Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 24, 1904, Image 8

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    BunImchb Cards.
Aepalrlgr el reasonable cnarju.
All work ruaraateed ririt-clau.
Vf alkw,C1w and Jewelry at Imeet rrleei
Attorney nt Lmv,
aoTTAaxr, aiiom, oim.
Offlee on Main meet, Welt Side
J. S. Medley. d. C. .lobneon
IMcdlcy $' Johnson,
Office Suite !l Haul; lllttg.
Bpoctnl attention clvcn to .Mining
mid Corporation Law.
I. T. Harris. A. C. Woodcock.
Special attention given to the law of Mines.
Main t treat. Coital drove. Ore.
Don't neglect that house, but call
at the express office and have Tom
Awbrej write you up n policy In
either the .-Etna, Insurance Co. or
the Oregon Fire Relief Association of
McMlnnvllle.-Oregon. eot-3
Ilnff & Colwell
Mining Engineers
U. S. Mining Surveyors
Itoom 1 Bank Bldg, Cottage Grove.
602-603 Orcgonlan Bldg, Portland,
The First National Bank
Cottage Grovh, Ork.
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan on approved security.
Exchanges sold, available any place
n theUnited States
Griffin &
The London General Merchandise
Store wish to anuounco to the buying
public that Jhey now have a very
complete stock of General Merchandise
which they Intend selling nt least 20
per cent below all competition.
We purchuso our goods In large
quantities through Eastern Drummers,
pay cash for all we buy, have no high
rents, no Insurance rates to pay, and
consequently cun sell very cheap.
Think of CLAY Worsted Suits.
fft $7.50
High Grade Goods and other lines
of Iteudy Made Clothing of Neatest up-to-dato
stylo ut prices that will surprise
M. D. Wells Shoes
Our lino of ,&l. D. Wells Shoes are
the best jvenrcr onjtlie market and at
prices tliat cannot be equalled.
RSjLTry our ItonstJ Coffees, tho best
flavor antl will please you,
London, Oregon.
Lotlgc Directory.
A. F. and A. M.
Cottage Grove No. 51.
1st aud 3rd Saturday
Oliver Vcatch, V,
I. O. O. F.
Coltnce Gtovc No. 68. Meets
every Saturday night.
Geo. Comer, F . Secty.
W. O. W.
Bohemia Camp No. 260. Meets
every Saturday night.
C. II . Van Dcnburg, Clerk.
M. W. of A.
Cottage Grove Camp No. 6424.
Meets first aud second Tuesday
C. W. Wallace, Clerk.
F. Of A.
Court Bohemia Mo. 33. Meets
every Friday night.
S. K. Lauder, Secty.
Women of Woodcraft.
St. Valentine Circle. Meets
1st and 3rd Tuesdays.
Mrs. C. J. Miller, Clerk.
Royal Neighbors.
Emma Colburn Camp.
Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday.
Ethel Bisby, Clerk.
K of P
Juventus Lodge No. 48. . Meets
every Weduesday night.
Dr. George Wall K. ofR. S
G. A. R.
Appomatax Post No. 34. Meets
2nd and 4th Saturday.
H. C. Dutton, Adjutant.
K. O.T. M.
Cascade Camp No. 66. Meets
Thursday nights.
Prof. A. L. Briggs. Secty.
L L Hive No 48
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Minnie Underwood R. K.
Meets every 2nd and 4th Mondays,
S. E. Lauder, Secty.
Order Eastern Star
Cottage Grove Chapter No 4
Meets every 2nd and 4th Fridays
Celia Lurch, Secty.
of any tool is always a dssirablo
one, but of equal lmportnnce Is the
power of retaining this quality so ns
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. By making your purchases of
the Orinin & Veatch Co. you always
receive your money's worth In the
best quality of tools and cutlery ol
properly tempered steel that Is sure
to hold an edge.
to $9.00
Veatch Go.
The- "Alunll" Spot, of llltaola.
The so called "alkali" spots of cen
tral and southern Illinois usuMljr oc
cur In the midst of the very best farm
ing lands and vary from n few sriunre
rods to several acres In extent. They
differ from tlin nlknll soli of arid lands
In liehiR not sodium carbonate, but
magnesium carbonate, n mild alkali,
of which an excessive amount becomes
poisonous to plants, especially corn
and millet.
