m BusincHH CardH. H. C. MADSEN, Watciimakkr. lUptlrlng t rnonMe eftsrgri. All work gurDtccl flnt-cUM. Wtche, Clofki and Jowcltyt Lownt r-rlwt coTrAGK onovK, OKK. A. H. KING Attorney nt fjinv, COTTAGE?, OJIOVK, OllK. J. E. YOUNG Attorney -at-Law , Office on Mln street, Vt SMo ' COTTAGK GROVK, OrU J. S. Medley. .1. C. .lobiisoii Medley Johnson, Attorneys-iit-lnw Office Suite :t Hank HMg. Special attention tilvon to Mining nnd Corporation Law. U T. lUtrli. A- - Wootlrock. WOODCOCK & HARRIS, dUoricys-at-Law 8peel ttentlon given to the Uw ot Mines. KUUENK, OKK. BARKER & PERMAN rROl'KlETOUS OF THE EXCHANGE" 11KAI.F.KS IN KINK- WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Main street. Cottiiex tlr-m-. Ore. Half & Colwcll MltdiiE Ktislneers U. S. Mineral Surveyors Itooru 1 Hnnk llldp, Cottage (irove. 602-C03 Oresonlnn Hide, I-ortlnnd, Oregon. m, vui u; m riiai naiiuiuu ui OF Cottage Grovk, Oris. Paid jp Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges eold, available anv .ilace 11 theUnited States nxaiUTExKiM, Preildent. T. c. Wheelfe, Cashier. Lodge Directory. A. F. and A.M. Cottage Grove No. 51. Meets 1st aud 3rd Saturday. Oliver Veatch, W. M. I. O.' O. F. Cottage Grove No. 68. Meets every Saturday night. Geo. Comer, F. Secty. w. o. w. .Bohemia Camp No; 260. Meets every Saturday night. C. H. Van Denburg. Clerk. M. W. Of A. Cottage Grove Camp No. 6424. Meets first and third Tuesday nights. C. W. Wallace, Clerk. F. of A. Court Bohemia Mo. 33. Meets every Friday night. S. E. Lauder, Secty. Women of Woodcraft. St. Valentine Circle. Meets "1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Mrs. C. J. Miller, Clerk. Royal Neighbors. Emma Colburn ,Camp. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Ethel Bisby, Clerk. K of P " Juventus Lodge No. 48. Meets every Weduesday night. Dr. George Wall K. of R.B G. A. R. Appomatax Post No. 34. Meets 2nd and 4th Saturday. H. C. Dutton, Adjulant. K. O.T. M. Caicade Camp No. 66. Meets Thursday nights. Prof. A. L. Briggs, Secty. L L Hive No 42 Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday Mrs. E. Fullmer, R. K. MBA Meets every 2nd and 4th Mondays. S. E. Lauder, Secty. , " " Order Eastern Star Cottage GroveJCbapter No 4 Meets every 2nd and 4th Fridays Celio Lurch, Secty 100 First Street Portland, Oregon. Manufacturers ol Self i Otitaiticd Wood Frame and Sectional STAMP MILLS Ore Feeders, Roek Crushers, Steam Scrapers, Tram ways etc. DEALERS IN Iiiijjiucs, Hoilcrs, Pumps, Hoists, Water wheels AIR COMPRESSORS AIR ami BLKCTRIC DRILLS, HAND DRILLS. A Complete line of Mine and Mill Supplier. 1 nTuln-iu'M. I'Imiih mihI I'rki's on application to Hammond lllf g Co. 100 First Street. Portland, Oregon. How About Vour Summer Vacation. v.... .... Vill.tllltl, llliv Irt till. Ideal seiiNl.le resort ol the North l'n-i-ltii- Count. Kmiiul trip tickets tit Kivntlv n-ilmvil rates on wale from nil Southern I'nellle points In (Ire- KOll. on an, 1 n.ier .iiiui. A''iita for further Information nnd n liandsomely Illustrated souvenir booklet, or write to K.lwln Stone. C. Jt V- it. It.. Alliany, Ore., or W. K. Comnn. tl. f. A.. &. I. 