Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 19, 1904, Image 3

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if .. :i i 1 1... ..... i!....
of CoiiiIkm, IhiirltniHlicH, J
1 one I Aituics mid .j
l)rtlrjglHl'H SitiiflricH
The finest lino in town
P prices can not be beaten
Dealers in
City and Farm Property.
for Photos.
Family groups mill Imllviiluul
Klver Htreet. Cottage Grove.
Notice In hereby given that the
uiidcrslghcd, ailmlnlHtratnr with the
Will annexeil, of theeHtate of George
Frederick tlule, deceased, bus llliil his
llnitl account iiM such ailmlnlHtrator
In the County Court of l.niui Couuly,
JSIitte of Oregon, anil that Mitld Court
bus Het Monday, tho U'th day of
.ScptemlMT. 1IK)I, nt 10 o'clock A. M.
if hiiIiI day, at the Court house In
Kugcnc, 1 .a I m County. State of Ore
gon, its the time and hearing obji-c-tliniH
thereto, and the filial settle
inent of wild estate.
W. l'.Sll.NAfi:i.T.
AilmlnlHtrator, with the Will nn
nexed, of tho Estate of George Fred
erick (Inle. dccense.l
.1. ('. .Ioiinnon,
111 ft Attorney for Administrator
To liny Keuueily'H Chain l.llit
nliiK l.lnlnient, for llheiiniatlHiu and
all pnliiH and lullamatloii. Price
Ml eon I h, all dniKulHt, or hy mall
upon twelpt of price, write V I. Ken
nedy, HiiKlunw. On-Kon, for llBt of
tcHtlimmlcH. SatlHfactlou Kuariin
iird. , I'A It MliltS A T1 KXTIOS.
We have u laro Hiipply of cheap
I u in Ut, Jimt what you want on a
ranch, price very cheap, liniHt ho Hold
to make room for other Htock.
The llooth-Kelly LumlM-rCo.,
HiikIiiiiw, Ore.
"On June IhI the Southern I'aclllc
Co will rcHiimo Halo of cxcurHlou
llcketH to Newport and Yuiitilnu
Hay. lloth hciihoii mid Saturday to
Monday tlcketH will he Hold. TIiIh
jiolmlar reniirt Ih Krowlne; In favor
ach yenr, hotel raten are reiiHoniihlo
und the opporttiultleH for IIhIiIuk,
luintlnn and Healiathlnt; nra unex
celled by any other renort on the I'n
l(le CoaHt.
W V. Coman,
(leueral l'aHneiiKer Ani'iit.
Tho Inlliienco of clltnatio comlltloiia
In tho euro of conniiiiiption Ih very much
overdrawn. The poor patient, and tho
rich patient, too, can do much hotter nt
homo hy proper attention to food dlgca
tiou, mid a regular uao of Gorman
Byrtip. Kite expectorutlon in tho
niornlnt! in niado certain hy Ocrmnn
Syrup, no In it good night's rest mid tho
.nUBOiice of that weakening coueh nnd
debilitating nlulit Hwontu. Heatlem)
nlghta anil tho exhuuHtion duo to
:oiiKhitK, thogrentcHt ilniiKor anil diead
of thocoiistiiiiiitlvo, can ho iirovcntrtl or
Htoppotl by tnking lloriuiin Byrtip llhor.
ally nnd rrgiilurly. Should yon bo able
to go ton warmer clime, you will llnd
that ol tho thoiiHiiniU of couxumptivOH
thorn, tile fow who arc boni-lltled nnd
regain strength uro thoao who use tier
man Syrup. Trial bottlen, iI7o; regular
aize, yoc. Ainu iiriiggiin. u
illemonwnv Oo.
larman A
Delivery. VV L- Mal" No' I
Have a full line of I
Staple and Fancy Groceries 1
At Prices that ore tight, give "s a trial ami be convinced, I
, Tlic'Smcllcr'n Alljilnkc.
A-ellipii' of ICiis'le'rii tciiderfeul,
Once thought to lin.v n mini':
II uiih slciiilil.y producing
The riiliiniH were simply line.
Tim owner, a Mien bluff old man,
llllll (l(' 1 1 1 l'i- I indie it pile, .
