Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 15, 1904, Image 7

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Wlirftitr It la ot tlio nunc, thrust, lonmcli,
liowfli, or iiiuitnlellintK organs, eatiirrli Is
always debilitating and sliutilil tiuvcr fall ul
a 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 .
It l n illtirhnrco (nun tho mucous ninn
lirfino whi n kept In n utiilo ( Itillaiiiiiiittliiii
liC nil Impiirn, iiiiiiiiKiuly scruliiloui, coil
itlllon ot til" blood.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures nil forms of colnrrli, rndlrnlly unit
permanently It rriuovm tho rnuiin mid
overcomes all the invits. (Ju Hood's.
Out llm Tlltin All lllillll.
A now Irish porter una itit it t nrl
ill nil UhkIIkIi triiln. Tin lii'inl pwti-r
MJK lluiisi'hulit Wuiils, till -(! II..
Hew llillli Id f ml I n to him rlim-ly, in. I
thereby h-iirii lilt itiiili H
WIiimi till' Unit ttnlii en mi' Into lln
station tlm lii'inl piirtrr nhmii -), "I it
lyhlll; i'Iiiiiiko for llm tlfnnl. Nu Ui..i.
mill Mlililli'slitiroilKh; i'Iiiiiiki' fur Hpin
liymuur, 1'oxhnu mill Trljiiilou; kn .
J our futila going liorlli."
Ilitrni'y Kltiiiln after lilm mnl shout
tit III ii louder voire: " i i i ! i M .
chnngo for liiihoro, ('iiiiliiiini, l
tnlooral, IHilcrhitui: flui ni;a- f..r I'm
rouili, .Morrlimn, riiiilliiiin. ('olilli'iin.
Vupo your scats where ymi nn1 "
Tlio Million iimntiT rnllril lilm nslilo
nml showed lilm tlio rlKlit iiiiiiii'h m
tlio Ohio table. i
Hartley letnorril his nip nuit ;il. pn i
lllcly, "Thank you, snr. I got ! t
tlio uitiilr, but I cuuliln't nil Ii (liu
wurils." i
A Kcmsrlable Cure ol Dropsy by Dodd'i
Kidney l'lll.
K'cdgwlck. Ark., July II. Tlio ruer
' ol V. 8. Tiiylnr'H little mm in looked
upon liy tliwo Intel entcil In uiiillnil
limlli'ts in ono of tlio iinint vtoiiilcrful
on Hi'onl. In IIiIh con ih it inn 1 1 1 H f it t Ii
cr innki'K tlio follow Inn ntiiteuii'iil:
"Iml Fcptotiihcr, my little I my linil
dropsy; Ii In leet nml lluiln were
(molten to such nil extent Hint ho emit
not Mil Ik or put his shoes on. The
treatment that tlio doctors were giving
li I Hi seemed to ilo lilm no goisl nml two
or tnrco people rnhl hin ilnyn were
short, uicii tlio iliKturn, to of tho ll
lii tlio country toht mo ho would not
get hotter. 1 stopped their medicine
nil nl onro tent for Podd Kiilnoy
Pills. 1 giivu him Mireo plllH a day,
ono morning, noon nml night fur i ight
ilsve; nt tho end ol the eighth day the
swelling unn nil gone, hut to give the
iniillclno Justice, I gae him eleven
inure pillM. I nii'.l thirty-five pills in
II nml ho was entirely cured. I run
ilder your nieillrino saved my child's
life. When tho thirty-five pills were
given lilm, lie eoiihl run, ihinre linil
ling, whereas bcloru ho Him an invalid
In lila mother's nun from morning
until night."
Maid? Scalp shiny ami ililn?
Then It's probably loo laic.
You ncp.lccicd tlaiulruir. If
you bad only taken our ad
vice, you would liavc cured
flair Vi
the dandrtilT, saved your hair,
and added much to It. If
not entirely bald, now Is your
opportunity. Improve It.
llrtly t i A"
Vi ii
ft no a Im,iii
( Nrl'liil lidvoa !av
i Hair VI
i l A
hair (In, I lltl.ik, u
Kkiih, llallevlll. 111.
