Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 12, 1904, Image 4

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    Bohemia Nugget
DhMita Nafftt Hob. Co.
General Rcvlcwof Important llappcn
pcnlfls Presented In a Drier and
Condensed Corm.
German papers condone the Blnking
of the steamer Tlica.
An attempt was made on the life ol
tho president ol Uruguay.
Kuropatkln's position at Llao Yang
has strong railroad defenses.
Th6 destroyer Goldsborough will soon
have another trial on the Sound.
Packers continue to add to their
forcct and arc confident ol victory.
No new forest reserves are to be cio
atcd in tho West until after election.
A railroad collision at Boxeman
caueed the death of a traveling engl
nccr. French troops are being hastily for
warded to Tonquin by the French gov
ernment. Illds on Grand Hondo reservation
lands arc to be made public and sent
on to Washington.
Lack of news from Port Arthur for
several days is Interpreted at St.
Petersburg as good news.
Thirty thousand Chicago stockyard
strikers paraded the streets to music of
bands and headed by a platoon of police.
Japan has tent a strong fleet of gun
lotts and tofpedo boatB up the Llao
river to head of! the retreat of tho Rus
sians to the west.
Montana stockmen have sent a depu
tation to Chicago to try and patch up
Tho Russian government has given
orders that no more merchant steamers
be sunk.
I Intormaion has been given tho feder
al inspector of an infraction of the law
by the beef trust.
Tho Japanese have taken advantage
of mountain passes to outmaneuver the
Russians cast of Llao Yang.
Tho fall of Port Arthur and tho sur
render of General Kuropatkin are pre
dicted to occur on the same day. i
Altcn B. Tarker, Democratic nomi
nee for, president, has resigned from the
bencu of the New Yorr court of appeals.
The Chinese general, Ma, may cut
off retreat of Kuropatkin if he tries to
escape the Japanese by going through
Two Russian-cruisers from the Baltic
are chasing a steamer which left Eng
land for Canada, carrying ammunition
for Yokohama by way of the Canadian
Pacific railway.
Germany has a fleet near Chefoo.
Ex-Governor James T. Lewis, of
Wisconsin, is dead.
Port Arthur is preparing for a final
stand against the Japanese.
The Japanese army attacking General
Kuropatkin is estimated at 200,000.
While the battle was raging July 31
the thermometer was up to 103 degrees
' near If alcheng.
The old Grimes hotel at Seaside has
burned. It was one of the oldest build
ings at the coast.
A fast train on the Fricco system was
derailed in Indian Territory and a nam
be i of persons injured.
While trying to come ashore from a
stranded yacht a number ol persons
were drowned in Nova Scotia.
The government is awaiting further
news of the seizure of part ol the Ara
bia's cargo before taking action.
The Japanese are supposed to bo de
layed in the pursuit of the Russians by
a lack of ammunition, which is being
hurried to the front.
No word has been received from Gen
erala Stakelberg or Zaroubaleff for sev
eral days and it may be that General
Nodzu has cut them off from General
The London Times declares the sink
ing of merchantmen piracy.
The assassin of Von Plehve has been
identified as a student at KbarkofI uni
verslty. He has died of his injuries.
Insurance rates have decreased since
the return to Vladivostok of the Rub
elan raiding squadron.
El Paso will fight for the American
Mining congress for 1005.
A small German vessel loaded with
fish for Yokohama was also sunk by
the Vladivostok squadron on its recent
An Inspection of the excursion steam
er Grand Republic shows conditions
similar to those on the death-ship Gen
eral Blocum.
Washington Democrats have nomin
ated George Turner, of Spokane, for
governor and Steven Judson, of Pierce
county, for lieutenant governor.
Packers claim victory over the Chi
cago strikers.
Railway telegraphers on Texas roads
are on a strike.
Tho government statement for July
shows a lagro deficit.
Large receipts of livestock are being
received and handled at the Chicago
Special efforts will he made at San
Francisco by the government in the
land fraud cases.
The Now York Building Trades alli
ance has caused work to cease on a
number of largo buildings.
The "Diamond Special" on the Illi
nois Central was held up near Chicago
by four maksed men who went through
the coaches, and secured $10,000 in
booty and escaped.
Genrcal Count Keller was killed by
Japaense shell July 29 while resist
ing the preliminary attack of General
Kurokl'a army. He is the first high
Russian officer to be killed in the Man
cburlan campaign.
Phlllnnlnc Armv Sunnllcs Mav All
Go tv Transports.
