Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 07, 1904, Image 1

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    5R""5.r"1r"'-S ir r tj rr i7TT tt dju&. . iu T 1 frs OT 5g? -sr""? a? as
Devoted tn the Mining, Lumbering nnd Farming Interests of tills Community, to Good Government, nnd Hustling for a Grub Stake.
in tin Interview gives his
Impressions of Hint
Minim; District.
Howard Mason, of Boston,
mid supervisor ol music in
day night for l'ni.idcna, Calif,, and have yet been made it looks well to
other points and will soon leliirn to 1 the eye. One year tlie I.aniless
the Hast to re.stuue bis work in tlic 1 family lulled to do the annua as
schools, scssinctit work, and Scott Cbrisman ;
. "jumped" it. Subsequently lie I
'Mifi'i rt'i'T m1 I also failed in bis work anil the,
nYlXYI: Iijtr 01 j former owners got it back and1
IMPH ffW K'tve it the name of the liven I
IVItll UHL Chance. They now feel that its1
1 .1..... .. ....
J, ItVI 1 III II II till tttll (.IjlllllW
Phils & Took Cut IIIjc Ledge on Ituland
Ili'liuv lUvnr Cimrlrr
Council mot In
regular Hetwluii,
(iurrhi, Mayor
Itoll call. CoiiiiclbnHn Prconl:
Councilman Currin. Watch, IIIukIkiiii,
I IIIikIh, Chumlx-rllii, unil llecorder
I Wlni'ler. AliHont roiiiiellnmn, Willi,
j nnil Mayor J. S. Medley. .MlnutCH ot
( prvvliiH meutbiKH rrad nnd approaved.
1 Petition ol .Inlin .Stouchiirg ami
I others for 11 Htniuhird nidi-walk In
j front of the Weber property on A.
Htiet't on inotlou wiih ri-fered to the
Tlie l'latts (itinrt. nroncrtv
....... . .. ........ ... ,.,. ' " .
the public schools ol l'lamlilgliam, , ' - September fi, IOOI. and wiih culled to
isspeililing 111s vacation on me, ,, . h "order by councilman
Pacific coast. He attended the 1 '" la now Iwimb carried nti. 1 p,.,,,.,;,.
Mining Congress in Portland and ', " ; P" ,lc,w 1WCCK!' "wiiem
upon the Invitation of V. J. Hard 1 have crossed ,,c tH!Scof nimrtr. and
visited the 11 heinia mining district, porphyry 15 feet in width, carrying
where he spent about 11 week h, ' ec gold values ranging from $10
looking over the counliy and visit- 10 , An average of Sev
ille mining piopertics. He came cral general samples of the ledge,
down Monday ami in an interview exclusive of the richest streaks,
said: "I was very much pleased Klves a test value of $15 5 to the
with what I saw during my visit to , t0 " "CL' KId.
llohcnua. It Is a very rugged! 1 he ow;ncrs ol the mine expect to
country and one that is interesting ! Imt " ful1 equipment or machin
to an Kastem man. While 1 cry in the near future 1 lie extent
visited several other properties mylnml richness of the ore make this
time was principally taken up bc. ""e of t,c best appearing properties
tweeii the Vesuvius, Oregon-Col- i"1,m,1!u,r" Jo'fphine
orado and Riverside, nianaged by' , 1 P "" mine is located near
Mr i;mi the mouth of Ilolaud creek -which
Ic.ii .say that I was very much ""' of he large tributaries of
surprised at the showing of these dicker creek. Ho and creek heads
properties. At the Vesuvius there on lloland Peak which is one of the
has been the greatest amount of culm nati.ig points of the long ridge
development work done and nat- which scaratcs Sucker creek from
urallv larger ore bodies exposed. A,' !ou?.u, , ...
The io-stainp- mill Is about com- 1 "rlRRs bonanza is located on
pletcd and the ariel tram is ready )"e of the spurs of the same ridge,
for the buckets which I passed on Hobind creek is lanioits both for
the way down. Wlnlel do not,r,cl 'lat nll(1 for llcav'
claim lobe a mining man yei I could ' P''ccr gold,
sec the bodies of ore and could . ,
In Six
Parts IJy
Horace I:.
insures vein surface for indefinite 'able milling proposition. Samples I
years. It gives large opportunity taken with persistence and care I
, to mine from the net-work of feed- show In very many nlaces ore of,
crs generally attendant upon a great excellent quality, while in a few
AE DAHPuVI I A Ic(1Kcofore- It reduces the liabil-, spots assays ot startling figures
jL DUllLilili i,y "f complicated litigation Hud have been made. There is thus, ,
' high-lMtided extortion on the part by tunnel and drift and up-raise, i
1 of small claim-lioldi;rs. It elves blocked out a verv larie ouantitv I
unstinted facilities for mill and tun- of Sne milling ore. Such demon-,
, uei sues as tne development 01 tlie istration ot the ore-body is a most
.property extends its demands in ! essential feature in tlie making of a
these imperative respects. The mine. What probabilities it opens!
