Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 21, 1904, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
Dehtmla Nufxt Pub. Co.
General Review of Important Happen
pcnlgs Presented In a Drier and
Condensed Eorm.
The work ot dismantling tho Lena ia
in chargo of an American gunner.
Tlio Russian troops are dunging
tholr clothing for the winter campaign.
Tho fear ia expressed by Russia that
China ia secretly negotiating with
Tho old Iroquois theater haa been re
built Bnd the building inspector baa
approved lis license.
Russia insista that horeoa and other
Ircasta of burden remain In tho category
of abfolnto contraband.
United Htatea war ablpa are practlct
Ing thooting at night. Tho Russo-Japanese
war baa led to this.
Iho Canadian government ofTera a
rev-aid of 15,000 for the capture of the
Canadian Pacific train robbers.
Tho monitor Wyoming haa been
ordered to remain on Puget sound to
enforco neutrality should tho Korea
put into that port.
Major General Sumner, commanding
tho Southern divielon, recommends the
abandonment of several military posta
In Texas and Colorado which were re
garded of the utmost importance in the
old days of Indian warfare.
The transport Lena has gone to Mare
Island and will be dismantled at once.
Field Marshal Oyama ia repotted to
be concetratig bis men for a advance on
Japanese are rushing reinforcements
to Port Arthur and have captured an
other fort.
The Union Pacific Is carrying many
colonitrs to the Northwest and particu
larly Oregon.
Creffield, tho holy roller, has admit
ted bis guilt and haa been aent to the
penitentiary for two years.
General Moore will relieve General
MacArthur of the command of the de
partment of California bat not of the
Pacific divieion.
A sweeping postal fraud order has
been issued against the agents of the
Preferred Mercantile company, which
has a representative in Portland.
A final sortie of the Russian aqua iron
at Port Arthur may be expected at any
time. The commander of the fleet has
atrict inetructions that if the fortreea
falls not on of the Russian ships must
(all into the Japanese hands.
One of the Canadian Pacific train
robbers is believed to have been cap
tured near Bellingham, Wash.
A bridge fire at Stillwater, Minn.,
collapsed when a crowd rushed on it.
Two people were killed and five others
A-son haa been born to the queen of
Italy. The infant has been named
liumbert and given the title of Prince
of Piedmont.
The Russian transport Lena at San
FranclBCO is to disarm. All necessary
repairs will be made, but the vessel
cannot put to sea until tho war is over.
The Breakers hotel, at Long Beach,
Wash., has been totally destroyed by
Are. Very little of the contents were
saved owing to the rapidit" which
lie flames spread. The loss is placed
at $70,000
The immenee Pullman car shops at
Pullman, III., have been closed. The
7,000 employes were told to take their
tools with them, and from this infer
that a considerable period of idlenesj
confronts them.
The Russian volunteer fleet steamer
Eoiea is expected to put in at Vic
toria, B. C. She is short ot coal.
The British officers will demand that
she dismantle unconditionally and
that the crew be sent home.
The main-Japanese army is within
21 miles of Mukden.
The continued silence of Kuropatkin
graetly irritatea the Russian public.
Germany is reported to have made a
secret treaty to give Russia indiiect aid.
The Russian Baltic fleet haa again
delayed its departure for the Far EaBt.
Russia (ears that China will occupy
the territory conquered by Japan.
The British ship Ditton, from New
castle, has gone aground 00 San Fran
cisco bay.
Tho first shipment of the Lewis and
Clark souvenir old dollars have ar
rived In Portland. Arrangements lor
niacins them on Bale are not complete.
They will bring f 2 each and to the
purchaser of live an additional one
will bo given, lliey are a nine smaii
or than a dime. The first shipment
contained 25,000.
The Japanese are expected to enter
Mukden soon.
Bl Pofarnluirir officials orofeES le
norance at the arriavl of tho Lena at
San Francisco.
The flood of the Rio Grande river is
doing great damage to property in Texas
and It ia feared many lives will be
Robbers held up a train at Letts, La.,
but found the Bale contained no money.
Repnblicans elected the governor of
. . i - oo Ann
Main uy a piuimuy u oo.vuu.
Military critics at Liao Yang say
that Kuropatkin did not believe be
could be uoioaieu
t AninrAil a nmtost atralnat
.Jtll'UM liua vv.v - t , ,
tho Russian transport Lena remaining
in San Francisco harbor. Tlio ship
may dismantle and stay in the harbor
until tho war hi ended.
