Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 01, 1904, Image 3

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Fail to sue the line line
of Combs, I lair Driislii's, jj
Toilet Arlieles and
The finest line in town
prices can not he ben ten
a HI IiikIi'm dfi ts:, m-i- in
('niiiiuoii Hough Iniiilirr unil
lllllll'IIHlllll Ul, ('.fit)
All klmlH of Kiln Dried
I ii ii 1 1 mt ul irniiirtiiiiiiti'l.v
lull prices
At iiilll, iHlri'H til April
Lodj? i bh Lumber Co.
ers in
City and Farm Property.
Tlie Cottage Grove
Ih now In running order
unil prepared to ilo nil kinds -if
liitinilr.v work with piouiptncHs
mill ut reusoniililc rates.
Wo liopit to hcciiii' tour
patronage nml to ptt'iiHi' .von
with our work. I'houc :il
llnnnon & Swnn.son, Props.
I4iit'i liOcr i
Columbia miner f
Aiti: tiii:
(Itiiirnutt'i'il lliiiul Hewt'il
l'rltt'H Iti'iiHiiiinlilit
j. u.
.Sole AKent.
('ottiiKi1 (irove.
wvVvivvvvvxv-w'vv-vvv-vvvvvt''t-',-s$ I
i '
Flour & Feed Store
Hard mid Soft Wlicnt
Jiuielion City IMonr
('hup l Veil, (Iriilmni Klour,
OiiIh, Until ami HhortH.
j. k. iikh'wn,
WohI Hhle. CottiiK''' lrovt
livery itny iHivllarKiilu
Day at thin Urocer.v.
Wo'vt' iiolhliiK to ujlvu
awny lull evorythliiK
to Hell t Iim t Ih found
in a
S t
m ta
First Class (iroccry Store.
Vtvn nnver Hnlil villi I "
miythliiK hut I r (i h Ii
c 1 o n ii rooiIb. IjoI w
Borvo you.
Melon If &
I'llONIi MAIN 65
I'nrcnU Allcnllnn.
Till' nlil liii'lliiill of li'iichluir ii I'lillil
I III ri'llll ll.V till' lllllllll'll'HlllIll hv-mii
IiikIi'ms iIiiii ii( li-amli'it IiIm A. It. I 'm
llMM lung nIiiii- Iic-cii m 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i l i 1 4 -t I I j
1 lllll Wlllll M. Mil-Ill. I'll!' IIH'tllllllN Of
li'ill'lllllg iiiiinIc IlltVI' kl'lt tllll'l' tilth
till' t III 1 1 1 f I ( I llll'tllllllH lit tlllcllllllr
MI'lllMll. 'I'lll' lllll ll'llllltlH. illNcoiiniu-
, I UK Hil'tlinil of leaching till' III"' linger
. I'll'ITlMI'H llllll Hl-tl -H llllM glVI'll IU'I
til II llll-lllllll IVllll'll III I l-K'Ht H llllll ill'-
llghls ( -1 i 1 1 I i i i iih well iih gioivn
I Ml'H. Itn.V Wl'll'll llltH Inilghf IMIINll-
fur ,1'lghl .m'iiih during which time
' Plllt IVI'll' 1'IIHl I IV It'll til MtllllV. tl'-
ii'Mly mIii' IiiiiI ilu prlvi'lhlgii of n
years t'r H 1 1 In ii i iiih Htnil.v under mi
ovrn illill nf Calvin Cuil.v nf IIiihIiim,
MllKH.. Whilst' gl'llllIM llllH H'Vlllllllllll-
Iri'd till' ini'thoils of li'iirhhig music.
Drop it ni I'd In tin' I'. O. mill Mrs.
Wi'lt'li will en 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -a 1 1 ami give
.von an Idea of the ini'lliiiil wlii'ifliy
IIHIMf'flll lu-lrlll liuiillntr mill u'l-llltitr
IIIIIHIC 1 1 1 Mil 1 III' I I'HI ll'NHtlll.