'o l'ort- lunil. IX I'KAISK OK CIIAMllKULAIK'S COUC AND DIAKUIIOKA He MKDY. 'AlUw nctoivc you 11 few words in praise of Cliainberlain's Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea Itemedy," says Mr. John Dan.lett, of Ko1b Pass.Texaa "I suffereil one week with bowel trouble and got all kind of medicine without getling anv relief, when my frien.l, Mr. U. Johnson a merchant here, advised me to take tliis remedy. After taking one dote I felt greatly relieved ami when I had .aken the third doso was e.itirely rnred. I thank you from tho Iwtiom of my heart for putting this treat remelv'in the hands of mankind." for sale by New j;ra Drug Store. notici: roil i'I'iji.icatio.v. Department of the Interior. Lund Olllre at Koxelmiw. Oregon. July 12. 1WU. Notice N heivhy Klvcn that the fol-lowiiig-nnmeil settler has Hied notice ti.4i.ttt In, 1 ti, tiink-f, Html Tirnof In support of his claim,, and that snlu prooi will lie nia.if iH-iori' . . Uu County Clerk atKiiKene, tln-Kon, on September L'li. I!HU, vU: William II. drill) ihlsil.lv. No. KSlil. for the NK 'A Sit, III T 1!) S., It. 1 West. He names thefollowln wltnessesto prove his cont inuo'iis residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W. F. Mcllee, of Kail Creek, Lane Co.OreKon, Thoinus .Maloy, of .Ion, IjuioCo. Oregon, W. K. Tate, of Zlon, I.ancCo. lreon, lT. (i. tirlllln, of I'nll l're.;k. Lane Co. Oregon. J.T. IliiiixiiiH, IteslHter. THKCII A'lTANOOOA ADVKHTISIXti Tho Chnttanoo!a Molicino Cumpany, with lal.r:;tories ami general oIIIclmuI Chattan.Kva, Tenn.'sn'e, it.i.l bratieli houses at t Jiiis, Mo., uiid San I'lan cisco, Col., has U'come one of thelari;est proprieptrv ineilicine eoneerns in the world. Iii thfgrowtli of this great busi nits two fi.etorH hau Im-cii il.imiiiant : The in.i it of its products Wine ol Cardui and Tliidliird's Ulack-Diaught has lieen widely recognized and the original ii.lvcilising methods adopted have creileil great comment. The publicity for thete medicines does not conslBt of the catch phri.Hj and ex travagant statement, too often employed in advei lining today, but instead the plain story of experience with tho medi cines given in the plain language of the people themselves. The following let ter is n fair sample of the thousands of Wine of Caidui testimonials published miring the pant twenty years. AllSCKSS. V. 11. Harrison, Cleveland, Miss., ....i.na A ir. 1002? "I want tn fiav ft word of pralco for liullard's Sncw Liniment I stepped on n nail, which caused the cords In mo leg to contract and an nhieess 10 riso in my kiicu, um, the doctor told mo that I would have a stifrieg, soono day I went to J. l' lord's .1. ug stoio (who is In Dunvcr, Colo). Ho lecoinmellded 11 liottlo ot Snow L.tilment; J got n DOc size, and it enroll mv leir. It Is the best liniment In the world. AHCKssiW, Willi lew exceptions, uro f ltw.t.. rf uritiMtiiiiitlritl nr tll'llilltv. They may, however, result from blows or from loreigu bodies, introduced Into tho