Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 08, 1904, Image 6

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List of Merchants
f THiS
Wm. II. Koat, L-dllor and Manair.
Kntsrrd Hi th poitonic t Color Mrovt,
Oregon mi srcona cU.s null msller.
rt months 1.00
1 year 1."0
IS months $-.00
It imlil In nilvmieo.
THIS I'.U'KK It kept on Hie t K. I'. Kr.Vr'a
ilrrtltlnn AKvncy, 61 sml M Mrch-n(n Kx-eh-r.
Sun Kronel-eti, OrtUloniU. nrnTteon-j-iiru
(or n.)YprtilnK eml totilmtc for (I
Friday. Ji i.v 8, 1004.
World's Fair
capcil the linmls of Cotter, nml his
followers. Where is this licasiirc
bidden? Some bavc said that it
was thrown into Lake Tcxcocoand
not many years back a company,
well provided with fumls, made ex
tensive excavation in the PetlreKiil,
near Coyoncan, on the spot indi
cated by tradition A series of sub
terranean chambers was found, lint
no golden sun.
Doth in Mexico and I'cru gold
was hidden away from the greedy
couquisitudotcs by the Indiuns,
who cherished the hope of making
a siiccccssfnl rising against their
conquerors. That hope lias long
died mvay, though mnch of the
hatred for the race of the cotuiuis
itadorts remains in the breast ot the
nboticit e.
It is quite probable that some
tine day much of Montezuma'' hid
den Measure may be found hcie by
I u uicky ntt. l'eriiaps it is con
cealed in an idol cave in the south
western part of the Sierra surround
ing this valley, a cave of which
stories have been told among the
Indians. Whence has come the
gold that Indians living in these
mountains, so close to the city,
have brought heie and sold to their
lejral representatives? There is a
tuvstcry in all this, and n greater
uivstery in the whereabouts ol the.
Montezuma's treasure, which te
uiains untouched. Mexican Herald.
Think About Ghinaware
NltillT WAS HFU TKltKOli.
"I would cough ni'.irly all night long'
rites M111. Chut. Applegute, of Alex
uiitlriii, lnd., "anil could Imrdlv get any
sleep. I hail consumption to "bad Hint
If I milked u block I would cough tright
fully anil spit blood, hu', when till ulhi'r
medicines fnittvl, thiee fl bottles of I)r
Kind's New Discovery wholly cured im
nml I gamed 6S pounds." It's absolutely
guaranteed to rute Coughs, Colds, Lit
Grippe, llrnnchitii and all Throat nml
Limp Troubles. Price 60V 11 nil $1.00
Trial bottles free nt Morgan A Hrehaut.
$ Proprietors of
I ...The Miners Supply House...
J Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition.
For tlie benefit of those who
were unable to hear the oration de
livered in this city on the 4th by
Col Irwin Mahou, Secretary of the
American Mining Congress, with
present head quarters in Portland,
it is given in full on tke first page
of this issue
All those who heard the address
were well pleased and have only
words of commendation. During
his visit he met with the members
of the Commercial Club and ad
dressed them ttrou the subject of
mining and the aims and objects of 1 iiihv of 'M nebular: totnl enrollment
I the American Mining Congress and
1 the benefits to be delivered there
, Irom: the importance of a mineral
, exhibit of the Bohemia mines and
a !arge delegation from this section
to the Congress to be held in Port
land in August
Those wtio listened to him, were
1 enthused with the idea and un
doubtedly steps will be taken to
have Cottage Grove and Bohemia
I well represented at that time.
I Mrs, Mahnu accompanied her
I husband and was much pleaded
I with our city and the kindly reccp
'tion accorded them upon their first
visit here. All hope to have them
with us again in the near future.
Have You Enough to Suit Your Ideas,
Is It the Sort You Most Admire,
Is the Decoration Attractive,
Is the Quality as You Pre i or,
Don't You Want a New Set.
We Have Sets or Odd Pieces,
The Economical can Afford them,
At Our Closing Out Sale.
At Pacific Timber Go's Store
Under Odd I-Yltows I Lull
School Dist No M.
On July 1st the k-IhioI In district
No 'i cloned after M, months hcshIoii.
Mrn. Hminu Pniucwood teaclior.
Then wan an average ilnlly uttend-
k). The cloxlnir exercises were very
nicely carried out by tlio children.
This school Is In. n prosperous condi
tion and It Im said the ncholars have
made rapid advancement during the
Mardi Gras Carnival.
