moonllKht. Tho crnaaes mntle (ho waves. When wo walked our horses we could hear In numerable llttlu voices hliiKliij; a souk of pral.o. Ii ,vna n sncrlleite to talk. Then when our hnrsea beenmo warm ed up mid urKed by tho additional Impetus that they were returning to tho stables, wo let them have roln, and went nt a wIiikIub Kiillop over the prairie. I don't know how my friend know which way to ko. Ho was In tho lend, and I followed him blindly. To mo tho motion of tho horse, tho moonllKht nml the aoumla of ulirht tho amell of tho enrth nnd tho height or wo iiKht-niled heovem constituted had nover felt before nor frit ilnra. Tho mem ory or tho ride will always remain with mo ns something distinct, benu tlful and enjoyable." vCf- kl'a 1 heivilj iij. nf ...umr, h.imi(i) n ,t, in llut surprisingly great " exhilaration which I aiiui a hral laa pnwer lo pay Tor Uio ciinduct tr a tsar llumi-j baa been throvtlng millions urier mllllona aliice tin. new hi1Icj with regard to the Aslntle portion of the empire waa put Into iiperntlon. Nobody knows how much the Trana Hllirlan nllway has emt, but It la an enor niouj aiiiniint; and Hie eiprndlturri on Port Arthur, Dalny, Harbin. Vlaillroitok and the other outposts have run Into the liundreda of millions. Indeed, u was pretty well known to tho Japanese ns well as to Uin rest of the world that llusata'a treasury was In an extremely bad way at the Uine war was declared. Hut the II (xi.r o a day Is, after all, only a small part nf the bills Iluiala has to face. Her lottos of battleships hire meant tho destruction of hundred of millions of dol lar!' worlh at property that must bo replaced, nnd Uio propo'thn capture of her great towns wlUi Uiclr arma ments mint make the Cztir's heart alrk. ('unslderi'd as a plain business proposition, the war with Japan does not ai-em to be a very good Investment, liven though Ituaila should win nt Inat. alio will have to defend her posartilons more expensively Uian evnr, and how many year of ownership of ManrhiirU will be required to wake up her losses? Chicago Journal. m Those who know anything of tho dally r.iullno of nrmy postH and on board our ships of war It Is hardly necessary (,, Rliy n,t ti,e tmt0 0f u,0 bugle la tho most fnmlllnr sound of n military or naval lire. There Is scarce ly an hour or the day that Its rliiKlng trumpet call does not greet the ear, heralding some drill, formation or In spection, and, lo the soldier and sailor nllla', sleeping or waking, It becomes an cverprcsent accompaniment, If not regulator, of his clock-work existence. As curb, then, there must be some Interest attached to thn meaning of tho signals which It conveys, how they can bo understood and distinguished apart. As a military adjunct the bugle Is doubtless or extreme antiquity. Trumpets were carried by tho Per sians among the hosts or Xerxes, nnd In Its many varieties tho bugle was a fuvorltc with ancient warriors. It even seems to antedate all other musi cal Instruments, ns It appeared on the Kgyptlan baa roller nt Thebes, on tho stone relics or the Iirulds In the Ilrit Ish .Museum, In pictures of Grecian mythology and In the legends of the fall or Troy. A horn or perforated nun.!.. Srlcctinq and Managing Men. ANY men mtitakeuly think Uiat because they work hard end try hard thry must eventually su.Tecd to aome extent. This does not follow. Somo men carry on great enterprise with little npparent effort. Tholr success Is due to skill In selecting cfnclent executive hoada. Many a business man breaks down trying to nipple- inent the work of Incompetent heida of departmenta almply heeuuae he does not know how to choose the right men. A man of commanding ability does not worry hiniieir over an talla. lie makes out tils program nnd then aelrcta men who can carry It out to Uie letter. Indeed. Is Is a sign of noakneas for the head of a concern to bothor about lltUs details. It showa that ho lacks the Insight, tho buslnosa akigsclty. the ability to aelect and to manage men who can do things elllcleutly. It Is a great