Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 12, 1904, Image 5

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Is n strong point with
Hood's Sarsaparilla. A
bottlo lasts longer and docs
mora good than any other.
It is tho only medicine of
which can truly bo said
Vuiilnll I'lla.rllKrr Hlinwa How It la
I'lia.llila In (Irl llvrn.
Nlio wna olid of Ihoan Komcii with
rlfihli'ou lnok mill fl r in chin.
"I'lenao l) nt 'I'lilrly i'liiliili street,"
lie milil Id IIiii roniliirtor, in llni cur
whliwd it Thlrly-alxlli.
At llio iiMt corner nlio rou la do
ready to iiIIkIiI, lint tlin cur Old not
low tip, Hid t'onilih'liir Ix'Iiik husy do
ing I Iki li(Millnllly .or liln nir to n
clntiico ni'itiiiliilniit'. llcfori' alio conlil
en tcli hi (ya nnil loi llio oar alio luul
Kline n hlm-lt mt tier ih'itlimtlou. Hlic
put lier root on llio tei, then drew It
Imrk nml on I inly sat down kkiiIii. Tho
coiidnrtur, liU Imml on Ihu liell rone,
walled Ilia plt'llir.) or violin lit duly.
Hli Kiireil utriilnlit ntivnd mid uintlo no
Inn. Willi n profane nuunrlc lio Jork
ml (lip ruio nml the nir moved on.
Two liloclm rurllier ulie nronn nml
rntiKlit Ida eye nctiln. Thla tlnm ho
innliiiKPd lo Mop at Ihn Ilrat eorner.
Hut liu nppnrrully c-liaiiL'i'il her inlml
mill riank roiiifnrlahly Into lier nent
wlille nil nppreclullvo iinlla oemprend
tho face" or tho other pnmtriiKern.
At tho end or miother two hloeki alia
once moro li;iied to lilm lo mon nml.
UioukIi ho wna liiiratliiir with wrath,.
doneil plr or eye were njion lilm
mid he controlled hliuaelf. The car
niino lo u atandatlll, hut she did not
"U' tho next corner I wnnt," ho
explained In a cloar voice, aa n Utter
went round the cnr. "When 1 nuked
)utt to ili'li nt Thlrly-nlnth you cnr
lied mo to I'ortlelh, no I aiiocd If
I signaled you fur 1'orty thlid you'd
enrry inu to I'orty-fuiirth."
And nt tho next comer xliu lulled
jrucloualy nt tho condticlor n she
striped dowu uud out. Nuw York
.SUN More evidence.
Hay City, III., AtlKUit H (fltierlitl.)
Mr. K. 1'. Henley ol thla city nihla
lila evldeuco to Hint puhlliihtd nlmoat
dally Hint n gmo turo (or Ithuuiuatiiim
la now tivforo tlio Amerlciui people nml
tlmt tlml ruro la J)jdd'a Kidney l'llla.
Mr, Henley liail Anito Itlioiimn tlam .
Ho linn lined Dodil'a Kidney l'llla. Ho
cnya ol the remit:
"After Buffering for alxteeii yenra
with I tlirnniat lam ami ualiiK numeroua
inediclnea for Uliuumntlaui nml mote
medlclnra nrvacrlhetl by iloctora, I nt
Inist trlinl Dodd'a Kidney l'llla with the
result that I got moro benellt (ror
thru) than nil tlio olhera put together.
"Dmld'a Kidney l'llla wero tho only
thing to glvo mo ifllef, nml 1 iccoui
mend them to nil auffvrlng from Actilo
If lt tin, n 1 1 "
ltlieummlsin la rnusel by Uric Acid '
n tho hlotal. Healthy kldneya tnko j
all Ihe Urlo Acid out of the blood.
Dotld'a Kidney l'llla make healthy
kid net a.
Ilo Kiinn They Would Tit.
A MIsalHslppI Coiigresamnu, anya
tho New Oflcun I'lcuyune, once own
ed a hnuiliMimo pair or light gray
trousera which wero much admired
by hla colored nclghbora. Unfortun
ately they became spotted.
"Here, Charlie," said tho Congress
man to a negro servant who had long
coveted them, "tnko these trousers
and clean thorn."
Charllu took them home, nud after
two dnya or cureful Inactivity brought
them back,
"'Heuso me, boaa," he said, "but
'chilli to grncloua, aeem like Ah cnln't
Kit dnt spot out no way."