Ttie Illinois experiment station rec
ommends as the most practical method
for improving these soils to provide
good, deep underdralnagc and then
plow under coarse organic matter, such
as straw, coarse manure, green oats,
weeds, etc.
If no manure or other material Is at
hand It ts well to sow oats on these
snots, ami If they grow rank and full
down plow them under. One or two
heavy crops of green oats plowed un
der will usually put the soil In condi
tion to grow one or more crops of corn,
and with perfect drainage these soils
will usually Improve with heavy crop
ping, for they are frequently very rich
In all elements of plant food. Plenty
of tile laid deep and made to work (If
necessary by surrounding them with
straw, corncobs, brush, etc.) Is all that
some of these spots need to make them
grow corn.
Wonderful things are done for the
human body by surgery. Organs are
taken out and scraped and polished and
put buck, or they maybe removed en
tirety; bones 11ns spliced; pipes taken
tho place of diseased sections of veins
antiseptic dressings are applied to
wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries
before inthiuiiiuition sets in, which
causes them to heal without maturation
and in one-third the time rcuiiircd by
the old treatment. Chamberlain's I'aiu
Balm acts on the same principle. It is
an antiseptic and when applied to such
injuries, causes them to heal very
quickly. li also al.ays the pain and
soreness. Keep a bottle of Tain Halm
in vour home and it will save you time
and money, not to mention the incon
venience and suffering which such in-
i'nries entail. Kor sale by New Kra
)rug Store.
Food Kor Gn.llnica.
The best kind of food for the join
goslings Is a mixed food or well pr -pared
mash food of some kind, which
may be fed to them In moderation nt
first and thereafter as much as seem-,
necessary to keep them growing. Those
most successful with the growing of
geese seldom If ever feed them any
whole grain unless it might be at fat
tening time. Feather.
Foultrr Xolea.
Sour table scraps arc not good for
Regularity is the secret of success
In poultry raising.
Don't feed too much millet to fowls.
ns It causes loose bowels.
Hens are the best breeders, while
pullets excel In the number of eggs
Squabs will Increase In popularity as
a table fowl as wild game disappears.
Can anything be worse than to feel
that every minute will be your last?
Such wvs the experience of "Mrs. S. H.
NeBon,Deeatur,Ala."Kor three years"
she writes. "I endured insufferal ie uain
from indigestion, stomach and bowel
trouble. Death seemed inevitable
when doctors and all remedies failed. At
length I was induced to trv Electric
Bitters and the result was miraculous.
I imp'oved at once and now I' n com
pletely recovered." Kor Liver, Kidney,
Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric
Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c.
Unguaranteed by Morgan & Ilrehaut,
The Yonna; Orood.
If the brood has bowel trouble give
a little boiled rice or milk curds; If
constipated, n little buttermilk or oat
meal will probably remedy matters,
tuys Mrs. Strlbllng In farm and ltuueh.
A droopy chick will often be ns bright
as ever If given a drop of castor oil
and kept in 11 warm place for a day.
Our chicks have the run of the alfalfa.
so get plenty of bugs anil green stuff. )
nut cnoppeu lettuce and onion tops are
always good. Wo feed corn bread left
from dinner, but never raw cornmeal.
We have found It more satisfactory to
confine the old hen for a week In a
latticed coop, allowing the chicks to
run in ana out at pleasure. Arter a
week we allow them entire liberty If
tho weather Is favorable, of course
keeping them off the wet grass, seeing
that they have access to cool, clean
water and plenty of shade.
Fresh testimony in great quantity is
constantly coinintr in. declarim? Dr.
i.'i.... v;.... ri- .. .. ,
(U' rZ W
recent cxnressinn Iron. T. J. litnF,.Mnn,l
Bentorville, Va.. serves as examnle. He
writes: "I had Bronchitis for three
years and doctored all the tune without
being benefited. Then I begin taking
Dr. King's New Diecovery, and a few
bottles wholly cured me." Equally ef
fective in curing all Lung and Throat
troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and
Grip. Guaranteed by Morgan & Ure
haul Druggist. Trial bottles free, regu
lar siies 60c, nnd $1,00,
The Southern Pacific Is nowselllnt;
round trip tickets to Portland from
Eugene for $4 Rood koIiik Saturday
I'. M., or any train of Minday, re
turning; Sunday and Monday, giving
all day Sunday and Monday In Port,
hind. Tho saiiioarran-vineiit applies
from Portland, Riving all Portland
people a chance to visit valley points
at greatly reduced rates," Parties
desiring to tnke advuntagsof these
ruien cun pay local mru to isugene.
