Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 15, 1904, Image 5

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t'lIAPTIJIt Nll.-fi'nnllnur-d.l
Thrusting tliu piKttil ulfkly lit Ida
pocmm, 1110 young limn sprang toward
tier SO suddenly that lll colli, I Hill tl
fend lioratdf, nnil clasping her tllitht fiirni
IlljJIIly III Ilia in ink arms, he lifted her
Al Ulii'n ii llii' waiting i iiuvi y tiiiii-, phiceil
tier lii II, Hunt Icnpinx tu her side, aolr.isl
tli relna, ami drove rnpldly off, chile I In
ur girl wna In iiliiiiim a rulmltiif cundl
tlali, from illnplcnmim niul fright.
After n few i nt h f Inn nil
new. broken iiulf liir tin. chiller nf tin
horse's houfa, an hi. bounded mi, Hubert
litrumi lo Iiit ulili laughing lrliiuiil
In III" rye niul eiiiltlug-ly r lnltn-l :
"Von mm, my charming uiiii friend
Hint when I any I will ilii n thin, I
Intend In ilu II. Now decided t lila nf
tcrnoon In have you fur n compmiluu mi
II llllli' ilrlii', mill tun ace 1 liuvo cur
rlcd Hik da), mill here j nil are, seared
ooilly by my Mi., w Itllw we nrv dasliiug
away In grand atyle. Cuufeaa nuiv, In
nui una JUt splendid?"
"It la nut. Sir, I II, Iiik ymir oondiirt
uncciitlpmnnly niul crurl In tin. extreme
"Nut at nil! t nasur yuu, I nunr.1
yuu na the i-rilrl one, when ymi declined
lo liw mil wlili your company. Why
you lri iiin nu alrangcly la on enigma!
run ought tu fi'i'l honored tu In- allowed
lo ride with an nvll-kiiuwn, wealthy iinil
kind-hearted a man."
"It la I hi huiiur, air, but 8 deep Iniiill,
tu In' Unit forced tu Jo what la Ul
"I auppuie It wuulil be very disagree
able olio In hare iih' klaa you?"
"Sir!" was Hid Indignant viclainatlun
that fi ll iipini hla ear.
"U'i'll, illaaKrceahla ur not tu yuu, It
would In- extremely agreeable tu mo. I
trll yuu candidly, 1 would like tu du
II, yuu nr au sweet mid beautiful, but
1 will refrain, ami deny myself tlint
Iileaiurv, If yun keep perfectly quiet, and
just try tu enjoy llila ride nhllr ynu hnvc
the rbnlliv. If yuu do mil If yuu Innku
tbn lenat fun. I n iv I will dn It!"
I'tliel mado nu n-ply. 8h realiztsl
fully tint! I lie pei'i-nlrle Individual U-ahtu
her IiiiiI Iter In Ida H,ncr, tlierefure nc
lition lodging tu herself t lint It nna beat
under Hie clrcuiiutmicca In in nk uu fur
tlier rcalatmnv, aim aank liirk In lier seat
dtlil ri'inaltied silent and mulluiileaa.
Away they Mew over tile lung mid lone
ly road, passing bruuka, puiida, Ireea,
rocks, Indeed everything but Imiiaea and
luhabltanti. During Hie whulo drive nut
on wurd mure as apukeu by eillier Tic
tor or ranqulsbcd.
ntliel'a fare wna deudly pale, however,
during the huiir Hint onatied befure I lie
lnnd of lliu horto waa tunied lioniowitrd,
Willie ltuberl'a illumlnateil by a glow
of Interne aatiafactlun mid triumph.
When at length the ahndt' uf eveiilng
brgmi tu gather, they once inuru neared
lllrudenntiig t f all. Klupping the hurao
liaforo they ruarluM the plnri', In n ln l-
tcred mid nbaeure aput, Hubert Jumped
out, then turned tu naalat Klhe! fruui tho
Nprluglng pnat him to the ground.
l.'llii'l darted iiwiy. Ilrenthlng n prayer
or lerreut tliaiikaglrlng fur her anfu re
turn, when (ho lnnl mice more reacheil
tier runni, the ixxir girl hruiheil nwny th
ti-ar I tint had relieved her ejeltrd feci-
lltga na soon na ahe had entered, and then
ltll n alnklng dread nt her heart at uikv
ri'i iiln-I to tho alik uinii'a r.Miin.
A vulley of aplleful, hnrd uohla milut
ed her entrniico from tho Irritable In
valid, and It una iiimii time brfuro alio
could utter olio wunl In her own drfenae,
'heu at laat he gave her nn uppurtumty
to apeak alio Informed him truthfully of
the oiitrngeuiia conduct of Ida wife a
"Itulwrt! Hid yuu any Hubert did ao
Inaolent n thing? Waa he guilty uf ao
liupnnlnnnble an aetl eielalmed tho na
tuiilahed bnrulivt.
"Uu nut believe her, unrle," linniiillnle-
If InterpoaiM Hello, who hnd mado It her
bualueaa to be pnnvut. "What alio anys
U utterly lulae. I do not duubt but that
ho client tho tlmo riding with hhiio
benu; but, I naauro you, It una not with
my brother, for ho waa with me tho eu
tiro iifUTiHHiii. Hho la n wicked girl to
ImpoHo auch a faNehood iimu ao tick n
Ah Hello uttered thla cruel fabrication
lie glaui'ed apilefully, Jit with lllcoti
coaled triumph, townriln tho nmnted
lUlnl. who waa nut al nil prepnred for
auch nn artful and inallcluui nltnck.