The Japanese aro reported to have
routed the rear guard of the Russian
army at Hun river. General Zassalitch
and 3,000 of his 6,000 men have been
taken prisoners.
Tlio cruiser Milwaukee has been
launched at Ban Francisco.
Officials Cannot Agree as to Their
Washington Sept. 20. Tho Tlmea
tonight prints tho following:
There have arisen eeiloua misun
derstandings between John Barrett
American minister at Panama, and the
isthmian commission. Admiral Walk
er, head ot the isthmian canal commis
sion, prefers to deal with questions that
have arisen between this government
and Panama In his own way, desiring
not to 'waste time' with diplomacy.
"Mlnlstor John Barrett holds that
there are questions bearing on relations
between tho canal sono government
and the government of the republic of
Panama that should be submitted to
diplomatic adjustment.
"Tho pinch has come In deteimining
whoso authoilty shall Ih uppermost in
settling a number of questions which
might as readily come under Governor
Pavis' Jurisdiction as under that of
Minister Barrett. So serious has tho
differences between tho Panama officials
become that Minister John Barrett has
decided to como to Washington person
ally to present his case to the presi
This story cannot be confirmed, but
probably grows out of the fact that
Minister Barrett is soon to return home
on leavo of absence,,whirh the president
promised he should nave tins Inn.
Chicago Passenger Train Piled Up
at a Crossing.
Cihcago, Sept. 20. A passenger
train on the Lake Shore & Michigan
Southern road was wrecked thlB after
noon at the crossing of the tracks at
Root street. Accounts of tbo cause
differ, some of the railroad people al
leging that the train ran into an open
switch and others sayng the locomotive
jumped the track because of a broken
flange. Twelve persons were injured
and some of them may die.
The train was going at a high rate of
speed to make up lost time. The
tracks are elevated, and the accident
happened just before the train reached
the viaduct over Root street, rne en
gine plunged to the far side of the via
duct, where a rail torn from its fasten
ings rose up on end and transfixed the
rear of the engine cib and the lore part
of the baggage car. It held the wreck
ace so firmly that several hours' work
with coldchieels was necessary before
the baggage car could be removed. The
four cars behind the baggage car were
piled in a heap at the north end of the
viaduct, and all ot tliem bauiy
smashed. An overturned stove in the
rear car set fire to the wreckage, but it
was extinguished by the fire depart
ment before it had gained much head
Shorthorn Cow Tlrst In the Aged
Class at St. Louis.
St. Louis, Sept. 20. Orange Bios
som, of Fairview, a red beauty of a
shorthorn :ow, splendidly typical of
the breed belonging to the Ladd estate,
ot Portland, Or., has won first award
in the class for aged cows, the feature
event of the world's fair cattle show.
Roberta, belonging to the herd of the
Tobo Land & Cattle company, of Clin
ton, Mo., beaten but once since she
was a yearling, and winner at the last
international at Chicago, who was
thought to have a mortgage on this
event, was unable to compete on ac
count of calving a beautiful white heif-
ei shortly before the event was called.
Choice Goods, which won the first
event for aged nulls in the shorthorn
class, is the sire of the little white belt'
er that Ib valued by its owners at (1,-
000. Roberta and Choice Goods are
two of the trio of shorthorns for which,
along with Cicely, tbo Tobo Land &
Cattle company is Bald to have paid
the Ladd estate (I&.uuu.
To Enforce Neutrality.
Washington, Sept. 20. Instructions
were sent to Rear Admlrval Uoodrlch
at San Francisco today, directing him
to detach one ship from his Equadron
when he leaves for Magdalena bay to
hold the autumn target practice. The
vessel detached will remain in the vi
cinity of San Francisco prepared to en
force neutrality should other Russian
or Japanese vessels put in at the Golden
Gate. The department lias no lnlorm
mation that there are other Russian
crultere bound for the Pacific coast, but
there is talk to that effect.
Japanese are Advancing.
Mukden, Sept. 20. The Japanese
are reported to be advancing on both
flanks from the east, southeast ar.d
aouthwest. The outposts are closely
engaged 20 miles southerstward, tlieie
boing almost constant sKirmisning.
Indications point to another great bat
tie in the vicinity of Mukden. Rus
sian troons occupy all tho surround-
ing villages. Refugees are flocking ir
to the city, uninese among uiem com
plain of severity on the part of the
New Packing House for Chicago.