(A l.oiiilon physician I'lnliiiH tliul
ntallii in Iiiih I'liii'il a mull of Ilic wife
healing Imlill.l
ii.lli.i'. iVf-ll
-Mill Hmllli tin iiwil In licnt li Ih ivlfo
110 II Ii 1 II ' I lll.i' to ilo II,
lllll hIiiik lic'il illil Hull IiIh life
lilt Kill utviistoini'il to it.
Ho Dr. Ilrown remarket to him,
"You're In ii ilii'iiilfnl way.
Ui'foni lliu mm- grows chronic, Jim,
I'li'itw lake thlH mil I inn rn.v."
.Mm Hmllli lu took tin-iliit'tnr'H dime,
Indifferent of dunger,
Al once lirglnnlug lo illwliiM'
TrnitH llinl tgii-w Htrmip' nml
f wlniiini-r.
No niiiri' IiIh tlinlil ultf lii' Ih'iiI
111 IiIh nlil, imMkIi kiij ;
lllrt nlr wnxi'il i:i-iill.v, Miift. nml pwti't
'I'liroiiKh Hint out' nullum rn.v.
Thitt lit tic iliiHf of rnillo.Koo
Ho linrmlrhH iiinilit poor ,11m
Tlmt lie illnt'oii'ivil, lltNt lie knew.
IIIh wlfi- wiih hi'iitliiu lilni.
Tlit'li Huilth IIiiii I liiiinlily to (-tiiii-
: Iplnln.
To Dr. Ilrown out' ilny,
"Oh, itot'lor, pli'iicc hi' Mnry .Imiii
I Out- kindly milium rn.v,"
'I'lii' iliK'tni- tri'iiti'il MrH. Hmllli:
'I'liu llllllli'liri- wiih rnliiilnir,
I I 'm-hooii her hoiiI wi'innl I irlin in Ink
't'li i i ifl 1 1 h hiilyllki-iiiiili'lmriiiliii;.
'I'lii'ii iirni In nrm, ilt'inuru nml nlcr,
Tin' HiultliH wi'iit liiiini' to Htny
In nun fnlr millo-l'nrnillHt.-
I. It liy ii milium rny.
VII HA I' I AI. Mill: It.
Wi- hiivt- tin our yiiriln Wl.000 ftt't of
luniU-r w hlvh miMt Ih'hoM to liuikt'
room for Incoming Mtoi'k, pilivH runi;
Iiik from f.'l .VI to .M. If you wnnt
ii liiirKiiln enmt- at unci'.
Tin- lloolh-Ki'llt'y l.iiiulK'r Co.,
HiikIiiiiw, Ort'.
Wlllnmcllc Valley Chautauqua Associa
tion' Tlio Wlllmui'tti- Vnlli-y Cliiiutmuiuii
AxHiK'liitliui will meet at t i IikIh t m u
I'tirk, ni'iir Ort'Kon City. ,lulv ll'tli to
Jlth, IlKtl. Iih-IiibIvc. 'I'lie Southt'i'ii
rnrlllf Co, will iiiukt- ri'iluci'il rati'H
on tin-(Vrilllrnti- plan for UiIhirtiih.
Ion. ('all on any .Houtlieru I'ni'ltlc
AKt'nt for mlvrrtlxlm; nmlter .".'.It
! Commercial Club.
'I'lii' Coiiliilt'li'lul Club of Cntlane
, ilrovi-, will hiivt' ItH foriiial oh'hIiii;
I to iiIkIiI In Hit' now rooiim over
In riniiii nml lli'inciiway'H. MntttTH
I of linpiirliim-e to tlie eiiuiitry will lie
iIIhciihwiI nml a Hiit'lul kiioiI lime Ih
Tin- voteH for lioilili-HH of Mlii-rty
at lime of lriilnir to iii-thh hIiowi'iI
Hllulitly III favor of .MIhh ICIIIe
I'arlli'H uhIiik wutt'r for IrrluatliiK
hIk in Id iim' iih little iih poMMllile. Willie
tlieitt in plfiify of water at tin' heail.
the iIk)Ih toiiHinall tocolivey all that
Ih iiivileil. It llllullt Ut llinleil Ihi'iihi
nf tin-.
