TO DON'T 1 h lo see tin- line line of Combs, I lair Brushes, i i onei ai'ik-ics mid IjDriijrjrlHl'H SiiiiIi1vh Stationery The lincsl line in town y prices can not lie lienlen WHAT IH 1,11' i, 111 tlm IhnL iiiililonin, lull ivn do Idiinv Hull. II Ib iiimIi'i lnet law, A 1 1 it m t ' I hill nvi'ii Hlliililly, min rrKiillM. liri'Kiilnr living iiii'iiiih ili'innee- lllllllt III till! HIK'HIHi rilHllllill ill I'lillHll. imlliui, lli'iiilai'li iiinl Liver TnmMe. Iir. KIiik'n Now l.lfn 11 1 Ih iinli'lily i n-in I jnl n thin, I L'h ifiuitlli, Vilt ihiiiniiuh. Only L'fie ill Mutual! mill IIii'IiiiiiI'h drey Hlllll'. I Iiinl iiiiIIiIiik heller for liver deiiiiiKe iiimil mill riiiiHlliiiliiiii limn I'lliiinlii'r IiiIii'n Htuiiiiii'li mill Mver Tiihlel". I,. I', milium, Di'H Molni'H, limn. I'm Hulii hy New Mm Pint! Stun-. Drain Normal. i 1'rof. lirlKK ri'tiinii'il mi Crldiiv fa nlKlit Inifu IiIh llrHt wcekn teiiolilue; K hi- Mm mute Minimi hcIiimiI nt lirnln. I? Benson's PHARMACY. MMIIItOKNOV MIIDICINI.H ll Ik n ureal I'uiivenleiii'e In Iiiivii ill llllllll ll'llllllll) lllllll'llll'a fur IIM' III I'HHI uf iii'clili'iil iiinl fIIkIiI liijiirii'h nml ml Hii'lilH, A kihkI lliihiii'iil mill mil' llml In flirt I n n I ii l; ii Invurile If mil inn-- ll,V In ( ' 1 1 ll 1 1 ( I ' 1 ii 1 1 1 m I'nlii HiiIiii lit iilijilylnu It iroiiiitlv tu a i'iil, Inui-i' ir Iiiii ii it iilmyn llie mln and I'mihi r tin' Inluiy tn lii'iil in iiIniIil oik- i 1 1 1 1 t k, i till' tinii' iiniinlly i ii 1 1 1 1 til , mnl iin it i- ' llll :llllln'llll' it pri'VI'lltx IIMV I ) ill if lilnml niii'iiiilii, V 1 1 I'll I'hiii lliilni ik " HHIVIP NPWQ lkllls "f ,ntcrcsl about c ? II U Jill; niTTJ CotlxiKc drove xmd vicinity. I CaBotlBBOOBOOOoooooooooaoooooooooooooo0o0oo00ooonoon,lll.:H,',,H,,,,:., !H "" "'"'Hiiul law -.jkj., iiimnuiiiicM tlilH term, rriif. ilrnnt, . 1 wlm wiim the iiiHtrui'tor In mntli- I'limtli'M, repined nml ili'iuirtcil for fnllfortilii. I'rnf. HrlKijH wiim iiiinliitri to llll tin- vneiuiey. nml IV'. f. Slti'M nf WiihIiInkIoii, loruiiTly frulii Mlihltfiin, Iiiih liii'ii employed um leiteher of KiikIIhIi Iiiiikiiiiki'. wsmmm leit III llllllll ll Mlvrnin Inn V In- ln.ili.l lii'luH' liifiiriiiiiliiin ci't in, nliii'li I Mi. 1 1 -k J t I Ic.'tlct's ill 4 City and Farm Property. ii iiili'l ii'i'iivery. l,ni limit "line, l'"or milit liv Ni' COTTAGE GROVE Improvement Company. SOUIt SI'OM Atill. n licit inn nil ' Iniue or tin iiiliillly nf IihhI liiki'ii ih tin. Iniie ur Hie nuitlilv Iihi ni'li. Hour hlnniiirli In liKi'ly In fulliin, nml e,iie. illllv hi if till' illt!i'ntlnll linn In'I'H Hi'iik I'lll'il lit' l'HIIHliillliill. K.ll nlnnlt iill'l mil Iihi lll'l'lv ill t'llnllv illtfi nli'il f MnnlM'llli. Ilii' IihnI llimiiliiflilv. I..I Ihi' Iihi, in i'litiKi li'tuni'ii iiii'iiln, nml In n vnii li'i'l ii fiilliii'nn iiml wi-iulil in till' ll'KHill ill till' nliilnili'li iilll'l i'iiIiii)!, luKi' I 'liiini I xr 1,11 1 I'm MhiiiiIi'Ii mnl l.uii Tnlili'ln nml Hie rnur "I'Miiiu 'i hi iv In iivnliliil. I'nrnilli' liv Ni'tt I'.ru llmu lni! Nluii'. Dr. I.owc, Oi'iilo oiilli'lmi, Ciiui'iiM I'li'Hli i'I'iiwIInIi In wliif lit. tin' l:-' i liiiliK" llrMtiiiininl. Over new iiovi'Ih ill I Im Knuli' lliiuli Nluii.. i Win. Wirlilcr nl Hiili'in u'fiHltt tlii'i I'll.V Sllliilny. I ,. II. IlllVlllHIIII IlilH II liloii lot of I n i, w hIioph for lioyH, I .1. N. Ilo.ytl'8 iIiiiIiikiuiIi Im how iiii'iioil iiniiimiii'iitly. I Hun I'nini'lw'ii Htuiiliy Hxmiiliicr nl Iin- CukIi- llonli Klniii. 