A .Marill Gras and Carnival will lie
belli at Portland June 1Mb to July
7th Inclusive. Seclnl attractions
hare Ihvii provided to make this the
! most succcHsful c irnival ever given
I In Portland. SikvIiiI rates have lieen
1 granted tiy the Southern Pacific Co
INli. "1 wish In pay u few words ill plmme
f ChnnilK'rlnlu'K Colic, Cholera nml
Diarrhoea Keniiilv," sins Mm. Mallic
llurge, of .MnrtinHVille, Vn. "I sutlcrcd
f 1 11111 1'hronic diarrhoea fur ten years 11111I
duiing that time trlril v 11 1 ions iihhIi
clues without obliiinui); imv periiiaiivni
iclief. I.nst auinun'roueof inv chililroii
mm tnken n ith ehulerii inorluiH, nml 1
procured a tHitlle otlhi remedy, Onl
Imo dune- were repined to give hor on
tiro relief. I then decided to trv tin
medicine niynelf, and did not 11m all 01
one Uittle before I miik "oil and I haw
never ninco liecn troubled Hith tluii
eouplaint. One cannot luiy too inui'li
in favor of that wonderful' iiietlu-1110."
This irmeily Is for idi by New Kin
Drug Store.
The Sbuiip of Quality
Norm: fok i'uiu.ication.
Unileil Sluten I.nml Ollli'u,
Ilo.iebnrtr, On1., Juno 17, ItKH.
Notice i hereby Kven that in com
pliance with tho pruvivioutt of the Act
of Coii(;ri-a ol Jiinv.1. 1S73, enlitUnl "An
net for the vale of Timber I.hiiIk in the
ntateii of California, Oregon, Neviuln and
Vnilnni!ton Territory." an uitendeil to
all tho piihbu land Ktateit hy net of An
gust 4, Ih9:', Oscar It. Patte, of MiiIk-I,
County of Lane, Stale of Ou-gon,
lull thin dav tiled in Ihin ull'hi' hinnwoin
atatement No. tt'3'.l for the purchase of
: -V fvrll
t-J La.
These are the magic
uotd that appeal to the
Shoe buyer That's what
vou want and what you
get when
Se 1 z Sc lnv a b F i 1 1 e Sh oes
ou Tin-;
A. A. Gutter
And Calm-Nicklcslmrn llcavv Sinus.
Or i-' is Complete in the above huc-
fur this iH-eaxiiui. Sale ilaten June the Nl N'u, of Sect.on No. I, Town
L'7tli. July L'nd. :inl, itn and 7 tn. Call
on any Southern Pnelllc Agent for
Don't neglect tlmt hoiibC, but call
at the express olllce and have Tom
Awbre. write you tin a policy In
It is seldom that mining sections either the .l.tna Insurance Ci . ir
We have sold much Real Estate and we
can sell yours. If you wish to buy we can find
what 3'ou want.
All questions cheerfully answered and
information given free. If you cant come, write.
Cor 2nd and Main Sts. Cottage Grove, Ore.
like liohemia and Blue River have
1 brought to their very door such an
opportunity to present to repre
sentatives from all parts of the
country their mineral wealth and
chances for profitable investment,
as will be afforded at the meeting
of the American Mining Congress
to be held in Portland August 22nd
to 27th inclusive.
The Commercial Club will no
doubt join with the miners and
citizens of Cottage Grove and Bo
hemia, generally, in having a dis
play of minerals and samples of our
timber at this Congress. Also see
to it that as large a delegation as
will be seated be present.
Nearly every prospector and
miner who comes from the Bohemia
district report great improvement
1 in their properties. This is largely
I caused by their efforts to get depth
1 on the veins rather than prospect
: about on the suiface.
The Loudon General MerchundlKo
Store wImIi to announce to the buying
public that they now have a very
complete stock of (Jcneral Merchandise
which they Intend helling at least 20
per cent below all competition.
We purchase our goods lu large
quantities through KiiHtern Drummers,
pay cash for all we buy, have no high
rents, no insurance rates to jiay, and
coiiHcouently cau sell very cheap.
Think of CLAY Worsted Suits.
fft $7.50 to $9.00
High Grade Good, and other lines
of Heady Made Clothing of Neatest up-to-date
stylo at prices that will surprise
M. D. Wells Shoes
Our lino oi;i. I). Wells Shoes aro
the best wearers ou'tliu market and at
prices that cannot be equalled.
Try our ltoust Coffees, the best
llavor and will please you.
London, Oregon.
So far as is learned there were no
serious accidents in Cottage Grove
on the 4th from the use of explos
ives. Prom our exchanges it
would appear that lew other places
where a celebration was held, es
caped so well.
Mayor Medley's address of wel
come and his introduction of the
the speaker on the 4th; were of a
higli order.