Chicago, Sept 20. Chicago is to
have a new packing house plant, capl
.ii..l at to nnfl OHO. and with a dailv
capacity of 1,000 head of cattle, 2,000
hogs and 0,uuu sueep. me company
..,.... InnnmnrfltKll lltlflRr till! lflWR
of New Yoik and negotiations for a
Bito at the union BtocKyarun are uiiuei
... Tim nlnnt. is exnected to be
erected and in working order by May
10, 1900. iSOW lorn cupuei io nam iu
be back of the new enterprise.
Loubet Will Retire.
n..ta Sont 90 President Loubet.
In the course of a Bpeech to the provin
cial frulnv. said he looked for
ward with satisfaction to the serenity
of private Hie aner weciuou oi urn
(..,, Tim statement ia taken as a
definite statement ot the president not
i ,-.,!, a nAvrmri trm. His oresent
VU DvVh w hww.. - - .
term expires at the end of next year.
Russia Meets Views of Brit
ain and America.
Nation Will Hold Commanders of
Ships In Error to Preserve the
Country's Dignity.
St. IVtersbniK, Sept. 19. Russia
has given her answer to the American
and British notes on the subject ol con
traband of war. Her answer as com
municated to Ambassador liardlnge
this afternoon verbally by Foreign Min
ister Lamsdortf, and bears out the pro
dlcttonsjnado on the subject by t!it
Associated Press. Thu Ambassador
was informed in effect that, according
to tho decision otthecomttiitsiotiwhleli
has investigated tho subject, tho gov
ernment has agreed to view as condi
tionally contraband in character food
stuffs and fuel, and that supplementary
instruction had Wen issued to the Rus
sian naval commanders and prite courts
calling their attention to tho misinter
pretation which had been placed upon
the priio regulations.
These instrutions,Sir Charles llardige
was informed, make n clear distinction
between the articles enumerated in ar
tide 6 of the Russian prite regulations
which are susceptible to dual tiro, like
fuel and foodstuffs, the assumption be
ing that if they are addressed to private
persons or turns In an enemy s port
they are not intended for warlike uses;
but their innocent character may be
subject to suspicion if tho ship's papers
and the circumstances are irregular.
In effect, tho new instructions will
place th burden of proof that the food
stuffs, etc., ate designed for beligeront
purposes upon the captor.
Russia, in Count Lamsdorfl'a re
sponse to Ambassador liardlnge, in
principle meets the views of the Amer
ican and the British governments re'
garding foodstuffs and coal and other
fuel as being conditional contraband of
war, distinctly placing them in the
category of articles susceptible of uses
both in war and peace, and as such
only confiscable when consigned to
blockaded ports, or destined for mili
tary or naval forces of the enemy.
Shipments in the ordinary course of
trade by private persons or firms, even
to enemy's port, may be regarded as
prima facie not contraband, but on this
point distinct reservation is made.
Commission Will Soon Meet to Re
port to the President.
Washington, Sept. 19. The public
lands commission, consisting of I -and
Commissioner Richards, Gifford Pin
chott and F. II. Newell, will hold an
early meeting and outline the report
which it will submit to the president
recommending changes in the various
public land laws. The members of
the commission have spent the summer
in the Wett observing the operation ot
the land laws, and will soon lie sup
plied with reports from their field rep
resentatives pointing out the weakness
es of the present laws. After going over
all the data collected, the commission
will draft its report and submit it to
the president in time to permit him to
incorporate the various recommenda
tions in his annual message to congress.
The commission may not be able to
make a final report, but will make the
one presented aa comprehensive as pos
sible, and will point out the changes
most needed in the public land statutes,
including the necessity for modifica
tion, if not actual repeal, of the lieu
land law.
President Roosevelt is depending
upon this commission for a strong re
port, and tho indications are that be
will get it, though in some instances
the commission, while showing the
weak spots of the present laws, may
not recommend any definite remedy,
but submit various plans for tiie con
sideration of congress. The probabili
ty, however, is that there will be nn
important land legislation next winter,
as it is a short session and there is con
siderable opposition to changing the
existing laws, especially the lieu land
May Courlmartlal Captain.