"Did you bruah It?"
"Kcruh UJ"
"cour It?"
"Viissoh, 'I'enr Ilko Ah done ev'y
thlng, but Ah Jen' cnln't git It out no
"Well, did you try nmnionln?"
"No, aehl' No, aehl" exclaimed Char
lie, with a delighted snicker. "Ah
didn't try 'em on mo ylt, sell, but Ah
knows dey'd lltl"
Iteprorlng tho Apoatatn.
In ihe early daya of tho IlrltMi
Itoynl Acndemy reverence ror tho "old
master" or painting amounted nlmoit
to worship. When nt n dinner Sir
Martin Slice, one or tho early presl.
dents, openly expressed doubt or their
lullnlto superiority, tuys M. A. 1'., hi
hearera wero horrified.
Kir Martin leaned acrosa llio dinner
tnhle and rapped upon It to euipha
alio his points,
"Now there's Itnphnoll" ho thun.
dored. "What did Itaphael do that wo
can't do better nowaday Old mas
ter Why, gentlemen, I'd bo aorry to
think wo had not a dozen men In tho
It, A. now who can draw better thnn
Tho bold declaration was loo much
for old Woodbum, n plcluro dealer,
who sat opposite.
"Sir .Mnttln," ho said, huskily, fairly
palo with emotion, "l'yo often 'enid
peoplo say I hey didn't iidmlro 'Onier.
Hut Ihla la the llrst lime, sir, I've er
'card It laid that It wasOmer'i fault."
Tlio Tablo of Four Moil.
"I got off a street car thl morning,"
laid a doctor lo me, "and, being In no
hurry, I began moralizing on the no
tions and piolmhlo character of three
men who hud alighted Just nheud of
mo. Tho first one was even then half
wny down tho block and whs going on
with such rapid stride that ho had
already put u couple, of hundred yards
between hlinwlf and tho next man.
"There thought I, 'goes a hustler n
man who's) hound to succeed In life.'
Tho second man wiih walking rather
Blower, nnd Impressed mo ns ouo who
would do fairly well, perhaps, In this
world. Hut tho Inst fellow was Just
dawdling ulong In tho most Bhlftless
sort of way. I very quickly set lilm
down for n loafer,
"Just then nnolher hlen ennio homo
to mo. All three were uhcad of me!"
A l'lill. l In Nminl ,y , (.(.i,,,,, hu
ri'iiu gw llio iniiii uiiihlivr or cm
iloyc In llio cxitiiIIvi- rlvll m-rvh'0 of
ttio i iiiioii Ktiiioa in irio,ana. Those
IlKiirea Inrliiil.. unly thoitu employe
who mo n-i,nir,K iu Hike it n pxnmlna
lion, in tlmt nlmut BA.uw poatinaslura
mid employoa or ainiill poalulllru lire
exeliideil, na ore nloiiit Ifi.OUO (Muployea
with iiiiiII aiihirlea In Hie Held liriinelj
oj or I ho Wnr department, nlmiit It),
WW employe nt nury ynrils, who nre
oIhuIIImI, hut iitipiilntuil under nnvy
yard regulations, mid a few thouaiiuila
hi other parts of the aervlro. or the
irxi,aCI git as.tli'.'i in emplnyi'd III
Uin ItUtrlel or Coliiiiililn; III7,MI nre
mnliHi, i;i.'i.,',7tj nre nullvo horn, nml
UK!, Ml nro ongiiKiil In rliirlenl work.
or llio entlro nuiuher, Hum nre lio
tween Ihu ni;en or an mid ID yearn;
ijn.'JlB between j and 30, nnd :i'i,.TJI
hetwoen ID nml M. I in., liumlrcd nml
olio nru over nil, nnd 3, I-- below 'M
years or ne. Moro than one-third or
tlio nuiuher havo been umployed for
lew thnn live yoarn, nnd moro than n
nrih ror lesa Uian n year. Only 828
hnvo occupied plarea ror moro than
rorly yr-ors. Tlionu who receive unl
nrles or 2,fiO) or moro number Kit;
ten thnn V'-V, 60.001.
