Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 08, 1904, Image 7

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Docs not lob go of you
when you apply lotions or
liniments. Ib simply loosens
its hold for o whilo. Why?
Dccauso to sob rid of it you
must corrccb tho acid con
dition of tho blood on which
ib depends. Hood's Sarsa
pariila has cured thousands.
Ituinns I'ti'lirlnit I'liirrnilrr.
Tim ItmiiniiH were itri'iil sllikli'tH fur
for inn I illniii'iH. 'I'lii'tr tippi'lllo pioilue
ciH roiialrtli'il tint I uly uf vuit milml,
Hilt'fil frulta, oyslorH, impnriiKiis, nud
mills In vlui'Kiir. 'I'licn, IiiivIiik Mined
IIP llll Jllll't'H l)f tilt' KtOHIIII'll It (III)
pnlnl of lii-rii I'upi'i'iiillun, tlicy pro
m'dnl In I I Ir.n t Imd liy wny of firth
prliii'lpnlly imiMi'i, wlilili wiih ri'Kiiril-
I'll I1B lllO "llip Itotrlll'l" nf IIhIm'H, KKtY-
Ml Willi n piinlii pri'pnri'il of till) lleull
of Hip ki-ii lii'iliti'liiiK ri'iltirt'il to pulp,
Will oil, tii'ppcr, union", tlittea mill inns
tttril; wliitu, wlii'ii Hi" riiiperor wnn
nrrri'il with ttm prlrfli'SK liver, tltotllsli
wits lull fiilntly noiisoiieil Willi milt,
lii'ppi'r mill oil, mill kitvoiI with chick
CM IIvith Kiiriici. After Hull mill Kitliiu,
plirli WIIH tlll IllOSt CHll'I'IIII'll incut
illati, mid It wiiN htm'iI In llio form of
n roust HtulTt'd wit li ritiusitjfoii. 'i'liu
ilcmirl wiih foriui'd nf fruits In ni'imon,
llio Iuhi'Ioiih Krnpn lii'lni; n cluso com
petitor Willi lln tipple.
It l')e to Head Newapapcrr.
Oo, Win., July I. Frank M. litis
pell u( tliln fliti'o. Iiml Kldiiuy DIhchpo
no lind (lint lit) i until not walk, llu
tried doctore' tri'ittment ttinl initity dif
ferent rtmiedlt'H, lint wiih (jotting woma
He wna viiiy low.
Ho rend In newspaper liou DikIiI'ii
Kidney l'illn were curing mreit ol Kld
iiuy Triitililti, Ilrlght'H lilceitKi' and
miciiinnttiiiii, iiml thought lie would
tty tlicin. lie took two lioxi-n mid now
lio Ik ipiltn wall. Ito pity:
"I cun now woik till dtty nnd not feel
tired. Ileforo using Podd's Kidney
l'illn, I couldn't walk ncniKn tin1 Hoot."
Mr. lliifcH' la tint moat woiiiturftil
capu ever known In Cltlppeii county.
Tlil now remedy IMiI'h Kidney l'illn
la making auuto iiilrnrulotta ctiiea In
Cruel Voutli.
"Ho "aid t wits tall mid willowy,"
remarked ttio girl wlio llkt-ri Mattery
"Do you think I look llku n willow
"No; you yook llko n cliratnut," re
tortcd tho savago youini'man In the
loud vent.
Mothers will rind Mil, Wlntlowi'a Soothing
Bltun the best rented r to u.o far thslr ctilMteu
dutlue;lhoteeihtng jilot.-
Horrr Ho Hooke.
"Oh, wo hnvo Homo very strong men
In llnxlniid," Iousted tho new urrlvnl
from Loudon.
"How strong nro tlicy'" queried the
American cltlzeiu
"Oh, I've seen them lift cannon,
truck mid oven earn."
"Indeed. Then It la strange Hint
iioiio of them can lift Mich a tnull oh
Jecl Its the yncht cup."
$100 Keneril, $100.