1 To Miivi- linn' try llif KxcIiiuiki' ' Iniirli riiuiiiM for qiili'li hitvIi'I'. Ur. I'uIiiii nf Diiu'i'in' wiim ii vlHllor to tli.ii'lt.v on Iiihi. Niiliii-ilii.v. I.i'iIki'1'k. Jiinrtmlri anil ilny liuiikMiit the MiikIii llnul; Htori'. 'I'lic two AIIhwh Hurt went to i;n-Ki'iii- to iilti'inl tin- I'alr. Wlnlei'M Wulliii'i- mnl hU hrlilf n--I iirni'il ft um llolii'inlii 'I'iii'hiIii.v. .1. N.- I'l'tlTM, I'OIIIIIH'tl'll Willi tlic ('. II' ami (J. iiinw'iiKi'r olllri' In I'or UmiiiI, wiihIii tiKiclty Huttirilay. Mr. iiinl MrHAnilrow llnuiil cmno ftom Ilolii'inin 'J'iKiHilny mnl will vi Hi I. nt lOiifitiiu mnl itltoml tin) fair. Mi'i lc .liii'kMini ii yoiiriK mini wlio forinurly llvcil In CottiiKi' firoti- wuh Icllluil on llm l:t,lliHt In u i'oIIIhIoii at I.iih Anui'li'M. It wiim hln llrHt trip on tin rofiif. Wn Wallan- Iiiih Jimt Hiiiri.HKfiill.v linrni'il ii Kiln of nliiiiit. nlni'ty tli in h miil lirli'k Jimt iiorlli of tin. city, Tlii'.v nic llii' lii'Ht lot of lirli'k cvit linrni'il In llilx purl of tin- coimtry, I-uhL week Ituy Wi'li li went no to .liilin IIiirkerH ratii'li for to iloa little linntliiK. He Miifi'ii'ili'il In wi'iirliiu a line liiiek. Mth. Waller linker anil .Mih. IM I'mleru'ooi almi nliot a line I ,l,u. .. I.I..I. I....I ft .Ml... Mm Tie., on Moniliiy at . litiKytie Mr. pnr,v ,,. wleil In H.cnrlnK four .loliiil,. Stewart ami MIkm I 'nrollne 1 ,,vr h llliiine. I W. II. iMinln. wife ami kUIit ..f! Mr. nml MrM. l. II llenen Itlaek Unite were lnllnrH to tlin! eit. limt 'I'lini'Milay: iiiiilnu a liii'i;i' UMHorliiient ofHtal loiiery in the Modern I'lianiiney. lion. I. II. IIIiikIiuiii hiiimiL Hie llrHt pari of t In week III KilKi'lie on IiiihI- III'MH I Committee Appointed. At Hit" mirtliiK of Hie Coiiiiueri'lal ('lull on Hid e.W'iiliiK of the i:ith the prenlilent appolnteil W. II. Ilont, I'. I.I. Hani anil Frank Jrilim n roni 1 niltlii-to work In coiijuiirtloii with I the llolivmlii Mine ownera AMMOclat- Ion, In NeenrliiK oreM for the (.eyiU & I Clark Kxponltlon. JatueH llciiiiTi way, I'. II Plillllpn I anil II. C. MmlHen were appolnteil to 1 look up the mutter of luivltiK that ! liortlonof ilolii'inin Iioiik- Ihh( jinnty attarlieil to Lane (,'otinty. A.i . OiiKe, (... .1. Ilowonl anil w II. Hunt were uppolnli'il to take up llie iueMtioii of properly mlvertlnlnK I lie. city. I. AruiMtrotiK lielil wrvleen on HiimliiA uluht. whli'li lie. A. nl I. iirniii weie well iillemleil Arllinr I'lke. a prominent eltlzeii ' nl t In- lliilliw, wiim In the elty the l.iller part of Iiihi week. I To MaKc the Hair Fluffy, To niakL' the hair llitffy without airline- it moisten it with a tirepar .aiiotiottwo grams ol alcohol or after ' rertifieil ikiiirit: of wine nnr rintieR H ienillliK a lew oii.vh ai me OH'koii- i ,.f ,.. lo,,,,,. half nil ounce Si rllli'H properly In llohemla. re- , 1 TO10.t. "a" an ounce luriieil toil Il.v the latter part ..f of "icarhotiate of soda and four Iiihi week, nml went iiii to I'ortlaml. I ounces of rose water. Kvery night H Ih reporteil that tin- o. ami s. I:. 