If you lire languid, denresbed and In.
capable for work, it indicates that your
uver is.ouioi order, Jieruitio will asslet
nature tp throw on" headaches, rbu
matiein and ailments akin to nervous
ness and restore the eucrgiesand vitality
of sound and perfect health. J.J, Hub
bard, Temple, Texas, writes, March 22.
1002. "I have used Hcrbino for the
past two years. It has done me more
good than all the doctors. When I feel
bad and have that tired feeling, I take a
dose of Herbine. It is tho bestniedlcino
ever made for chills and fever." fjOclsu
Ijtllo. bold by Morgan & Breliaul.
Vr M Maialm! MUlittura Nedm. Japan'a eunrtnie military romtuamlar In the fiaM, la
ft! reim ef ace ami got hi iuitallmi at m gvatral by wlmilnir Ilia aw fid bait!, of Piutf
i'ann iluriutf Ilia l'liim-Jatatn-aa Mar. NiMliitliae twioa viaitetl America.
2825 Kecley St .
Ciiicauo. fix . Oct., 2. 1902.
I suffered with falling and con
gestion of the womb, with setero
pains through the groina. 1 suf
fered terribly at the tune of men
struation, had blinding headaches
and rmbiug of blood to the bruin.
What to try 1 knew not. for it
seemed that I had tried all and
faded, but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui. that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the right medicine. New blood
seemed to course through my eins
and after using eleven bottles 1
was a well woman.
Mrs. Hush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders,
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home.
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient the is on the road to health.
For advice in cases requiring
special directions, address, giving
symptoms. 'The Ladies' Advisory
Department." The
Medicine Co., Chattanooga. IVnn.
How tu Car Pur nml l'rril I'oulla In
(irl flood ItralltU.
About the twenty llfth day dust the
hen thoroughly with a good liiM-ct pun
der. and nfter eggs begin to chip eloss
the m-st up tight, for ns soon ns tin
first poults are out a few hours the;
will get out of the nest and stroll off
sometimes causing the lien to follow
with perhaps n few poults, says II
Simmons In Western Poultry Journal
I take them from the nest about tv
hours after all are hatched. After tL
lug the poults from the nest I put
them In a dry. warm coop with n Minn!,
pen In front of the coop nlHiut 10 by H
feet, for If the pen or yard Is too law
when the hen Is confined In a roo
poults may hobble too far to the cor
nor of the yard and not find their wn.v
back to the hen, and If left so for n
few hours, even on a fine day, will In
chilled almost to denth.
I think it best not to feed the first
day. Kor the first few days therenftei
good, sweet breadcrumbs, slightly
moistened with sweet skimmed milk
now, remember I say
'sweet," not milk
that has stood around for a half day 01
mora on a hot day. Feed very lightly
three or four times a day for the first
few days. In the morning I give a
little skimmed milk to drink In n sbal
low clean dish, being careful to remove
before souring. After they aro thro
or four days old I put the hen with
the poults In a lot or pen of about 82
by 10 feet, lying 10 foot boards and
having tho pen about -Vi feet high
making the pen tight, so as to hold the
poults In, leaving tho hen free to lly
In or out nt her will. In this way 1
have had my success. Tho hen will
not go far from the pen, and poults
will be happy and contented if they
w in the pen and proper at
tentlon Is given.
It Is best to give the hen, before
feeding poults, a feed of corn or othci
coarse grain to satisfy most of her htm
ger, so she will not eat the more costly
feed of her young. After the poults
aro four or five days old I commence
feeding "with milk curds or cottage
cheese mixed with breadcrumbs and
steel cut oatmeal. A little coarse shorts
may bo added; also commence once it
day to feed a llttlo'cracked wheat, and
after two weeks old wheat may bo fed
whole. On very fine days I leave them
out of the pen a part of the day, bill
get them up Jn tho pen by at least i
o'clock. After I get the hen In the
pen I leave her to herself until aftci
dark. I then tako a fair sized A shaped
coop and put It over her gently and
closo up well for tho night. As soon
ns warm days come be sure to pro
vide some sort of shade for them In
their pen. Old boards fastened to south
side of pen and sloping to north Is fine
and also makes n fine protection from
sudden showers. After tho poults be
gin to fly over this pen they must be
given the) run of tho fields.