skin of llesh, such us splinters, thorns, etc. Sold by Morgan nnd lire liant. Mniltlitn l,n: over enuallcd it. Nothing can ever surpass it. ' Dr. King's New Oiseowery ForCi ONNCMl'TIO.V f.Ut oii.ii.iMuua toiJi.oil A Terfect For All Tliroat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back If It fall. Trial Dottlet free. H IjOh 1 f 1 I IS ABRIDGING THE LAW. It Took Tlnif, lint II W 1'lnnllT Hr lurril to One Merll "Hcfore we were mnrrlen." cogitat ed the round shouldered but otherwise upright man as lie proceeded with lit- task of washing the dishes which his wife had left In nn untidy state when she departed for the convocation of the sewlug circle. "I concocted In my mlnd-qulte n long series of bylaws and regulations which should govern ami shapo our married life. Thero were rules and formulas calculated, so I believed, to lit almost any emergency that might arise, and from time to time I added codicils as they occurred to me till In tho cml It was n veritable constitution duly authorizing two to live cheaper than one and happier than anybody else. "Hut shortly after tho ceremony which made us two souls with but u single thought, ns they say in stories, I began little nt a tlmo to nmend tho document it was n mental one, ns T said before and, strange as It may ap pear, tho more amendments I added the shorter It became, till now, after the lapse of fourteen years or weu.ieo. bliss, my constitution Is so reilucc.1 that It Is coinposedof only one sec tion, which Is as follows: " 'Section 1. What my wife says Is law.' " OUR BLIND SPOT. A I'orllon or Uery i:e In Aliolnlelr lliriillile to I.lKl.t. On the back of the eyeball Is a pecul iar expansion of the libers of the optic nerve which Is called the retina. Kv cry part of this Is not equally sensitive to the action of light. A small portion, where the organization Is most perfect. Is called from lta color tho yellow spot. This is only one six-thousandth of nn Inch In diameter, yet It produces tho most perfect sensation of vision. A little nearer to the nose Is another spot, which, though full of fibers of tho optic nerve, Is absolutely Insensiblo to light and Is therefore called the "blind" spot. This can be easily proved by putting two big dots three inches apart on a piece of paper, closing the right cyo and looking ut tho left hand dot and moving the paper toward you till tho left hand dot disappears. Helmholtz In his lecture tells us that "this blind spot Is so largo that It might prevent our bcclng eleven moons If placed side by side, or a man's faco at a distance of only six or seven feet," and that "Mnriotto, who discovered tho phenomenon, nmused Chorion II. and his court by showing them how they might see each other with their beads cut off." Cattle In Ilnvurla, Cattle In Ilavarlu aro much used la plowing and hauling. They nro fre quently yoked In a curious manner, so that tho pull conies from the forehead and not from the neck, or, rather, shoulders, which Is the ordinary way elsewhere. rinntillnir nthlnir. The village council of