Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 02, 1904, Image 7

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Does not lob go of you
when you apply lotions or
linimonto. It simply loosens
its hold for a while Why?
Decauso to get rid of it you
must correct tho acid con
dition of tho blood on which
it depends. Hood's Sarsa
parilla has cured thousands.
Tlier Work Out Tuuuli I'nxlt. In lie
rti'llv Aililrraet.
Tlio ntiilT (if men In tho New York
' ototllc(i whu nro I'ullcil uiou to cm-nit
out ui-feellvti ittlitri'HHi nre wuiiiltirfiil
ly iiicci'Hsrul at tlii'lr bruliitoituiliiK
Uiiii aWiit-inlmlril iicrnon aililrcimctl
leltrr '"i.'lVl Hrtiiii'lilllH" mill It wnn
liriiliiiitly tlpllvcrril to I!,".'!!! llroiiilwny,
to correct nililrcaa. Not lonif iik O
A. Mpiikit. tlio clilcf of tliu "ki1
KiiMHorM" In tliu Noir York oilier,
truck ii letter imilleil from n town In
ltnly, nililioincil In vllo liinidwrltliix to
"Vlni'i'iizo Mnrclieno, llurpou llartnntl.
Hiillnl Oiiriilln."
Al'iilyliic Mid phonetic method, lie
quickly wrato In ml Ink nt tliu hot-
ton! of llio envelope, "(Jun riilitlne Hln
Hon (lloaiiltnl), llorriiiun Inlniftt." 'J'lio
licit Ony tho letter wan ptneeil In the
lininln of tlm Immigrant fur wlium It
Will lllirilllL'll.
Tlio 1 tu I In n, Ituanlnn, Iltingnrlnii nml
Oreck mull lirlnir moiit of tlio "hllml"
.ililrtH', wlileli nro worked out lio
nctlcnlly. A few recent i'i(iinple of
tho orlKlunlK, with tlio truimlutloiu by
tlio imiMiiI etpertn arc:
"Hlrlniioiitrt, Tiiinavllle" Sarah Ann
Htreet, 'l'oinpklnHvlIIc.
"llerryoiiu" Mutti'invnti, N. Y.
"IMoPliliicliIMoiiiiiio" Unit lCltiun
ton, N. Y.
"HooeloiileV Scotch Plains.
Under tho linmo of one iiddrcM np
pennil tlio folloulni;: "Chalpll Poll
iiillcan." After noino utility tlio "cuona
cr" wrote nrroaa tho envelopo "Cure J.
l'lerpont Moriin," and llio letter was
duly ilellvereil to an Oriental lu tlio
Unnncler'n employ.
A toiicher prolileni wan prviiriitcil hy
thli: "Hop I.ep, I 10 Colock, Complice,
Ti-ian." I.oiik anil tin nl study led to
tlm roncluiilon that tho correct rend Inn
liould he "Hup I.ce, Tort Hancock,
Onuip lllce, 'l'ein." Tho lottcr wai
rnt there ami Hop jrot It.
A letter nildrcsaul to "Sir. Frederick
A. Bwlft,' with the Initial "I," beneath
It, wan nent to l,o-cll, Man., IU In
landed destination.
Kentucky Man's Duly.'
Jamliorco, Ky., Aucuet 29 (Spoclnl)
After aufforliiK for year with jinln
In tha hack Mr. J. M. Coleman, u well
known citizen of this plnrn, linn found
a completo euro In Dodd's Kidney
KnuwhiK how Rcnornl tlilit iIIh
rum la all over llio country, Mr. Colo
nial) feels It Is lila duty to mako Ills
ezporlcneo public fur tho bcncDt of
other MUffcrers.
"1 want to recommend Dodd's Kid
nay I'IIIh to everybody who Ima pain
In tho back." Mr. Coloman aiiya. "I
mfforrd for years with my back. I
used Dodd's Kidney Tills and I havo
not felt n P"ln aliieo.. My llttlo clrl
too complained of her back mid aha
used nlioul halt a box of Dodd's Kid
ney Tills and alio Is sound and well."