Anil though hi' illiln't cure to sell,
III1 m Ill If 'I wits worth while
Hn they scut lliclr KMslcniexpcrt.oiit;
no worn ginHts nun top Hoots,
A nliii new yellow ciiiiviih cimt,
Of these he hail Ih'iihiiKh;
Till' (II P WHS nil Icllin llllll
Of I In- K.vlviuiK.v Mini '
And Im of I'onrMii deceptive
'I'o tln tin fit ii 1 1 1 In r nilnit.
Iln took it piece of mdIIiI oit'
U....ll. lll..ll.I 4.. .1... .....
if l III I nif linn linn in inn mil
Looked ill It closely with his glass
aiiii iiirni'ii 11 in I no sun;
Anil nl Inuf iriii'n lilu iliii'lulriii
"Why you fnlkH luiri) uru Hold,
Tliut roi'k I Nlniily 'kcsunillli'
Ami cun contain no gold.
I'ln'ii tiiMnikn Mr. Mliicowuer,
In mi uiint'ovlnit kind of tone:
'Vou'rii I lit; Hist ono that has not It-ud
And to Unit I'll truly own:
I'oi'threeyeurs thesim-Hcrs bought It,
nil yoii'm t in rst rvi met
Who seemed to know tin difference
Why, they dim'l know II yi'tl"
K. H. (I. In Denver Kcpuhlli-un
(,'iirt'd 1 iy JIniiiilivrliilii'H Colic,
CIioIitii mid Dliirilioen Item
lily mill pi-rlnipH a Life
i Hnved.
I A iiliiirt tliim nun 1 uiih Inki'ii uilh n
vloli'l nit uck nf iliiii rhopii mill bcllevd 1
would liuve illi'il II I luiil not uotti'ii
relief," hiivh Join. .1. I'altoii, it liMiiliiiu
citizen ol I'utliiii, A In. ' A friend ri-cniii-lut'iidi-d
C'liiUiilierlaln'M Colic, CIioIitii
mid llliirrlii-cii Iteiuiily. I IhiiiuIiI ii
tucuty-llve cunt bottle mill lifter taking
thrtMi iIiiki'h of It in entirely cured. 1
coiisldmt-d It tint bent lemecly In tliu
world for lioni compiiiiilH. I'or nalu
hv Now Km Drug Htoti'.
drove Mccllnr.
The christian Church will hotil nil
IIm services S 1 1 1 1 1 1 j i III tho Long and
llliighiim uriivi', A cordlnl Inrltittloii
Ih extended to all
Tlic fidliiw lug program will ho iik
10 it in Sunday Sell ml.
11 a in Ciiniiiiiinloa mid sermon.
VIM p in llnskcl lilnner.
l':.'lil p in Sermon.
4 p in Y. 1. H.C. U. Service.
Coinu with prayerful lieartH and
tilled '.iitKketH.
A little thiiiK niiiiiutliiit'H remit in
ilealli. Thus ii inuru scratch, InaiRiii
lli'itnt cuts or puny hoila have paid the
dentil penalty It Ih wIho to have
j llueklen'ri A lllleu Hillo over liilllily . It'a
1 tho Iwnt Sulvo on 1-nrth und will pre
I vent fntnhly, !ion llnrnn, Horen, Ulcer
mid l'ileif tlirenlen. Only 'Joe, at Mor
Kii ti Hrt'liiiul l)ni(! Store.
Successful Dullness.
The llohenila Telephone Company
on litHt .Monday declared a dividend
of 2 iter rent. 'I'IiIh Ih the Unit divi
dend paid liy the Comiinny. When
Frank .Ionian took clinriw of lt
affalrH It wiih In ilelit, all ol which
have Ixtii paid and the company Ih
now In a proHperotiH condition.
j VIIKAV LUMlllilt,
I We have on our ynnl oO.OOO fwt of
' lumUr which niiMt Ih'hoIiI to make
room for IneoniliiK- Ktock.prlceHraiiK
I Injr from ?:t r-tl to If you want
1 a liarKiilu come at once.
The llooth-Kelley Lumlier Co.,
Saginaw, Ore.
Still They Come.
