Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 19, 1904, Image 1

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    a mii
Devoted t the Mining, l.nixberiug mid 1'iifiiiiiif; Interests of this Community, to Good Govcmmeiit, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 30
News Prom Itoliciitln and the
Various Alining Camps of
Oregon and Oilier
From the present outlook and nil
Information teceived tile meeting of
the American Milling Congress 0
lie held in Portland the 23ml to the
37th ol August will he one of tile
most largely iitlciidrd nud Interest
ing meetings ever held hy that
No effort has deen spared by Its
secretary, Col Irwin Malum to
thoroughly 1 U.-rtKe the Congress
nud to impress upon the proper
authorities the necessity of ap
pointing such delegates as would
attend, aii'l from nearly every sec
tion ol tile United Slates the re- 1
quest has been promptly complied
Nearly all of the minion camps
of the state wi'l have nil exhibit of
their ote.s for lli.r inspection of the
visitors as well as all the delegates
to which they are entitled.
Oregon has never had so great
nu opportunity to present its re
sources to such M body ns will
gather at Portland next week and
the results will he apparent in the
For the reception committee at
the Minion Congress to tie held in
Portland next week the following
gentlemen have been selected:
Jonathan I!oiiruc,rhaiimnu;I.otiis
Zimmerman, Or Andrew C Smith,
l)r II V Coe, I. A Kewis, (ieneiul
C 1? lleelie, W I. Boise, Charles F.
I.add. Kichard Wilson. Walter
Mackay, S. M. Mears, A F lliles,
II M Cake, U-o Hricde, Albeit
Fcldcnheimcr, Colonel Irwin Ma
lion, 15d Hhrmun, K I. Thompson,
I 11 Hammond, J F Itotchelder.Ileii
Albcrs, It A Jones, W. M Killings
worth, T W A London, W II Cor
bet!, W A Mears, I)r C If Caudiiii,
J II I'iskc, James I.iudsey, Colonel
James Jackson, F J Haul, C II Mc
Isnac, Vincent Cook, I. V Kemly,
15 A Sessions, J I), Phillip S
Kates. Frank W Watson. M li
I.omlurdi, Alex Sivcek, S K Sar
gent. I'. It Uracil, A I. Ctaig, W
It Comnti, A I) Charlton, Professor
1 W Pratt. Alfred S Smith. A I.
Morris and John I' Wickham,
In its issue ol Sunday, July, 2.1,
the I.os Angeles Times piiuted an
Interview by one of its correspon
dents with Mr. Thomas P. Walsh,
one of Cobit.ido's millionaire miners
anil who made his millions out ol
the Cnmp llitd mine, The inter
view contains many interesting
Htnlemcnts by Mr. Walsh, among
the following:
"Tell ine how you discovered the
Camp Bird mine, Mr. Walsh."
"1 bought that roperty as a
silver and lead proposition. It had
been uiisucessfully mined for silver
and lead, and millions of dollars had
been spent in tunneling the region
nud taken out otc. I thought by
consolidating the mines we could
Oar man Hemenway Co.
West Side, lEakiii & ISristow ISiiildin.
k of
Meats, Lards, Vegetables,
Fruits Etc, Etc.
perhaps make n profitable invest
ment out of them, although they
had riot been piofilnhlc before In
going over the mines, however, I
found gold in n form in which the
operator had not noticed. You
can sec what I menu by this piece
of rock."
Here Mr. Walsh crossed the
room ton cabinet set into the wall.
It was filled with nuggets, lumps
of lock, soine in the tough and
some highly polished, little gold
bricks and other mineral specimens,
lie picked tin a piece ol stone
which looked liken chunk of broken
ijuart with n black rusty stain up
on It.
"That Htaln." continued he, ns
( he pointed to it, "is gold and very
! rich it is. There Is nisi gold in
smaller quantities scntteied tlirough
the quart., as vou tuny see hy this
I'olished piece of rock."
He here wet the surface, ami I
could see the little gold specks
shine out.
"The most jrold Is in the rusty
stain. The first miner did not
notice tha. They did not think
they hnd any gold worth mining,
and in their search for silver and
lend they threw awnv as waste
thousands of dollars worth of stuff
which we have shire ground up
and scut to the nulls. In going
over this region, seeing this rock.