Tho new inlnry ac-hedulo for rural
innll carrlcra Inn been complelcd, to
npply from July 1. Tho hint Congrca
ruined tho maximum anlnry from fiV)
to f 7.0 n yeur. It wna found tlmt Ihu
minimum route wus 21 mllea long mid
to carrier on route of tlili length,
nuuibcrlug about l'.'.WK), tho uinxluiiiui
flu I n ry will bo paid. Tho anlarlea or
for cneli mllo lea than twenty four,
onrrlera on route ahortcr thnn tho
minimum wna Oxed by deducting fH
Tliu nut reault lni been that allghtly
ovor two thlrda of tho whole forco or
21.500 rurnl carrier havo rncelvcsl In
crenaea or JIOO a In their anlarlea.
Tho rcinnlnlng carriers hnvo received
Incrcaaea or leal Uian thl ninoiint.
Till ichedulo tnkea Into consideration
tho exponne ror equipment, and makea
whnt la Ktnfed to bo n liberal allow
nnco ror aueli expense to carrier on
route leu than tho maximum length.
It lenvoa nliout tho aamo appropriation
i available ror new acrvleo during tho
coming year that tho department had
during tiie Inat flacat yenr.
Tho engerueaa with wlch men seek
appointive poaltlon under the govern
nient almoat ninoiinta to a crate, and
"like nil crnzes It Is not readily cx
plalnahlo. In Itoston. ror example,
where cxnmliintluua ror custom houso
cuiplojea nre nbotit to begin, there nre
l.r.IlK nppllcnnta ror St) poaalhlo ni
liolntmenta. These figured nro tome
what pxeeiitlomil, to be sure, but In
other lnrge cltleit llicro 1 alwuya a
I . . . . .. ,.
" nrKru "',n ' "" " a
I'hce. Ho Uthmlan Canu tou.uila-
slnn has already had n hundred appll
cutlou for every position It I author
lied to llll, Vet the Milurlc are not
large, rarely exceeding $1,200 a year;
und though the civil acrvleo low may
give aome nssurnuee or permanency or
tenure, there I little assurance or pro
motion. That there should be such
eagerness ror the appointments Is not
eredllnhlo to llio seekers. Men with
even an average equipment or nblllty
nud enterprise cnu II nil much moro
promising careers.
The National Civil Service Commis
sion hna recently arranged lo open
branch headquarters In lloston, New
Vork, riilladelphln, Washington, At
lanta, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Paul,
St. Louis, Now Orleans, Denver, Tort
hind nud San Francisco. i:ncli or
these thirteen cities will ho tho cen
ter lo which the civil tcrvlce boards
In the district surrounding them will
refer all matters which they cannot
decide for themselves. Heretofore It
has been necessary to communicate
directly with Washington when vacan
cies were to ho filled In the classltled
service. Thl has. occasioned delay,
especially In cities distant from tho
capital, ruder tho new system the
Washington olllco will ho relieved of
practically all the detail of preparing
for examinations, nnd tho national
commissioners will he nh!o to devoto
themselves more fully to tho enforce
ment of tho spirit of tho civil service
reform lawa.
In decreeing that the Washington po
llcomeu must give up tho tue of tooth
pick whllo on duty. Major Sylvester,
the chief of tho capital police force, ha
established a now record In rules gov
erning tho men. Tho order rends as
follows: "It 1 observed that olllccrs,
among them special street railway
crossing policemen, walk tha streets
with toothpick In their mouths, giving
evldeuco of having enjoyed refresh
ment.. I advise against this practice,
as It Is unbecoming nnd unolllccrllko."
A special report of tho census bu
reau on occupations shows that lu con
tinental United State tho total num
ber of persons engaged In gainful oc
cupations lu 1000 wus 2t),073,233, which
was one-halt or tho population, 10
year ot ago nnd over, and nearly two
lirthK or tho entlro population. Tho to
tal number comprises 22,-l80,-l2B men,
t,S.t:t,ti:iO women, nnd l,7CO,178 chil
dren, or whom 1,201,111 wero boys nud
lsn,TtlT girls.
Too Hard on tlio Ncrvca,
"Sold your furin?"
"Yes, sold It lust week, and retired
forever from tha ot farm
ing." "Kound farming too dull, did you?"