"Sir Itegluald, I iiMtire you I apenk
only the truth. It wna Hubert (lleiideu
ulng who fulved mo lulu Ida carrlnge,
ii ml Ihtla detained me ngnluat my will."
"You know better," runriil Sir Itegl
uald. "I will never believe It.
the ruom tnatnntly. I du mil niah to ten
onr fnev again iinlll muriilug."
Willi n cold, dlguined bow Klhel lefl
nt Ida bidding left, loo, without another
word, knowing well that iiuilrndli'llniia
would only enrago and excite the pus
alolialo and unjtiat perauti ln'fure her.
After alio hnd dlanpponrcd Hello alio
lit oni'ii tuok her deparlure, cliiigrliuil
that lirr undo had not liiatautly illainlsH
ed her rival from hla aervliv mid houae.
Hho illif not know that thla Ida lord
alilp would on no lU'Count do, na he had
Illtrualeil to her keeping a n-cret which
mado her aervlcea far Iihi valuitbln to bo
eiially illapeniwl with, llo might be eu
raged, and ao dlamUa her (or n night;
but no fnult ahe might be guilty uf would
Induce him to pnrt with her while nil
went "ill In tho coucealtd room.
Tho next nfleriioun, lOthel felt Hint alio
could anfely alart lo tho vlllngo, to mnko
a low piirchaaa fur hcraclf, aa at tho
lunch table Itobert had told I.ndy Con
alntii'o he ahutild lenvo lioino nt two thnt
afternoon In llt n young ftieiul, and
i.lioul.1' remain uway until noon Iho next
Aa (lie had not ventured beyond the
ground of the Hall alnco her tirrlval.
except on thla afternoon, before, hIiii did
not know In which direction tho placei
uf bualueaa lay! therefore-, aeelng Snnily
Hlnplea, Iho Indgo keeper'a son, Just be
yond tho place, ahe stopped and Inquired
of Mm.
"Oh, yej I can It'll you, certainly, (io
straight forward, pn Ir. Hlfenaleln'a
cottago, when you will come to n grove
nf willow; pnxa Hint, nud then the
railroad track, and nbout one quarter of
a nillo lK'yond, jou will eo a row of
liouacn; Hint la tho commencement of Iho
renl vlllagn proper, and there you will
II ml Hovoral storca."
Tlianklng tho buy, Ilthel opened her
pnrnanl, for Hie afternoon was warm nud
Miltry. nnd followed Iho path pointed
out. When alio reached tho cottage, her
eyea wandered over Ita biuiiII Ilowcr-bor-deivd
giuden, ita pretty vino-covered
norch. nnd open window, with their
bowed blind, Juat revealing Uio daiuly,
Author of " Hov Kumkli.'h Hvuk,"
I'ool-lnuklng, luro ciirtnlna within, tba
ivnfled buck ami forth, gently, In tho
i nun mi or nil lireeati.
"Iluw dlirerently Ilr. Ulfefialeln
proaata me, with Ida inimly hi nrlng, hla
pell cuunleiiiini'e, mid k lid y esea. eve
though hla manner nro reaerved and
inlet, from that vnlu, cgullatli'iil ltnhert
Ml.'iuli. lining," ah,, Hluiighl. "I
iiiiileraliiud exncily why I dele"! tha
peranii au lliiiiutiglily, n. ,r why I mliiilrn
tue yiiung pliyalcliiii an iniii'h. (Iiie thing
perhnp, lullui- mi.; I nlwina ln
il -f 1 1 1 ! In u mini: Ilr. Illfeiiatehi In
lior fur lh ttelfani of ulhera; yuung
iieiiueiimiig la an IiIIk api-iiillhriri, II v
I'lg rely In grnllfy Hie lilenaurea of hi:
uwii hnuibioiiie aolf. Due. 'uiiatiiully do
lug goiiil, the other I al Id judge by
hla luuka and in l a, evilly iIIh,hi.i1, and
reckleM in all hla way a."
While Iiiih thinking alio iinaai'd Ihe
willow grme, ami the rnllruad Irack, and
null reached the alurea, where tho pur-
ciinae uern niniln tu her entire nillninc
Hun. Then ahe relniced her atepa, wulk
ing aiowiy, in order muro rnlly to enjoy
I'unlar brei'iu- that waa apriuging up; but
na aim uenred Uu. railroad ahe iiiilckem.
In-r alepa, fur ahe knew that a train wn
nearly due.
Huiiii I ln plni'i. una reaihed, mid I
atepplug over It, lu her hurrur ahe fuun
Hie heel uf her all.... fnulcncd lightly In
iiiio of Hit- fruga. Willi a doper.ite ha
aim alrme lo Imiaeii It; In vnlu! livery
alruggla uiily made II, na It uwiued, muro
llniiiy weugi il.
Hark! What wa that riiinbllng? With
pallid ll and Iri'iiihllug form, nib heard
n iliatant wlilalle tell uf the awiftly cum
lug Irani.
In deapnlr, ahe atuoped lo uubiilton the
lii'; but it waa n new one, and I her afore
hard lo manage, while her trenihllua fin
gera aought to undo the fiialeiilinr. but
he found them powerleaa to accomplish
the tnak.
On, on ennm the engine. She couh!
feel the rail vlbrnte with their mulluii
and alill her rum wna fuat and ahe i-o'ulil
not move. Then, one wild hrlek of ur-
rur rang out upun llie air, niul even be
fore ll died away a iiiau'a feet came run
llillg to the almt.
