Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 19, 1904, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
DhnU Nantt P. Co.
'(General Review of Important Happen
pcnlgs Presented In a Drlef and
Condensed Corm.
A launch turned turtle at n Potomac
regatta and ten people were drowned.
Inuea with Turkey have been settled,
the ttate department (coring a victory.
FIro at New York gas tankB caused a
great panic, many people- In lleeing lor
getting their children.
Work on tho Malheur irrigation pro
ject will commence tills fall. Th ra
louse project will bo next.
The Russian flagship Craievltch was
badly damaged In tho recent battle ami
may bo dismantled at lsing unou.
About 845,000 aciisa of land In East
ern Oregon withdrawn under forest re
serve order will bo restored to entry.
The general attack on Tort Arthur Is
now on. Twelve regiments ol rein
forccmcnts have been sent the Japanese
from Liao lang.
KuBsia expresses a willingness to
modify rcgualtions regarding contra
band goods providing Great Britain
will agree thtcy are binding in future
Tho Vladivostok squadron went to
the nid of tho Tort Arthur fleet and was
badly scattered by the Japanese. The
Russian navy is now practically a thing
of the past.
A son and heir has been born to the
Russian Imperial family.
Prince Henry, of Prussia, will visit
the St. Ixniia fair shortly.
W. J. Bryan lias lost his fight for
$50,000 of the Bennett estate.
What Russian ships escaped from
Fort Arthur are widely scattered.
A full fledged rebellion is on in Para
guay. Tho rebels seem to have the
upper hand.
Admiral Togo reports that nearly all
of the Russian ships have returned to
Port Arthur.
The Boston Steamship company has
refused to take any more flour for
Japan at present.
The eeirure of the Russian torpedo
boat at Cbefoo by Japan may bring
China into the war.
Yaqui Indians have gone on the war
path and Noithwestern Mexico antici
pates a reign of terror.
Rioting as a result of the packers'
strike at Chicago is Increasing. Unions
will ask Mayor Hairison to end the
Whltecaps are terrorixlng Cripple
A North Carolina mine was suddenly
flooded and eight men drowned.
The owners of tho German steamer
Thea will appeal from the decision of
the prize court.
The Russian Port Arthur fleet is be
lieved to have eluded Admiral Togo and
Joined the Vladivostok squadron.
Two Japanese torpedo boats entered
Cbefoo harbor in the night and towed
the Russian cruiser Ryeshltelni away,
Great Britain is far from satisfied
with the rinding of the prize court in
the case of the steamer Knight Com
Port Arthur Engagement Is Shown
by Official Reports.
St. retersbuig, Aug. 10, Not since
tho beginning of tho war between Jap
an and Russia has anything so obvious
Ir affected ltussinu spiritB as the grad
ual revelation of the extent of the Port
Arthur squadron's reverses. Details
of Rear Admiral Withoclt'e fatal sortie
ate not known to tho general public
even at this hour, though the contents
of the report of Captain Matoutevltch,
Admiral Wlthoeft's chief of staff, to the
emperor, gradually permeated ofllclal
circles In the course of tho day. The
captain's statement was issued late to
night in the form of an official report.
Captain Matousevitch Jiakes it clear
that tho Port Arthur squadron fought
what probably was tho greatest battle
of Ironclads since steel replaced wood
in naval construction. The effort of
the Russians to right their way through
the Japanese would probably have
been successful had it not been for the
disaster to the battleship Czarevitch,
which compelled the squadron to fight
a second battlo, ending in the dispersal
of the Russian fleet In tho darkness.
Tho Astociated Press leatns that the
awful mortality of the olllccrs of the
Czarevitch, which was merely stated in
the official report, is due to the fact
that Admiral VYithoeft and most of his
olllccrs wero gathered on tho bridge
during the action in order to set an ex
ample to and encourage the men, in
stead of remaining in comparative saf
ety in tho protection of ttie conning
tower. A Japanese shell burst beneath
the bridge, wrecking that part of the
ship and killing or wounding every
officer on duly thereabouts.
One of the most important features
ol Captain Matousevitch's dispatch,
aside from its grimly brief account of
the battle, is the detailed statement of
the makei-p of Rear Admiral Togo s
fleet, which consisted of six battleships,
II cruisers ol various classes and ap
proximately 30 torpedo boats.
According to this statement there
were in line of battle some ships pie
viously reported destroyed. This gives
an indication of Japan's naval force
which Admiral Togo has hitherto con
A Itussian military expert argues
that Kuropatkln cannot afford to leave
Llao lang on account of tue stores and
Packing house employes will begti
suit to force the government to make
an injunction against the beef trust, in
the hope of ending the great strike
Secretary Hay will address a strong
note to Russia regarding the seizure of
the steamer Arabia, MInlBer McCor
mick's report showing her to be in the
"wrong. It is probable Russia will pay
for all the cargo taken promptly, as the
czar s troops can use It.