"No. I fouud It too exciting. I
don't mind tuUIng a chauco on tho
horses ouco In n whllo, but tho thing
ot running a business whero you havo
to bet on tho weather all tho time la
too knnl on tho nerves,"
Tho manly part Is to do With might
nnd uiulu what you can do. Htucrson.
iiil powui or cmr. J
To carry on the bnek a pack weigh
ing a hundred puund or mote mentis
not only atrong muselea but a innately
of bnlutico. lu "Tho I'oiest" Hlewurt
lidward White saya that the Ilrat lima
ho did any packing ho had n bird
lime Humbling n few hundred feet
with Juat fifty pound on hla ba"l
At Ihu end of that anuie trip he co i'd
carry a hundred potuida uud n lot of
ennoe poles arid gun over a long put
ngo without aerloua Inconvenience.
At Ilrat packing la aa ncur Infernal
punlahiiietil aa merely mumhtnu condi
tion can eompnsa. Mix teen brand
new muscle ache, ot first dully, then
sharply, then Intolerably, until It seem
you cannot bear It another second. At
first you rest every time you feel
tired. Then you begin to feel very
tired every llfty feet. Then you havo
to do tho best you can, and prove the
pluck that Is lu you,
Tom I'rlmil, an old woodsmmi of
whlo cipcrlcucc, has often told ins
with relish of hla Ilrat try nt curry
ing. He Inurnbout sixty pounds, nud
hi companion double til nt amount.
Mr. rrlnnt stood It for whnt seemed
like a few centuries, mid then sat
down. Ho could not hare moved an
other tdep If u gun had been at his
"What's (he matter?" asked hi com
panion. "Del," said rrlnnt, "i'ni all In. I
can't navigate. Here's where I quit."
"Can't you enrry here nny further?"
"Not mi Inch."
"Well, pile her on, I'll curry .her
for you."
rrlnnt looked nt hint a moment la
silent amazement.
"Do you menu to suy that you nro
going to carry your puck uud mine,
"That's what I mean to say. I'll do
It If I havo to."
Krlmit drew a long breath. "Well,"
said he, at last, 'If u little, a wed-off
chap like you can wiggle under n hun
dred and elghly, I guess I can make It
under sixty."
"Thill's right," said Del, tmpcrturb-
ably. "If you think you cnu, you
"And I did," ends ITIant, with n
Therein lies tho whole secret. Tho
work la Irksome, painful, but If you
think you can do It. you can; ror al
though great Is the protest or the hti
man frnmo against what It consider
abuse, greater still la tho power ot a
ninn's grit.
Ooerntnrnt ltiircmi of I'lunt Imlliatrj
Hturta l'rotuiuntlntf (Siirilciin.
Wherever there Is u largo area or
land offering unusual dllllcullle In the
wny or cultivation, particularly scml-
nrkl land Uiat possess possibilities In
tho way or Irrigation, there the prob
lem Is being studied by the Ilurctiu or
I'lant Industry. The country I being
dotted wlUi propagating nnd testing
A central gnrden ror seed testing,
propagating, breeding and dlstrlbut on
has Just been ptnblllied at Chi id.
Cut., 100 miles north or Sucrumeuto.
It Is tho Intention to gather at this
garden a large and representative cub
lection of economic plant of nil kind,
particularly of fruits, and to propa-
gate audi now varieties ns nre found
worthy of further Introduction. A
palm garden ha been located on a
tract of fifteen acre of land nt Mecca,
Arl whero different varieties of date
palms will bo tested.
San Antonio, Tex., recognizing the
benefit to be derived from systematic
study of local soil and climate condi
tions, has turned over 125 acre ot
land near the city and tho local water
company has volunteered to furnish
frco of charge all the water needed
In tho Irrigation work looking to the
development of crop adapted to the
local scml-arld lands, A rice farm hn
been established at North Galveston,
which, owing to the uhuudancc of wa
ter nnd conditions which permit the
planting and harvesting of rice by ma
chinery, promise to become one of the
most Important centers of rice cultiva
tion In America.
A plua wood farm nt Do Quluey,
I.a., nnd four cereal testing stations In
Ihe great wheat-growing States North
Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska nnd
In Texns complcto the present chain
of stations nud afford some Idea of the
scope of tho work that Is being un
l-'cw from l'ravlnce of Vcnetla Come ta
tho United Btutea.
rrom tho Province of Vcnetla, com
prising tho cities of llelluno, l'ailua,
Itovlgo, Trevlso, Udlne, Venice, Verona
and Vlccnza, emigrate more person
than from any other province of ltu'y.
In 1001, of the total emigration from
Vcnetla over 00 per cent (1U,7M) de
dared their Intention to return, while
tho bianco (B.17S) was classed as per
manent emigration.