Washington, Aug. 9. Tho war do
partment is considering the advlsabili'
tv of ihlnnlns nil sunnttcs (or the Phil
Ipplnes by army transports, until the
hostilities between Japan and Russia
are rnncludMl. Commissary General
Weston, in n letter to tho secretary of
war, calls attention to the possibilities
of delays on shipments made on com
mcrcial steamers and strongly urges
that all shipments bo made by trans
rorts until the dancer of seizure is
Contrary to previous reports, It is
learned that the British steamer Ar-
dova. scizod in tho Red sea and subse.
quently released, carried United States
army supplies, but that is the only In
stance so far in which the Russians
have interfered with the supplies of
this government. Under tho new law
all army supplies must oo carried by
American bottoms, so tho only Pacific
lines affected, if tho department
adopts General Weston's recommenda
tions, will be mo jiosion Mcamsiuj
comnanr and tho Pacific Mall.
General Weston's recommendation
has been referred to the quartermaster
general for his opinion. His recom
mendation will probably bo carried
out. While tho department does not
ffr that anv of its supplies will be
confiscated by the Russians, it is not
desiied that there should bo delay in
the delivery of these supplies, many of
which are sent on short notice, or to
fill emergency oiders, and might, 11
sent by commeiclat steamers, have to
go along with the contraband goods.
Geological Survey Gives Figures for
Last Year.
WashlnKton. Aug. 9. The United
Slates ceoloisical survey has issued re
ports on the production in tho United
States during the year 1003 of petrol
eum. asnhaltum and bituminous rock
and coppei.
The petroleum production was 100
641,337 barrels, valued at $94,094,050,
airalnst 8S. 766,916 barrels, valued at
171.178.910. in 1902.
Production in California Increased
more than. 10.000.000 barrels, while
the Texas production decreased more
than 1.000.000 barrels.
The production of nsphaltum and
bituminous rock was 101,255 tons,
valued at $1.005,4ti0. This was a
smaller arxount by more than 4,000
tons In quantity than the previous
year, but its value was ai per cent
creater. Of tiie total production, 46,-
178 tons, valued at (522,104, was from
Can Pill foreign Building at Lewis
and Clark Pair.
St. Louis, Aug. 9. The determina
tion of the Japanese to foster American
friendship and introduce themelves
thoroughly to the people of this coun
try has again been strUingly illustrat
ed by the commissioners from Japan to
the St. Louis exposition, who, it is
stated by Colonel Henry E. Dosth, tho
St. Louis rcpresentltive of the Lewis
and Clark centennial at Portland next
year, have asked for tho entire floor
space of the foreign building at the ex
position of 1905.
When it was explained that nearly
all of the foreign countries now partici
pating in St. Louis have promised to
send part of their exhibits to the Pa
cific coast next year , and that all the
exhibits from foreign countries will be
housed under one roof, the nature of
the request made by the Japanese com
missioners may be better understood.
Although Colonel Doscb, as director
of the exhibits at Portland, was forced
to tell the commissioners that he could
not grant them all the space in the
building, he states that he will" prob
ably erect a special Japanese pavilllon
for them. This has never been broach
ed at the meetings of the exposition
managers, but Colonel Dosch says that
from present indications it will have to
be done.
"I was very much surprised," he
said, at tne rqeuest ol tne commis
sioners here, and told thenr that they
could not use all tbatspace, but they
replied so earnestly that they could
that I was forced to consider the pro
posal seriously."
Closing ol Russian Ports.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 9. The closing
to foreign vessels, fxrept under strin
gent regulations, of the ports of Cron
stadt, Svcaborg, l.lbau, bebastopol
B-ioum and Otsshakou Is trie subject ol
a long official announcement in the
Official Messenger this morning. The
regulations are apparently directed to
ward the protection of foreign shipping,
prcbanly in connection wltn tne In
crease of defenses at tho ports already
mentioned In the Associated Press ills
patches. The regulations, however,
are extremely rigid.
Decision Sent to United States
St. Petersburg, Aug. 9. Russia' has
communicated to the United States the
decision of the Vladivostok prize
court, August 4, in the case of the
Portland & Asiatic line steamer Arabia,
captured by the cruiser Gromobol, of
the Vladivostok squadron, July Ti
confiscating such part ol the cargo as
was consigned to Japan ports. The
foreign olllce is carefully considering
the objections raised abroad In regard
to Russia's list of contraband, but no
decision has been readied.
Claimed as Lawful Prize.
Vladivostok, Aug. 9. The prize
court has adjudged the sunken steamei
Knight Commander and its cargo a
lawful prize. The trial of the case and
an Investigation of the steamer's pa
pers, etc., established the fact that the
cargo, consisting principally of railway
material, was consigned through a Jap
anese port to Chemulpo, leading fairly
to the Inference that it was designed
for use on tho military railway under
construction fiom Seoul to the Yalu,
Monster Coal Combine.