Illrslngen, Alsatla, Issued the following advertise ment: "N'untod, 11 good man for wind ing up tho steeple clock. No salary ut tho beginning; later on double." The Smart Set A illaaxiiic ok' Cleverness Magazines should liave it well-defined purpose. . Genuine entertainment amusement and mental recreation are the motives of The Smart tict, ilie Its Novels (a complete one iiicnch miinligr) nie by the most brilliant authors of both lieinisphctcs. Its fihort stories am matchless clean nnd full of human interest. Uajolces, ivilUcistns, sketches, etc., are admittedly the most mirth-provoking. 100 piijies Delightful Rending No pages are wasted 011 cheap illustrations, editorial vaporings or wearying essays nnd idle discussions. Jivery inve win uaeresi, enavin and rej resit you, Subscribe now 2M0 'f ytar Hcinit in chemie, P, O. or Ji is older, or registered letter to The Smart Set, JG2 Fift press older, .I t'll J.UTK N. B, Sample Copy Sent Free ... !,. ..7. 1 V Smooth Tootcr. iniiiu iiine to the store, mo day. Anil to the tlniirgtst he did say. My feet once all covered with corns. Are now ns smooth us a yearllngr" horns. IVe I'op lim All Com Salve for sale Morgan & Ilrehnut.X NKULKCTKl) COLDS. Kvery part of the miicoun membriuie, the 1100, throat, ears, head and lungs, etc., are subjected todbgnxe mid blight from neglected cul.ls. Uallard's llore IkiuuiI Syrup is n plea:in.l and effective reme.lv. 26c, 60c, tl.OO. V. Akendriek, Valley Mills. Texas, writes: "I have us-etl llidlard's llorckouiid Syrup for coiitihs and tliroat troubles; it is 0 pleasant anil ollectivo remedy." Tor sale by Morgan nnd llrchaut. RUDUCUD KA1IIS 10 ST LOUIS LX I'OSI I ION. The .Southern I'acillc Co will sell round trip tickets at Kivutl.v reduced rates to St Louis ami Chicago ac count tho St l.ouls Kxposltlou. on the follovlli tlales: .1 line 111, IT, IV .lulv I. :i; August S, !l, III; Sept, -in-iK'r'l, ii, T: ticlober :!, I,.", lioiiiK Hip must be completed within Ion days fr.nii .lute., I sale, and passengers will be permitted In stun on any day that will enable them to reach destination within the ten days limit. ICetiirii limit ninety davs, but not later than Dec :!lst, 1!H. for full Information as to rates and routes call on Auenl S I'aeilh t'o at Collage tiroff, Oregon. ; Note .Iiine "Hi has lieca author ized as a stile date for Louisiana I'iii'cIiiik.. Imposition tickets, in ad dition to sale .lules previously an noiiuci'd fur .Iiine. This will enable purchasers of tickets in be at the Im position 011 iiii'iin 1 my .11111,' i.itn IIK.MTII TL WOMKV. l'liimp elieeks, lliishttl u llh III.- Mill glow of health and 11 pure enmj lexioii, makes all wmiiea beautiful. I'tike a .mail .lime of Ilcrbine after each meal ; it will , revi-.lt coiistipatioii and help digest what you liuvn e.tlen, H) Mis Win M. Sir, ml, Midlothian, Texan, ft rites, May HO, 1001 ; "Wo have useil llerhiue in our family for eight yearn, ami found it the best modiciuo wu ever fed for eonstiputiiiil, biliouj fever anil 11, alar, a." ,.l.l by Morgan anil lite haul, Cream Vermifuge THE GUARANTEED WORM REMEDY THE CHILDREN'S FAVORITE TONIC. IWASE OF IMITATIONS, TSC CtHUINC PftEMIUD 0NIV BY Oallard-Snow Liniment Co. OT. IOUIB. MO. X Ifth on Application. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. 1 In illlll' Miss Maty .mu'j "" V ll(,v. er pay wnnt.- . f Ms Violet KUt". f"rm,r w , u, ' 1 . .... I.' Ilia. Ml III HI. ..... or iw , ,,t.a. r.i.ii. huh open IIhIuiiciiI in ti ,.,, mW tn n rutuMi iiimki-- ., .Ml I ui alllllllMHl. r ,1 ,).!,.. II-.". Ill Sp.lllill'l.l. "J" ,: ,,,., .,,.1,1 ..,i I..-'!'":':; t, ,.,tl,,. H pride Klie nun V harlle . . Ms, i,,ulc M Miller of llr.t'..sl,i rg. , lit hx.ii.I UTMi - , ,, r ..f V,-,tn,o.vl.ui,l .-.111111) ,, ,i,,.- hate I.romiht lie. I'"'--- , ,. l.tlK.Ht'i r ''' N ImiHwmui M Mary Thtxtphllu. the W I 1..IM.I iHlltl'lTl' Hill 1 Mar) 1 . . .... v.,ih. Iiiinio -rotlw, HiU -.11 1 IM- - I i.'.t-nlH She was "lie "' ,1, , ,,ii,l -. nWelJ !""" " ,l"' hi. , nun). ..I"' ' M M M I.I..MI.-.I Hie KMe J'''ll,v ,, ,iK.,m .rr.-f.l"l . I i .l.wie. I"'-"') f"llr , , l.e Hie (.III)' prnellull "' ImI III l.lciiP'. I'l'l'1" '" t ..iiv a new i.IjiiiI ,., I,. Mi ..UI .1. . iiii. 1 "I1-, 1M"' ,, ,. . inul.i.liire.ir limelllneiy. ell. .- Minis. Iter father i ,. iiii 11 t, ,i, , yir- np he Iin i "" ,u, 01 11 in,,, lilne works eiiiplojIiiK ihlii) il' i.'. SPORTING NOTES. limit,, , . ,.1,1 . .. n.llii.r U uut for tie IIkM h innil.HiMilp 11ml I enter t , I ., r . , eiitly bought Africander, ,,, llinv le.ir-olil of lusl I IKHI J, ui iVrU'lt Ii nw 11 liiiseliull en tlnisiit nnd Is captain of the lliiyshli Aihleilc club i.'Miu of llayslde, S. V. Ik.- Weir. Hie "llelfast Spider." win. .,,, tears iigo was 11 crack fwitlier weight. I. now In Australia with Hilly Miuphy Tl,.. ilcht iirumoters of lltltte, Mont., Iiuvo .iK'Idetl to bury the hatchet, and boxing will be lillowed to colillliue by the iniiyor. Harry Corbett has alren.ly phictl SXMO on Jack Mmirw aguliist Jim cflrle. Is'ttlug that Jluuroc will come up fur the llfti'cntli roiiuii 11 Jen iilhm. At the npeuliig of the llrlghtun lletu-h (N. Y.i rui-e unvt lli-riuls. carrying Jlk'l pounds, iipiuled the trink risxuil of Voter, HIS. who enrrlitl but I'."-' pounds. Voung t'orls-tl linlsts Hint Jimmy llrltt shall bux It 1 lit luHltle of two inoiilhs or not at nil. t'orls'tt refuses to wait mull Diveiuber unless given liberty to take till other mutches. At the recent amateur Hlhlellc chain ptoiiships at Itochdulc, Luglulul. Arthur Dully, the American crack sprinter, was defeated In the 1m) yard tbish by J. V. Morton of the South Uiudoii Harriers, who won by Inches. JOHN RUSKIN. Hump Chara-..