The Japanese have begun using th
Chinese railway to move men and sup
The Japanese are concentrating in
three groups with a view of flanking
.Liao Yang.
Another firece land and sea
has been fought at Port Arthur
was very costly to both sides.
Great Britain's views as to contra
band goods are thoroughly in harmony
with those of becrotary Hay.
Chicago packing employes find the
boycott against retailers not the success
expected, as they are hauling their
own ice.
Unless Turkey meets the terms of
Hay by the time the fleet reaches
Smyrna, Minister Leishman will leave
his post.
A Uhlcago nagman gave tnc wrong
signal and In tue collision which re
sulted five people were killed and
number of others Injuied,
The bodies of seven more victims of
the terrible Colorado disaster have
boon recovered Eighty-two dead have
been found and 32 others are known to
be missing,
Turkish soldiers attacked and mur
dered a large number of Armenian
women. Two Turkish garrisons have
been turned Into graveyards by the
avenging Armenian men.
The Japaneie fleet has met a reverse
off Port Artbui.
The government bar, abandoned the
Harnoy valley, Oregon, irrigation project.
New York butchers will Join the
packers' strike.
..General Stoessel, in command at Port
Arthur, la reported to have committed
Tho British-steamer Calchas, from
Tacoma, seized by Russians, has been
lowed into Vladivostok.
Famine conditions at Port Arthur
'are becoming appalling and hospitals
Are crowdod with elck and wounded.
Russia, so Tokio Dclievcs, Will Not
Dc Able to Repair Them.
Tokio, Aug. 16. It is believed
here that the Russians will not be able
to repair the five battleships reported
by Admiial Togo to have been damaged
in the recent sea fighting at Port
Arthur. The Japanese land batteries
now command the entrance to the
harbor, and could render this work impossible.
Before the Russian fleet emerged
from Port Arthur on August 10 tho
Japanese batteries could reach the war
ships there with shells ar.d the docks
were exposed to a fire the severity of
which was increasing constantly. It
is donbted if these ships will be able to
go to sea again without first undergo
ing repairs, and it Is expected that tbe
Russians themselves will destroy them
before Poit Arthur falls.
Only Goods for Japanese
Government Contraband.
Protest to Russia Dclno Prepared
by Secretary Hay War Ruling
Cannot Dc Accepted.
Washington, Aug. 15. Secretary
Hay is preparing a protest against the
confiscation of a portion of the cargo ol
tho Hambuig-Aiuerlcan steamer
Arabia, under tho terms of tho findings
of the ptize court at Vladivostok, aud
as soon as the papers ate complete,
will f oi waul them to Ambassador Me
Cormick, at St. Petersburg, for presen
tation to the Russian government
Along with this protest Secretary Hay
will file a general protest against forth
cr seizures of American goods and sup
plies consigned to Japanese, ports un
less it can bo sliown that tho goods are
intended for tho use of tho Japanese
military or naval forces.
It will bo mado plain that this gov
ernment does not subscribe to tho Rus
sian view of contraband of war, and
will not consent to tho seizure of its
goods on the giounds on which a por
tion of tbe Aiabia's cargo is held at
Vladivostok. To strengthen his pro
test. Secretary Hay will forward to St.
Petersburg affidavits laid before him
by a representative of the owners o( the
Hour that had been seized, conclusively
showing that H was consigned to com
mercial houses in Japan, and not to
agents of tbe Japaneso government.
The state department has been ad
vised that tho proceedings of tho Vladi
vostok prize court aio to be reviewed
by a superior boaid at the Russian
capital, and it is tbe intention to have
the American protest on hand in time
to be passed upon by that body.
As yet tbe on ners of tho flour and
railway supplies that were seized have
not submitted to the state department
any claim against the Russian govern
ment, apparently assuming that Rus
sia rr ay yield to Secretary Hay's pro
test and release tbe goods now held.
If the goods have been used by the
Russians, or if for some other reason
the release is impiaciicablc, and Rus
sia admits the correctness of attitude
of this government, such claims will
have to be piesented. It is tho belief
of some officials of the state depart
ment that the matter will eventually
be adjusted in this manner, and that
the owners of the confiscated goods will
be fully reimbursed.
Mayor of Chicago, However,
Not Discuss Trouble Now.