1 main and most important part of What conclusions as to the future
this area has been patented and is productions of the property it war-
111 inuispuiaoic possession 01 tne rants: wneii tne ledges and veins
1'or unnumbered multitudes there company. The remaining claims , of this large acreage are opened up
is magic in the word. The mention , may be patented as time passes and who will undertake to state its
of a mine draws them like the mag- need requires. This permanent set-1 productiveness?
nclism of a load-stone. It matters tlemcn of title is a very essential; I'acilities of extraction and re
not where it is located, or what safeguard against future trodble duction of the ore must now be
may be its nature, or who may be and loss. Area, title, accessibility, provided. The value of the prop
its managers, ouly so it bears the , availibity as a working proposiiion Jerty has demonstrated the propriety
mystic name. They become its such as the possession of steep , of large out lay in putting in the
ready devotees and pour their hard-' slopes liavinggood mill and tunnel facilities for handling the ore now
earned coin into the hands of its. sites, sufficient water supply, ad- known to exist. Along tunnel is
voluble representative and pro- equate timber, all of these are vital . now being run on a cross-vein low
moter. j factors in the making of a mine, , down on the mountain, many
A genuine mine, one that de- none of which have been ommitted hundreds of feet below all the other
Hired coimnltlu with tlio power tolserves Ulat technical title, that mine great property we nave under i workings. It will penetrate the
to llL.t, I possesses all the qualities that be- , consideration ledge fully fifteen hundred feet be-
IVtlllou of TIioh. IVnieh nnd ' ,0I1K lo such property, is a great After all the foregoing has been ' low the highest out croppings. It
1.1 hcTM fi.r 11 lluhi mi lilvcr Htm-t. 01. 'mid invaluable possession. There said, the superficial or surface con-! will open up a quantity of ore
motion wiih n-fered to the Light coin-l is 'ittle to-be wondered at in the re- 1 dllions are only of minor impor- sufficient to keep a score of stamps
marKaoie lascinauon u nas acquired ' tance m the making of a mine. All pounding away tor years to come
over the thought and wealth of real worth, in such a property, without extending the exploitation
men. Hut its counterfeit is legion. 1 centers lorever about the ore1 "it beyond the present superficial area
The deplorable fact is that multi- holds and the process of getting at , examined. Adjacent to the mouth
initio with power to net
Petition of C. .1. Howard and
otliri'x, pnyltiK the waiving of the
wilier runt to the I'oimiicreliil club,
wiih on motion refcrcd to the water
committee with power to net.
The following IiIIIh were rend nnd
refered to the l'limiice commute.
Miiinuiey HroK $ K!l:i.
.1. i:. Young 2 .10
11. II. Urcgory.... U 'Si
II. P.. I'mlorwood Cl 10
Hides do not distinguish. They
know not how to differentiate.
They confer upon every nonde
script aspirant for the title all the
and removing that ore. The ledges this long tunnel a stamp-mill,
and veins must be exploited. They having a maximum capacity of fountt
must be located without the shadow I ntteen stamps, ts in process of con
of a mistake. It is the easiest struction, under contract to be
There will be a meeting of the
llohemi.i Mine Ownirs Association
at the )ost office Ilohetnia. Monday
understand the practical work done
to make 11 mine of the Vesuvius.' I
was one of a party to pass the first
time by wagon over the new road
to the Oregon Colorado. This is a
11 ..-..I...I ...! ...,.n t...:i, 1 .....1 1 ...
wn ..11.. inn '.mil I...... mi., jjept. 13, at 7 o clock p. m.
Is a great benefit to thut property. Al Ciit'Rcmu., Secty.
