Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 08, 1904, Image 5

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    A Doctor's Mission
OHAl'TUH XI,-(Coiitliiucl.)
"0. my dear Mix Nevergnll, llir fates
certainly hnve brrrliiiili-.l mi- thla time!
To lliltik tttnt 1 aliould hntv met linn
)uur hcnutlful olr, Just ns you nun on
a ramble. Is tuo furtiiiiolB for belief'
Wlilrli direction lioll we go, fur I a I once,
constitute myself our devoted uileud
a lit."
".Mr. (llrtiilctiiilng, "U will excuse mo
If I decline your services, I rnmv out
for a quiet walk liy myself, nnd therefore
lull nut cermlnly tri'spail Uhiii our
"Pardon me, in nngel, my ttmi la of
HO consequence nl nil. I must Insist upon
acrnmpniiylug run, aa I rntild never al
low no lovely n lad to stroll nmuml
Without n protector.
"Hlr," anhl Ethel, now rcnil losing pn
llttice, "there l no danger ccrlnlnly to
lie mot III lli sliorl wnlk I Intend to tnke
III our uncle's grounds. Mut since yuu
aver uthcrwlan, I slnill Instantly return."
"Vou will do no such tliluit," wn the
Insolent reply, n Robert sprang to her
aide, seized lirr linnd, ojid drawing II
rirml miller Ida arm, held It tight, and
lliui drew her hark to tlio walk. "When
I propose walking witli n charming ulrl, I
usually do II.
"Sir, rvleaae in tinnd. I have im do
lire to go furllivr. I alinll meridy add
that your presence la disagreeable, and
jour wurda nl llaiirry almuit maultlng.
"Nnlw Itbsiundtiig tliat, in dearest
"I am neither our Mearrat girl,' nor
our 'angel,1 and oil have no right to
address mi' In that alyle. I am our
uncle' secretary and amniiui'iiata, nnd
ill here merely ( rarry out lit wishes,
aud work, not to bo attended hy yon In
any way whatever, returned the liadlic
unlit Kthel, dl engaging her hand, nnil re
turning towards tha liouae.
"Mla Nen-riiall, go, since ymi are
eo detrrmliied, but rememhrr, although
yuu decline my frlelulahlp, nothing )0U
inn do will nroruke mr ininltr. and be
foro man day u will spend hoiira In
lay company, riiliiutarllr.
IStliil made no auanrr, and the next
moment, ro-eiltrreil the hall, leaving the
chigrlnisl youth to his hitter rellreilnna
In one of Dr. Klfftialrln'a visit he had
been presented with a ilontlt jr nf em-red
Ingly choice tlnnera by a grateful patient
ami suddenly ri'imtiibi'rlug the diauial life
lilhel Nsvergail wa leading, he resolv
td to divide tin-in with her.
Driving, then, tint to hla own homo
before seeking I In- hall, he selected the
I noil beautiful, and fonnliiK them Into a
graceful bouquet, drore Into the ramble
Willi them In hla hand.
Hello naa In I ho drawing room and
aaw hlni leap from the tig, with bU
floral priae, eo stepped cjulcVIr from the
window Hint reached lo the floor, in or
dcr to attract hla attention, auppoalnit.
In ber extreme vanity, that hu would
blatantly preaent them to heraelf.
Hut to her deep rhngrln, he merely
made a few passing ohiervatioii. and
walked on, carrying tho coveted llowera
with lilm. lilting ber llpa In keen vr
atlou, ahe muttered as aha retreated to
the room alio had left:
"I will alay hero and watch for hla
return. .Something seems to tell me that
those Doners are for that odlmia Kthel
Nevergnll. If the are "
riho did not llulah her aenteneu audi'
Id, but tho omluoua look In her ryca told
of bitter feeling that would aeek anine
petty revenge.
Uthel not pnaalng through the upper
hall to her room nhen Dr. Utfmutein
ran lightly up, mid aa ho prououucii) her
il mo to detain her, alio tarried until he
reached her aide.
"Mlaa Nevergall, I do not know both
er ou nru na fond of llonera aa I am,
but 1 bara brought yuu a few, hoping
they ma cheer jou In our lonely du
ties." "O, thank you, doctor! They will. In
divil, aa I lore them dearly. Time are
perfect benutlv and 1 shall prito theiii
"That ruse, 1 think, will adorn jour
hair to perfection, Allow me to faaten
It there. May IV"
Willi n pleniiHl bluah the young girl
bent her head, and with aklllful lingera
llarlo diuvd It juat above her amull,
whlto ear where it nealled luvlugly, add
lug ii new charm to her bright joung
Juat na he wna flulahlng a atep ap
irone)iel, and llelle, who could not re
atraln her curloalty another mouieiit, aa
alio heard hlni p.iuao on the floor above,
and then miiku aomc remark In a low
tone, enmc upon the eccne.