Pittsburg, Pa Aug. 9. The Post to
day prints a story that a new $20,000,
000 coal combine composed of 28 Inde
pendent companies Is in process of for
mat Ion. The principal objects of the
new combine, it Is said, are . to main
tain prices.
Great Damage Throughout
Montana by Tire.
Homes of Settlers Destroyed and
and Many People Have Nanow
Escapes With Their Lives.
Butte, Mont., Aug. 8. A Kaltspell
special to tho Miner says: Forest fires
nie still raging with unabated fury in
the timber lands of this county and
from all reports received thus fai, the
damage will iuu into the thousands ol
dollars. Small holders of timber Jnnds
are tho chief sufferers. They are not
only losing their timber but their cab
ins and homo buildings nc well as their
stock of provisions, hay and grain art
being rapidly consumed. Their condi
tion in many instances will be deplora
ble. The flrvs are not only confined to
the forests surrounding this city, bnl
the finest lumber sections In Northern
Mont a fin are suffering. Tho thickly
wooded sections about Sterling, Atlanta
and Fisher river are burning, ns well
as the timber west of l.ibby and be
tween Troy and Bonner Ferry, Idaho.
About half a doscn frame buildings
on the outskirts of vvhito Iisli have
been burned. Several buildings lie
longing to a rancher named Hoffman
near by also have been destroyed. The
sawmill of Raker Bros., was burned.
The people living in tho timbered sec
tions are nil lighting tho tire, but are
almost powerless to check Its advances.
Much hay between White Fish nnd
Columbia Falls has been burned, as
well as all meadow land in the section
where tho fires are raging.
Fires raging in North Fork of Flat
head river country are doing much
damage to the ttmbci in tho Flathead
forest reservation, and people returning
from that section report that tho dis
tance aiound the fires at that point at
present exceeds 15 miles.
A White Fish report says tho timber
is on fire on both sides ol tho count
wagon road and it was with difficulty
courier was able to urge his horses
thruueh. having a narrow escape from
the fire. The roads are now said to be
utterly impassable.
The fire at Bolton was extinguished
this week afler it had done great dam
age to the limber, but at Coiam and in
that vicinity it is still eating "its way
through the heavy forests.
A forest fire in the Crazy mountains,
20 miles north of Big Timber lias done
considerable damage in the last few
days. The fire started .Sunday nnd has
gradually increased until it has burned
over a large stretch of heavily wooded
country. Among the timber burned
is some of the most valuable in that
Unless Rain Soon Comes, Loss of
Stock Will Dc Great.
Butte, Mont., Aug. 8. Advices re
ceived fiom throughout tho state the
past week depict a eericus state o(
affairs on the big ranges in Eastern and
Northern Montana, and unless heavy
rain is soon forthcoming considerable
loss of stock will ensue. The Northern
Montana ranges in many localities re
semble a desert, former watering holes
and cprings being dry and parched.
Many of the ranges have had to be
abandoned and the stock driven long
distances for water. So bad have the
conditions become that the state hu
mane officers have interfered and com
pelled stockmen to drive herds into lo
calities far removed, where some grass
and water still remain, though even
then the supply is scanty.
S'ock shipments have been almost
entirely suspended as a result of the
strike of the packing house employes,
and the thousands of head of cattle
roaming the plains which could other
wise have been shipped East make the
problem of caring for tho animals one
of extreme seriousness. While the
Eastern Montana ranges still hear con
siderable grass, those in the Northern
section of the state are in many in
stances almost devoid of feed.
No Word Prom Prisoners.
London, Aug. 8. The correspon
dent of the lines at Tokio says that
much indignation is felt there because
of Russia's persistent refusal to com
ply with the rules of Tho Hague con
vention in supplying information re
garding prisoneis. Despite frequent
inquiries about the prisoners taken in
the third attempt to seal Port Arthur,
the Russians, the correspondent says,
maintain complete silence, which can
not he due to the lack of means of
communication as the recognition
two more hospital ships was asked,
Montana's Mineral Production.
Bulte, Mont., Aug. 8. The repoit
of Assayer II. 11. Intern, at Helena
shows that the receipts of the United
States assay othce in .Montana for the
month of July, 1904, were $181,453.24
from Montana, as compared with
$180,540.32 for July, last year. The
grand total of receipts from all sources
Ibs $221,403,011, against $210,152.08
for a year ago. The biggest increase in
receipts was roportcd from Fergus
county, the receipts from that quarter
being $U2,5U4, showing an increase ol
$ .'3,883.
