Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 22, 1904, Image 7

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    Mnkos its presence known
by ninny G.ftns, glandular
tumors, bunches in tho neck,
cutaneous eruptions, in
flamed oyelids, soro cars,
catarrh and wasting diseases.
Hood's Sarsapariiia
Effects permanent cures.
"Hpi'nli lur Yhiii'ncIi.
lriird I .cli i'Miir of llollilmiu, neniiy
n IiiiihImiI years nun, Him n widower,
nnit In Un Inner pint of lilt 1 1 ft tifiirljr
lillllll. Hi' wijnyi'd mi InllMlllli' frli'iiil
till) Willi IiIh ni'iKliliiir, l.unl Albe
marle, unit luiil. In Ills own mlml, so
li'i'ti'd I .inly Amu', uu of l.nril .Mill'
11,111 le u iliiiiiiliii th, ua ttiu future wife
of III ni'iilii'w mill tliu mistress of
One liny I.ndy An tip rniiio almiK (o
Join I s ninrnliiK I I'll', nnil l.unl I.Hith
I it ncliiril tllr opportunity of nnkliiK
"A inn', my dear, how atiniihl you llltu
to ln mistress of ItnlklininV"
"There la imtliliiK I should III;.' bet
tor," iiimwi'i'i'il l.mly Alim,l ilruwIiiK
herself up In lll'l- Knilllll'.
"Tlii'ii I Hlmll achd by nephew Will
III in In (nnil you."
1 .naly A inn' drew hcranlf up still
limn', nnil tlicliti'iiliia l"T ri'ln, replied
en tuily Iml .cry urnwly:
"I hIiiiII never lin mistress of Hoik
Imin on i lion- ti'rm "
It was Itn n tin old urntloitian'a turn
to ri'ln In lil" burse. I lo looked liU
ciiiiipiiuluii tut nl In tin' fu i', iiiul naked
Iiit. "Why. )' don't unun to guy yon
would miirry nicV"
"Vca, Iml I 1 would. Anil tlioro I
tlnthllltf I tdiolllil nlali more."
Thin (vii ii tviHiluK Hint was not
"ImiB n ilolim," nud It litl to u most
happy innirluKC
01 SVU'c Interest. Win., July 1H Bprelal
Charles Y. fati'Mon, Justli'0 ol the
l'titteo for Oconto Co., has dalUcti'd a
Judgment that in of Ihturoat to tliu
wlioto Hulled Hluti'H. I'm In Icily, tlmt
Judgment la, "liudd'a Kldnny I'll In mo
tho heat Kidney mcdicinu on tliu
mnfki't tialuy."
Ami Mr. IVtoreun irivca Ilia rcnaoii
fur thl jiidtiinrnt. II" nty: "Ijist j
winter I Ii ii-1 mi nrlilnit pain in my I
(nick uliiili .troubled uio very much, i
III tho morning I roo Id hardly utrnlghl
en my Imi'k. I did not know whnt It '
wna hill nn advertisement led mi' lo try'
Dmld'a Kidney I'llln Afti-r Inline our (
dux I inn only any they hnvi'ilono more
lor mi' Ihnn expected an I Icol nn well
now na ever I did lii'foro." '
1'iiln in tho I Kirk la ono of tho flret
symptoms of Kldnny ill (!'. If not i
cured hy Dodd'a Klilni'y Pills It inny
ih'Vi'lop Inlo Hright'a Disease. I'la-1
I i ti p, Ithi'timntlain or aomo of thi'
othiT di'iidly forma of Kidney Disease.
An Author I'rnalonrit.
Ttt'A Itrltldli niitlinr-i lirn nl tirnanilt
In tho pulilli' ryra on account of pen- '
alom they nro receiving. Joai-pli Con I
mil lina f 1.5(a) from tho llrltlali So- j
clcty of Authors, which generosity la
oipliilnoil hy tlie fact Hint llio nil- j
tlior. whine writings nro nuionc those i
111 greatest ili'iniiiiil hy the pnhllalii'm
today, yet aeeins to hnio dlttlriilty In !
providing for hit ilntly wants, hiijh'
Hip Now York lilolie. Tin- Immcdluta j
reason for tho pension, inoroowr. was t
tho accidental burning of liimiti-,
trrlpr, whh'h catastrophe o depressed
lr. Conrad that hla friends thought
It wise to rollcvo him from the m- I
rcaalty of anything ao hiiinilrnm nml
fordid na lookliiK out for hla timid and j
butter. I
Tho cusp of Conrnil ran Inirilly fnll
to recoil Unit of Curlyli', who, lien'
Mill hroilKht tho disastrous nowa of i
tint di'struillnn of n ootnpli'lo hook of 1
tho "Ili't oliitlon." spent tin' om'IiIiik In '
nltoniptltiK 'o rhwr tho oulprlt -uinl
tlii'ii aot about tho r-vi ttlnji.