Regarding tho emigrant who go
rrom Vcnetla to tho United States,
their number Is so small that their
Intlueuco for good or bad would hao
no Impression on tho many going from
other part. In 1000 the number wns
411, n pereenlugo of tho total emigra
tion of 0.30 per cent; while during lw)t
1,270, or 1.00 per cent, shaped their
courso for tho United States. It Is
not possiblo to ascribe any reason ror
this Blight Increase.
Compared with wages In the United
States, those received by tho wage
earners of Vcnetla fccem small; an ar
tisan gets rrom CO to SO cents a day.
Hy practicing economy a family, If the
members nro not too numerous, can
live on this amount, the principal ar
ticle ot sustenance being "polenta"
(a sort of solid porridge or hasty pud
ding, mndo ot maize, or Indian conn,
potatoes and bread. Wine Is the hover
ngo of all tuo people. A rami nana
only receive a dally wngo of from 3H
to 48 cents. Illiterate nnd unletteicd,
tho emigrants' Intlueuco for tho genaral
advance of education and of society 1
not ot tho het. Consular ltcport.
Knowing a Woman.
"Do you know her?"
"No; I am merely acquainted with
her nobody knows a wotuau?"
I:ccd your liair; nourish If;
Clvc it botiKihifig to live on.
Then it will slop f.illinc, and
will urow lone nnd heavy.
I Aycr's Hair Vigor is the only
hair food you can buy. I'orCO
years it has been doing just
what we claim it will do. It
will not disappoint you.
Mp lialr nav.l t' )n v-r? .rl lint aftr
II. Ill Arr' II or It ' r .! t lunf. II lirgRn
to f row, Mlid it'.tv It I, f..i 'tirf, In. I.r-a 1'irig.
1 l.u iftrfiita il.,iti.l I cti I I t l,i nHr belli
Irito.l wlil""ti mr linir "
1 lis. J. II. I irLit, (,,lwrrio H tlnxt, Colo,
f t GO a ti'.lltrt J ' Aianr-rt,
H. I I jl.
Short Hair
A l-'liilipriiiiiti.
Wlirn nil the n.trM'n fr-iifnitit with flow-
pm in hl'ioni,
An clotliH tit fnli rainiuit from iJame
Niittir'' lunm;
When llni hi lift HijiJ tlte vnlleja are rel-
Ti-ljf grren
And (lie earth U reposing 'ncnlh blue
ekles rT'ne,
Their nwoy from Uio hot, Uuitj city I'll
Tor uiy only rompnulons my rod oud
my rt'i'l,
And tln-n-, hy llif ldo of loino coot, lim
pid Kfrriim,
I'll lit with my lino In tbe water atid
Tour Trai'k New.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dears tho
Signature of
Harli In IIIh Trade.
The violinist had hecne Int lied to a
"family dinner," hut It proved that
several relatives of his host were pres
ent, and their demands fur music were
most persistent.
The violinist played three times,
and then, when the npplnuxe after his
third Eolo bad died away, lio turned
to hla host
"And now, monsieur," lie said,
eagerly, "now It Is that you will show
us how you sell ze flour In zo wheat
pit. Cun I help roll zc barrel In, mon
sieur!" rio's Cure t a tjooil eoush Medicine.
It has cured roughs nud colds for forty
yean. At ilrugglnts. 2b cents.
I'rMc Interceded.
"Why dkl she marry him? He hasn't
any money.
"I know, hut she has plenty."
"Hut ho hasn't any brains, either."
"True, too. Hut people kept telling
her how tttunnlni? they looked together
till she Just couldn't bear tho Idea of
letting hlin get away." Dotrolt Tree
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Kcwanl foi
any c&ie of Catarrh Itiat cauuol be cured by
Hall's catarrh ure.
-. J. Lllh.ShY A CO., Propa., Toledo, O.
We, tho unierUned, havo known F. J.
Cheney tor the last is ear. and believe htm
icr(octty hoiKiraMe in all butlneva traniao
(tona and financially able to carry out an; ol
lliratl.xia tnitil hv thfir linn. .
w tar ,1i 1 xv ax, U hi. If. alo lirufrettti, Toledo, O.
Waloinu, K in. an J. Mailt in, n holeaale Drug-
l.u. Toledo, o.