Hope Incident Is Ended.
St. 'Petersburg, Aug. 8. The an
nouncement In'tho dispatches of the
Associated Press from Vladivostok that
tho steamer Arabia will be released,
and that only a portion of her cargo
consigned to -Japanese ports will be
held, will, It la believed, end the
Arabia Incident, so far as the United
States Is concerned, aB the United
States asked nothing more than prompt
action for the Immediate release of the
Forest fires In Montana,
Butto, Mont., Aug. 8. Tho Miner
advices from Missoula state that infor
mation has been rcceved there that two
big forest tires are raging In the vicini
ty of Heron and Vermillion, on Cherry
creek, one of the most thickly wooded
ecctlons In Missoula county.
United Slates Treasury Enrkhctl at
Minor Outlay.
Sacramento, Cnl., Aug. 0. In an In
terview today, Governor G. O. C
of tho Hawaiian islands, said to a rep
resentative of the Bee:
'The annexation of the Islands to
the United States has not been a com
mercial success, so far us tho Islands
are concerned. Since wo have been
United States terrltoty welmvohot
made gloat progress. One reason (or
this Is because the laws by which wc
nre'govorned are not suited to tho
country. For Instance, we havo tij
obey tho United States law and cannot
rent government land for u period of
more than llvo years nt n time. As It
takes from two to four years to ralw a.
crop In our climate, wo cannot II ml
anybody that will tout land for such a
shoit period as llvo jears. Thus we
are deprived of a big income f rum gov
ernment land.
"Since wo havo lvoen annexed con
gress has never dredged our harbor,
it Is tilling up and thus prevents thu
landing of tho 'argrst vessels. As a
result of this our tralllc Is falling off.
We have dredged the harbor at our ex
pense since wo havo been annexed, but
unless it Is dredged again wo will low
much of our trade.
"Annexation has cut off nil of our
internal revenue. Un tho other hand,
from Undo Sam's point cf view, an
nexation has boon n decided success
Over $4,250,000 has boon paid Into tho
United Slates treasury from the I'
lands. The wl olo cost of annexation
was only $4,000,000."
Packers Say Plants are
Doing Well.
Chicago, Aug. 0. In n statement
given out tonight by tho packets, tho
report that negotiations are In progress
to bring about another conference be
tween tho packers and the labor lead
ore is declared unfounded. Tho
packers assert that there is not the
slightest possibility of further confer
ences with tho strikers.
According to this statement, tho pro
gress linking at the plants is satisfac
tory to all t lie porkers; more men nro
etnplcyed daily; all contracts.nnd cur
rent orders are tilled and there Is a
normal supply of beef, mutton and
provisions nt all plants in the United
States, while tales u're made at lower
prices than before the strike began.
In a table accompanying the state
ment it is shown that the total number
of men nt work tonight at all points is
more than 29,000. With this number
of men at work the packers my thoy
shipped 831 carloads of fresh meats
from all points yesterday.
Beyond trying to enforce tho older
foibitldng the delivery of ice to retail
ers who havo been hauling meat from
the stockyards themselves since the
teamsters' strike, the strikers did little
today. Up to date lh ice supply of
100 retail markets has been cut olt.
rooDSTurrs not contradand.
United States Will Not Recede Prom
Position Once Taken.
Washington, Aug. 0. Tho state de
partment Is in telegraphic communica
tion with its agencies abroad respecting
the Russian seizures and destination of
American goods, but it Is not yet ready
to define precisely its position as to the
whole subject of seizures. Them ex
changes are not confined to St. Peters
burg and Washington, but are in
tended to develop the purposes of the
governments of other nations, ami nr
ticularly of lirent Britain and tier
many, whose shipping has suffered
mote than that of any other. It is
said here that the precedents already
established in the Spanish and Boer
wars, as well as in the operations in
China during the black Hag uprising,
have woikcd so satisfactorily ami have
received such universal approval that
under no circumstances will America
now recede from the doctrine that food
stuffs not directly Intended for tho use
of a belligerent army or navy cannot
he regarded as contraband.
No Second Trial of Ohio. '
San Francisco, Aug. 0. Tho bat
tleship Ohio will not be given another
trial, n'nglneer Robert Foisytho, who
had charge of the machinery of the
Ohio, states that the machinery work
ed without a hitch, and that the fail
ure to make the required speed was due
solely to the tidal conditions. The
horsepower developed was over 2,000,
more than the contract called foi. The
stakeboats Fortune, Preble, Paul Jones
and Undilla returned today from tin
south, but the Annapolis will not ar
rive here until tomorrow.