Tim ensfj nf Miss Frnnktc
Orscr, of IJoslon, Mass., is in
teresting to all women.
"Rkaii Mnt. I'inkiiau : I nuffereil
mlnory furhovi-riilyciirH. My hnclc nclted
nnil 1 had lii'iirlnir-down pnliia, nnd fro
iiiiL'tit Itonilni'hoH. I would often wnlto
from n roatful hlcep In hucU pain nnd
misery tlmt It would ho linurH hofiiro
1 could close my oyon nunln. I ilrciulcd
tho lonff iililhtH nnd wonry days. I
could do no work. I consulted dllTer
cnt pliyaloinna hoplnif to ifot relief,
hut, Uudlntf Hint iliolr medlcineii did
not euro tno, I tried I.yiltlt 13. lMllk
luiiii'H VcKotaltlo Ooniioninl, ns
it vnn hlulily rceoiiiiiuiiided to mo. I run
I'lad that 1 did so, for I noon found
that It wns tho modlclno for my case.
Very noon I was nil or every ncuo nun
tain nun ruMiiiui w I"1""" " "
r....1 .,liiilld. have a fluo niinetlto.
nnd hnvo (rained In woli-ht a lot.
Miss FriANitns Oiiarcn, H Wnrrcnton
Ht Iloston, Mass. fSOOOforl If original
of about Utttr proving Qinultuntn cannot oo pro
Surely you cmuiot wish to ro
malu wcftlc.HlckiuHl illscoiirnifcd,
nml oxhuustca with each ilay'H
worlc. Homo lorant?cinciit of tlio
fomlnlno ortjans Is responsible,
for this cxliiuistlon, folloljintr
nny kind of work or effort.
IiyUla 13. l'liilclmnrs Vecetabla
Uompoiiiul will hel you J"Ht in
It has Ihousauds of otker women.
I Ueit Cousli Bruu. l'u.tM Uisjif. un
I In t Hill. HO a DT
1.I1UW V.VIUIIffl.L. -.TIN
Iflirnl Krcn llellvcry nit Alii
At tliu recent Inluruiitlliiiil (lood
Honda (Vjuvi'iitlon, nt Ht. I.oula. lion.
I'rniik II. Novlna, of tliu 1'nlti-d Htntoa
I'oatollli'o lli'iiiirtineiit, delivered mi
nililriiaa In which ho an Id:
"Tint oatithllaliuiviit of tho rarnl freo
delivery of mull Hirouidiout tint coun
try 1 in w proiliieeil a iniirked liiiprovv
mi'iit In tho condition or tho hlKliwnya.
When Hicru I n proapect of rural free
delivery In n community, work Imme
diately hi'Klua on tho rondi. Thcro
nro now In operation 1,000 rural
route over which nirrlora trnvel KM,
imm mllea ilullverlnu mull to ntiout
tl.ina).(aji) peoplo. Moro thnrr Ki.WJ
hrlduea hnvu hecn conatructed over
atrcmua that would not hnvo heun
hilllt If It liinl not hecn for tint calnh
Italiuiiitit of tho freo delivery ayatum.
Nearly every portion of tho country,
whuru road coudltluna will warrant It,
la now aupplli'd with thla aervlco. Hut
In many aectlona tliu hitil condllloua of
tho twtds, or tho Inclc of hrlilca, pro
vent tile extension of the aervlco. Tho
rural eiirrier of n atnndnrtl route la
now expected U) tritvel ithntll twenty
llvo mllua ouch dny to oarri IiIh wilury
of JU00 n your, lie la required to fur
ulah nml maintain Ida own outfit nml
leum, .trid to Klvo n hond of J.WO for
tho fntthful porforiiiniico of Ilia ilullea.
Kxperlcnco lina ileiuoiiatrnted Hint thla
dUtmieo la too Kriitt on account ot tho
hnd condition of lite ronda. Ho tunny
rnrrlcra hnvo roaluned, therehy cnua
UiK in licit confiialon nnd Intior In tho
ili'pnrtinent, that tho Conical Jtut "d
Joiirned hna heeri iiiiupelleil to ndd
$170 n yonr to the anlnrli-a of tho car
rlera of tho country. Thla Increnao of
snlnrlea mitoiiuta to about $1,000,000 a
year nildltionnl tlmt tho department
hna to pny to maintain thla furvlco on
account of hnd ronda. Over n ood
traveled or mncmliiuiUed plko rond n
carrier can eaally niako twenty-live
mllea n dny all tlrnea n wefk. With
the ronda na they nro, It la a ciueitlon
whether tho next CortKreaa will riot ho
called upon to add another $1,(00,000
to tho anhtrlea of tho carrlcri.
