Hood's Snrsapnrilla is unqticstlona My tho greatest blood and liver mcdicino known. It positively and permanently cures every humor, from Pimples to Scrofula. It is tho Best Blood Medicine. Klmwn Vnlun of Nulns. A well Uiiohii niliilntiT I Ii'IIIiik n nmii'iliitu uluiut M lirutlii'r rli'iinum wIid hum iriiilrii 1 1 ti i-x pi h ( 11 1 ly to of llrliuo lit tho fin i in 1 or n iiiuii con ciirnliiK whom ho It n civ iioIIiIiil'. WIic Iiii iirrlvt'il hi tlm loivn wlirri- t ho do ooiiHi-it It it 1 1 llvi'il Im liinl Just Ilino l 1 1 1 ti k o II Tow luijiilrli-s nliuut Ills Unit mill lii'lilovemi'iilH, tho ri'HllltN of wlilrli tin niili'il on it im-iiiiiriiiiitiiiu, Ills imiIiibj' nt llm Horvlrp, an rojiorliil win ii limit n h followH: "Our ili-nr lirotlii-r, wlmm wo mourn (oiliiy, win n mini of rnro ch.'irni'ti mill nhlllty. Ilo hint tlm iiiniilnl rnpm lly of ii"- roforrliic to hid Milieu "Hiinli'l Wnluilor, tint tnot nf " tipiln i-onsulllni; hi nii'iiKiriiiiilitiii ' 1 1 fit ry C'liiy, the itiTllniK'lly of ii" ntiiitlirr rofiToiint -"1'lyssi-ii K. I rit lit. Wo run only mourn Mm with a pro foimil mill norrnH'ful ri'itri'l now Hint ho linn koiio to incut liln" nnolliv rofuri'Wi" to tin) iiules "(.oil," A (Tonitlliitf Tliotitflti, ItrnmlilF -Yen, I'm only, I I now I'm ugly; lull tlirrn In mil cnunl ruiinolstloii Krlrwl -Wlmt I. Hint? Itrumlilti f I'frr 1 ilioulil ln-cntiir crrnt. alul tin American people alinuM result r tu rrort n sIaIuf In my inriiiory lltfy won t on too to titako mt out suy uglier tlion I mil. The Hca.vm Why. Driimmoml, Witt., Hfpt. Ill (Hnrrlal) Wliolo (it in 1 1 i -i in Ilnyllulil county urn bIiikIhk tlx1 rnlfn ol Hotlil Kid ney I'illtt mill tint rcarou why In ylvrn ill txiirt luiii'fn Kticli that nf Mr. T. T. Wohl, n mill known citltcn hero. "I Itml itiicli pal in 'n my buck that I Mil not know wlint to do, says Mr Wolil, "inl aa I i'ii inn across nn uilver tltti'int'iit of Dodd' Klilmty l'lll I tent foi ii hoi. 'flint unit Imx relltivml inn of nil my pains. My wife also ust-il them nuil louinl tlti'in Just v. lint alio liroU'tl. I rvcoinmvml 1imIi1 n Klilmty 1'ills it a su'ro rum for llurknlie, ami other Kiilttuy 'Iioulilea " llni'kiti'lie in olio of I tin rnrllrnt symptoms of Klilnry ilinpimo tM Kiilney I'l 1 In emu It promptly and permanently ami pr-tvont it tluvrlopiot; Into ltlit-timntism, Diopsy, DlaU-teH or IlrlKlit'a Dlma-i'. Alt Ampllllrtl Woman. "Tltp car wiih entirely empty, with the exception of one iiiuii." mild Mia .Myni Kelly. "He wan thr reverse of tho cur. An I I'lilereil lie rote, innil inn an uualiatly Itut niiii'iillleeiit how niul tuilil: "'.Muilnin. plilenslie tut Llml 'noiich to assliept tltlsli plitsln' There wna nolliliiK elm' for liw to ilo, ao 1 tluiiiLe-d lillii anil ant down. "Anil for twenty tilocka flint Idiot limit; from a atrup, awnylnc In tho dreete, with not n aoul In the cur tint ouraelws. Ocrnalonally I hnve lieen tnLen for other women; Itut I never before huil any one think that I wna a enr full." riTO i' rilO .n.r Dr.lil.r'.u..uflir.Klli).'.utftlN lu.tot.r. B.n.l r.,r I'lMtl lrl.llilll.nillr..lU lJT.ll.ll. Kiln. Ud.. W? Art-h HI. I'htll.lptilft, 1'a. Hrrvnl Iter Itlultt. He Alii! nicthluks your hrnrt Ii COlll. Mhi Tlint'a a fnct I should hnra hceileil inolher'M udrlce. Hi Mother's niltlic? .She Yen. tflio udvlseil me not lo wear a thin wnl I until It Rot warmer. Molberewlll flint Mil, vrintluw's hoothlng Hrruptltd t-e.t remedy toiini fur Ittotr children durltig tho teething period. Illssns mut a Hat, "f wna talking to my little ennui dnuchler over the 'phono tho other dny," wild Judge Parker recently to u few of lila friend nt n hotel In Alliniiy, Now York, "and when I end ed I an Id: "'Here, Dorothy, la n kin for yon.' "She replied: 'Oh, pshaw, Krandpii, don't you know that a klai over Uio telephouo U like n Ktniw hut.' "I anld: 'Why, no, aweelheurt, how Is Hint?' " 'It'a not felt, Krnnilpn.' " UK