San Francisco, Sept. 10. Naval offi
cers here say Captain Berlinsky, com
mander of the cruiser Lena, acted on
his own responsiblli'y in coming to
this port from Vladivostok. They
hold that he came here to escape par
ticipation in the war, and with the
full expectation of having his vessel
dismantled on arrival here. They
argue that the Russian government
will oe obliged to order his court mar
tial to demonstrate that the czar had
no intention of preying on the com
merce of this coast.
Boston Goes Out to Look for Ships.
San Francisco, Sept. 19. The Unit
ed States cruiser Boston left this port
today, no intimation of her destination
being given out. It is surmised that
she may have been sent to discover if
any Russian or Japanese vessels, are
near this harbor, as has been rumored
from various sources. One report re
ceived yesterday stated that the Rus
sian auxiliary cruiser Korea might soon
be expected to call at an American port
on the Pacific, and another story elated
that Japanese cruisers are pursuing the
Slip of the Emperor's Pen.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 10. Consider-
able amusement has been caused by a
slip of Emperor Nicholas' pen in ac
cepting the offers of several companies
of Siberian mllltla who volunteered for
service at the fron'. The petition
reads: "We humbly lay at your ma
jesty's feet our desire to bo permitted
to fight and die for the fatherland."
The emperor, in accepting, wrote: "I
thank you sincerely, and hope that your
wishes may be fully realized."
Large Lumber Mill Destroyed.
Chicago, Sept. 19. A dispatch to
t ho Record-Herald from Pino Bluff,
Ark,, says that fire has destroyed the
Sawyer As Austin plant, one of the
largest lumber mills in Arkansas.
The loss is estimated at between
(400,000 and $500,000, fully covered
by Insurance.
Atlantic Coast Is Swept by a Tcr-
rlblc Tornado.
New York, Sept. 17. A numlot of
lives were lost, much property dam
aged and several ships wrecked In the
storm which ravaged tho Atlantic const
Inst night and today. It una ono of
the fiercest September storms on rec
ord, thunder and lightning adding tor-
tor to a howling gnlo which can led
drenching sheets of rain over sea mid
land. Telegraphic reports tonight say
tho storm was swept out into tlio ocean
and from tho Canadian coast.
The greatest loss of lifts was near
Wilmington. Del. The tug lsraol W.
Dutliam, with a crew ot six men and
four other men, employes of tho
American Dredging company, wna
swamped In tho Delaware rhe.- early
today during tho height of tho storm.
Kight of I lie ten persons on tho ittlo
craft were drowned. Great destruction
was caused in the city proper. Trees
wero uprooted, houses flooded mid
crops ruined. Further down tho roast,
Jacksonville, comes tlio report thnt live
men weto diowncd off Charleston.
This report was biought in by ono ol
tho coast liners.
New York suffered comparatively lit
tie. The wind and rain and thunder
and lightning were terrific, but little
actual damage was done. Nineteen
roil barges went adrllt in the bay mid
tonight wreckage strews tho shore from
the Battery to tlio Narrows, but no
l.ves were lost. Several small vessels
also went ashore on various parts of
the coast near New York.
At 4 o'clock this morning the wind
was blowing 80 miles an hour, and the
rain was coming down in sheets. It
was then that the trolley cars camo to
a standstill. Elevated roaiis stopped
and traffic of all kinds was paralyzed
Along the sheets through tho market
sections of the city wagons were over
turned and horses hurled from their
Many plate glass windows succnmlied
ta the wind, especially in the down
town section of the city.
Soon at'er daybreak the rain ceased
and the clouds cleared away. There
was a decided drop in the temperature
In Newark, N. J., lightning struck
the building of the Prudenial Insurance
company and ripped out some of the
heavy granite blocks from a cupola 204
feet from the ground. Hundreds of
pounds of the granite blocks went
crashing through roofs of houses ad
joining the sxyscraper, causing a panic
among the residents.
The storm caused much damage In
Brooklyn. In somo instances scores of
houses were flooded, several blocks of
sewer raved in and many trees were
uprooted. Miles ot telephono wires
were blown down In the suburbs, anil
many of the trolley lines were put out
of commission.
Russian Ministry of Marine Asserts
She Will Seek Pacific Port.
Paris, Sept. 17. The correspondent
of the Echo de Paris at St. Petersburg
has telegraphed his paper as follows:
"The ministry of marino tells us re
garding the arrival ot the Russian
transport Lena at San Franciico, that
another vessel, the Korea, is also due
at an American port on the Pacific.
