Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 15, 1904, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
Bekaml Nugzat P. C.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant llarpenlngi ol the Pt Week,
PreMntcd In Condensed Form, Atoft
Likely to Prove Interesting.
Kuropatkln may retreat further
Tlio capturo ol Kalchou will permit
ol tlio Japanese armies combining.
F. C. Robertson, of Washington,
maJo the speech placing Ex-Scnhntor
Turner In nomination for vlco presl
dent on tlio Democratic ticket.
Six of tlio 19 passengers on tlio 111
fated steamer Norge, who landed on
the Karoo islands, were In such an ex
hausted condition that they were una
bio to speak.
William Clark Crittenden, a (Indent
of the University of California, has
been selected as the first Rhodes
scholar at Oxford to represent Califor
nia. Seven candidates passed a suc
cessful examination. Massachusetts is
the only stale where as many men suc
ceeded In passing the qualifying exam
ination, eight having been successful
Topcka believes that the worst of the
flood Is over.
After severe fighting General Oku
has occupied Kaiplng.
The Demociatic platform as adopted
contains no financial plank.
Tlio Japanese have captured 10 guns
and 60 prisoners near Kainchou.
The British fleet has left Wei Hal
Wei hurriedly under sealed orders.
Cholera is spreading rapidly in
Northern Persia. There are 300 dying
Good weather again prevails in
Manchuria and there is probability of
heavy fighting.
In a short but severe engagement at
Hoanc the Russians wcro driven off
with a loss of 300.
The Japnaee aio advancing along
their entire front between the coast
and the Chinstan valley.
Dr. Swallow, candidate for president
on the Prohibition ticket has invited
Bryan to join that paity.
Alaska Indians, jealous of white
man's property, started a fire that de
stroyed the village of Point Gravina.
A division of the Baltic squadron
will sail from Cronstadt July 28 under
sealed orders. Complete mystery sur
rounds her destination.
Japanese generals are proving them
selves great strategists.
A Japanese gunboat struck a mine of!
Talien Wan bay and was lost.
Russia objects to the presence of a
British eunboat at Niu Chwang.
The Democratic national convention
denied a vote to the Philippine dele
The czar fears a tevolution in Res
aian Poland and a state of siege will be
The Russian war office admits U-at a
battle of consequence has taken place
near Liao Yang, but has no advices as
to the outcome.
A waterspout, accompanied by t
terrific wind, passed thtough Clinton
O. T., killing six persons and injuiing
several others.
Japanese and Russian ships have en
gaged in a battle in ttie Uorean straits
and it is believed two or thiee of the
firmer have been lost.
The correspondent of a Paris paper
says he saw at Kronetedt the Amen,
can built submarine boat Protector
He states that he was also shown two
other submarines of American nianu
facture. ,
A San Francisco man may start i
$ 300,000 cement factory in Portland.
Russian officials claim that the heavy
rains in Manchuria will do much to
ward giving them thi upper hand.
One man was killed, another fatally
Inlured and a score of others slightly
injured in a collision on the Reading
railroad at a suburb of Philadelphia.
A train wreck on the railroad from
Colorado Springs to Cripple Creek re.
suited in tho death of two passengers
and the injury of 15 others.
Russians report success in several
smaU engagements near Mo Ting pass
It is said many Coreans are prepar
Ing to rise on the appearance of the
There are 027 persons missing from
the Danish steamer Norge, which
foundered off the coast of Scotland.
All hope has been given up for them.
A Philadelphia millionaire has been
held to the grand jury as responsible
for the death of three persons killed in
a building in which he failed to pro
vide fire escapes.
Hayti has severely punished the
guards who stoned tho German and
French ministers recently. The presi
dent, in a formal audience, also apolo
gized to botn ministers.
Admiral Togo reports the blowing up
of a Russian guardshlp and torpedo
boat destroyer.
The rainy season will greatly hamper
operations in Manchuria, the whole of
that country seeming to have turned
Into a maish.
The Japanese are said to be avancing
In two divisions on Mao Yang.
The Vladivostok squadron is faster
than the Japanese fleet sent against it
and can continue to raid the coast until
tho Japs send floeter ships after It.
Kuropatkln has decided to withdraw
' to Ilalcheng.
The Japanese have landed another
army of 10,000 men.
The Vladivostok squadron sank a
ateamor and sailing vessel at Gensan,
Suburb ol Kansas City Can Now U-
ptct Relief.