When a child I li.nl a very severe at tack of Diphtheria, which came near prov lu fatal. Uponrccovcry Ihctjlniidaof tho neck were very much enlarged, nnd after the free use of iodine, the right one was reduced to Its normal size, but the left oue continued lo (row very slowly at first, until it was about the size of a goose cps, which begun to press on the wind pipe, causing difficult breathing, and be came very painful. Ail incision wan made nnd a large quantity of pus discharged. The eland was removed, orii9 much ui could with safety be taken out, Vor ten years I wore a little piece of cloth about an Inch long In my neck to keen the place open, Durini; this thus I had to have it cut open by the doctor every time I took cold or the opening clocked. In the Sprlne oreatly Summer of 1884 I was persuaded by my wife to life S. S. S., which I did, strictly in accordance with directions. I took twenty-six larjje bottles, and was en tirely cured, for I have not suffered sinco that time. 11. S.Kaoi.ni. Koyal DagMfi;. Co., Charleston, S. C Only n constitutional remedy can reach nn hereditary ilisou.e like Scrofula. When thu blood is restored to u normal condition and tha scrofulous deposits are carried off there is a gradual return to health. S.S.S. is wen Known as 11 blood purifier and tonic. It is tho only guaranteed, strictly vegetable remedysold. Ifyou have any signs of Scrofula, write us andourphysicians will advise you free The Swift Spoolflo Company, Atlanta, Go. ll I SCRUrULA TENUENOV OF OCCUPATIONO, Coiiiinrrcliil ninl lintttatrlnl I'nranlU Hnvo lit. Cull, Thnt wo hllle lieeolno In the Inat twenty yenra n coiiimeielnl mid IndiiH trlnl people mid hnve reined to Im n Iieopln wllh whom nxrlcultiiro la Hie Iireiloinlnnni Imluatry la Indlcnted liy tho cenaiia report on orciipnllolia, re renlly iiuhllalieil 'l lm fn'llowlii(r tnltla Hhowa tho proportion of all Ihoae In Knlnful imraulta who were ciiriikciI In tho live principal elnaaea of occupn lion In 1880 mid in looo: tttoo A70 im in ao 21.41 Il.r. tro at do 0 22 l.2i Aftlftiljtiral (ittrttilli .. i.20 Ir.fa.annal 8,4o Iloni.aile alld iirnnnal. 2Wi Tnjiii and trait.tioria- Maittifarturlni anil nia cltanlril ai . IT Tulal ."iuiiio Inrrnm. It will Im aern Hint In lfWO. while IIV per cent of those employed wero en Knged In nifrlrultiiru, only .11 per cent were niKnifed In trndo nnd tranapor tntlon, mnmifiicturliiK ami mrclinnlcnl imratilin, hut Hint In 11XKJ Iraa than ltd per cent wnro oinjngeil In aicrlculture, wlillit iilmost 41 per cent wem miriiged In innnufiieturliiK and commerce. This does not, of courao, Indicate tho oxtlui'llnn of agriculture. It merely Indicates a ehnngo In Ita relative Im uorlanea. Tho uuinlier of tieraona no- tunlly enitnged In nitrieiilture llirronarri Itetween 1HS0 nud 1000 from 7.7U.OOO to io,;iH2,(KX nnd tho number la like! to Increase for many yeara, eapeclally If our vaat Irrigable domain Is thrown open to aettleinrnt and la settled by bona fins hnmeaeekera. With tho growth In tho commercial and Indu trial opulatlon there la bound to he growth In the nuuilwr of tboae gngeii in the buslnesa of growing their rood anpply. In a country such aa Mil wiin us oroml areas of fertile land available for Industry, and wltb It vast reaources of Mm raw material of ministry and of manufacturing power, agricuiiura la hound to demand th aerticea or more and more msn. To make this clear It la sufficient to sar uini in ifwi there wore engaged in commerce and the mechanical Indu tries J,JM).000 persons, who were fed by tho labors of 7.7N.OOO agrlcultur lata, while In 1001) there were engage ill commerce nnd the mechanlcnl niairles 1 1.WJ.ooo peraons, who were foil by the labors of Hl..'tHl,.000 peraoii Wlillo it la still true thnt agriculture Is. and for iniiny years Is likely to re main, inn foundation Industry wiiicii rests the prosperity of th whole country, such a change In th ilistriliutlou