I,. W. linker Ih i-xiai'tliiK ipilte a
numlicr of vUIioim on Sunday or
Monday. II Ih mother Mi-h I). M.
linker, hN brother, 1. A. linker, wife
mid liabv; alHo the parentH of Mr.
1,. W. linker, Mr. and .Mrn. Kuntr.
Thev left Brooklyn Iowa, on Wed
lii'Hiln v for UiIh place. They are. com
Iok with a view of locating In UiIh
On Monday, Auk. ir, 1001, to tho
wife of KrucHt DIvcIIiIhh, In tlilx city,
a gon.
To tho wife of tho Itev. Fcoko on
last iSaturilay morning, a daiiKhter,
ChnrlcH Itutan while at work nt
tho VeHiivlUH Hiiwinlll, Thursday
mornlnfr hail IiIh arm badly cruHheil.
Soon after tho accident ho ntnrtod on
home back for Cottngo (irovo to
have tho arm nttencled to by u stir
Keon. Resolutions,
At a repilar meetluK of Cottage
Orovo LoiIro No IN I. O. O. F held
AtlK.0, 1801, the (olio wlUKltcHolutloiiH
were unaulmoiiHly nilopHd.
WhcivitH It Iiiih pleiiHed tho Oreat.
Killer of tho unlverHO to removo from
our tnlilHt our Into Ill-other Harry M.
Wert, and
WhereiiH It Im hut Jimt that n lit
tlnii recoKiiltlon of his many vlrtucn
Hliotild bo hud,
Therefore bo It Kesolved by Cot
tiiRo (Irovo LoiIko No. as I. O. (). P.,
that while wo bow- wltu humble hiiIi
uilHHltm to tho will of tho Most llllll
wo do not tho le8 mourn for Our
Ilrother who Iiiih been taken from iih.
KeHolved Tliut tho heartfelt Hym
pathy of CottaKo (Irovo KoiIkt No.
08 I. O. (). K. fio extended to his
family In tl-elr allllctlon.
KeHolved That Uioho KeHolntlOtiH
be Hiread upon records of tho LioiIku
and a copy bo transmitted to tho
family of our ilcnceiiHod Ilrother and
to each of tho newspapers of CottiiRO
A. II. CmmoN
J.K. Ozmknt. Conunlttco.
.1. M, SlIKllWlKIl)
Dr. I, one, Oi-ulo-opllelaii, ICilK'iie
llltM'lwood ti-i) ereiim al the Star.
The Icuillnit brand chcat-H al the
See Medley and MIIiii.-'h new ud.ver-
For (JiiMollne call al I lie Modern
I-'ichIi crawllHli liiwlno at tho IIx-
chaiiKi) IteMliiunint.
Dr. I'alni) of Kimono was a visitor
to the city t Ii Im week,
Mrs. Hklllmnn Hiiunt hi; vera I iIuvh
of litHt week In tho till Im,
Mrn. Toni I'nrkerls vlnlllntr her
parentH In Denton county.
It. It. Hiillm- Iiilh Ijikeli nil Ills ri-Hl.
neiico at Drafii for a tlnio.
A cool and rcfrcKliluu drink, Saloni
biH-r. at Hotel (irahaui bar.
Mluu mil,, U'lltiiril llni flrut ,.r
tho week for CoiiiHii, Calif.
To Have time try the Kxi-lniugo
uiieii rooiiiH ior ipucK service.
fiitiihiip ii liiripi, nf uljll.
onery to the Modem i'hariiiacy. j
The Snlein Imh-t can Is- had at
Hotel (irahmn liar in bottles for
lonie UHii.
What everybody liken Ih somethlntrl
to satlsfv their unnetlte. tho Kx-
chaiiKO ri-Htuiiraul Iiiih It.
(iiven to each inirchiiHcr of a 2.c i
bottle of perfumery a cony of our I
Art Study. The .Modern I'liariniicy. '
Don't foruel to take your meals a I
the ICxelimiK'e rcHtaurant. livery i
thine; the Is-st the uiarketcau Hiipplv I
I'lner mid Vmnlenler.v this week ;
Hold to F. .1. Hurt! a blacksmith's
blower and forgo, also n luro ore
car. i
LOST On Wednesday Auu;. 10, on
Mitlu St, a chlld'H crocheted silk
bonnet. Finder please leave at Nuir-
fet olllce. !