Tim rrt'lgriut till, t'.i'vr Kill 1h vloMc.t to
learn thai there Is at trau one ilri-adl dlwaao
that clctiro lias l-e elile to rum t:i nit It.
laitrl, and that I. I atarrll. Hall's I .l.ltll
ruin is the mil? Isialtltru tuie known tu the
tuisllral Irateriiltr. t trth Uiinii comtltu.
tlnnal ,11-t'KM), rtMjtilrrii ii C'lmtliulliiiiftl Irrat
inelil. Ilall'sl elarrlH'iircLtaktiiliilerualljr,
acting- illrerlly ttiun ttip l.li1 fttut mucous
surfaces ol tlm system, tlmn li) t , t r,y I lm llio
iKIIIl.l.lloll ill tin. .ll .o. ftinl Klvlnii tho I'ft-
lleiilitrfiuttlilir linlMlnir up tlm muttltutluii
ml ililltiK tiftturo In ili.lnir It. work, llio
iruiirlt(iriliftvo.,iiiiicli (.lin In It. cumUvu
ii or tliftt thoy "itrr ons llvin.litvl H.ilUn
lor iicwlliltlIUtucuto. Ccuil lor ll.t
of IP. lltUOUl.U.
H-jUt ! (IniKKtola. 7fio.
ll.ll'. I .tullj I'll, fttl) til bolt.
Knally Uoiio.
Tom Well, I hcllevo Tin tld of Mr.
Hliiyliilo t last.
Jcsh How on enrth did you nccom
pllhli It?
'1'esn While ho wns cnlllni; upon mo
last nlk'lit I remarked Hint "nil Iniiul
ifjino men were conceited lioren." Then
he Mild: "Indeed! 1 can Inko n hint
lit well m the next one," mid left.
rillliiilelphlit I'li'HS.
Uoils hIiow tlio blootl in in a riotnua, feverish
condition, or that it lias rjrown too weak aiul slurr
ejisli to throw olT the bodily impurities, which
then concentrate at sumo tipot, unit a carbuncle
or boil ia tho result. To one already enfeebled
liy disease, hoils seem tocotno with more frequency.
caiisit! the intetiscst pain and greatest danger to the already weak and
iieuiiiiaieti stinerer. kkih eruptions, trom the sumetimes fatal car
buncle to the spiteful little cat-boil, are caused by bud blood, and the
only way to avoid or get permanently rid of them ia to purify and
build tip the deteriorated, polluted blood, and counteract tho humors
and poisons ; and nothing will du this so quickly and thoroughly as
S. S. S., which is the acknowledged king of blood purifiers and great
est of all tonics. Where the blood has become impoverished and is
poor nnd thin, no medicine acts so promptly in building up and restor
ing its richness, purity and
strength. The time to euro Allehony,ra., Juno 11, 1003.
lioil ia liefnrn il lvel. IProm too a of twenty or thirty I ws aoroly
rt DOIl IS DUoro tt ileCl- ni0t8awlthlarire, nwrul bolla onmr face eni
ops, when It IS III a state body. Aa aoonaathsy would heal up lu one place
nf iiicnl. iiimi nr f,-,r, nt in., t,,eSr would break out In another part of tho body,
Ol inclination or lormiltion and tht oontlnued for tenyonr.. I tried every
111 tho blood; for boils lire, thlns-loould hear of to set relief, but notlilntr
ofliT nil nnlv tlm I'mnnri. did uie nny nood. Iliad butllttle futth inS. s. H.
utter an, only tno iinpiirt- doinir mo irood when I bognn it, butattertaklnir
ties 11 1 Hi poisons bubbling It for a abort while tho bolla began to disappear,
in tlimnifli Ibn cltiii mill 1 continued on with thomedlcino, taklnir air uot
lip lliroilgll llio SKIU, IlllU tlee, and all thoboll. onttrely disappeared. Xfivo
this Will continue ill spile yearn bays olapned nines that time, and I hays
f tuuillti-iiiir unit Iniir-iiifT no'of boon bothered since, showing that tho cure
ot poulticing mill lancing wttt permanent. I had some thirty or forty of
till the blood gets rid of the mont painful bolla one over had, and to uo
its accumulated poison. lV& oBfTrtf.ud.fltro
Tho wny to stop boils is you. v iiknby zinn.