Westmoreland, Kans,, May 5, 1002.
Ballard Snow Liniment Co: Your Snow
Liniment cured atiold eoro on the side
of my chin that was supposed to bo a
cancer. Iho eoro was stubborn und
would not yield to treatment, until I
tried Snow Liniment, which did the
work in short order. Mv sister. Mrs.
Sophia J. Curson. Allensvillc. Miflln.
Co., Pa., has a sore and mistrusts thai
It is a cancer. Please send her u 60u
bottle. Sold by Morgan & Uiielinut.
lonllrr Notes,
Kggs can be relied upon as being for
tile in n week or ten days from the
time a cock Is put with tho hens.
Get young ehlekoiiH out of small
coops as soon ns possible mid encour
age them to go 011 perches nt an early
age. Keep them growing and do not
crowd them In tho henhouse.
When n brood of chicks Is not
flourishing, wo look for lice. Put a lit
tie nsnfetlda In tho water and change
tho food.
After nil. the feed Is not so Important
to the chicks' welfare as freedom from
Insect pests, especially lice.
Biscuit dried In tho stove until easily
crumbled, then slightly moistened with
raw egg, aro good for chicks. So are
bant boiled eggs chopped fine.
Whrn In llallil a llrntinaar.
Toultry homes should never tie built
so late In the season that time will
not permit them to lie thoroughly drle
l,..r.,r. fH V I, 4--,Mt Ki't III
United Stales IjiimI oirieo,
Roseburg, Ore., Mav 2L 1001.
Notice is heieby given tfiat in com.
plianco w:th tho provisions of the act of
Congress ol Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber IjiihU in the
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all tho Public Laud Slates by net ol
August 4, 18K2,
of Cottage lirnve, Co. of Lane, State ol
Ort-gon has this day filed in tl.isnir n
January IL'ili, HHJj'. his suuru stat iiu-m
No. -lilts fortlio purchase of the M '4
of Sec No. 32 111 Tonnshln 111 -miili
of Range 2 West and will oil ir p ool
to show that the land sought !s m.ri
valuable for its timlH-r or sK-n Mum
for agricultural purine, ami to estnb
Hell bis claim to said land befor, the
Register antl Receiver of tln ulhVc
lit ItJseburg, Oregon, on I liduv
tho I'litbday ol August, IDOL
He mimes as witnesses:
Herman T Dow. tieorue W MiOuccn.
Joseph Potts, Herbert Kakiii, ol Cot
tage urove, Ure.
AllV Hlltl nil lU'ianiiM rliitmlm uil
versely thu alioye-dcst-rilicd lands aro
rciiui'slcil to tile their e n ins In till
office on or befoie said 1'lltli day of Aug,
J.T. Banians, Register.
Proposal lor lihlH for sewer con
strut' thin.
Notice Ih hereby given that on and
prior tu the lltli day of July, 1U0I
the ('(million Council of the city of
Cottage tirovo will receive Healed
IiIiIh fur the construction of and
luriilHlilug material for three newer
niiiiiiH for the City of (uttngo (irove
according to plans unci tqiccuicntloUH
now on lllo with the City Recorderof
said City. Omu of said mains to lie
:'Mn) feet In length constructed of
earthenware sewer nine lfi to 21
Inches In dlaineter. One of said mains
to 1m about ZM) feet to bo con
striietcd of earthenware sewer plpo
Hi to inches in diameter anil one of
said mains to bu 1MJ feet In leant I
constructed of (I Inch sewer pipe
Bids may bo for one or more of said
sewer miiltiH, ivncli huccchhIih bidder
will be required to furnish a bond of
2.' tier cent of his bid and each bid
must lie accompanied by n certified
check of $100. to be immediately re
turned incase nuns notiuc mod. 1 1 o
Council reserves the right to reject
any ami all bids. 1'1-lt
l'. u. wiikkm'.ii,
City Recorder.