J r a T r R t -o ,
for 1 ' M"M
Good Hair
It Wiinii't Hlriitlu.
OKI JlliHin (In the hotel loliliyl
Well, well; If there Inn't ouiik .Slicker
I never expected to nre lit m niiciln on
thin earth, nlid hero hu la nllve nml
JohMiia Wliat'a lieen the matter
with lilliiT
Old Jllnon Went to tho liii'pltnl tor
nil operation. Cleveland Lcndtr.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Soars tlio
Knnw llm Hex.
"Vour wife 11 n icr m.-k wininn.'
nlil Hit Krnm old ihn inn, "nn.l hil
I do not uinli to iiltirm )on, I huu my
doulita nn to lier rwovery."
"Oh, tlie'll pull thnniKli nil rlk'lil. doc
tor," rrplled tlio le litmlinnd. "Her
drennuinkFr ni'iit liome n new gown )'
ttrilny and hIiu linHii't trlil It on."
I'rmiilriit It.miievi'lt tins .li'llirrcl ,170
peei'lien williin tiro nn.l n linlf jeiim.
II In mii.1 lie linn broken Hie rreord.
lliiMlira noldlern In Mniiehiirlu nr- kiipilll with whnt In culled n trav
eling MlHii'ii. It eoimlntn of n ryllndr.i'iil boiler hnvln u enjnelty of forty
Kiillum nml linn n eollnpnlblo ehlinney. Tlie boiler In mounted on n cart
nml n mule or pony dnmn It ulmut ulth the tioopn. Tliu nolillem pick up
foivln, plKn nml nther edlblen on the iiinnh. Thene nre thrown Into thu Iwller
to Mumicr nn the column proceed. Tea nml noup nrc ulwnyn ready to be
nerved. Thun It will lm wen Hint troopn Hint uro nuecenaful In fornnlnit
enn nlwnyn hnio plenty of frenli meat In netunl wnrfnre.
Wlijiien r Hip Wlierpfnrp.
"I iiihim.," unl Hip muuty haired
ronii, ".win liute neier Kivrii imirrf&Ke a
"Oli, j pa I linrc," ri'Olied the bncli
el or.
"Tlifn hy are you (till InzleV" aik
nl Hie oilier.
"Ileenuio I Knvo marriage a tliouiflit,"
mmnered the odroeate of tiuslu blcmc.l
Vou Can (let Allen'a f'oot.limr PKI I3.
Ono Hundred Year Ago.
A famoua robber of Ihiropp, known
an the "Ureal Devil." was executed at
j Ureal change were anticipated In
I lower Italy, which were to b of ad
vantage to the French Kmpcror.
Ilia KIiik of KiiKland had complete
Some of the most stubborn discaws enter
into the system through tlio pores of tho kin.
Like a tpnngc, it nbsorbs poisons of various
kinds, which nro taken up by tho littlo blood
vessels benefit Ii the surfuco of the body, and
emptied into the great current of tlio blood.
Tho juices of poison onk mid other noxioun
wild pluntn percolate through the skin like water through a sponge,
taken into the circulation, breaking out afresh each season, and lint
ing on for yrars unless mitidoted and driven out of iho nv.tcm.
Dye Poisoning among tho employes of dye houses, and from wear
ing colored under-clothing and hosiery, is of frequent occurrence!
and dangerous to health,
causing boils and sores and POISON OAK AND IT3 EFl-EOTa.
Other eruptions. Ornr Oftnen jears aso I wa polsonad with Pot
Worker in lend hrni ,0" Pak- "'.? remedy after remedr without
worKcrs in icnu, Drnss getting-relief. Bores broke out OTirrar bedy an
nnd other irietals nrs often .n rartoasne, aHeottnethe ltnlnir of mr mouth,
poisoned by tho chemicals t.WX"l TLVA Si. "I
and acids used in polish- bottles all the norea disappeared, and Z hare not
!.. n,1 il, ,! r,,l fil. beon bothered since, and I feelmuoh Indebted to
llig, and the dust nnu til- your valuable medlotne for so prompt and oom
ings settling upon tho skin, p'et" J m,ert'P "!' a- b- a- win o all
i i i r i .1 that la claimed for It In blood dlsoasss,
and which find their way Ky. C0N, o'uaTAW.
through the pores into the
blood, followed by inflammation, swelling and the most obstinate sores.