Whether the report of the dis
covery of the Incas' treasure at
Chuyaltaya, Bolivia, is true or not,
it is certain that the couquisita-
dores did not get all the gold of
the last Inca of Peru, nor all the
gold and precious jewels of the
Mexican monarch. The story is
that the Incas' treasure, withheld
from Pizarro and now discovered
in Bolivia, is worth $16,000,000,
and that the Indians believes that
there is still much more hidden
away. Pizarro received a great
sum from the Inca, whom he so
cruelly treated and then killed, but
in so doing lie missed a greater
amount, which the Inca, hoping to
save his life, promised his tormen
tor. In this country one sometimes
hears talk of a great golden sun
aud other treasure hidden securely
from the early Spaniards. One
gentlemen who has the blood ot
Montezuma 111 his veins and in
whose lamily the traditions of the
times of the conquest have been
preserved, and said that probably
the Oregon ITre Itcllcf AHMucltitloli of
.Mc.MlnnvllIe, Ort'Kon. oot-H
Willamette Valley Chautauqua Associa
tion" The Willamette Valley Chautauqua
Ai-Miclatliin will meet at Gladstone
Park, near Oregon City. July 12th to
21th. IWi, IucIuhIvc. The Southern
Pacific Co, will make reduced rates
on the Certificate plan for this occas
ion. Call 011 any Southern Pacific
Agent for advertising matter. 22-It
- m 9 m
With its cninniinioiiH, heart bum,
flatulence, torpidity of the liver, coimti
li.ition, palpitation of the heart, poor
blood, iii-aduche and other nervous
symptom, callow fkiu. foul tongue, of
fensive breath mid n leeion of other
uiluienth, is at oncothuniost widespread
and destructive malady ainniiK the
American people. Tho Iferhine tieut-
ment will cure all tlnu trouble". 50c
bottle. Sold hy .Vorijan A Ilruhaut
ship 20 South, of Itani:o2 west and will
oiler pioof to sliuw tlmt tho hind nought
is mere valuable for its limber or stone
than (or aurieultimil purnoxes, nml to
establish lilt claim to said hind before J.
J, Walton, U. S. Commissioner at I'.u
Iteiie, Oregon, on rriihiy the 0th day of
September, UHH .
He names ms witnesses:
.lames N. Handle. OeorL'0 W. Hunter.
David Muriiby, nil of Kiigene, ami
Miineey tioddiinl of .Mabel, nil of Lime
Co, Oregon
Any nml all persons elniminc ad
versely the nlsiee-described hinds nn- re
quested to file heirelaitin in lln lb. .
on or before said lllh day of Sept., I'liii.
J. T. IIiiiihiks HegiHer
vnr.M' 1.
We have on our yards .'lO.OOO hid of
IuiiiIhT which must be sold tn make
muni for Incoming utock, prlci-nrnm."
In;,' from $3.7) to (7.IH). If you want
a liat'xalu como at once.
The Ilooth-Kelley Lumber Co..
Saginaw, Ore.
1'AUM EllS A Tl K.V77Q.V.
We have a large supply of cheap
lumber, just wnat you waul on
ranch, price very cheap, must be Hold
to make room lor oilier stock.
The llootb-Kelly Lumber Co.
Saginaw, Ore
Tho busiest and uiightest little thing
that was ever made is Dr King s Now
bifu Pills. These pills change weakness
into strength, llstlessness into energy
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health.
Only &) per
box. Sold by .Morgan A
IMjMsMfiSfffiffl $80,000,000 worth of treasure es-
On and after this date .'ill
the undersitrned drtttj-eists
will elose their places of
business promptly at 9
o'clock j). in. every evening
except Saturday and any
special nights.
Morgan & Brehaut,
J. S. Benson,
Modern Pharmacy.
July 1, 1904.
I bnvi , I believe, sold fifty boxes of
Chamberlain's Stomach mid blver Tab
lets on tho reuiiinmeiiiliUii u of one lady
here, who first bought 11 box of them
about a year ago. Hho nover tires of
telling tier neighbors and friends about
the good qualities of these Tablets. P M
""bore, Druggist, Iiochestcr Ind. The
pleasant purgative effect of thesoTablets
innkes them n favorite with ladles every
where. For Sale by New Kra Drue
When bilious take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Sale
hy New hru Ding Ktoro.
liuis J. Kruger, ex-elminplon Ion
d stance foot nicer of iierinmiy am
Holland, writes Oft. 27th. 11)01 "Dur
ing my training of eight necks' (not
mccs ut Salt bake City, in April hist, I
used Mallard's Snow Liniment to mv
gieastestsiitisfnetion. Therefore I reeoni
mend Snotr Liniment to n I who are
irouliled witli sprains, bruises or rheu
matism." 25e,60c, 1.00. Sold hy Mor
gan A Hrehaut.
How About Your Summer Vacation.