1 rub every inch of the scalp with and VrC I ' Z: . ter. using a clean nail brush. Kii'Hrtlnn In the IiIk tunnel inlneH. The mill vv 111 not he up for Home wit'kH. at the Htarteil L. I VI US 'VI us Httppl.V of ehenp r.i it m r.its We have u InrKe i n in i mt, iiihi u um you wain on rani'li, prlee ver, ehenp, iiiiihI Iii-huIiI In nml. i' iiiiiiii fur other xiork. The Itiml h Kelly LiiimIk i-I u , Similill . I Hi'. limt Hie lllluu for Delimit Wear nil' i Hi.' Iiiivh nh i'H al .1. II. IIiivIiIhou'h. I Kcxinlralion. I .'ml. at tlii'in In the window. , i , llexlHlratlon for the Al the l.aule llonli Ston latent. I .,t,,i i. i.,u .. .1.... ",.....,i.-. , ik.,,1 i, iiii i. n, t-ii- eiiliii inu lllirar.v, maKa'.lni'M ete. Sliiiiiarll for I liok I'miilh uiuiipM nml Inilli Iiimil rolfi li M l Itlli'l Mni'l I ullliue lilnte. A I Hie l inuli' Hook Sinn. iili",, iiom'Ih, Hlallaiier.v, xehool ImokH, i ll' 'nliillnu lllirar.v, mnunzllieH ete. I I'iiIi'I foret lo take your mealn a I'OUII.ANI) AM) UtrilJUN O.M.V." , " ICxeliaiiKC l-eHtaurant . livery I i hliiu Hie hi'Mi tin., markei ran himiiiIv The Southerii I'aillli' Ih now M'lllim I ... , , ' I ml t 1 1 . lli k.'lH to I'i.I'Hiiii.I n . .... ; . ''" ' ''"'ll puri'luiHer of (I fflc Kiui.'iieforSltronil Btnu Siitiinlni I "." l,,'rf.,'"",.0' ." ' "W "'r I- l.. in any ln.lii of iimlin . iv " s"i'l. I lie Alo.lern I'liarmuey. liu nlim Suiiilay nml M..mla.. tililn Im IMy Hi Huffman uf KiiKene a- iiii iiii.v niiiiiiu.t iiihi .ui.ini.'M iiiiiiii MiNleu .mihh jiin UllllKiili In the oliull- liiml. The mii nrranuemi'iit npplli'M I iim other new Htoek or millinery friim I i it In in I , lt Inu all 1'i.riliiinl II ni'iln. peupie ii emiiire in mil Millet u l 1 1 1 x al k I I'll Il.v leiliii'i'il ralex " I'.iiiIih N'oveinln'r TIiohi' who ii'KlHli'ii'il In .lime are not renulieil In rexlHter nunln. ttetntrat lull ImokH open one month. if you want to keep the hair in Eod cotiditon. Once n week use a tonic. An excellent one is made of one pint of alcohol, one ounce of sweet oil and one dram of tincture of cati tharides. Ue a few drops of any essence preferred to perfume it. A Kootl way to apply lotion to the head and hair is by means of a I nail hruch or the fingertips. Ready-to-wear garment: Exceptional Values LADIES SKIRTS LADIES KIMONAS LADIES WRAPPERS Yon could not buy the material nml trim mings of these gnrmcnts nt the low prices we nsk, if the cost of mnking were left out of consideration LURCH'S iIi'hIiIiik to lake ailvaiiliiitH nf ilii'.,' ih Ii'm run pay loeal fare lo Kuueiie. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Ni.lli'i' Ih hi'leli.t Klteu I llll t the llllilerHluheit. iiiliiiliilHtial'ir with Hie Will aauexi'il, i if I lie rl ale uf lieurue I'li'il rlek liali', ilii'i'iineil, Iiiih llleil IiIh limit aii'iiiiiii iih Nihh in I in In I I ru 1 1 1 1" til Hie I'uiiut.v t'liuil uf I .ii in- CiiiiiiI.v. Slate of ilirx'Hi. ami that nalil rourl Iiiih m'I Moiula.t, I he l .'lli ila.v uf Srpli'iul.rr. I'.ml. at tu o'clin-k A. M. of Hillil llll) . at Hie ( olll'l limine III nuueue. Lane ( ulllll) , Slllle of (lle liiin, an the time ami liearlliK nlijii' lloilH thereto, ami the Hlllll Mettle. Illl'llt of nalil I'Hliile. W. K.Sn i. il'lil.r. Adinllilnli'illor. with the Will lleieil, of the llHlale of lieurue I'reil t'lli'k I lale. ilii'eiine I .1, ('. .IiiIISmun. Ih.I."i Attorney fur AilmlnlHtrator II AH A I'll.i: K itKiti.. in's ctiii iii itt:it:iiY. 1 I. live ni.lil ('l.tllllln'rlllll.'n I n.iyli Iteiiii'iiv (ur mine lluill tiveiily eutp.uiil it linn civen eullre nntinfiii'tnni. I li ne mill ll .1 In ul it ll in I enn reeuiiiiiieiiil it liitfl'ly. .ln-i'lili .Mel'.lliiney, l.inlun, luttn. inn ttill Hint Ilii' remi'ilv at i;imI Irieml tilth a ili ur '. l I . It nltvnyn nlfiuiln iiuiek teliei nml in nl, h- mil tntiike. I or Ma lc liv N'en lliiiltii nlme. MtilfH toll PlIll.H'ATKiN. 3000 MEN WANTED. 'I'o liny Keiuieily M t'liuln nlliL- l.lulmeul llll ill I iih ami liillaiiiatlon, 1'rlee tt iriilH, nil ilriiKKlnt, or li.v mail upon tii-elpt uf prlii1. write V I. Ken nedy. NiiKlmitv, iireKiui, for lint of t'llileil Sluli'H Ijiii.I (lllirr ItuM'liiirK, Oliyil, Sept. Hi, I till I 1 Nulire in lieiehy iien llml in rum i plimiee mill the pinviniuni. of the net .,1 1 I'lUimenn nl .liuie ,'t, IHTN. eulilleil "An nil- ni'l fur the fnlr nf tmilier htuiln in the Mili'K uf ('1111111111111, Orrpili, Ni'tiiil.i. mnl ni.hiUKliiuTerritiirv,"iin exteinlril In all the I'uhlie Ullnl Sluten hy nel uf Aucnxl I. IMC. KUWAItl) TIIOMI'SOX of ' S.iu'iiniit', I'liunly il l.iiue, Stnti. ol llieKiiu, han linn ihiv Iiinl in Ihm ullire Iiih nttiii ii ntntenienl .No lUI'.i 1..1.1 linn i, iiiiiiii iiiiiii-i."." - ..." " ,,.. ., (or llliemnallHUi ami 1 dirthe pnu'luiH-ul the l.nln Nu -I. 7, III mnl I.I ol Nix'lli.n Nu ii. Inn n-ln. I iiffmau m llnriler Shop han lieen luuteil Hum tin vvi'nl Mule Illln the r inio lerrutl.v iM'i'Upleil hy theNu. el. If . Vuii want you tiri-H net without Inn Inn your whirl il lulled or npolleil I nke t hem to i Irr, lilaekHiiiltli Shup, W i ht Mile Mm. Mae laeknun of KuKene wuh I'lirieil on .Saturday. She trim the laimhler of Mr. anil Mix. Ziiinmult of l.orulie. Mr. Im A. I'hlllliiMedltorjflhii Ilnl. letln at llarrinhurc, wiim In theelty Muuilii)' on IniHllifHH and limile a pleanuil eall at Hie NiiiTKi't olllre. lll.-tzier will give nwny a lieautiltil souvenir on S.'ttur dny. Me sure to call. The IIiiKene fltmrd SuyH 'I'hree eii'tvM ol hiii'veyoi-s Htarteil out Tui'H iln.t tiioriiliiK to make preliminary Hint r) H for tlio Wlllnuielte Valley ICIeetiie railroad t runk .lotdiiii, I'. II. Wluvler anil .1. II. IteiiMin of Clili'iiKo ri'KlHleted at the liralmin teeently. Slnuular we nIhmiIiI have Kelitleiuen In thn elty of I lie name nauii'H. liurtmrH Ills MiiiHtreln lire euinliiK In I he ell.v im 'I'ue-ilav till- J"tli. I here will lie a lil; ntreet Intrude Pair Al liuKcne. To day the fair openn at Kttuiie. I.oIm of iiliiUHementM on the nlile have lieen iinivldeil. 