BusincHH CardH. H. C. MADSEN, Watciimakkr. Keptlrlnf t rronble rnsriei. All work nisrsBtcctl flnt-cltM. Wtebf(Clockinil Jeelry t Lownt l'rltes COTrAGK GKOVK. ORE. A. H. KING Attorney nl taiw, cottage?, Git on:, OJtll. J. E. YOUNG Atiorncy-at-Lnw Office on Mln itrwt. West SM COTTAGK GROVIi, ORIS J. S. Medley. ' .lobnson Medley j- Johnson, Attorneys-nt-luw Office. Unite :i iJdii.- lf. Special attention given to Mining nml Corporation I.nv. LT, IUttll. " A f. Wimlcwk WOODCOCK & HARRIS, ilttoriicus-at-Late BjsmIsI attention gh en to the U ol Mines KUUKXK, OIK. BARKER & PERMAN rROPKlKTORS OK THE EXCHANGE 7 DEAI.KKS IS FINK WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Mtlnitreet. Cotlaec tirme. Ore. Ilnff & Colwcll Mining Engineers U. S. Mineral Surveyors Room 1 Rank Rldg, Cottage Orove. 602-603 Oregonlnn llldg, Portland, Oregon. The First National Bank OF Cottage Grove, Ore. Paid j;j Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges sold, available nnv place n tbeUnited States llMBKKTElKlK, Pmldent. T. O Wiieeuii, Cuhter. Lodge Directory. A. F. and A.M. . Cottage Grove No. 51. Meets 1st aud 3rd Saturday. Oliver Veatch, W. M. I. O. O. F. Cottage Grove No. 68. Meets every Saturday night. Geo. Comer, F. Secty. W. O. W. ; Bohemia Camp No. 260. Meets every Saturday night. C. H. Van Denburg. Clerk. M. W. Of A. Cottage Grove Camp No. 6424. Meets first aud third Tuesday nights. C. W. Wallace, Clerk. F. Of A. Court Bohemia Mo. 33. Meets every Friday night. S. E. Lauder, Secty. Women of Woodcraft. St. Valentine Circle. Meets ist and 3rd Tuesdays. Mrs. C. J. Miller, Clerk. Royal Neighbors. Emma Colburn .Camp. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Ethel Bisby, Clerk. k of p Juventus Lodge No. 48. Meets every Weduesday night. Dr. George Wall K. of R. S G. A. R. Appomatax Tost No. 34. Meets 2nd and 4U1 Saturday. H. C. Dutton, Adjutant. K. O.T. M. Cacade Camp No. 66. Meets Thursday nights. Prof. A. L. Briggs, Secty. L L Hive No 42 Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday Mrs. E. Fullmer, R. K. MBA Meets every 2nd and 4th Mondays. S. E. Lauder, Secty. Order Eastern Star Cottage GroveJChapter No 4 - Meets every 2nd and 4H1 Fridays Celia Lurch, Secty. H Portland, Ox'cjon. S'" H and Se ctional WTTl XT ' til 1 Hi STAMP MILLS I AIR COMPRESSORS jfi. ' ' -saaui f Bi AIR and ELECTRIC DRILLS, lp' j! j A Complete line of Mine mid Mill Supplies. i .itel. lilies, rimis anil Prices on lllllll'.'ltloll to Battintond iwrg Co. Kid First Street. Portland, Oregon, How About Your Summer Vacation. 1 Newport on Yniiiinn Hay Is the' lili'iil seaside resort ol tin- North I'a- I cillc Const. Itinitnl trip tickets at greatlv reduced rates on Hale from I all Southern I'acllio points In Ore gon, on anil after .lane 1st. Ask Agents for farther Information anil a handsomely illustrated souvenir booklet, or write to Edwin Stone. C. & E. It- It.. Albany, lire., or V. E. Coninn. . I. A., s. 1. Co., Port land. IN PRAISE OF CHAMBERLAIN'S COUC AND DIARRHOEA Re MEPY. til.,,- ,.,,. vim n few llnnl in praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera Mini Diarrhoea Remedy," savs Mr. John t'amieti, 01 r.ngiu iass,iuis T iru.n.i ohm wMt with Itnu ol trouble and got nil kinds of medicine without getting any renei. wnen my menu, .nr. U. Jounsnn 