I told my assistimt I was sure it
contained gold. Shortly niter that
I had to go east on account of my
health, nud I let t instructions to
have the legion prospected and as
says made. When I returned the
samples were ready for me, but I
would not look at them until I
hnd gone out nud mndc further in
vestigation for myself. I found
that my first idea wns correct -thai
there was gold nud lots of it.
I developed the property nud we
have taken some millions of doll irs
out ol it. Altogether, more than
510,000,000 have been taken out of
that immediate region since I dis
covered the gold wns there."
Andiew Ilruiid, president ol the
Bohemia Mine Owners Association,
arrived from Ilohcmia oil Monday
Mr. Iliuud was in the F.ast for
some two mouths and since his re
turn has been looking over the
mining situation nt Ilohcmia. In
reply to questions he stated: That
he found a great number of proper
tics being developed and the work
as n rule the kind that counted and
made miners. There is not so
much surface work ns formerly,
saidiic; but all have learned that
depth on the veins is oul required
to open large ore bodies, conse
quently all aie driving tunnels to
cut the ore as deep as is practical.
He also stated the North Palrvicw
is looking fine, that the Oregon
Securities Company arc driving: the
big tunnel ahead at a rapid rate. That
work at the Vesuvius is progressing
nud the new Mamp mill will before
long be realy for service. That
his father S. J. Hriiud while driving
a tunnel on one of the claims of
the Swcepstnkcs group encountered
nn ore shoot which tins opened to
more than three feet of a fine look
ing ore. No assays hnve been made,
but thcorcpans wcl . Mr.Brund will
visit Kugciie and other points it:
the valley and be present at the
Mining Congtess in Portland next
Staple & Faucy Groceries
W. W.
In Six Purls Hy Horace I:.
The mining region of Western
Oregon is sternly sentineled by
two lofty mountain peaks. The
great thorotigh-larc or laud travel
passing this territory is the "Shastn
Koute" of the Southern Facile,
connecting the two sen-port cities,
San Francisco on the south, nud
Portland on the north. On either
hand this great steel pathway has
a range ol mountains. To the
1 west, lying between it and the
Pacific ocean, there is the Coast
' range nt whose feet the surf forever
' breaks. To the east, there runs
the great Cascade range, whose ice
crowned crest forever glitters in
descending suns. At nbout one
hundred miles north of the Oregon
state line, the Calapooia mountain
range cuts the Coast and Cascade
ranges nt right nngles and termi
nates at the sea In the midst of
the gigantic convolutions of these
intersecting ranges has been dis
covered 11 net-work of ledges and
veins so charged with mineralized
matter that it seems destined to
become one of the great miningdis
tticts of America. On the north
slope ol the Calapooia mount tins,
lying well up to their intersection
with the Cascade range, is the 1I.
liemia Mining District of Southern
The traveler to this district
reaches it either from the north or
south. Prom whichever direction
he approaches, he passes under the
, survcilauce of an immaculate moun
tain sentinel. His passage is chnl-
! lenged by the flash of eternal snows,
by the crash of plunging avalanches,
by the rush of the mountain tor
rents, by the tingle of frigid moun
tain airs breathed from the perpet
ual bonks and driftsof the sentinel's
1 lofty summit.
! If the traveler approach from the
I south, he must pass through the
scene of Shasta's endless vigil No
one who passes here can ever for
get the scene. Mt Shasta Is me of
these sentinel peaks. He towers,
silent, sublime, overlooking the
vnst area of his beat, ever faithful
through sunlight, or starlight, or
storm. To the south he peers
through the gateways to the valley
of the Sacramento. He catches
! the golden glint of harvest fields ns
varied and fertile as those of the
' Nile. lie sniffs the scent of ripen
I ing grain from afar. He whiffs n
.breath of his refreshing air down to
the parched fields and fainting
harvesters. With his great fields
.of snow and ice he tempers the air
and sunlicht that makes possible
those ever increasing' areas of
orchards, witli their checkered
green, that nestle among the hills
and valleys of the upper Sacra
mento. His sleepless eye catches
ever nnd anon the gleaming thread
ol the head waters of the Sacra
mento river, winding in and out
among the foothills, now breaking
into seething foam, now lying
McFarlond, Mgr.