Chicago, Aug. 16. Ihere were few
developments in the packers' strike to
day, and it is not probable that there
will be any for several days. A com
mittee of retail dealers will call upon
Mayor Harrison and ask him to act as
mediator in tbe strike. The mayor de
clines to say what he will do until he
receives tbe commtitee, but expressed
himself as anxious to do anything in
his power to end the strike.
The j ackers declined to say this af
ternoon to say whether tbey would ac
cept the mediation of tho mayor.
They declared that they would, of
course, receive him.
Chief of Police O'Neil and Police In
spector Hunt laid formal charges before
the mayor today against Justice John
titzgerald, who, it is asserted by the
police, has discharged the great major
ity ol the rioters brought before him,
no matter how strong the evidence
against them.
Declared British Land.
Kingston, Island of St. Vincent, B
W. I., Aug. 16. The British cruiser
Tribune, on August 11, landed a party
under command ot Lieutenant ihrelfal
at Aves, or Birds island, nest of the
north end of the island ot Dominica
and annexed It as a British possession
Guns weie hauled through tho surf and
landed, the British flag was hoisted
and a royal salute was fired. The
Tribune then proceeded to St. Vincent,
arriving here yesterday. The Tribune
left today, being ordered to Venezuela
to protect British interests at Caracas
Women and Children Hurl Missiles
New York, Aug. 16. Women and
children today Joii.ed in tbe demon
stiation against nonunion men who
have taken the places of striking butch
era and other employes in the packing
bouses. J-roin upper windows and
roofs of buildings in the affected dis
trict, they hurled missies of ail sorts
at every luckless meat truck dilver or
beef carrier that passed along the
street. The force of police assigned to
the packing house district was largely
Increased today.
Japan to Make Explanation.
London, Aug. 16, The Japanese le
gation this afternoon informed the As
sociated PreBS that the Tokio govern'
ment will send a circular note to the
powers on the subject of the seizure of
the Russian torpedo boat destroyer
Ryeshltelni, hut beyond intimating
that the explanation will be on the
lines of information furnished by the
legation to the Associated Press today,
the oinciais were unable to say any
thing until more fully advised.
Earthquake In Chile.
New York, Aug, 10. A severe earth
quake was felt Thursday at Velenar,
province of Atacama, according to a
Herald dispatch irom Valparaiso.
Chile. It was preceded by loud sub
terranean noises. The earthquake
caused much damage, but no fatalities
have been reported. It was also felt.
at Iqulouo and Laserena.
America to Have free Rein In Deal
ing With Turkey.
Washington, Aug. 12. The United
States will not become involved with
great foreign powers In its dealing!
with the sultan of Turkey. '1 lie an
nouncement comes tonight from
source of unquestionable reliab'lity
that assurances have been given the
president that the signatory powers
will In no way interfere witn the
United States in its present attempt to
secure equal rights in tbe Ottoman em
pile for American subjects.
At what time this was done, or the
means by which it was accomplished,
it is not stated, but tbe feat that twi
foreign ambassadors, Baron von Stern
berg, of Germany, and Baron Hengel
muller, of Austria, representatives of
two of the signatory powers to the
treaty guaranteeing the integrity of
the -Ottoman empire, have hurried
here from their pleasant retreats in
liar liarboi and Lennox, and have ha
occasion to lunch with President
Roosevelt, may, in a great measure, ex
plain the methods by which these as
surances have been extended. The
Austrian ambassador returned to Maine
last night.
Salving the Islander.
Vancouver, B. O., Aug. 16. The
steamer Ventura, fiom Skagway, thl
afternoon, brought down part of the
guard rail and stanchion from the
sunken steamer Islander, unon which
Captain Cinch, of the Neptune Salvage
company, is now working. The
Islander now lies in 310 feet of water,
The vessel's safe, which is supposed to
contain a large amount of treasure, is
Intact, and the wrecked steamer
which sank three years ago, is said to
bo in an excellent state of preservation
Will Carry Dig Cargo to Japan,
Seattle, Aug. 15 When the Boston
Steamship company's liner Tremont
sailed from here on Saturday morning
she carried 11,000 tons of freight for
the Orient, including a vast amount of
foodstuffs for Japan. In the cargo
were 280,000 sacks, or 14.000.000
pounds of flour, of which 100,000 sacks
are going to China and the remainder
to Japan. The vessel also took about
400 tons of field supplies for the army
In tho Philippines, but no arms or am
Tear Railroad Will De Cut.
Mukden, Aug. 15. There is much
speculation as to whether the Japanese
intend to attempt to turn General
Kuropatkin's left flank bstween hero
and Liao Yang, or north of Mukden.