-r-Ullea .l tlnr ut the 31 .! Iilrrrlli.u .if Slpu. IlutMn'r! kiiiilntie. had Hi rood. In tho cftficiitlal Hweetness of hi nature. Everything In llfo had comtplrcd to (.poll him. lie waa often willful nnd wayward and exlravafiuit, but the lift ter elements of IiIm bring prevailed orer tlnwo which, to bit harm, Were to gain power when ho was relenbed from tho controlling liillucuco of hit father good xciiso ami hit inother'H authority, Tho extraordinary keeiincii.t of hl.t per ceptlonM of external thlugii, tlio vlvucl ly of hl.t Intelllgi'iice, the nrtlor of lib) temperiiuieiit, the luimciiiie variety of tils IntcrratM antl occupatlont nnd tlio rcHtlctt energy and Itidimlry with which he pursued them, uindo hint one of llio mutt lutcrcHtlug of men. And coinbhntl im they were with deep pi etlc 11 m I tleeper moral Kcnliiueiit as well at with a born desire to give pleasure, they garo to Intercmmo with him a (harm which lucreaaetl as nc iuahitnnce grew Into nffecUouuto frlcndthlp. Hit mind wan indeed at Hilt tlmo In a state of ferment. Ho was still mainly busy with thtiso topics of art and nature to which his writings had hitherto been devotitl. Hut his work In tho Held had led him Into oth er Ileitis of in.pilry, which ttrctclicd wide ami dark before him, through which no clear paths were visible and Into which he was entering not with out hope of opening a way. Hence forth his chief mission was that, not of tho guide In matters of art, but of tlio social reformer. Charles TCIIot Nor ton in Atlantic. Sallrrllo AclJ. caiicyue ucld Is on Ingntllcnt of strawberries und to a osH degree of .'.wot umcr iruiiH. An Odd Colncltlencr, Tin- unnlversarv of ttiu doatli of tlio first .Napoleon nt fit. Helena Is tho ono nnd only day In tho year when tho set tins sun nppcurs framed within tho curve or urchwuy ot the Arc .lo Trl- fate? 1'"rl'i' U " colnddeDCO Ueltt um I.lTfllhood. An applicant for relief In England, who recently appeared before tho (Swan sea Kuurtlluns, saltl ho llytj by getting ui: wisi: At f I. a year wi.;;,!,7tho,,'ninm',,r',t'i'' Journal for Investors em;i'i,r;,.,,)ju""i,""i" .Mi.n lls.'l,i.r,tl-ir,llll0V(,rl) JOURNAL V0H INVIJSoi(S Co! Legal nifink at the Uohumia Nur.nu'p INDIGESTION ., n timit'lM wllh toi.f ...... MimllClltO I .!".? MIlS HA H A II HIIIHI'IM."" t . til llr.itlllltt Irt'lrfitf.".. I oil 01 in" " i .rM..rit clii.wi' ; iiniitfei.111111. " , tnV.',,..tnll ;'": for, uiiu'K ", " '" . " ,o,illvj-i.; "'i' u" . 1. ....I htrcr 111 lief iioiiint'ii a" (wt enuthHuu THEDFORD'5 iLA(l-DRAU(iHT Mor i.V.hmm i cauikhI l.y cuiitiiwtioii thai' ''X y l,.r ,ba' riMtlford lll.it It 1'riiuglit nut only re ,t..e..iili""ii I'lilfUlM dmrrltteit ami ibi-'ittery nl kivM tlte iH'wel' r.'ultir. All ,littl.l" "U jo-cnl fk. TL.- .U.tr.l lllnrk lirmight i d," lt iiifl .ilie to fgul'ilf lb" 'Vnli I lime ewr iiwd. Slltlt. A M lilt A NT. Sihsi.1 Kerry. N 0. COM5TIPATI0TI THE WHITEHS. Mine i: Murlit lhnin'"l. the notttl r.ligllsh author. "I"1'"1 "'u ter In the t nU.tl Stun Mm II A Mlt.li.-I1 Ken. Hi" Amrr lean iinthor. has 11 M "ne ,lf distill gulthe.1 iincettry, nticliliig back In Meiiry 111. of CmtUml- Walter Klttmlge. titrBiillior of that world famoiii" it'liB. 