If vour horses Interfere and do not
travel rllit, havo your hIiim-Iiik done
it the Orr blacksmith sliop. West
If you want you tires net wlthoul
havfni; your wheels illshed or spoiled ,
take them to Orr, bluckHinttli Hhop,
West side. 1
HOK.SAMi Twcnty.flvu ncres of
land for sale adjoining the city cor-;
poratlons on the south. Inquire at
this NiiKKet olllce.
Mrs. A. C. (I aire, wife of F.dltor
Ohko of tho l'iufcr, returned home
Monday from Kukciic where she Iiiih
is-en vlsitiuK menus.
I. II. Durham ol ICnia-no has mine
up to llohemla to look over the
irouse motiiitalu uroiin ol claluis in .
which ho Ih Interested. I
M K Church. Subject Sunday morn-1
Inu;: "Why wo sometimes fall to see;
the Work of floil." ICvciiIiik: "How i
a man Haved Ids life." I
Hop plcklni: will Ih-uIii In my yard i
on or about Sept 1st, near Creswell, i
It. It. Havkh.
The ltev Mr. Iike. of KoseburK,
will hold Kplscopnl Hervii-c-H on Mon-
niy evening tno ..nil aukuhi at
Masonic Hall. ICveryono cordially
KvmtKllHt C, O. Ilranson and wife.
who some mouths niro held meetttigM
In the Grove mid Loranc, will Ik-kiu
n series of revivals at I.orane on the
Ith Inst.
I llnd nothliiir better for liver derange
inent and coimtipntion than Cdambcr
laln'B Stomach nnd Liver Tablets. L.
F. Andrews. Dca Moines. Iowa. For
Sale hy New Kra Drug Htore.
nllll lltttnikimif .1 1 1 VII ll-llllll
at London last week had n very
.., ..I .1. ...111. 1 I 1..I...
ineasiiiii visit wiiu air iiuiiii oiiiucr
and. the merchant and nost master
at that place. Campers out and
tourlstH can Ktt almost any article
needed at the store as a general aH
sortment Is kept.
We arc old residents of this portion
of Oregon, having permanently lo- i
cated In Cottage (Irovo mid are,
...... tin... ,..iti. nit,. r.,i-.i, .,,,.1 1-imiu.i-1
lands, We furnish the liest of refer
ence. We want you to write us
about business, farms, etc. Kayser &
Htm, Heal Kstato Agents, cottage
Orove, Ore.
James 1. Nash, who has been
working at tho Oregon-Colorado,
while drilling In the lower tunnel
wna etruck in tho eye by a piece of
steel from the head of the drill, Mo
came to tho Orovo Tuesday and Dr.
corpron removed tno steel, i no eyo
was not seriously Injured. He re
turned to Ids work Friday morning.
Dr. Oirlosby was called to Yaqutnu
last week While returning homo ho
was seated in a coacli ol tne soutlt-
ru I'aclllc train . The window was
railed and the Dr. was resting his
right arm on the sill mid reaillmr his
newspaper. The window dropped
striking his arm Just above the el
bow and broke both bones Years
ago the arm was fractured by a
bullet In tho same place which no
doubt had weakened tho bones.
Al Nichols, wife and and child.
Nowt Jones mid Mrs. Hrtimlleld have
gone to tho mountains for a few
days outing. "Gimlet" ns Al Is
locally known, expects to show tho
old timers how to shoot fish or
catch bear mid door. Ho took sovcrul
bottles of "flu" along to bo used as
chasorH but ho failed to state what
lie expected to chase with them. An
account of tho slaughter will bo
given In tho Nugget as soon us received.
Our List of
Real Estate
is very large
Improved nnd unimproved farms and fruit , hinds. City
property, town lots. Write for our pamphlet on
Cottage Grove and Lane county.
Items of Interest in and nhout
CotWiKc drove and vicinity.
Deri l.uko of Hiiueiii', wiih ii vlMltor
at the Ciimiiierelai Club Wednesday
i; vi'iiiii
II ...... I ll,il.,U ...... lit till. ,l-,,l.rl..l..l-U
of the Dorena' sawiulll was in the
elly Tuesday.