Kansas City, July 12. Flood waters
atArmourdnlo, Argentine and Lower
Kansas City, Knn., on tho raging Kaw
and west to Manhattan, half way across
Kansas, have fallen steadily since late
vpsterdiiv. and today continued to ie
rede. In Arnionrdalo. however, the
water stood over six feet deep In the
lowest places. At the stockyards the
fii was slow and conditions were still
bad. Most of the pens wcte Hooded
and It will not lie possible to handle
receipts for another day. Tho rail
roads aie recoveiltnr, and today every
lino west and south operated some
trains In and out of Kansas Uty. al
though with little rvgard for schedule.
Tho relief committee ol Kansas wy,
Kan., which is curing for o.UOO or 0,-
000 homeless in the suburbs of that
citv. have derided that no outside aid
is needed, except that giantid uy uie
war depaitinent. Two thousand ra
tions were sent from tort i.eavenworm
today, and additional food supplies
will be sent each day as needed.
Many persons are returning to their
homes in the higher parts of the flood
district as tho water recedes, but will
bo many days before tho great majority
of the llodcd houses aio inhabitable.
Why Hitchcock Dclajs In Oregon. Wash.
Ington Indian Case.
Washington, July 12. Notwlth
stand I ni: tho fact that additional
charges arc being leccived at the in
teiior department regarding employes
of Indian schools and reservations in
Oteiron and Washington no investiga
tion has vet Wen made, owing to the
shortage of inspection otlhlal. All
the inspectors enve one are busy in tlio
Indian Territory. It develops that this
inspector is Inactive by order ol becre
tary Hitchcock; otherwise there would
not be an inspector available for duty
in the northwest. J.nst August in
spector Arthur M. Tinker, of Massa
chusetts. was recommended by Hitch'
cock for dismissal, and the president
was about to carry out tho recommend
ntion when Senator Lodge interposed
an objection. At Ixxlge'a request the
nrcsident declined to dismiss Tinker,
but Hitchcock told the president he
had no confidence whatever in the man
and would not entrust him with any
covernment work.
Tinker refused to resign, and Lodge
stuck by him with the result that he
continues drawing his full salary
$ 2,500 per year although he has done
nothing for nearly a year, lie is now
at his hoire in Massachusetts.
Ex-Senator From West Virginia on Tick,
ct With Parker.
St. Louis, July 11. Ex-Senator
Henry G. Davis, ol West Virginia, was
yesterday morning nominated tor vice
ores dent by the Democratic national
convention, which adjourned sine die
at 1:31.
Others in tho race were ex-Senator
Turner, of Washington, Congressman
Williams, of Illinois, and ex-Senator
Harris, of Kausaf. Mr. Davis won
easily on the first ballot.
Turner, the choice of the
only third in the race,
Weal , was
The vote
Davis, 054; Williams, .105; Turner,
100; Harris, 58.
Port Arthur Holding Its Fire.
St. Petersburg. July 12. Official
reports from General S'.oessel, com
mander of the Russian military forces
at Port Arthur, confirm the reports of
the attempt of the four Japanese tor
rdo bi at destroyers to enter the bar
bor of Port Arthur June 27, but do not
confirm the Chefoo report of heavy
Japanese operations of July 4 and 6
siralnst Port Artnnr, and do not men
tion the alb ged Binking of a Russian
euardship June 27, as reported from
Tokio. General Steossel says that up
to the time his reports were forwarvded
not a single fortress battery had flred a
shot at the besngers on the land side,
and that the railroad was then running
12 miles beyond the perimeter of the
Guards and bandits Clash.
St. Petersburg, July 12 The war
ministry today received a dispatch
from General Kuropatkin's chief of
staff reporting a couple of unimportant
affairs between frontier guards and
small parties of Chinese bandits near
Port Arthur, and aiming that the
troops forming the garrison are in ex
cellent spirits. Skirmishes occur
daily. Tho Russians captured 50
Japanese scouts on July 1 and the
chief of police recently captured 240
head of cattle. There is an abundance
of ammunition at Port Arthur.
Stcckfarm In Philippines.
San Francisco, July 12 Tho gov
ernment is taking practical steps to
ward the establishment of a stock
breeding farm in tho Philippines.
Two hundred horsi-B and mules have
been carfully selected at the Presidio
from the East. They will be corraled
at the post, and reinforced from time
to time by other animals of good breed
until August 25, when they will be
shipped. It is the intention of the
war department to undertone trie
breeding and raising of its own ani
m .Is in the islands.
China to Pay Etzcl Heirs.
Washington, July 12. .Minister
Conger lias cabled the state depart
ment that the Chinese government
utter making a thorough investigation
of tlio incident, has ordered the pun
ishment of the officer and soldiers who
fired on and killed Louis Etzel, (he
newspaper correspondent. In addition
it has undertaken to pay an indemnity
of $25,000 (Mexican), which sum will
be turned over by the state department
to the estate.
Predict Downfall of Port Arthur.