'Teiitlng on llm Old t'auui tlroiiihl." H Mill llvlnK In the hamlet of Itittl't. IVrry. N. 11.. where he c0lnpti i""ii "I hU advulie. itl 11 ge. Aiiguslut TlH)in, the playwrlghl. hilt all but decided ileHiiltely to wltlw pcrimiiiently In Uurii. Mr. Thomat., who has ulwayi. Uvu a utalwurt Amer ican In all his tauten, thought llmt ho would never select llutvl u I'luc of r.nltieiice. Hut hU views wire cliung.il by sojourn of noutn moiilht abroad. TRAIN AND TRACK. Today there are appruilnwtely l.ooo. OUU rnllrond men In the United Ktut.n uudc-r whitt uinouiiu to u prutll.nl rule of total abstlufiuv. It seems in ti an tttlultlli.li.tl fat that u trolley ruu.l Is nttollt lo In, built Into the Yom'iultf. This will do away with the seventy two miles of staging Whk-li Iwve hltherlo rvslrlited trmel to that region. ' A new railroad, planned to scsle dray's MtiW, near Dillon. I'olu , will at tain a belglit ut least 3W fift greater than Um, road which climb I 'Ikes Itt-nk. The new rood will lap an lint,r taut mining area. I he (i.tirg.'ttiwn ills. Irlet, and will be a feeder for Uilh the fulu rinlo mill .Southern uud tho tiemer il I (lo llrumle railroads. Ntirit'i: nut I'liiii.iCA iiiiN. Hulled State Land Olllt e, lltKttburg, (Ire., .Ill lie IT, lll. S'ulit'tt Is h.Mi'liv given thai ill nini pliuiieu Willi the provisions ,( Ihe Ael ol I uigres ut .liiiie.'l. IH7S. eullllitl "An set for Ihe shIimiI Timber Isnils in tint slates of California, Untiiii, Ni-viula anil W'asliiiigton Terriltiry," ,. itxleiiditl In ail Ilie I, ill, la- l.iml sliiti s liy at'l ol All gust I, Ih'.l-.', n-ear It. I'uge, ,,( .Mulfl, Cotinly ,,( Line, Slate .if Oityon, lias this tlav llhtl 111 this ,,111,-e IiIhhwoiii taleiiieiit No.ii'jrn for tin. piirchaso ol tll.'.l-H III n.M-l.OII 1, J OH II- ship a) South, ol Itan-.'it'J wmt iiinl will Hirer piool to show that llm laud sought is mere valuablh for lis tiuils'riir stiinu than for ngrli'iiltiinil nurno.es. ami tn .-stiililtt.il Ids claim tosuiil anil M,(Citi,J, J. Walton, II. S. C.iiiiiiilt.iuner nt Kit gene, Oregon, no I'riihiy the lltb tlay of netiieiiiimr, IUOI , Ho naines un witnesses: James N, Italnlle. tlcorire U' llunlnr Il.ivltl .Muriihy, ail of l-Iugeue, ami Muncey (iisldardof .MiiIh-I. nil ol I (!i, Oregon Any ami all ticrsoiis elalitilinr ml. Vorsely the alsiviHlitscrllHtl lands an, ne piest(l to lllu their claims in this olllre on or nelorimahl ti, ,y 0f Hept,, 11101 ,j J. T. IliiuaiKH Itcgirlcr. NOTICi: KOI I I'UHLIOATION. United Klalt-H Laud Ollllc,, lloseburg, Ore., July Ist.lUIII atttico is liciebv given that In I'fHMIlll- aiieo with tho provisloiiH ol tlio ael ol LoiigrcsHof Juiittll, I87H, eutitleil "All Act for tho sale of TimlsT Lumls In tho Ht'ites ol Oaiiforiila, Oregpn, Nevada, and Washington Territory," us "ox tended to all tho I'ubllo Lund Kliilos by act ot August 1, It'll:!, KM MA KTAI'I.I.'.s of Lugciic, Co. ol Lane, Htato ofOie gun us this diiylllcl In this nirini ber sworn stuten t No. mils, for the pur- 1. up .,i wu, tv n 01 p. y i ol Sen Noill In 1 11 No 111 H It,.,.,,,. n vu. 1 and will oiler proof to show that tho land sought Is mom valuiiblu for lis timber or slono than for iiKrleiillurid iiiriMises,ninUii establish her claim lo "aid lain bfloio .I..I. Walton, U. H. Umiiiissloiier ut his olllco at I'iiigone, Lane (Jo. tlreirou. no M,itn..i.i 11. n otn. day of Kept, 100 1. HI10 mimi'H as wIIikubhoh! Unjrles Owlen. of Creswell, Thomas Mai, or. H. 1). Allen Willi M ..II of Kiigono, Oro, ' Any mm mi persons eluimiug adversely the above dt'erlli,l 1.11..1. .......,...i to lllu their eliiiuiH in this olllco on or .t-ioro sum si nav ol Heptember 1001, J. I . lliiiiiiiKH, ItojilHter. Free Assays Kl'I'O AHUIIt'U 1,'ltl I,.. ,. in ,1,. ... 