Electric Power for San Francisco.
San Francisco, Aug. 0. A Call spec
ial from Los Angeles says that an elec
trical peer scheme of gigantic propor
tions, backed by heavy capital and
having for its object tho supplying nf
Sau Francisco and central cities ol the
-ttate, has just been formed there, ft
1b said that tho corporation will he
backed by English and American enpil
ul, which is planning to uso tho waters
ol tho Mokelumno and other rivers and
stroams in Calaveras and Tuolrnne
counties to generate electrical pow
Lend Money In New York.
Now Yoik, Au. 0. Tho republic of
Panama has made another hlg loan on
real estate In this city. Aloau of $900,-
000 at VA per cent was mado by the
representatives of thu republic on n
largo Ilrodaway building. Tho sum Is
part of the $10,000,000 which the Pan
ama republic received from the United
States for tho Isthinian canal conces
sion, and Its rcprescntaties have al
ready loaned out on mortgage nearly
$1,000,000 on real estate In this city.
Payment on Cuban Loan.
Havana, Aug. 0. Manuel Ucspalgne,
fiscal agent for the Cuban government,
In a.cable dispatch from Now York to
ilav savs that Soever & Co. have paid
him $iu,uuu,uuu Ol the fao.uuu.ouu
Cuban lean, 1
nor, -rs
State Association Will Meet to Tlx
the Dale.
Srtloni -President John II, Scott, of
the Oregon Good Roads association,
has cm led a meeting of tho executive
committee of that oigauliatlou' to bo
held In this city nt 1 P. M. Wednesday,
August 10, Thu principal business of
tho conimltli'O will be to tlx a ditto lor
the annual convention of the associa
tion. At the last meeting It was de
cided that tho association shall meet
this year In Salem, and tho date will
probably bo sometime In October or
early In November.
Through tho courtesy of Manager
Kdnln Stone, ol tho L'orvnllis A East
ern inllvrny, tho inemheis of tho ex
ecutive committee will bo given an op
portunity to visit the, granite quarry rn
the S.inthitn river on 'Ihursday August
11. A special trlan will bo run from
Albany to the granite quarry so that
there need be liodolu) waiting for tho
regular train.
The members of tho executive com
nilltoeuio: John II. Scutt, Snlotn;
II. M. Palmer, Albany; lleoigo C.
Blakely, Tho Hallos; W. W. Trnvllloii,
Baker City; Virgil V.. Walters, Cor
vnllls; II. It. Thilesen, Salem; J. O.
Booth, Grants Pass; II. F. Rhodes,
McMinnvlllc;T. F. Ryan, Oregon City.
At tho meeting the committee will
also mako ni rangomcnts tor preparing
the program for tho convention and
will also take up tho matter ol furiuu
latlug a campaign of education in favor
ol good roods. A number of counties
havo contributed to the educational
fund, and tho committee is ready to
take up active work.
Received by Hie Stale In Accordance
Willi Recent Act of Congress.
Snlem Tho state land board has re
ceived a patent from the United States
covern.nent conveying to tho state 10,
000 acres of lieu land in accordance with
the act passed by the last session ol
congress. This hind was selected
upon Klamath reserve base, made
available by ttie readjustment ol tho
boundaries of tho reserve. The selec
tions wore made in 1001. but there was
somo question in tho department as to
whether the ntato was entitled to use
sclmel sections within the now boun
daries as base. 1 ho question was set
tled in April last by the pasengo of an
not of congress directing that the
state's selections ho allowed, ami tho
issuanro of the patent Is the formal
compliance with that act. Tho stnto
sold the lieu land as snon as It was se
lected, In 1901, ot $2.60 per acre, ,thc
legal price nt that timo.
Granoc Will Have Exhibit.
Oregon Cty Acting in conjunction
with the committee appointed for the
purport, by tho state grunge, tho vari
ous Miliorilinat j gianges of Clackamas
county ate appointing committees to
arrange for the holding oi district fairs
this fall. Collections will lie made ol
nil kinds of agru iiltunil products for n
competitive exhibition. Thecrciun foi
the respective exhibits will lienrruiigcd
in one grand exhibit foi the inspection
of the nutlonal grange which will be
convened nt Portland in 1005, during
the Lewis nnd Clark fair.
Late Rains Help Crops.
.McHinnvlllc In spito ot tho very
dry season, the crops ol lnmhlll conn
y will not fall far below the average
Fall wheat is a trifle thin upon the
ground, but is exceptionally well filled
and, if anything, will exceed that of
last year. The recent rain has helped
the spiing grain that was sown early.