Juat In time lo aee hM hand leave tho
loae, nnd to aeu llllii'l turn tuwurd her
own mom, uml dlaappenr with tho bou
quet III her hand and n grutllled amlle
hovering around her llpa.
Waiting until aha had aeen the doctor
leave tho pivinlac, and Kthel again re
pair to Sir ltcgliiald'a aide, the mnllcloua
tlrl proceeded directly to that room,
where alio found tho llowera carefully be
eloneil III a fnucy vaao upon tho drvaa.
lug ctte.
Hellnit them without a momrut'a heal
tiillon, alio turned directly to the baro
tirt'a room. Kthel ant by the bisl, and at
hla requeat wna atrlvlng to cool hla heat
ed brow h- gently moving n fan. Itula
lug her eye, to her natonlahmeiit, alio
recognized her llowcr, but heforo alio
could chilli! them, llello'a angry voice lir
rcatcd her uttentlou.
"Hlr Itegliinld." alio eicltilmed, "I think
It my duty to Inform you that Mlaa Ner
ergnll tecum In have forgotten her Igni
tion aa jour naalatnut nurae, and paid
dependent, mid aeliea every opportunity
that altera to carry on al lllrtatlona with
gentlemen. 1 juat fiirprlaed Dr. Hlfen
atelu ilniiiiK Hint rnae In her linlr outalde
your door, whllu at tho aamo tlmo ho
guvo her theae llowera. Do you uppruvo
of audi belmvlorV"
"AliproveV Not Of courao not!" he
returned, lljlng Into a pnaalon at once, aa
alio well knew ho wna aurd to do. "Mlaa
Nevergnll, what bulnea have you to
conduct III Hull atjie? Did 1 bring you
here to form lutrlguea with geutleuieuV"
"Vim certainly did not," was the cnlui
reply, "nor have I dono an, Dr. Ulfen
lelu la an old friend, ami na auch ho
preaented inn with the llowera Mlaa Cllcll
dcuuliia" Ii"" taken from my room, llelng
my own property now, I will thank her
for their reatorntlon," Ho anjing, she
renclunl forth her hand for them.
Hut Hello drow buck, nnd scornfully
"Vou 1 1 1 ii 1 1 never hare them again, I
assure you, aa I alinll Instantly sea that
every atom, lenf nnd bud la destroyed.
If j on do not know your place bettor In
tills house thnn to put yourself on an
equality with ll vlsltora, j-ou intiat bo
taught. Do you not think ao, Sir Hegl
nald?" alio added, appealing to him.
Author of " Kov Nusjict-L's Role,"
"Tub f ajiiionahlr Motiiu," Etc.
"I'ertaliily, Just take the traih away,
it'll are that It la dratroyed. 1 shall my
elf Inform Dr. Ulfenateln."
"Yuu will not do that, aurelr. uncle.
Ilo Would then be veed with me," llelle
hastily eU'lnlmed. "I will destroy them,
luce you wlah It alao, but not until you
promise to any nothing to him about It."
Uell, have It your own way; but If I
no nut, prrhnpa Mlaa Nevergnll will."
"Hhe dure not! ah knows It would
acorn uiimnldenly lo mourn over the loss
if a few llowera that were hla gift, In hla
presence. I urn not nt all afruld of her
doing ao."
Ko raying, regnrdlesa of Utlnl'a he
aeechlug word nnd looks, the spiteful
girl left the room with her Ill-gotten
treasures, and Kthel saw them no more
Hlr Itrglnald remained I'trlted, rroaa
ii in I nervous, for aotnii lime lifter this
aeene, and poor I'.tlii-I found it almost
Impossible to please him In anything she
The alght of the (lower she still wore
teemed lo aggrnvnto fa I ait, although he
miiile no further eouiiiienta mum the auh
Ject, but Klhel felt that without a di
rect command aim waa not required to re
move It.
Therefore It remained, and whan Dr.
Klfcnateln returned In Ilia afternoon for
Ilia usual Second visit to the alck man,
he mulled, na his eyva rested upon It
but never SSI told the fate of the rest of
hla otTering, nor heard of the hard words
she had endured uu account of hla
friendly gift.
I'llAl'TUIt XII.