"L'ndor tho road htwa of moat of the
Wcitern Ktatca nt tho preterit time
work la done upon tho road a In tho fall
hy tho vnrloua rond dlatrlcta, whim
thcro la no work to bo dono on tho
farm. In the aprliiK thla work disap
pears. Nothing penunticnt remnliia,
nnd tlio ronda nro In n hnd condition,
or worao, thnn they wero before. Tho
oat of $" to Jil.iKK) n mile for tho
construction of hard ronda In thla
Woatvrti country It too i?reat. In moat
lualnncva, for road dlatrlcta, townahlpa
nnd coillillea to hear; iielther la It
rlKlit Hint they ahould bear tho rntiro
rant. Tho public nt lurk'c, which almroa
directly or Indirectly In tho benellta,
ahould contrlhuto to tho expense.
Thcro never will ho Kood toads In thla
country until tho National (lovernment
tnkoa Hie Initiative In thla movement,
nud tho D-spcctlve Htntea of the Union
Join In with liberal cautrlbiitlona, and
this nealn la supplemented hy local
etiterprlae. Continental nurie, IhiK
Imul mid Ireland nro covered with
tinnl broad pikes built nt tlio expenso
of the governments of thoso countries.
No country In the world ever yet hnd
or ever will hnvo permanent nnd paas
ablo hlKhwaya conatructed and main
tained by local nuthorlty.
"Sixty per cent of tho population of
thla country Uvea In tlio cities mid vll
liiK'cs; -10 per cent Uvea lit the country.
It Is not fnlr or Just to place the en
tire burden of Kood ronda upon the
alioulilera of tho fanner. Tho in-nornl
public tdinrci directly or Indirectly lit
tho benetlla and should benr tho ex
pense of nn ciiultnble tin for this pur
poio on nil nsseasiiblo valliea. Tho
wclh'ht of It upon the Individual would
then be na llkiit na a summer shadow.
Whllo thla apecter of taxation mny
frighten aomo of our skittish country
friends nnd cnusti them to rear nud
pluiiEo n little, they will Hnd on closer
Inspection Hint tho Kohlln Is a harm
less creation of tho lntnKluatlou. They
will Kt't buck In benellta ten times
moro than they will pay out lit taxes.
"Why aomo of our friends Rptirn
(lovernment nld when It la offered
them I cannot understand. They claim
to bo opposed to It on principle, and
ran aeo no k'lHxl In It. There nro aomo
peoplo ao constructed that when look
ing Into n pool of wnter they can nev
er aeo tho sky and tho clouds above It
rcllected on Its surface, but only the
mud at the bottom.
"This Government nover falls to do
tho rlKht thliiR In tho end. It will not
full to do tho right thins In this In
stance. Tho Impetus Riven to this
movement by n few proRresslvo states
men who Introduced mensurea lit Con
gress Inst winter authorizing national
nld In tho construction of highways,
will ultimately produce- tho results
aimed nt. It cannot fnll to do so bo
eitnso tho public Interest demands It;
Uio progress nf tha ago demands It,
tho wolf nro nnd development of the
country nt lnrgo demnnd It, and It Is
bound to eomo In spite of thoso who
rulso their voices In opposition to It."
lCtironcuti HcltooU Look After the Wel
fare of the Poor Hcholura.
It la the boast of Americans that
their public school Bystein Is tho best
In the world, but there Is one respect,
at least. In which (lorinnny leaves tho
Status far behind. In several cities
of tho fatherland freo meals nro pro
vided at tha public schools for chil
dren nccdlriK additional nutriment, tho
custom prevailing hy tho report of
Consul Warner at 1-elpslc In twenty
oua cities.
With tho exception of Ilerllu, liar
men, llruuswlck nnd N'ureiuhcig, not
only tho poor hut the sick and nitlrin
children wero also given breakfast. In
Magdeburg food Is only supplied In
very hard winters Instead of break
fast dinner U given to tho children In
Dresden, Munich, Stettin and Strnss
burg, but lu Munich It la projected to
nlao furnish brenkfnat In Hamburg
tliurii la attached great weight to pro
viding proper dlmtera for the children,
Hut Riparian of which amounts to about
2H.000 marks (ffl,0'H annually. In
llruuswlck, Ilrcslnu, Colognn, Kiel,
I'oatiu nnd Nuroinborg dinner, In addi
tion to breakfast, la also furnished.
In Ilrcslnu, Charlottoriburg. Duaael
dorf, Ifnllc, Mmtnhelin nnd Mugdo
burg Hut food la distributed hy public
Institutions, whllo lit Hid other towns
II la fiirulahed hy rluirltnhlo societies
Tim municipal niilhorltloa of Dnnzlg.
Dortmund, Ilnrnbiirg, Hanover, Ko
rilgaherg nnd I'oaeri contrlhuto toward
thi'sn fiinila, however.