11 nmrciianfc iicri:, imnci me to take this remedy. Alter taking one dos-e I felt greatly relieved ami when I hud .aken the third dose was e.itirelv ei.riil. I thank yon from the !....,,,' ,.f ,.. htmrt for litlttilH. tl 14 trreat remedvin thehauils of mankind." For sale by ew' r.ra urug store. NOTICE FOR ITRLICATION. Department of the Interior, ljtnil lllllce at Roseburg, Oregon. .1 uly VI. Rial. Xotlee Is hereby given that the fol iA.,.l,r.,i..iuit Ljirtlor hnu tiled notice of liis'liitentlon to make dual proof lit support in ins eiaun, aim iiim SIUU prooi will ne inane iicion- i.. i . Lee county utk ar laigeue, urcgou, ., uiii,,l.i. "I! HSU vlr- Wlllliini II. dritlin on his II. E. No. SMIL for the NE ', Sin-. :U Tp V.l S., It. 1 W est. He names tliefollowiui; witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon nml piiltlviitlon of said land, viz: YV. V. Meltif, of Fall Creek, Lime Co.'Oreon, Thouius Maloy, of .Ion, Lane Co. Otvson, W. F. Tate, of 'Aon, I.nneCo. Oregou, l . tiriuin, of Kali Creek, Lane Co. Oregon. .1. T. Iiitli)(ii:, Register. TIIECHATTANOOUA ADVERTISING The Cliiittanoopi Medicine Company, with lalmnitories ami general olllces at ChattaiiiKca, Teniussee, ami brunch houses at !t Louis, Mo., ami San Fran cisco, Oil.. hiiH Ijocnmi' one of ihularReft proprietary medicine cuneeriiH in the world, lii thegrowtli ol this (ireiit buii ncss two factms liuve been ilumiiiant : The meiit of its products Wine of Card ui and TIiuUhuI'b Rlack-liraiiyht has been widely recognized and the n.d.ltKil ikK'pi tlkini. miftlintlH iiildiileil have excited ;ieiit eoniiuent. The publicity lor tnoo ineiiicmes iiih-s not consist of the ealch phriue and ex travagant statement, too often employed in advertising today, but instead the plain story of experience uith the medi cines given in the plain laniiungu of the po-ple tjii'iu'elves. The follow nig let ter is a lair sample of the thousands of Wine of Cardiii testimonials published during the paHtwenty years. A1ISCESS. W. II. Harrison, Cleveland, Miss., writtB, Aug. 15, 1002: "I want to say n worn "i iiiiiibu mi ..,,v,. 13 ,j,ti. Ltiilment I Hcimcd on a nail, which caused the cords 111 mo leg to contract and an abscess to rite in my knee, and the doctor told me that I would have a stiirieg, hooiio nay i went to j. i, LOTH S't'ilji biuju v'i",n lit I'wuw. Colo). Ilo recoinnieiuliil a bottle of Snow Liniment ; I got a 50c size, and it cured my leg. It is tho best liniment In the world. AISCK.-SSKS, with few exceptions, are Imlleatlvu of I'linstiliatioil or debility. They may, however, result from blows or from tureign boilfes, introduced into the skin of Ib'sh, such as splinters, thorns, etc. Solo by .Moigan una lire haut. Nothing lias ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Ford 0.Y,lJ?.'fll"r,.0N r'l" OIIOI1M uud SOcMI.OO A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back If It fail!. Trial Bottles free. ssifmnnrai-t'i;wwfFrii ABRIDGING THE LAW. It Toiik Tlmr, lint It Wi I'lunllr Ile ilucril to Out St'Ctliin. "Itefore we were uiarrlen," cogltat eit the round shouKlereil but otherwise upright man as ho proceeded with his task of washing the dishes which his wife had loft In an untidy state when she departed for the convocation of tho sewing circle, ,-l concocted In my