I Mrs S. K. I'urker linn gone to
I Allimiy to visit her daughter, Mrs.
! N. II. Wheeler.
Mrs. .lumen I'ottH and children, Mr
David Mushy and family are camp
ing nt Clear Lake.
Oeo M. Mlllrr and .1. II. (Jloer. of
I'orlland, visited the llohemla dis
trict hiHt week.
The contemplated rail mini excur
sion over the O. &S. i:, on .Sunday
I'lsl has been pospoued.
Dr. Marloy I'olro and Mrs. I'etro
are spending n few days visiting at
ini-ir old iiomo ih lyorune.
Mr. John Nelson of Tulare, Calif.
Is In the city visiting with S. II
Morss and family. It Is probable Mr
.NcIkmi will locate Here.
I'oslmaster, C. J. Howard and
family, Tom Abrains and family, are
In camp up tho Coast Fork about
hix miles aoovo i.onuoii.
Oeorge Knowles, postmaster and
general uierehautat llohenila, visited
Cottage Urovo and Kiigene n few
days and returned home on Thurs
day. Miss Jessie Herg and her two little
nephews and Carl Herg have returned
from a. two week camping trip at
tho Ware House. They report a very
pleasant trip.
Mrs. V. H. Holme and her two
children, Harry and Hazel left the
city on last Monday night on their
way Kant. They will make a short
stay In Cortland.
Mrs. Lulu II Heed, daughter of
John Hull, of I.atliam, after a visit
of about a month, took the noon
train on WeducHiIiry for her home In
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Mr. Joseph Watson, of Tacoma, Is
In the city this week. He Is looking
for a location for anmclilne shop and
thinks well of this locality. His
brother Is also a machinist mid will
Join him In a shop,
I'rof II. E. Smith, professor of
chemistry at Yale College, arrived In
Cottage (irovo on Thursday from a
hurried trip to tho llohemla district.
As ho took the train north our euter
vlew was necesHnrlly short. He found
time however to say: That ho had
visited the Oregon Securities proiH:r
tlesnud found that company doing
good development work: also that he
visited tho Vesuvius proiierty mnn
aged by F.J. Hard, and found Intel
legeut work being done. Tho pro
fessos further stated his time was too
limited to make as thorough an ex
amination as ho would like to have
done, but from what he did see, ho
was most favorably Impressed with
the district. Before coming here ho
visited the Thunder Mountain coun
try and Is now hurrying home to
take up Ids work at the college.
Campllre and Picnic.
For soiiio weeks the old soldiers.
the WoineiiH Itellef Corps and their
friends had anticipated having n
good time ut the picnic and camp
nro to uo ueiii ut tno Long ami
Illnglmm grove on Saturday, Aug.
13th and when tho day arrived they
were In no wise disappointed.
The day was one of tho warmest
of the season and every ono who
could leave liKslneHs was glad to
seek the shelter of tho groves, and n
largo number repaired to the meet
ing place loaded with baskets of
choice edibles
Tho order to fall in and consume
tho "dinner" was obeyed to the
letter by all, following which there
wcro songs, recitations andspecches.
,Mrs.TIiouipson read a selection ap
propriate to the occasion; Song,
.Marching Through Georgia: nn Inter
esting tnlk on "Our Country" by
Prof Kendall; National II vinu by all.
Itev. Gardner, an old soldier, gave a
very interesting talk on tho subject
of our "Country and tho Flag."
Tho Star Spangled Uanner was
then sung after which such stories as
the old comrades can tell, wcro told
by Comrades (Irlllln, Mclteyuolds
nnd others. Thero was In fact a
general good time throughout the
day und the old "hoys" appreciated
tho efforts of the Corps and other
friends In giving them such a pleas
ant time.
Tho Southern I'aclllc Is now selling
round trip tickets to Portland from
Eugene for $4 good going Saturday
P. M., or any train of bunday, re
turning Sunday and Monday, giving
all day Sunday and Monday In Port
land. The smuo arrangement applies
from Portland, giving all Portland
people u chance to visit valley points
nt greatly reduced rates." Parties
desiring to take ndvantngs of theso
rates can pay local faro to Eugene.
Low Rates to California.