Ilackachn Is Kidney Aclio. Dodd's
Kidney Tills nro a suro curs for nil
Kidney Aches, Including Hlicumatlsm.
Unwrlttnn Colonial Illntory.
Tho captain of tlio MnyllowiT had
Ctvcn orders to reverse tlio cnglno ami
awing Into ixirL
Tlymouth rock was near at hand.
"Why do you plan to Imul hero?"
asked Will hi in Ilrndfonl, with twine
"Why," responded tho raptnln, In
smit dlHRiixt at the otlu-r's Ignorance,
"If we illdn't how would oultry-breeI-era
ever get a tianio for tlielr blc Mom
lnecker' clilekcns?"
Ko htinilllatcd was lio by this rvply
tliat Mr. llnulford forgot for two hours
to electioneer for the coveruorshlp.
HulUmoro Aiuerlcnik
Dcalncis Cannot lie Cured
by local eppllratlons aa they cannot roach the
diseased portion ot tha oar. 1 neie la uuty ona
way to curotlealnrss, ami that la by constitu
tional remedies. Ikjafnrss la caused by an In
flamed condition otitic mucous llntiiK nt the Tut. When thlatutia lelntlamed
you have a rumbling-sounder Imiarfcct hear
ing, and when It la entirely closed, Healncaa la
tho result, and unless the Inilainniatlun can he
taken nut and thlitulie re.loied tolla normal
conUltlou, licarlnewlll be dratroyed forever;
ulna cases out of ten aro caused by Catarrh,
which la nothing but an luttatnod condlttou ot
tho-inucoua aurlat-ca.
We will tire One Hundred Pollara (or any
rata ot prafnraa (catued by catarrh) that can
not I'" cured by II all's Catarrh Cure. Hand lor
"Fj. CHENEY ACQ.. Toledo. 0.
Bold by Priuiilaia.lic.
- Haifa ramlly 1'llla aro the beat.
The mat retinue of servants employed
by the Into Queen Victoria nre being
cnrefnlly reduced lu numbers by King
Kdwnrd VII.
You know the medicine that
makes pure, rich blood
Ayer's Sarsaparllln. Your
mother, grandmother, all your
folks, used It. They trusted
It. Their doctors trusted It.
Your doctor trusts It. Then
trust It yourself. There Is
health and strencth In It.
" I anirered terribly from lndlf ..Hon ana
thin blood, 1 fuiuiil im r.ll.t until 1 took
A,.r'i Bsrsspsrllla. your tottlaa i.rma
MoUJ JJlT-,I, IUBTi ut, ,.,, T,
for i
Ayor's Pills aro contly laxative.
Tltoy prontly aid tho Sarannarllla.
I in inoa. noia or arurauia.
Oorreeted. Wllllo Teebles - 'J'ln
horso was koIii - - Teaelier- Don'l
forifot your x, Wllllo. Wllllo Teeblos -Hee,
Ibo bono win koIii . Tuck.
Trepnred. Ilediid, tliu nlxt aubiiiio
tioholkt tlio runs over nut will be sur
ry for It, oi'll bet ye." "WhyV"
"Ol'vo a can nv iiltnitflycvrln Jn lvery
pocket." Life.
Local Uraclo Know I' Dook o'
IHaiikahIro7 Ay, I dure suys I kuowi
1 in butter than any one In lliuau parts,
Woy, my darter married onu o' 'Is tu
bio 'iiiids." Hcrnpa.
"It serves her Kood and right." "How
now" "Hhe bivittuo eiiKaijed on a b'rl
day and married on tliu 1,'ltli." "Well"'
"Well, now sbo can't get a divorce!'
Now York Kvenlnif Hun.
nno o you mink tliat men are
siuiirter than women, do you? He
Homo men, but not all. Hhe Well,
what men aro smarter Ho Old bueh
elors. Illustrated lilts.
"What do you put on your face after
having?" asked tlio man who smell-d
of bay mm. "Court plaster, usually,
replied tho nervous chap, gloomily.
UlncIuiiaU Commercial Tribune.