mind quite a long series of bylaws and regulations which should govern mid shape our married life. There were rules aud formulas calculated, so I believed, to tit nlmost any emergency that might arise, and from time to time I added codicils as they occurred in 11. tin in tlio mil It was a veritable constitution duly authorizing two to live cheaper than one and Happier man anybody else. "Hut shortly after the ceremony which made us two souls with but it single thought, as they Bay in stories, I began little at a time to a menu inn document It was a mental one. as said before and, strange as It may ap pear, the more amendments I added tho shorter it became, till now, after the lapse of fourteen years of wedded bliss, my constitution is so reduced that It Is comiosed of only one sec tion, which Is as follows: "Section 1. What my wlfo soys Is law.' " OUR BLIND SPOT. A Portion of V.rry V.Tf l Aliotutclr liiMOiiNltile ti I.lKlif. On the back of the eyeball Is a pecul iar expansion of the libera of tho optic ncrvo which Is called the retina. Ev ery part of this Is not equally sensitive to the action of light. A small portion, where tho organization is most perfect. Is called from its color the yellow spot. This Is only ono six-thousandth of an Inch In diameter, yet It produces the most perfect sensation of vision. A little nearer to the nos-c Is another spot, which, though full of fibers of the optic nerve. Is absolutely insensible to light and is therefore called the "blind" spot. This can be easily proved by putting two big dots three Inches apart on a piece of paper, closing the right eye and looking tit the left hand dot and moving the paper toward yon till tho left band dot disappears. Ilclmholtz In bis lecture tells us that "this blind spot Is so largo that It might prevent our seeing eleven moons If placed side by side, or a man's fuco at n distance of only six or seven feet," and that "ilarlotte, who discovered tho phenomenon, amused Charles II. and his court by showing them bow they might see each other with their beads cut off." came In Ilarurla. Cattle In llavarlu lire much used In plowing and hauling. They are fre quently yoked In a curious manner, bo that the pull comes from the forehead and not from the neck, or, rather, shoulders, which Is the ordinary way elsewhere. rjontillnK XntliliiK. The village council of Illrslngen, Albatla, issued the following advertise ment: "Wiinteil, a goon man for wind ing up the steeple r loik. No salary ut the beginning; later on double." Magazines should have a well-defined purpose. Genuine entertainment amusement ami mental recreation are the motives of Til 6 SlIKirl Sel , the Most Sssl'ul !' M'4nxincs Its ,Yovcl.v (a complete one iiin'cach number) arc by the most brilliant authors of both lieinisplietcs. Its tihorl fiforidN are matchless clean and full of human interest. Ms jokes, witticisms, skelolies, etc., arc admittedly the most niirth-provokin,'. $() Pages Deli.aiftrul Rendiii.a No pages arc wasted on cheap illustrations, editorial vaporings or wenryiiiK essays mid idle discussions. livery Jtige will interest, eharni and refresh, you. Subscribe ws$2MU per year. Remit in chcmie, P. O. or Ex press oiilcr, or registered letter to The Smart Set, 42 Fifth Avenue, New )"orlc N, H. Sample Cojjy Sent Free on Application. Smooth Toutcr. V man i .inn- to tin- store one day. And to the druggist he did sa, . M.v fiH'l mire all covcivil with corns, Are tmw as smooth as a .xearllng's horns. I'se I'op Em All Corn Salve for sale by Morgan V llrclmut.