Haifa Catarrh Care la taken Internally, act-
intr uireciiy upon me oiihhi ami mucous iur
fates of the a) stem. Price 7oe. ir bottle,
bold by all DruugUts. lentlmoulals free.
Halt's Faintly Pllli are the beat.
A Precedent.
MIkkIcs I wiy, old man, I'd like to
have yon put uic up at your club.
WlKk'les I'd bo only too glad, my boy,
but er they aro tery particular who
lliey admit.
Mlgglet You don't sayl How In the
world did you'e to break In.
CITO t'ermanentiy v urea. Trontaornervousneai
f 110 after Ural tla) 'uaeufDr.KUue'sUreatXerra
Ilettorrr. Kenil for Tree S3 trial lull tleandtreatlaa, U. Kllue. I.IJ..M.- AnU hi., I'bllwlelphla, ra,
A Triliitlesa Trust.
Lightly My landlady evidently bo
longs to a boarding liouc combine.
Siini.011 Why tin you think bo?
Lightly She iloi'Mi't atteiniit to supply
the wants of the customer.
First Lieut. Iliitlilih 13. Sniper, Four
teenth eavnlry. f. S. A., Is the youngest
olllcer In the omn : Lieut. I3ruest U.
I'cek is tho Inllfft. being I) feet 4 lilclie.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bonr Signature, of
ice pocSlmllo Wrapper Below.
Terr small and as easy
to take as augur.
. . Ci ICW UIN II MV.ta4VMyIIATt,.l.
if ti'tj I Purely ytitt3At.Oinhr
wj iiMt uCsIuulJm iiiii. b
in i uue, ho.ii PraruaTKUta.
air vigor
' iii a
One Hundred Year Ago.
The chiefs of tho Osage Indians gnve
a war dance for the entertainment of
tho President and members of the cabi
net at Washington.
A demand was made of his holiness
tlio Hope to grant full power to Car
dinal I'eseh to crowd. In his name, the
emperor of the French.
Ilussln positively refused to acknowl
edge Napoleon as emperor of France.
Abolition societies began to dwindle
as the value of the cotton gin became
Daniel Webster arrived In lloston to
pursue his legal studies.
The funeral of Alexander Hamilton
took place from Trinity Church, New
Kngland sent a convoy of ships to
Spain to repudiate a rumor of rupture
between the two nations.
Seventy-five Year Ago.
At a meeting of Hrltlsb merebnnts In
Liverpool much regret wns expressed
nt the resignation of Mr. Maury aa
American consul.
The President of Greece Issued a
proclamation revoking the national
congress at Argoa.
The directors of the Hank of the
United Suites declared a dividend of
3V4 per cent
France offered 175,000,000 franca to
the Spanish government for the con
quest of Mexico.
Prussia sent an emissary to Constan
tinople to make every effort to bring
about a peaceful ending to the conflict
between Itussln nnd Turkey.
A trenty was concluded with the
WInnebngos and the Pottawatomles
and purchase made of all lands south
of tho Owlsconsln and between the up
per Mississippi and Lake Michigan, In
cluding all lands formerly held by the
The Catholic emancipation act seem
ed to have little effect In quieting the
disturbances In Ireland, as more out
rages than ever were perpetrated.
fifty Year Ago.
The Chinese Insurgents attacked
Albca Pacha, viceroy of Egypt, was
found dead In bed by his officers of
Tho first party sent out by the Mas
aacbusetta Emigrant Aid Society left
lloston for the territory of Kansas.
Three English and four French ships
arrived In Honolulu. They mounted
103 guns nud were destined to act
ngalnst the Kusslan Pacific squadron,
Three hundred parsons were HI of
yellow fever In Havana, Cuba.
Said Pasha entered and took pos
session of Alexandria In consequence
of the death of Abbas Pasha, the for
mer viceroy.
Many vessels were lost In Table bay
In a violent gale.
forty Year Ago.
Fire In Chicago, which started lu
Fourth avenue, near Twelfth street,
spread to Clark street. Third avenue,
Wabash and Michigan avenues, and
went as far north as Van liurcn street.
Sixty acres swept and loss about $3,'
News was received from Gen. Short'
dan nt Camp Brown, Wyoming terrh
tory, of a severe fight between Coui'
pnny I), Second cavalry, and Indians at
Owl mountain.