At the Oregon-Colorado I found
11 force of men at work, one on the '
Krankic tunnel where the vein is
showing well. At Hie lower tunnel CTll I A WATHCD
on what Is called the Confidence J j Anil 1 llCK
vein is the most attractive place. ,
On the dump are piled hundtcds of f A AI fI T f
tons of a fine copper ore mid at the IliBilll I-4 1 !) 1 1
breast of the tunnel, which is some j 1JJU I 1LU
aoo icct into I lie moit nl'iiii . men
qualities of the genuine articles, 1 thing in the world to lose a vein, i completed by the first of Septem-
all tlie charm of expectanc, all , A fault, or a "horse," may throw her of this current year. Then
the spell of golden certainty with development off for years and sink ' UP" the proven ore of this great
which men may and do justly vast. amounts in vain search for thelody, now practically blocked out.
IJ..I. .Moore n 4o 'clothe the real thing. livery lost lead. The main vein of the i the work of extraction and reduc-
LewU LntHon :i 15 1 claimant of that great and dignified 1 Vesuvius has been demonstrated tion can begin at once. The pro-
Ncws Prom Bohemia and the
Various Alining Camps at
Oregon and Other
I. B. Hammond went up to Bo
hemia Wednesday.
C. II. Jones has gone to look
over the Bohemia district.
J. L LeRoy and Mark Weddeli
went up so Bohemia on Monday to
visit the LeRoy Mining properties.
Edward L. Haff, the mining en
gineer, in company with David H,
Sicca, passed through the city
Monday morning enroute to Bo
hemia. Lewis J. Hartley.wife and sister-in-law
came down from Bohemia
on Tuesday. They are on their
way to Corvallts. Mr. Hartley
states they had done considerable
work on the Twin Rock property
this season. In one tunnel driven
on a vein for some 65 feet they
have cross-cut 15 feet and no wall
I he ore is largely free mill
ing although one .portion of the
vein shows considerable ore of a
concentrating nature.
To go out camping for the sum
mer and dig out some $600 or $700
II. II. Gregory.
Percy Itogurx....
P. I. Whit-tor..
U. A. Wll-iin
A. I'. Turner
11 00
0 .s
1 Mi
a so
title amonc human possessions to be a snlendid ledire. Thousands viduiE of ample facilities to net at'i" gold between times speut in
should be faced with stern and of feet of work have been done up-! the ore, to r;move it from the mine J hunting deer and big game, is not
merciless challenge, should be made on it. Tunnels have been run ! and properly treat it is the culmin- the luck that falls to every lover of
to prove that it is worthy the' unou it from its verv too. under ating factor in the making of a the mountains, but that was the
talismaiiie name it bears, should
! be made to demonstrate that it is
I I I '1'nulnKUi.ll.w U1 IUl'
Lhiu.ln Taylor nmt 3ti as 1101 masquerading under a cogno-
Itolorl Martin WJ w, men to which it has not the re-
II. Foroator 1 in ,1,0,,.?sl " t
.1 . K . Itnrwtt 5 00 , lle. 11?rk,,1,K of ,"1,,,e ls a reat
,v ,,,,. r,,. . , , and dignified undertaking. It is
ir'iiii,, a- v'ii, 4',, j'n the establishment of one of the , Xoi an ounce of ore has been
t'ottimo Drove K. Co 171 00 , '""V s-"- ,wu. iNO Kreal auo uas ueen mane.
.ported favorable j"'
Aflcr Some Years Ore Body
Found in Old Tunnel on
liven Chance Claim.
1 1
were nreaKiiig uowu ore tuny lour
leet 111 widtii. as we passed over
the mountain from the O'egou
Colorado to the Riverside gioup oil
Horse Heaven Creek, we could see
along the trail tlie huge croppings
of the vein. At the Riverside
group tlie men are diiviug the tun-,. I;or some years past Win
liel on the vein and are now in dess and sens have been the owners
some fn feet from the mouth. 1 1 of the liven Chance claim located
was informed that ore had been 1 just below Judsou Rock in the Ho
encountered nearly all the way. - heinia district.
Certainly at the breast there is a j There is a good surface showing
large body ot oie much larger at j but it was decided to reach the ote
least than the tunnel, as short cross- lower down by means ol a cross
cuts have been driven mid no sign cut tunnel. The distance to be
of walls. This ore is heavily ini- run was estimated and the work
preguated with galena and copper Ibegunr Much to their
carrying gold ami silver. I also the point where the ore
visited tlie Utopian, Baltimore, .peeled was unseed but none (omul.