Willi Uh c oii.intuiiv, hviirt Imiii,
ll.ilnli'iii'-', luipiiliiv ( lilt' liver, coiinli
imthiii, i.i lio In. urn nl the lit'iirt, pour
iIikk, lieiiiliielit unil iithtT uervotiH
iiiiiIoiiix, piillim rkin, mill liincue. ol-
ntmc hieiitii unil ii It'uiini ul other
llillllf llli- IH ill nllee till' III""! iilei-lireilll
! ! iin.l ilfrtiiieliM' iinilnily .iiimii tlio
I Alnerlcun p."ile. The 1'erliine Irt'itl
' I tnent will fine nil tliene tumble. MX
& ' liottle. Hold I iv ,' ntnilli A llrt'liimt.
Wt Imvu a hirKo Niipply of cheap
Iiimlor, JuhI what you want on a
rnc( prk. Vlry c.u.ap, ,mlHt 1,0 H()hl
to mnkit room lor other Htock.
Tlio Ilooth-Kolly I.nmlier Co.,
HiikIuhw, Ore.
The lniHlint unil uutilitent little tiling
lliut mih rver iimile in )r K i iik'h New
Lift) I'lllS. TIlt'MI pillH I'llllllKttMeilklH'HK
i into Htrt'iuith, lint Iit-biicmh into energy,
1 hrniii-fni; into mentiil potior. They're
I tvoiiilttrftil in bilililiiitf up the hcnlth.
' Only urn) per hox. Kolil hy Moigitu A
1 1 iirt'iiniii.
On and after this date idl
the undersigned druggists
will close their places of
business promptly at 9
o'clock p. m. every evening
except Saturday and any
special nights.
Morgan & Hrehaut,
J. S. Benson,
Modern Pharmacy.
July 1, 1904-.
Eagle Book Store
Can he foi'iiil tlio most ele
Kimt nutl up to tlntu
An elt'Kinit lino of KiiHtcru
iliulo l'orfiuuoH, School
ItookH anil a full lino of tlio
hiHtiMt popular liookH,
Dr. i.dui', Oi'iiiii-oitii'iiiii, i;iii'iiii
IImzi'IuiiimI li'i'i'ii'iitil ill Ilic Htnr.
Hi'o K nVHitr it
llutf'H nil vert Imciiicii I
tills tVt'l'k.
IN i r II l I. t'liiHH meals (Im
at Tlitt Modern
I'lshlng tnrklo
Tilt) It'llilllIK
Ill'llllll t'lglll'H at till'
(leu Kneii ninl wife ttt'lu III Kiiruiio,
Any pri'Herlplloii filled ut Tim .Mod-
,,r" ''"3f-
CIiiim Coehrali vIhIIi-iI IIiiki'Iio thti
llrnt of I ho week.
Tim llimene Hiiiiniifr Niiriiiul mcIhiijI
oH'iieil WfiliifHiliiy.
.MIkhAiIii llmiHen vIhKi'iI tho lllnck
Imll uilneH I'rlilny.
KpitulilliiK'H Olllelal U'llKUU
at The .Mniieni riutriiiaey.
llol t'offet-and liuicht'H ut tlio Kx
chmiKtt ri'Htmiruiit.
DavldHiiii keepH the Im'HI Iokki'Ih'
mIiih'h on the market.
To Have time try the Hxi'Iiuiihc
Iiineli rooliiH fur iiilek wrvlce.
YoiicuiiKet the lii-Ht Iiikkmh' and
iiiliieiH' hIiih'h at .1 II DavldHoii'H.
I. H. ami N. II. Mnrlln vlplted tlio
county Meal the llrnt of the week.
Attorney IloirlH, of l;uKene, wiih
tranHiictltiK ImihIiu-hh In the llrme
HiIh week.
'I'lie Kimenit IteulHter Ih ndvncatlliK
the completion of tho telephone line
to lllue Itlver.
Mr. mid. Mth. Blew uent to Kuireno
'I'lii'Hilay to alteiul the wedding of
Mr. lllew 'h hIhIit.