1 smooth and still and dark In rock
lined pools, fed from the melting
of liis snows ever pouring out their
cold, clear water at his feet. He
looks down, witll majesty nnd
'splendor, while his canons and
gorges echo witli the sliriek ol the
passing train creeping up along the
bed of the river to the crest of the '
ridge where be lifts the gleaming
slopes of his snow-covered sides 1
without n hill to hide or a tree to
mar. Hold, jagged, gushed with
chasms, bathed in heaven's eternal
white lie pierces the very skies
with a sublimity that makes one
catch the breath as he gazes on the
.imperishable vision. To the east
, or west he keeps perpetual vigil
,over an endless confusion of peaks
and ridges and sounding forests.
To the north, his eye follows up
the rugged ice-bound vertebrae of
1 the backbone of the Cascade range.
! In the dim distance three hundred
1 miles from where he keeps his eud
I less watch-guard, the ridge of the
Calapooia range cuts the northern
'horizon, with jagged lines, as it'
I pushes its way west to the restless 1
, waters of the ocean, He catches.
above the dim blue of the distant
I range, the curling smoke of our
iiui ill ijwiiim ii.iiii 119 ib .).- itn tiic
divide and nlunces down, witll
quickening speed, into the broad-1
ening valley ol the Willamette
river, skirting witli its shriek and
thunder the forest solitudes that lie
at the feet of the mineral altitudes
of Ilohcmia. Wc have passed the1
challenge of one of these sentinels, j
If. on thcother hand, the traveler!
approaches from the north, he must
pass through the domains of Mt. ,
Hood's wide-circling beat. This
glorious mountain watchman shares
his vigil with others of his kind
standing hard by Ad.ims and St.
Helens ever tower to the north, witll
flashing eye, to back our sentinel's
official prestige. It may well be
questioned whether a like area lies
under the watchful gleam of another
ot earth's mountain peaks. The'
broad peerless bosom of the Colum
bia river sweeps away to the east,!
amid its rich valleys and mountain '
fastnencss. The smooth, deep
waters of the Willamette river
stretch away to the south, amid its
fertile fields and populous cities
and villages. To the west, the
united volumes of the Columbia and
Willamette pour out their great
Iresh water tide, tlirough a mighty
trash in the Coast ranee, to the
brinev waters of the Pacific. Tower-
ing above this matchless net-work
of waterways, fretted witll forest
clad islands, rises the glistening
ice-bound figure of our silent and
immaculate sentinel-peak. He looks
down from his lofty height upon
the commerce of the world, plowing
its way through these deep-cut,
fresh water channels
far inland,
where the gales of the
deep n.ver1
sweep and where the impeding
barnacles drop untouched from the;
hulls of ocean going vessels ns they j
load and unload their cargoes at
fresh-water piers. White against
the blue sky, or dim when the
storm-cloud breaks and lowers
along his jagged and frigid steeps,
our sentinel stands guard over these
splendid roid-ways, smooth and
level and safe as the highways of a
king. Tile flag of all nations
muter a u.s eet. 10 tne o".
and eas reaching out from his
very feet, lies a vast area of farm -
flutter at his feet. To the north
ing lauds, rich with the alluvial !
wash aud deposit ot countless cen-j
turies, whose resources have merely I
begun to be known. Here spread
out the fields, far and fertile, that
shall grow the grains and fruits of
an empire. To the south and west,
the sentinel's gleaming eye catches
the golden waver of Willamette's
far reaching harvest of wheat. He
sees, to the west, the smoke of
Portland's populous marts and hill
sides, the commercial metropolis of
nil this water-highways, his steel
pathways, his valley cities, his'
mountain trails aud hamlets, He !
towers, lone nnd white, above her
busy pavements and beautiful
homes, the proud custodian of her
metropolitan wealth and life. He
sees the riches of the fields and
mountains pour into her lap, He
looks down with regal assurance,
upon her ns one of the greatest
wheat marts of the world. Far to
the south, over the winding course
of the Willamette the sentinel-peak
throws the spell of his glittering
splendors. He follows the trail of
our south lioiuul train ns it hurries
past the capitol city of Salem, with
its witchery of Pilgrim fame, past
Albany, the name sake of the great
Knickerbocker capitol, onward up
toward the sources of the Willam
ette aud the rugged slopes ot the
Calapooia mountains, skirting again
with laborious puff and shrill hiss
of exhausted steam, the forest soli
tudes that guard the mineral
heights of Bohemin. '.Vi have
passed the other sentinel-peak and
are at the gateway of the riches of
the Bohemia Mining District.