Orders have been sent td the Russian
ships to conform rcrupuloudy with the
American neutrality .rules, which are
expected io permit them taking on
enough coal to reach Vladivostok, I
consider the situation very delicate, as
there is evidence that the ships were
destined to prevent the transport of
contraband goods from the United
States to Japan, and perhaps capture
vessels carrying contraband.
Japanese Rule Manchuria.
Mukden, Sept. 17. The Japanese
are causing a sensation among the
natives of Manchuria as they advance
by establishing their own system of
taxation and administration as though
the country were actual Japanese terri
tory. They are paying for supplies
with promissory notes on the wnr fund,
a blanket note being given for tho pay
merit ol each village on tho basis ol
population, leaving the residents' to di
vide pro rata. Few of these notes have
yet been collected In cash, but Japanese
officials are collecting a caeli tax.
Urges Britain to Acf.
London, Sept. 17. The Daily Telo-
graph, in an editorial, remarking that
the Bteamcr Cab has will be icebound at
Vladivostok before the three months of
detention prescribed fcy the prizo court
lias expired, declares this 1b no case for
an appeal to a superior couit, but for
prompt action by the British govern
ment in requesting from Russia an early
and definite answer to the protest press
ing for the withdrawal of regulations
that make suclt prize court decisions
poslsble, and demanung the cancella
tion of the verdict.
1005 Building Plans Ready.
Washington, Sept. 17. The super-
vising architect has completed plans
and specifications for the government
buildings for the Lewis and Clark expo
sition, and will tomorrow forward to
Superintendent Lnzarus, at Portland,
several Bets to bo furnished contractors
who wish to bid. The planB can Le
had eithei from Superintendent Lazar
us, cr from tho supervising architect of
tho treasury. Bids will be advertised
for in tho Portland papers for a month.
Philippine force to Be Reduced.
Manila, Sept. 17. It haa been rec
ommended that the forco of American
soldiers in tho Philippine Islands be
reduced from its present standing of
four regiments of cavalry and mno of
infantry to threo regirnonts of cavalry
and seven of Infantry,
Assurance Given that Railroad Will
Be Constructed.
Pendleton W. 1!. Davidson, secre
tary of the Eastern Oregon Development
company, utid iiieinler ol tho linn ol
V. K. Davidson A To., mining brokers
of Pendleton, says that the electric belt
lino to ho built In Grand Rondo valley
is an asaued success. His father, T. W.
Davidson, is lu tho East now interest
ing capital In Indiall of the piJect,and
at the present timu tho outlook Is most
Grounds for a terminal anil depot
have been donated by tlio residents ol
Cove. Tho Amalgamated Sugar com
pany has agreed to rnlso 600 aeies ol
beots along tho line, where heretofore
the price of hauling has mndo their
culture prohlhitiw. The right ol way
has been secured, and had It not been
for Chief Kngitieei A. It. Browne Ixiing
railed to Canyon City as a witness in a
suit nt law the suivey would have been
completed at this lime.
The power proposition on tho Milium
river has not been looked Into except
to ascertain (hat at least 20,000 horse
power could lie developed.
Survey of Eugenc-Corvallls Line.
Eugeno The Wlllamulto Valley
Electric railway company announres
that its corps ol suneyurs will probab
ly begin suncyiug for Its Eugene-Cot-vallis
line this week. T. W. Archer,
a civil engineer, who will have charge
of the work, has arrived Irom Cali
fornia, lie will also select a site for a
power station. It lias been practically
settled that the station will Ixi located
on the Mackenzie river near Seavcy
place, six miles from Eugene. II. C.
Diers, chief engineer of the company,
has arrived at Coos bay, and will at
once start a clew of surveyors from
there north up the coast by way of
Gardiner and Florence to Eugene.
Cove Prult for the Talr.
Iji Gramte The management of tho
horticultural exhibit at the St. l.ouls
fair has written to Stackland Bros., of
Cove, who are among the leading fruit
growers in the lirand Roride, for mure
of the fruit from this galley, and In a
telegram asks: "Can Cove ship now,
car prunes, plums, pears and apples?
We pay freight. Soil at least half and
return proceeds. Wire collect." To
which they replied that a car would lie
shipped In two weeks' time, as some ol
the fruits are liaidly ripe just now.
Drill for 300 a Side.