What evoryhody IlkcH Ih HoinethliiK
to HiitUfy their apiHititt-, tin- Kx-
chaiiKe ii-Htniiraut Iiiih It.
I.S. Medley and wlfo drove down
to KiiKcue ThiirHilny to lnt preeiit at
the HmiHvn-Htafforil uiiptlalH,
Mrn. DlrelhlHH inirchaHed her
fnther'H iriiperty, David Yoiiiiu. on
the WchI Side, till- week.
MrH. Ui'o ItoiiHi-, I'uuille .IoIiiihoii
and I'miHy KeeHter came down from
the Noonday mine .Saturday.
Don't forKt't to take your mcaN at
tlie r.xchaiitce reHtanrant. Kvery
tiling the In-Ht tho liiarketcan Hiipplv
Fur nick lifHilm-hit tnke ('IntnilH'tlftin'H
Hlniii "eh mid l.iver Tulili't- mid ii ipnt-k
enttt i eeiliiin. For nth- hv New I'.ni
I Ii iil SIiiio.
Mrn. C. .1. Howard Icll for Cold-
water. Mlrh.. hint Haluraay, whrii'
nhe will vlnlt it- III then for Ht-voral
The Kllireiie mid ItOHcliun; Iiiiko
imll teiiniH will play the rwo irnim-H
pell-dtiteil for UtiKcne the Ith of .Inly,
nt .1 unci Ion.
iVrnunut. l.adli'H llleycle for nale
cheap. CoiiHter lirake Inquire nt thin
olllct- or al tlie rcHiiieiice ot .Mrn. tieo
Uerry. U. S.
For Suit A fnw HhiireH of Htock In
the Hiawatha Mlnliitr Co. one of the
In-Ht proiiertleH In ilohenila.
liiiiTii mti:i-iii:nh.
C. W. Wallace will hooii commence
the erection of a neat llvo room cot
tage on IiIh lot In the Kotithcrn part
of the city.
Mrn. Dr. Wall mid ilauuht llernlta.
mi Monday hint, left for near U-turn.
wnere tney win vihii i nt lamiiy- oi
Mr Ileudei-er, who formerly lived In
Mrn. David Yoiimr nrrlveil homo
Sinidav from .MiiihIiIIcIiI and on
Wednt-Hilny nhe moved herlioiiHehold
KooiIh to F.uwiio where nhe will re-hIi!i-
Mr. mid Mrn. A W. Walhico and
MIhh Ada IlmiM'ii went to l'.iiRene
TliurHilay to attend the wedding of
Fd. HaiiHoii. ot tlie II nn of lliuiHcn
llroH, of I'.iiKcne.
MIhh Nellie Culp. who hna been
coinpoHltor on tlie I.ane County
l'inler, for Home inontliH, left for
Northern California, Tut-Hday, when
nhe will remain iHTinanently.
Mrn. May Mcl.aln, coiihIh of Mrn.
llr. Wall. ufter Hendini; a week orno
In Cottage drove la vlHltlnu relatives
mid frleiiilH, rt'tiirueil to her homo In
Tacoina .Monday. It wiih her tirnt
vlnlt liero In il) yoarH.
.1. C. Howard, 1'oHtiniiHter of ("ot
tuue ilrove, returned from I'ortlnntl
M outlay night. Ho Htaten tho city
lln a lively condition. .Mr. Howard
vlHltt'd the war Hhlpn which recently
arrived In l'ortland.
Friiuk Mt-Fiirlmid. while hauling
piling hint WedneHday, got caught
li.V one that wiih rolling and had IiIh
ankle badly Hpralned. It will likely
lie Home time lieforo he will ho able to
ivHiiine work.
IC. Jacohson. who lms been with
the Southern 1'nelllc company In tide
city for about a year, Iiiih accepted a
ptedtloii In the same company's otllco
in the freight department, In I'ort
lanil. Ansel Wood will take the
vacated position here.