"Does your llttlo lrl know how to
spell?" "Oh, dear tia That's so ple
beian, and wo expect her to marry a
man who Is rich enough to let her
havo an amanuenals." Chicago Toil
"Havo you heard about tho latest In
surance company?" "No; what Is It?"
"Why, It's ono Uiat promises lo pay ali
mony to both parties In en no tho mar
rlngo proves a failure," Detroit l're
Miss Vane Home ona told mo to day
that I was the handsomest girl In our
street Mlas Bpeltz Oh, that's not In
curable) Mlsa Vnuo What do you
menu? Mlsa Hpeltx Your habit of
talking to youraclfl
llaxter We had some tine music at
the concert last night Caxton I
thought you didn't enjoy hlgh-clasi
music. Iluxter Oh, I didn't enjoy It!
that's why I know It-must havo been
high claaa. Iloston Transcript
Augustus (no longer tho youthful)
Wall, there's one comfort; they say al
40 a man Is either a fool or a physi
cian. Angelina (nearly swallowing a
yawn) And aro you a physician, then!
Augustus No. Angelina Oh!
Used to It. Tommy was visiting a
nelghbor'a. At dinner the hostess apol
ogised to him because tlio table linen
was lolled at his pinto. "Oh' that's
nothing," ho assured her, promptly;
"ours Is worsu'u Uiat at home."
Ilrooklyn I.lfo.
"That laud,' said Uie city nephew, "Is
valued at a front foot" "Thun-
deration!" exclaimed tha old farmer,
hastily moving back on to tha sldo-
walk. "And I stood on It most tlvo
minutes! Do you reckon they'll charge
tuu rent?" Chicago Tost
Among a number of notes received
by a teacher lu excuse for the ubucuco
wae tbo following: "Dear Toaeber:
Kindly excuse Mliiulo for having been
absent yesterday, as sbo fell lu tbo
mud on her way to school. Hy doing
tho same, you will oblige. Her Mother."
They had been engaged a long time.
and ono evening wcro reading the
paper togeUier. "Iok, look." he ex
claimed, "only fifteen dollars for a suit
of clothes!" "Is It a wedding sult?"
sho asked, looking naively nt her lover.
Oh, no!" he replied, "It Is n business
suit." "Well, I meant business." sue
A military olllcer went downtown
with his little daughter one morning.
ileforo long tho llttlo lady found herself
tinablo to keep up with her fathers
swinging stride, and she was obliged to
cry a halt "Tlcase, pa." sho said. "I
would like you not lo wain so last,
for I can't koep up with you. Can t
you walk nlco and slow llko a pollco-
'A woman can't keep n secret," de
clares tho mere man. "Oh, I don t
know." retorts Uio lluttery wouinnj
"I've kept my ago a secret slnco I was
14." "Yes; but ono of Uieso days you
will clvo It away. In tlmo you win
simply have to tell It." "Well, 1 think
that when a woman lias kept a sijtret
for twenty years sho comes pretty near
knowing how to keep It" Judge.
During tbo lato Hoer war, Just nfter
tho fall of Ulocmfouteln, soldiers were
called unon. owing to tho scarcity or
civilians, to work tho mllwity. The
weary men wero lying In camp ono
nlirbt. after a bard day's work, when a
Bcrgoant called out: "Any ot you wish
to put your nauio railway por
ters, drivers, stouers, guariis, or nuy
other nppolntment connected with Uie
railway?" Tho sllenco was urouen only
by snores. Then ono of tbo men slow
lv raised his head. "Tut mo down at
a sleepor!" bo shouted drowsily.
A curious and amusing mixture ot
early piety awl worldllness ciuno to
light In a city scuooi room ono nay
when tbo toucuor bad asked tho chil
dren to wrlto on their pads of paper
something about tuu profession or oc
cupation In which they would llko to
cngago when Uiey beenino men and
women. Ono liiuo gin wroio unuuy
but effectively, "I would deslru to bo a
lady rider at a clrcuss if it was tho
lord's will." Another llttlo girl with
equally mixed Ideas wrote, "Mlstlon
ary, but If not that, millinery or clerk
In candy store."