Blood Poison, the vilest of all human diseases, is often con-
Write Allen B. (limited. l lloj.N.
tree nam lo ol Allen 's l..t
qweauitir, noi awoiien, ai ninir reel
It curea
It rnakei
Miss AI. Carlledgc gives some
helpful advice to young girls.
Her lelfer is but .one of thou
sands which prove (lint nothing
Is so helpful to young girls who
are just arriving at the period of
womanhood as Lyuia b. 1'iiik
ham's Vegetable Compound.
"Pkah Miis. I'inkiiaH! I ennnol
f ralna I.J'dlu U. l'lnltliiun'H AVgo
ulilo Coiiipomnl too highly, for It
Is tlio only nicdlcliio I over tried which
cured mo. I sutTered much from my
first menstrual period, I felt so wonk
and dizzy at times 1 could not pursua
my stiiulcs with tho usual Interest.
My thoughts beenmo Hlugirlsh, I had
headaches, backaches nnd sinking
nnclls, also pains In tho back nnd lower
limbs. In fact, I was sick all over.
" rinally, nfter many other remedies
had been tried, wo wcro advised to pet
lijillu 10. IMiikluun'H A'egctulilo
Compound, and I nm pleaded to say
that after taking It only two weeks, n
wonderful cliano for tho better took
place, and in a ulinrt tlmo I was Ir
Jiorfect lienUli." I felt buoyant, full of
lfo, and found all work a pastrlno. J
am Indeed i;lad to tell my experlcnci
with Ijj'dlu 13. IMiilcluim'H Vt'iro
tnlilo Conilioiitid, for It mado a illf
forcnt girl of me. Yours very truly,
Miss M. Caiitludue, 633 Whilcfiall Si,
Atlanta, Oa." IIOOO fotfilt If crltlnal of
Stwa htttr proving fnulntiuuttnaol ttproituui
r . 111 Tal a Ii t
Uait Couah druu, Taitea uoua. Vtt
HnJ 1 1 rJh iJ f J BMIaB
WIio I'uvnr Hie I.uller
'I llrory.
Country doctors mny not know every
thing, particularly In the eitiinntlou of
iirlMin spveliillats, but what they do
know nliout n Mist uiiinber of things,
U'ln uniinlly based on experience and
common soune. Is tery apt to be use
fill. Therefore wo nre not nt nil sur
prlavil to hnio reeelveil from n medl
ilno limn In Now Mllford, Conn.. hIioiii
o will call Dr. Wrong because ho
didn't iv nut hla nnirio used, and
"Wrong" U Junt ns far from his true
nnmo ns It wuuld lie possible to get, a
most lllumlnnttiig titter on Hie wxed
ijiicsllnn whether hens "alt" or "not''
a letter nntly better Hum any thing re-
'entry written on tho inn tier by nm-
ateur philologists, liu ludlng nurneln n.
Dr. Wrung begins his ilif. ns- of "et
ling" hens by culling nttcntlon to the
lact Hint the nun ami other celestial
bodies are allowed to "set" an often
in they choose, without complaint f nun
anjlHidy. and he thinks that thin ts Jui-
tltlentlun for lolling hens do the name
on the mere nutliorlty, ns ho explains,
'of common unge iiim.iu then. Inter
ested III the subject." There Is sntiie
ihliig In that, l'l'i linin. but I ot iiiueh, In
our oilulitii, nnd the ductor does much
better with his ruse when he ntys:
Another rrason for the use of Vet' in
talking nbout hens Is that It is n ue -es
wiry word, without n synonym. A "set
ling hen' on nu empty tunt or one con.