of occupntlous as tha which has occurred since lfiSO Is great social ami political aa well of economic significance. It la reflect ed In the growth of cltlea. In tho rlso of problems of municipal governrueii now undergoing Investigation and ao- liltlon and In the ferment of labor am! capital. It has had and Is likely have pol III nil effects of far-reaching mportnuce affecting our Internal poll cles and our foreleu relations. hl roul r loneur I'reaa. NOW HAS A PAMI8 DflANCH. . W. C A. KatablUhrtl tind.r (Inld mire of Hrlll.lfAiiitrlrC.lt Women. No Young Women's Christian Asso ciation has ever been founded In I'nrl for tho reason that no enterprlxlug per son with means ever took the matter In hand until a few months ago. I wortld have made happy all who take n Interest In Christian associations to have attended the dedicatory exer clses of the newly established Ilrltlsh American Young Women's Christian Association at 0 Hue do Turin, Ave minutes' walk from Uio business ces tor of 1'arls. where, In a private bouse, with garden In front, at leaat thirty women can be housed, boarded and well cared for. una nas neen uono mrougn me ac tivity of Mrs. John J. Hoff, who for soveral years has stirred up the en rgy of tho American Christian rest dents of l'nrls nnd has producwl won ders. On the opening day the sunlit drawing and dining moms were crowd ed with American residents who lis toned to a bright discourse from Mrs. Hoff, a witty speech from John Wana maker, who has done so much for Christian young men and women In arts; an address by Mrs. Ileach. hose interesting Humlny evening meetings for American students are so well attended, and n prayer by llev Dr. 'Jhurbcr; then tea and lemonade were served, after which every one ran up tho two flights of stairs to look at tho cheerful bedrooms. Tho pmimblo to tho constitution says that tho members of this asso ciation aro actuated by n de-slro to tlmulato Interest In the religious de velopment of young women In rnrls. to Improve their Intellectual, socJnl nnd physical conditions, and to do this there will bo classes In French, Gor man, lectures, social nnd Itlblo meet ings nnd tens, besides physical culture. The feeo for ncttvo and sustaining moinliera aro f I a year, and ttoard nnd lodging from JB to fa a week, and nny woman of good moral character may be elected us nssocbUo member by n vote of tho members present nt any regular meeting of tho board. ltrook lyu Kngle. Fish Unit Fnlso Teeth. II. 8. Noble, a, well-known traveler, wns at thu American House, Denver, and with him he brought one of hN stories with which he has thrilled the nation at least that Is what ho says about thorn. Mr. Noble, It seems, hAd occasion, a few years ago to visit near Akron, Ohio, whero Is located n lake famous for Its fishing, "It wns about this way," snld Mr. Noble, "nnd there Is no Question about the absolute truth of the statements I nm nbout to mako. I was tlshliig 111 tho hike, for Helling Is one of my fall ings. I hnd not had very good luck 10 far that summer, mid that was two years ago nnd I wns getting Just about tired enough to cut It all out nud go home, "On tho day in question I received n mighty tug at my line, nnd after four hours' hard work I lauded some thing In the shape of tho largest fish I over saw In fresh water. I have never been nblo to learn tho name of it. It certainly was nn nwful fish for size. Tho Jaw of tho nnlmui measur ed soma uvo feet, nud In tho Jaw la tho Interesting part of the story. On oxamluatlou the fish had for :eeth In Its lower Jaw a cross-cut saw. When tho saw was more closely exam ined tho linme of tint man who hod lost It wns found. The anw hail been lost In the lake some two winters l. fore by a man who was cutting lee. Tint fish, which was mi old one, nnd hnd lost Its lower teeth, simply used tho saw for a set of fnlso teeth. 