& XKUI.KCTKD COI.DS. Kfiy part ( the uiiieiiii" iiii'tiibriine, the misc. tliriuit, ears, lieud and lungi, etc., are nubjctfted to dignse nml blight from neglected colds. Ilalhinl' llnri' lioiiud S nip is a pleiismid itml effective ri nietlv. Sot', ftOc, $1.00. W. Aktmdrlck. Vnlley Mills, Texas, w.-iten: "I have ii-ihI 'llhllard's dure kouuil Syrup for I'uiililis and throat troubles; it is u pleasant and clfective remedy." For Mile by Miirgmi and llrehaut. KlUIUCUli UA'lllS IO ST LOUIS liX. I'OSIIION. The Southern I'nelllc Co will sell I round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates to Si l.ouls and Clilcugo ac count the St l.ollis Exposition, on the follow iug dates: .lime III. 17. Is; .1 til v I, J, :;: August s, !, It); Seplein Imt'5. i, 7: October :l, 1.5 lining trip must be completed ulthlil leu days from date ot sale, ami passengers will be permitted to stait on any ihi.v that will enable them to re.-ii-h destination ulthia the tea da s limii. Return limit iilm l.x il.HH. bill not later Ihan Dec :ilst. I'.ml. For full liiforiualioii as In rates and mil ten cull on Agent Si, I'aeilie Co at I oil age tin lie, Oregon. Noli' .lime rib has Ist-u author ized as a sale date for Louisiana I'liivh.iM. Exposition tickets, in ad dition to sale dales previously an tiiniuceil for June. This will enable purchasers of tickets io be at the Ex position on Oregon !a, .tunc 151 h. IIEAI TIFCI. WOMEN. I'llllllp cheeks, llllMlied U Itll the -oil glow of health mill a pine cumylexion, lii.ikt- nil women iH-aiitifiil, I'm lie a i-tnall iIom' of llurbilie after etch meal ; it will prcvfdt constipation nml help digest what you liiivo eiilen. 5(lc. .Mrs Win M. Stroud, Midlothian, Texas, n rites, May Z0, 1001 ; "Wo have used Herbitiu ill our family for eight years, ami found it tho bust medicine we evei ihiiI fur constipation, bilious fever ami malaria." Sold by Morgan and llre haut, WHITE'S Cream Vermifuge THE GUARANTEED WORM REMEDY THE CHILDREN'S FAVORITE TONIC. acwAHE or imitations, thc cinuinc mcnr.to ohlt hi Baliard-Snovv Liniment Co, OT. LOUIB, MO. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. Miss Mary Anthony and her distill' giilshcd sister. Susan It. Anthony, nev er m. taxes without a protest. Mrs lulM Klllsuli, former wlfo of n sun nf Ciiinmudiiii Klltsnn of St lti ill. has opened a hiilrdrcsstug estab llsliineiit III the tialully city. Mmintitl on a bli'Ji'le, Miss Siiille tiniTiibiiinl of Ceutenllle. N. .1., clung to a i inlaw a) Tmrse's In Idle for n iinur ter ut a mile till he stopped. Mis lleury Whitman, the aitlst. who len nll) dliil III lliistoii, left $lim,IKKI to Itiub liUe inllege, J,"u,titKl to TiiNkegee liixiilute anil jr.O.iKHI more to charity Mi i Aileliilile t'lilrbiiiiUs. niother of Hi. Itepiilillciiu vice tuvsldeiitliil eilli il.l.le. lives In Siriligllcld, O. He Is 1 1. , oldest child and lias atwiijs been I. - inntlier's pride. She still calls blin V Inn ne MI-.S l.onlse M. Miller of Uleenslnlrg, I i !