art to duplicate one's aelf In another nnd multiply one's self many times by selecting those who are vastly superior to ourselves, but who did not happen to have hid our opportunity to do the thing Uicmsolvea. Success. Compiled with thn I,ar. In Chicago are corbiln boulevards set apart for tho uio of pleaauro ve hides only, from which all wheeled appliances which npponr to be uoed for toll or profit are atrlctly excluded. At rhs Intersection of two such driveways ono aunny nrternoon stood a dapper little park policeman In a new spring uniform. Ho twirled a slender switch Idly In his white-gloved hands, and appeared to bo making up by an as sumption or Importance all that he lacked In size. Suddenly, as If he had bobbed up out of Uin ground, appeared a glganUe laborer trundling n plobelan wb eel borrow. It was an empty wheelbar row, to bo sure, but a wheelbarrow none tho less, which had been uiod many a Ume In carrying brick and oth er common things. For a momont tho park policeman wai atlff with horror t thin desecration of Uio boulevard. Tlien with lordly tread he stepped out and tapped the workman easily with tho twitch. "Huro, now, my man." he said. "None of thit, yoa know. Only plena uro vehicles allowed on Uio drive. You'll have to go down to Uio next atreat with that barrow." Ilia workman hesitated a moment. and then grinned broadly. "Pltmaure vetilclea, eh?" ho repeated, "Well, there," and as easily as a cat would pick up a mouse, ho picked up Uio pollciTHAn end deposited him In the barrow, "alt you thero, then, my boy, and we'll have a pleasure vohiclo all our own. shell was the most primitive and com mon form or this prehistoric trumpet, which, In Its evolution, has produced this present bugle. Its earliest re corded prototye was tho long-stemmed 3are-mouthcd Instrument popularly at tributed to Gubrlel and angel orches tras, and by successive gradntlons Its pedigree can be easily traced down to the shining, metallic and beautifully finished cornet or to-day. Hut as It Is tho desire of the writer to make the military use of this Instrument more ramlllar to the many who know or It only In a general way. It Is with that end In view that he selects the bugle or trumpet ns his theme. The words "trumpet" nnd "bugle" are frequently used Indiscriminately, although in n technical sense the form er Is the Instrument especially belong ing to the cavalry or mounted troops. whllo the latter Is the one most ottcn seen depicted. The two Instruments differ but slightly from one nnothcr. DIMIU SCAVINGLKS. AN INTERESTING SCENE IN HOLLAND. Ii Is proliablo Hint mio never fully rrellu Uie Intcrili-pontlt'iicu of v. lid crfittiri's, nnd their cognliAiiro of the I'uri or their own kind and other l'mli Mr Mary Aualln. In "ilie Um) of l.ntle Itnln." aaya that the .linigeri of the ditert all kiep an J( on ono another. Xfrer a coyote comes out or his lair to hunt In the country or the carrion mwi, but looks up llrat to here Ul' crows are gathering. It la it ant Mmt fur n windy nmrn Ire. on the listless, level mesa, lo !i'li Uie pair of them eying each Uifr furtltely. with a tolerable umptlon of unconcern, but no doubt Wi a certain amount or good under lUmllng Whui the five royotcn that range the Tjon rruiii I'astcrla to Timnwnl I'annrsl u relay rnce to bring down nn Htrlopa striked rrom the lwnd. nn swung down rrom Moijnt I'llios, taiianln miiterlallred out or Invisible "tcr, and hawks came trooping like Mll lioya In a street fight. Hnbblts "1 up In the chapparnl nnd ctvkril heir earn, reeling tlii'iiiselvos qulio i(t for once aa tho hunt swung near tun. Nothing hnpiMUs In the deep wood "'I tho blue Jays nro not all ngog It'll. The hawk follows the Imdger, to coyote the carrion crow, and from ttflr aerial stations tho buzzards Wi each oilier. Very clean and hnnilsomi', quite be I'-ig hla relationship In nppi'nrnncii, " Hark'a crew, Hint kenvenger and tlnndrrer of mnunlnln cainpH. It Is Pwmlwlble to call lilm by his cuiuinon lump, "Camp llobber;" he lias earned Not content with refuse, ho picks Jlti meal sacks, fllchos wholo pula-I01-". I a gorinand Tor bacon, drills "Wei hi pncklng-cases, and Is dnuntrd lf notlilng short of tin. All ti, W,,u ,lft Awn no, MSrct t0 I ""I'wto tho chlpmunka and spar- U1l whlak off cruinba of comfort 'torn under tho ciimpor'a foot. TllO L'nillll llnl.l,..,-'. ,.r .nil lilnelr ff lilt barred wlnga nnd slender '". with ci'rtuln trlcltH of iierclilng, nun or attempts to pass lilm "" off as a wwHlpeckor; but Ills li- .r is mi crow, llo froquonta tho ' vmo bclta, nml has a nolty. 