Tho hienkfnal la not nlwnya tho
amui'i for Instance, white bread, dry
or buttered, mid milk: milk, with cof
fee nnd lirend; eofTi'o or soup nnd
bread, or soup made of Hour mid white
bread, t'aunlly (ho children receive
milk, tho ipinullly given being from
throe Kills lo n pint. The last men
tioned ipinullly la provided In Kiel.
Transfer l.ifl l,jr Ink Wlilcli Mul lit
Kcudlljr Developed.
In writing with certain forma of Ink
on ordinary paper, placing the sheet
after thorough blotting In contact with1
it white sheet of paper, It la possible to
make on this lutter an Invisible trans
ferouee, which, as M. A. Ilcrtlllon hna
shown, mny be rendered visible by the
trao of certain methods. In fact, a let- f
ter placed for several hours between
tho leaves of a book will leave Its'
secret In this book, and a falsification j
In a lodger mny bu proved by tho ex
nuiliiiitloii of tho page against which
Uru fnlalllisl page rusts.
A Nwlss Investigator (It. A. Hclaa, of
liiiaaiiiiet hna recently made Investi
gations In reference to the above phe
nomenon ami In reference to tho con
dition! under which It may be pro-
dueed. It nppenrs that tho forma- j
thin of tlio Imago depends principally i
on the Ink, although It was discovered
that tho latent Image may he produced (
by nearly one half of the luka In cur
rent uae, out of Uilrteon different vnrie j
Ilea of Ink seven having produced a
positive result. It further nppenred
Hint tha formation of the Image do
ponded upon the presence of acids In
tho colored mixture, the gum and the
sugar having no part In tho phenom
ena, nlthough tho paper on which the
writing has been placed glvca different
results. The best results wero obtained j
with pnper well sized and polished, for'
uio reason mat rue contact in una caao
la closer, thus favoring tho production
of tha Imago.
Tho duration of tho contact Is not
necessarily long. In general about an
hour, while In order vi reveal tho Im
ago two very simple measles nro re
sorted to. Tho flrat meUiod la v np
ply the back of the sheet on which Hit.
latent Imago la supposed to be a warm
Iron, an ordinary Ilatlron. which is held
In placo until tho paper Is slightly
browned, after which tha Imago will
appear Bo"","'" nd
plete. Tin - o n s
any chnn, ' -
Ined, and
tact with
of silver . .' "
oral hour ' '
aheeta bcl ''
blacken, - .
stand fort 1 1
bo stated
Intent Imr
contact w
Tho (Srcitt Hitaslnii l.uko.
I.ako Il.ilkal, which figures so much
In tho Oriental situation, la a some
what remarkable body of water. Its
namo U a corruption of tho Turkish
Ilol kul, "rich lake" tho referenco be
ing, presumably to tho valuable fish
with which It swarms.
Lake llalkai la the third largest body
of water In Asia. The Caspian and
Aral seas are the two larger. Itotli ore
aalt. however, whllo Is fresh.
It Is, therefore, the largest fresh wa
ter lake In AHla, nud the sixth In size
In the world, the Bvo Oreat Lakes of
North America each exceeding It lu
area. Its waters occupy a remarkable
depression In tho vast plateau of Cen
tral Asll. The level or us wuiers 18
1,300 feet above the sea, while tho bot
tom of tho lake Is, In soma places,
moro than 3,000 feet below tho sea
level. Its depth Is, therefore, 4,500
feet In tho deepest parts.
The lake Is 330 miles long, nnd from
nine and a quarter to forty miles wide.
Its witters aro a deep blue, and re
markably clear. There nro a number
of Islands In It; tho largest Olkhon, la
forty-two miles long. Thcro nro nu
merous hot springs on tho shores, and
earthquake vlbnitlona nre frequent.
Tho annual value or its salmon, stur
geon and other fisheries Is about ono
hundred and sixty thousand dollars.
Fresh water seals are abundant, and
they are caught for their fur. It re
ceives tho waters of sovcral sVeams,
the main ono being tho Snlnega It Ivor,
eight hundred miles long. Tho upper
Angara Itlvor, also of cotisnieruuio
size, enters Its northeastern end. Its
outlet Is the Ixiwer Angara. 011 which
Irkutsk is situated,
Tho reason why tho Siberian Itnll
road was not built around the southern
end of tho lako is that tho solid rock
of tho mountains reaches to tho wa
ter's edge, and Uio task would bo her
culean. Kvents lu uio Hast may com
pel It nevertheless.
Dotting on a Hiiro Tiling.
Tho mnglstrato was German, but the
prisoner nt tho bur wasn't.
"You been hero before, already,"
said tho magistrate.
"Suro 1 has," said tho prisoner.
"How many times arrested!" asked
tho Judge.
"Aw! 1 been pinched moro times
than I got lingers an' toes," nald Mr.
l'lugugly, "an' I was always dis
charged." The mnglstrato took a long look at
tho prisoner. Then, leaning toward
him In a confidential way, ho said:
"I'll bet you ?20 you're not dis
charged now."
