Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 08, 1904, Image 3

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    .-v .-v ." .- . V .
m i si ii
N a HI Ingles miMI.-i per in J;
V I ' t
Coiiiiuou Hough lumber unit M' I jj
' J illnii'iiHiiiii dt $7.fiO W i n
All I.IimIm nf Kiln Dried W I 4,
" I II III 1 1f Ill lll'onill'llllllllll'lv Mf V
JJ lllW pild'H.
jjj Al mill, prlrcH, until April
Lonjr 4 llliiRlain Liiinlicr IU Mf
E'iK'it'ic I.otftfci'
Columbia Miner
a iti-: -run
Ouurantceil IIiiiiiI Sen i'il
I'iIcch lti'iiHiiimlili
J. 11. David, son's
Holt Agent. 'ot tllK drolc.
Flour fi Feed Store
I lord mid Soft Wheat
Junction City Flour
Clioi 1'i-od, (iniliiini Flour,
OiiIh, 1 1 r. i i i mill HhortH,
Went Side, Cottage. droi
o inrinnr. sums rs ns mro mnrmi o
.. j
I'vcry ilny Ihii Itnrunlii
liny at thin iiriH-ert
IVc'li' IliillllllK In ulve
uwny but etert thlin;
to Hell that l liiiind
In a
First flss Itiwrrj Store, z
We'll' never mild iiii
anythliiK but f r e h Ii
c I e a n kiiimIm. U't iih
Herve .miii
- MU'tcnl- A: t11or.s
IMIO.NU MAIN 05 Itlank at the
ItoitK.MIA NrC.f. Ii
m i
Konagc mm rmv mm.
Having purchased the warehouse formerly
owned by Messrs Ivllcdge & IIigp;ins, we wish
to announce that we will continue to carry a
larfje stock of all kinds of Feed there, which will
be sold fit lowest prices.
Hy courteous treatment, square dealing we hope to
receive n large share of your patronage.
Ilai'tuii St llaiiiNcn. prop.s.
1 Gakoi'Ttk, Manager.
Vgi'icMltliral Innleinci)ts
Plows, Mowt'fH and ItakcH. Solo iiKents for tho celobrated
A Full Htock of Mining .Supplies.
Piper & vandenburg
.n',-.-a-. a-j
Fail In sec the fine line
of Combs, I lair Hnislics,
Toilet Articles anil
Vlruj'fgaHl,H SimlrlcH
The linest line in town
prices can not lie lienten
dealers in
J City and Farm Property, jj
The Cottage drove
Ih now In running order
and pn'imred to do all MiiiIh of
laundry work with promptncHH
and at reiiHonablv ratcH.
We hope to wiMiro your
patroniiKe and to pIciimc yon
with onr work. l'hone.'tl
Hanson & Swanson, Props.
We have on mir .viiiiIh .71,000 feet of
lumber u Inch IickiiIiI t iiinki
rninii for Incoming Htock. irlceHrmiK-
iiik iroin .ill to f i .ihi. II you want
, a bargain come at once.
! The Ilooth-Kelley I.ninlier Co .
SiiKlnnw, On1.
G. V. McQmcci,
T 1
AIM' OM ll I HI 1 1 1 K
and Mlaek I'utte tage.
Hardware I
n JJ m
! o liinL IJmaI .Mniln rtl
5 rj(iu; imw otuiu
EJ a Q I'iiii Ih' fiiiind the IniiHt ele- 6
J S unlit and up tnilnte X
S 2 8 An eli'Kimt line of 1 "iih tern 8
f- 5 Muile ri'ifiuncH, School Q
J X lluokH mid a full line of the X
lj Kinirni ,,,,,niii iiiiunn. u
I. Willi It.
f N I II
Dillon mm
A C - - n . .. ii
U Mil M IV l;llL' ll
I. Illl 1111 v i-i '
Ur, l.owc, Ofiilo-optlclnii, Kugcho
lluzclwood Ire cri'iim al tlio Hlnr.
Finding tackle
itt 'I'lio Modern
Till) Icildlllg
Iiriiml clgius itt tliu
Any prcsd Ipllon filled ul The Mod
ern Pharmacy.