Ite eiiliii! I will anve yuu! Uu mil
alruggle atnnU perfectly Hill!" anid a
voice In her ear.
On i-iiuie the i'ar; even then they could
be aeeii in the dialaun. One uiuuieii
mure mid ahe would be under the fearful
wheela; but u atruug hand cnilght the, wreucloHl uH'ii tho buttuna, then
aa tile hut breath uf the engine waa ill
moat upon her, ah. wna drawn from the
periloiii iMiaitiiiu niul knew uo inure.
N hen ahe npened her eyea, ahe waa ly
ing un the green graaa, a ahuri dialance
from Hie apol, while her heud n-cllmi
upon mnii1 genileitiair alioulder, aud Ihe
nine perauti wna gently funning Iter with
a rultlrd uewapnpcr. Looking up. alu
met the earneat ejea of Ur. I;lfeuteiii
bent iikiii hi-r., nud aim that iio waa
thua kindly auppurting her.
"It ia all right now, Jllaa .Nevergail.
You are safe, aud will be yuuraelf In out
moment, ho aaid.
"Oh, but that wna terrible, terrible!
alio murmured, with a ahudder, as her
eye cloaed again, at tho mere rumeiii
"It waa, truly! While I got to you in
time, thauk heaven, there waa nut ii
accund to apare!"
"Oh, doctor, I cun never thauk you
for I knuw now Hut It waa you who Hal
ed mo!"
"Uo not try, Sllaa Nevergail; I will not
ho thanked. My frlgbt, 1 aaauru you.
waa nearly equal to your own."
"How did you get tho ahoo off?" alu
aakisl,at length, aa alio ralaed heraell
from hi arm, and glanced at Iter foot
"I never can tell; it wn u atlff nnd
tight it tuok all my MreugHi. Hut now
ainco you nro better, 1 will ice what
haa berotuo of that obatluate little html.'
In n few momenta, ho amllingly return
id with It dilapidated remains in hit.
"ion will aonrooly know your own
property," he remarked, "It I ao crualied
and turn. The action uf the heavy train
looaetied It, and thui I came alt with
tho apoll."
"My poor, pour (hoc," nnld Ilthel, a
faint amile hovering around her pnlc Up.
"Well, it mny belter bo rriuhotl titan
my foot; lint, really, though n-anvli
wearnble, I muat put It on;" nud alu
rencliMl out her hand for tho torn ob
"Nay, allow mo to reatoro It to ll
place," aald the duclur, kneeling beaidc
her. "My pour child, yuu have BearccI
alreuglh ciiotigh yet fur auch u lank."
ith tho greatcat tcndcriioaa nud enre,
lie drew tho buot over otto of Hie amnlleai
little feet ho hud ever aeeu auppurting a
woni'iii, niul n he liuished buttuiilng the
very few butluu that remained, he a rose,
and begged her to keep ncatcd until lie
brought hither his horao aud gig, na he
luld her ho should Insist upon enrrylug
her homo, na idio wna, ho knew, mill
wenk from fright.
Looking ni-otind, l.tlil'l anw, for the
llrat time, hla horse atnndlug quietly b.
the roniblde, n i-luirt dlatnnco from the
track, where ho hnd left hlui, to rush to
her aaslstanco.
llrlnging the nulmnl nud cimvcynuco tu
her aide, Hnrle turned, ami befuru ahe
fairly utidcralood hla ititclilloii, gathered
Iiit lu his arm from the ground, and lift
lug her Into the scut, sprung lightly to
her aide.
"You must not be startled nt my pre
sumption, MIk.h Nevergull. ltemcmber
physicians !mo privilege other have
not. You nro my patient now, and until
I sco the color re-eat ablialied on your
Up nud cheek, I am In duty bound to
euro fur you. You are not ortviuledV"
He I 'I'll t In gnzo Into her eye l" he
asked the question, and his euriie: look
brought tho tell talo blood back to her
"Oh, no, uu! Thnt would bo ungrate
ful Indeed!" wn tho low reply.
Tho ride really revived her, nnd na the
doctor took her quite a ruundnbout wny,
In order to prolong it, naiii'lug her it
would ho lietiellclal to do so, alio was able
lo give a natural Spring a ho held out
hla hand to nxalst her tu tho ground,
when at length they drove up to the
i'ii I in life of tlleiiileuulng Hull.
There was a happy smile still upon
her lips na, after tlianklng and bidding
her kind friend ndleu, and seeing him
lift hi lint n a ho drove of)', the ran up
the piazza steps lo pnsa lo her room.
Hut tho amllo rnnlblicd instantly a
Hello came forward from behind the
heavy screen of vines, and with nn angry
look In her eyes, exclaimed:
What duo Hil uieiiur I wish to
know If Sir Itegluald pay you n nalnry
to ride around Hie country with young
uu'iiV I til till Inform him of this ride."
"As you plcaae, Misa Olendenulng. It
certainly la nut my Intention lu keep
sc. (,.( Hie fact that I have Juat narrow
ly eaciipei) di'iilh by being cmalied by
Hie en i. Aa Or. Klfeiialclii rlaked hla
life lo drug trie from danger, mid tlii-n
in ployed hla aklll to bring me from n
drendful awoou, lie cerlulnly thought It
uu linrni tu restore me rufely tu yuiir
uui le'a n Id na I waa lou weak Irum fright
lu wnlk."