'I'lione who enjoy Iiuthi' raeliiK will llml a xood pro Kiani. All who ran, hIioiiIiI vlnlt ourMlHter elty at thin time. Real Estate Moling. On Monday, .1. II. ISartelH A Co, pun-huHi'd of .1. I-:. .Ioiii'h tliu lot ami Imililiin; now oeeiiiled by the IlartelH .Meat Market. The eon HllllTiltll.ll H'llH )M. Mad Read The Papers. I rum the KmiH.ia City Imlepuuil cut. "Surely I cannot In- mistaken," said the Imnco Mtit-rer. "TIiIh Im Hni'le SIIiih, .loiielilm'H Corncrn, fuu't It? .IilHt let mo enrry that ctirjieC liiiK for you.'" 'I en in In ii tti-i later the Imnco mini wan pernplrluir like a liurs.i anil Kriintlm; with every ntep. n mil in tiiu worm nave you Kn In thin IiiikV" he aikeit. "It wcIkIih a ton." ".Meant that It hhoiilil," returned Click' SIIiih, ternely. "I.oadeil It with lirlckH a-puriioHe an' nut my clean eollar un' an extra pair o' MickH In my coal pocket. Itrckoii you liliiko-liuneo men In. n't K''t liui'dly eiioiiKli uxctvlHe to keep your liealth kooiI." '.'U Smith nf ItaiiKe I Win! ami ttilluihi I he entertainment euiiHistH of a lienii- tl'ritlllinllii'H. tlrd. .SatlHfiielloii Ki'r'iii- SI'IIAINS. S. A. Head, Oineo, Texnn, ttrilen, Mar. Itlh, ltHII . "Mv wrinl ttnn nprnineil Ho hai ly hy n (all llial it nun unt li'H-; nml niter ilium: M'vernl leuiedu'H that failed to L'in) lelief, ureil I in I til l I'm l.lllllncnt, anil ttllH eureil. I emni'Mly ii i'iiiniiiriiil it In any one HiiMrriiin fnna cpniliiH " LTie, f.()e, I.IKI. I'ur Hide hy .MiiiHiin ami ilieliaiit. plmtl tit flintt Ihlll llie laml'lil h niuie v iiliinltli fur iin iiiiiIh'I mi .,iiii. than fur iikiii'iiIIiiiiiI purpnniii, mnl in enlnliltnli Inn rlilllii tu vnnl Ininl lirf'iir the lti !inti'r ami Itei'ritei' nl thin ulliee HI Itiioel.iir', Oii'KtHi, nil Mnlnliiv the fill, ila.v nl Hi ieitihtr, 11)01. He iiauien iih tt iluenyeH . .liilin ll'lliliilnln, I' Villi ul me, Auiliett Sallniaii ami Aii'rl WihkI nil nf Nni;imiit, tlreumi. A .,, I ..ll i ,, i. Sniiw 1 . M, hIhivcmIcm'! li.i il lainli. me n - ipienleil tu tile tlieii chimin m iin.. olhrt. un in In fine nanl Titli ilay nf lire., I'ii, .1. T. lliilni, i n. Ui'itei , I'or liiiHollue cult nt I'lwirinne.v. IJXCUUSION KA'I'HS IIAV. On .lime IhI. the Southern I'lii'llle the Modern j TO VAQUINA TAILOR MADE SUIT TO OKDKK (If (if (if uinu Male of exi'iiiHlon , . , . ,. , iii. ' ,'' vmi'iniu At The Lowest Trices m. liny. Ilutli HCMNun nml Satiirilay to -?tj Mo'niluy Hi'ketH will lie Hold. ThlHiL popiilur reHin t Ih nmwIiiK In favor eaeli year, hotel ralen are leaHimalile I -?tj and ll pnortuiiitieH for IIhIiIuk. il) liuntliiK and nealiathlni; lire une-' celled by any oilier ri'Miirt. on Hie I'u-, tn cllle. CoiiHt. -if) Clollics Cleaned, Pressed And Repaired Far $1.00 PER MONTH. lli:o lUHIl.MAN w i:co.m.n, (leneral I'nHKcnuer AKenl. I fWWW CTTIWDDT V 1M7T TPTATTO)) t That's what they say ol it, ntid always of uniform quality. Try it mice mid you won't want the "other kind." Swcllaturi.s Brumous Bcc Ci'caiiu Known iih the "H'M CltKA.M Ol'' (JCAI.ITV." IteeelveilifieHli ovcry day li.v expri'MM