'went rail ko a Jay'a: and how " tlio frlak-tnllcd chip koep tho campl Nu cruiiili or or bit of ogg-ilioll gooa nmlat. 1 tie attire worn by the Dutch peasantry has a great attrac ,d tho American artist ahown In the lllu.tratlon 1. ovUlo.t Tho plcturesii StZto' v.ue from an arU.Uc standpoint. turn, and what ho leave of hla kill la moat for some other. ICollpan ol Hnpplilra. When .Miss Happhlra Hnodgrass read her grniliitttlou essay soino dlHcernlng persona present Into the condemna tion stirred When Its peroration ntl Towed o effort half so splt'ii.lld Ijail I",,," of Hnilllivlllo greeted or the ears of Hinlllivllle heard; Such diction, polso and thinking! Half S" t o audience was Winking . of pride when Mlaa Happhlra bade hor audltora farewell, Anil tho way that alio waa showered with congrtulllol Hred "If bouquets of rareat lowersl Ah, 'tis not for mo to toll! I nredlct," said Trustee Ilrower as he gave 1.1- right hi""l ' will be ii" common destiny uo or- I your" es,'lVrorn.lon 1 can seo ' emancipation rrom your sex sllnd tntious ami n yearning for " Ro itwas'aU "agreod and settled that alio take first l'laco 'inonc woman of the self-assertive kind, And hut for thn limitations or her lex might be the nation's chief axecu tlve, they aald It, if ahe felt that way Incline.!. So, the eyes or Hmlthvlllo stelng this superb and fcmnle being, aha t forth Into tlie atrugglt with do temiluatlon grim;. Hut. alia! In moment stupid, by the way met cunning Cupid, and oblivious to glory tarried there to talk wim Mm; , Talked with Cupid there and tarried; all the dreams aro lledi ahe'a married; giving up hor aspirations to win glory and renown. So superb and so llno-fcttlcil, all of Hmlthvlllo feels sure nettled, for ns plodding wife sho'a Bottled In llttlo country town! New York Times. Wlso men sol! good advice, whllo fools pay for tho privilege of giving It away. CharltyvTth a atrlns to It uncovers a multitude of sins. Judge's rupll Proved Too Apt. A prominent Judge and a young law yer wero taking a holiday Jaunt to gether, and having a very Jolly time of It, Ono day tho younger man said to his companion: 'Judge, I wish you would tell mo what It Is to which you attribute your very unusual success In tho law." "Well, I don't mind doing so, but It must bo on one condition, nnd that Is, that you agree to pay the rest of my traveling expenses on this trip. To nn ambitious young fellow of considerable Inherited fortune that wa not too much to do, and so no agreed. "It Is simply this," said tho Judge; "I always make It my rule to deny everything and lnalst upon proof. Ills friend acknowledged the remark with n simple "thank you," and notn Inn further was said nbout tho matter. Tho Judgo did not limit himself In bis wines nnd other expenses, and was nmniinr mi a pretty bill. When their stay nt that hotel was ended, and they went to the desk for their nccounts. the Judgo received his nnd passed It along to the younger innn wun n twin kin In bis eve. "Why, what does this menu?" he asked, "Menu!" said the Judgo; "It simply menna that you agreed to pay all my expenses on this trip, and here's my bill." "Judge," said the other, "I deny ev erything and Insist upon proof." Phil adelphia Ledger. ii.,i-r, on Too Heavily. "Tills won't go for only one stamp," xnld tho village postmaster to tun uu cln 'Klnh, aa tho latter handed him a bulky and much senlea missive "Whuf for? What's do uuiddiih wld dnt?" "Too heavy." replied tho postmaster, linliinclOLT it on his hand. "Umph! 1 tolc dat