Newport on Ynqnlnu Pay Is the
Ideal Koaslde resort of the North Pa
cific Coast. Hound trip tickets at
greatly reduced rates on sale from
all Southern Pucllle points In Ore
gon, on and after .luno 1st. Ask
Agents for further Information and a
hamlHoiuely Illustrated souvenir
booklet, or write to F.dwln Stone,
C. & 12. ft. It., Albany, Ore., or W.
i:. Couiau, G. P. A , S. P. Co., Portland.
Notwithstanding all Mint Is done hy
Ihkii'iIh of health and charitable inclined
ncrsons. the death rate among small
children is very high during hot weather
of the siiuiuiermniitliM in the largunities.
There is nrob.ihly not one case of bowel
complaint in a bundled, however, that
could not bu cured by tho timely use of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera mid Diarr
hoea Heiiiedy. lor sale uy l'.ra
Drug Store.
! Griffin &
3i nt bib Bin war
nn: i TTiNG ijr
nt any tool Ih iiIwiijh a ilnNlraldo
one, but of equal Importance Is the
power of retaining this quullty ho as
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing' P.. tuakliig your purchascx of
the Grillln .V Watch Co. jou ulways
recele your inone.v'H worth In tho
Ih'-.i qtmlll.N of IooIm ami cutlery ol
pmperl.i tetiin'ii'd Htecl that Ih nnre
to bold an edge.
Veatch Go
I geturai Rotci I
Loe.ded twoliloeks west
nml one block north of
tbeS. I' Depot
ji:irac Rooms
Well lil i In Icil well fur
nlwln'il and llrHl-elasH In
eery p.ii'tleular
f Rates $1 per day!
Hoard bv the week $.V) g
2 without bed :i .".0 per
week. Iteiiii'inber the
ilaee. The bent tables
mid the ben I, the
n best aceiiiiiinoilal i.iiih In
At $1. a year
No Investor eaii affoid to be
wllbont the
Journal for Investors
Aiiy iiuo nf tn ft-MitirfM U ntonn m.rth
tlit jirli o ut ubncrliilloii.
yon timiilrpiln of Otillum
every yvnt
Iti i'Iihthi ir tmi nevrr Ikm-ii liiiiniKiitMl,
Jtoom i'i,Hinlr i ('oiiiintTio, I km ton.
AMru It lti m to I'. (I ltx &n.
I'vt'py iMrtliMilur.
I Central Eiotcl
5 Airs. Ida il. Ihompson. S
'1'bo Southern Pacific Is nowHelllnir
round trip tickets to Portland from
ICiiKeno lor ?l Kood roIub Haturilay
P. M., or any train of biiuilay, ro
turiiliier Huniluv anil Monday, ulvinu
all day Sunday and Monday In Port
laud. The suiiicurraiiKciucntuppllcH
from Portland, Klvhur all Portland
people a chance to visit valley points
at Kieatly reduced rates." Parties
desiring to take advautaKS of thenu
rates can pay local faro to Kiinone.
F. J. Pocluska
AxNiiyor & Chemist
Mines Examined,
Valued, Surveyed or
Reported on.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
To buy Kennedy's Chain Light
ning Llillinent, for ItheumatlHiii mid
all pains and lullaiuatlon. Price
B0 cents, all ilriiKjrlst, or by inn 1 1
upon receipt of price, write P L Ken
nedy, Saginaw, Oregon, for HhI of
testimonies. Satisfaction guaranteed.
A case cuinu to light that for peislet
enl aud unmereiful torture has per
haps never been equaled. .loo Golodlek
of CjIusu, Calif, writes: "For 15 years
I endured liiHiilIerahlu nalu from Itheu
nuitisui and nothing rclei veil nut though
I trietl everything known. I ciiino across
Klectrio Hitters mid its thn greatest inn
dieluu on earth for that trouble, A few
bottles of it completely relieved and
euieil me." Just us good for Liver and
Kidney troubles and geueial debility.
Only oOo. Satisfaction guaranteed by
Morgan aud Hrehaut, Druggist.
Eugene Planing Mill
MuuiifucturcrH ol
Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Rustic and
General Mill Work.
Turning and Slalr hulhllugu speci
alty. All orders will receive prompt
attention. SiitlHfactlon guaranteed.
Ilsthnntcs.Chcerfully Furnished.
Address: 111 Lawrence HI,
uuu .
At The Ideal B
$1 per Month
Will keep your SultHclcuncd, 3
prcHheo, iiuttous ou anil rips
Traiislint work solicited.
Satisfaction gunminlecil,
Work called for and ilellvereil
pronipty each week.
io Orders taken at Welch A- WooiIh 3
Mrs, W, A. Cunningham,
Cottage Grove, Oregon