AH of Spain wus declared to be lu
a state of siege and property of all
Carllsts waa sequestrated and hold
subject to claims In favor of republi
cans. Gen. Sherman's army left Intrench
meuts on the Chattahooche and ad
vanced upon Atlanta, oud Johustou
was said to be retiring.
Thirty Year Ago,
Goldsmith Maid broke all trotting
records at Saginaw, Mich., making the
flual heat of three In 2:10.
In a letter to the Investigating com
mittee of riyniouth Church, Brooklyn,
Theodore Tlltou announced his Inten
tion of placing before It all the charges
made by Mrs. Tlltou agalust Henry
Ward Beecher.
Reciprocity treaty between Canada
nnd United States was discussed hy
dominion board of trade and other
t'ommerclal bodies at St. Johns, N. B.
Twenty Year Ago.
Immense Blaine nnd Logan ratifica
tion meeting was held In New York
City; Blaine's letter of acceptance wus
made public two days later.
Benjamin F. Butler was undecided
ns to whether ho would run for Presi
dent as candidate of greenback nud
anti-monopoly parties.
Society composed wholly of noble
men formed In Germany for purpose of
colonizing Indigent members In Chill,
Ten Years Ago.
Big strike on Chicago railroads prac
tically broken nud work resumed ou
many Hues.
Eugcuo V. Debs nnd other leaders
In big strike were locked up In Cook
County Jail for violating Injunctions.
Archbishop Ireland condemned mob
methods of Debs strikers lu big rail
way tleup,
New cruiser Minneapolis set new
record for vessels of Its class, making
averago speed of -3.05 nautical miles
nn hour ou trial trip.
The idea that Rheumatism is strictly
a winter disease, that comes from cxpoeuro
or cold, Is wronf; a spell of indigestion,
torpidity of the liver, inactive state of the
kidneys, or sudden coolinrrof the body when
ovcr-hcated, being frequent causci of nn
attnek. Rheumatism is due to an over-acid ,
condition of the blood nnd bad circulation.
Aa it flows through the body tho blood
ucnosui an acriu corroitvo
cdimcnt in the joints and NO 0813 roR onWTonas.
muscles, and the circulation 1 n "ek of Solatia lllioumatlam in tta
ii.uim.i(.s,uiiu uic circulation worit form Th0 p4n wn , lnlBni t cimm
'rows sluggish, because of completely proatratod. llaTlmr heard 8.O.B. ra
the constant accumulation fommand.a for Bhoumuttam, I daoldod to It
. i ... , " trial, and after I had taken a fair bottlaa
ot acid impurities, and I waa able to hobblo around on crutches, anil
when the system is in such ryaoonhadnouaoforthflmatall.,B.D.B.har
.... .. . In cured roe Bound and well. Alt thodlatreaalnr
condition Klicumatism 19 palnahava left me, my appetite haa returned, and
liable to come out at any I am happy to bo ag-aln roatorod to perfect health.
,!.-, - A Mlia. JAMEB KEI.L,
time, winter or summer. It 001U.St.,N.W.,Waahington,D.O.
is hastened and provoked
by exposure to cold, damp air, tudden cooling of tho body when over
heated, a bad spell of indigestion, or anything that is calculated to fur
ther derange and depress the system ; but these arc only exciting and
not the real cause of Rheumatism. It is in the blood, and when this)
vital fluid becomes overcharged with the acid impurities and is running
riot in the veins, an attack is sure to come, whether in summer time or
the cold, bleak days of winter. You are a slave to pain as long as tho
blood is tainted with acid. Liniments and plasters aro helpful and use
ful, but it takes something more than rubbing and blistering to driva
away this demon of pain. S. S. S. goes to the seat of the trouble,
aches vanish, and the longed-for relief comes to the nervous, pain
tortured sufferers. S. S. S. contains no minerals, but is guaranteed
purely vegetable. Write us if in need of medical advice, which is given
without charge. Our book on Rheumatism, telling of the different
forms and varieties of this pain-racking disease, is mailed free.
Cause and Effect.
Wife John, do you know that you
wore la your sleep last night?
Iluiband Did 1? It must hare been
when I had that horrid dream.
Wife What, did you dream?
Husband I dreamt I was amoking one
of those clgara you gave me on my birth
iHttu tk mar irSTnyrr,- powtlano.ohc.
Gentle Hint.
They were playing tennis on the old
"Dear me," remarked tho young
man, with a far-away look in his eyes,
"we never hear of old-fashioned kiss
ing games any more. They have gone
out of style."