Tientsin, July 12. German military
experts heie aro of tho opinion that the
Russians' position at Liao Yang and
Ilalcheng are untenable against a
three sided Japanese attack. They ex
pect that General Kuroptakin will
withdraw, and they predict the down
fall of I'ort Arthur.
Keault Is Obtained After an llntlrc Night
Consumed In Speeches-Vice Presi
dency In Doubt-Middle West Man
Wanted Turner, "ot Washington,
Has Many Friends.
Convention Hall, St. Louis, July 0
Parker has been nominated for presi
dent. On the completion of the first
ballot he received a total of 058 votes.
IV (ore the veto was annouciicd Idaho
changed her six voles, giving him 004
votes. West Virginia added three
votes, giving htm the 007 votes or two
thirds necessary.
Washington changed from Hearst to
This was followed by a motion from
Champ Clark to make tho nomination
of Parker unanimous. A monstrous
American flag was unfurled from the
dome of the building. Tho hind struck
up "Tho Star Spangled Haulier."
Great uncertainty still exists con
cerning the vice presidential nomina
tion. The same candidates who have
heretofore been mention d are still
mentioned, and wme are being pushed
with n great deal of earnestness. No
one man has yet been singled out by
tho leaders and largo delegations to be
supported for the second place. There
seems to te a desire to select a man
from Illinois, Indian or Ohio if possi
ble. Continued efforts have been made to
secure the consent of Marshall Field, of
Chicago, to allow the uso of his name,
but he lias given an absolute refusal.
The Western men lime secured quite
a large number of delegations to sup
port ex-Senator George Turner,
Japanese Qcncrat Is Adrarclng
Army With Little Loss.
Tokio, July 11. Late telegrams
from General Kuroki's headquarters at
the front show that the rains have not
stopped the working out ot tlio Japan
ese plans, either in the interior ot
Manchuria or at Port Arthur. The
fianl assault on the fortress Is thought
to be very near, although there is
much work to bo done In the way of
constructing siege batteries. The Bus
sians nave abandoned me outer po-
sitions. after a great deal of fighting,
and have strengthened their main !
Japanese runcsimiratmo niium-u iu
send dispatcnes reveal trie ski'i wim;
which the generals maneuvered "'6"
columns so as to capture the mountain
passes between the luia and me jao
valleys without neavy loss ami wim-
out riskaing thu least temporary con
fusion in their extended line of batt'e.
General Oku's forces pressed north
ward and west until tiny cleared the
lofty ridge east of Kaiping. This de
prived Kuropatkin's men In the de
files of their mountain shields, and
compelled the withdrawal of their sup
ports to check Oku's army. There
upon the armies of Feng Wang Cheng
and Takushan, availing themselves of
such Hanking opportunities as local
conditions allowed, forced the enemy
out of their strongholds down upon the
plain of Liao Yang.
Conditions In Suburbs of Kansas Clt
are Very Serious.
Kansas City, July 11. Flood condi
tions in Kansas off the Kaw watershed
are still serious, the streams of Abilene,
Ottawa, Emporia and Wichita still be
ing high and continuing to rise at some
At Riverside, hundreds of emplojes
of the packing houses and West Bot
toms factories were driven from their
homes, and tonight only the tops of
their houses are visible above the sur
face of tlio water. Scores of houses
have been washed away. Loo King
southwest and northwest from River
side, the view is a dismal one.
Czar Fears Revolution
Vienna, July 11. A report re
ceived here through diplomatic chan
nels from Warsaw states that the
governor of fiat city has notified the
czar that if an outbreak against the
Russian government is to bo prevented
a state of siego should lie at once pro
claimed throughout Russian Poland.
He declares that he has positive evi
dence that tho revolutionary leaders
are about ready to start an uprising,
and recommends that additional troops
be placed at his disposal to keep the
people under control.
Has All Faith In Germany.
Tokio, July 11. An official state
ment Issued here today declares that
the Japanese government Is confident
that Germany will maintain neutral
ity The Kluchou incident is not re
garded seriously by ths government or
the neon e. During the recent activity
of tho Russian Port Arthur and Viadi
vsotok squadrons, it was suggested that
thev possibly Intended to run into
some neutral Chinese port, disarm and
claim protection and Krauchou was
named as one of their possible ha
vens. His Three American Submarines.
Paris, July 11. Cabling fiom St.
Petersburg, a well-known correspond
ent Btates that having been authorized
to vitiit tho naval station at Kronstadt,
he had the opportunity to Bee there the
submarine torpedo boat Protector on
the deck of a Norwegian steamer there.
Hie correspondent further states that
he was also shown there two other sub
marines of American manufaacture be
ing prepared for shipment lo the Far
Floating Hospital Off for Far Cast.