Tho DlnVraiiuo.
'Far as I enn learu," said tho Trim-
tytown philosopher, with his usual
rasplsbuess, "tho only difference ex
cepUng, of course, lu tho slue ot their
bills between tho fashionable city
physician, with several mysterious Ini
tials after nis name, una tliu plain,
overy-day vlllago doctor, who Is com
monly called 'Doc,' and swaps horses
on the side, Is that tho former diag
noses your malady and tbo latter
simply tells you what's tbo matter-
that Is, you B'poso they do." Wom
an's Home Companion,
A ten-pound baby can miiko mom
noise than a 250 pound-man can sup
press. Turudoxtcul though It may wisui, a
spoiled child Is always frvclt.
A tliin, vapory smoko, In.ily imccnd
Int; from ilscriilor, uuty bo tlic only vis
ible sign nf life in the hlccpinj; volcano;
but within is u ru;iii; ku of lire, molten
rock (mil miltiliuruiis ;uscs. Those who
miiko their homes in tlio peaceful vul
leys below know tha danger, anil thoujjh
freiiueiitly wiirneil by the rumblings and
nun k itiLfH. these sii.'ns of iinpciiclimr emo
tion t unheeded. They nro livltij; in fancied security; when llio rinnt
awakes with duiifnninij roars, and they uro loat beneath a downpour of
healed rock and scalding nslics. Thousands of blood poison sufferers aro
living upon u sleeping volcano, and' aro taking desperate chances, for
under tho mercury and pot-
. , . . ,i i.I... i Bowling- Oraan, Ky., Mar. 24, 1002.
ash treatment tho external Oantlamani For OTar four yaara I autre rod
(ymlpoinsof (lie disease dil- craatlr from aovars caaa of eontaeious blood
,,.,.,.. .r ,,,,,1 ll,,. ,1,-1, vie. Po'aon. I want to Hot Uprlnira, staying tharafour
nppenr.IllKltlietltlUiIcil VIC- montlia atabla-aipanao. I tban oonaultad ptar
lim is bnniiv in tlie belief of alolana. who uraaorlb.d Marourr. Notblnir did
n riirr but tlio m ny good) In faot. thai trelmant provad mora)
ft COIiiplcto euro, Dili llio hrmfUith,nb,n,noai, I mentlonadiny caaato
fires of contagion liave only
been smothered in tlio
tcm, ntld CIH Mon as these ut tha dlaaaaa whatavar. Thla about two
minerals nro left o(T will 7" eo. I can trutbfullyay
blnc up again. Occasional '
sores break out in the mouth, n red rash appears on the body, and tliese
wnrning symptoms, if not heeded, are soon followed by fearful eruptions,
(ores, copper-colored splotches, swollen glands, loss of hair and oilier
sickening symptoms. Mercury and potash not only fail to cure blood
poison, but cause mercurial Rheumatism, necrosis of tlio bones, offen
sive ulcers and inflammation of the stojnnch and bowels. The use of
a. S. S. Is never followed by any such bad results. It cures without
the slightest injury to the system. We offer $1,000 for proof that it
contains a mineral of any descrip
on Contagious Wood Poison, with full directions for home treatment.
Medicul udvico i furnished by our physicians without charge.
Hiii-li la Fumr).
1' Who la that sulemn-looklng
llllim- Why, that Is Mrs. DcSwjinui,
the m-hiifiulcilged MM-lety leader.
Tlker Sui iely fur the suppression of
leaam i.iKmtYitmirutrr powtlancokc,
A I'i-mnIiiiIMIo View.
"Rny. po." iiin-rii'd little Johnny Bum-
perniekle, "I nrteii rend about poor bur
lioiic-fct people; why d-.n't tbey souietlmet
ay rich tint lii.iieitV"
"It would be imeiem, int aon, replied
the old mull. "Nilodr wuuid believe it"
aTSavm VtTS'iriaVMWItlVIi " Vafiaaaaaaajwr
Mrs. Haskell, Worthy Vice Templar, Inde
pendent Order Good Templars, of Silver
Lake, Mass., tells of her cure by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
" Dkah Mns. Ti.s-kiiau i Four years ago I was nearly dead with Inflam
mation and ulceration. I endured dally untold agony, and life was a burden
to me. I had used medicines Hid washes internally and externally until I
made up my mind that there was no relief for me. Calling at the home of a
friend, I noticed a bottle ot Lydln, 12. l'lnlclinm's Vegetable Compound.