W. ti. Martin, who with C. I'. Syl- resting in theshado of the big trees,
venter, has Just begun the puhllcn-l In the iifternoon a ball team se
cltmofa weekly newspaper at Ell-, U-cted from the school pin veil 11 Kiuuo
gene, cnlled the I.nue County Herald, with a team composed of lads who
canioto Cottage drove Wednesdav ! llvo In the country, tho school team
with tho K. 1'. liastt hall team. Whlio! won the gaiiie.
tho paper Is small In sire It Is well All enjoyed the day and returned
tilled with tho news of tho county, at night tired hut happy.
Wo wish thogentlemen success In their I
new venture. I
new venture.
Ono of Durhiuns tennis attached to
a delivery wagon ran away on Wed
nesday afternoon. They started on
the went Side and passetl down
Main street nt great neod. At tho
depot they were separate from the
wagon and each otherby n. telegraph
pole. No damage was done except
to tint wagon nml harness. This
should ho a reminder to thoso who
leave teams unhitched In tho streets.
Mm. Dorcas Fessenden, wife of
Major Fessenden, died at her homo
llvo miles west of Kiiecdc, Saturday
afternoon, Juno IK!, 1901, at tho ago
of Ot) years, two months and llvo
days. Tho funeral was held today
nt '10 it 111 nt tho family lioniornml the
remains were Interred In tho I O O F
cemetery. Tho deceased leaves a
husband and lllvochlldren.ivsfollows:
Fred K Fessenden, of Kugene; Frank
M . Fessendon, of l.os Angeles; .Mrs.
Cora Weaver, of Kugene; Mrs, C, A.
Hosier, of linker City, and .Mrs, Car
lio Lane, of Cottage drove.
Items of Interest in find iilmiil
Collude drove an J vicinity.
l-'or short orders try
luni'li roniiiH.
tlio ICxchuugf'
Koilnt'k am) Koilarlt
The .Modern I'liariimry.
HllppllcS lit
1'iirvli U'IIh yon aliout the Ith of
fll... i.-fiir. ill llin .1(1
FreHli era wIIhIi liiwliie at the Cx-
CllllllKf Ill'HtaillllllL.
I'lit'llle Timlier Co woulil like to
have you Kmi're over their offern thlH
Mih. II IC. .foil returned WeilneH-
lav iiIl-IiI fi nal it vIhII lo frlenilM In
tliu Kuhi and tho Ht I.diiIh HxpoHltlon.
j Prof hHkuh will hooi, takti IiIh
family iii to the Vt'Hiivliininliiewliero
, ho Iiiih urraiiKt'd to work during th
Mrp. W. H. Keeiie, wife of tin
. Hityer at tho t-HiivliiK, went up on
' i V.'t'ilueHilay to occupy one of Hit- new
roiuiKi'H in tno mine.
On IiihI Kiitiirilny inoriilni; al
lllioilt 1 o'clock, tlio Iiiih team, left
MlamilliK III the HtnlileH took H run
on ItHown iii'eotiiit, ciime up Main
Htreet collided with Dr. llockett'H
team iih he wiih driving In from the
leolilitrv and wiih Htotmed near
LiiicIi'h Htore, no one hurt.
"A Itl.OW IIA Nlvl.. A pretty
, w;.ld iik occ ureil ut lit home
ul Mr. (.. A. Harlow. weilut-Hilav
1 .1 one LI) at IiIkIi noon, when thel'r
lelih - Ht daughter llunlte Mny wiih
null. . in initi . ii. fci-J (-' .-II. ... I.
I....1 l -..I ... (H ic -e
IlmikliiH of Ori-Kou city, Itev t . II.
Wiillace of Cottaue tirove nlllclatlng.
MIhh I. nlil Hlnter of the bride acted uh
biidcH maid and the groom wiih at
tended hy .Mr O. A. Ilnmli. While
Mrn. K c. I.ockwooil noftly pliived
tho wedding march of the bridal
party entered the parlor and took
their plnccH beneath an arch of Ore
gon gruH and ocean Hpray.
'I'lie bride wiih charmingly attired
In white Hllk chiffon over liulo unil
carried u In-dutlful boniiict of white
carnatloiiH. The hrldeH maid wiih
attired In pink llverty Hllk. Tho
groom wiih attired In eonventlouitl
black. Tlio color wiieine of the
dining room wiih pink and green.