Hpiiulilliig'H Ulllelul l'iiguu IIiiIIh
ill Tlif Modern I'liniliiucy.
Hot coffee ami lunches at tho I'.x-
chaiigu ivMtniiraiit.
IIiivIiIhoii kirim tlx IhjhI Iol-ui'Th'
hIiovh on tlio nmiki't. i
To Hiivn tliiic tr.v tliu KxelmiiKi' i
limrli i ooiiih for ipilck wrvlii'. '
.Mth. tlooil. of llntti'. .Montaiin. m
vIhIIIiik In tliu Drove IIiIm uirk. ,
Von can tri'l (tic IichI Iouiti'Ih' iiiiiI
iiiIih'Ih' hIiih'h at J II DuvIiImiiii'm. 1
V. ('. (.'oiiiiit. filllor of tlm Itow?-'
Iimik I "lull iiIl'iiIoi- Wiih with iih on tliu j
What I'vurylmily liken In HoinutlilliK
to Hiillnfy tlii'lr iiiK'tlU', the l.x-,
chaiiKu ii'Mliiiiiaiit Iium It.
llon't forget to take your incalH at
the LxcIiiiiim1' leHlanrant. ..very
thliiK the bent the market can Hiipplv
I'r Kiel, hi'iiilnclie tiil,u ( 'h u tiilii'r l:i I ii 'h
.iliiinii'li mill i.ivur Tiiblc'ta ii nil a muck
ciiiii m i-urliuii. Kormle by Now Km
IlniK Ktnie.
W. W. Hooht
Ih InveHtlKatlni;
of IIi'ililliiK', Calif.,
the mlni'H at Ito-
A. II Schuttof Seattle, Iium been
HH'iiilhiK a week or two In Cottage
drove and llohemla.
Have Dr. I.nuc cure. vuur head ami
eye ache with a pair of IiIh HUeiliir
c. M. Collier, County Surveyor, ban
none to llohemla to mirvcy Home
uiliibiK proiertlrH.
Harold Schenck, a lad nlnufyearH
old, wan drowned In the Willamette
river near Kiikciic Sunday.
AIImtI Hew., repreHentatlve of the
Km'iiIiik Ti'li'uriun of I'ortlamI, wiih
In the city 'I'liurnilay.
I.OST-():i 1 1 It July, a law Kohl
link chain bracelet with padliH'k.
Kinder pletiHe leave at Nujno't olllce.
Mrn. Anna Couch, who Ih hih'UIIiii;
the Hummer at the Oregon Mineral
HprhiKH, wiih In the city WeilneHilny.
A new bom IiiiIm', hIIII alive, wiih
found on Tiiemlay evenlnu near Hu
Kene where It had evidently been left
to ihtUIi.
Harry Vance iih iinle HerloiiKly
Injured In a runaway near Walker
on WediieHilay . Dr. Hiickett Ih at
tending hlni.
CuiiHidt llr. I.owe next .Monday If
ponHlhlc iih he leaven nett day liiimi
and Ih iiIivii.vh very !mih IiIh hint day.
Dnii'l rmcet the da ten July 11 and ll'
Next .Monday to n am TucHday,
.luly 11 and IJ. Dr. I.imc, ICimene'H
well know n oi'ulii-optu ian will be In
CottaKi' lirove at Hotel lirahaui.
I In the afternoon of the 1 1 ll the
Iio.vh took their lire crackern to the
Went Side, away from the calln of
the lemonade vendorn, ho they might
hear the e.iloHloiiH.
Complaint Ih innde of the imlM
which Htaud up In the nlile walk In ,
varloiiH portloiiH of the city. They ;
tear the ladlcH Hklrt-nud freipieiitly
riilnuHhoo. Ilrlve them down.
it' .;V.ti Li'. fluJ":iWnr. ".'!
i.i- iT"' '.'T1'1' ,lrr 1
lime In l. yearn. He Mild he could i
not m-t located uronerly until he 1Ih. i
't;:W',l,",' "m 1'''lieVr,am.nent:,'
...... ...v ......