Crystal Consolidated and other
properties, which impressed me
very favorably. I am very glad I
made this trip as it has been very
interesting nnd instructive. I
would say the great progress that is
being made under the able manage
ment ol F. J. Hard will in due
time bring rich icturus to many
Mr. Mason took the tiain Mon-
Recently one of the Landess boys
concluded to do some work on the
claim and finding a small seam
which had been crossed by the
tunnel, proceeded to follow it.
Only a few s'.iots had been put in
when the ore began to show and in
a short distance it filled the face of
the drilt, with one wall not ex
posed. The ore is a quartz with
iron sulphides and while no assays
The committee ivi
mi nil liilln, ami on motion tlie report
with adopted nnd tlio Hit-order In
Htriicted to draw ntirrautHfor the re
Hpit'tlveamoimtH. Ordinance No. Mi. An ordinance
entitled an ordli'auco miming the
StreetH of the city of Cottago drove,
was presented and read the HrHt
time. The ruloH be Hiinpondod and
moved and Hccoudcd that ordinance
No. Ml bo read the Hecond time by
title. Motion carried by the unani
mous coin-cut of all councilman prcs
ent. and ordinance No. Ml wiih read
the M-eund time by title.
Motion duly made and Ht-coiided
that the rules bo Htixpciidcri and ordi
nance. No. Ml bo rend the third time
and placed on Its tlnal pannage. Mo
tion carried by the iiimuliuous cou-
surprisc iHOIlt f tlu memiK-rii of the Council
Was ex- , ,,p K,,it. jiiwl ,11'iltiintu'e 'iv Sll wnu
read the third time ami placed 011 Its
llual piiHHagc. The Hull being called
the vote upon tlio pax-iage of
ordinance No. MJ rcHiilted uh follows
AycH, Vcatch, IIIiiiIh, Ilinghani,
Cliamlierlln and there upon the
Mayor declared ordinance No. OS
duly piiNHeil.
On motion Council adjourned to
meet Monday Sept 12th, lltOI.
I1'. H. Wheeler. Hit-order ami ex
otllce Clerk of the Common Council.
Its 1 Vo false hones have been stirred in
isuccessful accoirnUshmeut is no nle body of stock-holders. No
pastime. It is no fortunate happy , spurious dividends have been de
incident of an hour. A rich crop-'dared from the sale of stock. Th
ping of mineral-bearing rock may ' uncovering and blocking out of
be the lucky find of .monient. But 'ore-bodies has beeu the supreme
such an incident is very far from business of the management. The
the making of a mine. The one result is that, to a most gratifying
is the turn of a stone under a measure, this company now knows
stumbling step: the other is a con- what it has in this splendid prop
tinuous, intelligent, arduous work erty. It has been about the one
of years This great task needs to enterprise of making a mine. 1
oe more careiuuy consiuereu oy
the great world of wealth and com
Gar man Hemenway Co.
West Side, Eakin & Ki'istow ISuildin.
Line of Staple 4 Fancy firocerii
Meats, Lards, Vegetables,
fruits Etc., Etc.
the verv neak of Fairview. down mine. Patient owners should good lortune ot L,. O. Higgins, an
to the valley bottom; crosscuts then wait until a proper reserve can assayer of Grants PassrIr. Hig
have been pushed out Irom side '.o 1 be accumulated to provide against gins has jnst returned from- the
side; upraises have been made, with emergencies. Then let the regular mountains of Chetco River, on the
many levels putting off therefrom, j disbursements of dividends begin; , dividing line between Josephine
The company lias crowded this i and another mine has been added j and Curry counties,
relentless work of exoloitation. I to the great productive resources of! He has been absent several weeks
shin- tue worm s wealth. The Vesuvius ana una nis wne ana ooys wuu
mine ot tne uonemia .Mining Uls- , aim. t lew years ago ue toon up
trict is a most excellent, typical :a claim out there ana ms visit tuis
example ot the great enterprise ot
the making of a genuine mine.
merce. the best way to consider
it is under the illustration of con
crete examples. 1 he Bohemia
Mining District holds some such
instances. Prom the larger number
that might be used, the writer, in
Last Thursday J. W. Currin
came from the Moulton property
located on the east ridge of Grouse
Mountain where he has been at
work for some months pa-,t. This
property has had a trood surface
It is neither within the province 1 showing but the owners decided to
nor the ability of this writer to g tin depth on the vein and there
enter into a technical discussion of fore have been driving a tunnel on
the nature of the ores found in the 1 the vein lower down the mountain.