-. -ei lug tier second term as dep mi loinner of Wt'slmoreliiml iiuinly II, r itiilles have bitiiight tier Into prom t ii, n, in the Imcstlgiitlon or some of IliM lelillllt's ibllsl lllllHUtllllt i uses Moihi r Mary 'rinoilillu. the supe i t s ( Hie Nolle liiiuie lolleue. Hal ' 1 1 i . ''il d ieieu! She w hi one of I.. . ' , ml uioMt u,ilel Know u liol . i , . ii in ilus v ninti) . ami on Mm Io, I s i i he i lebraliit the Kolilen Jiiliilis ol In i ie in. '"is profession ii l.il.i 1' .loues, twenij liuir ji 'ir "III ..i'i to he the only plin th .il woin .Hi lli.iellllllst III Chicago, plans to eleet nml operate III that illj a new ilnut lor the iiiaiillfiicturii of unit hhn'i . em I'lojin,; , VI men. Sinee her father's ih .iih two years ago she has been iii.iu iil','1 of a machine works employ nig i uhit tile mi II SPORTINO NOTES. .11: .iii.i liuntiucr t out for the tight v . i - lit i liiiiiiploushlp mid Is eager to ol, i-l Joe linns. i' I ox recently bought Africander, the t'liiiiploti tlntv-yeiir-old of Insl je.ii'. I' ! Sl.'i.ono. Jim Corhett Is now a baseball en tliiiMaM and is eiipliiln of the Itayslih vihiei.i' club tram of Ilaysldc, N. V. Ike Weir, the "Ilelfast Spider," who hoiiie i ears ago wits il crack feather weluht. I now In Australia with Hilly Mm phi The light promoters of lllltte. Mont., have di-cldod to bury the hatchet, and boxing will he allowed to continue by the muyiir. Harry Corbctt has nlrendy placed $t,uiit on Jack M units, against Jim Jedrles, betting that Mini roe will eoir.e up fur the liriis'iith ruiinil If JelT dot's. At the opening of the Hrlghloli llcarb (N. Y.i race meet I tenuis, carrying 1X1 IKiunds, ispmlol the track riss.nl of Voter, KM, who carrteit tint 122 pounds. Young Corhett Insists that Jimmy Ilrltt shall box him Inside of two mouths or not nt till. Corhett refuses to wait until December unless given liberty to take on other matches. At tin- recent amateur nthtellc chain pluiiships .it Itoclnliili'. England, Arthur Duffy, the American crack sprinter, was defeated In the lis) yard dash by J. W. Moiton of the Sotith ljudoii Harriers, who won by Inches. JOHN RUSKIN. Amur Cluirn.rltlr ,if Otir nf thm Munt li,lrrrlli,K of .Mm. Itiisklu's kindness had its roots In tho essential sweetness of his nature. Everything In life had conspired to ftpoil him. He was often willful and wayward ami cxtra.agant, but the bet ter elements of his being prevailed over those which, to his harm, were to gain power when he was released from tho controlling Influence of his father's good sense and his mother's authority. The extraordinary keenness of his per- eptlons of external things, the vivaci ty of his Intelligence, the ardor of his temperament, the Immense variety of his Interests and occupations and tho restless energy and Industry with which he pursued them, mailt) him one of the most Interesting of men. And combined as they were with deep po etic mid deeper moral sentiment as well as Willi a born deslro to give pleasure, they gave to Intercourse with III in it charm which Increased ns ac quaintance grew Into affectionate friendship. His mind was Indeed at this tlmo In n state of ferment. He was still mainly busy with thoso topics of art and nature to which his writings had hitherto been devoted. Hut his work In tho field had lis) him Into oth er fields of liuiulry, which