"I don't agree wltb you," replied the
pretty girl, "any game Is a kls3ing
game If you supply the kisses."
A severe case of Ovarian
Trouble and a terrible operation
avoided. Mrs. Emmons tells
how she was saved by the us
of Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable
"Deab Mrs. Fcteham: I am te
pleased with the results obtained from
Lydia E. Plnkhnm's Vegetable
Compound that I feel it a duty and
a privilege to write you about It,
" I suffered for more than flvo yean
with ovnrinn troubles, causing an
unpleasant discharge, a great weak
ness, and at times a falntncss would
come ovc mo which no amount of
medicine, diet, or exercise seemed to
correct. Your Vegetable Compound
found the weak spot, however, within
a few weeks and saved mo from
nn operation all my troubles had
disappeared, and I found myself once
more healthy and well, Words fall to
describe the real, true, grateful feeling
that is in my heart, and I want to tell
every sick and suffering sister. Don't
dally with medicines you know noth
ing about, but take L,yIla E. Plnlc
Iinm's Vcgetnblo Compound, and
take my word for It, you will be a dif
ferent woman In a short time." Mns.
Laura. Kinross, Walkerville, Ont.
95000 forfait If original of aooto htttr proolng
ttnulntnnt cannot bo produad.
Don't hosltnto to wrlto to Airs.
lMnUIinm if there is nnvthlnti
about your sickness you do not
understand. No woman over
regretted writing her and she
tins helped thousands. Address
Ljuii, Moss.
W n avtrs.f nnnnnll vnill-ffelh with
out hurting a tit. and
air.e uay it yuu uesire.
Our srstem of crown
Ira pie, quick and painless.
Established In Toriland 17 yean.
I$jp wnere ,e are.
arttfj a&lHB Oi-en evenings till 9
Ull. W A. Wloci rnone
V .Ml
WISE BROS., Dentists
Wrlto (or Catalogue and Prices
wi.11l IffL. M
enters the circulation, neutralizes and fil
ters out of the blood the ncid poisons. It
enriches and strengthens the weak, dis
eased blood; the general health improves
under its tonic effect, and when rich, pure
blood begins to circulate through the stiff
joints and sore, tender muscles, pains and
All In tho Pen.
She What is the term applied to on
who algns another pcraoa's namt to a
He Five or ten years usually, I be
lieve. You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
Write Allen 8. Olmitcd, U Koy.N. V.. for a
free sample of Allen's Foot-Kane. It curea
wealing-, hotiwollen, aching- feet. It makes
saw or tlaht ihoea mrj. A certain cure for
corns, InRTovlngDalli and buntona. Alldrar
flits Bell It, 2Sc Don't accept any lubitltuto.
Sorry lie Hpoke.
Husband I'd like to know what en
joyment you find In trotting around
from store to store, looking at and
pricing things you cannot purchaso?
Wife I know It looks silly, yet thero
'is a sort of melancholy pleasure In
knowing I could have bought them
bad I married Tom ColdeaJh when I
bad the chance, instead of throwing
myself away on you.
Glrci written contracts to secure positions
tor graduates. There contracts tre guaranteed
by a National Bant. MTrtte for catalogue and
plan tod a.
Thresherm!! and Sawmill Men IS'oIet ISO ft.
, Endless Unen Htltchfd, liVavy CanTaa, 4 ply, 7
! Inch nliinir, fi7.uo. isuft. 9 Inch wld, umi m
aboT?. S31UX Tank Tumps copiplete, with 19 fUl
Inch Hucllon Hof( 10 fl. lffMharKe llone, wttb not
id and b trainer, flO.SO. Jleltlnir, flow and Packlnf
at wholesale price. Oeneral agency for l'artons
Hawkey telf Feeder. Lane aht ugle mill, run only
40 days, at a bargain. Write lor catalogs.
200 MEN.
Wares 12.21 per day Board Si.50 per
week, fio teams li.uu per day. Exten
sive Irrigation construction. 1'erina
nent eniidojment (or good men and
Deschutes Irrigation and Power
P. N. U.
No. JJ-1904.
EN wrltlne to advertisers nleaso I
uientlun this imper I
put lu new teeth the
and brldce work Is
Sundays from 9 to 12 .
lilt, I. i'. W inu
208-2'3 p'uln' '.i