Since IiIh hint vlnlt to Cottage
!rove llr. i.owe Iiiih taken a punt
graduate coui-He In New York City on
the e.e ami ban every eiulpnient oil
llrHt-claHHeye HieclnllHt of tliu largo .
cuii'H, .oiiniiii nun .iuiy ii ami ii'. tliu Kin-CoiniianyV uhp.
Tliu machinery for the bottlliul, lr. T. C. Ilockett. appointed nsst
workH for the OreL-.m Mlnernl health olllcer by Dr. Wall wiih con
Sprlngn Co. ban arrived In Cottage
(Inivi. mill u l-i,,,. I,,.,, I,., I t,. tin i
SnrlngH wheivlt will noon be ivmlv
for operation. i
Al Seidmati on tlie 4th while riding
on tho Columbia wagon, Htcppctl
liackwardn and fell to the ground.
The bone of one hip wan HOiuewhat
nliatten'd and will keep him quiet for
Homo time.
Sam Veatch, conductor on the S.
P. from Portland to Albany, who
Iium been on u vacation through
Tomin, came to Cotlagetlrove Tuen
day for a nhort visit iK'foru renumlug
IiIh work.
Mr. Hum Veatch and wife who
Home weekn ago uent to Houston,
Texan, returned home on Tuesday.
They had a pIcnHiiut Journey ami a
good visit but a iv glad to gut back
to the old home.
Friday July 211th the Claflln I'ul-
u'rolty Htudentn from Orangeburg,
South Carolina will glvo a concert
at this place. Tlielrivputatlonspoaka
for Cottage drove one of tlio linest i
ciitertalnutentH In Itn history.
Tims .Medley on Wednesday re
ceived word from the Fugenu U, of
P. ball team It would be Impossible
to play tho third gamo on Thursday
iih arranged. Kugeno and Cottage
drove K. P. teams have a game each
to their credit.
Last Friday evening the residence
of deorge llrumtlelil received consid
erable damage by lire. One of tho
children lighted a matchjuenrnnopen
window and the laco curtains were
koI on tire. There was considerable
damage done to articles In tlie front
part of tliu house, but the Humes
wero soon extinguished anil
houso and furniture saved.
tdo !
Tuesday night F. J. Hard
party arrived from Portland
Wednesday morning left for
Vesuvius mlnu In llohemla.
party consists of .Mr. Hard,
Ian), their daughter Franc and
Cliarlcs and .Miss Ilrsslo Nellson,
StciioRrnplii'r. Also as their guests
lor the summer, Itev Dr. Horace K.
Warner, Mrs. Warnor and son, of
Denver, Colorado,
The ladles of tho Aid Society of the
M. K, Church had a very pleasant
Hoclal and business gathering at
Landress' grove on Wednesday after
noon. Them was a goodly number
present and plenty of refreshments.
At their business meeting Mrs. Frank
wiicoicr wbh elected president, airs.
Kd Jones, vice president; Mrs. W. A.
Hognte. secretary and Mrs. J. W.
it i ..i
- lll III IIILCrChl III mill illJUiJI
Cottage drove and vicinity.
iH.Hlni'.HH. lH '" ,',"4t", ""
Koilat'k ami Koilack hiiiiIIcm at
The Moili,'ni I'liannacy.
11 i'm Ii ci'iiwIIhIi Inwllic at the l.x-
chaiiKo IteHtaiirant.
.Mr. Kil IIIhm'I ami wlfo of Anlilamt,
are vIhIIIiik Iii tin; city.
Welrh ami Woniln Imvt' a new ail
on hint iiKi', loiik II over.
I.livr llroivn, clurk in the iohI
olllce, In having ii vacation.
Al KlllilKi'lcft thcnilw-HliiiiKfiioiiKh
to Hieml tliu Koltrth with iih.
K. A. Itankln of I'nuiMii', wiih In
thu city t Ii Ik week on IiiihIhohh.
A booiI ruin would lie very wel
come to everybody In iIicmi iiartH.