After Hubert (Ilendeuulng had been
ao Jiinly repulsed b Kthel In the
ground of the hall, he felt exceedingly
ill used, and tha mora h pondered over
II oldiieaa of this beautiful girl to
wnrda himself, the more ho felt lurlln
ed to punish her want of appreciation
of hla merits aa a haudaonie, wealthy
iiid popular young man.
Immediately after his Inst adventure
with ITlhcl. while yet chafed and aore on
account of , hla sister gave Mm a
grnphle account nf the presentation of
the llowera by Dr. Klfviialeln, and her
own bold deatruiion of them, then con
eluded by snjing:
"rthe Is a proud, stuck up thing, and I
do d.'llcht In humiliating her loft feel
inga. I Intend to do all I ran to bring
htr from the high pedotnl on which ahe
bna perched, nnd if I call only Incense
Kir Heglnnlil ngalnat ber, ao that he
will send her away, I shall be delighted.
Hob, I wish you would-help me."
"I will do all I can to reduce her
nbomlnnblo pride, I assure you, though
I do not enre to have her arut away. Hhe
shall, howerer. repent snubbing me aa
ahe did yesterday."
"Snubbing j on! What do you mean?
Did ahe really dare lo do that"
Hubert then related hla eiprrlciico
Willi the subject of their dleruailou.
"The idiot! Hhe does tint deserve your
further notice! However, If 1 are n
chance to lower her In Hlr lleglnald's
esteem I shall do It. If needful, I shall
also call on you for assistance."
Thnt nftcruooti the wlahed for oppor
tunity arrived.
llelle happened to be In her unclc'a
room n few momenta, when ahe henrd the
following converantlon take place, which
gave her a plan upon which to work.
Hlr Hrgliiald had received a nota from
a neighbor III reference to some very Im
portant private business, which 1m- found
necessnry to attend to Immediately.
Wishing si ino Intelligent peraon to are
and comer so with Mr. l'rrklna lu regard
to the mailer, he hnd explained hla vlewa
to Kthel heforv llelle had entered, and
wna Just saying:
"Do you think you could find Perkins
for me. nnd nttend to this important
work, Mlaa Nevrrgalll"
"1 do. I understand our wishes per
fectly now; no If you can direct ma there.
I will go nt once.
"Vou hnd better not go around the
road, na the walk would b full a mile
nnd n half, but go from the rar of tha
hall nud tnke a abort cut through the
flcldi. There will only be a couple of
bara to lower, and the path la direct and
"Then I will start at once."
"It will only take you until fire o'clock
to go and return, l'lease be aa quick aa
Hsalblo In getting buck, na I hliall need
jou by Hint tlmo. Vou understand, I
wlali you to hurry. I never Ilka a per
sou to loiter when I aend them upon an
Herklug Hubert nt once, llelle Informed
him of the errand Kthel hnd to transact
for Hlr Heglnnlil, and hla atrlct injunc
tion thnt alio should baaten back to hla
'lie told her the wholo work could
lm accompllaliod by flvo o'clock. Now,
Hohert, I think It would provoke him
greatly If alio were detained until seven.
Can you not Intercept Her on her return
and manngo to keep her nway?"
'ion. Indeed. It will bo splendid fun.
I will do it. If I cannot keep her lu
nny other way I will force her Into a
phiieton nud tnke her off upon n ride."
'Do; then 1 will inform hla lonlahlp
thnt ahu wna seen riding with aome
strange young man."
'11a. Iinl good; and If ahe aaya It waa
this chap, I will deny It in full."
"And 1 will coma In to prove nu alibi.
Whero will you meet herl"
"Juat Hie other slilo of the l'erklns
wood. I will have a horse ami phaeton
waiting on thla ride. There la a wood
muu'a rond there that leads to the main
road; wo can tnko thnt, nnd hare a Jolly
long ride. Hut I ahall hare a fuss to
get her Into the vehicle, I expect; how
oi or, I ahall manage It some way, never
KniiKhliig gayly over the fun In proa-
peet the Iwo aeparuteJ to put lu force the
mischief they hnd brewed.
l'oor Kthel left the house without a
suspicion of what nwnlted her; glad, lu
fact, that alio could thus enjoy a stroll
after tho conflnemeiit of that close, hard
alio found Mr. I'erklui at home, nnd
aoou explained the causo of her visit,
nud transacted the business with which
alio hnd been Intrusted,
Thla completed, alio turned her fnco
homeward. All went well with her until
alio npproHchrd tho woods, At their en
trance she found, on consulting her
wntch thnt It wna quarter psat four.
"1 wiall reach tho ball juat about Qro,"
ahe thought, "nnd ao pleaae Blr Heglnald.