Tho Triennial Couclavo Knights
Templar will lie held at San Fran
cisco Septeinlmr nth to ilth and tho
Sovereign (Iraiiil Lodgo I. O. O. F.
will be held at the samo point Sept.
10th to "3th. For these occasion the
Southern I'aclllc Co. will place In
effect thoextromely low rate of ono
and one-third fare for the round trip,
not to exceed $i", the rate from Port
land. Those who nro planning a
trip to California should take noto of
these rates.
Attorney J. C. Johnson vlsltod Eu
fjono Monday.
i'rom Orejfon.
The folluwliignrlleli' by Mrs. Tur
ner, of Collage Grove, Is taken from
"The Farmer." SI Paul. Minn. The
lady has received numerous letters
asking lor further Information, which
shows iicoplc are looking our way:
"Perhaps somo of tho readers of the
Household would bo Interested In
soiiio Items from the far wont. Hav
ing lived in northern Iowa until less
than ayearago, we llnd In Oregon
iiilte a change. Herein the Wlllhiui
otte valley the winters are Very mild
tho mercury seldom going below
tho freezing point. The ruins are
very gentle and consist for the most,
if showers und mist. The vegetables,
Hindi as calihngc, rarrots, beets and
turnips, are left In the gardens dur
ing tho white. We used them Iho
last of March from the garden an
firm and fresh as when first matured.
Potatoes are usually dug mid stored
In some outbuilding. Someilig them
In the snriuir. leuving enough for
seed, raising the second crop Is-'fore
icplnntlng. No cellars uro neeiieu
here. The water Is very soft, due no
Mount to tne abundance ol line
springs . The uIiki-iii-c of storms and
tiie quiet restf illness of the vulley ap
peals strongly to those who have
iieen used to the rush and worry of
the harvest seasons of tho North
west. People hero seem to liellere
In taking life easy. Always plenty of
time to Ik.' neighborly mid sociable,
and If one may Judge Irom the num
ber of very old people to Imj found
here, it Is surely an admirable place
to prolong life. Fruit of all kinds
grow In abundance. Pears, peaches,
prunes, plums, apples, cherries, grapes
mid all sorts ol IsTrles grow both
tame and wild. The many pretty
wild flowers and ferns are a delight
to the lovers of nature, and added to
this Ih tho lH.'uuty of forest und
mountain scenery. Cottage Orovo Is
situated on the Coast Fork of the
Willamette river and on the South
ern Pacific It. It. A branch road is
being completed to tho llohemla
gold mines, maklnc this the base
of supplier for the mines. Excellent
markets nre the rcsuit, nlmost any
thing In the line of liirm produce find
ing ri-udy sulc, The town Is build
ing fust and now bonsts of nearly
y.OOO Inhabitants. Many Eustern
people have recently located here.
Lund cun Ihj hail oulte reasonable.
according to distance fro is town.
Is Grain mostly sown In early fall, so
gelling tne isnent oi me winter
rains. Hay is usually a good price
mid spring-sown grain Is mostly cut
for liny. If any one wishes to know
anything ebe about Oregon, will
uUHwertlie ls.'st I can.
Mrn. A. F. Turner.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Excursion to the Circus.
Snecial excursion rntes on nil lines
of travel have lieen arranged for by
the management of Hlngllng Hron
World's Greatest Shows, and those
who wish to go to Eugene where
thlu irtiint. 1-lmilU HTlllllltM Frlflnv.
Sept. -nd, can do so at a very little
exMjiibe. Till will be the only point
In this vicinity where the show will
exhibit this season, mid no one
should miss the opportunity to wit
ness It. Hlngllng Hrothers' circus
has lKt-ii the leadliigarenlcexhibltlon
of America lor years, but the show
has never been permitted to rest ui
on Its reputation. Although It long
ago passed the point of competition,
every season sees ii greater and
grander show. This year's per
formance Is entirely now, nnd entails
the combined efforts of 375 wonder
ful artists In the eqtiestraln, gym
nastic, equlllhrlstlc, acrobatic and
nerlal lino together with forty
famous clowns and hundreds of les-i-er
lights. Six hundred and fllty
horses are used and a marvelous
trained nnlmu.1 department Is presented-
This circus this season Is
greatly enlnrged by the spectacular
production of Jerusalani and the
Crusades, a pantomimic presentation
of tiie well known and beautiful
historical narrative of the Crusaders.