Odessa, July 11. The volunteer fleet
transport Orel, one of the six largest
transports in the Russian flag, sailed
from here this afternoon, after having
fitted out as a floating hospital. She
files tho flaz of the Red Cross society,
and it is officially announced that she
carries a large cargo of flour, barley,
tobacco, foodstuffs and wine,
Kansas People Deserting Their Homes
Damage Will Reach thousands.
Kansas City, Mo., July . The
Kaw overflowed Its banks near tho
Missouri Pacillc bridge at 11 o'colck
tonight, and tho water Is now spread
tug over the west bottoms, or wholesale
district. The water has approached
within two blocks of the Union sta
tion, and will reach the Union station
before daylight. The At mourdale dis
trict of Kansas City, Kan., has been
deserted, its Inhabitants having been
ditvcn from their homes bv tho over
flow of the river for the second time In
13 months.
Mayor Gilbert, of Kansas City,
Kan., la using all the means at Ills
command to enre for (lie thousands of
homeless people driven from the flood
stricken district. Tonight lie sent the
following telegram to the secretary of
"Ten thousand people have Wen
dilven from their homes In Kansas
City, Kan., by flood. I earnestly re
quest that you direct" commander nt
Fort Leavenworth to Issue lat'ons as
wo may need."
Tonight, all Kansas streams are high
and thousands ot acres ot rich farming
lands have already been Inundated,
tunning losses to crops that will doubt
less run Into the hundreds ot thousands
ot dollars.
Farmers at a doren different points
have been foieed to lleo from their
homes, driving their cuttle Ixforu them
and taking horses ami what household
goods that could lie gathered hurriedly.
lly tomorrow noun the Kaw will
have risen two (eel and a halt higher
than nt present and will begin to silb
s.der rapidly. The Missouri river at
Kansas City, although up Ironi tht
overflow ot the Kaw nt this point, is
still in no danger of causing nuy serious
Hood, and after a further rise ol 18
inches, Observer I'ooner predicts, tills
stream will bruin to fall tomorrow.
Across from Kansas Citv, the Missouri
i ,i . i ..... ...Av....l...a..i,l.ul
una uwiiii mti letu, u r'.iiivij-rviiit
place, but none of the maiiufactuiiiig
concerns along the stream has suffered.
International Conference Results In
- tuat Understanding.
Vancouver, B. C, July 9. The first
international conference bttween the
caniierymcn of I'uget Pound and the
Frnier river was held here today, and
was productive ot eminently satisfac
tory results. All the primlpul opera
tors were ill attendance. It was agreed
that lor mutual pro lion a patrol-
Iwtt 1 v.. ,iliiiw! nn . . ii
side of the
.,,., ,.., ,,.,., ,,v0 as80ci.
, ft,ionB or ,rtv(,rnlm.nUi j.i, viow o(
co.01le,BtIIK to prevent thefta ol fish or
Rear Bmj i,r(ni( the guilty parties to
The tcr o( iatt-Iierle was laid
over ,,ti the next meeting, to be taken
I wjth Illinj9tcr of ,ar!no and
fisheries when ho visits the Ccn-t.
OUMtion o( lont close time dur
Ing the packing season was referred to
a committee. It was further agreid
that no British Columbia canners shall
buy fish cu I'uget sound, ond no i'uget
sound cannners shall buy tish in La
nadian waters, except and through the
authorized representatives of the re
spective cahnerrlos and the indeoiid
ent trap owners.
It was reported that the first trap in
tailed in Canadian waters this seas in
under the new regulations was working
to perfection.
They Appear to Ue Trj'ng to Enter b)
All Doors.
Liao Yang, July 8. Ilcpnits have
been received here of the appearanco of
Japanese outpostB on the loads leading
to Munkdin.
On the other hand, the Japanese
have withdrawn from the pastes taken
June 2G and 27, and their advance
from Lien Shan Kwan has ceased.
The Russian Eastern corps has
moved fornaid to Khawan and Ho
zamn, which the Russians had evacu
ated and reoccupied.
The tactics of the Japanese arc diffi'
cult to understand. They seem to he
Irying to enter by all doors. Probably
the a-mies commanded by Generals
Kuroki ar.d Oku aro combining to op.
erate a.ainst Ta Tech Kiao and Hal
cheng in order to gain possession ot the
railroad and enable them to advance to
Liao Yang.
America Asks Her Object.
London, July 0. The Associated
Press learns from a high British source
that exchanges ot views are taking place
between Arnerhu ami (treat Britain
with respect to Thibet. Relng a de
pendency of China, the fate of Thibet
Is of considerable importance, especial
ly to America; not that Americans have
interests ot valuo in that country, hut
becaues of Its acquisition by nny other
power would mean a violation of the
principles of the integrity of China,
which is tho key nole of Secretary
Hay's Far Eastern policy
Grain Set on Fire.