The Russians appeal well satisfied with
the situation. Officers and men antici
pate a big battle around Liao Yang,
but tho fear is expressed that the Jap
aneso, instead ol Joining issue there.
will seek to turn the Russian position
above Mukden and cut the railroad.
State of Siege Proclaimed,
Paris, Aug. 15. The foreign office
hero confirms the report from Buenos
Ayres that a state of Beige has been pro
claimed in the republic of Paraguay,
owing to the feat of a revolutlonaiy
Institution In Iowa Supported by All
"In loir utlillper, looking up. the isM.
1 am mi hHiiarv ilo not mm iwir
Give las one vetiny. ploaie, to buy tome brtail,
rvr i nave ratcn Homing an inu uay
"The upturned lac ami whltrr toll ami low.
nrau wiin aixMvcrinatwuiunui ue uemeu;
And at the spot her I ale 1H trembled to,
t'ruth it In an Inttant all my telnth pttile "
"She tilt twilde me, In thrte hamiler yvart,
l Itli antel (ace, tho' till a child lu form,
And when the itrava. 1 hear thru' araleTul taart.
Her thauttt to lilni who ihtltort (roin the
Twenty-one years ago tluee little
children wcin suddenly berelt of lather
and mothei they were Irlsndlcss aud
homeless: but It was only one of tho
many similar Instances happening
ever1 day only threo little children
loft friendless aud homeless; that was
all. But It was a crucial nioiuciitlti at
least one II to. Rev. J. O. Lenten was
at that time pastot ol a largo church
in Council Bluffs, la. Tills man,
whoso heart was large enough to find a
place for every utifortunato one, took
tliofo children Into bis own home,
where they shared tho same Icvlng,
tender care that was In-stowed upon his
own little ones. It was not long bo-
fore he learned of other children who
had been loft to the cold moicies of a
selfish world. Moved with compas
sion, he took these, also, to his already
overt rjwded home. Then came the
test; money was needed. He had a
few thousand dollars which l.o had
saved up for a rainy day. He little
knew what the Master had in stole for
him; but he was obedient, and when
the news came that oilier Utile help
less ones had been left alone, fatherless
and motherless, and the command came
to lake these also, to the ordinary man,
witli his house tilled to overflowing and
a large congregation looking to him to be
fed soil anally, it would have seemed
like an Impossibility; not so, however,
with this man; it was enough for him
to know that his Master approved of it
and bid him to do it. As he stepped
out upon Ills promises and obeyed the
command to go forward, the way opened
before him, and when he had exhausted
his own competency, never doubting
but that a way would be provided to
supply their needs, Ho who owns the
cattle upon a thousand hills moved
upon the hearts ot His taithful sub
jects to send of their substance that
these little, homeless ones might be
cared for. Larger qiiaitets became
necessary, and tbey wero secured.
1-rom a small beginning, twenty-one
years ago, the Christian uomo has
grown until now about two bund nil
and fifteen children aie cared for there,
and two thousand lmvo been placed in
good Christian families. Tho real es
tate consists of about twenty-tlvo cot
tages and other buildings, all owned
ky an organization which has been
formed through the eflortH of Mr.
Lemon with a view ol making it a per
manent organization.
The scrupulous neatness and order
that pervades tho entire Institution
tho loving salutation of "Hello papa!
that rings out from every quarter
lie passes about the grounds, and the
remarkable executive ability he (lis
plays in all llio management of
Plant Costing i 1 00,000 Will
Opened Early Next Ycur.
Salem Without asking (or a dolln
of subsidy or for financial assistance o
any kind Irom the people of this coin
munlty, Ktigeno Rosso and associate
will establish a linen mill In Salem
this winter and have It In operation
soon alter the first ol the year.
Tho plant to be established will re
quire an Initial Investment ot 100,000
It will employ during the first )car
forco ot 100 penons, two-thirds
whom will bo women and children.
will handle n ton of llax fiber a day
and will use the product of 3,000 act on
ot laud sowed to llax.