After the ceremony a hiimptoUH
lunch wiih nerved, many valuable
prt-M-ntn were received coiiMlntlng
inoHtly of nllver ware. About forty
giientn were In nttendence, a retip
Hon wiih given In evening in honor
of the huppy young couple. Amid a
ihower of rice the couple left on tho
morning train for l'ortland and
Oregon City for a mom Iih vlnlt with
frlentlH and rolativcH.
A Little Hero.
.tint .Saturday evening Morton
Comer and F.IIIh Harding were wad
ing In the river Jutt above tho mouth
of the ml'l race.
Owing to tho water luiug diverted
further up Htrciuu the water wan
very low.
When the gate above Ih oieuetl It
eatin'H the river to rlnevery nuddeiily
With but little warning the water
rilHhed don u mid Merton nprang to
tho bank, looking for Iim little friend
lie dlxcovered him being HWept away,
without ii iiuimentH licHltutlou he
ran down the river to n narrow
plnce ami wntllng la nl"7ed IiIh little
comrade and dragged him to tlie
II ill ( lie i
Hhore, where Mm Comer, who had
aiTiimpaiileil the ladn, cared for the
little fellow until he could
go to hln
Church Notices.
Itev C. II. Wallace will preach at1
the Cumberland I'renbyterlan Church
on next Sunday nt 11 o clock.
Next Sunday morning Itev i. H.
FeoHO will illncourM.- on another of
the Apostles of .Ichuh Clirlnt: namely
"Judo, the enquiring one". In the
evening patriotic exoniscH will lie 1
held In connection ith the services,
l'rof AlhertSwoetcor.of Kugene State
I'lilverslty, IstxiK-cted to he present
to address the newly elected olllcers
of the F.pworth League. During the
slimmer mouths the services In the
evening will begin promptly at eight
o'clock and will lie brief, lasting only
one hour.
Tommy's Fourth.
There was a little fellow
Anil his inline was Tommy lllnck.
Who asked Ills I'll
l-'or four bits
To buy n Fire Crack
Kr at least that's what they said
of llllll
For Just after the sound
A memory of wanall that was ever
It was found afterwards that he
bought the cracker at tlie .New Krn
Drug Store, the best place to get
full value In fireworks for your
Sunday School Picnic.
Wednesday morning tlie children
nutl friends of the Methodist Sunday
School under the direction ot
.1. 1. Jones, stnrtetl out on their an
nual picnic. The place selected this
year was up the Coast Fork about a
1 mils south of l.athaiu. Some two
j hundred ami llfty enjoyed the day In
1 playing games, eating Ico creiun and
Special Trains.
The O. & S. K. railroad will on tho
4th of July run a special train. Will
lenveCottageiiroveat 7 a. in. nutl
arrive at Wlldwood ut 7:4.1 and ar
rive at Cottage tirove S:L'5 a. m. In
the afternoon will leave Cottgo
drove-hill) 11. 111.. nrrlvo Wlldwood at
5:1.1 p. in,; U'livo fi:15 and arrive at
Cottage drove 0 p. M. Hates for
round trip from all points one and
one-tlftli fare.
All bills duo tlie llrm of Clirlsnmft
and llanga If not paid before tho 15th
ot July will be placed for collection.
W. S. ClIltlSMAN.
A Smooth Tooter.
A man cmno to the Htoro ono day,
And to tho druggist ho did say.
My feet onco nil covered with corns,
Aro now us smooth as a yearling's
Uso Top Km AH Com Salvo for sale
Morgan & llrehuut.
Tin- ('ottiiw Urovi' liiiml lioyx in
t'ompnuleil hy their wlti'H nml peet
Ileal I m, Hpeiit IiihI Hundii.v at Hie
Ori'Kiill Mineral HprlliKH. I he nlijert
wiih mi nil ilny h practice iih well iih
rcfii'fitliili. The iiiornlllK priietlre
wiih (Iiiih- in Hit- portlen of tho hotel,
willed exIemlH the full leiiKlh of the
lilllldlllK. Mr. (leer, who Ih ii prince
of entortnliierH kept tho ImyHKUzzlorH
iiiolHteiieil with tho fmiiiiiiH (leer
HprlliKH' Mineral water carlionateil,
and hii.v, "it Ih a net-tar of the (IoiIm."