Tut ten on that for me. It's n
clticli," wild tho court policeman who
stood near by. New York Sun.
Consider tho other side,
be unreasonable.
l'ou inny
Losing your lialr? Comlnc
out by the combful? And
dolnc nothing? No sense In
that! Why don't you use
Aycr's Hair Vlcor and
Hair Vigor
promptly stop the falllnc?
Your hair wllLbcgin to Rrow,
too, and all dandruff will dis
appear. Could you reason
ably expect anything better?
"Aw'i llslr Visor la a r'.sl mrf.M wltti
in. Mr hslr w. f.llliia "l "7 l.dlf l"'t
tl.s II. Ir Vigor It sna r.m tnr I'.lr I.
all ill'l W. U. IVoutuua. fliiUi.y. I..I
llu.sla'a Awakettng.
In Ituaala It la Hie govnnment only
Hint sloops. The people nro itwnko
nnd nallr, siiys the niitboi of "(Jrenter
Ituaala." They nro mak ug new tie
iniiriila and fisdlng a row fretslom
which Is apparent every tiny In the
absence of the former rigid repres
sion, mid In the freipiotit Indulgence In
license thut Is inUcnllec liberty.
One will sometimes sic on tho pal
rice ipray nt tit. rcterabirg n lino of
peoplo waiting for the stamcr lo tako
them to the Islands. Along comes
some high olllclnl who, Instead of
awaiting hla turn, drlvei to the head
of tho line and crowds In ahead of
tho others, formerly such an occur
rence would have been received In
allerico na a matter of course, but now
the people hiss mid denounce tho out
clul, and police do not Interfere.
If n street enr Is delnjed for a con
nection ut soma transfer station, the
passengers oten bctome rlotoua nnd
demand inelr fare lack, or begin to
pound' on tho floor itnd even break
windows until the police rnako the
driver go abend without waiting for
the other car; and he Is not allowed
to stop again until he reaches his
If an olllcer romaiistrntea with a
street car conductor for lack of cour
tesy to a passenger the crowd will nt
onco Interfere, nnd even tho offended
passenger turns on hlui. The olllcer
is told to glvo his orilcra to soldiers
who have to obey, not to freo men
who do not, and not to Interfere be
tween men who nro as good as ho Is.
TJieso are trilling things In them
selves, says tho traveler, but to one
who tots long known Itussla they nro
startling oKni cf a new spirit of
riTP rfrmo.rtlrl.Tlrrt. ".ntntntvtnm
- I-f. Sll tr-H '
1 h 11 ki: .
M 1. 1,-,
..f u.
' or 1
jph. -t.
: c-.,i-v u a
l tl '
i ion
"c ili.1.1
"Ir 1 ,
. uUUU. I,,AJ
pounds In welgit, pulled S.7M) pounds,
or Just ns much as the single elephant
Hut, like the horses, they pulled more
than their own weight. Otie hundred
men pulled 12,0(0 pounds,
HI. Oily KcfilBC.
It was a welldresaed young man,
with n sad, faravay look In his eyes,
that stood on He steps as the lady
opened the door.
"F.xcuse trie, mulam," he anld, as he
lifted hla hat, "lut could you dltect
1110 to tho Homo 'or the Friendless!"
"Do you mean o say that you aro
seeking It as a re'ugoi" she asked lu
"I am, madam," he replied. "I am
a baseball uniplri" Chicago Dally
Fulled to Icur Her,
"It Is said," reuurked the moral
Izcr, "that fortune knocks once at ev
ery tnnn's door!"
"1 guess the old grl forgot to remove
her gloves when slu knocked ut mine,'
rrjcliied the doiuorulze,.
$5 For a Name $5
Send lit. ten or mnrt nam of )om.i? pouple
with men nn to mcuto a hiiii'B Kt.ucAtlon
ami (or the ftrM one that tnrolli purchasliiK
from ui a vv wll remit you i lu
-aih. Aililrt'M,
Betwell Business Collc Tacoma, Wash.
S15.00 PER DAY
(l.-illn: Water.
Oil or Coal with
M11, lo In alt ! ami
ptylos. Wrllo lor Cats
iimui's ana il.t of inters lu
mu it U.I.
& Co.
813 Commer
cial liluck.
P. N. U.
No. J0-l0.
ft 00 a Mills. I i .Tin "i
All diuyjlim. for mrnJmmSlmmmlilmt
Thin Hair
d mfm s
IIKN writing to ml vortliera iiloma
uieiilluu una imper.
Ono Hundred Year Auo
'I ho ;cn oritur uf New lluimtahlre re-
fused to sign the bill tho Legislature i ed with the germs and jtoi
iiiul passed agreeing to the amendment j son of malaria or some pre
to the constitution, adopted by two- f vious sickness, are the chief
ihlnls of tho Htatea. i sufferers from chronic sores
At a mooting of the chiefs of the i and ulcers. While the
seiiecn Indians ut IIulTalo, S. Y., one of
the tribe was accused of tho practice
if u lic ln riif I and executed.