My friend endorsed It highly and I decided to give it a trial to see if it would
kelp me. It took patience and perseverance for I was in bad condition, and I
used IiVdlu 10. l'lnkliiun'a Vcgetnblo Compound for nearly five montha
before I was cured, but what a change, from despair to happiness, from
mlsory to tho delightful exhilarating- feeling health always brings, I would
not change back for a thousand dollars, and your Vegetable Compound Is a
grand medicine,
"I wish every sick woman would try It and be convinced." Mns. Ida
nABtiKi.i., Silver Lake, Mass. Worthy Vice Templar, Independent Order ot
Qood Templars.
"When a uictilcino lins been successful In inoro titan a million
enscs, is It justice to yourself to say, without trying It, "I do not
bellovo It would help mo" ?
Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, and sick and dis
couraged, exhausted with each day's work. You havo some
dernuiremeut of tho feminine organism, and Lydht E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound will help you just as surely as It has others.
firs. Tillie Hart, of Larimore, N. D., says:
cost nil letters addressed to her by sick women. Perhaps sho has
Just the knowledge thut will help your case try her to-day It
costs nothing.
inly afrlnnil, who told ma tliat B. B. B. bad oartalnlr
(y,. ouradblm. I atonoo oommencod Ita uaa, and al-
tion. S. S. S. is an antidote for cpnta
gious blood poison, it destroys every
atom of the virus and purifies and
strengthens the blood and builds up tho
generul health.
We will mail free our special book
Aa i:ipllnel.
Ilrownovltcb Old Itlonltz never at
tendi cbureh, diKs he?
Kuiltlilnaky No It Isn't necessary,
llrownovllch Itccanae hy?
Smilliluaky Oh, lie's ono of those
Mlf-mnde men who nre ohioja praising
. their uinkcr.
Uotberawlll find Mn. Wlmlow'i Soothlnf
Rjru p the bait remedy to ua (or their children
during the teething period.
Tho Ueual Way.
"Time Is precious," said the mornllzer.
"It la," rejoined tlio demoralizer, "and
I've wasted lota of It"
"Hy Indulging lu foolish pleasures,
eh?" queried the party of the preface.
"No," replied tho other, "by being
punctual in keeping my appointments
with others."
" Dear Mrs. Tinsuam : I might have been
spared many months of suffering and pain if I
had known of the euicacy ot I.ydla E, l'lnk
Iiiiin's Vegotublo Compound a few months
sooner, for I tried many remedies without find
ing anything which helped me beforo I tried the
Vegetable Compound. I dreaded the approach
of the menstrual period every month, as it
meant much suffering' and pain. Some months
tho flow was very scanty and others It was pro
fuse, but after I had used the Compound for
two mouths I became regular and natural, and so
I continued until I felt perfectly well, and tho
parts wcro strengthened to perform the work
without assistance and pain. I am like a differ
ent woman now, whero before I did not care to
live, and I am pleased to testify as to the good
your Vegetable Compound has done for me. "
Slncerelyyours, Mrs. IIaut, Larimore, N.D,
lie It, therefore, believed by nil women
who nro III that Lydia K. l'lnUliniii's Vege
table Compound is tlio medlcino they
should take. It has stood tho test of time,
and it has hundreds of thousands of cures
to its credit. "Women should consider It
unwise to uso any other medicine.
Mrs. lMnkham, whoso address Is Lynn,
Muss, will answer cheerfully mid without
P. a Dr-PAflTMENT 10 UU8Y,
Many Clinriuea Mude In Nnmes of Old
and Familiar tinicea.