The Chattanooga Medicine Company
with laboratories and general olllcci at
iiiiaiianoogu, ienufsscc, ami nraucli
houses at bt Louis, .Mo., and nun I' ran
cisco, Cal., has become one of the largest
proprietary medicine concerns in tho
worm, in uiegrouili ni tins great uusi
hiss two factors have been dominant:
rho merit of its products Wine of
Cardui and Thedford's Black-Draught
has been widely recognized and the
original advertising methods adopted
havu excited, great comment. The
publicity for these medicines docs not
consist of the catch phrase and ex
travagant statement, too often employed
in advertising today, but instead the
plain story of experience with the medi
cines given In thu plain language ol the
pe pie tiictnseives. inu loiiowiug let
ter Is a fair sample of tho thousands of
winooi uuniui testimonials puollslicd
(luring me past twenty years.
Tho Southern Pacific Co will sell
round trip tickets at grcully reduced
rates to nt Louis ami Chicago ac
count too lit Louis Kxpositloii, on
thu following dates: June 10. 17. IS:
luly 1, 2, ;i; Augusts, 10; Septem-
ner o, ii, y; uctonur ;i, !, ft
doing trip must bo complutcd
within ten days from date of sale.
and passengers will be permitted to
stai t on .any (lav that will enable
them to reach destination within thu
ten days limit. Return limit ninety
days, but not later than Dec 'Mat,
Kor full Information ns to rates
and routes pill on Agent Ho Pacific
Co at Cottage drove, Oregon.
Note Juno 7th has been author
ized ns u snlu date for Louisiana
Purchase Exposition tlckels, In ad
dition to sulci dales previously an
nounced for June, This will enable
purchasers oJ tickets to be at the Ex
position on Oregon Day June Kith. I
and Union Pacific
Three Trains To The East Dally.
Thiough Pullman standard and tour
ist sleeping ears dally to Omaha, Chi
cago, Simkami; tout 1st sleeping ears
daily In Kansas City ; Ihioiigh Pullman
loin'ist sleep' tig cars (personally con
dueled) weekly toClileairo. Kansas City :
reelliilug ehalreuiH (seals fiee) to thu
East dully.
nj fiours 71)
ill 1'imll.AMI 10 CMICAlll) III
" Nit! I'ltnliBOol eats Iv
Portland Special
: (fin. in.
8:16 p.m.
v i iv II u n t -
TlMK Sl'IIKIllll.hS
fl (Mil 1 N 1 1 1 1 II I II I
Suit Lake, Denver,
I t. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, St.
I .onle, Chicago ami
Salt Luke. Denver,
Kt. Worth, Omaha.
I) :00a. in
Kansas City,' M.
Louis, Chicago and
Walla Walla, Lew
Istou , Spokane,
Wallace, Pullman,
Minneapolis , St,
Paul, Dubitli, Mil
wnukee, Chicago A
St. Paul
Past Mail
7 :
8 00a. in,
Kor San Krauelseo Every live days
at 8:00 p. m. Kor Astoria, way points
and North Bench Daily (except Sun
day) at 8:00 p. in. ; Satiuday at 10:00 p.
m. Daily service (water permitting) on
Willamette mid Van bill Rivers.
Kor (idler Information ask or write
your neatest ticket agent, or
tieneral Passenger Agent.
TheOiegon Railroad o Navagalioii
Co. Portland, Oregon.
Spakitue, SI. I'uill,
Mlmicaiutta, Ihihith,
ChiettQu, St I. on In
Owland Trains Daily Tho Flyer
hi Thi Fast Mall
Splendid Service
Up to date Equipment
Courteous Employes
Daylight Trip across the Cascade and 1
flocky Mountains.
Kor Tickets, Ratea, Koldera and
Kull Information, Cult on or address,
T. A.
122 3d
8. li. YERKES.,
til Fir, l Avenue,
U. W. P. A.
Seattle Uaili
0. it' S. I! R It CO.
Tims Table No, 2
To Take lied on Apr. 2ml, 1901.
Kait Iloiiiiil n ami I Sat only. W. Ilouml
1 ami 'i Pally Ki-
No 3 Kill eept Hunilay. Nil 2-No 4
iM.-A.M. Mis STATIONS. pTm.-AT
2-..11 7:.'K) (I ..Cull'aKu drove 11:10 A. 13
iM 7:.V) 3.2 U allien I0:l'J r,:(!