The legislature of Massachusctta of
fered a
'Z',?, Ulf ",coura1Be"'cn'
cultivation of hemp In that
it the cultivation of hemp
(Sonera I Dess.nllnes, of Ilaytl, for
mally deelatod war against Spain, em
ploying eruiaera to Intercept Spanish
I'or three weeks thcro had been an
iliiiiist Incessant full of rain In the
Ilddlo Kaatcrn States which caused
imeh damage to crops In that section.
(loorges and eleven of his fellow con
spirators wero guillotined at Paris.
iocnlyfivo Years Ago.
Tho Hoard of Aldermen of Iloston re
fused to allow the Trcrnont Theater to
be open on the Fourth of July, that
lay being Saturday.
Commercial uffulrs in Turkey were
n a distressed state owing to Uie seiz
ure by Uio Sultan's order of all camels
bringing produce to market and con
veying supplies to the peoplo of Con
The courts of Georgia, In order to
prevent gambling In tho State, ordered
'hat heavy lines should bo Imposed for
such otlense.
James L. M. Smlthson. founder of
tho Smithsonian Institution, died at
(Seuoa. Italy.
The Lmperor of Ilrazll was sold to
be negotiating with the Rothschilds for
mother large loan.
Work on the Hunker Hill monument
va suspended for tack of funds,
fifty Years Ago,
Tho law forbidding th Infermnr-
rllo of ' ' Mi'1 ' i s a
vi , di.,,.x ir K"an.
'it seo.. .i.n.ral society,
v. wus .-Lfineri-U.
.. -it
' n.iiu
jut In 1 .
-id w a:
" - ".w
l'.l"lll 111,
-'Mi 'Ulna saitiM o'ir or .
and atui.'ki.'d ji allied ,
' .
': 1 "i the jn '
reUtKi' 1 . I1
forty Yean Ago.
Tho arrut of two mall drivers at
Mankato, illnn., disclosed that exten
sive pilfering from the malls had been
carried ui for a long time In that
Suite. I
On the (1'Mcago Hoard 370,000 bush
els of sold for prices ranging
from ? to $1,113 per bushel.
The cmstltutloiial convention of
Maryland tassed a measure freeing all
slaves and prohibiting slavery In the
Kentucky, along the Ohio River In
the vicinity ot Lexington, was overrun
with Confedorata guerrillas.
Mrtjor (.eneral V. S. ltosecrans di
rected the people of Missouri to organ
ize home guards for protection against
Confederate guerrilla raids.
Ihirty Years Ago,
The corner stone of the Chicago post-
ulllee and custom house was laid.
Fourteen persons were killed and 100
injured when tho tloor of tho Central
Itaptlst Church of Syracuse, N. Y., lu
which a strawberry fesUval was lu
progress, gave way.
A two days' battle at Cheloa, Spain,
resulted In the defeat of 10.000 Carllsts
by a Republican force half ns large,
lieueral Concha, Republican, killed.
Contracts wero closed at Milan for
equipping the railways ot upper Italy
with American made palace cars.
A Jury ot prominent physicians lu
New York was gotten together to de
termine how far blood poison contrib
uted to death from hydrophobia.
lcnty Years Ago.
The ltullders and Traders' Exchango
of Chicago opened, with headquarters
at ISO La Salle street.
The heirs of Richard Vaguer re
fused an offer of $250,000 from au
Amerlcai- for tho exclusive rights to
Tho city of Toulon, In France, wai
stricken with an epidemic of cholera.
A bill to Incorporate Uio national en
campment of tho Grand Army of tho
Republic was lutrouuceu m tue ia
tlonal Senate.
Tho grounds of Uio Washington
Purk Driving Club were opened to the
public for tho first time.
Tho third general council of tho ro
formed churches (pan-l'resbyterlau)
opened In llelfast, Ireland.
Ten Years Ago,
Fraucols Sadl-Caruot, President of
the French Republic, was assassinated
In Lyons by Cesaro Giovanni Santo.
M. Caslmlr-Perlor was elected Pres
ident of tho Republic ot Franca to sue
ceed tho murdered Carnot
The trial ot Prendergast, murderer
ot Carter II. Harrison, to determluo his
sanity was commenced la Chicago.