At noon Ihe yoniiK folkn went to
the nicely kenl urove, adjoining tho
hotel where lioiird tulilc-H mid lienchcH
hud Ih'I'Ii provided for the at't'omiuo-
datloa ol campiTH and piciilckerH,
and Kpleail their IiiiicIich.
Afler niaklni: tlieiiiHolveH tiiieom
fortalilo, limniiiockH vveto Ht retched
(la Home liiHtnnei'H Htrolln wen- taken
JuhI to K''t away from tho mailing
crowd ye know) and all enjoyed In
their own way conpleof liourn rent.
There wiih ii homo power merry -ko-roiiml
furnlHlied fret-, and tunny en
Joyed the fun. 'i'lie hand oruan at
tachment wiih Horely iiiIhmciI hut the
monkey wiih hi evinenco. aiioiii i
p in the liand went to the lianil hIiuiiI
in tlie Krove and hud a three liourH
practice. There aro a ureal tunny
Ih'oiiIo from town who went to the
HprlliKH that day and iih the proponed
day 'h practice had lieen nolwd aliout
the nelKliliorhood adjacent to the
HprlliKH, the whole country Hide wiih
1 there ho ipille mi audience Krected
the iiiiihIc, eniH-clally tlio national
aim. Tlie practical joker wan there
hIhii and he coaxed un Innocent, mi
nophlntlcated country dog buck of
the Tutia nectloii and tired one end
ol the roH' to the dog'n neck and
the other cad to tint hack of Hilly
WallaccH Helicon Tuba. Hay, when
that baud commenced to play , there
huh "Homethliig dlddlng.
lcnder Berry thought the trom
bone ncctlon were out of tune mid
rapped to ntop playing and wiih
quite dlngunteil whelihenaw Wallace
trying to itlnoiilangle IiIh liiHtrumeiit
from the canlneH rojK-. Frank Mc
I'ar Iliad wan on hand to help but
from the fact that H. II. Hilln wan 40
feet away and Hplittlng with laugh
ter, which by tlie way In IiIh normal
condition, the writer thlnkn he was
the periotrator of the loke.
K of P Did Business on the Diamond
Wednesday. A Hot Day A Hot
It wan a hot day and ulno a hot
game that K.ofl'. ball game played
here hint Wdlnenilay afternoon.
For n long time all kind of hot air
linn lieen plying between Cottage
tirove and Kugeiie, among the K. of
I'. linyH, an to which wiih Hither, In
bai-e ball irowenH. A couple of weekn
ago .luventiiH lodge of this city, neat
im team, accompanied hy a goodly
immlH'r of rootern, down to Ktigene
to play the llrnt of n ncrlen of three
guincH with Helmet lodge. Out of
courteny to the home team, we won't
mention the renult Junt draw our
owu couchinlnnn, anil prepare to
hear the report of Wediienilny'n game
i i i.'i... i... ..i....
lllll en lieie. J lie UU( nimimi, ui.u
thegauie. Nine Innings were played,
unil laying all Joshing aside. It wiih
perhapn tlie bent game played here
till i-c.moii, tlie ncore Htanillng at
the clone of the ninth Inning four to
ten In furor of Juventtin lodge, the
ncore lielng even no to tlie sixth in
ning. When our hoys got to noine of
their smooth ncratelien, and tlid liuni
nenn wltli the litiyn from Mnuuch old
I Helinet lodge.
The game drew a largecrowd, and
one ol Jolly good nuttired from
Hint to hint. Uract-ful Harry Dunbar
,11111! Judge Wlnterinelr were easily
the favorlten ainoug tlie I-.ugene boys
especially with the ladles, with Harry
ns of yore, a full length in the lead,
and tlie "Jede" Just a "leetle" upsot
about it, hut who regained his
charming composure later In the
evening, and at this writing, the
breoch which, fur n time, upituirs to
ho lK-yond repair between Dunbar
nutl Wlnterinelr, bids fair to be
spanned. Tlie third mid Inst series
will bo played at Kugene next Thurs
day. Duttoii. left fielding, and Medley
pitcher, were the stars in tho homo
team, and both did c.ever work.