'I ho snw served Its ptirposn reinnrknbly well. The fish Is now on exhibition In the store of a prominent hardware man In Akron." Chicago Inter Ocean DEAF FIND EAII3 IN PIANO. Instrument tUet with Htiecess In a Hclionl for lit Aflllrleil. Pupils In the Horace Mann school for the deaf In llostou now havo the asalrtaneo of the piano In lessons taught by a teacher of voire, Mrs. Hnriih A. Jordan Monro. Kho has her deaf-muls pupils give a play, as they have many times beforn, nnd In this nlso tlw piano Is used for drill. Its aim Is to overcome tho monotone llsble In the spaech of thosn who iki not bear. With tho lustnimout they can learn Inflection and phrasing and acquire a sense of rhythm by repenting to music the ".Mother Ooos" rhymes. From feeling tho vibrations of thr phi 110 as tho teacher plays the pupils get an Impresnlon of sound aa the teacher would have It Impressed on Until, for they loam the accent of "Jingle Delia" from feollng It In the piano better titan they can read It from the leachsr's lljx, where the force of tnn accitut Is not so observa ble, because th" sound Is lost to them. Hence the ptano serves m ears to these deaf children. The piano Is not the only way to tench sound, but It Is ths most effec tive. Until the present system was adopted ths pupils followed ths teach er In a rhythmic exnrclas by "step ping out beats" or clapping their hands. But It was still better when they could recite their "Hey Diddle Diddle" to the music In ths song books. That would be tho perform ance of a little class. Older ones drill on such versos as "Merry, Merry Christmas Hells." They do not sing these songs, bnt they mako tones In harmony and tbey recognize a tnne after the teacher has played a few measures. To test them she begins "Home, Sweet Home," and the chil dren all smile. "I nm sure," she soys, "that they would recognize 'America' If n band were playing It on the street, for they would get tho rhythm. They like to sing when It Is being played, and once In Treinont Temple, when the pupils were there for public school exercises, they asked If they might Join In the chorus, nnd I let them, ami they did much better than people who 'have no ear' for mnslc. They take such de light In the '.Star Spangled Ilanner' and all those national airs that I think they ought to know them. Pleasure Is not, however, the main object of our music. Our serious school work cen ters around the piano and It U of great Importance." Unlike other schools for the deaf. the Horace Manu teaches exclusively by the oral method and discourages ths use of signs and the manual alphabet At at Turkish nookstall A writer, who spent much of his early life In Turkey, observed that Turkish books and booksellers were amongst the curious features of the country. "Tho Turkish booksellers," he said, "has a soul above trade. He raroly or never attempts to push his wares, and win cheerfully turn his attention from a likely purchaser to one who (being a lover of literature merely wishes to talk with him about books. He treasures some of bis more valuable books so greatly that he can hardly bo Induced to sell them, al though they form part of his stock In trade. It la only In disposing of the Koran that his commercial talenta arc seen, lucre is a law roruiddlng tho sale of this sacred book, because It s essential to the salvation of every Turk, and tho bookseller Is supposed to give It away. So he does; but In Mils fashion: You make him a pres ent of fifty piastre, and be makes you a present of the Koran! Many of tho books displayed by the book seller are In manuscript, which the old-fashioned Turks esteem more highly than print." 