boy so when ho wns B-wrltln' of It. I tole him ho was writ in' too beaby n han', but ho kep' n n.hpnrln down nn' a-bearlu' down on do pen, lahk a load o' liny, i n inne It baclt, sair an' mok him wrlto wld a pencil. I ain't gwlno epen' no mo' two ccutaca Jcs' tcr Ida plglieaileunesa. n-... u' of Widows. "Thla article on tho faahlou pago 1 . ..., ft., i Wlint's lieadWl "THO Yimou v... I1..I rnvwnr?" "0! That's merely tho thing alio sets for tho next reiiow." i-iiinmoipu". Press. i. Mwirt. Miss Oldo-l don't tUlnk much of il man nl tO-dllV. "lwcl., If you wait for tho voting men of to-morrow, you aru Uaulo to bo on old maid. the chief dlsUnctlon being that the trumpet has an extra crook which gives It a baritone Instead of a tenor note. The bugles In common use are usually F or G In tone. The appear ance or the latter Instrument Is so well known that It hardly needs de scribing. Its sound, to the soldier, at least. Is an evcry-day affair. Until a few years ago Uio "boats- mans pipe, a curious little silver whlsUc with the shrillest of sounds, was the monitor to whose merry chirp ing tho rollicking Jack tars yielded a ready and willing obedience. But with the advent of the now navy, fighting turrets, military masts and rapid-fire guns, this relic of the days of oak and sails, like other things nauUcal, baa gone under with the tidal wave of change which has swept over the naval service, and has found Itself almost. If not quite, supplanted by the brazen trumpet. From the first call ,n tho morning. "reveille," nt 4i!0 or 5 o'clock, until the last, "taps," tho signal to extin guish lights, at 0:30 p. m., almost every Incident or ship routine Is punctuated by the bugle. Iu tho navy at the present day only a rew time-lionoreu services are icrt to tho "pipe." Such as "sweepers," "mess 9. - Xriil nut ABANDON Blllr. calls," "all bauds to muster," "turn to" and "pipe down." Nearly all oth ors. "clear lower decks," "clean b-'ght work," "spread mess gear," "evening quarters tot muster, church," "re treat," "color evolutions," "fire," "ex ercises, boat calls, "abandon ship," -arm and away" (equipped for distant aervlco of "cutting out"), "hooks on boats," "assemble for drill and cere monies," "hammocks" and "tattoo" (0 o'clock), have been usurped by the busy bugle. At tho United States Naval Acad emy, Annapolis, JId., all tho study, rec itation nnd recreation calls for the ca dets nro sounded by It, nnd, together with Its military companion, the drum, It nlnvB nn Important role In tho rou tine life of these embryo olllcers, thus accustoming them to Its constant use when they go out Into tho service at the end of their four years' course. This assumption of the essontlally military Instrument by tho navy Is but TO AHUS THE LONQ ROLL. ono ot tho many proors that this branch of our service Is growing mill tary ns well ns scientific, and reluctant as aro souio old barnacles to conress It, the day Is not far distant when every ship of war will bo but a floating fortress, garrisoned by soldiers, gov erned by nearly tho samo regulations ns aro practiced on shore and ottlccred by skilled artillerists, to whom tho traditions of tho sea, except In tho uso of tho extant, will bo n thing of tho past. Tho sailor, or "man-or-warsman," ns ho was onco known, Indeed, except lu dress and nppearancc, has almost en tirely disappeared from tho seas. He CAVALBV HUQLEB, no longer eats his hardtack, "aalt horse" nnd "rope-yarn Junk" from a tarpaulin spread on deck, but now sits at tablo nnd has often as many delica cies as are to be found In the ward room mess. He has no more "reefing" and "handing" sail to do, but must be nn expert mechanic or artilleryman, skill ed In machinery, armament and torpe does and In aiming and tiring modern breech-loading cannon. While at the wheel he cannot watch, as he used to do, the weather leech of the main topgallant sail to keep It "lifting" or "full nnd by," ready to "luff" or "let her go off a point," but he must now be a practiced and skill ful nrtlflccr who, with finger