11.. IiuttiKt proHpeeldi'H tlnrliiK Hi" next "ireo inoiuiiH. nut tn nvm.d twn jiHNii.VH per iluy. HiiinplcH iniiHt bo left, noil ii'iiiii'iu ,.i.i.,iiui,ii ,ii 1 1.1. ui...... ef KiiowleHiind (leHys. Theso free 1 1 ..nniun uio mi' 1110 iieiienii 01 tno lll'IIH. IK-e tor anil district und nil uro sollel. led to iiiuko tho henulllH iih (nr it'iieh. UK iih possible, l .1. 1 1 Aim, M I WirW OREGON ' oi(r line and Union Pacehc llirn lr,i',ih I,, 1 1 in, 1 ii, 1 , 1st "let pun; . 1 1 ,, eng.,, Niuikitn, 1 ihillt i l , 1 1 r , , 1 , In,,, il h i , 11, , , , ibiele.l 1 i'i.,li , 1 1 leellliilig eli.tl, . ,, i:,,i .in, u. I'tlUII tM, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I . I, 1, , I I 1. 11 tg.i t 11 1 '" Mllll '"" 1 lllg ' " ' ML, i.li. v ,1, 1 l iptt 1 t w S l.lp 111 K ,,, . Vlllll.llll 1 . , I1111I.111 1 . 1 -I, I'.ltll ,1 , u I ,t-l Mini ,-1, ,, II Kip. in. u ,,1, , . Mil M 1 "ptiklllie. -,, 1 1 H ,1.1 1 , . Ilt-I. ,1 ,'i kZ5 '"-to ifil ti, .on I'or Hun I 1 11., lit H.IKI p 111 I - - an. I N'.iilb II", 1. 1 day: HI H tst , 111. UMiiv ..,. W'lllaill.'lt 1 AND i) Overland Tr.mi Daily Til Flju U Bnd Tho Fist Hill Splendid Service Up to date Equipmtnl Courteoui Entjb: Daylfeht Trip icross tba Ciscrii t Rocky Mountains. l-'nr 'I'lekt-iH, itni.H, loi.lrrj n K11II lnfniiiiti..ii 1 i irlMlv II. nn KHOX. C.T, 122 3d St., Portland Ori H. (i. YKUKI'.'.. Ill Kir. I Avea.te. .1. W.I'.J Wo KlVOI'SS'tllled M'l-tlceou Mi lloiitu yniir HliliiiiieniH tin Northern, l-'ull In ftiriiiatlon in Wm. IIai'ih 11. Ueiit, Aifont I'lirtlund, nregoii. 0. & 1 1! I! I1 1 TlinoTsMoN'OiJ To Take lilTi'tt n Apr. 2ml, I Kskt llllllll.l im,. I i -al mil;. H ' IsimU MII Ki rt-pt Stin.lsr. So' SlATIIlM l'"'- Nn 3 P.M. Nn I -A.M. Ml" ao 7I.VI 7:M 7'ftD Sill Sill S.I7 SIJI ki7; HI III s.r, u it. o I t'tftif, ,1. tiriitc Oltlilstl , i imlti , , I , r, iiiinl.) linker ii i 1,1 19 f.m l:M TM) 11.01 Hilt a : 17 3:110 a, HA WM um :M :i:Vt ii -J n,:i 7 7 K ', s.r 10 If l) S W 5 itnrt-ii'i lifil i:,','k ., stt'i i n Hiottnri lr ttlliltt.ssl 1 10:J-j j! vim t n,l Ii 10 ID .. II II It ii s ni, A Li U:l'. 111 i. ,.'uitliiil nullee. ntiiijvr. - . , r.1,,1 urilj.t AUotiiwiir.i ireiK.i. ",""",,;,; lolnl risk ol lilisirii.l.'a';. u. i.- .1,1 u il 1 1, si rei'tiiti-.. ir.T.i K, II. II. IH'IK.l iill.' " I'.' nM lorwsrillnk in-1" i'Smlitij ilt'llti'ri'.Un iimi'lu Ht 1 vrARS'i GXPEniEN'l uv ... IM'HAX WU M'UHiiiiB M.I. Hil'TS I 1 AND SOu I! oulclilr MMttisl'i ,ir l'i"lV",,fi Yvmut' tliMissiriotli wMsitusl. W jent frtin. .(ljll if on, ',f0J,"u,ul l I'stotiH. iMtoa ir.rJ"i " K'.fa Ktal uil. r.n,,,ut cWo, ! CTAiAtittttr MIIH'lllllll lTiiDihV'mi(tn froM ,