This very giatlfying outcome of the
Uax libel experiments ami luu-stlgu
Hons may bo credited In n huge mens
uio to tho efforts of the Oregon Women
Flax Fiber association, the leading
soli Its of which wero Mrs. W, P. I.oiil
Mis. O. N. Denny and Mrs. II
iittock. S-ovcn or elgtli years ag
those zealous women began the expert
ments which demonstrated the hlgl
quality ol the liber roin Oregon giown
tux. Since that time the uttonlton
llax experts has lieen attiiuied
Salem, where the experiments were
conducted. Though the Oregon Wo
men's F'lax Fiber association dltcoutlii
lied its work because It had aecom
pUshcd what it bad started out to d
and was not uble to carry the work
further, its efloits wero productive
results whose importance cannot yet lie
affaits of the Home, aro eutHeient to
impress every visitor that it Is no ordl
naiy man who has been called to thl
great and noble work. Children
taken hero from any part of the globe,
and have the best possible care and
training, iou, my readers, wherev
you may be, may have a part In th
grand work. It is a labor of love
behalf of all homeless, suffering chll
uren everywhere. Tho children are
frequently adopted by Christian peo
ple, but are r.ever allowed to go from
the Heme excepting into Christian
families who are properly vouched
and families oi children are never eep-
oiateu. The Christian Homo is non
sectarian, but Is heartily endorsed and
supported by all denominations,
takes cMldren from every state and
is not a local affair, but belongs to the
We have glvpn this brief description
of the Christian Homo with tho hope
that all who raed It will become Inter
ested in its welfare. If you hav
money which the Matter desires you to
use for such purposes, send It to thl
Home. There is no institution that
more worthy of your gift tiian this.
liiey piblish a valuable paper
called "Tho Word and The Way;" sub
scription price, only twenty-five cents
per year. We assure you that if you
will subscribe tor it, you will get moro
than your money a worth, and we hope
you will forward at onco twenty-five
cents or (1 for yourself and three
friends. Volumes might bo written
about this Home did space permit.
i or further information and proper
description of the work, address Chris
tian Home, Council Bluffs, la.
A Friend of Homeless Children.
Massacre Is reared.
London, Aug. 13. James Bryce,
member of the house ol commons.
has received a telegram stating that
the Kurds are Invading the province of
IJayazid, and a massacre of theArmenl
ans Ib feared. Five hundred Armenl
ans fled to the Russian frontier and
were pursued by Turkish soldiers and
Kurds. An insurgent band came to
the assistance of the Armenians, and
heavy fighting ensued, many on both
sides being killed. Cossacks also fired
on cue Armenians and aiterwaius piun
dered the in.
Engineers are Called Out.
New York, Aug. 13, The engineers
id firemen in tho packing plants of
Schwarzchlld & Sulzberger and of tie
United Dressed Beef company were
called out on strike In sympathy with
the butcher workmen tonight. This
decision was reached at a meeting of
the representatives of striking unions
this alternoon. Brawls and small rl
ots between the strikers and those who
had taken their places were of frequent
occurrence late tonight, several ar
rests wero made, There were many ex-
Itlng scenes in that district.
Russia Not Considering Revision.
St. Petersburg. Aug. 13. Tho Asso
ciated tress hears from a high source
that at the foreign office here the Ques
tion of revising tho list of contraband
is not under consideration, and that
there is little likelihood of any modifi
cations being made in the Russian dec-
laratlon at present. Nevertheless, the
Novostl urges the acceptance of the
meilcan and British views in order to
prevent causes for discontent among
oeutrai powers,
Extension of Astoria & Columbia
River Road Agdln Discussed.
Astoiia The extension of the Astoria
k Columbia River uiilroad from Sea
side south is again living discussed, and
this time tlieio is evidently some basis
for the rumoi, although nothing olll
cial on tho subject can bo obtained
Below S aside is a lino ledge of rock
and sumo time ago tlieie was talk of
opening It up to secure rock for the
jetty extension. Knginccr 1 let-aid t. of
Fort Stovens, and Superintendent Mc
Outre, of tho railway company, hav
made an inspection trip over the pro
posed line, and examined iImj rock in
the ledge. They are mid to bo well
pleased with the result of th ir inves
ligations. When tho extension Ib
built, it will also be used to bring logs
for the Seaside Lumber companny from
Its llmbor holdings in that vicinity,
and the asseist on is made that A. II.
Hammond has made a contract with
the mill company to sdl it his timber,
also located in that section, at per
thousand tlumpago.
Tests Detroit
Albany Major J.
W. Abbott, of
Washington, I). C, the national good
roads expert who has charge of good
roads work of tho government In Ore
gon, was in Albany aud tested Hit
granite from the Detroit quarry. Tht
granite is to be used on the roads of
Marion county, and a street in Salem
will be paved with the lock as an i
periment. Major Abbott slated that
tho gran i to was of an excellent quality
for building puroses, but might bo too
hard foi road work. It will, however.
make an excellent foundation for a
pavement or read.
Pleased Willi Grand Rondc.
La Qtande Professor L. II, Orecno,
of the Minnesota aigictillural college,
who is making a tour of the state in
the Intcrcel of the O. R. & N. C)., ac
companied by Industiial Agent Colonel
Judson, aie in the city and have been
looking over tho Urand Rondo valley.