0P1N AIR TOR BEAUTY. Tho votary of tbo open air treatment for beauty Is well wrapped up and oc cupies a lounge cbalr out of doors, with her feet raised from tho ground, very day and In any weather, but especially when tho sun shines. For the Poor A lot of minstrels went to n coun try town and advertised to give a por formanco for "tho benefit of the poor; tickets reduced to 23 cents." The hall was crammed full. The next morning committee for the poor called upon the treasurer of the concern for tho mount the said benefit had netted. he treasurer expressed astonishment at the demnnd. I thought," said the chairman of the committee, "yon advertised this oncert for the benefit of tho poorV" Iteplled the treasurer: "Didn't wo put tho tickets down to quarter so that tho poor could nil comoV" Assistance, "Which of tbeso books or periodi cals would you recommend?" asked tho woman with a pleasant srallo. Well, lady," answered tho boy who was nttendlng to tho depot news stand. it depends. If you want genuine first- class Information I d sell you dls copy f do Sportlu' News, but If you lis' wants somothtn' to t'row at do Pull man porter I'd recommend dls substantial-bound book by Herbert Speo- cor." Washington Star. Am Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for GO years. " fUturrilnir frm U ('"tuti r, t wit -t WMOsf JIT UiQ'tii 1. til, ( lit I Wit r ri. Itut iff t.ottltl of inr'i Bariijyarlll eofpiilel'f fm-l in " 11. j "hi mu, ncrtnion, r. I HI CO ft txttl. A (1 UrirfTf ISII. for Impure Blood Aid tho Snrsapnrllln by keeping tho nowcis roumr with Aynr'a Pills Arralil to Itlak It. "Will you have a piers t the apple pie?" asked ths landlady of the Irish bonrder. "la it aflbrr belli' liflltliful V silked Pot. "Of couras It Is," she replied. "Whr should you think It olhrrwlic?" "Faith, an' Ol had a unels wanit who doled av appls-plexy," explained the son of Krlo. "sn Ol thought this molgbt be soffielliln' sr the asine kulml, Ol duuno." You Can Oct Allen's root-tiast FUErj. Write Allen 8. Olmiled, a Ror.N. Y , for a free sinle of Allen's foot-l im. It cum 'tlnr, liotiwollen, schlnf lf t It rnatei new or light she! eafr. A rerislo cure for corm, tnsrowlnt nslle end t.unloni Alldrux tsts sell It. Tie Lton't accept sny suUllluut. Wherein They Illrrnr. The Villain The auxali of the other world srs slways pictured with wings at tached. The Houbrette Yes, and the "angels" of the theatrical world are sttscbed to the wings. For bronchial IronMee try IMeo'e Cure for Coniiinipiinii. It Is a good cough medicine. At drogglnti. prlre 2i cents. Quack! Quack! A stranger entered the pvstofflcs thr other day, and, approaching the ladles' geliersl delivery window, asked: "Any letters for John DrskeT" "Next window, Mr. Drake." replied the polite attendant. "This window Is for durks only." 'Keeley LIOUOH-MORmiNE-TOBACCO Qtffjra HABITS PERMAHCHTLY CUfftD C.lU fOS FULL r-AAPCULsAS nm wtrnitYiigimm.- ortlan.oi Alas! Alack! The fool-killer sst In his esay chslr smoking his pipe of clsy, for he bsdu't s thing to do on esrtb but while the time swsy. Hut soon the fool-killer's pipe went out snd then be burst into tears; It was only a dream his regular work was behind full s doien years. Deafnsss Cannot Be Cures' tiT local application! as tbey rennet reuh Ike dlMsted iKirtlon ol the ear. laete Itoslrcse way locuredeaiDMi, sod ttast It bv svlnlltn. tlonal reinedlee. liealaeie It csuea bj aa In lUmtd cuudltlun ol the uiuuui UblDr of tLe Kuitschlsn Tube. When tMi tube ! fuEiim-l you hsrs a rumbling tound or Itnparftct tear ing, snd when It It entirely eloteu. Iteatoett It the retult, and unlest the loflaramation can be taken out snd thlt tubs rs-toied to Ita normal condition, hearing wilt be drelroyed fortier; nlnecaietoutof ten are cauted by Catarrh, which It nothlnx but an Inflamed condition of thtrmurout turfacet. WewlUglfs One rfundred Pollen for sny CSte of tleslnritrcatitetl by cstarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, t-end for circulars, free. r. 3. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Bold by tlrurditi, Tic. llall't Family llllt are ths belt. Addlns; Inautt to Injury. Tha day bad been appointed for the ceremony which was to make one of two. hut tor tome reason beet known to the fickle maid she had relinquished ths rlit tcrlug solitaire. "Oh, well," said ths yonag man la the case, "I don't suppose I could le happy wltb a woman who dyes her hair, any way." "Sir, 'tis false!" she exclaimed indig nantly. "is It?" he rejoined. "I thought It was only dyed." A prominent Southern lady. Airs. Blancliard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells how she was cured of backache, dizziness, painful and irregular periods by the use of Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound. "Dkah Mns. Pikkhau: Gratitude compels me to acknowledge tha great merit of your Vegetable Compound. I have suffered for four years wltb Ir regular and painful menstruation, also dizziness, pains In tho back and lower limbs, and fitful sleep. I dreaded the time to come which would ouly mean suffering' to me. " Better health is all I wanted, and cure If possible. Iijdln E. Plnk hnm's Vcfretnblo Compound brought me health and happiness in a few short months. I feel like another person now. My aches and pains havo left me. Ufa seems now and sweet to me, and everything soems pleasant anil easy. " Six bottles brought me health, and wns worth moro than months under the doctor's care, which really did not benefit me at all, I am satisfied there is no medlciue so good for sick women aa your Vegetable Compound, and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of medical help." Mns. Ik A. Ulak ciiAnn, 423 Ilroad St., Nashville, Teun. tSOOOforfrltlf trlilnalef stone ettsr srsaj flaW ntntu casaot pndustd. . ivtii jaisi ait 1111 Mitt. It Ooush Sjrup. Ttutet uood. Uti ta M (told Dr drurelatt. tai "Did you ever get Into an argument wllh blm?" "Ves. Indeed." "He's iiilte dogrnntlr. Isn't he?" "Oh. posi tively bull dogmatic." Philadelphia Ledger. HoyleThe Korners live very fru gally Indeed. They have cnst-lron rules for the spending of their money. Hoyle That Is what I should call rigid economy.- -Kansas city Journol. Willy Say, aurjtle, what did Unelt Hob marry you for? Aunt Why, for love, of course. Willy (meditatively) H'rn! Ive will make a man do al most anything, won't it, auntie? Itsv. Dr. Thirdly Don't you know, little boy, that you shouldn't fish on tho Kabhath day? Tommy Toddles 1 1 ain't n-flshln', boss, I'm Jus' tearhln' worms how tcr swim. Chicago Chron icle. "Is she a new woman?" "Hotter than new, even. You seo, sbo eruril one hundred thousand dollalrs alimony from her last husband, and that mnkei her Improved property." New York Times. "How many lodges did you say your hnsbond belonged to?" she suddenly asked. "Fifteen." "Mercy on me! Itut think of a man being out fifteen nights a week! I am really glad that I'm a wklow." "Now, this fair," said the man who had been chasing around Ht. Douis, with his nose In the sir, "Is plenty big enough, but" "Ah!" Interrupted the I wise observer. "Are you from Chi-1 cago or Huffalo?" In India barbers rank high. So cially they are the equals of ths priests." "Ssy, where do poets come In over there?" "Same place they do nsre." "Where's that?" "Among ths Illustrious dead." Chicago Itecord- Herald. "Is the boss going to give you ths raise you asked for?" "Well er I'm afraid to say. I told blm I thought my psy should be commensurate with the amount of work I do, and bs promptly agreed with me." Philadel phia Press. "You must not expect me to give up by girlhood's ways all at once," said the happy bride. "Oh, I won't," be re plied. "I hope you'll keep right on taking an allowance from your father Just as If nothing had happened." Superior Telegram. Employment Agent What was ths matter with yonr last place? Dom'es tlc The missus was too particular. Dmployment Agent In what way? Do mestic 6he wouldn't let me lock tht baby In the foklln' bed w'en I had com pany. New York Weekly. "So you are learning to spell, are you, Johnny?" asked grandmamma. "Yes, grandma," was the reply. "Well, lei me hear you