Ho anyliig, llihel paaaed on, leaving the
iingry, hut natuniahed girl lu her own in-
lloi'tluna, Thnt theso wero tint nf n very
pleasant nature,
gave evidence:
the follow lug whisper
"It ia nlwnya the wny. Wish to keep
uric person nwny from another, nnd aoim
Ihliig la sura lo happen to bring them
mgeihifr. One thing I am determined,
however, ho ahnll never innrry Ilthel
Nevergail, If I vail poaslhly prevent It."
11 liel did not entirely recover from
the erfeels of her fright, until after the
night'a alwp had served lu calm her
iiitvik, and nil the evening Hint followed
ahe una excited and scarcely nhlo to cun
Irol herarlf.
When she bade Hie family guod night
and locked herself Into her room. In or-
dor u pruccs.d lu her nightly tnak, It waa
with n dazed feeling, and mi aching
head. Nerving heraelf for her duty, how
ever, na well na ahe could, alio proceed
ed lu light her candle, mid taking the In-
diapeiiaable knlle, ahe pnini'd through the
wardrube and liaaaageway, Intu the cor
rldur rN-yond.
I'naeaing herself uf the basket uf
fund, she remembered tu fasten the duor
with the Iruii huuk, n ltrecnuttuu the bnr-
uni't bud charged her ill way a tu observe,
that by uu poialbillty could she lie aur
prlacd while accomplishing her tnak, then
pnaalng uuword, she upenisl the panel a
usual, and placed the plate of food upon
the shelve.
Aa ahe did so she heard distinctly n
movement on Hie other side, which, being
rather uiiuauul, fur sllenie alone urdi-
unrlly rclgurd, at art led her already ex
ited nerves so much Hint she gave the
shell es the required shuve, mid Just a
tiiey whirled uway, she r4iw, lu her hor
rur, when tuo late to atop them, that sh
hud dropped the knife from her hand,
and It hud gone around with the fund.
Hrenthleaaly she wulted fur the return
muvetiieut, liuplug Hint the creature with
in would nut ubaerre it, and Hint It would
'ouie bni'k with tho plute.
As she wailed, a singular loud, shrill
uolae or cry cam from within. The next
uiomriit the shelves bad revolved, and
the plate alone appeared.
Appalled w'ltli her own carelessness.
i nd fnlic.iliig the knew nut what ua tho
result, the terrified, half frantic girl,
could only draw tu the panel, with all
the expeilltlun possible, and then hastily
return the basket, fusten tho dour and
seek Hie safety of her own apartment.
What was now her duty? .Should "be
Immediately seek the baronet, whu waa
probably asleep by this time, and telling
him the mishap, ask what was tu be
dune 7
Nu! ilie could not think this course a
wine mie. The baronet was au exceed-
ugly pnaalouate man. Such a tale, at
thla hour, would throw hint Into a whirl
r nervous auger that might cause aimi
ng to tno broken hip, the hour or
which, all hoped, bad by this lime com
menced to unite.
(To be continued.)
Church Wbare University's Founder la
Hurled Hue of the Oldest In Wylca.
When tho I'llnoe of Wales who
tnl.cH n Ki'iniliii' Interest In thing!)
Aiwrlciin wiih lit Wroxliiun.lii Willi's,
fow week, ngu, bo miiili' n point
of going to kcu tho old fusliloni'il
church there which Ik mi cloi-cly con
nected with Vale rnlvcrnity. The re
nnliiH of the founder of Yulo lie In tho
Iiiircliynnl w hich nun-omuls the vencr-
ulilo plli' nnd only a few miles uwny
htnuilH tho uni'i'Htrnl home of his fam
ily, from which i:ilbn Yale's father
went uwuy with the pilgrims to tho
new world. In the quaint old Welsh
Hinge of rins-yn-yiile, which Ilea
ti midst tho wooded slopes of Hryn
:glyn. there still tire folk bearing tho
ilsturlc nit mi.
The bones of the founder of tho
great American university lie close to
he north porch of Wrexham Church
which, by tho wny, wits restoreil by
he authorities of the university not
tunny yours ago. on tils iieniutonc
hero Ik this quaint Inscription:
Hum In America, In Kuroiw hied.
ii Africa traveled and hi Asia wed,
Where long he lived and thrived, ill Iajii-
dun dead;
.Much good, some 111 he did, hi hope all's
And that Ids soul In mercy' gone to
Wrexham Church wiih built In 1 IT-,
which puis It umoug; the old parish
hurohoK In Ihe Kingdom. It chief
glory Ik Hk lower, from whlcli tho
leautlftil lord's tower of the parlhi-
ui'iit buildings lu Loudon was to u
largo extent copied. The bells which
hung In tho Wiexluun Church nro fu-
ions for their nge nnd for tho beauty
f their tone. They wero mentioned
iy llenuuioiit anil l-'lotelicr.
Amti issnilor Chonto'a Joke.
Ambassador Clioate, nt the dinner
eeeiitly given him lu Loudon by tho
rilgrluiH' Club, said:
My ehilion here lo-nlght Is great
It Is great us It wns on the occasion
f my first luwbiilt. That wus it hnppy
line. I remember Unit 1 had sat
uoodlng und idle. The afternoon was
gray. The law as a career M'omoil
hopeless. Suddenly there wits n culler
ml an excellent case offered mo by it
eiilthy num. An hour after I got it
second case. It was Incredible. Two
uses, my lltst two oases, nnd both
given me the same day.
"How I worked that night over my
two cases! How 1 thought nbout llii in
s 1 walked olllcewiiril with my green
bag the next morning! remember
Hint a shabby person, accosting me its
I wulked, sulil:
"Old clothes? Any old clothes to
11 V"
He seemed to be regarding the green
lial.o bug. I held It up for 1 1 1 til to see.