to nttnek them in tho,blood,
nnd tiiis is what S. S. S. does. All danger of boils is past when tlio
blood lias been thoroughly purified and tho Bystem cleansed of all mor
bid, impure matter. If you are subject to boils, then tho same causes
that produced them last season will do so this, nnd tho sooner you begin
young, nnd without harm to tho most delicato constitution. It is
mild nnd pleasant in its action, and unequaled as a euro for boils ond
kindred eruptiona, Write us if you would liko medical advice or other
I.lltln Country Town,
I To ilia there nl (In. II r.', l,ur Ilia
Ilii'llnW lllllil l :li'iililli
O'rr Hi" rnliiiiiii'i ,,r Hi" llttlo cuunlry
pnpiT I lull li.t Imlila,
Ami iiiiii ililiiu lie Iiiih ii'iul tlmio aeuina
In "l lilx riimjr ilieninlliK, .
Whllii 1 1 1 1 1 i ' i hi i ioi ii 1 1 j u of furot
li'ii iIiih tiiifiihlM,
111 ijniiliil iiml ho ly ilirnc) nil In
illne hlia In ii'llccllnii.
Koiii" Hiv ! tK-fiM uf i niliiiiitiiiciit na liu
li v Ilin pupiT doivli,
Mlilia ilin hitter peel nf narrow from
me nun ur reriiiieriiiin,
llu tiiHii'M the nii'lhiw nt'otlicna of tli
lit llu roinitry town.
lit area nt eve, n nlllnKi' with tlio tit in p
llttlit illinly ntrnyliiK
TlirotiKli tlio tvlhdow, llilikljr lioworeij
Willi Hit) liiiiieyani'kli) vine,
To Ida en i coiiin afrfiliia or tannic, tlicro'n
n niiiiml of noinronu pliiyliiK
On n lllllil coIIiiku omiin, mid tlm notca
of "Atild I.iiiu; Sync."
Ho lirnra tlio ten tlilnca elntter, area it
winiinii'n llfore llltlliix
1 1 ito nuil lliere, hetllie niinio fillry, anil
Hit) klllllllner nf her KOWII,
And (uiikIiik li'inta liln fnney to tlio place
wlieru lio In nlllllik'.
J lint nrniKi frntii her nt tnblg III the
llttlo rutintry town.
Vet lid alia hem nlnne, Willi all the
ilrrniay nlmiluwa dniii'lliK,
Anil nllrut nnro fur rolcca that Ida
nii'innry inny liettr,
Tlio eyea tlint o'er tlm rnltmina of the
Hill" pnper Klniicltiu
I.llii) viol"!., (Intv-iiiltted, In Ilia puna
lug of n tenr.
1'runi tome, nn he, nrn tnlnnllix from Hie
clrclo iiiieo iiiiliriiknn,
And inn) lie known Ilea nlerpltn; ulo ro
llio ntittiiiin lanvea nro brown.
Ilia Imlr la whllo llko nllvcr, it In
fnney ho linn apoken
Willi nil tliimo toils nnd lannca of tho
111 I to country town.
Tlm mint) c)o of norrow nt (ho hush of
tlrcitma lx necking
Tlm man of recullectlun with tin fruL'
riineo nf lla tnorn.
And In the vnr of mcuiury tho vulco of
fcrlcf la npenklin;,
Tho hnnil Hint ptueka tlm Moiantn
known tho nliitriuicua of lliu thorn
Ilin drenina dlo with tho eialiors nt llio
tlreplnro nh, tho pit)!
'I'll u pnper fnlla f ruin llnllctn kainls
ninl lilly (Itinera down.
How lonely, lutiely, lonely, Is (ha sullen,
Miiulty city.
When the lieuit lioa ooino from stray
ItiiC In tlio lilllu country town.
Now York Tlmoa.
llnw Crnnn Mimicked Itotimni.
When Itohson nnd Crime ncted Hit)
"Comedy of 1-rrurit" touelher, .Mr.