tnliilug only nrtlflclul or sterile eggs Is
not 'lucubntliig' nil) thing, but he In
netting' for nil that. Silling- expresses
in Idea nltogether dlft'ereiil. All fun Is,
without distinction of n'x or nge, 'sit'
H-eanloiuilly in the dust on u hot day,
for liistnnce but only adult femnles
eier 'set.' Moreover, n hen Is 'sit
ting' whether, nt n given moment, sh)
In on her nest or w Hiking nbout In
search of noiuctliliu to eat. I luive
seen three hens 'silting' In one nest
mil only one of them uns 'totting,' the
itehr two having gone there tn lav
How enn I express this Idea without
using the word forbidden by the pur-
stn?" That, now. Is a letter,
written from large knowledge of lis
subji-ct, nml bnseil, too, on ncouratu
henries of language. It iloexn't enn
vlnee us. Indeed, that wo should full
n with rustic usage, hut It nearly. If
not quite, persuades us that the word
sharps nre nil wrong In their condem
nntlnii of "setting ns npplleil to hens.
It would le far from tho first or tho
thousandth time that they haie cor
reeled wnnt air. itrynn culls tho "com
mon people" when the latter wero
right, but, until tho experts nnd the
eminent ones who follow or precedo
the experts realize Uielr error nnd re
form, tho rest of us must humbly sub.
inlt. New York Times.
Doubtless these nro the men who are
now crowding Into Knglnml In such
numbers under the designation of fler
mnn workmen; nt the name time thos.
who hnie been already eonvleteil In
liermniiy often ndopt an I.'ngllsh natno
M ns to eoneenl their Identity as far
ns possible.
tlnental sovereigns, called tiieui all
How ii Lawyer IltllUes III. Time from
Hurl Morn to deny Kve.
1 know a prominent New York cor
poration lawyer who Is out of bed nt
.' o'clock In the morning nnd after
taking exerclso Is ready for breakfast
nt 0:0. Ho Is at his olllcc In Wnll
street nt 8 o'clock. Ills secretary and
his stenographer await lilm. nicta
tion begins nt once of the rough out
line of n brief to be prepared. He
follows this with dictating memoran
da for his clerks, Kpeclfylng certain
luestlons of law nnd of fnct which
ho desires looked Into during the day.
At li o'clock he rends nud answers
luiortant letters which Ids secretary
has sorted out for Ids nttcntlon. At
(::iO he In ready for consultations with
clients, l'roni that time until -1 or 6
o'clock In the afternoon he Is lu con
tinuous nttendniire either boforo
courts (generally of appellate Jurisdic
tion!, nt meetings of boards of direct
orn or lu consultation.
At perhaps -1:30 o'clock the lawyer
is renuy to receive reports from liN
clerks. They nro required to report
solely upon the tKihit Intrusted to
them. Little or nothing Is left to their
Judgment or discretion. It ts merely
desired to know what the law and the
ensea nro upon some particular point.
They aro expected to reiiort noournte
ly, concisely nnd quickly. This mis
eellnucous work continues until per
Imps 0:30 o'clock, when the day's In
bor dovtntonu Is nt nn end.
Some lawyers even malco use ot the
time consumed In going home. Dur
ing the summer months William .Vol-
nm Cromwell spends his nights on the
New Jersey const. Ho goes down by
limit each afternoon, but a large stntc
rooin on that vessel Is equipped with
desk nnd typewriter nnd stenographer,
that full use mny bo ninde of the pre
cious hour devoted to the trip. Dim
Ing tho winter ho will probably be
ready for dinner at 7:30 o'clock. An
olllcc loy has gone nlieud of lilm car
rying a green bng full of books nud
papers which nre to be considered dur
ing the evening. World's Work.
newnrtiiiht ! mtj A ipriain cure tor not been approved by his brother, the
LI.. .-llll !!V ln,i.Uiil,nviiil.llli.u r.llljliror.
Mltiike Homenlieie.
"Mr. Mill) mm." n.inl the poor but
nristoerntle widow, "allow me to pre
sent my three charming daughters."
"(jood heavens, madam!" exclaim
ed young Mlllyuns, "there must lie a
tnlstiike somewhere. I'm not a sena
tor from Utah."