It will be given a wrlto-up In tho Kast-
ein press. I'roivssoi (Jreeno spoke of
this valley as being one of tho finest
and most prolific he had seen in all ills
travels, and was particularly interest
ed In tiie growing of beets and tho im
mense sugar factory in 1& Grando.
Finds by State Land Agent.
Salem Gold mine discoveries could
scarcely be more profitable than some
of the finds State Land Agent West has
been makii g during his brief term of
office, He has come across 1,880 acres
of good reserve "bare,"' of which li's
office had no previous knowledge and
the baso has been used to select lieu
and which has been sold for f 9,400,
The state school fund is that much bet
tor off. Mr. West hai mado a number
of dlscoveies of this kind and has no
trouble In using all the " nee" he can
New Electric Line Will
Union County.
La Urando Tho people o( (hand
Japanese Concentration Shows At
I c nipt Will tic Made to Cut Line.
HI. l'literslmrg, Aug. 11, Although
Lieutenant (leneinl Mukliatolt repoili
that Iheiu s no change In the situation
around l.luo Yang, It It lUldent Irom
the special dispatches to tho Associated
Develop 1'iesi fiom Lino niig and Mnlsiiitln
that the Jiipuiit'se are continuing their
piepitiiillons lor a thinking movement
which mity possibly alter tlio nature of
Hondo valley, who lmvo long waited for , t.x,.c.t., ,.ngug nt at Llao Yang.
the advance ol an electric railway and which may alio lurther delay Urn
through Union county, will soon sen crucial development
tlieli hopes realized.
Knglneor Davidson and a rorps ol
surveyors will be on the giotliid by the
middle of this week. Tho company
behind this scheme Is known n the
I'aslcrn Oregon Development company,
ol which T. W. Davidson Is president
and W. i:. Davidson Is secretary mid
The road will conned all to the prin
cipal points in the valley lu addition
to circling tho valley. The survey and
first estimate will cost about (10,000,
and 1,000,000 will be Invested before
tho road is In operation,
In addition to the great amount ol
produce and fruits to be handled by
llio new lino llielo ate many bundled
The eouenliatlon ol a strong Japan
ese forces at Hlamnlzu Indicates an In
tention to pren fitwiitd toward Muk
den, and If possible to cut tho comuiti.
nlcatlotis and prevent General Kuro
patkln Irom retiring northward, (len
einl Kuropatkln In evidently aware of
this menu, mid In sending out rerun
Hollering parlies from Nlntslntlii along
tho Nulmiilro road. This Is shown by
llio slight en ountcr with a Jnpaniiso
outpost within Mil milts ol Hliitsliitlu.
The Japanese are also bringing strung
(ones Irom Ylnkow.
Column miirihlng from Nlu Chwaug
with the evident Intention ol Harking
I lau Vang from the westward, included
10,000 Chinese from the Island ot For
mosa, win) are Japanese subjects. The
Associated Press correspondent at Llao
Yang points to the alarming character
ol this ilevelniiient, and feats that llio
million feet ol lumber that limy thus L,,,,,,,,!,, y ,,ruvo contagious, if ,lt,
ho brought to iniiiket, iul numerous
big lumber plants will exist whore at
present are small mills. Itvnl t slat
w 111 be valued much hlgbei and all
will reap a harvest from their Interests
first Steps Toward Sciurlng Ex-
titbit for I DOS I'nlr.
Oregon City Tho Clackamas county
court has Issued a call asking the farm
ers of e. ch precinct of the eon lily to as-
soluble and name delegates to attend a
sort of a convention tlinl will ho held
at Oregon City Octolicr 0, lu connection
with tho meeting ol tbe court. Tlili
Is a step preliminary to the gathering
local (iiluese are Induced to Join the
Japanese it will lie Impossible to dis
tinguish the I'orinomin and Mitiichurlau
Clilnesn. This revives tho speior of
Chlneso embroilment, with the more
remote possibility of foreign entangle-
There Is i'iiiisldrablti anxiety re
tarding tho presence ol (ieneiat Yiinn
shl Kal, commander In chief ol tho
Chinese (orct'S, mid (ioueial Ma, with
strong foict-s ol troops In the north,
lost, slunilil a convenient opportunity
present Itself, they would bo templed
to overstep tint hounds of muliallty.
Department Docs for Hunkers What
tl Would Not for Territory.