nl II. ISIILS, Soletient for Cottage (irove. Mil PC Wl.i'll vlnllliiK l'nrlliillil,iliin'l lull tn mil nt HWKTt.AND'.l '.'7.1 Mnrtliini Ft., nl 1 1. nun of I'lirlliuiiI'M Mnent nlnro, nml llm brut ili'o;ln llm I'll)' fur n Innrli. Heilvery. we p llllllll Main No. (1.V Have ft full line of Staple and Fancy Goceries At Prices that nre rigid, (jive us a trial nnd he convinced, llllll eleeirie lllspla.V. allll lllllllerollH HlUh elllHM Mpiviultli'N. I'.eiinle ItliiKliaiii, on Sllliilny, took llir train for Tni'llmul to rename IiIh hIiiiIIi'hIii the I'oluiulilu l.'ulverHlty Him unit her aeeompaiiled llllll lo we thai he was well located. i iiiiiiiiu In the (ln'ra lliiii-i'un Sept -Till tiurloiiH IIIh MliiHtrelH. 'I'here or '.'7 peopleln ihlneomliliiatlon and if i'lic nf the ImmI hIiiiwh on Hie road. TiekelM on Hide New lira HniK Store. Mi iinlny mornliiK ground wuh l.iuki'ii on Hie lot uiljoluiiii; the liiiililini; occupied liy Marion Veateh im a furniture Htore, for a IiiihIiichh liloek. TIiIh Ih the Kl'iiuiid recently hum h.v ,1. I. .Ioiich to John Ooehra'n or Shi per front font. I II. Murray, u prominent attor ney of Taciima aHlilnKtoii, and Mim. Murray who have lieen travel inn throiili t'ulifornla, npeut heveral d.i.iH uf liiHt wivk In vImIiIiik their uhl frlendu Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Ilnriett, They left for their home on Saturday. Cm- Hume time piiHt Stnte (inuie Wiiiilin linker Iiiih Iiwii nii'lvliiK miu.MiiuiiH eoiumiiuleutlouH, necilM iim: home olio of vIolutliiK tin' name InwH. llei'i'HlreH it unilei'Htood tliat all hiii'Ii ('oiumiinlcatloiiH will lie te fi'iii'il to the wiiHte li.iHket. If you' kniiH ul Hiich vIolatioiiH write a let ler In the Warden nml mIku yotir ii.iine ami the mntter will lie luukeil afler. Obituary. 1)1 KD On Sunday inorutiiK In llol.-r city, Idaho, .Mi-m. Sarah .m. Ciuler. wood. .Mm. t'nilerwood wiim the Hten- mother of city .MiumIiiiI Cudertvood .Mr. Dr. Wall ami a Hlnter of I), ll mnl .lames Henry Mcl'arlaiid, Mih Mary Varnell, Mih. Marth.i K. .Mr. Cartliy. Auothei' nlster Mrs. Nanev Jane Stewart 1 1 lei I on the lith, of HiIn IllOlltll. Her limt litiHlinmt llouier Smith, wan one ol the ral ly hinge Urlvei'H in thin cimnti'.v. .Mr. Ciulerwood her Hcfuud IiuhIiiiuiI died in Ins" ami was liuried at KllKene. At the time of In r death nic wiih ItvltiK with her ilailKhter liy herllrnl IiuhIiuuiI and a mm (ieorKe Smith Ih ii iX'Hideiit of KukcIic. Mrn. Ciiderttood was well known in thin liK-allty whereHhe n-Mhled u great part of her life. Tliu remalua were hroiiKht heiv and depoHited liy the Hide of her lirnt hiiHliand In Hie .McKarlatid Cemetery. I'nneral mtvIivh will lie held lit the rcHhleiice of her Iin it her I), ti, .Mel'ar laml WedneHiIay moruliiK nt llh.'IO. NOTICi: I'OH I'l'ltUCATIO.V. ItoHcliurir, Ori'KDU, Keiit. 