stretched wldu ami dark before him, through which no clear paths wero vlslhlo nnd Into which ho was entering not with out bono of opening a way. Hence' forth his chief mission was that, not of tho guide In matters ot art, but of tho social reformer. Charles ullot Nor. ton in Atlantic. Unllrjrllo Acid. Salicylic acid Is tin Ingredient ot strawberries and to n less degree of most other fruits. An Oilil Colncldencr, Tint anniversary of tho death of tho first Napoleon at Rt. Helena Is tho otio nnd only day In the year when the set ting suu uppcurs framed within the. curve or tirchwuy of tho Arc do Trl onipht) at 1'nrls. Is It colucldcnco or fate? Debt no Llvrllhoot, An applicant for relief in England, who recently appeared before the Hwan scu guardians, said ho lived by getting Into debt. ici: wish At 1. u year No Investor can afford to lie wit hunt tho Journal for Investors Any mm ol Iik fcnluim la iihiiiu worth Urn ir!ruofKiil,MTlllmi. II will Hivo yon liuiiilrt'ila nl iliilliirt uvory jeiir. ttM'liiiriii'tnr lum nevur been ImpiiKiicil, JOUKNAL I'Olt INVIJSTOUS CO. Uiioin o, f'littijihorur riiiiiuierio, llostmi. AiMroMi Ktli m to I'. O. Ilex 'i',17. Legal nTfitik at the Uoiiumia NUC.CIJT INDIGESTION "I w tmiilihsl nllh ,10111 nrlitnitiMn. TliKilforil'i lllnck DrniiKlit illil inn morn suuit In una vrvok tlisn sit tliailiw tor' liipillclua I toiik la a yrsr" MltH. HA HA It IS HIIIIII'IHI.II, Ulli'tt.tlllo, lint. TliislforirslHaik Driuighl iniicldy iuvigoralcs I lie ar lion of Urn ktiiiuiu'h ami cures een chronic canes of iiiiligi'Htinii. If you will tnkc a siniill iIiikk of Thisl lord's 1 1 link Draught occa sioitallv ou will keep jour stoiiiiiih and liter in per feet condition. THEDFORD'5 BLA(l-DRAUOHT M ore sickness is ruined by rouatlpntlnii tliiin by any other illii'llie. Tliislfnrd's lllaik-Driiught tint only re lieves ctiitiiation liiitciircs duirrliieii and iliwntrr) ami kivpt the loweN tegular. All ilrussl.t" nfll 'jQ.ci.ilt mi-kHsi,a- "Theilford's II Inrk Draught Is the best liie'lf cine to regulate the bowels I Iiiim' ever iiisl." M US. A. M. (I It A N T, SncaiU Kerry, N. 0. COMSTIPATIOil THE WRITERS. .Mine E Mnrl'i Mlmui-il, the notisl English aiithoi. will spend next win ter In the l ulled Slides Mrs. II. A. Mitchell Uenys, the Anier lean author, has it long Hue of distin guished ancestry, reaching back to Henry III. of Eiiulaml. Walter Klltrcdgc. the author of that world famous song, "Tenting on llni Old Camp tirouud," Is still living III the hatnlct of Heed's Ferry, N. II., where ho couimm'S even tit Ills utlvniic ed age. Augustus Thomas, the playwright, hits all but divided definitely to settle permanently In Europe. Mr. Thuinns, who has (ijwnys Isvn n stalwart Amer ican In all his tastes, thought that ho would never select Europo us a place of residence. Hut his views were changed by a sojourn uf some months abroad. TRAIN AND TRACK. Today there are approximately l.uuu. 000 railroad men In the l ulled Stute under what amounts to a pructhal rule of total abstinence. It scorns to he an eHtuhllslnil fie I that a trolley road Is atsjut to Ik- built Into the Yoseinllc. This will do awny with the seventy-two miles of staging which have hitherto restricted travel to that rcgloti. ' A new nilfroiul, planned to scale (Iray's