Oh, no,' snlil I, 'no old clothes, my
lend. New suits,' "
All Knew tin) Answer.
Tho teacher was lolling her class
things not found In the text-books.
"When anything Is ivpoatul by many
poisons It gets to bo called n 'stiylug,"
she said. "Now, when a thing Is re
peated anil ueoopted as n fact by cv
rybody, what do we cull it V "
Tho Intelligent pupils answered lu
bonis, "A chestnut! New loil;
There are moro fugitives from In
justice than thero are from justice
' Canon Melville, who died, tho other
day, In hi nlliety-sccoud year, owed
Ills earllcut promotion to u pun. When
tho late liar! of Dudley, who knew
Mr. Mulvlllo Bulllclently to remember
thnt III Christian tiumo win "David,"
hnd n living nt hi dlapoinl, he re
ceived a letter containing only tho
word, "Ixird, remember David." Tim
linrl's reply wan no Icmi terso nnd
scriptural: "Thou art Ihe man!"
I.lni'oln'a humor got him out of try
ing situation, and tempered his re
fusal of fnvurs, aa happened during
tho Civil War, when u gentleman ask
oil him for a puss through the red
oral lines to Itlelimoud "I should bo
hnppy to oblige you," Mild Lincoln, "If
my pusses were respected. Hut the
fact la, within the lust two years I
have given pnno to Itlchmond to n
quarter of a million men, nnd not one
hn got thero yet."
tuo late speaker iteea waa omc
eiicounteri-U by n friend In nn uptown
hotel, late In tho eVenlug, while the
Housi! was In tho throes uf a terrific
Inrlir debute. It was supposed to be
the crisis of the struggle, "How-
it," thla gentleman asked of the Hpeuk
cr, ' n.iit you arc not at the House mid
within range of thnt debute?" "Do
bule," repeated the Speaker, contempt
tiotixly, "Hint's only language -only
language," with which laconic remark
he dismissed tho aubjei't.
(leorgo It. reek, Ihe railway attor
ney, was once In South Dukotu argil
Ing a ease before the Federal court
After limbing hi urguinciit, he walk
eil lo the hotel with a Judge of tho
court, who highly complimented lit
effort. I'oek was delighted, and con
illicit to a rrletitl thnt be knew, on
account of the Judge's manner, he
would win tho cuse. His friend was
not so sanguine he knew tho Judge.
In support of hla pessimistic view, lie
told this story: "Once there wus
lion tamer whose duty it wus to go
into tho en go and put hla head In
big lion's mouth twice a day. One
day, after lie bad gotten his bond In
the animal's mouth, he asked the keep.
er lu a low voice. Is the Hon wag
ging his tallY' 'Ho Is,' replied the
kis'per. "Then I'm gone," tuld the
tamer, aud the next moment the Hun
closed Ills Jaws and killed the tamer.
It was liotb a story and a prophecy.
Mr. reck lost bis case.
Dr. John Kerr, lu a new Iruok of
"Memoirs," reculls a number of hti
morons Scotch stories. Vor example.
there Is the story of the "argumcnta
lively tipsy" Scot, who, calling on the
minister, and being told to go home,
and return the next day when be was
sober, replied: "Man, minister, when
1m bober, 1 dluua care a d n for
religious conversation." Then, there
Is the story about Thomas Thorp, who
died leaving his fortune to u poor rein
tivo, on condition that n headstone
with the iiatno of tho said Thomas
Thorp nnd n verso of poetry, be erect
ed beside tho grave. Costing nt much
n word to chisel letters In the stone,
the poor relative ordered that tho po
etry siiount ue Drier, ipon hi re
fusal to approve, on account of their
too great length, the linos
Hero lies the corp
Of Thomas Thorp,
tho following was finally offered und
Cuctl l'llgriiunuco They Take
Conduct Courtship.
Although Carl Lumholtz, un nuthot.
of books on Mexico, did his best for
tho native tribes of northwestern Mex
ico In bis lecture, It Is doubtful if
many lu the audience felt drawn to
the blanketed individuals with mat
ted hair aud stodgy faces, squalidly
squatting In the sun, nbout whom be
talked, says the New York Tribune.
Yet Dr. Lumholtz said he had spent
live years among them. Ho was, to
bo sure, In the employ of certain great
geographical societies, so that explo
ration was a business ns well as a
pleasure. One tribe of 4,000 Indians
he claimed to have discovered, since
for nearly 'Mi years their existence
seems to have escaped the knowledge
of the Caucasian, and tunny were tho
legends and traditions which be was
tho tlrst white man to hear and tran
scribe. "On my first exploration," said tho
lecturer, "I crossed the Sierra Miulre
range with nearly .100 auluinls and
twenty-six men, but I fouud that I
could work more expeditiously with
a smaller retinue, so that I subse
quently reduced the number very
much. I depended entirely on In
dians. The white man who explores
these regions finds ho must rely on
the Mexican Indian, aud that he must
himself live like one. lleans aud
uiiilze formed our diet. Oenerally tho
mnlze, or Indian corn, Is dried, then
ground, but 1 round that toasting tho
wholo grains made a palatable dish.
Only, It was very hard on the teeth.
My dental bills lengthened as my mo
lars shortened. It may bo all right
for the nnliiinls and lower races of
men to live on tho same thing all tho
time, but civilized man grows mighty
tired of It.