Surnpter As a result of .the drilling
contest at Bourne on Labor day, in
which M. I). McLend came off victor
ious, there is premise of n rnucli more
interesting contest. McLeod, holding
the championship for Oregon, has been
challenged by William Maddern, for a
mutch at (500 a side. The prelimin
aries have been arranged, and the town
offering the most tempting purse will
get the contest. There ia some talk of
making the side bet (1,500, so confi
dent is eacli man of beating the other.
Lawlon Townsltc Sold.
Surnpter The townsito of Lawton,
which over four years ago gave such
promise of greatness, has been sold for
(3,000. This was the amount of a
judgment held by Lina Sturgiss against
the townBite company. Many build
ings were ercrted during the boom, and
Lawton was put down in the brain of
the fanciful promoter as the terminus
of an important railway line that would
corne creeping up the mountains from
a Junction with the O. It. .t N. This
dream faded away and with it Lawton's
claim to distinction.
Roseburg's New Club.
RoBcburg At a meeting of tlio local
business and professional men here thu
Roseburg Commercial club was orga
nized. F. J. Blakeley, first vice presi
dent of the Oregon Development league,
took the Iniiiative in tins matter and
the club has forwarded Mb application
and fee to become a member of the
league. The officers chosen ure: T.
R.Sheridan, I resident; F. W. Ben
son, first vice president; James O. Wat
son, second vice president; F'rank G.
Mlcelli, secretary; A. 0. Marstors,
Plan Long Wagon Road.
Portland The plan to build a wagon
road from Portland to tho California
lino has been discussed favorably by
the county court. Multnomah county
already has a road which reaches to
Clackamas county and it can bo made
a first class road with not much ex
pense. Other count Us have roads ex
tending from one county to the other
in some instances, but to make one con
tinuous road the whole distance might
require state aid.
Washington County Shipments.
ilillshoro Agent Ilinsliaw, of tho
Southern Pacific, states that notwith
standing the short hay and grain crop
this year, the shipments out of Wash
ington county exceed that of any fall
season for years. A part of the heavy
shipments Is due to tho condensed
milk company, which sends out from
two to three cars each week.
Wheat Mysteriously Burned,
Pendleton Fire destroyed 1,500
bushels of wheat on Iho farm of E. J,
Somerville, seven miles west of this
city. Tlio crop was raised by John
l.udcmann, his share being two-thirds,
Tlio origin of tho tiro Is a rnyBtery.
The wheat was partly Insured.
Northwest Wheat Markets.
Portland Walla Walla, 70o; blue-
stem, 84c; valley, 85c.
Tacoma Dluestem, Blc; club, hoc.
Albany 78c.
Salem 80c,
Colfax Glut), 71a; bluestem, 70c.
Pendleton Club, 70c; bluestem, 73c.
La Grande Club, 05c: bluestem,
Coos and Curry Awnll Railroad for
Mnishlleld An agent looking for
timber for nil Eastern syudlratu pays
that ho Inn figures that show that there
nro 24,000,000,000 feet ot timber In
Coos county litems and 80,000,000,000
feet nreessiblu to Coos bay If a railroad
la built through tho (ounty. Ho says
thnt on the Umpqiia are IIII.OOO.OOO.OOO
feet and on tho Hius.nw 15,000,000,000
feet. In Ctiny county ho found large
tracta of black oak that would uinko
line furniture. Time trees, ho says,
will average three cuts of 20 feet each.
Eight thoupnnd acres of this oak timber
was bought by Han Frniu'isrn tauntrs
fur Its bark hut the timber had lieen
found to bo too nlunhlc for mnniifnctur
Ing puipines to peel for its lark.
On Tillamook buy and its tributary
streams lie mis theio mo 20,000,000,
000 feet, and on the Nehntein anil Its
north and south forks there are 25,
000,000,000 more feet. This Includes
llr, cedar spruce and hemlock. lie
says tlio timber has all been cruised,
and that his figures are ronscivntlvn.
Association Past Building lip.
Pendleton The Pendleton Commer
cial association ia rnpldly building u
under Ibepiesont regime, having during
the past few days received more than
50 new members. Tho membership
now exceeds 150 and efforts will be
made to swell the number to 200.
Tho monthly dues have been reduced
from (2 to (I, these special rati I to
continue until November 1. Will
the fusing of new life Into the Instltu
tion, plana have been under cousldera
tlon fur adding a gymnasium and mak
ing other needed Improvements. As
soon as practicable the association will
Ix-gin n.aklng preparations for the
Umatilla county exhibit foi tin U'wls
and Clark exposition.