Stockton, Cal., July 9. Adisablrous
grain fire swept Victoria Island yester
day and today and is still burning, hut
it is believed that it will ho extin
gulshi-d by tomorrow. Tho fire was
started by a harvester of the Victoria
Island Company. Two hundred acres
of barley have been harvested, but the
remainder was destroyed. The damage
consists not alone in the destruction of
the grain, but in setting fire to peat
land, it being necessary to flood the
land to put out thu fire.
Much of North Topcka Flooded.
Topeka, Kan, July 9. The Kansas
River is 20 feet 3 'riches above low
water mark and rising at the inte of
three inches an hour. Tho north end
of the Rock Island railway bridge has
been partly wrecked and Rock Island
trains aro now being lun over the Santa
Fo bridge. Director Jennings, ot tho
government weather bureau, does not
expect a dangerous flood unless there
aro heavy rains further west to
night. Declared President of Colombia.
Washington, July 0. Mr. Snyder,
UniUd States Charge at Bogota, has
cabled to the state department that
General Reyes was declared elected
president of Colombia today.
Great Damage Done In Morrow County
by Orasalioppera.
lleppner Grasshoppers bv tho mil
lion are appearing lu some localities In
Morrow county. They have sol tied In
great numbers in thu Sand Hollow
country, n (arming district about ten
tulles northeast ot lleppner, where they
are doing considerable damage,. They
are doing the most dalliiigo tu alfalfa
and the hay crop, and In come places
are taking gardens.
Tlio first crop ol alfalfa, which was
immense, has practically all been
saved, but It Is (cared that cry little
of tho second crop can bo saved, un lug
to tho ravages ol the millions ot thesu
Insects that have been congregating In
the alfalfa Holds. At llynd Ilros., a
big rar.ih In Sand Hollow, they are so
thick in the alfalfa that In the evening
tiler the Insects go to roost on the
heads ot the alfalla plants they can be
scooped up by the gallon by Inking a
coal oil can or bucket and striking
through tho grass. It in only the work
il a short time to till a gunny sack.
Some ol tliein caught In this way are
being fed to the hogs.
Along Willow ricek, where there ale
many alfalfa fields, tlio grasshoppers
are numerous and doing considerable
damage In some places they are attack
ing wheat fields but lire not doing much
damage, owing to the fact that the
grain Is Hearing inatiiriiy and in getting
hard. However, th jy iirt'strlpping the
green leaves from the stalks. In the
wheat belt they have not appeared III
sufficient numbers to cause any alarm
and tho damage to the wheat crop will
bo of llttlo consequence.
Prospectors Swarming to Southern Ore
gon Gold District.
(iranls Pass NumlnTSof prosirctorn
are outfitting at Grants l'asi dally and
starting (or thu mines on Thompson
creek and all through the Sucker crevk
country. They are coining (rom differ
ent points as far away us Idaho and
Southern California.
The actual digging ot gold at the
Ilriggs claim, on Thompson creek, has
stopped for the present, as tluy are
now engaged in bringing a ditch from
the headwaters ot Thompson creek to
rhe mine (or thu purpose of supplying
water. All o( the dirt moved will
sluiced or puddled in order to get
the values they curry.
Already a towusllte ban licen located,
and It is reported that there are now
60 tents up and prosiectorH with pack
animals are arriving daily. Another
strike ol a large body ol rich ore lias
been reported near thu Ilriggs find.
Damage In t matllla Not Serlout.
Pendleton The damage to grain (rom
thu heavy mill which visited u portion
of Umatilla county last week nan not
as oxtensive ns at first believed. Farm
era living in sections where thu lain
was heaviest leport tho grain lodged
in many fields, but belitvu that most
ot it can lie saved. John Crow, an ex
tensive wheat raiser on the reservation,
probably the largest loser, sajH his
loss will reach (5,000. Thu country
around Warren station received a se
vere drenching. A number of bndgen
were washed out.
Roundhouse for Roscburg.
Rosebtirg Engineers for tho South
ern Pacific company liavo laid off the
grounds and set stakes locating the
sito for a fine new roundhouse of 12
stalls in their yards in tills city. No
announcements nru as yet given out,
hut it is understood the new building
will he of brick, and in arrangement u
modern structure in every nsKct. A
largo steel turntable, which has Is'cn
here for several months, awaiting Irca
tion, will ho placed in conjui ction
with the new roundhouse.
Otm Aline Changes Hands.