The vast menagerie has among
hundreds of features the only living
giraffes, the lirst buily elephant suc
cessfully bred und reared In America,
and tho only rhinoceros in captivity.
There Is u gorgeous revival of the
Komnu hippodrome races, and many
other stupendous features In this
great circus. Circus dny opens with
n brilliant street parade, three miles
in length. Don't fall to see It.
Serious Accident.
James Gardner, 25 yearsof age and
a son of Itev. William J. Gnrdner, of
Saginaw, Or., had both bis legs bad
ly mangled yesterday while working
on the Southern Pacific railroad.
In company with others, the In
jured man was moving a Pulliunn
sleeper by hand a short distance on
the track. He slipped and fell under
tho wheels. He was brought to
Portland Wednesday and placed
In the hospital. It is said that ho will
recover. Mr. Gardner Is a student
of tho Wlllmnettee university, and
wub working on the railroad during
his vacation.
Will Run Trains.
Ucirlunliur Aim. 23th tho Oregon
nnd Southeastern Hullroad will run
an afternoon train on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays, leaving
Cottage Grove at 3:10 1 M and re
turning arrive at &:ju r .n.
This train Is run to accomodate
travel that may wish to visit the
Bohemia Mining District ns the re
sult of the .Mining Congress In Port
Every effort will bo made bv tno
Hullroad nnd bv Lewis ami McQueen
who oocrntotlio stacu lino, to nc-
couiodute tho traveler during this
time and so that visitors can mitKo
tho trip through llohenila anil re
turn with comfort and expedition.
The Edwards Moving Picture
Show. A wonderful realistic scries
of the Hiisslaii-Jupmiesc war scenes.
The Ureut Hultlnioro lire. 8,000 feet
of the very latest moving picture
mm. -Many iieatitiiui illustrated
songs. Tno operations useu uro
Edison s very latest aim tne nnest
money can buy. Opera House Tues
day night, August 23,
A Bad Plre
May destroy your homes ut .any
time; have Tom Awbroy write you
up u policy In either tho AEtua In
surance Co; or tho Oregon Fire Ke
llef Association of Mc.Mlnnvllle, Ore.
Tailor Made Suits.
I will sell tailor made suits for tho
next thirty days at cost.
OEO llOlll.MAN.
The Oregon-Colorado wagon rond
at llohemla Is very nearly completed
Teams can now be driven to the
Ready -
Exceptional Values
You could not bu
mings of these garments at the low prices we aslc,
if the cost of making were left out of consideration
When You Build a Kcsidcncc
An ha a
It costs no more to build in a
Than a poor one. Secure a lot
Spare's Addition
Kayser & Huff
Why not
That Fall
teeth, but we say it is the Suit that makes the
handsome man. However we have just re
ceived our new Fall and Winter catalogue from
M Born & Co., the Great Chicago Tai'ors.
Save a few Dollars at Our Expense.
lonionway & Burkholder
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
That's what they say oi it, and always of uniform quality.
Try it once and you wou't want the "other kind.".
Swctlunds Famous Ice Cream
Known ns the "ICE CKEAM OK QUALITY." Kecolved fresh overy
day by express at
II. BILLS, Sole agent for Cottage Grove.
MfTR When vlittlni PoriUnil, don't fall to call at SWETI.AND'S 273MorrUon St.,
IiUIU out o( l'ortlanil'a lineal itore, and the best place.ln the city for a lunch,
The sending of the ores from
Bohemia for the mineral exhibit to
be made at the meeting of the
American Mining Congress to be
held in Portland next week, has
beeu rather slow aud has not given
the committee very much time to
label and send them on. There is
a fair collection although not half
ot the properties are represented.
to - wear
the material and trim- fcS
to Live
Next to Awbrev Buildinir j.-'j
Made for a first-class man-
Tliat's You
Some say it is the face.
Some say it is the hair or
it k
This disease has lost Its terrors since
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kemedy cauio into general
use. The uniform success which at
tends thl use of this remedy In all cases
of bowel complaints in children has
made it a favorite wherever Its value
litis ht come known. For sale by Now
Era Dniu Store.