Shipment of Silver fir.
Estarada Linn Brothers, who own
a sawmill 10 miles northeast ol this
plaro, have Just shipped from hero a
rarload of the finest quality of lumber
eter wen In this section of the state
The firm owns a large tinct of timber
land near their mill and now has on
hand a very laruo assortment of finish
ing lumlHir. The tlmlier from which
it is rawed is of a variety railed by tlm
bermeu "silver tlr," and is of lighter
color and tlnei grain than the yellow
llr. A numlier of exrierlenred lumber
men and rarpentera mw tho lumber as
It was being loaded and all pronounced
it the best they had seen In tho state.
Ihe shipment went to Oregon City.
Crop Costs 23 Cents a Bushel.
Pendleton A reservation farmer es
timatea that his crop this year cost him
25 cents a bushel sacked, exclusive of
the cost of summer fallowing. Ho
paid (2 76 per acre rent and hired all
of the work done. Ills yield was 30
bushols to tho acre, and the total cro;
4.800 bushels, ho having 1110 acres in
wheat. 1 1 it sold at 57 4 rents, and es
timates his profit at (2,040. The com
ing season or Iho next, ho will rent 1,
000 ncret. He says as a little ran lie
made on each litiMiol he will rent u
large triKt ami either get rich or go
Echo Will Co-Opcrate.
Echo At a meeting of tho Citizens'
club of Echo, a committee wuh ap
pointed, consisting of Dr. O. J. Smith,
O. I). Teol, II. Saylor, F. B. Van
Cleave and II. C. Willis, to net with
similar committees appointed by Ihe
c inmerclnl orgtinUitlons of Spokane,
Walla Walla and Colfux, in Washing
ton, ami Pendleton, In Oregon, to act
with the interior department In secur
Ing the best possible sites for the canals
and reservoirs desired by tho govern
merit for tho several Irrigation projects
Propagation or Stecllicad.s.
ABtorla Fish Warden Van Diisen
has derided to make n special effort to
propagate a large number of steelheuds
at the Salmon river butchery during
the coming season. That hatchery was
started by the Push club of this city for
tho purpose of ini-ro sing tho supply of
Bteelheads, ns Salmon river is tho
natural spawning ground for that spec
ies of fish. A few years ago, howevor,
tho plant was absorbed by tho state
fisheries department, and since then
chinooks have heou thu principal fish
Yamhill llopdrycr Is Destroyed.
Amity Firo destroyed the hop dryer
and contents of A. II. Shumate, resid
ing ono mile northwest of Whitcson,
Mr. Hhumato had just finished picking
his yard and had 10,000 pounds of hops
in the building. The fire started be
tween tno walls, and it was Impossible
to get water to it. Tho man drying the
hops had plenty of help and sovornl
barrels of water, but rouhl not use it to
any advantage. Tho Insurance on the
crop and building was (3,000,
Smut Explodes Machine.
Pendleton A threshing machine be
longing to Donald Robinson, 17 miles
north of Pendleton, was blown up.
Tho explosion was cuusod by smut and
rust in the wheat. The loss is (1,600.
None of thu crew was injured.
Patients Increase at the Asylum.
Salom Tho monthly report of the
superintendent of tho etato insane any.
lum shows that the number of patients
has increased from 1,371 to 1,370 dur
ing the month,
Russian Transport Lena Is Not
Now Sciiworlhy.
Washington, Sept. 15. 'I he develop
ment of the day In tho rnso of the Una
slau cruiser I'iia nt Hun l'ntiiclsco wna
the clearing up of the olllelnl muddle
arising out ol Iho doubt us to which ol
tho live departments of the government
should deal with It. It was finally do
elded by tho president that the statu
and navy departments should treat tho
case, acting Jointly, a deelsloiunleulat
ed to greatly simplify lis bundling.
Over night cauin a telegram front
Admiral (loodilch, at Han Francisco,
show Ing that on his own initiative, ho
had rained one of his expert ollUsrs to
make a preliminary eininliiatiun of the
Ixtna, and thnt temporary repairs would
occupy six weeks' time, and Unit new
boilors would Involve right months' de
lay. The preslilent approved tho ad
miral's action.