Legal blanks at this office.
By tne Bohemia Aline Owner's
Association at Last Regu
lar Meeting.
The name of this organization
shall be The Ilohcmia Mine
Owner's Association and shall be
composed of persons actually own
ing nn interest in one or more
claims in the Ilohcmia Mining
District of Western Oregon.
. ARTICAl, II. 1
oujhct. 1
The objects of this Association'
are the securing of truthful reports I
of conditions in the District; the 1
circulation of general advertising
matter; the maintenance of liar-
mony among all in the District; the I
nrnv rl ho nf vp mineral
displays it proper places; the
selection of delegates to milling
conventions; the general betterment
of the District in the way of good
roads, transportation and best
methods for treatment of the ores.
The officers of the Association
shall consist of a President, a Vice
President, a Secretary and a Treas
urer, and five Directors not other
wise officers, The Vice-President
may act as President or Secrteary.
The election of officers shall take
place at the regular annual meeting
:.. r -..-n u. 1... tn.
in October and shall be by ballot
or acclamation as shall be the vote
ThedMiie.r Vce nffirers shnll
be such as are generally performed
by such officers respectively.
The Officers and directors shall
together constitute the Executive
Board. The officers of the Asso
ciation being the officers of the
Executive Board. The Executive
Board shall have power to call
meetings, to order payment of all
1 bills, which hills shall
have re
the com
ceived endorsement of
niittee authorized to contract such
account and shall be paid by order
on Treasurer signed by President
and Secretary. To transact emer
oency business in the interim of
regular meetings excepting the un
authorised expenditure of money,
to tiansact business at any time
! when a quorum, is present.
Membership in the Association
i may be application therefor nnd
' electing thereto at any regular
, meeting, three adverse votes being
, sufficient to reject. A membership
I fee of one dollar-shall accompany
all applications for membership.
There shall be mutual membership
I dues ol 52.00 payable semi-annually
in advance. One year of arrearage
in annual dues disqualifies member-
ship until all arrearages are paid
I fc membersg,p shnl be
! rnt . ,..s ' ... .
restored, unless objection shall be
made to such restoration, in which
! ALINE f8E3
1 m
case membership mny only be ac
quired by application and election
as in first instance.
Misconduct nnd "knocking"
shall forfeit membership on vote of
two-thirds present at any regular
Five members and five officers or
Directors shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business at
at any meeting of the association.
Five members of the Executive
Hoard shall constitute a quorum of
the Hoard one of which must be an
officer who shall preside at the
meeting. VII.
MKETINGS. 1 The reguiar monthly
meetings of the Association shall
occur on the second Monday of
Tune. July, August. September.
October, November and December,
at Bohemia, at 7 P. M. Special.!
Special meetings of the Association
sua11 'e called by the Executive,
103"1 or at the request ot ten mem- j
bs notice of which meeting must
b; posted 111 the Bohemia Post-
Office so as to cover nt least one
. ma" aiiernoon ana evening Derore
lime nf sneh mPMin.r
! .-. vrrr
article m.
I Delegates to Conventions may
be elected by acclamation or ballot
as the vote of members present
shall decide.
Committees shall be appointed
by the Chairman except as other -
wise determined by final motion
Amendments to this Constitution
must be read at a regular meeting
;"' c" H'HUU o""hh oc
acted upon before the retrular meet
ing next following and shall re
quire a two-thirds vote of those
I Presen' for enactment.
By Prol A L Brings
A goodly number of friends of
Dr. Horace E. Warner and wife
met at the homeof Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. Hard at the Vesuvius on last
Thursday evening, the event being
a fare well social to Rev. Warner
and wife, who left Saturday morn-
ing for their home in Denver.