spell 'bread. I don't believe I can, grandma." replied the little felllow. "But I think If I had a small piece of cake I could spell that' Great Editor I think It would be a good idea to print our circulation at ths bead of our editorial page. What's tht population of this country? Buslnesi Manager About forty million. Great Editor Well, we'll not claim a circu lation of over thirty-five million. Nc nse exaggerating. Teacher Where Is Russia? Inter val of dead silence. "Come, now I come, come; you ought to be ashamed of yourselves not to know where Rus sia Is, especially Just now. Where li It?" Tommy I knows, teacher. Teach er Well, where? Tommy Up a bloomln' tree, teacher! Y'east They say babies are nevei seasick. Crlmsonbeak Well, that ac counts for something. Y'east What's that? Crlmsonbeak When I was crossing, last summer, I saw a -man as sick as he could be, singing, "Back ward, turn backward, O Time, In yout flight; make me a child again, Just foi to-night." Y'onkers Statesman. "I want half a pound of water crack ers," said Mrs. Newcome. "All-flred sorrry, ma'am," replied the country storekeeper, "but I ain't got but two dosen of 'em In the place." "Well, I'll take them." "Jest wait ten, twenty minutes. Ill refers an' Josh Slocum has been usln' them fur checkers, an' they're playln' the decldln' game now." Mrs, Morton (angrily) Tommy Hor ton, what made you bit my little John ny? Tommy Horton He struck ins with a brick. Mrs. Morton (more an grily) Well, never let me hear of your hitting him again. If ho hits you. you come and tell me. Tommy Horton (sneerlngly) Y'es; and what would you do? Mrs. Morton Why, I'd whip him. Tommy norton (In disgust) What! he hits me with a brick, nnd you have the fun of licking him for It? Not much! Declares Ivskliiios Doomeit. The Itev. Mr. ltyberg, pastor of tho First Congregational Church at Nome, urges Tresldent Roosevelt to do some thing toward snvlug the Eskimo popu lation of Alaska. "Though they have saved the lives of hundreds of gold seekers," says he, "this kind nnd childlike race Is rapid ly passing away. Its members are meeting a sad and undeserved fate. Shamefully neglected by our govern ni.nt, the last chapter of their history Is being rapidly written in cruel char acters of neglect and want, disease and crime." The mlnlstor declares that the res ervations are unsuitable to Eskimos, but that four to six colonies between Point Barrow nnd tho mouth of tho Yukon will solve tho problem lu two years. Initubltntile. "How did you prove that tho ac cused was not from Boston, us ho claimed?" 'Got blm to swear that ho never heard of lJmerson and that Boston beans were not cooked with salt pork." Detroit Free Press. A youthful aspirant for Journalistic distinction, who was asked to wrlto it article on superstition and lmbeclll. tn beenn his essay tlius: "That Imbe cility Is not on the wane, perusal of the followlnc lines will amply demon-strata." AcCclaUcPrepaMlionror As similating HicFoodnndnct'ula tuig the Stouwchs and Dowels oT H l.'l S.l.SISS,f Offll AiXTXalTTSl Promotes Digc3tion.Chccrrur ncasareincst.Contains nelllicr Omtim.Morpliine nor Mineral. INotNaiicotic. JnJiM Serti" Jtx.tttvut . Xnur.Wrf It (atwnltcda HirmSfd- Apofecl ncmedy rorConsUrvi. tlon. Sour Slotnnch.Dinrrlioca iVorms .Convulsions .Fcvcrtsh ness end Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOTIK. YIA Why, or Conrse. ..?::"::TT.teJ5sT. Helen's hall of Biscay one Innocent young lady, speaking to another, said: "Why do the stewards come In and open or shut the portholes at odd times during the day and nlgbt?" Second and better Informed lady: "My dear, they shut or open them when the tide rises or falls." Quite a Different Thing. "George says he never has so good a time sb when he Is out wltb me," asserted the girl In brown. "Does he really?" returned the girl In gray, coniniiseratlngly. "Now, Alfred Is quite different When he's 'out' with mo