Crttne'ti "Dromlo" won the mont until
bio feat tiro of tho pcrfomuinee, for
while ltotmon nlmply reprcnenteil him
self In tho garb of tho Syructtne wr
vnut, Crnne Rnvo mi exm-llent exhllil
tlou of liln mimetic powers by tliipllciit
Ing the "Dromlo" of Ilia nnnoclate. He
thun dencrlbcg tho opcnliiK nlKht:
"It wnn otto of tho moat lutennely
cxcllliiK ItlKhtn I ever experienced lx
bind the nceuea. In making, up, Ituli
son tlropprd n lnik'o dauli of Rrciine
paint on tho front of Ida tunic, (hit of
pure eonnldcrntloti for nrt, I painted n
similarly dirty device on my Knrinent
Hut Itoliaon nenrly destroyed the Hue
fnbrlc of consistency, to the ciumtrtio
Hon of willed I lind nnerlll I tin-
clcnnlliicnn of my nttllre, by whIUIhk
on nbacnt-mlndcdly In the hii iuhI m t
with it amoklni; clptr ptotruillm; from
Ilia inotltlt. Just prerlotta to bin en
trmico In tlio llrnt net lio declaimed hit
npcccli In the wink'", nnd from Hita I
took the key, which I lind to hohl con
ntnntly In inlnd. My lines were only
pnrtly committed, ko Hint between
tblukliii; of llolmnirM pivullar
nnd iniinncrlnina which I wiih expect
ed to Imltnto fitltlitully-and of my
own npecchea which Hhouldhae been
delivered with cipini tldcllty to Slink
npenro I nweltcrcd In body anil mind
nil nlglit. I.csllc'tt Jlonlltly.
Ilin Letter.
When Willie llhiiik wiih nt the xen
shore last Hummer Ida father wrute to
mm 1 1 1 1 1 e rrciiticuuy, mm in cncii let
ter Inclosed 10 cents or n (pmrter to
ndd to tho llttlo Ind'a pIctiHtire. Willie
wns no letter-writer, but olio tiny he
inmutKcd to composo tho following
comprchenslvo epistle, which ho unit
tu Ida father:
'Deitro I'ltpn I cot nil your leters
nnd you have put hoiuo mutiny In each
olio of them, l'lenso write oflener.
Votir Itivlnu win. WIM.IAM."
Wointin'8 Homo Compnnloii,
lO put your uiuuu ami eyaiciu in ;wuii
order tho better tho chance of going
through tlio spring nnd summer season
without boils or other painful and irri
tating skin eruptions. S. S. S. is guar
anteed purely vegetable, nnd can bo
taken with perfect 6afcty by old ami
Tribe Hint Won Dint 1'nrt of Hie Hloili
Nation Helrcln Killer In Trailllloniil
Miinoerltrcnlln I'riictUnl KstloLtloti
of Aioeilciiu HUmi
Thcro la n touch of pnthos In tho
rlory from nithilmiim which recnila
tho prnetlenl extinction of tho Auinr
Ictin blnon. It niipenra Hint tho new
chief of tho I'oiii'ii Indiana, who II vo
In (Iklnhnmn Territory, wnn to chooto
Ida ndvlnory council. In tho old dnya
when n new chief ncleclitl Ida coun
cil, they wero Inkcn from' tho bund
Hint wnn mont successful In n buffalo
hunt. It wnn nrrnmtcd to Imltnto this
unclciit custom, but the contrast una
n I inns I painful fur Hie old-tlino hunt
era who eon remember when tnllllona
nf thonhngKy bennta rnnmcil tho pin llu
In freedom. Throe huffnlocs from n
niimll herd In rnplltlfy were obtnlneil
for the pnrpone. A alxty-ncro trflct una
Inclosed with n ntib.tnutlnl ntocltndn,
lit different plneea were ten small rnr
rnln, one for ericli band of warrlorn
Hint participated In nn endeavor ;o bo
chosen of Chief Home Chief's council.
I'pon this occasion the blind Hint aue
ceedetllrnt III driving the btiffulo In
the corral nnslKtied to It wns declared
the winners. The other bnnds wero
free to Interfere, whenever poialble,
which brought on a kind of po'o ncrlitt
mnKc, with the butTiilnes fur Hie ball.