Motbera will find ilra. Wirulowi'a Boothinf
Sfrup Hie Leal reined jr to me for tlielr cilMrea
durlug the teething lortod,.
A llollcilto I'lllllt.
Magistrate You are charged ltli
hugging and kissing nowen asalutt Hieir
I'rlsoner I was so drunk, your honor.
Hint 1 eouldu't tell a pretty woman from
an ugly one.
"That Is no exeuic."
"No, but It explains why they ob
Jr. ted."
FITO rermnnennrcurnj. nonuornerrouanMM
ll 10 artrrllnldar'auaeuriir Kllnr'aOnatNem
'!"'" Hnd far Kreo K3 Iruitatlleand Inalla II. Kline, 14d..w Arrli hi . i'bllAdrl.ti!a, la
rilorrly n Iteiinniler
"Yes," remarked joung Deltorem aa
tlio clock cliitiii'd the hour of 11 p. m.,
"I in nw very absent minded, duurher
know? I'm always forgetting soinetUiog
that I aw should weinemlier."
"1 have noticed that," rejoined Mias
".nist!iiic. "You eveu forget how to tell
tune by tho clock."
ly recovered from a severe Illness, and traded through: shakinc the hand or handling the clothint; or other nrti-
s regency was aban , clcs used by one infected witli tuts dangerous poison. 1 lie deadly virus
milling us way inrougii inc pores ot tna
skin, contaminates tlie blood nnd produce
fearful ulcers, eruptions and blotches.
The diseases that enter the system by
absorption or through the pores aro a
deep-seated and dangerous as any brought
on by internal causes, and cannot be
reached by washes, salves, soaps or other external remedies. The blood
must be purified and a healthy circulation established before getting
ncrmancntlv rid of the disease. S. S. S. acts upon the blood, ridding it
f ., . 1 . , 1,1... 1 1 ! . ! -
Honiparte, In an address to the con- OI ie original poison anu resior nB u to a ncau.iy, norma conuiuou.-
b. b. a. is guarantccu entirely vegeiauic, an unrivaicu uioou pun
ficr and the best of all tonics. With all impurities removed from tho
blood, the sores and eruptions disappear from the skin. Write us should
you desire medical advice or any information about your case; this will
cost you nothing. Tit SMFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA,
tho project of
'Jlio Dutch governor of the colony at
the Cape of Good Hope ordered all En
glish to leave the cap within two
It was reported that the position of
high admiral of Trance would be re-
V , tor a 1 served for Jerome Ilonaparte aud his
American marriage canceled, ns It had
Seventy-five Years Ago.
The "Union Kmlgrant Society" was
founded In New York, the object of
which was to afford assistance to all
foreigners arriving In that city.
I'lgured muslin was first woven on
a power loom at Central Palls, Mass.
The first steam Dre engine used In
Cleveland, Ohio, was purchased.
Tho emancipation act, prohibiting
convents and religious communities In
Oreot Drltaln, was declared a dead
The London metropolitan police force
was organized.
There was a great depression In nil
business Interests, especially In the
New England States, where there were
many failures among the manufactur
ers, motley being scarce.
No Doubt About It.
"L'nele." mid the high school young
man, "Is 'politics' singular or plural':"
"Sonny." was the reply, "In de paht
of de country whali I come film (ley's
slng'lnr. mighty sing'lar." Wushlng
tou Star.
The Itomnns had a god of boundar
ies. Terminus. His statue was a post
set In the ground to mark the limits
of fields.
1 ' ron f UIL PAATlCUtAM "
inut tm rmiTngnTOTr.- portlancokc
Science line 1 ilrnlalicd Them New
Menus for Octttnir Into flufee.
It appears that Ueriuans of known
bad chnracter aro allowed to cscnpo
on condition of leaving tho country.
ICnglnnd Is practically tho only refute
open to them, so they flock hore, and
among them tho expert (Serman bur
glar visits us In o cr Increasing num
bers, saya the Westminster Itovlow.