Baker City Announcement Is mndu
by Mr. Frank (lelser that tho old Gem
mine at Spuria, ono ot the big produc
ers of tho linker Uty ramp, will re
sume lull operations by July 10, under
tho direction (if the (leisui-llenilryx
company. The parties interested will
not permit much of a statement to he
made at present, hut sufficient Is
known to make the statement that thu
property has been sold to tho Geisui-
lluridryx company.
limy Month In Land OfIce.
Salem Juno has been a busy month
in tho state land office as shown by tho
statement of receipts made by Clerk G.
G. Ilrown. TJio rush has been duo in
some degree to the payment of balances
on old nott H and curtilicutes of sale,
which payments were demanded hj the
land board some time ago and wcro re
quired to ha paid prior to July 1. The
business of tho office amounted to moro
than (1,500 a (ley during Juno.
Pest of Grasshoppers.
Pendleton Completion o( rutting of
the hay crop of Butter creek and Mor
row county has saved It from what
would probably have been serious dam-
ago by grasshoppers, which are moro
numerous than for several years In the
hay fields of the western part of thin
county and in Morrow. Tho first crop,
however, Is nearly all taken off and
the peat will be unable to work serious
Wheat Cutting Is Commenced.
Helix Wheat cutting has begun in
the Cold Spring country west of here,
near the Columbia, this section being
among tlio earliest in tho Inland Em
pire. Only a few fanners are at work,
but in Homo purls ot the county cutting
will bo continuous nntil Umatilla's hli;
harvest is all In. No definite leport
has been received as to how tho first
cutttings are running,
Successful Results of Fxperhncnts In
Marlon County.
Salem Tho experiments conducted
by Gllliert A Piittersoii In growing ah
lalfu on one of their fitims near tills
city seelils to he very satlsfactoiy III Its
results. The alfalla wan sown thiee
rats ago, on bottom land. For two
seasons the crop wan very light but the
alfalla In now becoming well set anil
seems to be a good producci.
The llrst cutting tills season ylehhd
ten tons on three acres. The alfalfa is
now a toot tall mid there In every pros
pect for n yield of fiom one to two Ions
per no o for tho second cutting, witli
some tail pasturage left. .'I lie diyness
of thu season has nut yet iuul any ap
preciable effect upon the crop.
Where thu alfalfa In glowing lliere Is
about 12 ft el ot soil on top ot gravel
containing water. Presumably the
roots ol the alfalfa find their way down
to the water or at nuy rate go dier
cnouua so that the dry weather does
not affect them.
A number of farmers in this sectlm
of the. valley are experimenting will
alfalfa, and though they have difficulty
in vetting a start they believe that the
ultimate results will I si satlsfactoiy
and that thin fishier plant will Ihcoiiip
n common product In this section
the state. Tho (art that it neid not be
resown every. ear or two, that It
not affected by drouth, that it rim Is
rut before and after thu usual J tint'
rains, given II Its chief value nn a (arm
product In the valley.
Lay Duat With Oil.
Orrgou City Experiments that have
Ikvii maile on Main street with rrtld
dl (or keeping down the dust have met
vv ith success, no rlalin the city nlllc
lain, and It Is very likely that thu oil
will be used lu the fill tiro by thu city
in solving the problem ol lighting dust
The llrst test wan n failure (or tlio rca
son that thu oil wan carried on the
shoes ol pedestrians Into thu stores ol
thu merchants. Alter two days thu oil
hud dried and there In little or no dust
ill (rout of thu stores wheiu the oil was
Cloudburst at Muro.
Shttiilko tjist week a largo cloud
hurst occurred about six miles south ol
Mora and thu water, rushing down a
small canyon, struck the Columbia
Southern railway truck, tearing It ii)
to a considerable extent and, coiitlnu
lug on down the canyon, again struck
the railway at Moro, completely sub-
; nidging the tracks, doing much dam
age to the city water works. Heavy
rains were reported throughout Slier
man and Wasco counties, hut at Moro
rain as exceptionally heavy.
Large Acreage In llarlcy.
Umatilla llariuy heading ban com
melired lu northern .Morrow county In
thu Islington and louu ncighborhmds
along .the northern portion of thu
lleppner branch of thu I). R. A N
Grain in the last two weeks hnniipeuei
rapidly ami there Is every prospect that
the largest crop of wheat lu .Morrow
history will be harvested. Fall grain
Is better than normal and trie only ap
parent shorlnga will Is-In spring grain
sown unusually lata.
flerry Seaion Over.
Frerwaler Tliu straw ls-rrj season Is
about over around Hcewatcr and .Mil
ton, mid the big rush Is In cherries
Final returns (rom the strawberry out.
put show that little over hall what wan
expected was real Ire I. Only a lew
crates aro going out dully.