The llue-up as follows:
Kiuicne Cottage Urove
Dunbar s s linker
(irillln c Wallace
McOlaiiahnt! p Medley
Knox 1st t) Johnson
Trover 2nd h Wheeler
Harder ilnl b McQueen
Haves 1 1 Dutton
Whiterinler cf Knox
I'olntlexter r f A. Wallace
In the evening the Knights held
their regular meeting followed by a
social good time In their had until
the train arrived to carry the visitors
Score 10 to 4.
Krrors 1'. d. 11; Kugeno 10.
lilts by C. O. b; Kugene 2.
Struck out by C. d. S; Kugene 0.
Walks by C. d. I; Kugene 1.
I'mplre l'eg Dennett.
Score Keeper Den lllngham.
At 8:110 in the evening the boys
gathered at the Castle and after the
routine work, tlie It. ot K. wns ex
emplified by the home team, after
which lunch wus served and then a
Jolly good time was made until train
That Is u bunny net ol fellows that
belong to the Helmet lodge. They
aro not only members of the Knights
of l'ythlns order but they are Knights
of I'ythhis, In the truest sense of the
word, and, Incidentally, It mny be
mentioned that Iltimet No itil, Is one
ot the best working lodges In tho
Domain of Oregon.
Aside from those named In the
line-up, the following members ot
Helmet were present:
D. K. Yoran, K. J. MeClaiinahan,
J. 1). Hainlln, W, O. Martin. Walter
Itoss, O, K. Huberts, M. Schwarz
child, Otto Olston, S. W. Taylor,
Andy Taylor, K. H. Muinmey and
0. C. Knutfmiui.
Mardl Gras Carnival.
A Mnrdl Gras and Carnival will bo
held at Portland Juno SStli to July
7th Inclusive. Special attractions
luivo been provided to make this tho
most successful carnival ever given
In Portland. Special rates have been
granted by tho Southern Pacific Co
tor this occlusion. Sale dates Juno
27tli, July 2nd, ilrd, 4th unil 7th, Coll
on nny Southern Pacific Agent for
I Flags
Do not overlook the
world of beauty is represented in our stock of 5J
Colored Wash Fabrics. gjj
Kvcry day furnish interesting values
Bft that help women to decide what and where to W
1 i
m When Celebrating come and be &
g convinced ot this truth. m
.Straw Hats, fj
White Vests, I
We must reduce our stock, &
avail yourself and buy for Jj.
about E
50c on the Dollar i
25 st3-lcs baby shoes, See our show window. ft
The best $1.50 Men's and Women's shoes in 5;'
America. (?C
Welch & Woods
New Bank Block.
The Scarcity of Money
And that many people are sutTerinp: from
chronic ailments of nearly al! kinds and believ- PSi
. 1 , . t -ii r Kfj
ing mat nature nas proviueu a rcmeuy ior
nearly all the human ailments in the
Oregon Mineral Springs
We have therefore concluded to put the
rates so low that all may take advantage of
natures remedies
ICatcs 25 to 5Oc for Meals
For Board Lodging and Baths
SG to S10 per week.
Camp grounds and Baths $1.00 per week
mm mm
LEVI GEER, Manager.
London, Oregon.
n if j ! ' 11 11.
Hire luiiioriiiis iu wo niiiius ui mm ivui'kiiiuii
This is the only secret of the wonderful popularity of
Contains more butter-fat than any other Ico Cream on tho market;
anil absolutely no "llllor" H'schuam not custurd.
II. BILLS, Sole agent for Cottage Grove.
FREE 80UVENIB-When vlilllng Portland, call at SWETLAND'i 273 Morrljoo St., and
praient this ad You will lecelvo FItEK an attractlva aouvenlr (or tlio table.
Mont I'otiulnr"
specials for this week. A W
l- p ni.'n 1 nr .1