Washington, D. ('., Aug. 11. The
pottnuirti (leparinipul, hy Issuing an
of an exhllilt of the resources ol Clack- "r,,,,r ''"'"V 1,1 '' behest of capitalists
anias county to lie made at the Lewis
and Clark fair under the terms of the
ffor of the Lewis and Clark commis
sion, which agrees to piitcha e at cash
value tho exhibit Irom each county at
a cost not to exceul S00. Tho call
also requests the farmers to reserve the
cream of theli products this year as a
nucleus ol a crctlltuhlo collection to he
sunt from Clackamas to the 1003 fair.
Marion Will Assist In Road (UiUding.
Hulem The county com t of Marlon
county has decided to act In conjunc
tion with the Linn county court In
considering the matter of opening a
wagon road to connect the Corvallls A
F.astern railway with the Drschutrs
country, east ol the Cascades. If pns
and bankers of New Yttik. elluilnittliiir
all weight restrictions on first linwt
mail mutter addressed to foreign coun
tries where domestic rates do not ap
ply, lays Itself open to criticism of
discriminating against Alaska, I. ait
winter nn i-ltoit was made to Induro
tho dcpattiui'iit to waive the weight
restiictlons on first-claim mall matter.
so that Alaska miopia mluhl shin their
gold to stales by mall in packages
weighing more than four pounds, but
this privilege was denied. Nblppeis
represented tlubtigh congressmen, that
they were now at the mricy of the
transportation companies, who were
chafing cihorblUnt latrs to bring
gold to the states, and tbey therefore
sought the privilege of shipping by
mall. Tho department then hold It
could not amend Its regulation. Now,
however, It amends tho regulation In
slble, County Judge Scott will go with order that the bonks may moro convi-n
a representative of Linn county and In
vestigate the feasibility ol the plan and
lliu probable cost ol consliuctloii. lion.
John Mlnto, who laid out tho Mluto
trull through the Cascades, will ac
company the party ami aci as guide,
pointing oik wnai lie neilovea to bo a
Bhortci and easier route than tho old
Icntly ship their securities abroad.
at Ills
forty Acres of Walnuts.
Newberg The 40-acro Knglish wal
nut orchaid at Dundee, two miles from
hero, which has been watched witli so
much inticcst and which bore a Ihiht
crop last year, will bear heavily this
season, considering the ago of the trees
which are ruirired anil henltliv. Cm.
tain O. W. Peters, who is in chaige ol Uo"" '
mo orcuaru, is very enthusiastic over
.ngllsh walnut prospects in lis sec
Hon. He Bays the nuts from this orch
id have been compared with samples
Horn over the united States and even
foreign countries, and found very much
Ex-Sena lor Passes Away
Home in Missouri.
Hvvcet Springs. Mo.. Aim. 10 Alior
lingering for weeks between life and
death, ex-Senator George Vest passed
peacefully away yesterday. He had
been so near death for the lust tlirtu
days that tho end came without a
struggle. Ho was conscious until almtit
o clock Sunday mnrniinr. when ho
sank into a statu of coma from which
he never amused He lost tho power
ol speeth Saturday mornlne. but tor
several days U-foro that ho talked very
Imperfectly and during the last 3il
life his breathing was
Center at Eugene.
Liigenc The Willamette Vallev
r.ieciric lanwoy company has been in-
bare, y perceptib . Tho hitler of Ida
pulse was all that showed that life still
At Hie bcdsldo when the end camo
wero his wife, Dr. Jarvls, the family
physician; Senator Vest's son Ati-Kflti-
dor, his daughter, Mrs. George P.
Jackson, and her husband, and Mrs.
Ihopmson, a niece ot Mrs. Vest.
Hid remains were taken In HI. I.nnlu
last evening for Interment in tho rl.
vato tar ot A. A. Allen, vlco president
co.iorateu tor i,uuu,uuu. liiigono and general manager of thn Mlnml
Will III ttm rnntnr n( ftr.,.tnl1nn. Tl. i XT .. f t.
u ivihiiuiib, a iiu i i till turn a iiiqh rtiiirniiii
couniy couri ib asKLMi to givo a Iran
li(un fintti i r, lllit.t l
IU IStllU IIIL'I. 1jU I lull,, .
gene to Florence, Eugene to Cottar .wl" ""P"' submarine Mines,
Grovo, ICugeno to Junction mid on ..,'Kl0"' Au' Captain
north to the county lino. Benton l",0,K I'lrney.of Ihonrtlllcry corps,
county will be asked to glvo a frun- I'" 'Ot'ay detailed for special duty as
Nugget Worth 470.