The I'onr.m sent Imitations to t lie
tlMtcea, I'liwueeg, Kna, Tonkauas.
tltoct, Missouri. Chej ctines, A rap. I
hoes unit other Inben In Oklahoma to
be present. Htiuilrids of Inillain no
ceptcil, more especially to tc the buf
faloes, which nro now co rnro na to
be ncttint curiosities. A teal buffalo
hunt In the brave days of old wns
very cxcltliiR nnd often nttetitled with
much dniiRer. Wluit a chntiirel Tho
modern travesty wan uoililng more
than driving a few lame cnttle to
There nre n little more thnn n hand
ful of the Toucan left; If the white
man ever found n good Indian, which
some claim to lie mi Impossibility, the
1'oticn wna n near nppronch to that
Ideal. The tribe wna pnrt of the Sioux
nation, anil the original home wna near
a branch of the ltctl Itlver mid Lake
Winnipeg. Tho Toucan hne always
enjoyed n reputation for being very
penceable. They were driven from
tlielr ltctl Itlver homo by their old
enemy, Hie Chlppewns, who forced
thcin beyond the Missouri Itlver. l-'ol-lowing
tliein up closely, the Chlppewns
drove tliein away once mote, when
they Joined the Omnlina, which alli
ance Iiiih luitl the clTect of preventing
their miullillatlon.
Altliough a part of the Sioux nation,
the other tribes kept up a relentless
war upon the Toncns, na did the
noss. Ganges nnd the Kansas Indians,
What these wars left, smallpox mid
the whlto man's vices nenrly finished,
ami from a total of nuottt 11,000 theie
nro only about tVKi now. The reuimuit
wns placed on n reservation, near the
mouth of the Niobrara Itlver. In Ne
braska, mid here their Ill-luck follow
ed them. This time It wna not their
lrdliui enemy, but the Tedcral (iuv
eminent which foiled them. I'nclo
Sum neglected the tenna of tho treaty
made with them, and once more they
becaino nomads, forced to hunt for
subsistence. They nearly starved to
death, nnd. as If destiny had something
worse In store for them, they were
forcibly removed to Indian Territory,
where tho unwholesome water killed
off their animals nnd depopulated
their ranks.
l''otty years ngo, when Chief Whlto
Ihtglo wits chosen, there wero nliout
0,000 In tho tilbe. Only eight survive
ot those who hunted the buffalo nt his
Inauguration. The Council of Advisers
consist of ten, nnd slnco lio can no
longer draw the necessary quorum he
Iiiih retired, and his son, Ilorso Chief,
takes his place at head of tho tribe.
Ht'lci'ti'il lit n lltill'iilo Hunt,
III accordance with the traditional
laws of the tribe, Hie chief and his
advisers are selected In n buffalo hunt.
At this hunt sixty bucks tako part,
forming twelve hunting parties of llvo
each. The most successful tcu lu the
limit nro Delected nn tlio council, and
when onn of thorn dies Hip next beat
hunter niminic the reinnbiltix fifty nho
itirtlclpnled In tlio cbnsu la put In his
Hut tho I'oncna hnvo been 1 ' I ti K
fnar, owIiik to tho unreinlHIiiK ntten
llon of their cnemlea nnd tho forffet
fulness of tho I'cdernl (Joverlimeut.
Whlto Hnitle, who wna one of llio lend
er In tho (,'hoat tlnnce In la very
old, nnd tltla fnct, tneother with tho
small number Af mlvlsera left him,
mmlo Ida renlKnnllon a mntter of
course. An n mntter of fuel, tliln ac
tion wna decided upan lnt yenr, when
bin noli wna selected, but Home Chief,
It la said, could not exercise ntithorlty
until after tlm formal hunt, when hli
ndvlsern would bo neleited. The limit
Lore lit 'lo rcaetnblfttice to Hint of forty
yenra no.
r.itliidlmi of Hie II on.
Time wnn, within the memory ot
innny IIvIiib men, who nre not no very
old, either, when the American bison,
or n be will perhaps always bo cnlletl
here, the buffalo, existed In the West
ern country In immberi lucnlculnble.
llctwcen the cRntom rnne of Hie
llneky Mountnlns nnd the Mississippi
Itlver they roved In herds so larife nn
to nccm Impossible to ono ubo never
snw them. There Is a well authenti
cated story Hint the garrison at Tort
Kearney actually tired their cannon at
tin linmome herd ome to pent thein
Inking the fort In n rush. .Many olllcera
nnd cavalrymen who were stationed
on the frontier years ugo tell of trnvel
Ing for months nt n time nnd never
being out of sight of their countless
numbers. Tho bison wns particularly
numerous In Knnsns nt one time,
owing to Hie fnct that the buffalo
grnsa wna tbero moat plentiful. At
times the plnlna were a solid, moving
n nsa of monsters; as far ns the eye
rould seo they were visible In enor
mous numbers. Trains were often tie
Inyed while a herd crossed the tracks
ot the I'nlon Taclflc Ilnllrond.