Somo fields which previous to tho rain
looked as if thoy would not pay the
expense of harvesting have improved
mucli in tho last two weeks, and will
yield n fair return. Late spiing gran
has suffered most.
Rnscdatc Is Alter Electric Line.
Salem Tho citizens of lloscdule, a
fanning community six miles south ol
this city, mot last week nnd took the
preliminary steps for the organization
of n local "push club," a name not
having bten chosen. The object Is for
tho betteiment of tho community in
general, L'ut Its chief iilm Is to secure
the propo?ed extension of an electric
lino from this city into that communi
ty, which is In the heart of a rich fruit
Smaller Loggers Lose Heavily.
Astoria Tho failure of tho usual
freshets last winter cntuilcd a consider
able loss to the smaller loggers operat
ing in this vicinity. It is estimated
that there are at the present time ovei
10,000,000 feet of logs above title water
in tho Lewis and Clark river. These
logs were cut last fall and winter, but
there was not sufficient water in the
stream to lloat tho n down. They are
valued at fully $70,000.
Resume Work on Umatilla Dam.
Echo A crew of government en
gineers, headed by Edmund. J. Davis,
has arrived here and will" proceed to
the situ of tho hlg dam of the Umatilla
irrigation project to take up tho work
which was dropped two months ago
when tho engineers wero taken away to
woik on the .Malheur county project.
Mill Will RcstimelGrlndiiifl.
MoMinnville The largo flouring
mills known ns tho Atlas mills, which
have been idle for the last two years,
will again resume operations. Tho
mills have been undergoing somo re
pairs the past week and will begin
next week on a large hill of Hour for
China. ' '
Profitable Seed Crop.
Amity A. Sheldon, a farmer resid
ing two miles west of town, hulled
eight acres of Alsyko clover which
yielded him 00 bushels. This Is a very
profitable crop, as It usually soils from
w ro renin per pouuu, nciiing mm
$07.60 an acre.
Grain Is Destroyed on Two I'urius
Near Adams.
l'ondhitoii Tho first serious wheal
tiro this summer visited the farm ol
Lowell Honors, near Adams, last week
causing it loss ot nearly $1,000. Flv
hundred sacks of grain, n wagon and
40 tons of hay weio destroyed. One
horso was so badly limned that "it died
Tho harvest cunv was some distant'
away when tho tiro started. Two lltll
daughters of (icmgo Rogers were sent
alter tho men , and narrowly escaped
being burned to death In tho burning
ginln. By hard woik tho crow finally
extinguished tile lilt-.
Tho Hist of tho week lire again vis
ited Rogers' place and before It could
he extinguished over 1,200 sucks ol
wheat were destrnved nnd nliout 70
acres of slundli.g giuln burned. 'I'll
grain and stian being very dry. the tiro
spiead rapidly Into an adjoining Hold
owned by I.otlls Odette. Odette lost 30
acres of g a I n before the (Ire could I
gotten under control. Mr. Rogers es
timates his loss at ,000 or nunc litisli
els. A number of farming Implement
and harvest supplies wore also lost
Ills loss will exceed $5,000. He had
small Insurance. .Mr. Odette's loss I
believed to lie $1,500.
Government Will Run Ikikhcry.
Oregon City I'lio Upper Claekauiii
hatcheiy, located about 00 miles II
l lie l lueKonuis river (rom tliii city, lini
been turned ovel to the government for
operation, having been conducted for
number of yiars us n statu enterprise
The I'lackainas hatcheiy is considered
liv llsh lilllurisls to be tho host lintel
ery In the state, not hccatiMi of its
equipment mid location, which are
ideal, hut because of tho quality of tl
Chinook fish that are propagated there
The employes now nt this hatcher)
will bo continued this season.
Balance of ll.OOO.
vrcgon uity vviien nil cxpensei
nave been met, the management ol tl
Willamette Valley Chautauqua niwoola
lion will have a balance of ahutit $1
000 ns tho pioduct ol their efforts till
season. The total receipts of the 12
days' session were $0,000, and it Is es
timated that the attendance exceeded
25,000. Several improvements will be'
considered by tho Chautauqua before
the convening of next year's session
Among others, the grandstand will I
I'lsti and Game Association formed
ui iirnmio A meeting was held at
tho Commercial club last week
which n fish ami game association wa
organized n.r n.i unn vvnllown conn
ties, in order that the streams may I
restocked nnd the general game law
bo well carried out. Otllocrs e lev toil
were as follows- President, II.
Ilockeulierry; Pecrolary. tieoreo 1
Cleaver; executive committee, William
.Miller, A. V. Andrews, Georgn I
Cleaver and Professor Hockenlwiry
in nt assiciouoii expects to secure
membership of over 300.