The Toitolllco Department has been
playing bavoc with the old familiar
names of olllees throughout tho coun
try. It has been obliged to dlscoiitlauo
tho mall service at New York. To bo
sure, It Is not Uie Now York of the
Great White Alley whose postal faclll
tics havo been cut off, nut a town of
somewhat smaller size, In the Htate of
Iowa. It has also been Uie unbappl
ncss of the people of Itock Ilranch, In
tho samo commonwealth, to lose their
postolllce, and tho records have been
transferred to Corrcctlonvllle, Ominous
name! Let us hope the records nro
In Michigan the department tins
amended the name fjault de Hte. Mario
Into Hoult Malnte Marie, and it has
established the offices of Itacy and
Itescue. In Minnesota Uiat noble of
fice known for years as Troctorknott
has been shorn of Its final syllable, and
the famous orator Is known only by
his Christian name upon tbe mailing
lists now. Skog Is a new name In Min
nesota, and a good one. In Mississippi
Chunkeys Htatlon has been trans
formed Into Chunky. In Oregon Ntedy
has been stricken from tbe list, and
In Pennsylvania Arcadia bas been es
tablished. In Uie Philippines Masbata bas been
discontinued. Equality bas been estab
lished In South Carolina and a new
Hunker Hill bas arisen In Tennessee.
Doevlllo has also sprouted In Tennes
see, and there the much-sought John
may have his borne.
In Texas Hawley bas been trans
formed Into Iilesslng and an Arp has
appeared, doubtless a modest tribute
to the humorous gentleman of that
pseudonym. Virginia bas a new Dot,
a Pilot and a School, but has lost a
Cool Well and a Dell.
Correspondents who hare hitherto
addressed foreign letters to Beulab,
Llandyssll, must now use larger en
velopes and write It Deulah, Newcastle
Kmlyn, Carmarthenshire. Likewise
Llwyndafydd, New Quay, Cardigan
shire. Why has West Lisa,
Hants, been complicated Into West
I.lss, East IJss, Hants? And why
has Tygerfonteln, Cape Colony, been
"erased from the list?" Does the
change of Victoria West Road to
Hutchinson Indicate a disloyal ten
dency In tho colony?
The PostofQce Department Is always
busy changing names, establishing,
discontinuing, moving offices, reform
ing their spelling and generally keep
ing them In order. For light summer
reading try the "United States Official
Postal Guide," whose yellow covers
appropriately hint at Its Interesting
contents. Now York Sun.
t . . . I . J M I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I f
i , IM ;. ,, ,, ,l, ,ni, n... , ,
All Japan has been ringing with the
fame ot Takeo Illrose, the first great
naval hero of the Japanese-Russian
war, who was killed In Admiral Togo's
second attempt to block up Port Ar
thur. Illrose was leader of the vol
nnteers who set out to sink tbelr ships
and, if necessary, themselves, in the
mouth of the harbor. lie wna killed
by a projectile from a Russian quick-
firing gun while seeking to save tho
life of his friend and subordinate, Pet
ty Officer Suglno. Tbe New York
World tells of other deeds of courage
performed by Illroee.
He first proved his bravery In the
war with China. After Uiat war Lieut
Ulrose, who spoke Russian and French
well, was sent as naval attache to the
Japanese legaUon at St Petersburg,
lie came Into prominence- there through
an Incident which occurred at a ban
qnet. A Russian officer declared that
tbo Japaneso, so small of stature, could
not as Individuals, hold then- own in
any war. Hlrose smilingly defied any
three Russians to overcome him at
wrestling. Roars of laughter greeted
Uie challenge, for In those days Japa
neso Jlu-Jttsu was not described In
every newspaper.
At last for the fun of It, the Rus
elan officer sent for three large and
sturdy soldiers. The little Japanese
threw the Russians, one after another.
Illrose remained In St Petersburg
three years. The daughter of a Rus
sian naval officer fell In love with the
gallant young Japanese. Her father,
who greatly admired Hlrose, let It be
known to him that bo would not be
unwelcomo as tho young girl's suitor.