2:.V 7:M & .. Oiirrln.. . Iu:ll i:M
fla 1-m M . C'crrn (lonlo I0:8H 4:M
11:01 S:(U 7.7 . Ilakcr !0:.11 1-17
3:11 s:1l S3 . IKirena . ln:; 1:11
.1:17 S:I7 III, lleilltocli lu:i l::i'.i
3:30 10 f, . o avel I'll I0:'Jl t:3A
IM sun 11 3 ... Htenart . Irju
.1:34 H:HI 12 Slar 1:IH 4-.IH
3:11 SMI MS lli.cky I'lilnt . U:I1 1:1
3-M 0:0.1 1.1 0 . Had llrlilgo . 11:31 4:01
3:5.1 0:13 1HC. WUilwniKl 8:30 4:00
Subject toelianxcltli(iiit notice.
Allotitwanl freight forwanlcil unlvTat Hie,
jitiiu nun in smjijivr ami uunaiKiive.
K. It. It. Iicnol niter &:J i. in. To Iniure
r u-iitiib will inn ud irrviYuu a, ma . i,d
jorwariuujr on neu Irani nemni muit la.
iieiivercu in ainjue iiiiib iu jierinu oi i a
ueins uincii.
A. u. wuuii, Acting tien mgr.
The Influence of ellmntlo enndltioiix
in thu euro of eonsuiiiiitioii Ih very much
overdruwn. Tho poor patient, and tho
rich iintiunt. too. can do much butler at
homo ny proper attention to lorn I iiiguH.
tlon. mid n rcuiilar uso u Ucruuin
Syrup. I'liu oxpectoration in tho
mornlni! Isnnnlo certain by Ucrman
Syrup, so in n i,od nlnht' test and tho
iiLhciico of that wcukcnliiK vouvli and
lubilitutiiitr ii f if li t HwentH. HestlesH
ninlits and tho exhaustion duo to
coiighlnu. tlioKrcatcut dancer and dread
of thocoiisumptlvu, can bo prevented or
Htonncd by takliiL' Uerinan Hvriui liber.
ally and regularly. Should you bo able
In go to u warmer clime, you will find
that of the thousands of eoiiKiimptlvea
(hero, the few who aro benefitted and
regain strenetli aro thoso who imo Ger
man Syrup. Trial bottles, -7c; regular
lze,7f)c, At nil (Iruggists. Oiirnnui &
Hemenway Co.
UiilledHtnles Land OlHi .
ltoniilung, Ore,, May ilid, IV i
Nolleu Is liernhy glviui tliat In loiii
iitlanee with llie piovlslous ol the nei l
Congiess iif.luno !l, IS7H, entitled ' Mi
setlorlliii salool tlniher lands li Mm
Hlales of Calirnrnla.Oiegon, Nevadn mid
Washington Territory," as extendi'1 In
all the Pithllc l.auil Htates ly aelut lu
Rust -I, IKII1!,
ivA'i'ii; Eiinumt
of Collagolliovii, Cool I .mie, Hlule ill
Ore., has this day II led In this olClcc her
sworn slaleinent No. Ml!0, Inr th j n r
elinsii ol the H!u HW i(,8V)l HK H
ul Hon la In Tp'JIiH, R -l W, and will
oiler iiool In show that thnland sonnlit
Is nioie viilnuhle lor lis tlniher or atiiiui
Hum for iiKrlcluluial purposes, and to
eslalitlsh her claim In said land hefotu
.1. ,1. Wallon, U. H. Coininlsslonor at
EtiKfiic, Oieiton, on tilt) llltli day nl
July, IIHII.
Klin iiaiues as witnesses :
Herman T Dow; of CutliiRO drove.
Ore.. Willis Nowell, A 11 NowcH ol
Loiidon, Die., UiHiine Edeier ol CoMi'liO
(lime, OieKim.
Auv mid all ieisiiiinelaliiilni;advrisii
ly th'u ahove-deseillied lauds aro 1""
iiuested tu llln their elallus ill this oil n o
on or lieloiosiilil llllli day ol July, l"tl.