Flour Valley, t.l.noCU.Ofi pgr bar
rel; liaril wheat straights, (IQI -'-'i
clears, (II 85tji4 10; haul wheat pub
cuts, 100-1.70; gruhnm, III 50, -I
wholewheat. IIQ-t 25; tyu Hour, H.BO.
Wheat Walla Walla, 07M(iUc; blue
stem, 77c; valley, 78c.
Ilarlry feud, $211 per ton; rolled,
Outs No. I white, $1.20;
$1.15 per cental.
Millstuffs llran. $19 pur ton: mid
dllngn, $23.50; shorts, $21; chop, $18;
unseed, dairy lood, fill.
Hay Timothy fine? HI per ton;
clover, SMtau; grain, fll5l2; client,
I'.ggs urrgoii rnncn, itrtSL'Uc per
Checso Full cream, twins, new
stock, VirdViHe; old stock, 7('!8r;
oung America, I.IO(Hc.
Poultry Fancy liens, 12KQi:ic per
pound; old hens, 12M12Jjc; mixed
chickens, HOUc; springs, to 2
pound, ISOlOcj. broilers, 1 tu 1 iu
pound, 1920c; diossed chickens, l."l(tf
He; turkeys, live, HI0c; do dressed,
10iuc; do choice, lH20c; geese,
live, 78c; do dressed, OJielO';
ducks, old, $flQ7 per dozen; do young,
as to size, $260(3(1; pigeons, $1641,25.
Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 per suck;
carrots,; beets, f.2ft; parsnips,
$1.25; cabbage, lKQlij'c; lettuce,
head, zoo-tuc punloz; parsley, 25c pei
doz: tomatoes, $1.2631.50; cauliflow
er, $1.752 per doz; celery, 7600c
pur doz; cucumbers, $1(11,25 per do.;
nsparagiis,60cj peas, 4f3(lc pur pound;
heann, grceh, -l5c; wax,-l6c; squash,
$1.25 pur box; grcon corn, 00c pur do,.
Honoy $3:i.60 per case.
Potiiloes Fancy, 76$l per cental ;
now potatoes, $2.25 per cental.
Fruits Cherries, 45c per pound;
goosuhorrics, Oe per pound ; raspberries
$1.25 porcrato; applen, now, $11.75;
apricots, 80$l per box; plums. OOrffJ
$i per box; poaches, 00c$l per box;
cantaloupes, $2.76 rt3 per crate; water
melons, 3c pur pound; prunes, $1.25
per box,
Beef DrcBsed, 630Jt!o pur pound.
Mutton Dressed, 4flc per porud;
limbs, 0c,
Veal Dressed, 100 to 125, 07u por
pound ; 125 to 200, 535Jio: 200 and up,
Pork-Dressed, 100 to 150. 737Kc;
160 and up, G7c.
Hops 1003 crop, 23u per pound.
Wool Valley, 1020o por pound;
Eastern Oregon, 1017c; inohiilr, 30c
National Convention Chooses Candidates
tor President and Vice President.
Hprlligllcld, III., July 0. 'Miliums E.
Wulnoii, ol lleoiglu, (or president, and
I'lmmas II. Tlbhlen, ot Nehuiskii, lor
vice president, weir lioiiilnalrd by thu
I'opullsl roiiveiillon today, l'hr name
ot William V. Allen, nt Nuhiaska, and
Samuel W. Williams, of Indiana, wrru
alilu phirrd l.eloiu thu roiiviiiillon for
piesldeiil, but beloru the list of sillies
hud been roinplelrd In thu roll rail,
their iiiimeH weie withdrawn, mid Wat
son whs nnmlnalcd by acclamation.
I'.x-Senntor Allen made good his wind
that hu would iml enter Inlo any
scramble for the nomination, and while
the nominations wuro being inado lie
tvvleu Instructed lliu chairman ot the
Nebraska delegation to say thai his
niimu must not go before the enliven
tion. In llie dice ol this, however, hit
received -over IU votes.
'1 he coiiimlllee on resolutions lu lis
report lo tlio convention iculllrmed nil
licence to the basic triilhn ot thu Oma
ha platform of 181)2, and of thu subse
quent plat (onus ol 8lH!uiid I mm. Thu
platform then demand that all money
ho Issued dlieclly by Hie government,
every dollar lo bo a lull legal tender;
demand pnsial saving banks; uphold
the right ol liilmi in organise, ami fav
ors the enactment of legislation (or thu
Improvement ol the condition of thu
wage ciunois; demand thu Initiative
and ru eieiiiluin ; favor prohibition ol
thu alien ownership of land; ileiuiilid
thu withdrawal ot special privilege ol
trust mid monopolies, and declare thu
government should own and control thu
railroads, telegraph and telephone sys
tems, and should provide parcel post.