It In said that (icrmany la tlio country
of specialists, nnd the criminal but
Intelligent Teuton makes n specialty
of his business, to which he nppllcs tho
latest scientific methods. Tho extent to
which the art of burgl.iry litis been de
veloped Is evidenced by tho fact Hint
Ingenious house breaking tools nro
inamifucturrd, such ns portable bid
ders, porluhle phosphorus nnd elect! to
'niups, ratchet drills, sheet Iron eutt rn,
adjustiible Jimmies, pick locks nud vu
rlous kinds of skeleton keys. Some of
thosn nre, of course, legitimate nnd
necessary tools, not niccssarlly nor
mainly used for felonious purposes.
Any given house, once entered, the
u leiitltle Herman can open the strong
st cast Iron safe by menus of nn
xy-hydrogen blowpipe, which pro
luces n heut so Intcmo ns to melt any
iietnl ngnlnnt which It Is directed. Thu
follow lug plan In also prnelleeil: A re-
out chondral discovery has produced
i preparation known ns thermite. If
i portion of this Is placed on the top
if it sufo n heat Is generated so pow-
fnl that the toughest steel cannot
vlthstnnd It. nnd a hole Is buined In (litis may not convert young men,
uiy desired portion of the teccptuole. out they at least draw tticm to church.
United 8tut lluvc 11,000 tiucli HIl-iihI.
oil Coast uiltl Wuter Wuya.
There nre 0,000 burning lights nnd
signals stretched along the American
coasts, forming a perfect link, so that
tho navigator nevor need be beyond
sight of ono of the beacons. One thou
sand of these are located on tho At
lanUc coast, 1,500 nre scattered along
tho rivers and Inland waterways, .VXi
on the great lakes and '-W on the l'u
clflo coast.
Of tho grand total, Including light
houses of different classes, buoys, bea
cons nnd danger signals 3,000 are light
ed, giving forth their warnings nt
ulght time. Of theso a score or more
throw a beam of 100,000 caudle power.
To maintain the light house sorvlco u
corps of over 4,000 men is constantly
employed nnd a fleet of mora than fif
ty vessels. No service lu tho world
exceeds In completeness and efllclency
Hint or tlio united States.
A modem American lighthouse of
the first class cost bctwen $100,000
and fL'00,000, nnd of this about one-
third Is spent for the electric light and
apparatus nlono, licstdc one of them
Kgjpllan Cnnopus or Rhodes' "perfect
Idol, with proftilgcnt brows," whose
rn. v a streamed down the purplo seas
o Murium, would wilne as tapers In
the Mediterranean night, with no plncs
among tho seven wonders of the world
nml hardly worth noticing.
uy ouo enn name tlio three graces,
but the disgraces nro too numerous to
nit-1 1 1 Ion.
$100 Reward, $100.
Tho resderaof thla will be nleased to
lesin that there la si lea t one dreaded dlaeaae
dial acltfiicu haa been able to cure In all Ita
f.ajcea, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
i uns lalheonlr loaltlie cure known to the
(Helical Irnlernlly. Catarrh belne a codiIUu
iniiial dl-eaae, reUlrea a constitutional treat,
iient. II sll's Cstarrh Cure l i aken Internally,
acti ii ir utrevuy uion ir.o ucou ana mucous
uriacea oi ine ayitem, inereuy aeairoynitf me
Mlitdallun of Iho dlaeaae, and giving the 14
lent atreiiKlh by bultdlnir up the conitttutlon
tnd a.alatlug nature lu Uulmr tta work. The
iruprleiora haie aa much fnlth In lis curative
Kiwera that they otrer one Ituudred liollara
r anvcaielhsllt tails to cure. 1-enJ for Hat
it teAilmunlsls.
Ad.lre. K. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by drurcUts, ?6c.
Hall's Kaiuily 1'llla are the belt.
Neat to the Oreatcat.
Knobbliis Oh, I suppose you think
your father the greatest man that ever
Hillings I'll not go so far as that;
but he certainly was the greatest be
fore I c.'iino upon tho stage. Uoston
For bronchial trouwes try Tlao's Cure
for C'oiiitiiuptioii. It Is a good cough
medicine. At driigKMa, price 2i cents.
Desperate Youth.