peak, near Dillon. Colo, will at tain n height at least ,':oo feet greater than the roiid which climbs Tike's peak. The new road will tup an Impor taut mining u nil, the (icorgc town ills trli l, and will he u feeder for both the Colorado mid Southern and the Denver uud I tin Oruude railroads. NOTICE lull I't'llEICAIION. United Mules I. mid Olllen, llo.ehurg. Ore., .1 17, HUH. Notice ih beiebv given thill in com pliance with the provisions of the Act ol Congress ol J line II. H7S, entitled "An net for the sale ol Timber hinds in the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Teriilory." lis extended to all the public land states by act ol All gul I, IS'.IJ, (Near K. I'nge, ol Mabel, County of Lane, Slate of Oicgou, has this ilnv lllfd ill this olllce hissworn statement No. ti'JII'.l for the purchase ol thoN1.; N'..,, ol Section No. I, Town- hip I'll South, of linugoL' west and will oiler pioof to show that lint laud sought is mi ro valuable for its timber or stone Ihan for agricultural purposes, mid to t-n t ii 1 ,1 1 si i Ills claim to said laud before ,1, .1, Walton. II. S. Commissioiier at Eu gene. Ibegoii, on I'ridav the tlth day uf si-pie inner, mm . lie uiimi'S us witnesses: James N. Handle, tleorge W. Hunter. David Muriiliy, all of Eugene, and Mtincey llixlilai'il of .Mabel, all of Lanu Co, Oregon Any and all nersous chiiuiiuu ad versely the ahovu-ilf scribed lands are to- ipicstcd to inn tneir claims in tins oil ice on or before said llth day of Sept., 1IH), J. T. IliiiniiKS Regirter. ft'l !I3 NOTICE FOR l'llItblOATION. United Kttlles Lund Oil! Ice, Rnseliurg, Ore., July Isl.RlllI N'otico is heiehy given that In compll alien with the piiivlsious of tlio act of Coilgiessof .lime :l, 1S7H, entitled "All Act fur the sain of Timber Lauds in tint Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terriloiy," as ex tended tn all tho l'lihllu Land Slates by ai t of August I, IMC, EMMA STAPLES, of Eugene, Co. of Lane, State olOin. gnu us this day II led in this nldi'it her sworn slaleinent No, Wilis, for the pur. chase of the U'VilNW iifSecNo.'ll in i'p No 111 S Range No L West, and will oiler proof In show that the laud sought is morn valuable for lis timber or stone than for agiiciilliiral purposes, nut I to establish her claim to said I I hi-fine .1. J. Walton If. K. Commissioner at his nlllcu at Eugene, Lane Co. Oregon, on Satiinliiv tho -'lib tlar ot Kept. IIKII. Sho naiiies as wiiimmkhch: Charles Ogilcn, ol Creswell, Thomas Mahur.K. I). Allen. William Miller, all of Eugene, Ore, Any ami an poisons claiming adversely the above described lands urn requested to lllo their claims in this olllco on or lc loin said -I dav olSepluuiher 11)01. ,1. T. IIimiiiikh, Register. Free Assays Free Assays will be made for llo limuiii prosieeloi'H tliii'lng I lie next Unci! mouths, not Io exceed two assays per day. .Samples must lie left ami reports received nl. IhoNtote of KiiowIch aud Octlyh, TIicho free iiHsays are for the betiellt of tho pros pector ami district ami an urn solici ted to liuikn the lienelltH iih far reaclt Ing aspoHHllile. V. .1. Uaiiii, OftEGON Shoit LINE AND UNION PACENC lliiir Twins Tn llir Ul Ililllv. I hioiiitli I'l.lllllllll slillltl nil mill Illlir i-l sic, pun: hillv to Oiiiiihn, Chi ciigo, Npoknne; tourist