I would not hare liked being late, after
what he said."
Huddetily alio waa atnrtled by a sound
nt bur aide, then, to her aurprlaa and cha
grin, Hobcrt Qlendeunlng stepped direct
ly In ber pa tli.
"My Hoar Altai wevergali, tins la a de
lightful mtetlng In a dailghtful (lace.
Where ma your curiosity bavt take
I "Mr curiosity, Mr. Olendennlng, took
me uuivhtrt. I hurt merely been to
trntirnct a matter of business (or Blr
ftetlnnld nnd am now on my way home
lo a hUrry, I would be glad to paae
"Not ao fist, not ao fast, my pretty
girl; surely you will linger awhile In this
roftiautlc place, now that you haw some
one to enjoy the beauties of the wood
with you 7"
"No, Mr. fllendeaiiltig," waa the dlxnl
lied reply; "I cannot linger a moment
Hlr Heglnald desired my Immediate r
turn, and 1 cannot keep him waiting."
"Nevertheless, my aweet creature, he
will wait; for you cannot return Juat
now, aa I Intend for once to fully enjoy
jour n-Kiety."
Ho saying, the ldd young man at
tempted to take her hand, to draw it un
der Ids arm.
Kuatchlng it Instantly away, I5th'i fix
ed upon him a stern look nud ordered lilln
to stand aside.
Not heeding her In the least, he Impu
dently slipped his arm around her waist,
"i'erlinp you would like thla way of
walking better. It makes no difference
to me."
Hhnklug off hla arm, Kthel pushed blin
aside Indignantly, then with rapid steps
prvaard onward. Not a word more was
apokun hy either, although, to her dis
may, Kthel found thai he kept pi-merer-Ingly
by her aide.
Aa they emerged from the woods, Hoh
ert grnaped her arm firmly with one
hand, while with the other he produced
from Ida pocket a pistol, which he in
alnntly pointed nt her.
"Now, Miss Nevergnll," he enld, "you
stand still and hear what 1 have to nay,
or take the consequences. I do not In
tend to harm you, If you keep f'rfectly
quiet; but I do Intend to kJiow you that
I am master of the situation at thla time.
Vou need not look round for aaalatnnce,
for I assure you, no aoul cornea thla way
at this hour."
"Hobert (llendeniilng," at last Issued
from the girl's pulo lips, "put up that
pistol Im'autly and allow me to pursue
my way unmolested. Blr Heglnald re
quires my presence Immediately."
"Ho do 1; sod, what Is more, I Intend
to have it, ao he milat wait. Do you oe
that bora and phaeton, behind thuse
tred? They are there expressly to take
joj riding. I ask you therefore, politely,
will you favor mo with your company?"
"No, sir!"
"Yes, sir, you mean. If you do lint
mean It, h maken no difference, as ride
with ma you will. (Jo forward now, at
once, to that conveyance, and let me
aaslst you In; I asaurn you I will bring
you buck to tho Hall In good aenaon. (o
on! I am determined Jou ahall obey
Theao words he enforced by planting
the cold mouth of the weapun against her
forehead. Now this pistol, though it
looked furinldnble, waa not loaded, ami
he knew It, but for the aake of carrying
hla point, he Intended fully to frighten
her Into compiling with his strange wish
Hut Kthel was a brave girl, and though
pale, ahe never even ahuddered. l-'lxuig
her eyes fenrlcxaly on his,' she aald In a
firm, atern voice:
"If you think It manly, or wise, to
shoot, shoot away! Hut I will not stir
one atep towarda that phaeton."
(To be continued.)
Imrasnae 1'ersnnat I'ovrar t'seil with
Mnautar Wlstsni sml Llberslltr,
Kven upon tho rummers of the Eng
lish peoplo no man of his century hud
so much Influence It was peculiarly
fortunate thnt the lender of a great
IHipular movement united with Inteiifo
religious earnobtnet-w the tnstcs of the
scholar and the Instincts of the gentle
man. Ilo never felt It necesary to
rulgnrlze his teaching or to make any
coucesslous to coarseness. In his spot
less linen, bis cnKMK'k, his black Iiomi
and hllvi-r shoe-buckIe, ho was n
model of scrupulous priclsion lu per
sonnl nltlrv; and Ills oft-quoted Kay
lug, "Clenallncas Is next to gollness,"
well expresses tho almost fastidious
hnblt or the man. His dlgultlcd, yet
gentle courtesy, his rcfltusl belf-iossc-slon,
niado his very presence nu exam
ple nnd an Inspiration.