Agreenhln to the president's Instruc
tions, Acting Si-eretary Adre, for tho
state department, and Ciiptnln Pills
bury, for thn navy department, had
two conference i during th day, ami
the result was thn preparation of In
structions to Admiral Goodrich, which
It Is understood were wired to the pres
ident first for bin approval. 'I here I
good ground to believe that thesn In
structions contemplate thn allownnrn of
sufficient time to th Lena to make
temporary repairs. However, them Is
a growing belief that tho vessel will
b obliged to intern In th end, for It
Is altogsther probable that by tho time
shs could be made ready to go to sea
on or more Japanese cruisers would
It off the Golden Gals, ready to sink
or raptors her. Foreseeing such an
vent as a rnpisal for th light to
inter u, thn officials bavn been ronsldor
Ing what shall lm done with thn rrew,
whether they shall t allowed to re
turn to Russia nn parol, or limit bo
interned on their own ililp In Han
Fransliro hartior. On Dili point no
dreiiioii has bruti reached.
Japanese are Working Nlghf and
Day at Port Arthur.
Chefmi, Sept. IB. III Its Ismn of
September H thn Port Arthur Noviirnt
rnmarki upon the energy ol the Japan
ese, who cunllnun the work of strength
ening their forts near Itihlongihan
night and dsy.
Outpost skirmishes at Port Arthur
arn still going on. On Septrmlwr (V
som Russian scouts stealthily ap
proached tho Japanrso lines and kid
naped five Japanese sentinels. Ijiter
they Inadvnrtrdly ran Into soinn wires
hung with bells which the Japanese
had Hung up In order to sound nn
slarm. When the bells ln-gnn ringing
thn Russians rharged forward, firing
thn while. A Japanern detnrliiueiit In
a trench returned the fire wildly for a
moment, and then retreated. The Rus
sians gained thn trench and found tit
Japanese dead thsre.
Two Junks arrived hern today from
1'ort Arthur. Oim contained villager
from Polantsu, which has lieen des
troyed, anil the other brought 187
Chines depnrtrd by thn Russian au
thorities. They reported that a Junk,
carrying throe Russian officers, hail
been upturn! by the Japaiiesoand tak
en Into Port D.ilny.
The villagers of Polantsu complain
that it is the piartirn of thn Russians
to commandeer everything obtainable.
In the way of eatables. They say thn
soldiers often entered their houses and
took meats which hud Just la-en cut 'or
It is reported that tho Russian aro
having difficulty with the powdnr they
manufacture nt Poit Arthur. A shell
fired from Golden Hill recently failed
to carry the proper distance anil
dropped among some Russian troops,
killing four of them.
End of Lumber Combine.
Vancouvr, B. C, Sept. 14 Tim
IuuiUt combine in the Canadian
Northwest is practically at nn end.
All mountain mills In British Colum
bia, numbering &0, hnvu relnsed to sell
exclusively to retailers in tho North,
west, and bii) they will start, yards of
their own and sell to any consumer
who has thu rnsl.. Tho provincial gov
ernment refuses to have the piolilbltlvo
tux removed on logs exported to Wash
ington statu, mill nno-thlrd of thu log
gers of British Coluhmla hum
out of buslnesH.
Getting Exhibits (or Talr.
St. Louis, Hept. 15. Henry K.
Dosch, dirctor of exhibits of the LowI
and Clark exposition, has established
hcadqunters in tho Oregon building at
tlio world's fair, and begun an nctlvo
canvass to liuluro exhibitors hero to
participate in the Lewis and Clark fair.
Already Japan has applied for n largo
amount of spare nt Portland Mr.
Dosch bolioveg tho largo attendance
promised from Asiatic countries, will
make the Poitaind fair one of tho great
opportunities for exhibitors.
railing Back to the Pess.
St. Petorbsurg, Hspt. 14. It Is nnw-
goncrally conceded that Genreal Kuro
patkin is falling bulk to Tiu pitas, and
no sorlnus stand in expected at Muk
den. This movement Is confirmed by
the Associated Press dispatches from
Mukden, which Indicate thnt tho Run
elan movement is lining effected slowly
hut In an ordcily manner. Tho tw
armies aro merely keeping in touch
with each other, no lighting of conso.
quonco boing reported.
rire Burns Large Winery.
Sacramento. Ca!. Won! 1K . ti.
, "- , . " i .1117
Natoma Vlnoyard winery, 15 miles
northeast of thia nitv. nn tl,n
liver, together with tlio tormenting
plant nnd distillery burned to tho
giound tonight. Tho Natoma winery
was ono of the largest In tho atato and
tho loss probably will raach (300,000.