sleeping ears .huh to Imoisiis City; Ihroiigh I'llllllinu loin o-l leep ug ears (peisomilly con. .liiele.li vieel.lv loChleilgo, K illlnns CIlV t leeliiniig chilli eniM (sent" bee) tl) III!) I i-i .lull. HOURS I'DUtl.AMl Id CtltCAUO Nil I hllll U0 lit ('KIN 70 pii 1 1 I Mil 1 Oil il'o I'.. i II. mil S il ' i I n in. null nut Dillon. Mlillilic I pless s I.', p.m. nil lum lllgloll. S, I'lllll I iisi Mud i, lop in. V I.I spokanc. I'm i s, in, i, i i. i H AltlllVK lioin I'oilluiiil ; rtlUM salt Lake, Delivei . ..ttfin , I I. W OiualiH,;'1 MV-I' Kiiiihiih City, HI, I ,oin, Chicago mid laist. Mali Luke, Denver, I I. Worth. OiiiiiIiii. 7:l6ibm Kiiiimms Citv, St. Loiii,Cbiciign ami East. Wulhi Walla, Is'W I ikIoii , KpolnineJS'tHln.lil. iilliiif, Poilliiiiti.j Minui npolis , s, I'mil, Diihilh, Mil , willlkee, I llicngo iV East. iiri;N AND lllYlill .sniHiiuiiK I or Mini I' rmieiiiisi-- En iy llvu day at n. (Hip in. For Astoriii, wuv points ami Noilh lleilch- Duilv (except Slllf ilay ' at s on p. in. . ssliiiiliiy at 10:00 p. in. Dully scrvli-e (wilier iicrnilttlllg) Oil Wlihimetle mid Villi hill Itlvers, Fur fuller information ask or write your nearest ticket iigeot. or A- L. CRAIG, I ii nclill I'Mssellger Agent. 'IlieOiegon Riiilnmil ,X NHVOgatlon Co I'orthilld, Oregon. ASK Till M.l" I -Ut tick P'rs .S;,.illic, Sf. m. .tf lum ii j, i, Iih, Ihilulti, f 7nt(i(i,, SI I. oil In AND A 1.1. PlJIN'IS I' AST AND SOUTH 0 Overland Trains Dally The Flyer d M The Fast Mall 2 Splendid Service Up to d.itc Equipment Courteous Employes Daylight Trip across the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For Tickets, Hales, Fohlem and Full Information, Call on or aiMicss, II. DICKSON, (J. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. S. Ii. YERKES., II. W. P. A, Ola First A veruiR, scitllo Wsili , We gle expedited service on freight. Itoiilo your shipments via Ureal. Northern. Full in forumtltwi liiinu Wm. llAiitii:it. (lent, Agent. I'ol'tlaud, Oregon, 0. k S. Ii It 11 CO. Tlmo TnbloNo.2 To Take KIM n Apr. 2ml, 1001.. hlllll llllllllll iinnil ISniuniy, om I nml'.' Ihilly i;. eopl Sllllilsy, , aNn htatuinS. " i.it.-AM ri i Null -So 1 P.M.-A.M. Ml. '!: 7:,10 II l-M 7:.' a 'i i.fk, 7:.Vi ii i-.m 1-m i:,:i :i:ia sail ; 7 a n s:ii s i 11.17 K: 17 J t, :i :m si.ii hi ii s.:Ci s::ii it ; II. IIH S III I't .1.11 S.li u s :i:.vi II a', 1 1 1. III. V, !,.)., m ,, I iilliinit Orovu Wulileli iiiinln. (Vrin iiorihi linker Pnri'iiii llitl Unci. . Ii uvrl I'll . Hlftttirl sinr llisky I'iiIiii . Ilisf llrhliii. Wllilni,,,,! II:I1 1.1. Klil'J rum lihll 4:m HI HIS lifts I a :W 1H7 lib.ni IMI llllil, liny lO:-ji Hl.'lll 4VM 11:11 1:10 a:r. 4il ''in i:(u 'J:: IllK) Slllijfl't liM'lillliKl'ittllliinil iiii,. ' - All iiulHiiril frclKlit iiiruurtlfil nnlym n, joint risk nl .LIMIT tiiiilc.ini.iKii,.u '"'"' film rri'litlil wllliiiiihi, mi'iilu'ilnt ilio 0 Vri. I'.. It. It. Pi'mii iiin-r u:io ii, in. 'i .V 't.H iiriirillini mi next iruln liciuio ,.'.l"."".' llt'llVITI'il In I.I, l. In mini it, . ,"""i loliiKhlllt'il. I" J-lnlt ol It A It 111,1,11. 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnDc MAnKQ DESIGNS Anrnno annrtliiK n ,kilrl, ,ulll ,miiJiu,S' Scientific American. A jianilionicly lllg.lrnlct wntitilr l,nri,l ciil.tli.ii r i,r.,l,.iui' i7,,rnIJ. W'r?,?. sat