Chronic S
Eating Cleers i"
Kotliinrr ia a source of to much troublo as an old soro or ulcer, par
ticularly when located upon tlio lower extremities wlisro tlio circulation
is weak and sluggish. A gangrenous cntirif ulcer upon tho teg ii a
frightful sight, and as the poison burrows deeper and deeper into tha
tissues beneath and the sore continues to spread, one can almost sco tha
flesh melting away and feel the strength going out with tha sick
ening discharges. Great running sores unil deep offensive ulcers often
develop from a simple boil, swollen gland, bruise or pimple, and aro
a threatening danger always, because while all sucli no res nro not can.
cerous, a great many are, and this should make you suspicious of nil
chronic, slow-healing ulcers and sores, particularly if cancer runs in
your family. Face sores arc common and cause the greatest annoy,
ancc because they are r,o Wheallm. W. V... Ma, 28, 1003.
persistent and unsightly Botnay,, whllB ,t workI f,llor ntruok
and detract so much from and ssiorely Injured both of mr ahlna. Mr blood
nnr'a norsnnnl nnnc-ir.nicc beoame poisoned a a result, and the dootor told
, P , appearance, mo 1 would haT9 runnln(r ,or for llf9 nd th
Middle aged and old pco- If they closed up tho result would bo fatal. On.
pie and those whose blood "i'ntoS
I , t i . . ment ana retortod to the uta of 8. 8. p. Its lTota
contaminated and taint
blood remains in an unhealthy polluted condition, and the sore will
continue to prow and spread in spite of washes and salves, for the soro
Is Die outward sign of some constitutional disorder, a bud condition of
til ti1rrr1 onrl cuclnrn 1 1 i f 1 ru- "i 1 rmmti I na finnAt Pltrn A l1rtatl rn
' rifier and tonic is what you need
, . , ., . . . . .
(U1Ckcii lire circuiuuuii uuu iiivturuio liic tunsiiiuiiuji, mm o. o. o.
is just such a remedy. It counteracts and removes from the blood
purely vegetable, a blood purifier and tonic combined and a safe and
permanent cure for chronic sores nnd ulcers. If you have a slow-healing
sore of any kind, external or internal, write us about it, and our
physicians will advise you without charge. Book on "The Blood and
One More Crash to Come.
"X traveling man stopped at a hotel
at Montlccllo. The proprietor told him
ho could not lodge him not a room In
the house," said a commercial traveler.
"The traveling man protested. He
must havo a room. Finally the proprle-
tor told him there was a room, a little the Jurisdiction of the Holy Synod, and
room separated by a thin parUtlon the remainder under other depart
from a nervous man who had lived In 1 ments. Of the pupila. 73.1(57 are adults,
the house for ten years. 3.291.601 boys and 1.203.0IM girls. Ths
" 'He Is so nervous.' said the land- teachers number 172.000. The main
lord, 'I don't dare put anyone in that termnee of these schools costs more
room. The least noise might give him tljaD w- ()fl0000 The avera(?e school
a nervous spell that would endanger ... fn. ,, ,,, ,n-.n .,.i .
his life'
" 'Oh, give me a room,' said Hie trav
eler. 'I'll be so quiet he'll not know
I'm there.'
"lVell, tho room was given the trav
eler. Ho slipped In noiselessly and
began to disrobe. He took off one
article of clothing after another as
quietly as a burglar. At last be came!
. .. ... :'.r ,..'.i.,.l h she.
"h J I ..C ulOI'V'ld t.
" lho shoe fe'.l to tb 1: or with .1
rront noise. The offe-n"njr travel -r.
u.'d at h..t be hid don, waited
tj : jar fr .1 1 . in. Kot
l.lll. .1. .i.r.t; .IT th.. tf.-nnrl l..-
iim ATniVirTf n..'S.ilOi.i.ll' !' '(fBfe
'Thin In ibaolute mil.: ha Satan ed ui.-
Tilt.ln crawled itttwi. .!, tno
H:f an hour went by. H Uu't! lint a . ' when t' or came
a tremendous lu 'K 1 tuj r.U-
t.'oD. T.'ie era voter up in bed. trem
bling and dismayed. "Wlni wha
what's the matter!' be asked. Then
came the voice of the nervous man:
"Illame you! Drop that other
shoe!" " Indianapolis News.
Ttio Itailluiii Atom.
Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, tho English
physicist, coutends that radium has
not upset received scientific doctrines.
He says that those who thought-it was
on inexhaustible store of energy, or
was generating energy afresh which
had not previously existed, were mis
taken. The radium atom uau in 11 n
large store of energy. Just as the sun
bad. If they could see nullum atoms
they would mid tbem, us a rule, as
quiet ns any other atoms; only one In
a million would be seeu to Jto. ns It
were, smashing up. throwing off bits of
itself, nnd the whole property of ra
dium depend! tl upon that. ! Jt"'ns
material was In a at
was birth, cu1""""""" "-"- "
tnia .- a characteristic 01 tue uiiue-
ral universe a universe which must
have had an origin. The birth of mat
ter as well as the doath of matter was
what they were now looking for.
Thinks Soup Injurious,
An English writer asserts that the Va
ngllsh people have greatly deterlor- tlmial diea-e, requires a constitutional treat
ed physically because of the too fre- .?' J!?".',-. V.iSrSS1!;
ated physically
quent use
of soap. aTlie English he
, ,, .,. .,,.