Ulroso, who also cared for Uie girl,
struggled with his affection for three
Then he wrote to her father, and
pointed to tho inevitable war between
Russia and Japan. He said: "When
my country calls me to duty I shall
have to turn to account all tbe valua
ble professional hints received from
your kind lips and so help to do mortal
hurt to your country's navy. Thus 111
must patriotic duty make me repay
all 70ur kldness. With this In my mind
and in my heart, how can I presume
to sue for your daughter's hand, know
ing Uiat after the outbreak of the most
likely of wars Uie hand ot fate might
destroy the the happiness ot your
daughter in tbe most ruthless ot wnys,
should I have been so happy as to have
won her hand."
Hlrose in his poetic temperament as
well as In his dauntless spirit truly
represented the old warrior class of
Japan, the Samurai.
An Optimist.
"Do you think Uiat Uie standard ot
popular taste is higher than It used to
"Certainly," answered Mr. Storm
Ington linrnes. "You must remember
that people of the previous genera
tions had no opportunity of seeing my
Interpretations." Washington Star.
It Happens Frequently.
Mrs. Fenders It's absurd for Henry
to thluk of marrying Uiat Miss Belcher.
Why, she's three or four years older
than ho.
Uncle George Oh, that's all right.
It won't be long before he's three or
four years older than ahe. Boston
A woman's idea ot making a room
look cosy is to arrange the chairs that
you cau't move lu tho dark without
telling over them.
The Kind Yolt Itltro Alivnvs
titro ol CIiiih. II. Fletcher, mill hits been mmlo tinder his
personal supervision lor over HO years. Allow no ono
to deeelvo you in this. Counterfeits', imitation nnil
" JtiNt-as-gooil" nro hiitl'xpcrlmcnts, and rnditiigcr tho
health of Children Kxperlcnco ngulnst Kxperiinent.
Castorin Is a linrmless mibstlluto for Castor Oil, Pare
fiorie, iJrops nntl Soothing Hyrups. It is Ploasnnt. It
contains neither Opium, Morphluo nor other iinrcotlo
HUlMtnnco. Its nqo Is Its frtiaruiitcc. It destroys "Worm
nnd ailnys l-'evcrislinpst. It cures DInrrhocrt nntl Wind
Colic. It relieves Toethlnpr Troubles, cures Constipation
and riatiileiiev. It asnlmllntes tho Food, regulates tho
Ntoiuneh and Jlowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tlio Mother's Friend.
The KM You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
In Use For
A Oentlo Itemtnder.
"After all," mined the shiftless Indi
vidual as he proceeded to occupy the
only rocking clinir in the room, "there's
no place like home."
"You have Bald It," -replied the wife
of his howni, who was engaged In half
aollng bis other pair of trousers, "but
that's no reason ilir a mnn should loaf
around It Instead of looking for a job."
For forty year's riso-s Cure for Con
sumption has cured coughs and colds. At
druggists. Price 25 cents.
Books ain't Ct'n' for nothing but to
gle to little children goin' to school, for
to keep 'em out'n uiichief. If a man's
got mother wit he don't need 'em; ef he
ain't got It they'll do him no good, no
how. Simon Suggs' philosophy, quoted
in Henry Watteraon'a "The Compromises
of Life."
riTn rermanenur carta. ZTor.uornenroasneas
tllO anerStratdar'aliMof&r.KllDe'aUrtatNarra
ltU3r-r. Hml for t'rre S3 trial bottle aod ITMUlaa.
lr. K. 1L Kline. LU1..81: Arcb HI.. 1'bUtd.lphl, 1'a.
Itet ween Frlcnda.
Mrs. Hix I wouldn't like to be In
your shoes when your huahaud seea the
bill for your new gown.
Mrs. iJii Of course not, dear. No. 1
shoes would be awfully uncomfortable on
No. 3 feet
Collegiate, Prepara
tory, Commercial and
University co" Gr,de
Boarding school for oung men and boys.
Box 322 University Park Station, Portland, Ore.
Apply for Catalogue.
the GrtaUtt Conditioner and Stock Fat ten er known,
HORSES do more work on lcs frcd. COWS sire more and richer
milk. HOGS grow and fatten quicker If giren thUfood.