"Often I have been asked, 'Why
didn't you curry civilized food?' Tho
only civilized food that would have
been possible to carry was, tinned
things, and tinned things are heavy
and would huvo entailed extra ani
mals and Indians to euro for them.
That Is why I got along without them.
Hut often I would go without a meal
tit noonday rather thaii take tho time
to get It, and I und by my diary that
I was too tired lo cat at night, and lu
tho morning thero wus nothing to
Dr. Lumholtz showed some wonder
ful pictures of cacti blossoms, llko
flames, growing out of tho darkness,
"Thero is," ho said, "a cacti cult
among the Mexican Indians, At cor
tiiln seasons they go on pilgrimages
to gather cacti aud there aro sotno va
rieties to which tbey sacrifice oxen."
I Cacti aiiume mitny weird hnpa.
ins tecturor torn now tie once linu an
men cut down the aplko of a giant
enctua. It waa 10 feet long and 31
Itjchea acron in the place where it
waa cut ncrois and waa covered with
flowera aa large aa tulips-uluioat
20,000 of them, the explorer calcu
lated. Sentiment and emotion are not en
couraged by taeao people. "A bus-
baud and wife may not kiss each oth
er, but a mother Is allowed by ctl-
quettu to klas her child and tho child
can do the same lu return," said tho
"Courting Is the prerogative of the
girls, who select their sweethearts and
then attempt to attract their affections
by dancing. When the courtship
grows ardent the girl begins throw
lug pebbles at the man she wishes to
marry. If ho throws pebbles at her
they become Instantly engaged. If ho
throws none tho girl understands that
bo does not reciprocate her devotion
nnd withdraws from the pursuit.
Ksfiresalun Announce Wlietliern Man
In Hburt In Ills Account or Not,
"How the fellow looks who loses or
wins a bet on a racehorse Is an old
subject nnd yet It Is ever new," said
the observant' man, according to the
New Orleans Times-Democrat. "For
within my own limited range of ob
servations I have noticed differences
more or less striking In the cases of
men who were manifestly passing
through the same kind of emotions.
It may be said of poolrooms that
there I the winning and tho losing
look, and yet theso looks are widely
different as It Is possible for the dis
similarities of the human countenance
to make them.
"It Is eusy enough to tell from the
look of a man's face whether he has
won or lost. Hut the degree and na
ture of the winning or the loss Is
quite a different matter. Here Is
where the Interesting part of my ob
servation come lu. One man's win
ning or loss may mean much or little
to him. Whatever It means, and
whatever the result of the race. It
may be found In the wny he looks
and the way he acts when the man
at the Instrument calls out the result.
Kven by the way be listens to the
calls one may detect somewhat of tho
significance of the event to blm. If
the result Is large In Its consequences
one mny tell It by the desperate look
which his face wears pending the
result, or the nervousness he displays
when tearing up the losing ticket, or
the Inexpressible brightness which
shines In his face when he rushes up
to cash In the bet he has made, in the
event of success. Let me observe a
man's conduct in the poolroom nnd 1
will tell you nine times out of ten
whether his accounts are straight or
not. Of course, there are exceptions
to the rule, but no mistake will be
inade on the basis I have suggested
nine times out of ten."
Neurly Ilreuka the World' Iteconl Tor
Hnlmiuliii; Cuder Water.
A Denver youth ha performed a
swimmlng feat In London that is de-
scribed as sensational by thoie who
witnessed, nnd came within a few-
Inches of beating all previous recoids.
The youth, whose name Is F. II.
Smultzer, Is sixteen j-ears of age. He
has beeii enjoying a holiday In Kng
laud In company with his father, and
on April 29 he walked unpraen lonsly
Into tlie public bathhouse In Liidoil
street and nsked the superintendent If
he would be allowed facilities to at
tack a world's record made by the col-.
ebrateil I'rof. Finney. That reconl con
slated of swimming 113 yards 1 inch
under water.
The management of the baths con
sidered It presumptuous on the part of
such n youngster to aspire to anything
approaching Finney's record, hut see
ing that be was a stranger they agreed
to allow li I in to test his abilities. He
desired that the water should be at a
temperature of 75 degrees. Plunging
In he did 112 yards 5 Inches, to the
amazement of the attendants and oth
ers who came from other p.irts of the
building to see him. He beat Finucv a
record for time at this distance. It Is
also worthy of notice that while Smult
zer bad the water at a temperature of
5 degrees, Finney's record wus made
lit SO degrees, which Is considered
among swimmers as of great advan
tage to the latter. It Is also pointed
out that If the Denver lad had essaye!
the task from the deep, Instead of the
shallow, end of the bath he would
have beaten the world's record.
The fact that this feat has reeelwd
no publicity this side Is explained by
the circumstances tlmt the effort was
so Informal and that the uewspap 'rs
are by no means friendly to American
"I'rlcers" Tho Itaiio of Lll'c.
A saleswoman lu a State street
store having shown scant courtesy the
other day to n man who hnd been look-
lug over the goods on her counter ex
plained It ull to ii friend after the man
had left. "He's only a 'prlcer,' " she
said. "He wants to know the cost of
everything lu the store at least, of
everything bo hasn't the slightest idea
of buying. Just now It was those skirt
holders; to-morrow, likely ns not, he'll
want to know If nutomobllo cloaks nro
cheaper by the dozen than singly.