Vesuvius mine. In most instances' Recently a fine body of ore has
probabiy, the reader would be little! been encountered and the further
wiser at the end of such a discuss-i the tunnel was driven the better
ion than at the beginning. J he , the showing. Mr. Curnu reports
binds Bohemia and Pairview peaks
together, one is at the head waters
of two creeks. City creek flows to
the east toward the Cascades; Glen-
wood creek flows to the west start-
1 Km
! I At the Store of Baroains I
W. W. MeFmIm,d, Mitr.
mis arucie ana iiieune inn iu iu, kild ofore it, no way determine the solid ore which carries a good
will confine himselfto twoor three, ',,. iM A .:,.. u nrnn, 1 -Kr r mnn ,-c ,.
because of the special information lr, ,: r,r ;,i i,;ii, ,in,m;,i. o n
at hand concerning these particular vaiuable ore. It remains a mine ! of a oartiallv oxidized o the
properties. M i while its management keeps such whole vein being four feet in width
oiuuuuit, ui. tut. bodies! o ore in evidence. The The saniD es broucbt out bv Mr.
Vesuvius mine is such a property. J Currin are certainly very fine. Be
lt has a ledge ot ore, varying in sides Mr. Currin, Frank Jorden, F.
width from two feet to eight and I D. Wheeler and H. D. Scott are
ten feet, sometimes widening out owners in the Moulton property, a
tr, unnl, tlinl lr1 li i.ifillc lifit'A fact wn iiIhogao Oiaca nantlamDn
ing from the springs breaking out I not t bee lail, bare- In much very much just at present,
from the sides of both of the ad-' 0f the distance penetrated the en-,
jacent mouutaius. I lie latter tj ore.botlv is ,ineral-beari ue in , ,...,.....
streamlet separates the parallel suffieient value t0 ,nake it a profit-1 cha igij Uestai r m t.
slopes of Bohemia and I-airview
peaks as they drop gradually to-;
ward the west in long, precipitous 1
ridges. One look from "The Sad
dle" down the long, dark valley of
Glen wood creek. Its dense forest
ties block and thick below you.
The slope of Fair view rises and re
cedes to the right. You are over
looking one of the best mines of the
district. A group of claims running
down from "The Saddle" covering
the head and bed of the creek valley
and the slope of Fairview, almost
to its very peak and reaching well
down its westward ridge, including
a combined surface of over two
hundred and fifty acres, comprises
the property of the Vesuvius Con
solidated Quartz Mining Company.
This property has been a growth.
The original location is the Vesu
vius claim, high, up under the peak
of P'airview. To this, claim after
claim has been added until the
present magnificent area has been
amassed under the one manage
ment. Irregular surfaces not in
cluded iu the original locations
Have b;en discovered and located
until a solid block of ground has
been acquired. It is indeed a
magnificent superficial area. It
sweeps dowii Fairview, from, its
very top, along its steep slope to
the creek bottom and beyond. It
embraces large areas of splendid
timber. It includes exhaustless
springs of pure cold water, It
holds long distances ou both sides
of the main county wagon road
leading to the railroad. . This
acquisition of large solid areas of
surface is un exceedingly important
summer was as much to inspect it
as to enjoy an outing. He made
the discovery that there is a '-wide
porphry dike on the claim, and
from this dike or rich stringers on
the dike he and his boys took out
! several hundred dollars by a few
days' work with shovel, rocker and
' sluice. Only a shallow cut was
i made, and the gold was separated
j from the soft rock by a crude rocker
I and sluice fashioned out of fir
! poles. Telegram.
From a reliable source it is
learned thpt the developments be
ing made on the Utopian group of
claims under the management of
Mr Roberts, are proving of value
to that property. It is stated that
in driving a tunnel on the Plato
claim the vein which has been fol
lowed has opened to Several feet in
width nnd the ore which is oxidized
pans well in gold and frequently
free gold can be seen in the rock.
We have n large supply of cheap
lumber. Just what you want on iv
ranch, price very cheap, must be sold
to mnke room for other tock.
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.,
SiiKlnaw, Ore.
8 M
For this week We will sell
Ladies Shoes, dull finish at $1.00 pair.
Ladies Vice Pat tip, Extension Sole $1.50 "
Misses District 7G button at $1.00 pair
Or lot of Mens, Some high cut others regular
Lace tip and plain toe $2.50. $2.25, $2.00
Sells at $1 .50. Just the articles for Outing
and Hop Pickers.
fgOur new clothing is in the Store and a
dandy line all on hand from M
Old Stock Go Out at Reduced Prices.
Welch & Woods
part in the making ot a mine. It