IhAf lawn tat-dln I'midavn
an ftpuetlt rnlinK?ai tb plT
tci7 mulU-K W. UUUUMK,
it: PkrJOe. l.
FREE: 6SpaceUand
if OUT LAND ttUUU CO.. FortUud, Or.. Cot AffnU
s& High Brads
Write tor Catalogue anil Prices
The A. H. Averill Machinery Go. PSHD
You Can Count Your Chlckem Beforo They Aro
Every fertlot'pg you put Into a Chatham Inru
bator will como out a healthy, iturdy chick. That
li the record the Chatham Incubator hai made for
Itself and the Chatham llroeder will bring them
up tetter than the moit motherly heu 'lhere Is
big money to be maJe In railing chiosent with a
Chatham Incubator. The farmer who orerlooka
thli branch f hU buslncas U ueulectlncrone of the
ere ate it profit producing tlnartineuUuf hln farm.
The Vacltlo t'OHit Is not prtduclng enough chick-
rus id iiippiy mcir uim n nun. vutticu raiviug
Is profitable.
oUIl OFFKIt: We will sell you a Chatham In
cubator on time. It wilt make many times Its cost
to you. Wo ray the freight. Write me for our
imque Catalog ami useiul hints on poultry rail
ing. Costs you nothing lo it now.
Pacific Const Agent
Dox 4DO
union ft o
Jinf Ff fi
II -7, fflSSr fts.
10-. iima. xmia na7a
TVsi ra ;-cvw-5
WM, GRAY KNOWLES, Milt. City Solicitor, Phlta.
Brockton Lomtl tha Men' Shoo Famhlana ot tha Wttrbl.
W. I. lloualaa uses Corona Coltikln In I for Calais aMnq inni.
his S 60uors. Corona Colt Is ronre.lsit ;ru;t;is km Ik o-oV J moll.
to U U luest l'ataat Leslhir auads. V. L. Uouglai, Brockton, Uua,
Jtotloiit litis bnrnn tlm alu-im.
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
J,0U) forfeit placed with a National Bank to
make good anr failure oa our part. Catalogue
fraa. Write today.
Baulol BuslnoBB Oollogo
TrnaomB, Wamh.
To canvas the farmers and
dealers on line of goods ev
erybody needs. (200 per
month ran easily be made
by cooil workers. No com
petition. Good enay sell
ers. Write for particulars
and agency at once.
313 Commercial IK Portland, Ore.
No Cost of Operation
Writs today for free illustrated bock.
Tenth and Johnson Stresls
P. N, U.
Me. J6-ie0.
WHEN writing to advertlaera pleaeo I
mention tlita paper. I
block tH-U to ray ihoruagbriml bhIim. jt rivet tbm
row, i jum ina 11 oa auunieu curei wim wUafa
gla, Vtb.
Prniitia BemeJr Co., St. PioJ, Kino.
en js, cin ounce ro
MRDt 9UavV W. OllVbO Mill
and $4.00 custom. Dench Work in ali
$2,50 Poi-ice, Three Soles. $2.50 'tio
52. bo, 52. oo and s1.7d boys, tor
Dress and School Wear.
AV. TM DuiiRlna mnUea nml aella rnuro men'a
ti.l.AOuntl t3.oo ahoi-atlinii nny ollieriiiunu.
fttcturtr In tlia vnrtil. 1'liu riatii tliay ara
tlio greatest aellora Is, ther aio tniitla or tlia teMc,
leathers, hold their shape, Ut better, wear locgsr,
unit huva mora value ttiuii anv other shoes.
W. 1,. lKiuglaj Ruaranteea their ralua hr atamp.
Ins his name and price on the bottom. Ixiok fur
is taae uo auusiiiuie, n.iti oy uw uioi.
everywhere. Ftul lUor I'yiltH uud ucluttnlf,
"AS GOOD AS $7.00 SHOE8."
i.Mi.n, r hnu htt.n w.artn ST.OO
r fa.i 'i mill' at 111. baurlam
,hn... tiihlfh I ttntim morn .umrv tfav.for
four month.. Th.ti art to tatltfuctory I da not