Clackamas Crops in No Danucr,
Oregon City Residents of this city
wno nave loured t lie county thorougl
ly, announce that there is no caune to
be alarmed lor the crops of Clackama
county, which am In much better con
dltlon than they have been represented
lo ne mm will yield sntshictorily. Ol
servatioiis show that the hav and irrai
crops are in splendid condition gener
ally and will produce, average yields
Potati es will need another rain to In
sure a good crop.
Wheat .Walla Walla, 08c;
stem, 70c; valley, 77(878c.
Iiarley reed, $10 per ton; rolled
Oats No. 1 white, $1.22J
$1.20 percental.
Flour Valley, $3.9033.95 per bar
rei; nam wneni straights. 3.75(rn-l
ciears,;i o; nurd wheat pat
eiris, f-i.uing i.aii; graham, iftf.GOGi-l
whole wheat, $-lsf4.25; rvo Hour
$ l.bu.
.Mlllstiills llran, $10 per ton; mid
(inngs, -M.ou; snorts, $aij chop, $18
Unseed, dairy food, $10.
Hay Timothy, $IIQI6 per ton clo-
ver, siuu;grnin, $lIQ12;chcat, $11
Butter Fancy creamery. 18
store butter, 13SJ13!!c.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 20021c.
Cheese Full cream, twins
1 1(3121'; Young America. 12CJ13n.
Poultry Fancy hens, llltfQU'c per
pound; old hens, IlQllJtfc; mixed
chickens, 10!$llc;old roosters, BQilcj
young luusierr, luisnc; springs, 14
to2.pi.und, 1212c(i ; broilers, 1 to 1 J.
poiimi, i.)ih,ix,c; it re weil chickens,
llWSl.ic; turkeys, live, 1410e; do
inesseii, ii.Mioe; do choice, 18Ci20e;
gei so, live, 011 0c; do dressed, OOlOc:
(links, old, $fiCS(i.OO per dozen; do
young, ns to bizo, f L'ej;i.
Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 por sack;
curn.M, fi.uu; ueois, ?; parsnips.
$1.25; cahhago, lK154c; lettuce,
head, 2540o per dozen; pnrsloy, 25c;
caulillowcr, $1.7602; celery, 760c;
iiepurugui, owe; jieus, iisec por pound;
beans, green, 4(350; wax, lGc; squash,
$1.25 per box; green corn, 00c par doz;
onions, new red, $1.30 per cwt; yellow,
Honey $3(33. 50 per caso.
Potatoes Fancy, old, $1.00(31.26
percental; new, Early Itoso, ljtfo per
pound; Garnet Chile, ljfc.
Fruits Cherries, 45o ner nn.m.t.
KQOscborrlcB, Co; raspberries, $1.25 por
crate; huckleberries, IGo per pound
nppleB, now, 76c(2$1.75; apricots, $1
1.25 per box; peaches, 60M7Co, canto
loupes, $2.50 jicr crato; watermelons,
ljc per pound; prunes, $1.25 per
Beef Dressed. GQflc per pound.
Mutton Dressed, 4G$6e por pound'
lambs, Oe, '
Veal Dressed, 37c por pound.
Pork Dressed, 7458o per pound.
Hops 1003 crop, 21CS24cpor pound.
Wool Valley, 1020c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 1017cj mohair, 80o
per pound for choice. '
Ctuirulnd Japanese Driven Buck ul
Port Arthur.
Chvloo, 'Aug. 4, A desperate three
days' assault on thu Inner defenses, on
the northern nnd eastern sides of I'ort
Arthur, hits failed, according to advices
brought by twu Junks which , arrived
hoio today.
A Russian who escaped from Port
Arthur via Pigeon Buy, the night of
July 20, states that the earth tiemhled
under thu terrlllti cannonading which
begun at -I 11. 111., July 2tl, and ended
dining the night of July 28, when thu
the battle conned,
A Chinese who has arilved hole on
n separate Junk conflima the lluiwlaii's
statement that the Rinwlau killed and
wounded during the assault numbered
between 5,000 and 11,000.
lhe Japanese In their repented as
saults against the cnstoin forts on the
hills, through luirhod wire entangle
ments and over mines, displayed fanati
cal bravery. They wero mowed down
by the hall of shells and bullets and
the explosion of mines under their feet.
Their losses are estimated at 20,000.