00 clean. The Creator gave
savs. are too 1
us natural oil to protect the skin and
make It supple, and we pass our time
removing this oil with soap. In con-
sequence, wo are moro vulnerable to ,
colds, to rheumatism, and to all sor ts ,
Ui uiseiioi.. uu.i' vi,.... v ...
the skin, aud disease enters with ease.
The Downtrodden.
"Remember," said the man with the
red face and angry eyes, "tho worm
will turn."
"Well," answered tho cold-blooded
citizen, "let him. About nil tho com
fort the average worm gets Is n chance
to wriggle." Washington Star.
Distemper, rink Kye or InillKMtlon. A creat B100D PURIFIER AND CON
DITIONER and a turc cure for alt allmcitU from which heaven urtie.
1 hare been tiling rruulan Ilea. lowdert tli imt eight munthi and lo that time have
ruril II borw-a of Heave-i, 14 of DUteniper ami O of Chronlo Cou-fh. Ths lruijiJ
KciuMie LiaTe gained a great reputation In tbli aectlon. -trnet lu-hncke, Nuwark, IS.
FREEt-Wfag V'nrnifr'i H-anit ltcwt-f. t-nrwuw UaiiKrtT Oo.. Bt fatit Minn.
were prompt una trr tuny. mr. ii to ok oniy a ihort
while for the modlolce to cure up theooroi, nnd I
am not dead the doctor intimated I would be,
neither have the aorea erer broken out airaln,an(i
orne 12 years hare elapsed alnco what I hare de
cflbed ocourred.
Care Bohmulbaoh Brewing Co.
- something to cleanse the blood,
, ,, . c c r.
all the impurities and poisons, and grad
ually builds tip the entire system; and
when the blood has been purified the
healingproccss begins and the ulcer or
sore is soon entirely gone. S. S. S.
contains no mineral or poisonous drugs
of anv description, but is guaranteed
I'tilillc Sehonla In Itussln.
Social Service gives some late sta
tistics regarding public schools In Itus
sla. There are 81.."r!J public schools In
the Empire, of which number 40,131
aro under the Jurisdiction of tho Min
ister of Public Dlueatlon, 42..-SS under
village schools f5 per pupil.
hKeeley liouor-mohphine-tobmcoI
Hy elimination.
One day as Pat halted at Uie top ol
. river bank, a man, famous for his
u,, -Isltlve mind, stopped and asked:
' How long have you hauled water
fir ;he village, my good man!"
"Tin years, sor."
"Ah! How many loads do you take
"-from tin to fifteen, sor."
"Ah, yes! Now, I have a problem
fr. you. How -uiitgF - '
iava you hauled In nil, sir!"
The driver of the watering cart Jerk
".I his thumb backward toward tha
rS-r and replied, "All the wather you
dou't see there now, sor."
For coughs and colds there la no better
ledlclne than l'iso's Cure for Consuiup-
Uon. Price 28 cents,
A Knock.Down Argument.
Skeptic You have given me many
messages froai departed friends, but not
one of them has told rue anything I
didn't know.
Medium (with dignity) I would liava
you understand, sir, that the spirits ot
the dead have something better to do
than to come back to earth and teach
Mothers will flnil Mrs. Wlnslowa'a Soothing
Byrup the best remedy to use lur their chlliirea
ourlng the teething isjrlod..
O11 the Other Hand.
"Of course," remarked tho
you"t "'an who know irnl!,""a
an's 'no' always menus 'yes.' "
"Perhaps It does," replied the man
with the scanty hair; "but I'm right
hero to tell you that her 'yes' never
means 'no.' " Chicago News.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readera ot thla pair will be pleased to
learn that there Is at least one dreaded dlseasa
lhat alienee has leu able to cure In all ita
.,.... imd that Is Catarrh, llall'a Catarrh
.unaeeaot ihesy.tem, ttereby d stroyiuu the
foundation ot the dlaeaso, and Hiving the ia.
?e, ,tre,,gih by bnlldl.11. up the cointiiutton
a..d.l..lng Je, TikBV.5
e,ihit they tter one Hundred Poltare
!or any case that It falls to cure. Seud lor list
ol3JlJJ,a "p. j. CHENEY St CO., Toledo, O.
.i-e te be,
Her l'rlvute Opinion.
"No, ma'am," said the hobo who was
figuring on a handout, "I ain't no
reg'hir tramp. I wuz n sailor t'rea
years ergo, but me tdilp got wreckt un'
I wuz washed ashore."
"And It's a safo bet,' retorted tha
unsympathetic female, "that you ain't
been washed since."
rurtUud Or.. Cuuat Aicout
High Grade
tKs Machinery
The A. H. Averill Mac'iire-y Co.
Write (ur Catalogue aid Prices,
am n-ii rrinr--"