Grants Pass Word has been re
ceived of tbe finding of a very valuable
nugget near Holland, about 40 miles
from here. Tho nugget is valued at
1476, and is said to be nearly the
shape ot a shoo and to bo vory smooth
and symmetrical. Tho find was mado
by "Jake" Ulippol at his place on
Holon creek, noai Holland. The fact
that this find was in the vicinity of the
Briggs claims gives it an added inter
ilso to CoivalllB. The Idea is to con
nccl with thn lino from Snlem to Port
land. Plenty of capital is behind Hi
forest fire in Clackamas.
uregon Ully fifty farmers in the
neigiiooihood of Union Mills, this
county, vigorously fought a loroit lire
mat nid considerable damage to farm
bulldl gs In that section. Tno hlazn
raged lleicely Tor two days. Tho lann
crs managod to save the Union Mills
sciiooihouso liom tho flames only In-
uuiiwiik uaru uii lllglll
Inspector of submailno mliios, mill will
piocced to the harbor ol Han Diego,
tho mouth of the Columbia river and
I'uget sound for tho nurimsn nf ln.,.pi.
lug and reporting on tho condition nnd
Htilllclenry of submarine mining mater
ial and tho scope and extent of subma
rine Instruction In thoso harbors.
Upon completion of this tlutv ho will
report to tho commanding ofllcor of thn
artillery dlstrlot of Pugot sound.
Opening Road to Dlue River Mines.
Eugene The work ol rebuilding tho
wagon road to the llluo River mines
ill begin next week with u for of 30
men and 15 teams. Tho amount rained
by pi Ivato subscription will bo about
$3,000 and an equal amount will bo
given by tho county court, making n
fund of (6,000, which will put the
road In good condition,
To Search for Hidden Treasure.
Now York, Aug. 11 Tho British
Ti. min..i. I yacht Ciuallor. owned hv Malor Maud.
and H. W. Shaw aro tho iirlmiimi ? member of the Jtoynl nrmy reserve.
losers because of the fire which fa ,,V,u !mH ,c Con nl in ho for Galapagos Is-
under control. Tim dm oinri.i lauds, says a Herald disnatcii fiom Val.
fio burning of brush, getting beyond pnrf'"0' C1"'0' ,J-I'0o aboard tho
control. yacht aro going in sea rch of tho treas
ure Which In said to havn been hidden
there n long time ago. The Cavalier
met very rough weather near Mocha Is-
statu insane asylum oxpeilenced an un- I' w, , Ulu crow '"'nporarlly
UMia v ran d irinutli lout ,ii. ...i "uuiorieii llio vessel
Growth of Asylum Roll.
Halem Tho poulat on of thn Or.,
farmers' Line In Linn County.
Albany Another link in tho chain
telephone lines that is ranldlv coll
ecting all the villages and hamlets
has, been completed, This ono Is bo-
ween Peoria and Shcdd, and connects
11 tho farmhouses along tho lino with
the two towns as well as with othen
farmers in the country.
usually rapid giowth last month, when
uio coiui ruaciieu i,in. Tho monthly
repori oi me superintendent shows the
louowiiig Biaiisucs: Number of pa
tlcnis July 1, 1.3B5; recoiled during
uutv, uui uremics roLiirneii. ! .rio
Charged, 27; died, 10; eloped, 4; ro-
uiu iiing august I, l,a71. Tho cost ol
niuiriieniincc per capita per month wns
u.oa anu per uay, 31 cents.
Survey of New Electric Line,
great hardships. Tl.o
two guns and 100 rlfloB.
nnd suffered
yacht carries
Capital City finally Chosen.
Melbourne. V ctorla. Antr. 11 Tho
locution of tho fodural capital, so long
In dispute, Is holloved In h
Anally Bottled by a voto today in tho
uuubo oi loprwentntlvoB. annrov no
""'Khii in uio j io in on m ujttnct.
Drtllntv ilUtl tirnvlnimlv 1mm, nntnlnil
uv tun hp num. iininiir it o iimin, nnit
c(1i. r 7."" " "
mo loruunn noutnern railway com- Wnlos, nnd Is 23 miles fiom tho near,
nuny, winch bronosun In ,nll,l .... I oxt m , dIii ti... in
11 a 1 vuumiiBii 10 rsuioin, 1 11 unuer auu
,0 11, ouiem limning arrangements for a
permanent Burvcy of tho route for lib
road. The survey will bcln nt m,
unu u is 111s expectation that a conald
erahlo portion of tho construction work
will bo completed this year.
Japanese Losses Put at 23,000,
St. Petersbuiir. Auir. 11. Tim nuns
estimates that tho Japanoso louses thus
uir us u result 01 tho el ego of I'ort Ar
thur, aggregate 23,000 men,