And It should bo said that Wesley
used his Immense pcminal Influence
with singular wisdom and llbemlltj-.
He had lu his hands control of the
whole nystein of Methodist discipline;
but lie did not lit tempt to bind tho
members of his socletlm by narrow or
rigid rulc-i. still less to Impose upon
them atbltrnrtly his own Judgment,
lie wna anxious only that Methodists
should be good Christians. On doubt
ful mutters he did not prescribe or pro
hibit, but left the decision In such
cases where It belongs with the Indi
vidual conscience. In un admirable
sermon on amusements, after admit
ting thnt much may lie said for the
drama he was n lover of dramatic lit
erature himself, and usid to ndvlso his
preachers to rend plays that they
might cultivate it natural mode of
speech he decides that, for himself,
he could not go to the tbenter or play
at cards with a clear conscience; but
he adds: "Possibly others can; I am
not obliged to pass nny sentence on
them that are otherwise minded. I
leave them to their own Master; to
lilm let them stand or fall." Ccnturj'.
Cristobal's Joke.
A Genoa paper tells this delightful
story nt America's expense: When
the Duke of Veragua, the descendant
of Christopher Columbus, visited Chi
cago he Inquired at the telegraph olllco
the charge for it telegram to the city
of Columbus of ten words.
fifteen cents," answered the ofll-
clul. "nut Including tho signature.
which Is wired free."
Whereupon the Duke wired: "May
or, Columbus: Shall visit your city
noM Monday or Tuesday." And ho
nlgnid It: "Cristobal Colou do Toledo
y I.iiatcalegul do la Cerdit ltiunlre
do Ilaquedunoy (iante Aliiilriiute y
Adclntitiulo Mnyor de las Judhis, Mar
ques do Jamaica, Duque de Veragun
y de la Vega, Crande de Kspniia, Sen
ator del Heine, Cnlmllcto de la Inslguo
orden del Tolson l'Oro, (Iran Cruz do
la Conception do Vlllnvlcosa, dentil
Hombre do Ciimarn del Hey de Ks-
Timely Warning to Nouli.
'Noah," exclaimed the grand old sail
or's wlfo, "whut are you shipping nt?"
'Confound that mosquito," ha an
swered. "I'll smaBli it yet, you see If
I don't."
Henry W. Noah, what do you mean?
Hnvo you forgotten that we have oidr
two mosquitoes lit tho ark?" New
York Herald.
An old bachelor snys that a marriage
dowry Is a lump of sugar Intended to
nullify the bitterness of the dose.
tiik itKiirr way to dive.
Aa aooti na bo Ion nil bow to propel himself through the water the
American bo wnnta lo dive. In thla uge of physical culture there la no
better method for developing leg and arm muscles, breathing organs, etc .
limn Kwlmtiilng nnd diving.
It Is tho beat to atnrt diving from n springboard, placed on tho band,
nnd tho venter should be nt least seven or eight feet deep, so thnt tber
will bo no danger thnt tho diver's head will atrlke the bottom. Tho board
ahould bo nt lenal two Inches thick, 12 Inches wide nnd 10 to 12 feet long.
A good way to innke n springboard la shown in the accompanying Illus
tration. Having finished the bo.ird nnd tested it thoroughly walk to the outer
end for the first dive.
Stand with your toes Jusl over the end of tho board, your bnnds by your
sides, and spring tho Imanl slightly two or three times not too violently, or
you will bo thrown awkwardly.
I.envo tho lioard when It Is "down," with your arms extended outward
In a straight lino from the alioulders. Hring Uie bands together, making a
wedgo of tho arms from hands to shoulders. Just before striking the water.
Many boys dlvo from the springboard straight toward the water. This
Is Incorrect. Tho expert diver makes what Is known as the "swan dire."
which consists In throwing himself from the board forward Instead of
downward, with tho body horizontal, chest out, shoulders back and arras
Aa he cleaves the nlr he makes n pretty picture. Just before reaching
the water he brings bis bands together, arms at full length, draws his chin
down closo lo his chest to protect the head and stiffens the body.
With hands forming the entering point of the wedge he cuts the water
with scarrely a kotind. and his back and legs follow the line of his bands
and do not make the splash that Is the bane of every Instructor.
Many boys havti a hnblt of doubling their legs from the knee down Just
ns they strike tho water, and this makes a loud splash. To prevent this
tho legs should bo held stlCT. the feet pointing as nearly straight as possible.
Rrcliideil Vnlle lu the Heart of the
Itockles Where Ills AmIich Uepose.