on Uie electric dial or steam steering gear, directs by the slightest Impulse through constant danger the safety of hundreds of lives and millions of dol lars' worth of property. In short, he must keep pace with bis ship, which Is no longer a towering fabric of airy spars and sails heeling to tho breeze under "royals," "top gallant sails" and bellying "topmost stunsatls," but a powerful ironclad like the battleship Oregon or swift ocean greyhound like tho commerce destroyer Columbia, fitted with every modern ap pliance, propelled by trlpple screws, driven by quadruple expansion en- REVEILLE. glnes and speeding through Uie water at the rate of more than twenty knots per hour. These bulwarks of the nation, tri umphs of naval architecture nnd the highest conception of the constructors' art, need a different kind or hand to guide and fight them than tho pictur esque sailor ot Dlbden and Marryat Every finger a fishhook; every hair a rope-yarn. The bugle calls In use In Uio army nnd navy are not, as many might sup pose, rude and unmeaning blasts, with out rhyme or reason, and sounded sim ply at random, but each has a special and peculiar significance, which Is soon learned and, to those, accustomed to tho sound of the bugle, as readily un derstood as any spoken language. In tho "skirmish" or extended order drills on shore no commands by word of mouth nre necessary, but a trum peter, or "field music," accompanying tho officer (who designates tho desired maneuver), voices the warning for Its execution on his bugle. Tho last note Is the signal of execution, at which Uio BOOTS AND SADDLES. 5? movement Indicated Is promptly per formed "Attention, forward," "rise," "halt," "He down," "rally by squad," "deploy," "commence firing," "ceaso firing," "to the rear," and many like movements nre all perfectly intelllgl bio to tho soldier or the well-trained "blue Jacket," and require no word of command to Interpret their meaning. At our military posts the frequently recurring rouUno calls servo to Indicate tho hour of tho day for tho officers nnd their families, who regulate their clocks by them and who rarely need to consult their timepieces when with In sound of tho bugle. They rcgulnto their engagements to a nicety by these routine garrison calls, which are as constant and unchangeable as the sun In Its course. Army babies learn to hum them when they are only big enough to toddlo nnd lisp, and army mothers and housekeepers regulate their household duties by tho hours which they mark. Such remarks as "First call for 'retreat' and dinner is notsorved,"or " Taps' already and not yet in bed," aro not Infrequently heard among army people, to whom this hourly monitor soon becomos a fa miliar friend and second nature It tells them when to sleep, when to wake and when to go to church. It re minds them that It Is time for lunch, time for dinner nnd time to prepare ror bed, nnd, should physical nllmentn re quire nttentlon. It announces tho doc tor's arrival by "sick call." From morning till night Its clarion note "sends the wild echoes flying" nnd be tokens something which cannot be for gotten or shirked. Among thoso calls most often heard and which rarely or never vary aro "first call," "reveille," "parndo and gunrd mounting," "assembly of guard details," "sick call," "drill," "fatigue," "canteen," "mess" calls, "retreat," "tatoo," "quarters" and "taps." All these ore equally familiar to the garri son dwellers, whether In barren ks or "olllcers row," nnd to ninny ot Ihem rhyming words have been so cleverly fitted by the soldiers themselves that the very notes seem to speak the mean ing expressed by the call. For the hoisting ot Uio flag at 8 o'clock every morning, and when It Is hauled down nt sunset, "colors," as it Is ailed, the bugles sound off the sa lute "to the colors," and the "retreat" or "trooping of tho color." The exultant Inflection of each flour ish of this manifestation of respect to the national flag Is expressive of tho ceremony it represents n martial "hall" or "gloria In