The ltiimlau declares that the Bus
slims hold all the eastern foils loading
to Golden Hill mid that the Japauern',.
shattered and exhausted, retired to tho
As related by the passengers of tho
two Junks, the Japanese advance, which
began from Kwokati before daybreak,
July 20, was directed against Klkwan,
Kliiklun, Kinklshan and l'choiinlian
forts, lying near shore. The Itusslan
outposts were ill I von buck. In the
meantime Admiral Togo shelled the
forts at long range, hut the return lire
ol the loits kept his ships nt a sale dis
tance, rendering tho co-operation of tho
tloet lueffictlve.
On the morning of July 2i, the Rus
sian Hoot steamed out, keeping under
the protection of the (loldou Hill guns.
The Russian vessels did not lire on the
Japanese nnd soon returned to their
The ileum 1 1 oil tho northern side ol
the city occurred July 27. The Japan
em) loll ill llslkuu advanced on tho
Itlisslaus at (Slilihl Ying, hut were
The junks were within hearing dis
tance foi three days alter leaving, but
no more tiring waijicard.
The Russian hospitals at Port Arthur
nro hi Id to he swamped. Thousands
ot wounded are lying In houses and
shops of the Chinese, the owners l.svlug
been evicted, vv ltli the .exception of
one who acts as caretaker of ouch place.
Medical attention Is liuulcqiiuto.
No Account Yet of the Halite That
Took Place Aiifjust 2.
Si. Petersburg, Aug. 4. A Hinting
for the inevitable conflict In names., the
Japanese and Russian rciKirts seem lo
ngreo on the main points of tho mili
tary developments up to August 1, hut
both slop short at their interesting
point, namely, regarding what happen
ed on August 2, when it la possible
that 11 decisive struggle was going on
east and south ol Llao Yang.
Tho usual crouds were assembled
around tho bulletin hoards outside the
office of the general staff until long
after midnight awaiting further olllciul
letuils, but nettling wus given nut In'-
youd (ieneral Kuropatkln's two olllciul It is evident Irom those
llspntohi'S and the Japanese reports
that tho Russians abandoned Yangso
Pass, falling back on Llandlnsiu, n
strong defensive position in the hills
4 miles southeast of Llao lang.
General Kuropatkin admits that
there wero heavy losses along tho
Halmtsre-Llao Yung road July 31.
The ofliciul jiccount is somewhat Incon
clusive, but Indicates that although
tho Russians w Ithdrew from their ad
vanced iota Kuropatkin honed to be
able to hold li s main posistlons even
In the face of the superior Japanese
forco nnd that ho evidently expected
heavy fighting along this line, prid.ubly
about Anplng. This battle possibly
was proceeding August 2, nlthoiiiih
tho report that all was
quiet up to noon of August 1.
In tho meantime a serious envelop.
Ing movement of the Japanese Divis
ions was maturing around the Russian
left nt Halcheng where there was also
heavy lighting July 31.
.No news has been received from Port
New Battleship's Speed.
Washington, Aug. 4. Rear Admiral
Whiting, who represented the govern
ment aboard the battleship Ohio,
which was given her preliminary speed
trial in Hantn Barbara channel venter-
lay, reported to the navy department
by telegraph today that tho uncorrected
figures for tho Ohio's trip Bhowed an
average speed of 17.8 knots per hour.
iheso llgures are subject to change 011
account of tidal allowances Under
tho terms of tho contract, the Ohio Is
to mako 18 knots an hour.
Rumored Successor of Von I'leliuc.
fit. Petersburg, Aug. !. The empemr
today received In nudlcnco Geneinl
Count Koutnlsaoff, military governor of
rkutsk, Blbcrla, which lends, support
to the rumors that Count Koutnlssoff
will succeed the lato Von I'lehvo as
mlnlBter of tho Intcror. General Knot.
assoff Is ol 11 irocd family from thn
Trans CancasBiis district of Russia.
about 45 yearB of age, and bus served
for several years In the military depart
ment of Siberia. He la a niun of nrhl
trary methods.
Situation Serious at Tangier.
Washington, Aug. 4. Actlniz Boom.
tnry of State l.oomta hns received 11
mull report from Mr. (lummore, tho
American coiiBtil-irenoral nt 'i',,,...l.,PU
dated July 15, showing 11 stnto of great
unrcat and uneasiness In Morocco foi-
owing tho Perdlcarla Incident. Mr.
ummoro tolls of tho nttcmnt tn bid.
nap Mr. Harris, tho representative of
tho London Times, which has boon
described In cable dlspatchos, and says
o niiuauuii grows more sorlous dnlly.
Transports for Battle Squadron.
Copenhagen, Atiir. 4 A 11 MButnn
agent has arrived here with the object
purchasing largo transnorls tn .....
company the Baltlo squadron to tho
far East. .