I. A (Jrlllln after hioiii1Iiik a few
dayM lieii) returned to rortlaml Wed
ncHilay. Nearly all onr (idvertlHcrH have a
chnii(?e In their advertlwinenl thin
week .
There In iiltu a travel by covered
wiikoiih. Nearly all iiuhIiik throiiKh
the city to thu Honth.
, ChnnkM of iiartzund Kohl, valued
at ncr ?00 each, are Ih-Iiik taken
(rfiln 1 1 1. tutu, ft 1 1. 1 in M.L hi. I 'fi-it
1 . 1 ,IL' ''"Ki'ii- tt'ilin Iiiih withdrawn
1 ,r.'"" ""' ,,l't'K"" l,'-' '"'H aHHocla-
lion, i.iick ol patl-oliiiKe 1h Blveti iih
liic rciiHon.
llr. I'atterHim Iiiih retired from the
Modern I'liannacy. Mr. .lulin Witty
of l.'orvalllH, Iiiih annumed the iiohI
Hon. Twelve hundred clollnrn In K"'1'
bullion wiih brought to KiiKene re
cently, from the (Jreat Northern
mine In Blue Itlver,
I'rof UrlKKH came down from the
Vi'Hiivlii" inlne on Saturday and m
TneHilay rutiirned with IiIh family
where they exeet to renlde for notno
Ira Conner, who Iiiih lieen at the
IleiiHon riiarinacy for Home time
piiHt Iiiih ithIkiumI IiIh ponltlon and
will hh-iii the Hummer In the iiiuun
tabiH. J. S. ISeiiHon will within a Hhort
time take a vacation hunting and
IIhIiIiik In the mountuliiH. Mr. Hninll
ton, recently with Iont; imii IIIiik
liain, will mamiKt' the riiarmncy
during IiIh iiIimuic.
V. W. Valle, iOHt otllce lnHieftor,
Ih In the city. He went over the ).
& S. K. railroad today with tlio view
of havlin; the mall carried by train
to the end of thu track and probably
Hinne chanxcH in the mall HurvlceH
from there to tliu mIneH.
(lone to Camp Out.
ThurHilay morning i'. II. rhlllliH,
Mrn. I'hlllipH and children. Mrn. W.
C, Conner mid Hon, Ira and Horace
Conner, left the city for a
two weekn outliiK In the mountaliiH. i
The party will ilrlve to the end of111 loeal committee devoted much
the road on Monliv creek, fiiun t licit
park tlielr . n 1 11 1 nomu two inllenover
a trail where they will camp. Thin in
a good locality for hunting ami fish
ing and it In expected the party will
liuw au unjoylile time.
A Rare Treat,
(in TiicmIiiv evenlne; .lulv l:'th, at
thu Opera Hoie, tho Celebrated
(ireen Chlldivn will rIvo one of their
ri'inarkable perfornmiiceH, under the
aunplceH of the Junior ChrlHtlim Ku-
.1.... ..4 I. .
Tl.e. chlldivn render an excellent
1'roKra.n coiiHlstliiK of Violin Solon,
iinetlH I'lano ninl Vih-hI SnlnH Ilendl
.V.'.'.1.. .'..' ,1.. ' " '. $ol.".'.. i
City Council.
The City Council at ItH meetlnir
thin week, orderi'd COO feet of hone for
A poiitiou iroui tlie I'ire win
I'niiy h linking for entabllnhment of
"v wardn and the adoption of n code
I of nlgualn wan received.
i Petition unking for ordinance iier-
, tabling the nollclting of laundry for
outnido parties wan received.
Adjourned until July 11th at which
tlinu lililH for conntruction ot newer
will be opened.
Just Now
While you're waiting to get a piano
let Mrs. Welch teach your children to
read musk' and uuderHtaud by her
new method, which she studied con
tinuously for a year paying 1.00 an
hour for her liiHtructlotiH. In clanscs
of four slio will give two full hour
lessons kt week for $2..ri0 per mouth.
M w A En,ertainmen,.