excelcls" to tho outward and visible symbol of a na tion's greatness. The "retreat" concludes the cere monies of the day evening parade and Its flnil notes mingle with the boom of the evening gun which an nounces the vanishing of the last rays of the setUng sun as tho colors reach the ground. The two calls, "to the color" and "re treat," are sounded In unison by all the "Held music" massed, who gather at the flagstaff at the preliminary "as sembly of trumpeters," while the ordi nary routine or garrison . calls are usually Bounded by the trumpeter of the guard, or ship's bugler, alone. FOLLIES IN MEN'S DRE88. Mate Attire Falls in Even Distribution of Protective Warmth, That a dress reform for men from a practical and hygienic point of view Is badly needed there Is no doubt What can be more ridiculous than cutUng the front of the vest and coat away and thus expose chest, lungs, throat, etc., to the Inclemency of the weather, giving rise to serious Illness? What sense Is thero In constructing the back of a vest with a mere, thin lining? Do tailors Imagine that the spine requires less protection than nny other part of the body. What practical use Is there in wearing collars high enough to out shade the old-fashioned "father-murders," collars that prevent the free? movement of head and neck, and tight enough to seriously Interfere with tho proper function of several organs? It Is Ignorance, pure and simple, and It la one of the physician's duties to enlighten the public on Uio necessity of considering their health before fash Ion, Ignorance, and folly. Wherein tha male attire falls Is the even distribu tion of protective warmth. One part of the body should be as warm as tho other. But not enough that the pres ent style of dress makes this an Im possibility, to flatter man's vanity (pre sumably), tailors have acquired a hab it of padding Uie coats "to Improve tha figure," and thereby Introduce another element of unequal distribution of pro tection. As a proof of how llttlo men caro about this "Improvement," it may sarely be stated that nine men out of ten do not know where their coats are padded, or that they are padded at all. and then they wonder why In a biting wind they should feel cold In one shoulder and not In the other. If phy sicians called the serious attention of men to these anomalies In their cloth ing and Inculcated In them correct hy gienic principles of dressing, they would take a great step In the direc tion of preventing disease. Eggs an a Food. Would It not be wise to substitute more eggs for meat in our dally diet? About one-third of nn egg Is solid nutriment. This Is more than can be said ot meat There are no bones, no tough pieces that have to bo laid aside. A good egg Is made up of 10 parts shell, 00 parts white and 30 parts yolk, The white of an egg contains GO per cent water and tho yolk 62 per cent. Practically an egg Is animal food, and yet there Is none ot the disagreeable work of tho butcher necessary to ob tain It Vegetarians use eggs freely, nnd many of these men nre 80 and 00 years old and havo been remark ably freo from sickness. Kggs aro best when cooked four minutes. This takes away tho animal tasto which Is offeuslvo to some, but docs not harden tho wblto and yolk so ns to make them difficult of diges tion. Such eggs should bo eaten with bread aud maBtlcntcd very finely. An egg spread on, toast Is fit for a king If kiugs deservo better food than anybody else. Fried eggs aro much less wholesome than boiled ones. An egg dropped Into hot water Is not only n clean and wholesome, but a de licious morsel. Most peoplo spoil tha tasto ot their eggs by adding pepper and salt, A llttlo sweet butter Is tha best dressing. Kggs contain much phosphorous, which Is supposed to bo beneficial to those who uso their brains much. Pittsburg Press. An amusing sight Is to seo n really modest woman raise her dress too high, by mistake, In crossing a muddy street. The man who thinks twice before speaking seldom says anything. JUe CUUnlnirnat lniiiler ta liillll(it In