On the thirtieth floor of the ofllco
building I'crcy I'eu leaned out of tho
"llefuse me," he cried, "and In ten
minutes 1 will bo found ou that side
walk far below."
Agnes, the beautiful stenographer,
shuddered nnd accepted him. After
the wedding she said, softly:
"And would you really have Jumped
out of the window'"
Percy Ten grinned.
"No, darling; 1 Intended taking tho
eltvutor dun ii."
f If ty Years Ago,
Cholera was raging In Italy and
The United States consul at Turk's
Island was released from prison, where
be had beeu confined by the local Judl-
Cleveland and Ohio Cltv wprp nnltpil I
The old "watch," which had existed I
In Iloston since 1031. was aliolished !
and a police department established.
A terrific hurricane from six to eight
miles in width swept through the toun
of Mauteno. III., doing great damage.
A new seal was adopted for the city
of Chicago.
Then They Dined.
"You nrc sweet enough to cat." said
the very young man who Imagined he
had the love market cornered.
"Thanks," rejoined tho matter-of-fact
maid. "There's a small restaurant
Just around the corner."
Occiislounll'y n man dcclluea a nomi
nation for olllcc If there Is no chance
for his election.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Door Signature of
Sc rcSltnlIo Wrapper Ik low.
Yerj mull and cm
to take ns it agar
. . ciauauirsaj tniaTiwvitiaAw.t.
lic?M I Purely Vefolahlefvw??-
forty Years Ago.
General Grant withdrew with con
siderable loss from his position In the
first lotreachments around Petersburg.
Twenty persons, mostly girls, were
killed and a score of others were In
jured In an cxploslou In Hie arsenal ai
Washington, I). C.
A convention between France nnd
Japan was signed by Japanese ambas
sadors at Paris.
The Confederate steamer Alabama
attacked nud sunk the United Stntes
corvette Kearsnrge near Cherbourg,
Gold In New York went up to $2.30
because of the anti-gold gambling law
which had gone Into effect, aud a meet
ing of brokers sent a committee to
Washington, D. a, to get the law mod
The ceremony of driving the last
splko In the Atlantic nnd Great West
ern Itallway occurred at Dayton. Ohio,
completing a through Hue from New
York to St. Ixiuls.
thirty Years Ago.
The Forte prohibited the circulation
of copies of the Bible lu Turkey.
The Tope. In an address to the col
lege of cardinals, declared that nny
reconciliation between the Vatican anil
the Italian Government must come lu
the way of concessions from Italy.
Tha treaty of 1SSS (trade and com
merce) between the United States and
the King of the Belgians wns annulled.
A Turkish vessel, the Knrs, was
sunk In a collision In the Sen of Mnr
mora and 320 persons drowned.
Congress directed the Secretary of
State to purchase from Its possessor
and restore to the family of Marijuls
iJlfayette Hie watch given the French
nobleman by George Washington.
Twenty Years Ago.
There was such a scarcity of small
coins lu Mexico that coins of larger
values were cut up to represent those
of less value.
Tho Itepubllcnn .National Committee
nt Augusta, Me., officially notified
James G, Illalne of his nomination for
the presidency.
Over halt a million bushels of grain
wcr shipped by vessel from Chicago
to Buffalo and lake ports.
Thmliermen an.l Hawmll I Mm Note! 130 R.
Kmllt-M !.tnen lllcli-l. Ilt-ay Canvas. 4 vy, T
Inch H'IUiik. Xi w :t ft. a turn wide, same as
aUn ... IR.IJU. rank 1'iirmm mmplete, with lift,
Inch Hiielion llo, 10 ft. In harsi lloae, with noa.
let and atralner. flojO. llelllnr. lion ami I'acklos
at ahuleMala prices, (lenerat aemy for Pariona
llawkere elf Feeder. Ine ahuigle mill, run only
days, at a baraaln. Write (or catalogs.
1-Uliri-AND. OltKUO.V.