1, 1904. Notice Ih hereby given that the fullutvliiK-iimiiL'il M'I tier hfiH flliil notice of IiIh Intention to make final proof In Hiuiiiort of IiIh claim, nnd that nalil priiut will Ih- made liefore .1 .1. niton, C. S. Com'r, at IiIh olliee at Kmiene, Oregon, on Nov emlier 4, lOiJI. vlx. II. K. No. SSN, William II. Hulley, for the Lot 4, S svy sH'jj si: si: m, t. i'os., it. 1 w.. He naincH the following wltneHneH to prove IiIh cimtlnoiiH reMldenee upon and cultivation of milil lam), Mi: J. F. Hollirimk, of, June, Oregon, I. oiili' !;. .MattheWM, of .ion, Oregon, Archie 11. MattheWM, of June, Oregon, Jan. S. Caer. of June, Ore gon. .I.T. llitinoKH, Iteglster. Marked Altrnllon. "Has he shown you any marked at tention?" "Why, yes; he left the price tag on the ring he gave me." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Some of the men and women who are doing the kindest deeds are those who have sorrows that are fathomless Schoolmaster. When You Build u Residence W to Live When tumbled with constipation try Cliainburluiu'H Stomach and l.lver Tahleta. They are easy to tako and produce no griping ur other unpleasant v licet. For mile hy New Krn Drug Mtoro HUCKI.KN'S AltXICA SALVK. linn tior.d-wido fimio for uiaivellous curcM. ItmirpasseH any other salve, lo tion, ointment or halm for Cute, Coruu, Damn, lloiln, Soien, Chaipetl IIuihIh, l'elons, UlcerH, Tetter, Salt Itheuin, Fever Sines, Skin Kriitione; infallihlu for I'den. l ino giiaranteed. Only 20o nt Morgan and llreluuit, Druggiat. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thnnk the public for their liberal pat ronage of Swetland's Ice Cream through the agency ot 11. Hills our sole agent for Cottage Grove. His large sales prove conclusive ly that the public quickly recognizes an article of such general merit. To show our appreciation of this patronage we will give to any one presenting this ad at our store a hand somely etched glass as a souvenir, absolutely tree ot charge, and hold the offer open untill Oct. 15th Althouth the regular sea-1 son will soon close we man ufacture throughout the en tire rear, and a Partv, Dance, Fair or Social Occa sion of nnv nature is no longer complete without Swetlnnd's Famous Ice Cream. Mr. Hills will make special prices, and till all orders with eare and promptness Swetlund & Son 273 Morrison St. Portland, Oregon No connection with any other store bearing our name. And Want IN IT. It costs no more to build in a GOOD LOCATION Than a poor one. Secure a lot -IN- Spare's Addition Kayser & Huff Next to Awbrey Building Why not order That Fall Suit To-day ELECTRIC LIGHTS How can you afford to be without them? When you can run lour 16 C. P. lamps at 2 cents per light per day. 11 P. M.-R.ates per month for Residences First 16 one dollar, each additional 16 50c, each additional 8 C. P. 25c. REASONABLE CHARGE FOR WIRING. Cottage Grove Electric Co. Made for n firstclass man That's You Some say it is the face. Some say it is the hair or teeth, but we say it is the Suit that makes the handsome man. However we have just re ceived our new Fall and Winter catalogue from M Born & Co., the Great Chicago Tai'ors. Save a few Dollars at Our Expense. Hemenway Burkholder Cottage Grove, Oregon. Our List of Steal Estate is very large Improved and unimproved farms and fruit lands. City property, town lots. Write for,our pamphlet on Cottnge Grove and Lane county. MEDLEY & MILNE