, , , ,
1 ho lumber Is on the ground and
tm carpentei-s are busy erecting tlie
Brent platform for pavllllon dancing
" " ueiiiug m. um. imi m
iiiliiciUK I liciv will lie nullum iiiiiei
forniH of amusements not mentioned
In tlio regular program Nigger
baby and caneracks,iuerry-go-round,
are some of tlio features.
J. It l'lolon and Margarotto Pemo
of Douglas County, was married by
Judge Vaughn last Sunday.
Church Notices.
PronchlUK services at the Christian
Church Suniliiv inonilii-anil eve nl lie.
A cordial Invitation to all.
Tho subject next Sunday morning's
discourse by tliepiistorof the Metho
dist Church will be'Mudas Incarlot."
ICvenlug subject: Kzklcl'a Vision."
Next Saturday evening at 7:l!0
Father Stravens of ltoneluug, will
lecture here In thu Catholic Church
on "Tho Secrets of theConfesslonnl."
All nru kindly Invited. On next Sun
day morning thu Father will say
muss at ten o'clock.
A Smooth Tooter.
A man enmo to tho storo ono day,
And to tho druggist ho did say,
My feet onco all covered with corns,
Are now us smooth us a yearling's
Uso Pop Km All Corn Salve for sale
Morgan & llrchiuit.
Han It'" Formal Opening on Friday
July 1st.
'it wiih tint ft few weeks ago Hint ii
j few of tin. lm,.lm.HH .mm decided that
ill Jill) wiih ll nwt'MHiiy lor mo cu.v.
Mr. Win Illinium ncrured a uumlier
of liaiui H of Hiohc who were wIIIIiik
to iimmIhI In tlio luatiKiiratlou of a
Chili and a mcotltig wiih culled at tho
olllco of the laclllcTIinlM.'r Coinpany.
III........ 11......,.!.... If ., .ti..l(liwl
.wii'i miinu uini iinniun ife ,.,i
to oriratitM and CHtnbllHli a plnce
wheru uiatterH lurtnlnlug to thu wel -
fare of tho city iiiIkIiI lie 1Ihciihho(I an
well iih to tai-et for noclal entertain -
orncKKH i:i,i;ctkii.
T.K.Campbell wa (lected Prunl -
dent. Ilea Lurch iHt vice, II. O.
ThouiiHon nd Vice, Win (iarinan
l'i...,,-,,r.,- I.' I U'l.,..l..i- K,.,n.liirv
There were n bo ho veil triiHtecH I'lected
to I ook after thu iiKiiIih of tlie Club.
Tho HpaclotiH mille of roomn over
Oarinau and Hemenway'HHtoro weie
Hecureil, lemodeled ami finely fur
iiUhed. 'I'here Ih a reading room where the
latent iierloillraln ami tiuwnpaperH
aio on the tableH.
The aHHcmhly room will comfort
ably neat Home '." or more h.tmoiih, a
coat room ndJoliiH.
Probably tlio mont Interentlng
room for a majority of the inuinlicrH
in the pool, billiard and card room.
A pool table, u billiard table and
card tnlili'Huru already In place.
On IitHt Friday night the mcmbcro
met for the formal opening ot the
Some forty mumlicrH were In at
tendance mid the evening wan Hiicnt
In the iIIhciihhIoii of IiuhIiichh uffulrH
and the playing of gamen. At about
elcren o'clock all were Invited to the
banquet hall In the Jones and
riiilllp'H building wheru a lunch had
lieen ircimred. PreHldent Cumplicll
made a Hhort addrenn to the inein
Ihth; coiigratulntlng them upon the
organization of hucIi a large Club in
ho Hhort u time ami Htateil ho lie
He veil their action would not only
prove a Hiiccenn Hoclally liut from a
busincBH Htanil point aa well. Tlie
liieiulMjrHlilp in already clone to 50
ami othern are expected to add their
uamen to the lint noon.