The grave of Kit Carson, the famous
scout. Is decorated each Memorial day
with tender care by the peoplo among
whom the closing
dnya of his life
were spent and
whore the dust of
the great frontiers
man reposes. Ills
gravo Is In the
Tons Valley, New
Mexico, ninlil the
rugged Itockles.
The Inlinliltunts
kit !WOV.
nf this valley
eineny .Mexicans and Indians form a
Ilttlo world by themselves. Each gen
eration swings around Its cycle In the
steps of Its piedccessors; tills out Its al
lotted span and makes way for Its kuc
censor. Empires may rise nnd fall, but
these peoplo know naught of them. The
railroad and the telegraph are merely
traditions brought back by the few
outiiresoine spirits who dare the
mountain denies.
This valley, now unknown to the av
erage American, has been the scene of
many stirring events. History has
known It for uenrly 400 years, having
found it in possession of a village of
l'ueblos lu 1512. Itefore history stray
ed this way tliero had been another
race and civilization there. Tho ruined
walls standing to-day point to n great
city, nud half-filled Irrigation ditches
prove considerable engineering ability,
but the ancient peoplo havo not left a
The Pueblos of this valley led the re
volt of H'kSU. which drovo the Spaniards
from New Mexico for 12 years. Pope,
the San Juan Indian who was tho chief
J of the red rebels, made his headquar
! ters lu this valley, and hero was the
j capital of New Mexico during tho life
1 of the great Pueblo Confederacy. The
' aborigines of this mountain region were
1 always brave and lovers of freedom.
I They Joined In many revolts ogalnst
their Spanish oppressors. When the
Mexicans rose against their own cor
rupt olllclnls In 1ST? tho Pueblos of the
Taos Valley aided them, and one of
these Indians, llouzales, was Installed
in the historic palace at Santa f e aa
Oovernor of New Mexico. Even 10
years later, when called on by their
Mexican neighbors to redeem their
pledge ns allies, these Pueblos did not
hesitate to make war even against the
United States.
It was Into tills quaint and romantic
nook, high up on the backbone of tho
continent that an "American Invnslou"
brought a band of trappers like Cur
son nnd traders like Charles Kent of
Kent's fort fame. Carbon and others
married Mexican women, and here,
among tho simple, hospitable Mexi
cans, In the very henrt of tho Itockles,
they had a wife and convenient haven
for their families during their perilous
wanderings. I.Ike his humble, Spanish-speaking
neighbors, Carson lived lu
n one-story ndobo hoiiso. Here he
retired a family of children, but they
wandered nway.
from Taos Carson went forth to
lead "John C. fremont and help lilm
earn tho title of "Pathfinder," nud
from hero ho went to tho conquest of
California. His homo was here at tho
time of his death, though he hud gone
to fort Logan, Colorado, for treatment
by nu army surgeon, nnd died there.
In his last years Carson was an ob
ject of Interest to the American, Mexi
can and Indian, ami he received many
visitors at his home. Ho Is recalled by
the older Inhabitants of Taos as a
kindly old man who hod come to be
known as "father Kit."
Fertile Ohio Heglon Hecalle Benedict
Arnold's raraoni Connecticut Raid.
Unnumbered native Ohloans, not to
speak of hundreds of thousands of
residents of this State, who have come
from foreign lands and other States
of tho American I'nlon, must have
wondered why a fertile and productive
tract lu northern Ohio, a district which
In no way hints of the ravages of tire,
should be called the "flt elands."
Among all tho vlclsMtudes of Ohio's
early history great conflagrations were
notable for their absence. No such
terrible forest Ores swept this State
as ravaged large are.ts In Michigan
and Wisconsin seventy or eighty years
The fires to which the name r.fer-i
raged In Connecticut, not Ohio, ami
they were the work of Hritlsb and
tory soldiers. Instead of the result of
accidents or natural causes. In 1781,
when tho long struggle for Independ
ence was nearly ended, Heuedlct Ar
nold commanded an expedition which
ravaged the Connecticut toast of Long
Island Sound. He burued New Lon
don and other towns and left behind
misery and destitution as well a; a
more bitter hatred than he had earned
liefore that outrage upon his native
This and other cruel and senseless
attacks upon Connecticut towns let:
so strong a feeling of sympathy nnd
injustice behind that In disposing of
Connecticut's rights In lauds now
forming part of Ohio TS1 square miles
in the extreme western edge of the
western reserve were set apart to he
donated to sufferers by the Hritlsb
raids, five ranges of townships run
ning north and south were Included
In tills tract.