J. 'I'. IIiiiimiiis, lieiEislei
Dulled Klnles Laud Olllee.
ItuselmiK, Oriwin, May 10. IW)l
Notice Is herehy nlveii that In pom
pllniice nlth liie piiivlslons of tlmat'lot
I'onitress ol June. 'I, 1H7S, entitled " n
act for the sale of timber hinds In llie
Stales o( Callfiirula, Oroitmi, Niiviido,
and Wiibint;lonTerrllory,"aHexleiliied
In all the Public Laud Hlalcs by nui ol
Animal 1, IMC',
of Lake Nehaueiiion, I'ouiily of DoiikI.h,
Stale (it Wisconsin, baa this day Hied ill
this olllee her sHoiiistalclneiit No (I1M
forlbe piiiebaseol the SW oISeoNo V'll
tpl'l South, of Riiiikii I W. ami will oiler
pKsil to show that the laud aouttlil is
more vahialilu for its iliuli r or stone
than for agricultural purinses, and In
establish her claim to said land befuie
the Iti'itlster and Receiver ol this oflicu
at Rosehuii;, Oieuon, on Wednesday ro
17th day oIAiikusI, IIHII.
.She names as witnesses.
Herman Dow, (icorito Emlep'r,
Charles I, Pohi-II, tieornu W Mcljuei n,
all of Cottage Drove, Orciron.J
Any and all persons ehiliuiuK ailvnrc
lytbo nlMii'dercrllicd lands ato n
iiiested to llie their claiius In Ibis nllr. e
onoi tsforusalil 17th day ol Auit., IU( I.
J. T. llntiMiKS. Ileifister.
Eugene Planing Mill
Mitnufiu'turcrH of
Sasb, Doors, Mouldings, Rustic and
General Mill Work.
Turning ami Hlalr ImltdliiKa sh-cI
ulty. All orders will revolve (irompl
attention. Siitlsfiiellnu Kuaianlei'il.
Hstlmatcs Cheerfully 1'urnlslied.
V.Mress. Ill Lnwreueo St,
El'OENE, Oltt:
Cream Vermifuge
aiwaac or iMiraTloNa.
Bollard-Snow Liniment Co.
TnADC Marks
CorvniQHTB Ac
nrono iDndlni litrh and l nipt ton may
quirmr iurnm our oi'inion ir iMiier mm
Inr ntl'in U prolntblf natiintahlti. f'onnnanlMi.
ttontrlcttrrniiaitntlal. HANDBOOK on rinrt
ht fr. wMi'M namicf fur tcunnr pmttnUL
1'iitonti Ukan tliniuib Musm A tiwvl?
tpteLtl notks, without c1iti, a (be
Scientific EmeilcnH.
A bftndiomflf HlaitratM wktr. l-artait Hr
rotation of any arlantifln luurnal. larroa, 19 a
raari four montba, t tkA4 lf ail nawJ4ara.
& CO New YOlK
omca, iareu Wuiiioaion, ii. u
A DOtrrolt'H I'ltEKCHllTION.
Mr. J. M. Turner, of Tniliart, Va.,
says that Chiiuiherhiin'H Stnniiich anil
l.fver TabletH hiiveiloiie him tuoruKOod
than auv thiiiLf In, cnnlil frutr. Ihn
doctor. If uuy physician in this country
was awe to eomiounil a tneilleiiiu that
Mould prodiiee micli crntl'vlnir reBiilla
ill ciisea of Hlomiicb Irouhlcn. bllioiisiiesa
or conslliation. Ida whole time would
IH) used in iic;iriiiK tlim ono medicine.
I'or'aalo by Now Era Driii; Store.
It 10 WISH
At ,f 1. a year
No'InveHtorcnii afford to lio
without tho
Journal for Investors
any one ol Us frainrca la alonu nurlh
tlio Iirlco of atibairliillnii.
It will mvo you liuinlreils nl ilollnra
overy jeur.
Us eharactor lias never teen Impugned.
Ilouin (1, Chamber of Commerce, Jloelon.
Aililrenalellcra tn 1'. (). Ilox W17.
Notlilnu lias ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass It.
Dr. King's
New Discovery
l Af flONHUMrTIOfll B.t,.
A Perfect For All Throat antl
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Money back If It falls. Trial Dottles free.