The platform wan adopted uniiiiliiiiainly.
Large Grain lllctatur la llurnrd and
Hirer I. lira l.uat.
Itiintim, Juiv 7. 'J In- liiiiui-nsu grain
elevator ot the Huston ,V .Maine railroad
company, one nt the largest in tlio
world, together with three of thu com
pany's liulghttiouse on pier No. 1
and 2, Mjsllc wharf, Chitrlentown,
wrru burned tonight, entailing losses
of over $1,000,000.
Threu linn are supposed tohavu been
lost. I'lilrly-llvu sailors of the Allan
sternum Austria, which was lying at
plei No I, Jumped overlsiard to save
themselves from the Haines, which hud
communicated to their vessel. Olga
illsen, Isi.itswaliis' mate; James Flyiin,
llreman, mid Patrick N. Median, llru
man, in ti tho supposed victims.
Flynii's body has Ik en reenvurod.
Most of the crew swum ashore, hut
II ol their imniltcr required hospital
attention, lleloru thu llru could lm
controlled all thu ii per works had Is eu
Tho llru started during a heavy
thunder storm, when u bull of lightning
struck one of thu frvlghthuiises, In
which jvan stored it quantity ol hay.
Thu Haines spread in'ddly to iidjnluiiig
billldiug. Including thu elevator, and
thu linger part ot the llru apparatus ol
thu cliy was summoned to save other
property. The elevator Is figured at
$100,000. Lessen on thu freight
houses, their content, thu pier and thu
steamer Austria will easily swell tlio
tolal to more ihuii $1 000,000.
Among the steamship companies
who will suiter hfcs nn (relght du
st ro; ed are thu Allan line, thu Scandi
navian and thu Wilson.
Land Operations at
I'ort Arthur Must
lie Further
Chicago, July 7. Thu following
special riihlegrniu nru from n stuff cur
rcsixinilcnt ol thu Daily News:
On Isiard thu Dully New Dispatch
bout I'iiwoii, I'hehsi, July 7. Whllo
the I'awnii wns oh I'ort Arthur rilduy
lust, about noon, fierce riinniinHdliig
was heard, ending in a heavy explosion.
Thu Favvaii stissl by one of thu Japan
cm pli krt ships till lulc in thu after
noon, hut saw nothing. All wns quiet
mi Saturday. While rruislng toward
I'ullcnwun. Sunday, picket rriiisein
weiu met all ulnng the coast nt inter
vals. About 16 miles of! Dalny, thu
Fawan was stopped by n cruiser ot the
Asnuii type, hut lint detained.
"Several shuts were heard ubout 4 p.
lu. in tlio direction ol Port Arthur.
"Dio naval situation is apparently
nt n standstill. No active iiicasuii-s
aiu likely to hu taken by Admiral Togo
until thu laud operations aro further
Would Snve At any Uvea.
Victoria II. C, July 7. Unt wint
er's terrible wreck on the wet roust
ot Vancouver Island are hearing their
fruit in a strong movement to have that
portion of thu coast better supplied
with telcgiuphiu communication. At
present tho telegniph lino runs north
only as far an Chiyoquot, just north of
ilurkluy sound, leaving all thu roust to
Capo Scott without any means of coin
iniiulcatliin. It is suggested that wire
lens telegarph stations should lie In
stalled ut suitable points along thu
Their Anxiety Somewhat Relieved.
Nuw York, July 7. Thu anxiety ot
many nriioug thu hundreds who have
haunted tho offices of the Scandinavian
Steamship company since yesterday
waiting nuvvH of thu Ill-luted steamer
.Sorgo which foundered on Itockull
reef, off the const of Scotland, June 28,
was relieved today, when n partial list
ol tlio survlvrirs at Slnrniiway was ru
culvod from Copenhagen. It has hern
known since yesterday that 128 sur
vivo ot thu disaster had been land.
nl at various points nliiog tho llritlsh
Many Russlana Are Deserting,
Vlenn.i, July 7. Russian deserters
aro constnntly crossing thu prutli into
Rouinunlu. Many urn arrested by tho
frontier putrnls, hut somu reach tlio In
terior of tlio Htiite. Ilolh Die soldiers
and peasants of lloSHiiruhlu hnvo a su-
icrstitlous dread of uolriir to tho Far
Hast. The prisons of thu RubIsuh shin
of tho hordur aro full of men suspected
of Intention to.dcsurt. Thu officers are
iindoi thu necessity of observing uvery
precaution to avoid u general mutiny.
More Troops for the Far l!aat.
St. 1'utershiirir, July 7. It In hellnv.
ed that another army culpa will ho
not yet been decidod what corps w III bo
iiiuuiiizeu ior inn i nr r.ast, but It bus
to Ice tod.