Sandusky Hay nnd Lake Erie extend
to far southward at this point that the
Eve ranges of townships contained
only about MIO.OOO ucres of land. The
tract measured some twenty-seven
miles by thirty. The Conneilcut suf
ferers from the torch of the enemy
llved chiefly In New London, Norwnlk
and falrfleld, and It was from those
towns that many of the settlers of the
"flrelands" came to build In the Ohio
wilderness settlements bearing the
same names and having like civic
Ideals and character. Dayton Herald.
A Hum In Addition.
Mrs. f lahcrty stepped off the scales
In the back room of the grocery store
as soon as she had stepped on,
"Sure, these scales Is no gtul f'r me,"
she said, In a tone of deep disgust
"They only weigh up to wan hundred,
an' I weigh wan hundred an' noluety
"It's easily discouraged ye are," said
her companion, Mrs, Deiupsey, cheer
fully. "Just step on to thlm twlet, me
dear, and let Jamesy, here, do th' sum
f'r ye."
Prepared for the Worst.
"Do you mean to say," asked the
optimist, "that the unexpected never
happens to you?"
"Just so," replied the pessimist.
"I've got so used to It that I alwnj-8
expect It now." Philadelphia Public
When you beglu to notice a man's
name In the financial columns of a
newspaper It Is tlmo to look for his
wife's name In the society columns.
Odd, Curious and Laughable rhaaei
of Human Nature Graphically For
trayed by Lmlnent Word Artists of
Our Own Day A Budget of run.
Arthur Vou ask If It Is the proper
thing for a gentleman to carry bis
own baud baggage.
We think It is quite proper, Arthur.
It wouldn't look well for his wife to
carry It and If he carried somebody
else's hand baggage he might be taken
for a porter. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Miiklnu Up for It.
"They've got a rule In ma's literary
club that bara out gum chewing."
"And what do they do to make up
for If"
"They tnlk Just thnt much more."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Klndlr Advice.
"Young indies,'' tald the principal,
who was distributing the diplomas,
"each of these parchments shows that
you have completed the courses In
cooking and In elocution with honors.
It Is perhaps unnecessary for me to
state that the one for elocution should
be hung In the kitchen and the other
one In the parlor."
"I am strongly Inclined to think that
your husband has appendicitis," said
the physician.
"That's Just like him," answered
Mrs. Cumror. "He always waits till
anything has pretty near gone out of
style before he decides to get It"
Washington Star.
The Ittll vtlle Idea.
Office Hoy Man outside, sir, who
says he ain't had a square meal In
three weeks.
Editor What paper does he edit?
Atlanta Constitution.
Geotf ruplilcal Change.
"I don't see any use In having wars
In this ndvanccd age," remarked Mrs.
Suburbs, turning up the lamp.
"If you were a umpmaker," replied
Mr. Suburbs, glancing up from the
new atlas on his knees, "you probably
would." Cincinnati Times-Star.
Ills Hxperlettce.
"Pa." suld Willie, thoughtfully, "I
think I know now what the min
ister meant when he said: 'It Is more
blessed to give than to receive.' "
"Yes? bat was It?"
"Castor oil." Philadelphia Press.
Dreamed It.
Hiram Corntassle Her ye plowed
yer Held ylt, Silas? .
Silas Hayrick No, but I was think
In' 'bout doln' It.
Hiram Corntassle I sec; ye Jes'
turned It over In yer mind.
HU llellef.
"Do you think that dollars should
dominate our politicians?"
"Not at all," answered Senator Sor
ghum. "Quite the contrary. I be
lieve that every politician should
make It his business to dominate as
many dollars ns possible." Washing
ton Star.
Merely u riugkreatlori.
"My salary." said the youth with the
nosy neckwear, who Invariably goes
broke shortly after payday, "seems to
burn a hole In my pocket."
"You should request the bess to
hand It to you In cold cash," suggested
the fair boarder who manipulates the
typewriter keys between meals.
Hctwcen Friends.
Miss (lOhllng Do yo't think It Is my
money that attracts him?
Miss Prettymald Shouldn't wonder.
He told a friend of mine that he had
about made up his mind to marry you.
Hopelesa Case.
Pennlbs I a in troubled with Insom
nia, doctor. What would you recom
mend? Doctor Do something to Hie you.
Pennlbs Impossible, doctor. I can't
afford a vacation this year.
In 1050.
friend Did you Hud the region you
explored civilized?
Traveler Verj. Tulrty per cent of
tho iionulntlon can neither read' nor
write and 10 per cent do not own auto
mobiles. The Other Kind.