At one time they roamed all over the
' otintry. Nnturally migratory, the In
dians knew their wondering habits,
nnd followed them. They were In thosj
ilnja of the greatest vnluc to the In
timitis. They supplied nenrly all of
their food, ami mlllloiu were slaugh
tered each yenr for the sustenance of
Hie red man. Not only did the buffalo
supply food, but furnished them with
robes nnd hides for clothing nud
The Indians tundo tools from the
hide, burns and bones of the buffalo.
The hide of the bulls was tanned nnd
used for lodge covers. Dried In the
sun after the hair was removed, tho
tilde became almost as hard as flint,
And was mcd for moccasin soles and
belts. Ijild on the ground, the dried
hide kept out the dampness and form
ed n fnlrly good bed. Itnw hide was
cut into strands nnd braided Into
ropes. Green hide was converted Into
kettles mid nl-o Into rn'noes. llattle
shields, which were impervious to nr
rows or Innces. were iniiile from the
thick hide of the neck of the buffalo.
No pnrt of the valuable beast went to
waste with the Indian.
Kiiougli has been told to show that
tei'I'ks or the roXAs.
tho practical extinction of the buffalo
was not due to the Indian, but to tho
white man. While tho Indian never
Killed more than was needed, the whlto
man slaughtered relentlessly. Then,
too, tho white hunter, when ho wns
a hunter nnd not merely a tenderfoot
cut on a sporting excursion, would
simply take the fur hide and leave tho
carcass to tho wolves. He was very
wasteful, and the "sportsman" who
spent a day, killing off perhaps htm-
dreds, would not touch the meat, al
though the knowing ones found the
buffalo attperlor to that of tho
beef of comineno.
Tlm excitement of the old-time buf
falo hunt wns whetted by the danger
which It cntnlled, for, whilo tho lingo
nnlmnl of the plains wns, generally
apenklng, n peaceable beast, tho hnbita
of the bison were stich Hint to becorns
entangled In a herd was a perilous po
sltlou for both horse nnd rider. They
were easily frightened, nnd, like sheep,
lollownl their leaders blindly. This
fact also mndo tt illlllcttlt for tho old
bulls who nlwnyn grnzed at the bend
of the herd to stop ,i stntnpeile, when
once It occurred. The force behind
them would push them forwnrtl, nnd
many Instances nre known where the
iHulen, stumbling or pushed over a
cliff, would have the whole herd piled
up over them In n mangled mass. It
la easy to nee the perils of a hunter
ognlnnt n force Uke thin, which, once
ntnrted, did not atop until exhaustion
overtook those behind. Iluffnlo hunting
was a science, nnd was only to bo en
gaged in nnfely by those who thor
oughly understood the methods of their
Ccnturtee Klapsed Ilcfore Completion of
Corlutblun Canal.
"Kpeaking of cnnals," said the en
glncer who had been talking nbout
Panama, "a very Interesting canal,
and one not much heard of, la Hint
connecting the Oulf of Corinth and
Hie (iulf of Aeglna In Greece. It'a
ioiiip older thnn nny we have In the
Western hemisphere, also, for Terlnn
ler. tyrant of Corinth, proponed to
tit through the Isthmus na long ago
is six hundred yenrB before Christ,
superstition stopped him, however,
lullus Caesar nud Caligula took it up
gain when Home hud hold of Greece,
but It was too much for them. Then
enme Nero, nnd he went at It with
vigor, but the work stopped when he
died. Others kept pounding away at
It for the next several hundred years,
but It was not until 1881 that real
work of the Nero energy was put
upon It. Then (Jen. Turr, nhle-de-camp
to Victor Ilmmanuel of Italy, organ
ized a company and worked on till
the money gave out In 1600, the chief
obstacle being some kind of a flint
which dynamite couldn't break.