I think It was ho who asked me
last week If gray false hair was more
xpenslve than blonde. It seems to
me 'prlccrs' are getting tnoro numer
ous every day. Pretty nearly nil of
them are men. Women often nsk
prices, to bo sure, without any notion
f buying, but It Is always for future
reference, and sooner or later many
of them come back and buy. I guess
there are prlcers lu nil businesses, but
this seems to be the limit
That man who has Just left has
come In hero nearly every day for I
don't know how long, and lio's only
ono of many. Sometimes they even let
mo get out things to show them, fot,
of course, you can never tell but what
ou may oatch ono at last. Whenovcr
wo do we feel prouder than If wo had
mado n dozen sales, but that particu
lar man Pvo given up as hopeless."
Chicago Chronicle.
ll'Wftk-Science I1
life AHO
fseful record of tho Joltings of
ulfforent railway oars Imvo been ob
, tallied by 1'. Omort, the Japanese
- cnrtliqunko student, by means of the
seismograph, or earthquake recorder.
When the transformation of cities
by electric power and light la com
pleted We may expect the air to be
practically as pure as that of the
country. It Is estimated thnt the car
bonic ncld exhaled yearly by the peo
ple of New York City Is about 450 0O0
tons, but that this Is less than three
per cent of that from fuel combustion.
Tho Russian government Is consid
ering n scheme to connect Itlga, on the
Ilaltlc Son, with ('person, on the Hlack
Sea, by means of a deep draft canal
following the rivers of Dwlna and
Dnieper. Although thero Is to bo a
pnvid tow-path on one side, the canal,
as planned, will run for more than
1,000 miles In the bed of the Dnieper,
whero the river Is several times wider
than tbn full width of tho canal, which
Is to be Uet. The line of the canal
amidst tho river-water will be Indi
cated by elevated signals.
A Kansas dental Instructor points
out that the teeth, the most Indestruc
tible of all animal tissues, have been
strangely neglected as n means of
Identifying decomposed bodies. They
hove many peculiarities, and dentists
could easily keep records showing the
size and width of the arch, the size,
shape and color of the teeth; missing
or altered teeth; kind of fillings and
location; gold crowns, bridges or artl
liclal plates and other features. Such
records wouul bo of special value to
Insurance companies, often saving
tedious and expensive litigation.
The visibility of elgbty-Ilvc "canals"
on Mars Is traced by I'etslval Lowell
for different periods from 373 draw
Ings. The canals are supposed to rep
resent vegetation, and they seem to
follow the water, which Is believed to
bo almost entirely locked up In the
polar showcaps In winter and to be re
leased by the melting of the snow and
Ice at the summer solstice. The water
after Its release seems to have a re
markably steady flow toward the equa-
tor of fifty-three miles per day. Tbe
spherical form of the planet Indicate
n condition of fluid equilibrium, and
this In Itself Is held to be strong evi
dence that the water channels are arti
ficial. Of tbe strange and rare animals now
Inhabiting tbe (orth the thylaelnes of
. Tasmania, commonly known as the
Tasmanian wolf, are among tbe most
singular In nppiarance and habits,
They have been almost exterminated
by the Tasmanian sheep farmers,
whose folds they ravage. They are
represented In Hegent's Park, Lon-
don, by a single living specimen. The
thylaclne looks like a cross between
a wolf and a hyena, but It has tiger
like stripes on Its back and hind quar
ters, and belongs to the marsupials,
like the kangaroo. Hut whereas the
kangaroo feeds on vegetables, the
thylaclne Is carnivorous. When Euro-
peans tlrst settled in Tasmania thyla
clnes were very common In the rocky
and mountainous districts, and they
are not now fouud In any other part of
the world.
Some Singular Naturut Formations
Found Uut lu Oklahouiu.
In Green County, Oklahoma, are lo
cated the Uyp hills, almost large
enough to be called mountains. In
those elevations thero are some curious
formations. Tbey ure scattered all over
these hills aud many of them run so
fur back Hint, so far as known, no one
has ever had the temerity to thorough
ly explore them. They are hollowed
out of the face of solid rock aud some
of them are composed of sets of chain
hers with high vaulted ceilings sloping
down to a narrow entrance Into the
next chamber. Through most of them
streams of living water flow, which
never run dry, even In the most
drouthy season, and the water from
them Is always clear and cold.
Of all the caves In these hills the
Hlack Hat cave, near Francis, and tbe
Jester cave near Jester, are the most
renowned. Hoth of these are very large
and plentifully supplied with water.
The Jester cave Is named for D. C.
Jester, on whose piaco It Is located.
This Is one of tho largest ones which
has never been explored. Several bun
dreu yards from the entrance Is a pool
of deep, forbidding-looking water,
which deters many from going farther.
Those who have crossed this say these
pools reoccur at frequent Intervals far
ther back In the cilve and tbe only
party which over made a systematic
effort to explore tho giant Assure was
compelled to turn back because of the
failure of torches.
Heyond the second pool, It Is de
clared, tho names "Jesso James" and
"Frank James" are Inscribed In the
soft rock, and It Is the general Impres
sion In that neighborhood that this
cavo was at onij time the rendezvous
for these bandits and their band. It
Is also belloved that tho Daltons and
other outlaws of early Oklahoma made
theso caves a hiding placo when pur
sued by officers.
Drunkenness niul CunToe Drinking.
A traveler has mado the observa
tion that coffee drinking poople ato
seldom glien to drunkenness. In
Btuzll, for Instance, wheie coffee Is
grown exteuslvely, and nil the Inlnbl
tants drink It many times a day, In
toxication Is rnr.'ly fecn. Tho effect
Is not only noticeable among the na
tlves, but the foreigner who settles
there, though possessed of a passion
for strong drink, gradually loses his
liking for alcohol as be acqulrfs the
coffee drinking habit of tho Brazilian.