To the CltlzetiH of Cottage drove:
It will lie rememliered that after
much agitation ami conntant de
mand, a regulation nidewalk wan
c onntructed from tho city limits to
tlio MiiHonlc and I. O. O. F. cemetery
lant winter by public contribution.
time to thin commendable enterprise
in the face ot many obstacles and
discouragements. Cpon its comple
tion thin much needed improvement
was recognized as amostlniportaut,
nubntantl'jl and timely one by every
citizen of tlie town and the coiu
lalttce wan commended for Itn enter
prise in vigorously pushing the work
to completion- It was recognized
us an Improvement which wou'.d lie
appreciated by the town iieoplo the
year around, from tlie fact that It
enables them to reach the cemetery
in thu whiter regardless of the muddy
condition of tlie road and In the sum
mer without traveling In the dusty
road, anil this improvement has
been a direct Imeutlve to tlie lienutl
fying of tho cemetery and otherwise
Improving this beautiful and sightly
burial ground.
After exhausting all of Its resources
and the fundu provided for this splen
did Improvement tills sidewalk com
mittee is confronted by a deficiency
of over $75 which It is unable to
provide without tliu co-operation of
tliu fraternnl orders owing the ceme
tery or the public spirited citizens of
Cottage Grove, In providing an en
tertainment orsonie other menus to
wlH out tills indebtedness, tlie
creditors promises to enforce against
the sidewalk committee. We there'
lore submit tills statement to the
citizens of Cottage drove and earn
estly solicit their co-oiierntlon in
devising ways and means to wipe
out the remaining Indebtedness held
against tlie sidewalk committee.
Respectfully submitted,
H. K. Mivtcai.f
d. O, McOn.viiAY, Foreman.
All bills due thu tlrm of Chrlsmnn
and Hangs if not paid lieforu thu l.rth
of July will be placed for collection.
United States bund Otliice,
Uo5eburg, Ore. , July 1st, 1004
Notice is hereby given that incompli
ance with tho provisions of the act of
Congressof Juno 3, 1878, untitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber l.anils in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
tiiid Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public bund States hy
act of August 4, 1-02;
of Kugeno, Co. of bane, Statu ol Oro
.on as tills day 11 1 oil in this olllcu her
sworn Ktutemeiit No. 026S, for the pur
chase of tlio W ii of NW H of See No 84
in rp No 10 S Hango No 2 West,
anil will offer proof to show that
the Uuil sought la more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, multo establish her claim to
said land before J.J. Walton U.S.
Commissioner at ills office at Kugene,
La no Co. Oregon, on Saturday the 24th
day ot Sept. 1004.
he names as witnesses:
Charles Ogden, of Creswell, Thomas
Mahor.S. I) Allen. William Miller, all
of Kugono, Oro.
Any anil uu persons cunning auverseiy
the above described lands are requested
to llle their claims In this olllco on or
before said 24 day of September 1004.
J. T. Uiiidoks, Iteglster.
That docs not iilfect the price
of our new Matting.
' lfl
k J
Furnished that
west window
q 1
& -A- E
j Spare's Addition
5 Blocks South of Post Office
75 x 150 feet. High and Dry.
Cash, or Installments.
1 Kayser & Huff
Next to Awbrcv Building
The Scarcity of Money
And that many people are suffering from
chronic ailments of nearly all kinds and believ
ing that nature has provided a remedy for
nearly all the human ailments in the
Oregon Mineral Springs
We have therefore concluded to put the
rates so low that fill may take advantage of
natures remedies
Kates 25 to 50c for Meals
For Board Lodging and Baths
S to 810 per weelc.
Camp grounds and Baths $1.00 per week.
LEVI GEER, Manager.
London, Oregon.
n nr. j . l 11.- IT
niro mmm in hid mm ui mm tvumip
This is the only secret of the wonderful popularity of
Contains more butter-fat than any other Ice Cream on tho market;
and absolutely no "filler" It's cukam not custard.
II. BILXS, Sole agent for Cottage Grove.
FREE SOUVENIR When vliltlng Portland, call t SWETLAND'S 273 Morriion St., tnd
preaeut ttali ad, You will lecelve FREE an attractlre louveulr (or Ilia labia.
line in our
IS -
1 -P ftl '11.1 ur...i. ?
Currlti, treasurer.