he's unhappy until be makes It up." Brooklyn Kagle. OLUTE SECURITY Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boor Signature of .5e Facsimile Wrapper Below. Terr assail aad aa easy to taJte aa aagox. FOn HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOn TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXIOH CARTERS IlTTLE IVER PILLS. - . a OmVUIZtM MgTsaMIU0NATUt. tTcStts I Partly TetJsWevW CURE SICK HEADACHE. No. 39-1904 WUEN wrlttnc to adrertlaers plotae mention tbia paper. AOS "DID'INT HURT A IS WHAT ran pitrir-t nna out hurttnr a bit, and amo ub) ii you uesii our BTStera ol crown ltuile, quick and ialnles. Dr F. A. HI act more will have charge oi ourOreiham office every baturday. The doctor Is a Rraduate and reicl'tered dentist, and ne feel coutident that he will treat the rople right. lu evening" till 9 Sundays from 9 to 1. Thone Main 20.-J. WISE BROS., Dentists RUSSELL HIGH GRADE MACHINERY ENGINES BOHERS SAW MILLS The A. H. Averill Machinery Co., P0D You Can Count Your Chickens lietors Titer Are llatchoJ In a CHATHAM IKCUIIATOK. Kvery fertle igg you put Into a Chsthsm Incu. bsior 111 come out a bi'allhy, (lurdy chlct. 1 hat Is tho recorit the Chsthsm Incubator has made for Itself and the Chsthsm Uroeder will brlitK them up letter than the moat motherly hen. lliere Is big money to be made In raisins; chickens with a Chatham lucubator. Ths farmer who overlooks this branch of hU bualneis Is neglecting one ot the srcateit profit producing departments of his farm, 1 he 1'aclllo font li not producing enough chicle. rni to aunply their own wauls. Cnlckeu railing liprullt aoie. UUK HFFKIl: Wo will sell tou a Chatham In cubator on time. It will make many times Us coat to you. epay me ireignt. urue me lor our Tnlque Catalog and useful hints on poultry rais ing. Costs you nothing, Do it now. GEO. W. rOOTT Paoltlo Ooast Ayont Box 40U SACRAMENTO, OAU For Infants and ChHdron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Beara the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years PORTLAND A GIItL'S SCHOOL OP TIIK HIOUKST CLa 84 corps of tend- e t, locution, build in equipment the teit Bend for cat avlogue. Term Oponn Soptembor I0V!9O4 POSITIONS GUARANTEED 15,000 forfeit pUcel with a National Hank to make good anr failure on our part. Catalogue free. Write tod a jr. Boutol BuslnoBs CoUoqo Tmaomm, Wmmh, PR I COS THAT TALK. Beat raW a tilted it and ant wrought Iron tlrs Inch, SVJU per luu fet- HetU galranlzed tandard wrought Iron pipe, 1 Inch, 17.9 per AW ICC I. All sUCC 111 (.IBCat. i and gal i. Wood pipe at loweil market prlcei. om pump catiacltr one barrel ier minute. 1. Kuhb leather and cant a lei ting, note and pacitng at wholeiale prlcei. Write un for your wanta In the machinery line. Irrigation plants a specialty. Itelerson Machinery Co., Port land, Oregcn. BUY FROM YOUR DEALER Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Ttala wonderful L'hU era doctor la callrd grvat Dccstus he cur Popl without oDera- lon tbat argivu ur lo die. 11 euro with IhoM wonderful I'lit ties twba, roou, Judi, barki and vKiablr that ara entirely uih kuowu io mrdlCkU aci roc In Ihia cu intrr. Ihrnuu-h ihs Ihoa barmlrit nmrdlrc thla famous doctor knows lh aciioc of over 600 dlRvrtnt reiiv Mitts, wtili h be surcrurully os la d nVrvnt dlaas. 11 KuarautM io cur caltarh, anlv mm, long, throat, rheumatism, norvousneM. stomach, llTtr, kidnrjs, ttci ba hundred or lestlmoQlala. Charges mMerat. Ctvil and sew biro. I'atlenia vui of lb cil writs for blanks and circulars. nd stamp. CUNtiUl T ATI UN I'UKK. AUUKtvaa TheC Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co, 251 Alder St.. furUafiJ, Oregon. irMut.ou paper. BIT 99 TMJiY SAY nr nil rnnr teth with put in new tteth the anl brldire work 1 aJU. V .1. it W. 208-J13 Fu,ni 7oVtiZ?iS&H THRESHERS STACKERS Write for Catalogue and Prices 7W' S tsaW WW nHGTftniii TMS Ol ITT AON SOW MITT. PI (W TO H OfTY.