Dr. C. Gee Wo
Thu wondtrfol Cht
d'm doctor ti cftili
Kiratbccaus bt cum
topl without opcrtv
lion lht ftrtglTtn up
to dl. lit cum wlib
thoM wonderful I'hU
bm lirb, roou, huds.
brks ftnd vittbU
ibtvt r otlrlr nn
known la mdtcftl ad-
tnco In this coiotrj, Throiun tb oi o
ibocQ barmlPM rrmMtct Ibla Umoui doctor
knowt tb action of ovr ftOO diffrrvnl rm
dt, which h urctafuUy o In dtffiraal
dlMfcMt. Hp Utrsatfl to cur catUrb, auiiv
nils lunf, ibruat, rbtom atlas m, ncrroufoMs.
lomach, llTr, kidntjt, tc.t hu band reds or
tetttmonlali. Char(a inKlerat. Call and
him. Patient out of tha fltj wrlta for
blanki and circular. 8nd it am p. LUaNt)Ul
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
233 Aider St.. P'TtlarjJ. Urt04.
irUiutiou paper.
I'orlKipM lt RIato Troublu
1 Ale trouble ii common tblnfr. and then
ttt- Ttrioui kioila of It. Many pi a tea neve
tore rtjfht Othert are properly tuaJe, bu
he muutb li not nut lu proper coudltlou
or Hearing the plate.
f rowr rUteiareln any way nntlifacton
e will be rUJ to make art examination
mil tell j ou the cause ot trouble.
e extract teeth wholly without rain an
11 work 1 at lower than reasonable rates
rxtracting free when plates or brlJgei arb
WISE BROS., Dentists !0SJ!J p!n poifLANi5IhorV(KU).N
oin veuius till 9 Eunilaj-a from 9 to U Oregon, Main iJ
Wrlto for Catalogue anil Prices
Mir Sniithwick
WUnnlrta w UUUULt- SltiUKt.
Actual cat a it t, not claimed, 12 tn IS ton rwr day, ToUlve au oniatlo nlunver draw.
Vo trinir ued tione indica or. iteel Unliur. thalTir ate, aud a tafe, roomy feed table. Low
bridge rour-'oot tmLe
Hay Press.
oiny feet
Horse and Belt Power Presses.
P. N. U.
No. 29-1004.
TT71IKN writing to advertisers pleas. I
1 1
uieulluu tills iuper.
Icn Years Ago.
Cajitalti Mali nn, Amerloan ntivnl lili
torlati, was given tlio ilocree of 1,1,. u.
at CainbrKlKe University. Ho recvlvi-d
a similar lionor from Oxford two ilays
Sixteen race horses en r.oute from
tlio Hawthorne (Chicago) track to St.
Paul wero killed lu a railway wreck at
Stlllmati Valley, 111. Three stables were
practically wiped out.
Frances K. Wlllard, returned from a
jear abroad, was glveu a monster re
ception lu Now York,
Atlspicil (or wu k si tisrn bsuks Slan la up to Ita work, fconie ru illgnlnj holea 'or th
nrnre a S..t iiecia ry (of iho iter in ftei iti.wn on tils kneea In dual, nun ) anow. Lsrseat
vtu Opening ol an lloublo SlmVe l'rpaa ina.te I.tgtai of llrall. It la sale for both men anil
h 'raja. I'uia lull ueiKhi iuio or.llnary box iar. Ilumlreila of thc(8 iircaaes lu uie In Oregon
W aihtugton ami Idaho WK giiaruiinie It the beat on the market
Mitchell, Inula A Slaver Co. feaule ami tpokanc, Waah., rortlanil, Ore., llotse, Idaho
Investigate tlio Advanco lino ot thresh
era and engines. Thoy cost less to op
erate, requlro fewer repairs and do mora
and bottcr work In all kinds of grain
than any other make. Straw or wood
and coal burning engines. Also a full
lino ot alnglo and doublo Portable Saw
ADVANCE HIo i n e s
Thoroughly reliable and most durable machinery tn the market. Honest in
construction. Satisfactory in operation. Self Pcoders, Slackers, luggers and all
attachments. Drop us a postal aud our traveling mail villi call,
Ilranch llouaei, Hough's Warehouie, near 0. It. Freight Depot, Bpoaaue. IV Del.
uioul Street, 1'orllauJ, ore.