"About $10,000,000 was spent np to
1890. and then Mr. Syngros look hold,
organized a new company, with $905,
000 working capital, nnd finished the
lob In 1893. It Is only about four
miles long, but It Is CO feet wide at
the bottom, about 80 feet at waterllne,
2d feet and 3 Inches deep In water,
and It Is cut nearly all the way
through solid rock, rising at some
points for 2GD feet above the canal.
It la like a canyon, and ships do not
take kindly to It. the entrance being
bad, a strong wind blowing through
It ns through a great air shaft, nnd
tbero Is at times a strong reverse
current It Is nn Interesting trip
through the canal, and It saves 123
miles of very rough water and 20
hours of time; but so far skippers pre
fer to go around the peninsula rather
than through the cannl, though with
some changes which will be made It
is believed the canal will become of
general use as soon as a few ships
begin to use It and remove the pre
judice now exIsUng ngalnst it." Com
Had Luck Sure to Follow If Ton Are
llroke on Thuntday.
"However smart a man may be,
however deep a brain, there is yet a
tiact ot superstition In bis makeup,"
said a thoughtful man to a writer on
the New Orleans Times-Democrat,
"and often It exists and controls him In
various ways without bis knowing
anything about It If you should tell
him that he was superstitious he would
resent It nnd In no uncertain way. Out
all men are superstitious In some way
,;ust the same. There are little things
nbout wlilch men nre a bit cranky and
they develop Into well-rounded super
stitions. There Is Ople Head, who has
a queer little notion that If he gets up
Thursday morning without mouey In
his pocket it Is bnd luck and he be
lieves In It so tlrmly that he will not
venture out of the house and will not
turn his hand to a piece of work If It
happens to him.
"He Is generally very careful to see
that he has something left over
Wednesday night, n nest egg, as the
saying goes, for Thursday mornlug.
Itut sometimes he forgets nnd suddenly
discovers that he Is dead broke. That
settles It. Not a step will he take from
the house on that morning. Now, bow
Is that for superstition? Yet, call him
superstitious well, you had better do
it at long range. I know another man
In Chicago who has a queer little no
tion that It Is bad luck to forget any
thing when you nre leaving home in
the morning. One morning we had
walked to the car together. lie sud
denly turned on me with the state
ment: 'Til not go to the city to-day.'
When I asked him why he said he
had forgotten something. 'It's bad
luck,' he said, and he wns uncere
moniously making tracks for the house
when be said It I suppose we all have
those little notions nnd beliefs, but we
nre not conscious of them and so we
nro apt to believe, quite honestly, :oo.
Hint we nre not tho least bit supersti
tions, nut we are. Just the same."
A sclt-mmlo man seldom mixes mod
osty with the material used lu Ills con
If n friend nulls Ills watch on votir
funny Btory cut It short.
You can depend on Aycr's
Hair Vicor to rcs,torc color to
your cray liair, every time.
Follow directions and It never
falls to do this work. It stops
ffllllngof the hair.also. There's
great satisfaction in knowing
you arc not going to be disap
pointed. Isn't that so?
" My Imlr fid-il nnllt tt wt nhmit wMte. It
took pl.t mm I. .tt I .r A Tcr . Il.or Vigor to
rft.tor II to II. t'Tiimr ljrlc rlrli .il..r. Tour
lltlr Vigor .. . whit ton i Ulra (ur
It." A. M. IJooUAS, itoukliiKliam, N. 0.
f I M n tiottts. j r a ran co.
Hlictbil liiiliireriient.
I'rosp.-i liw I'tiri-hnsi-r 1 sco you nd
vertlse tt spei'lnl Inilu'-eitieiit in engage
metit rings What Is it?
Jeweler -Well, we giiiniinteo to re
punhnse any ring wo bell within six
11 we rffllt HOTTUTT. FOWTLAND.OWr,
l ine I'liiUli.
They had bought ai upright piano
on the pay-weekly plan. "John," Bhe
said one day. "I wnnt you to stand off
nnd take note of the exterior of this
piano. Can you see Its finish?"
"I should say so." sighed John. '
"When the Installment man comes." !
PIso'a Cure is a good coueh medicine.
It haa cureil cougha and colds for forty ,
years. At druggists, 23 cents. J
Quito a Pretentions structure.