Hlgglns Somo folks say that wool.
en underwear Is the only healthful
kind and others say the same about
linen. How Is a fellow to know which
kind Is tho better?
Wiggins Nothing easier. The kind
you didn't buy Is the ktud you ought
to have got llostou Transcript
Those Mine lllnndsrs,
It Tras"Hl St Petersburg,
"four excellency," Ythtured th
prime minister, "we must raise another
fund to bultd warships. "
The Czar smiled i wan smile.
"All right," be responded, "and t
suppose It will bo a sinking fund."
Friendly lloost.
Helen Tom Hugglns asked me last
bight If I didn't think you would mike
some man a good wife.
Mabel And what did you snyj
Helen Oh, I merely said I thought
you'd be glad of a chauce to test your
ability to make good.
OettliiK at the facts.
Mllea The duel hns had Its day.
tllles On the contrary, my dear fel
low. It never had a day.
Miles It didn't, eh?
Olles No; two seconds was Its limit
Time Works Wonders.
Sentimental Sue Only last season
Maud declared she wouldn't marry a
man unless he was a hero.
Tantalizing Test Yes, but she has
outgrown that sentiment She's look
ing for an old fool with money this
As Indicated.
He I wonder It the report Is true
that old Ootrox liought his daughter n
She I don't know. Hut tho poor fel
low looks as If he had been sold.
Now They Don't Bpenk.
"No man could kiss me," said Miss
Plalntin, with decided emphasis.
"Oh, I don't know," rejoined Miss
Dimples. "Some men are awfully
Very Hliocklnir.
Rodrlck This paper says that some
things at St. Louis are so large they
really appal the visitor.
Van Albert H'ln! they must mean
the hotel bills.
Fine Finish.
Gunner Hut Russia has some flno
warships lu the far east They are ar
mored. Guyer Well, It won't be long before
they are Japanned.
Nn Use.
"No, sir. I never should ask a wom
an with brains to marry me."
"Well, really, I don't believe It
would be worth your while." Clere
land Plain Dealer.
Sergeant Judge. I strongly suspect
the prisoner to be a man dressed In
woman's clothes.
Judge Knox Why?
Sergeant She refuses to talk.
Well Up.
"Is be well up In his business?"
"Most of the time. He's a lineman."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Unset ll.h.
Alice Yes, I accepted George at
once. I knew when he proposed to
me he was wholly unselfish.
Bertha Oh, nobody could ever have
any doubt about that Boston Tran
script All Heart.
Greene Do you mean to say that
Miss felchcr said I had no head on
Gray Well. If she didn't say that
In so tunny words she said substan
tially the same thing. She told Daisy
Urown you were all heart Boston
Kurd Pressed.
r.ngson Tatters Dese Is mighty
hard times, nln't dey?
Hungry Hawkes Dat's w'at dey
are, Hagsle, old man. So many peo
ple Is offerln' me work when I asks
for grub dat I'm runnln' out of ex
cuses. Philadelphia Tress.
As Others See Us.
Biggs Shortskate has quite a lot of
money, has he not?
DIggs He ought to have. I never
knew him to pay nny out.
Delaja Are Duugerous.
Tom But Isn't your love for Miss
Plalnum rather sudden?
Jack I suppose to. But, you see,
her rich aunt died suddenly.
Nuturul Deduction.
She They say Mrs. Peck Is a hyp
notist Do you suppose It is true?
He Shouldn't wonder. She has
neither woalth nor beauty, yet she got
Unlike a Woman,
Husband My dear, your new waist
doesn't lit In the back at all.
Wife Oh, that doosu't matter. Teo
ple In front of me will not bo able to
see It aud I don't care what folks say
behind my back.
The Growing Japs,
According to n Philadelphia physi
cian, In a generation or two the Japs
will average the same staturo as Eu
ropeans. It Is only their legs thut
are short, he says, and this comes
from their habit of sitting In cramped
positions on tho floor. Western cus
toms are being adopted, nnd be thinks
tho little brown man will soon length
en out Of course. Borne of his brother
physicians poohpooh this notion. They
point out that chairs are almost un
known among tho Hindoos, who on the
whole are rather long-legged.
Taking No Cbunccs.
"If you had a million dollars, what
would you dor'
"I don't know that I'd do any
thing," answered Mr, Ardluc. "I'd
probably wako up aud find It wasn't
so." Washington Star.
More or Less.
Biggs I'uffklus rogards himself aa
tho one man In a thousand.
DIggs Is that all? I thought he re
garded himself as tho other 000.
A lawyer never gives up a case until
ho hat exhausted all. the means at his
client' disposal.