Considerate Papa,
At tho end of thirty years Hiram
had accumulated a fortune. His wife
nnd daughter wete delighted. "For,"
said they, with becoming modesty,
"wo now not only bavo money enough
to cut a splurge, but poor, dear papa
Is too broken down to appear among
tho best poople."
Tilkl What uu unreliable thing It
itartr 17 lu OntbrU Wr Kxcltlna
to n liniiiitut Dears.
A. II. Huston, who has practlcts
law at Guthrie slnca the opening ot
the territory, In recalling Incidents of
early days tells tills story of how
Guthrie was first sett'edi
"I mado a heroic effort to be th
flrat man on the ground that day, but,
despite all my endeavors, I found
whole city full hero ahead of m.
Just as I crossed what Is now Division
street, going east from the Santa Fo,
1 first met John Oolobte; he was en
gaged In an animated discussion with
n surveyor and n nu tuber of other gcn
tlemcn upon tho question of the right
of settlers to tnko lots east of that
section line. All of the others wero
surveying, staking off nnd claiming
their lots, but John was Just nrgulng
the point, and making no attempt or
effort to take a lot himself. I do not
know whether ho has ever got ono
since or not. Hut as a debater John
established a reputation then and there
which entitles him to high rank.
"A peculiar alllnlty manifested Itself
In those early days between the men
from Kansas nnd the men from Texns.
They organized n machine and cap
tured all the olllccs In Knst Outhrle.
When It appeared that there wero not
ofllces enough to go round the ma
chine, being untrammeled by constitu
tional limitations or conscientious
scruples, made new olllces. Colonol
Tom Soward, of Kansas, and Judge T.
J. Lowe, of Texas, were among the
principle manipulators of the Kast
Outhrle machine.
Not appearing to have been properly
appreciated by the machine myself. I
assumed the attitude uf an antl, and
of a representative of the common peo
ple. In a short time, however, when
I was notified that my services were
required In the administration of the
government of the city. I felt con
strained to look with less suspicion
nnd criticism upon the official acts o(
good men and soon we were all work
ing togethor for the advancement and
up-bulldlng of the community. We set
up courts for the preserving of the pub
lic peace and the protection of prop
erty, and while the physical boundaries
of the government were the city limits,
yet we assumed and exercised Jurisdic
tion between Kansas and Texas on
the north and south. No Man's Land
on the west and a United States court
nt Mu.kogce on tbe east Kansas City
In these days, when the air Is filled
with complaints about servants, It li
pleasant and wholesome to read the
testimony which a grateful mistress
gives In the New York Tribune. There
aro other homekecpers, doubtless, who
could give similar delightful evidence
of faithfulness on the one side and
appreciation on tbe other. Such col
lected revelation would make cheer
ful and profitable reading.
Tbe Ideal servant dot exist, writes
the lady, for I have known and loved
her. We had been for nearly thres
months without a servant, and were
almost in despair, when one night
there came a ring at the door bell.
'Another girl," I thought, "to ask bow
many children I have!" I opened tba
door and there stood Lena Larsen.
She was nearly six feet tall, big and
strong, and with such an honest face
that I liked her from tbe first.
"Do you want a girl?" she asked.
"Indeed I do," I said. "Come lu."
We struck a bargain then and there,
although four ot the children were in
the room. When I look back on those
happy days with my little ones I
realize how much of that pleasure I
owe to her. The two older boys grew
to be college men while she was wltk
us; the one girl became a college girl,
and from a nursery the home was
transformed Into a sort of fraternity
During those years of entertaining
It was Lena who took pains that every
thing, dining-room, table and service,
should be perfect. She may have had
her faults, but I do not remember
them. If we ever thought she bad too
much company wo recollected how
glad she was when we had guestsi
how she made birthday cakes and got
up club suppers for the boys, and how
gently she bandied the pretty china.
Of course, Lena bad to have her
holidays; but when she came back
from a vacation there was always a
Jubilee Jack gave a welcoming bark;
the head of the house said, "Now don't
run out and mako a time over her
you know you'll spoil " but no on
ever beard the rest of tbe sentence,
for tho mistress, the littlest child, the
one girl, the third boy and tbe two
older boys, ono and all rushed out
Into the kitchen.
Even when the shadow of death
darkened tho household her work was
Just as faithfully done, although we
knew how heavy her heart was, for
was not he tbe favorite of all tba
children? Had be not always been
kind to her, as he had to every ona
In bis short life? Somehow, after sb
had shared our one sorrow sbo seemed
even more tbe friend and less tbe serv
ant. Lena Is married now. I hope that
she has some pretty china of her own
lu far-off Sweden, and that bcr bus
band thinks her a Jewel, and we know
she has llttlo children to lovo her.
We have her photograph and a china
angel, ber parting gift to the llttlesl
child, and when wo look at them they
uring uacK uosts or memories of th
proclous life with my children, mada
possible by hor years of honest servlca
and faithful friendship. May all good
angels bless bcr, wherever bIio may be,
the dear Lena!
Long-Illstnnoe Consolation.
Mrs, Topuotch Our children act su
perior to us.
Mr. Topnotcb Cheer up, L'ustaclu;
their children will act superior to
them. Indianapolis Journal.
When parents "do" moro for on
child than for another, tba other
children never find their memories so
poor that they forget It,
A man never fully' realizes his insig
nificance until be goes shopping with
bis wife.