Dr. and Mrs. Warner have made
many warm friends in Bohemia, as
attested by the number who gather
ed to spend an evening ill social
entertainment. Games, music and
conversation were the program of
the evening until a late hour, when
an excellent and substantial lunch-
eon was served, to which all did
justice. At midnight all bade
good-bye and God speed to Mr.
and Mrs. Warner and the wish that
they would soon visit Bohemia
again. j
The home was artistically decor-1
ated with evergreens and flags.
As the guets wended thegmoun
tuitions trails over Fairvie and '
Bohemia on their journey home, I
fllaster diaries Hard made joyiul
the mountain sides by playing in
ine open air--.My country 'lis ot
Thee," and other patriotic selec-1
j tj0iis on his cornet. In all the
evening was a deviation from the
routine in Bohemia. To say that
all enjoyed the evening is to mildly
express everyone's feelings
The following were present: Mr.
For this week
Ladies Shoes, dull finish nt $1.00 pair.
Ladies Vice Pat tip, Extension Sole $1.50 "
Misses Distriet 76 button at $1.00 pair
Or lot of Mens, Some high cut others regular
Lace tip and plain toe $2.50. $2.25, $2.00
Sells at $1 .50. Just the articles for Outing
and Hop Pickers.
Our new clothing is in the Store and a
dandy line all on hand from
Old Stock Go Out at Reduced Prices.
Welch & Woods
First of Six Stories of Bohemia
By Rev. Dr. Warner Ap
pears this Week.
The first of six stories from the
pen of Dr. Horace It. Warner, of
Deliver, Colorado, about the Bo
hemia district from observation dur
ing his summer vacation passed in
the camp, will be found in this
week's issue of the Nugget. A
story each week during the series.
Title of chapters,
Part 1. The Two Sentinel Peaks.
" 2. The Gateway to the District.
" 3. The Grim Hridal Pair.
"4. The Making of a Mine.
" 5. Storming Both Slopes.
" 6. The Man Behind the Mine.
I The editor considers the articles
I master works in literature and the
I Bringing cut ot our great Hohemia
district in the story form a great
..hh., and 0He that wj be read( re
rea(1 and talketI about far aml wile.
Why not send these six papers
to friends aud acquaintances in the
East, subscription price for six
weeks 25c. Send address and
I money or call at the office early,
! The large demand will necessitate
many extra copies, order early for
your friends, and also be sure to
secure the Nugget containing these
articles for yourself.
and Mrs F J Hard, Dr and Mrs
Warner, Mr md Mrs Green
Pitcher, Mr aud Mrs George Know
les, Mr and Mrs S O Hamblin.Mr
and Mrs Waller Keeue, Mr and
Mrs Andrew Brund, Misses Franc
Hard, Bessie Nielson. Maggie
Brund, Leonore Knowles, May
Casperline, Messrs Charles Know-
les, John Graber, Burt Willard,
Earl Warner, Charles Hard, WW
f Hooper, Owens,. Godfrey Graber,
Willie Brund, A L Briggs and
I others.
1 '
I. B. Hiimmond, president of the
I Ilnmmond Mnnufacturlnj? Company,
i passed through the city tor Bohemia
j to note the progrexa ot the stamp
mill hln company Is huildlug at
Vesuvius mine.
Mr. Krnestl'ervanee. who has been
employed at the Oregon Securities
in Bohemia tor Home time, came
flnivn Wuflni.w.lnx- Ifn tsitin tu
1 progressing at that propel ty and tho
camp generally looking well.
J. W. Currin has been driving 11
tunnel on tho Moulton claim on
Horse Heaven Slop In Bohemia ami
ut a distance from lt mouth of 08
feet has cut a vein of ore about 1 feet
In width. Those who have seen It
pronounce It a splendid showing.
An neriel tram Is being built nt tho
Vesuvius mine In Bohemia. Tho
j distunce from tho upper tunnel where
it starts to tho mill below Is 1000 feot.
there aro 14 towers and 34 bucketH
! will be ued to transport tho ore
from tho mine to tho mill. Work la
being prosecuted In tho upper work
ings as well as in tho lower tunnel ot
thin property and good ore Is being
mined In both worklngH.
We will sell