Maria What did Martha's new hat
look like?
John Goodness, I can't tell! It look
ed more like a basket phaeton full of '
flowers than anything else. Clucln- '
uatl Commercial-Tribune.
riTQ Permanently l-nnrfl. rsofitiornerrousnrsl
M lu aftr flnldar'iUMuflJr.Kllne'aUrt&tN'trre
Restorer. hih1 for FrenSZ trial bottle nn41reattM.
In. It- II. Kline. Ud-.H: Arch bt.. l'allailelpnla, I 'a.
False Hopes.
Flnnnlgnn Say. Moike, this won't do.
1'eople say you are slnvate on Airs. Fla
herty and site a married woman.
Mike I'lmist! Not a wurrd. Thot's
onlj so Ot can go on borrjiu' terb.uky
av old I'liilierty. He's ia hopes Oi'll
elope wtd 'er.
Fading Hair j
The Kind You lluvn Ahvnys Jtouht 1ms btirno tlio sljfnn
ttirc of Cltus. II. Fletcher, itntl litis been inailo under hit)
personal .supervision lor over JJO years. Allow no ono
to deceive yoti in this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
" Jiist-ns-jrootl" nro but Experiments, and enilniier tho
health of Children Kxj.erieiico against Hxnerlinent.
Castorln is n harmless substitute, for Castor Oil, l'aro
Rorle, Drops nnd Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, iMorpliltio nor other Narcotic,
substance. Its 1170 is its fruurantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Fevcrishness. It cures .Diarrhoea nnd AVInil
Colic. It relieves Teethltifr Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Itowcls, riving healthy ami natural alcep.
Tho Children's Panacea -Tlio Mother's-Friend.
Tlie Kind You toe Always Bought
Bears tlio
In Use For Over 30 Years.
cr.f.alDcaltrs. HII.Mc Free 68-Pi. Hind
l'OKTLANL) Sti:u CO..
& High Grade
Iffif Machinery
Write (or Catalogue and Prices
i lie Hi ii. hvciiii mauiiniciy uu. Oregon
Tluroughly reltnblo and most durable machinery In tho market. Honest In
(onstriiction. Satisfactory in operation. Self Feeders, Slackers, Baggers and all
attachments. Drop us a postal nnd our traveling man will call,
liranch llousos, I'lough't Vareliouc, near 0. 11. & K. Freight Ucpot, Bpolians. II) Sl
inont tjlrvet, 1'ortlauil, Uru
In tlm iv HoM tr tirnctUli.
Tlio bloodiest battle over fought with
gunpowder waa that at llorodlno, In
Milch fj2,000 ttunslnna and 32,000
Frenchmen were killed.
$25.00 PER DAY
ni Wettr,
Coal with
n sit tttet Bn.l
nttte lur rat,
nil list of uieriln
Beall S Co.
313 Commer
cial liluck.
Draw cut, no ruin. Added Power, cuts where
others won t. I'rtces right. Vhen you
buy, Buj te Be.t. Ituy the Chamlou
lowers, Hakes, auil Hinders,
rtrst and Taylor Sts.
P. N. O.
Mo. 2S 1904.
WHEN writing to advertisers pleaee I
mention title paper. I
Signature of
i M Hi.0,';.
rnt It J IMttempcr or rink ltye with Pucssiin llmvs
IAItD CONDITIONER, a sure cure tor all ailments trom which heaves
ttri,e' CURED 34 HORSES.
lhaTe brn tulllff FniuUn Hears fowdtre tlio paat etght months and In that
tlm bavv cuml II oorrs ot llavvs 14 of Ulitrmivr anil O of cbroolo Congo,
rh. Prauln lti.iuu.ll... h.,a tr&llual a irrt'at rltuttlin in till. iMtloO. UE.iii,vs.r ovwara, ovw -.
Boot. FniHlin RunfJrCo , St., Minn.
I'orll.uil, Or., Coast Aciiill
Invcstlgato tlio Advanco lino ol tlirealu
era and cnginos, Thoy cost loss to op
erate, require fewer repairs and do rnoro
and butter work in all kinds of grain
titan any other niako. Straw or wood
and coal burning engines. Also a full
lino oi single and doublo Tortablo Saw